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"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Bulletin (March 12 - 20, 2009) | 22:55 |
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (March 12 - 20, 2009) "Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 12/03/2009: Colin/G3VCQ (FISTS #14065) and Sharon/M3VCQ (FISTS #14066) will be active from the island of Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA 0718) from March 12-26th. Colin is participating in the BERU CW contest (March 14-15th) and will be part of the "Rest of the World Team". Operations will be from the beach QTH with FT857d, Expert SPE solid state amplifier. Antenna's will range from a 3 el yagi for 14, 18, 21, 24 and 28Mhz. On the lower bands the antennas will be verticals and dipoles for 10, 7 and 3.5Mhz. Modes will be SSB during none contest times and CW during the BERU of course. Colin will only work Commonwealth stations during the contest. Sharon J38/M3VCQ will also be active with Colin from the island (SSB only chaps!). If your local listen out for them on 2m, 6m and 70cm. All QSL's via G3VCQ please, direct or Bureau. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
12/03/2009: Nick, G4FAL will be active as V4/G4FAL from Rawlins Plantation, island of St. Kitts (NA-104) from March 12-17th, including participation in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (March 14-15th) as V47CD. He plans to operate only CW on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. QSL via home call or LOTW. [425 DX News]
13/03/2009: Frank/DL2SWW and Gabi/DF9TM will be active as DL2SWW from Fehmarn Island (EU-128, GIA O-01, WLOTA 0637), March 13-15th. QSL via home call. [rsgbiota.org]
13/03/2009: Look for Christophe/F5UBH, Juan/F5IRC and Karim/F4CTJ to be active March 13-15th as TM2HC from Hoedic Island (EU-048, DIFM AT-017). This activity also counts for the Grands Cardinaux lighthouse (DPLF PB010, ARLHS FRA-017, TWLHD WLH F-026, WLOTA 0851) and also references DFCF 56-033, DDCF 56-30 (Quiberon) and DIM O25. QRV all HF bands using CW, SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via F5IRC, direct or Bureau. [F5IRC]
14/03/2009: François/F5JNE and Gerard/F6ICG will sign F5JNE/p on March 14th from the Castle of Aunay (DFCF 58-097) in the city of Aunay en Bazois (CP 58110), Canton of Chatillon en Bazois (DDCF 58-04 new one), Department Nièvre/58 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV 80/40m CW and SSB. QSL via F5JNE, bureau preferred and SWL cards are welcome. [F5NQL]
14/03/2009: The Radio Club "Les Emetteurs biterrois", F6KEH will be active March 14th from the Castle of St. Jean d'Aureilhan (DFCF 34-042), Department Herault/34 and Province Languedoc-Rousillon (DPF 12). QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F5AYZ]
14/03/2009: Nicolas, F5TGR will be active from Guadeloupe Island (NA-102, DIFO FG-001, WLOTA 0644) as FG/F5TGR from March 14-28th. He will be QRV 40-10m using CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [F6AJA]
14/03/2009: GB5CC will be on the air for the Commonwealth Contest (March 14-15th) from Throton Heath near Croydon, England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841). QSL via G4BJM, direct or Bureau. [GB2RS]
14/03/2009: Luciano HB9FBI and Claudio HB9EFJ will activate March 14th and 15th from Castle de Fer di Minusio (DCS-TI036 new one!, WW Loc. JN46JE) (Info: castles.ham-radio.ch/) and APL-WASL-HB-TI001 Swiss Lakes: Lago Verbano, North side (Info: web.ticino.com/wlog2000/laghi/) Bands 80 to 20m, following propagation. They will spot on the Cluster. [HB9TZA/I2JJR]
14/03/2009: March 14-15th will also see Michel/HB9DLO, Andre/HB9HLM and Marc/HB9ONN, Members of the Radio Clup PiePer, operating as HE8XC/p from the Castle of Boudry (DCS-NE003, DCSR NE-003, WW Loc. JN36KW), located at Boudry. Bands 80-40-20m, mode SSB; CW and 15-10m bands will be possible. Time: Saturday from 2000 UTC to about 2300 UTC and Sunday from 0700 UTC until about 1500 UTC; those references will be valid for both the DCS Award (castles.ham-radio.ch/) and DCSR Award. (www.sfca-dcsr.ch) QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [HB9TZA/I2JJR]
14/03/2009: Look for JS6RRR and JI3DST/JS6 to operate on all bands and modes from the Miyako Islands (AS-079) from March 14-24th. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [425 DX News]
