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"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" (March 19 - 27, 2009) | 18:39 |
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (March 19 - 27, 2009) "Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 19/03/2009: Once again Axel, DL6KVA will be active as 4K0CW from Vlad's (4K9W) QTH in Baku, Azerbaijan, from March 19-25th, between the local evening hours (Azerbaijan is UTC +4) on the 19th and the local midday on the 25th. He will operate CW only on all the HF bands, with 100 watts and a 84-meter longwire, and will take part in the Russian DX Contest (March 21-22nd) as a Single-Op/Low-Power/CW entry. QSL via home call, Bureau preferred. [425 DX News]
19/03/2009: Operators Mohamad/HZ1MD, Sulaiman/7Z1SJ and Firas/HZ1FS will be oprating as HZ1FS/p from the Red Sea Coast South (Jizan Province) group (AS-192 New One!). The island name will be announced on air (probably Amina or Hibar Island). QRV March 19-23rd with 3 stations, many antennas and spider beam for 20/15/10m, mainly SSB with some digital modes. The will operate split and will call all continents. QSL via EA7FTR. [Mediterraneo DX Club]
19/03/2009: Look for KH0/KI3DNN (QSL via JI3DNN), KH0/N3MU (QSl via JA3CEK) and KH0/K2JA (QSL via JL3SIK; FISTS #9836) to be active from Saipan (OC-086, Grid QK25) between March 19th and 22nd. They plan to operate SSB, CW and some digital modes on 160-6 meters. [425 DX News]
20/03/2009: Heinz, VA7AQ will be active as VE9/VA7AQ from Grand Manan Island (NA-014, CIsA NB-003, WLOTA LH-0082) between March 20-25th. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]
20/03/2009: Philippe, F5MSB/p will active the Castle of Cabrerets (DFCF 46-036) and Mill of Cabrerets (DMF 46-023), commune de Cabrerets (CP 46330), Department Lot/46 and Province Midi-Pyrenees (DPF 15) from March 20-21st. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F5MSB]
20/03/2009: John/VE8EV, Wally/VE8DW and Gerry/VE8GER will be active from Ellice Island (NA-192), March 20-23rd, using the callsign VX8X. QRV 40, 20, and 15 meter SSB/CW; 24 hours per day non-stop operation. Expect to see them on CW, but most of the focus will be on 20 meter SSB on 14.260 MHz. QSL via the information at QRZ.com under VX8X. [rsgbiota.org]
21/03/2009: Paul, 2E1EUB, will once again be active as 2M1EUB from March 21-28th from northeast Scotland (EU-005, also count for WLOTA 1234, Grid IO87). QRV on all the satellites using 2 meters. He will also be active on HF, mainly 160 and 80 meters. Checkout QRZ.com under 2M1EUB for more information. QSL via home call. [MMMonVHF]
21/03/2009: Bodo, DL3OCH (KT3Q) will be working in Nigeria from March 21st until July 24th. He plans to operate EME (Grid JJ38) and on the HF bands (160 meters included) probably as 5N/KT3Q. The callsign for EME activities will be 5N0EME. The EME activities will be focused on 2m and 23cm. Hopefully he will also go and operate from IOTA group AF-076. QSL via DL3OCH (QRZ.com). [DL3OCH, HB9EHJ, KT3Q]
21/03/2009: Tim, NL8F/VK4COF will be active for 14 days from Rarotonga Island (OC-013) between March 21st and April 4th (set up may take a day) using the callsign E51COF. QRV 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meter SSB; maybe 17 meters. QSL manager for the operation is K8NA. [NL8F]
21/03/2009: Patrick, F4EBT will be active from Sainte Rose on Guadeloupe (Basse-Terre) Island (NA-102, DIFO FG-019, WLOTA 0339) as FG/homecall from March 21nd to April 11th. QRV SSB only, with 100 watts and FD4 antenna. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
