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Главная » 2009 » Январь » 23 » DXpedition V25, J39, HR8, CU5
DXpedition V25, J39, HR8, CU5
QRV between March 10 - 19  [from V26B antenna farm]
160 - 6m.
  • V25OP via W9OP
  • V25WY via W4OWY  Buro, direct or eQSL all ok.

Colin (J38CW/G3VCQ) and Sharon (M3VCQ) will be active on the island from the 12th - 26th March 2009.
Colin is participating in the BERU CW contest on the 14th/15th and will be part of the “Rest of the World Team”. Operations will be from the beach QTH with FT857d, Expert SPE solid state amplifier. Antenna’s will range from a 3 el yagi for 14,18.21.24 and 28Mhz. On the lower bands the antennas will be verticals and Dipoles for 10,7 and 3.5Mhz. Modes will be SSB during none contest times and CW during the BERU of course.
Colin will only work Commonwealth stations during the contest. Sharon J38/M3VCQ will also be active with Colin from the island (SSB only chaps!). If your local listen out for us on 2m 6m and 70cm.
All QSL’s via G3VCQ please.

By AA4W as HR8/AA4W; 40 20m; CW; QRP; spare time operation, mainly evenings

Eight South African amateurs will be operating ZT2V in the CQWW WPX SSB contest, March 29-March 30. This will be one of the rare times the ZT prefix has been used and the first time South Africa’s East Cape Province (ZS2) has had a “team operation” entry in a major contest.

The multi 2 operation will take place from the Port Elizabeth region QTH of ZS2DL, Donovan, who serves as team leader. Other experienced contest participants include ZS2EZ, Barry, ZS2DK, Mitch, ZS2Y, Thiaan, and ZS2ACP, Andre. ZS2HK, Henning, and ZS2GV, Glen, will be making their major contest debuts. One other operator, not yet selected, will round out the team.

The 2 stations will consist of a FT2000 and a Quadra amplifier into a SteppIr beam and a FT1000MP MK V and an Ameritron amp into a HyGain TH5. An antenna for 40 and 80 meters will also be used. While the group is hoping to score well, the primary goal is to “put Port Elizabeth on the map” and give the prefix hunters a rare one.

The QSL route for ZT2V will be Buzz – NI5DX.

By CU8AS HB9CQL HB9CRV fm Sao Jorge Island (EU-175, AZ-005); 160-10m; CW SSB RTTY; 500w; HF9V + GP; QSL OK via Buro or direct

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