14/03/2009: Look for Rich, K0PIR to be active March 14th as homecall/p from La Framboise Island (USi SD-003R, Not IOTA, Hughes county), South Dakota. QRV 14.250 MHz from 1800-2000 UTC. QSL via eQSL, Direct w/SASE or LoTW. [USi]
14/03/2009: Bernd, VK2IA will once again be active as VK9AA from Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003) between March 14th and 27th. QRV 160-10m, CW and SSB. QSL via DL8YR, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
15/03/2009: Operators CT1GFK, CT1GPQ, CT1IUA and CT2IHP will be active as CS6A from the lighthouse Murtinas Posterior (ARLHS POR-126) on March 15th, from 7 to 13 UTC. They plan to operate CW and SSB on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters with two stations. QSL via CT1GFK, direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]
15/03/2009: VK9N - Willy, ON5AX and his wife Magda, ON3AX will be active as VK9N/ON5AX from Norfolk Island (OC-005, also count for WLOTA 1469) from March 15-22nd. QSL direct to ON5AX. [425 DX News]
16/03/2009: Lars, OZ1FJB will be active from the Faroe Islands (EU-018) as OY/OZ1FJB from March 16th to April 1st. He will be the first active hamstation on the Faroe Islands permitted to run on the 60m band. Listen for him on channel 5 - 5403.5 kHhz USB. Lars will also be QRV other bands in his sparetime apx. 2100 - 2400 and 0600 - 0700 UTC, mostly CW but also SSB. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
17/03/2009: The Galway Radio Experimenters Club will be active as EJ4GRC from the island of Inishmore (EU-006, WAB Square L71) from 1200 UTC March 17 to 1200 UTC March 18th. QRV all bands and modes. Website at: www.galwayradio.com/ [rsgbiota.org]
19/03/2009: Once again Axel, DL6KVA will be active as 4K0CW from Vlad's (4K9W) QTH in Baku, Azerbaijan, from March 19-25th, between the local evening hours (Azerbaijan is UTC +4) on the 19th and the local midday on the 25th. He will operate CW only on all the HF bands, with 100 watts and a 84-meter longwire, and will take part in the Russian DX Contest (March 21-22nd) as a Single-Op/Low-Power/CW entry. QSL via home call, Bureau preferred. [425 DX News]
19/03/2009: Look for KH0/KI3DNN (QSL via JI3DNN), KH0/N3MU (QSl via JA3 CEK) and KH0/K2JA (QSL via JL3SIK) to be active from Saipan (OC-086) between March 19th and 22nd. They plan to operate SSB, CW and some digital modes on 160-6 meters. [425 DX News]
20/03/2009: Heinz, VA7AQ will be active as VE9/VA7AQ from Grand Manan Island (NA-014, CIsA NB-003, WLOTA LH-0082) between March 20-25th. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]
20/03/2009: Philippe, F5MSB/p will active the Castle of Cabrerets (DFCF 46-036) and Mill of Cabrerets (DMF 46-023), commune de Cabrerets (CP 46330), Department Lot/46 and Province Midi-Pyrenees (DPF 15) from March 20-21st. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F5MSB]
20/03/2009: John/VE8EV, Wally/VE8DW and Gerry/VE8GER will be active from Ellice Island (NA-192), March 20-23rd, using the callsign VX8X. QRV 40, 20, and 15 meter SSB/CW; 24 hours per day non-stop operation. Expect to see them on CW, but most of the focus will be on 20 meter SSB on 14.260 MHz. QSL via the information at QRZ.com under VX8X. [rsgbiota.org] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
21/03/2009: Bernardo, XE2HWB plans to be active March 21-23rd from Santa Margarita Island (NA-078) as XE2HWB/XF1. Look for activity on or around the usual IOTA and island frequencies. QSL via N6AWD, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
28/03/2009: Khalid, A61BK will be active from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). No entry category was given. QSL via A61BK, direct only (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/03/2009: Olivier ON4EI will be active during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest March 28-29th) from Ireland (EU-115, WLOTA 2484) as EI/ON4EI in the area of Clonmel (Fethard) Tipperary county (IO62EK), looking for ON-stations on 40m 8-9z and on 80m 5-6z. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [UBA HF News]
28/03/2009: Gord, VE6SV will be active from Sherwood Park, Alberta, as VC6T during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). QSL via QRZ.com.