21/03/2009: Members of the Corrientes Radio Club (LU4LG), Villa Angela Radio Club (LU4GO) and Chaco Radio Club (LU4GF) will activate the special callsign LT9L from "Esteros del Ibera", March 21-23rd. The place of operation is the Ibera Interpretation Center, located on the shores of Lake Luna, Colonia Pellegrini, Corrientes Province. Access to this location is from the City of Mercedes, from which it is separated on about 120 km of unpaved road. The Center has a showroom with illustrative material about the history, geography and biology of the park. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15 meters using CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY and SSTV. Operators mentioned are: Ricardo/LU4GL (CW), Raul/LU1JB/L (CW), Luis/LU4LC (SSB), Juan Carlos/LU9GDN (SSB), Ramon/LU7LC (Digital) and Nestor/LU4LE (Digital). QSL via EA5FL: JOSE MIGUEL ALCARAZ Moncho, PO Box 252, 03700 - Denia, Alicante, Spain. [OPDX Bulletin]
21/03/2009: There will be a series of Lighthouse activations by TCSWAT from the historical lighthouses around Istanbul / Republic of Turkiye. The dates, locations and callsigns are as follows: March 21-22nd Rumeli/Turkeli Lighthouse TUR 053 / TC1RLH; April 4-5th Fenerbahçe Lighthouse TUR 021 / TC2FLH. Stations contacting four or more of the lighthouses will recieve "Istanbul Lighthouses On The Air Award". Details will be later announced on the website: ta0u.com/ and tcswat.tripod.com/ The lighthouse TCSWAT team will be: Urcun/TA0U, Leonardo/TA1FR, Mert/TA1ST, Tevfik/TA1HZ, Erhan/TA2DJ, Bekir/TA2RX, Mehmet/TB1J and Onur/TB2MYE. QSL direct to TA1HZ (QRZ.com). [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
21/03/2009: Operators Doug/VE3CWO, Neil/VE3SST, Igor/VE3ZF, Valdas/VE3VO and Brent/VE3IRT will be activating Bluffers Park Island (not IOTA, CIsA New One!) and new lighthouse as well. They will be using a special call sign VC3Y on March 21st-22nd, celebrating 50 Years of the York Region Amateur Radio Club. QSL via VE3CWO, direct or bureau. [VE3ZF]
21/03/2009: Bernardo, XE2HWB plans to be active March 21-23rd from Santa Margarita Island (NA-078) as XE2HWB/XF1. He expects to concentrate on 20 meters (+/- 14260 kHz); other frequencies to look for him on are 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 7055 and 7155 kHz. QSL via N6AWD (direct only). [rsgbiota.org/425 DX News]
22/03/2009: Helmut, DL5DSM will be active as CT/DL5DSM/p from the island of Culatra (EU-145, DIP AL-001, WLOTA 0144), weather permitting, on March 22nd. QRV for about 5 hours using CW and SSB only; 100W GP; mainly 20m. QSL via home call, directo or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
22/03/2009: Philippe, F5MSB/p will active the Castle of Comblat (DFCF 15-014) and Mill of Mourdier (DMF 15-005), commune de Vic sur Cere (CP 15800), Department Cantal/15 and Province Auvergne (DPF 03) on March 22nd. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F5MSB]
22/03/2009: VK9GMW will be operating from Mellish Reef (VK9M, OC-072) between March 22nd and April 6th. This will be another low-key, simple DXpedition by George/AA7JV and Tomi/HA7RY. Please note that the dates are approximate and may change due to weather. The operation will have a strong low-band focus, although VK9GMW will operate on all HF bands, 160-10m. Equipment will be K3 and ICOM IC-746 PRO and two SGC SG-500 solid state amplifiers. QSL via HA7RY (Tamas Pekarik, Alagi ut 15., H-2151 Fot, Hungary). Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Further information at: www.vk9gmw.com/ [VK4FW]
