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Главная » 2009 » Январь » 26 » C9 - MOZAMBIQUE DXpedition March 25 - April 5, 2009
C9 - MOZAMBIQUE DXpedition March 25 - April 5, 2009
We will be operating from Bilene, Maputo Province, Mozambique.
Bilene is 180km from the capital city of Maputo.
Latitude: 25.2867S Longitude: 33.2475E Grid Square: KG64
We will be on the air starting March 25th with 3 active stations.
One station each for CW, SSB, and digital modes. Antennas will be
T-8 Log-periodics thanks to Tennedyne, and they will be up at about 50 feet plus.
There will also be a 40 meter 4 square and possible 80 meter 4 square.
Of course the 72 foot vertical will be up for 160/80/30 meters.
We will be using IC-2KL amps. We will participate in the CQWW WPX Phone contest,so be sure to look for us!
We will be on all bands from 160- 10m this trip.
We will have an online log search sometime after we start operations.
Our internet is via a pay as you go cell phone. So don’t look for too much from us everyday.
QSL Manager for all C9 callsigns: via W5PF
Depending on internet access, we hope to have an online log search page once operations start.
Our Mozambique callsigns will be posted here once issued.

If you’re interested in joining the next DXpedition
to Africa, contact K5LBU for more details.

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