09/04/2009: Retu, XU7MDY will be active from Shinanoukville, Cambodia, between April 9th and 21st. QRV 80-10m using CW, SSB and Digital modes. QSL via the information at QRZ.com. [NG3K]
21/04/2009: Sharon/K7WZB and Garry/K9WZB will be operating from Grand Cayman Island (NA-016, WLOTA 1042, Grid EK99) from April 21st to May 6th as ZF2ZB. QRV all bands 160-6 meters using SSB, RTTY, CW and PSK-31. They will be monitoring 6 meters most of the time for opening to US and Europe. QSL direct via K9WZB. [NG3K]
01/05/2009: Johann, F4FEP will be active 1 to 3 days in the month of may depending weather and boat (start of season) from Saint-Nicolas Island (EU-094, DIFM AT-010) as F4FEP/p. The exact dates will be updated soon. QRV 14.260 (+/-) depending on QRM, using ICOM-706 100Watts, battery and G5RV antenna. His location will be on the Saint-Nicolas beach, Department Finistere/29 and Province Brittany (DPF 06). QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
01/05/2009: Paolo, I2AE will be active as OZ/I2AE/p from some IOTA, Danish islands and will also activate many lighthouses between May 1st and 15th. QRV 7.050-7.060 and 14.250-14.260 MHz SSB. Paolo plans to activate the following - Als Island (Not IOTA, DIA JY-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-019); Kalvo Island (Not IOTA, DIA JY-014); Roemoe Island (EU-125, DIA NS-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-074); Mandoe Island (EU-125, DIA NS-003); Jegindoe Island (EU-171, DIA NJ-006); Nordjylland (EU-171, DIA NJ-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-022); Ageroe Island (EU-171, DIA NJ-018); from Mors Island (EU-171, DIA NJ-002) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-064); Alroe Island (Not IOTA, DIA JY-010); Fyn Island (EU-172, DIA FY-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-227); Toroe Island (EU-172, DIA FY-007); Helnaes Island (EU-172, DIA FY-024) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-015); Thuroe Island (EU-172, DIA FY-016) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-221); Taasinge Island (EU-172, DIA FY-015) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-162); Sioe Island (EU-172, DIA FY-021) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-218); Langeland Island (EU-172, DIA FY-019) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-164, WLOTA 0590); Fyn Island (EU-172, DIA FY-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-020); Sprogoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-009) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-062); Sjaelland Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-032); Glaenoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-013); Enoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-028); Gavnoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-027); Sjaelland Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-122); Masnedoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-033); Falster Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-016) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-135); Bogoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-023) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-138); Moen Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-017) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-142); Langoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-030); Nyord Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-026); Falster Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-016) and lighthouse(ARLHS DEN-136); Lolland Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-015) and lighthouse(ARLHS DEN-183). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [I2AE]
23/05/2009: GB6GEO will be on the air from Torbay during the Geoparks Communication Weekend on 23 and 24 May, along with other UK Geopark stations around the world. There will be many other attractions at the Torbay Kent's Cavern site, such as Cave Radio, Satellite Communications and Amateur TV. GB6GEO will be a 48 hour working station. SSB will be used during the day because of visitors to the station and CW will be used during the night time hours. The Geoparks will be offering a very special commemorative basic radio amateur certificate for contacting Geopark stations. Full details from Martin Foster, G3VOF, QTHR or QRZ.COM. [GB2RS]
30/05/2009: Gord, VE6SV will be active from Sherwood Park, Alberta, as VC6T during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st). QSL via QRZ.com.