23/03/2009: Philippe, F5MSB/p will active the Castle of Ravel (DFCF 63-021) and Mill of Rodier (DMF 63-004), commune de Ravel (CP 63190), Department Puy-de-Dome/63 and Province Auvergne (DPF 03) on March 23rd. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F5MSB]
23/03/2009: Operators Jan/K4QD and Don/AF4Z will be active as HH4/homecalls from the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission (www.nwhcm.org) from 23 March to 3 April. QRV 160-10m on CW, SSB and RTTY as time permits. Nighttime low band operations will be limited to the availability of AC power. They will also participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). They are working with HH2JR and the Radio Club of Haiti in an attempt to obtain a special 4V4 prefix for the contest. QSL via home calls. [K4QD]
23/03/2009: George/SV1QN, Fotis/SV1AIN, Giannis/SV1GYG and Nikos/SW1GYN will be active as homecall/8 from Zakynthos Island [aka Zante] (EU-052, GIOTA INS-015, MIA MG-138, WLOTA 0209) between March 23-29th. They will operate on 160-6 metres all modes. QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]
23/03/2009: Members of Oceania Amateur Radio DX Group Inc. will spend 10 days on Lord Howe Island (OC-004, WW Loc. QF98ML) for the 2009 CQ WPX Contest. QRV March 23rd to April 3rd, using the callsign VK9LA. The total list of ops are: IZ3ESV, K5YY, N2OO, N2OZ, SQ8X, SQ9DIE, SV2KBS, VK1TX, VK3HJ, VK3QB, VK4IO, VK4VCH, VK5CP, VK5PO, W5SL and VK4FW. Bill, VK4FW will travel to Lord Howe on March 22nd to immediately begin unpacking. On March 23rd, 4 others will arrive and the rest arriving as originally planned on March 24th. They will assemble 7 full HF stations at 2 seperate sites as well as one for 6m. Modes of operation are SSB, CW and RTTY. They will use mono band yagis and mono band verticals to allow us to possibly have 2 actual stations on the same band similtaneously. There are also a quantity of wire antennae for the low bands. A full list of operating frequencies will be designed to enhance their plans. The QSLing chores will be handled by VK4FW. They will set up an online QSLing system that will permit you to apply online to help cut your postage costs. More on this later. QSL cards will be printed very quickly by UX5UO. Further information at: www.odxg.org/vk9la.htm [VK4FW]
24/03/2009: Helmut, DF7ZS will be active from Santana, Madeira Island (AF-014, DIP MA-001, WLOTA 0053) as CT3/homecall from March 24-31st, including an entry in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th) using the callsign CS9L (or CT9L). Casual activity outside of the contest. QSL CS9L via DJ6QT, bureau preferred. QSL CT3/DF7ZS via home call, direct or Bureau. Visit his Web page at: www.df7zs.de/ [NG3K]
24/03/2009: Philippe, F5MSB/p will active the Castle Bonneraux (DFCF 42-025) and Mill of Guerond (DMF 42-002), communes Renaison and Les Noes (CP 42370), Department Loire/42 and Province Rhone-Alpes (DPF 22) from March 24-26th. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F5MSB]
24/03/2009: John, W5JON, will be active as J6/W5JON from Marigot Bay (WW Loc. FK93LX), island of St. Lucia (NA-108, WLOTA 1336), from March 24th - April 2nd, 2009. Activity will be on 160-6 meters, 400 Watts, SSB, using dipoles and 3el 6m yagi. Also will be active in the CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th, 2009) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via W5JON (John Abbruscato, 22107 Pine Tree Ln., Hockley, TX 77447 USA). [W5JON]