30/05/2009: Bernd, VK2IA will be active from Broome, Western Australia (OC-001, WLOTA 1520), as VK6AA during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. QSL via DL8YR, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
31/05/2009: Look for Bernd, DL8AAV to be active as SD1B/7 from Oland Island (EU-037, WLOTA 0588), Sweden, between May 31st and June 12th. QRV HF bands, SSB only. QSL via DL8AAV, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
14/06/2009: Look for VE2FRV to be active June 14th from the Brome County Historical Society Museum to celebrate Fessenden Radio Day. Suggested frequencies: SSB - 3775, 7075, 14175 and 21250 kHz; CW - 25 khz up from the band edge. QSL via the information under VE2FRV at QRZ.com. [VE2MBS] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
12/03/2009: Ron, VE3AT is currently active from Toronto, Ontario, as VC3A until April 6th to commemorate the 175th Anniversary of the Incorporation of Toronto. QSL via VE3AT direct preferred, bureau OK.
12/03/2009: John, VE8EV is currently active Inuvik, Northwest Territories, as VX8X until March 30th to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Amaugligak Oil and Gas Field. QSL QRZ.com.
12/03/2009: According to Nikolay, RV1AQ in honour of the 150-th anniversary from the date of the inventor of radio A.S.Popov birth from the St.-Petersburg Central Museum of Communication from March, 12th till April, 30th and on May, 7th radiostation R150A will be active. WCA/COTA: C-101 (Admiralty), RDA: SP-01. QSL via RV1AQ. [RN1CW]
13/03/2009: Red Nose Day - Friday the 13th March: For Red Nose Day 2009, Michael Bryans, 2E0UMB, a regular user of GB3OK and GB7OK, is going to do something new. He is doing a sponsored 'Roger and Out' under Special Event callsign of GB4RND from the Bethlem Royal Hospital, Monk's Orchard Road, Beckenham, Kent. BR3 3BX, where he will make as many radio contacts as possible over a period of 18 hours to raise money for this great cause. So we are asking all user's of the repeaters to show him their support and have QSO, as the more contacts the more sponsorship money he can raise. Tony has applied for Special Event Station NoV and will be supporting Michael throughout his 18 hours of transmitting. So listen out for him on GB3OK and GB7OK. If you would like to sponsor Michael please visit www.myrednoseday.com/rogerandout [Southgate ARC]
14/03/2009: The Foyle & District ARC, MN0AKU have been issued a Special Event Callsign - GB5SPD - to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day 2009. The Club will be on the air to celebrate this event from Saturday, 14th March until Tuesday, 17th March, 2009. QSL via MN0AKU, direct (QRZ.com) or bureau to MN0AKU. [IRTS]
14/03/2009: Special event station R150ASP will be active from Gogland Island (EU-133, RR-01-04, WLOTA 0737, RDA LO-26) from March 14-17th to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Russian physicist and radio pioneer Aleksandr S. Popov. Look for activity on the HF bands SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via RF3C, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]
14/03/2009: GB2RAF will be on the air from the Air Defence Radar Museum RAF at Neatishead in Norfolk on Saturday 14 March for Science Week. QSL direct to G4PSH. [GB2RS]
17/03/2009: TC SWAT is proud to inform you about a new TC activity by Turkish radio amateurs. To commemorate the Naval Victory of 18 March 1915, TC18M will be once more on the air. Between March 17 - 19, TA3FB and TA3AX will be working from Canakkale - the Dardanelles to commemorate the Naval Victory. They will be QRV on all HF bands using SSB and CW. This year's QSL manager is TA3FB and information is at www.qrz.com and www.tcswat.org [TA1HZ]
U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