25/03/2009: Operators Cal/WF5W, Paul/W5PF, Madison/W5MJ, Bill/K5WAF, Dale/KG5U and Jim/N4AL will be active on 160-10 meters from Bilene, Maputo Province, Mozambique, from March 25th to April 5th. They will have three stations, one station each for CW, SSB, and the Digital modes, with two amplifiers, log periodics for 20-10 meters and vertical for the other bands (160, 80 and 30 meters). They will participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). The QSL route is via W5PF, direct. Depending on internet access, they hope to have an online log search page once operations start, but don't expect daily updates. Further information can be found at: www.tdxs.net/c91.html [TDXS]
25/03/2009: Dave, W5CW will be active from the VP5JM "Hamlet" on Providenciales island (NA-002, WW Loc. FL31VS) from March 25th to April 8th. He will also be active in the CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry using the special call VP59V. Outside the contest Dave will be QRV as VP5/W5CW on 160-6 meter CW and SSB, with emphasis on 160m and the WARC bands. QSL Direct Only via W5CW or via PO Box 88, Morris, OK 74445-0088. [NG3K]
25/03/2009: Andrew, VK4HAM, will be active as YJ0AAC from Efate Island (OC-035), Vanuatu, between March 25th and April 1st of 2009. Activity will be on 80-10 meters. He also plans to be in the 2009 CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). QSL via VK4HAM. [OPDX Bulletin]
25/03/2009: Adrian, AA5UK, will be operating as ZF2AE from Grand Cayman and ZF2AE/ZF8 from Little Cayman between March 25th and April 8th. Current plans are to operate holiday style on AO-51, SO-50, VO-52 and FO-29 satellites. He plans to activate EK99hi from March 25-28th, EK99xp and EK99wp from March 28th through April 3rd (he plans to operate HF only during part of CQ WPX SSB Contest and the rest of his stay on Little Cayman, 40-10m) and EK99kh from April 3-8th. Most activity will be in the afternoons and evenings. QSL direct with SAE/SASE, Bureau, LoTW or eQSL. [OPDX Bulletin]
26/03/2009: Steve, 9M6DXX, will operate as 9M8Z from Sarawak (OC-088, WLOTA 0152), March 26-29th. Activity will include the CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th) as a Single-Operator/Unassisted/All-Band/High-Power entry. Outside the contest look for him to be on 40 meters SSB using a 3 element Yagi. QSL via M0URX, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW. [OPDX Bulletin]
26/03/2009: Operators Lance/W7GJ and Bob/ZL1RS will be in Rarotonga (OC-013, WW Loc. BG08dr16vv) to activate E51 on EME on 6 meters (Lance) and 2 meters (Bob). They expect that the earliest possible activity would be on their moonrise on Thursday March 26, and the last 6m activity will probably be their moonrise window on Saturday April 4 GMT. Lance's callsign will be E51SIX and the 6m operation will take place on 50.190 MHz. Details of Bob's callsign and activity were not provided. Plans are to use a newly designed M2 8 element 6M8GJ yagi with a 43' long boom, fed with 75' of Times Microwave LMR600 coaxial cable, for a feedline loss of .4 dB. The receiver will be a K3 with the PR6 preamp. Please QSL direct to W7GJ with self addressed envelope with stamp (from USA) or USD$ 1.00 (from foreign) for postage to E51SIX/W7GJ, Lance Collister, P.O. Box 73, Frenchtown, MT 59834-9973 USA. Further information can be found at: www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/E51SIX.htm [OPDX Bulletin]
26/03/2009: Members of the Strumblehead DX and Contest Group will be on the air from their headquarters at the Farm in Wales for a period before, during and after the CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). They will be using the club calls MC0SHL before and after the contest with some activity on 30 meter RTTY around 10148 kHz. During the contest they will be using both MW9W and MC0SHL - depending on the number of operators, there may be more callsigns on air. Please QSL via the club's manager M0URX. All details and photographs will be on the clubs website (www.mc0shl.com/) and they may even have a live webcam for the contest too. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
27/03/2009: Operators Tang/BM2AAV, Wu/BM2APH, James/BU2AT, Eddie/BV2DD, Bruce/BV2KI, Lee/BV2NT and Chung/BX4AF will be active from P'enghu Island (AS-103) as BP0A from March 27-30th. Expect activity on all bands and modes. QSL via BV2KI, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
27/03/2009: Dennis F5VHY (G3MXJ) and Nigel G3TXF plan to operate as YJ0MXJ and YJ0TXF from the Aore Island Resort off Espiritu Santo (OC-035), in Vanuatu, for six days from 1000z Friday 27 March to 1500z Wednesday 01 April. This will be a CW only operation. Given the current paucity of sun-spots the main bands are expected to be 40m, 30m, 20m and 17m. They will try 80m if local conditions permit. Short operations are also planned from New Caledonia [Grand Terre] (OC-032, DIFO FK-001, WLOTA 1280) on the way out to Vanuatu, using the callsigns FK/G3MXJ and FK/G3TXF; and from Norfolk Island (OC-005, WLOTA 1469) on the way back, using the callsigns G3MXJ/VK9N and G3TXF/VK9N. QSL YJ0MXJ, FK/G3MXJ and G3MXJ/VK9N via F5VHY. QSL YJ0TXF, FK/G3TXF and G3TXF/VK9N via G3TXF. All logs will be up-loaded to LoTW when they return home. [G3TXF] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
28/03/2009: Dan, HR2DMR plans to be active as HQ2W from Progreso, Honduras, during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power/Assisted entry. He will be using monoband yagis with sloper and dipole antennas for low bands. QSL via HR2DMR direct or by the Bureau. [NG3K]
28/03/2009: Syl, F5TLN will be active March 28th to April 11th as TM4D from 4 or 5 different DFCF castle references for the French Castles Award). He also plans to be active for the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). QRV all bands if propagation permits. QSL via home call. [F5TLN]
30/03/2009: It was announced, at the Maui Ham Club, that the extremely rare Kalawao County will be on 40m and 20m on March 30th and 31st. MARC member, Jayson Kohama, WH6BXK, will be working there on those days. After he gets off work each day, he plans to be on HF making as many contacts as possible. His station, WH6BXK, will be on the air each day after 18:00 local (6pm) i.e. 0400z. He will be on 7.188MHz and 14.335MHz SSB. Kalwao County is one of the rarest USA counties. It is the 2nd smallest county and the poorest in the USA. It is just the Kalaupapa peninsula on the island of Molokai (OC-019, USi HI-015S, WLOTA 1045). It is the old Hawaiian leper colony. Because it was a leper colony, it was totally isolated from the rest of the islands and had its own separate county government, which was administered by the state. Hams must have special permission to go there and operate. Thus it is extremely rare for any ham signals to ever radiate from Kalawao. QSL via WH6BXK (QRZ.com). [VK4FW]