12/03-26/03 J38CW: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL G3VCQ (d/b) 12/03-26/03 J38/M3VCQ: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b) 13/03-15/03 DL2SWW/P: Fehmarn Island WLOTA:0637 QSL HC (d/b) 13/03-13/03 GB4RND: England - Main Island WLOTA:1841 QSL Op's Info 13/03-15/03 TM2HC: Hoedic Island DPLF:PB010, WLH:F-026, WLOL:FRA-017, WLOTA:0851 QSL F5IRC (d/b) 14/03-28/03 FG/F5TGR: Guadeloupe Island WLOTA:0644 QSL HC (d/b) 14/03-15/03 GB5CC: England - Main Island WLOTA:1841 QSL G4BJM (d/b) 14/03-17/03 R150ASP: Severnyy Goglandskiy WLOTA:0737 QSL RF3C (d/b) 15/03 CS6A: Murtinas Rear WLOL:POR-126 QSL CT1GFK (d/b) 15/03-22/03 VK9N/ON5AX: Norfolk Island WLOTA:1469 QSL HC (d) 17/03-19/03 AH0F/KH2: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL JH2BNL (d/b) 17/03-19/03 NH0AA: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL JA2NQG (d/b) 20/03-25/03 VE9/VA7AQ: Grand Manan Island WLOTA:0082 QSL HC (d/b) ============================================ U.S. COUNTY HUNTING - USA-CA
N9QS 5* MG MP - March 14 2009 to March 14 2009 - SSB and CW I will return. Especially looking for MP contacts. Good for Master Gold also. Good for everything except a loan. Thanks for that Ka0SHC !! Here are the counties I plan to run on the way home: Christian, Douglas, Wright, Texas, Laclede, Pulaski, Phelps, Maries, Crawford, Franklin. Hope the bands are good. 73 de Roy N9QS@att.net [County Hunter Web]
N0IJ - March 15, 2009 to March 16, 2009 - CW Only Wisconsin QSO Party. 80/40/20 in following counties--all CW. Sunday, March 15 18:00Z start. Burnett, Washburn, Barron, Polk, St. Croix, Dunn, Chippewa, Rusk, Taylor, Rusk (again), Price, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Iron, Price (again), Ashland, Sawyer, Bayfield, and Douglas. Only few minutes in Douglas at end, but will stay on for any that don't make it during contest. Thanks for following the mobiles in the WIQP. 73, John, N0IJ [County Hunter Web]
N9NE - Todd - 15 March 2009 to 16 March 2009 - CW Only Wisconsin QSO Party. There is a forecast of snow and rain, but if the roads are in 'good winter driving condition', I'll be operating 20, 40, and 80M CW from the following counties in order: Winnebago, Fond du Lac, Dodge, Washington, Ozaukee, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Jefferson, Dane, Columbia, Marquette, Waushara, Adams, Wood, Portage, Waupaca, Outagamie, Calumet, and Brown. Please join us in this fast, furious, and fun event! GL and 73, Todd Send email requests to tfonstad@earthlink.net [County Hunter Web]
NF0N - Mike - 1* - March 15, 2009 to March 15, 2009 - SSB and CW One day trip to get Johnson, NE for Fred, K0FG. This will be the planned route, changes based on time schedule: Iowa: Woodbury, Monona, Harrison, Pottawattamie, Mills, Fremont. Missouri: Atchison Nebraska: Nemaha/Richardson, Pawnee/Johnson, Otoe, Cass, Sarpy, Douglas, Washington, Dodge, Burt, Thurston, Dakota. Send email requests to nf0n@arrl.net [County Hunter Web]
NN9K - Peter - 2* - 15 March 2009 to 16 March 2009 - CW Only Wisconsin QSO Party Here is my route for the WIQP: Rock, Walworth, Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Calumet, Brown, Outagamie, Winnebago. Fond du Lac, Dodge, Dane, Sauk, Iowa, Lafayette, Grant. 20, 40 and 80-meter CW only. Good luck to all! Send email requests to nn9k@arrl.net [County Hunter Web]
W0AA - March 15, 2009 to March 16, 2009 - CW Only Wisconsin QSO Party. 80, 40, and 20M CW. The following counties in order: (time permitting); Polk, Burnett, Washburn, Barron, Rusk, Price, Taylor, Marathon, Clark, Chippewa, Eau Claire, Trempealeau, Buffalo, Pepin, Dunn, St. Croix. [County Hunter Web]
W0ZQ - March 15, 2009 to March 16, 2009 - CW Only Wisconsin QSO Party ! 80/40/20m CW only. Order of activation: Eau Claire, Trempealeau, Buffalo, Pepin, Dunn, Pierce, St. Croix all weather permitting. Good luck to all. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ SIX METERS & UP -
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated March 12, 2009) ============================================ QSL INFO -
The following operation is approved for DXCC Credit:
K5D - Desecheo Island 2009 Operation
73 es DX! Bill Moore NC1L Awards Branch Manager -------------------------------------------- Larry, VQ9LA, has brought to my attention that he DOES NOT have a Qsl Manager. All cards should be sent to VQ9LA via the information on QRZ.com. The record in the Golist has been changed. John K1XN -------------------------------------------- QSLs received Bureau - none to report :o(
QSLs received Direct - 4X4WN (via Direct), 5B4/RW9UP (via UA9PC), 7P8BA (via ZS6BQI), 9J2BO (via G3TEV), A45WD (via YO9HP), A5100A (via F9DK), A92GE (via QRZ.com), B1HQ (via BA4EG), B7HQ (via BA4EG), BA0AA (via BA4EG), BD0AJ (via BA4EG), BD5WW (via BA4EG), BT1OB (via BA4EG), BT1OH (via BA4EG), BT1OJ (via BA4EG), BT1ON (via BA4EG), BT1OY (via BA4EG), CT1ILT (via QRZ.com), C4N (via W3HNK), D2NX (via JH7FQK), E51QQQ (via JA1KAJ), EA9EU (via EA5KB), EL2DX (via Direct), ES1QD (via Direct), FM5CD (via F5VU), OH0R (via OH2PM), PZ5TX (via KB8TXZ), R1FJT (via UA4RC), T33ZZ (via JA8BMK), T77C (via Direct), TA2RC (via QRZ.com), VK9RS (via I1HYW), VP2ETN (via JN1NDY), XX9C (via BA4EG), Z29KM (via EA7FTR) and ZK3AH (via DL2AH).
QSLs received LoTW - 3DA0DF, 3DA0OK, 3W1D, OH3SR/VP9, PJ2W, UA0BA, V26K, VK9CXJ, VK9WWI, VP2EDL, VU2SWS, W2RA/VY0, W5ZE, XU7DXX, XU7XRO, XV4BM, ZC4VJ, ZD8UW and ZS6/GM3OOK. ============================================ SILENT KEYS
Giuseppe "Joe" Matinelli, I7JFQ became silent key March 7, 2009. ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
Hi all We are back in NZ after shutting down on Wednesday before lunch just before bad weather hit our QTH. We averaged 2,200 QSOs a day with three radios for 5 days with over 11,000 QSOs in the log. The final logs will be uploaded to the www.zl7t.com/ website in a few days.
We had a great time and appreciate the wonderful support and messages of good wishes to the team.
I will post an epilog with more information in a few days after I have some sleep. A full article will appear in the various DX Jounals in a month or so. It's great to see the "DX-IS spirit still alive in the face of ever shrinking sunspots.
73, Lee ZL2AL On behalf of the ZL7T Team [ZL2AL] -------------------------------------------- VK9LA NEWS RELEASE MAR 11
Extensive work has taken place to make sure all operators are familiar with various sunrise sunset times throughout the world.
Lord Howe island Sunset is at approx 07.36utc with Sunrise being 19.36utc (taken at 27th March 2009). We have all been familiarizing ourselves with possible propagation openings for all points of the globe.
A complete list in an ascending pecking order will be at every HF station for operators to continually check. It is our plan to have an operator on deck on 160m from 07.40utc daily to work all the Pacific areas followed by various parts of Asia somewhere around 08.50utc. From then we will look towards South Americas at around 09.35utc thru to approx 10.15utc when we will begin looking for W1 in USA at approx 10.30utc then head to again some parts of Asia and then VE3 and W4 around 11.30utc as well as TI and XE areas. UA9 around 13.30utc followed by W6 etc.
At approx 15.00utc we will begin searching for the likes of EK, 4L, UA1 followed by 4X at 15.45 and then the likes of 5B.
Hopefully we will get a shot at South Africa around 16.15utc then head up again into EU territory to LZ around 16.35utc, HA and so on leading up to I, LA, OZ, HB and G lands at 18.20utc.This procedure will be done every day we are there. This will also be adopted on 80m as well as 75m as we have 2 stations on air simultaneously on the same band, as well as 40m. We expect big long openings on all bands below. We would however request that you be patient. It will take us a couple of days to install all low band antennae.