31/03/2009: Bodo, DL3OCH will be active as 5N0OCH from the end of March until July from Nähe Abuja, Nigeria. QRV on all bands (especially 160m) using CW, SSB and also RTTY. QSLs will be answered 100% via Bureau or direct through his home call. [UBA HF News]
08/04/2009: Dan, W0CN will be active as KG4CN from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015, WLOTA 0358, WW Loc. FK29kw) from approximately April 8-21st. Expect activity on all HF bands/modes. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [rsgbiota.org]
09/04/2009: Anne, OH2YL will be active as OH0/OH2YL from the Aland Islands (EU-002) from April 9-14th. QRV all HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via home call, direct (Anne Lähdes, Ullantorppa 11 A 15, Espoo, 02750, Finland) or Bureau. [NG3K]
18/04/2009: The Adventure Radio Group of the Michiana Amateur Radio Club (W9AB) will activate Monkey Island (Not IOTA, USi IN-005R), located in the St. Joseph River in Mishawaka (St. Joseph County, WW Loc. EN61WQ), Indianna, on April 18th from 1400-1700z. Frequencies at/near 7.030, 7.225, 14.060, 14.225 MHz. QSL with SASE to W9AB, 3220 E Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, IN 46615-3028 U.S.A. [USi]
15/05/2009: Alex, PY2WAS will be active May 15-17th from Macapá, Amapá State, Amazonic Region, Brazil, using the special callsign PQ8W, including an entry in the Manchester Mineira All América CW Contest (May 16-17th). Outside the contest look for activity on 160-10m SSB and CW from this rare Brazilian State. Planned equipment will be G5RV antenna and 700W linear. QSL via PY2WAS, direct or Bureau. [PY4WAS]
30/05/2009: Look for Valery, RD3AF to be active as EF8M from nr Santa Maria de Guia, Las Palmas Gran Canaria (AF-004, DIE S-005 WLOTA 0969) during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via UA3DX. [NG3K]
06/06/2009: Brian, KB9BVN/QRP will be operating CW only on 20m and 40m from Sunset Beach / Bird Island (NA-112, USi NC-012S, WW Loc. FM03RU, Brunswick County), North Carolina, June 6-12th. Equipment will be Elecraft KX-1 and PAC-12 portable vertical antenna. He will paper QSL all contacts. eQSL's are available if that is what you prefer. His son Andy, N9AWM will be with me as well. [USi]
06/06/2009: The Mississauga Amateur Radio Club, VE3MIS will be active June 6-7th for the Annual Streetsville Bread & Honey Festival. 7.230, 14.240, 21.315 and 28.480 MHz. Certificate. Michael Brickell, VE3TKI, 2801 Bucklepost Cres., Mississauga, ON L5L 1M6, CANADA. Please include $2 for postage. Further information can be found at: www.marc.on.ca/marc/events/events_bread_honey.asp [MARC]
01/08/2009: Brian, KB9BVN will be active August 1st as W9I to activate Ernie Pyle Island (Not IOTA, USi IN-008, WW Loc. EM69NK, Owen County), Cagle's Mill Lake, Indiana, and also to dedicate a memorial commemorating the 109th anniversary of the birth of Hoosier Hero Ernie Pyle. QSL KB9BVN 47 Grassy Dr., New Whiteland, IN 46184-1801 U.S.A. [USi]
07/08/2009: The Air Mobile Radio Operator Society, ND3E will activate Reedy Island (Not IOTA, USi DE-001, New Castle county), Delaware, plus Old Reedy Island lighthouse (ARLHS USA-568). QRV from 1700z August 7th to 1900z August 8th on 80, 40, 20 meters using CW, SSB and PSK31. DX can QSL via the Bureau. Others QSL direct to AE3J with SASE. [ARLHS] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