We would also request that once you are in the log to please do not call the next night, let someone else have a go... my pet hate is to see the same station in the log on the same band over and over.
Cu in the pile ups....
Bill VK4FW.... Dxpedition Leader -------------------------------------------- Press releases :
Midway Island 2009
A multi national team of 19 operators will activate Midway Island in October 2009. The US Fish & Wildlife Service has authorized amateur operation from this rare US entity for only a 10 day period, its first radio activity in almost 10 years.
Midway Island ranks number 24 worldwide and number 13 in Europe on the DX Magazine's "Most Wanted List". Activity will be on 6 meters to 160 meters with 5 to 6 stations. At least one station will be active on 20 meters around the clock for those who need it for a new country. Major efforts will be made to meet the demand to the most needed geographical areas, the low bands and RTTY.
Team members are AA4NN, EA1IR, DJ9ZB, KH7U, KI6TVS, KL2A, N1DG, N4PN, N4XP, N6GQ, N7CQQ, WB4JTT, W6KK, W6OSP, WA7NB, W8CAA, W8GEX, WA8NJR and OK1KT. Off site support is being provided by AA1V, W5DNT and W6XA.
Travel to Midway is only allowed by chartered aircraft. Because of the size of the aircraft, the team is presented with unique challenges. As such, the aircraft will only be able to carry the team requiring the equipment to be shipped by boat some months ahead. Adding to the high cost of transportation, daily fees and other charges established by the USF&WLS makes this operation very expensive.
A web site has been established and can be found at www.midway2009.com/.
Please support this endeavor by sending a donation. To make it easy to donate you can contribute electronically using the web site or if you choose regular means you may do so. Instructions are given on the web site for either method.
Updates will be published on the web site as they become available.
Tom N4XP & Dave WB4JTT Co Leaders for Midway Island 2009 [The Daily DX] -------------------------------------------- S2, BANGLADESH (Op Cancelled). Members of the Korea DX Club had to cancel their operation from Dhaka due to a civil war that broke out in the city. The KDXC team mentions that the "Situation is chaotic", and the team was going back to Korea. Unfortunately, the team's callsign S21KD was cancelled when they first arrived, and they tried to get a new license. However, Friday and Saturday were holidays in Bangladesh. They did get a new license on Sunday, S21ZCY, and moved to another location 2 1/2 hours away. The team hoped to be on the air that day but could not retrieve the radio gear from the airport. Safety was the team's first priority, so they cancelled and headed back home. They hope to get another chance to operate from S2-land soon. For more details and updates, please visit the following Web page at: dxpedition.co.kr/ -------------------------------------------- March 7, 2009
Global Simulated Emergency Test (GlobalSET)
The date for this event, sponsored by IARU Region 1, has been altered to coincide with World Amateur Radio Day on April 18th. The theme for the day of "Amateur Radio: Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency Communication" is an ideal opportunity to showcase the work of emergency communications groups around the world.
The timing of the event remains at 1100-1500 UTC but in a change for this and future events, the focus will be on generating and relaying messages in a common format across country borders rather than the information gathering about capabilities which has taken place in the past.
More information will be posted on www.iaru-r1.org and www.raynet-hf.net as it becomes available.
Susan Cooke, VE3SUH Acting Vice President Field Services Radio Amateurs of Canada -------------------------------------------- ARGENTINA Radio Club Quilmes For the 60th anniverary of their RC, the members of the RC Quilmes LU4DQ will be active from the Railway station of Jeppener, DEF 133 D, Coronel Brandsen Region and province of Buenos Aires. HF SSB & CW, and VHF through local repeaters 145.390 Mhz. QSL: SAE + 1$ or 1 IRC to: Radio Club Quilmes, Casilla de Correo Nº 6, C.P. 1878, Quilmes, Pcia. De Buenos Aires. Page Web: www.lu4dq.com.ar/ [LU5CAB ============================================ 73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ Home of ICPO: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/ Contest Calendar - DX Calendar - Lighthouse Activations Join ICPO e-Group: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/icpo_mail.html ============================================ Canadian Checkpoint For: All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG The World Light House Diplom - TWLHD ============================================
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