27/03/2009: On 4 April 1949, the agreements creating the NATO treaty were signed. To celebrate this event, the French and German cities of Strasbourg, Kehl and Baden-Baden will receive States and Governments Presidents and Prime Ministers. For this anniversary, the CBK ARC (www.cbk67.org/), F8KHH, will air the special callsign TM0TAN between March 27th to April 10th. This activity includes the CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). A special QSL card will be issued. The manager is the F8KHH ARC - Direct + SAE= postage or via the French REF-Union bureau. [F5NQL]
U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
20/03-25/03 VE9/VA7AQ: Grand Manan Island WLOTA:0082 QSL HC (d/b) 21/03-28/03 2M1EUB: Scotland - Main Island WLOTA:1234 QSL 2E1EUB (d/b) 21/03-22/03 TC1RLH: Rumeli/Turkeli WLOL:TUR-053 QSL TA1HZ (d) 21/03-22/03 TK7P: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL 9A8MM (b) 22/03 CT/DL5DSM/P: Culatra Island WLOTA:0144 QSL HC (d/b) 22/03-11/04 FG/F4EBT: Guadeloupe Island WLOTA:0644 QSL HC (d/b) 23/03-03/04 HH4/AF4Z: Hispaniola/Haiti Island WLOTA:0343 QSL HC (d/b) 23/03-03/04 HH4/K4QD: Hispaniola/Haiti Island WLOTA:0343 QSL HC (d/b) 23/03-29/03 SV1AIN/8: Nisos Zakynthos WLOTA:0209 QSL HC (d/b) 23/03-29/03 SV1GYG/8: Nisos Zakynthos WLOTA:0209 QSL HC (d/b) 23/03-29/03 SV1QN/8: Nisos Zakynthos WLOTA:0209 QSL HC (d/b) 23/03-29/03 SW1GYN/8: Nisos Zakynthos WLOTA:0209 QSL HC (d/b) 24/03-31/03 CT3/DF7ZS: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b) 24/03-02/04 J6/W5JON: St. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL HC (d/b) 25/03-26/03 FK/G3MXJ: New Caledonia [Grand Terre] WLOTA:1280 QSL F5VHY (d/b) 25/03-26/03 FK/G3MXJ: New Caledonia [Grand Terre] WLOTA:1280 QSL F5VHY (d/b) 25/03-28/03 ZF2AE: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA:1042 QSL AA5UK (d) 26/03-29/03 9M8Z: Borneo WLOTA:0152 QSL M0URX (d/b) 26/03-31/03 MC0SHL: Wales - Main Island WLOTA:0453 QSL M0URX (d/b) ============================================ U.S. COUNTY HUNTING - USA-CA
AB7RW - Phil - 1* - 20 MARCH 2009 to 22 MARCH 2009 - CW Only Starting approximately 1700Z on 20 March. All Washington Counties: Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Thurston, Pierce, King, Snohomish, Skagit, and Whatcom. On 22 March the reverse of the above. I will key 20m, 17, then 30m. [County Hunter Web]
W0MU/NA7XX - 3/20/2009 to 3/20/2009 - SSB and CW Douglas, Colorado to Stillwater, Montana. Typical I-25 to I-90 Interstate route. Douglas, Arapahoe, Denver, Adams, Broomfield, Weld, Larimer, Weld, Colorado. Laramie, Platte, Converse, Natrona, Johnson, Sheridan, Wyoming. Big Horn, Yellowstone, Stillwater, Montana. We also will hit Sweetgrass, Park, Galatin later in the week. I hope to have both 20m and 40m this trip cw around the ssb frequencies if conditions will allow. I also hope to have APRS going this trip. W0MU or W0MU-7. We will be returning Saturday the 28th. [County Hunter Web]
K0HL - March 21, 2009 to March 21, 2009 - SSB Only I will be at the intersection of: Oliver, Mercer, & Morton counties North Dakota. I will run these three counties starting at 17:00 UTC. Freq. (+ - QRM) 14290, 21350, 28400, 7230, & 3890. I will QSL, no SASE, respectfully request a green stamp, no relays. [County Hunter Web]
K8AO - Duane - March 21 to March 21 - SSB Only Michigan - Delta, Schoolcraft, Mackinac, Luce, Alger, Marquette, Baraga, Iron, Dickinson, Menominee, Delta. Will be on 40m, 20m and 80 on request. [County Hunter Web]
KF5RD - 21 March 2009 to 21 March 2009 - SSB Only >From 0800 local Central Daylight til 1800 local Central Daylight or sooner if we get done KF5RD, driver and Rick, KA5EMT, operator will run the following OKLAHOMA Counties: 0800 CREEK/TULSA, 0900 OSAGE/TULSA, 1000 WASHINGTON/TULSA, 1100 NOWATA/ROGERS, 1200 NOWATA/GRAIG, 1300 GRAIG/MAYES, 1400 CHEROKEE and 1500 WAGONER on 40 (7.260+/-) and 20 meters (14.260 +/-) NY5E and WW2HAM calls on request! If we have the time we will try 7.188 and 14.336 County Hunting home freq. 73 Pete KF5RD. [County Hunter Web]
N4CD - Bob - 6* - March 21 to March 22 - SSB and CW OKLA QSO PARTY Primarily CW, but some SSB as time permits. Bryan, Atoka, Johnston, Coal, Pontotoc, Hughes, Seminole, Pottawatomie, Okfuskee, Lincoln, Creek, Pawnee, Tulsa, Okmulgee, McIntosh, Haskell, Latimer, Pittsburg, if time Pushmataha, Atoka, then home. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ SIX METERS & UP -
19/03-22/03 KH0/K2JA: Saipan OC-086 6M SSB/CW QSL JL3SIK (d/b) 19/03-22/03 KH0/KI3DNN: Saipan OC-086 6M SSB/CW QSL JI3DNN (d/b) 19/03-22/03 KH0/N3MU: Saipan OC-086 6M SSB/CW QSL JA3CEK (d/b) 21/03-22/03 North Dakota QSO Party 6m-2m bands included USB + FM 21/03-22/03 Oklahoma QSO Party 6m band included CW/SSB/FM 21/03-23/03 Virginia QSO Party 6m-70cm bands included CW/SSB/Digital 23/03-03/04 VK9LA: Lord Howe Island OC-004 6M Grid:QF98ML QSL VK4FW 24/03-02/04 J6/W5JON: St. Lucia NA-108 6M Grid:FK93LX 400W 3el yagi QSL HC (d) 25/03-08/04 VP5/W5CW: Providenciales NA-002 6M Grid:FL31VS FT2000D 200W 6M yagi QSL HC (d) 26/03-04/04 E51SIX: Rarotonga OC-013 Grid:BG08dr16vv 6m/2m EME QSL W7GJ (d)
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated March 14, 2009) ============================================ QSL INFO -
The following logs that were previous held by AC7DX are now in my possession for safekeeping and possible old QSLs:
XW8FA Laos - (13-12-1972 - 09-04-1974)
VK0HM Heard Island - (22-11-1969) - 03-04-1970)
V31UN Belize (22-10-1991 - 31-10-1991)
T30W Western Kiribati (07-03-1993 - 14-08-1994)
73 es DX Russ WA3FRP -------------------------------------------- QSLs received Bureau - 3A2LF, 3A2MG, 3X5A, 4U1WRC, 4X0C, 5L2MS, 5R8RJ, 5T5DC, 5Z4/DL7UCX, 8P9AG, 8Q7QR, 8R1XR, 9G5MM, 9M1CSP, A52AM, CE0Z/DL2AH, SV9/DL5MAE, TU2/F5LDY, TX5NK, VP2ETN, VP2MTE, VP2V/AH6HY, VP2V/DL2AU, VP5/WA2YVA, VU2JOS, YM0M, YM0T, Z35T and ZL1V.
QSLs received Direct - 4L4MM (via ON4CFI), 4Z1UF (via Direct), 6W/DL2RMC (via DL1RTL), 9M8Z (via M0URX), 9X0R (via EA5RM), CX9AU (via Direct), EA9IB (via Direct), EL2DX (via K8SJP), EY7AF (via Direct), FO/DJ7RJ [Marquesas] (via DJ7RJ), II5AM (via IK2IWU/5), T31DX (via JA8BMK), T33ZZ (via JA8BMK), TR50R (via F6AJA), V31MR (via N5ET), VK9NS (via Kirsti VK9NL) and ZD7X (via W0MM).
QSLs received LoTW - 4A1DXXE, 5R8FL, 5R8GZ, 5Z1A, 9A2009OS, 9M6DXX, 9M6XRO, 9M6XRO/P, 9M6/G3OOK, 9N7CQ, 9Y4/IV3IYH, PS0F, TI5N, TN5SN, TR8CA, VK9WWI, YI1RAZ, YS4M and VK7ZE. ============================================ SILENT KEYS
ARLX004 Rich Beebe, N0PV, SK South Dakota Section Manager Rich Beebe, N0PV, of Sioux Falls, passed away March 16. He was 46. Beebe had served as Section Manager since October 2002, running unopposed for each two-year term of office. According to the ARRL Field Organization Rules and Regulations, ARRL Membership and Volunteer Programs Manager Dave Patton, NN1N, in consultation with the Dakota Division Director Jay Bellows, K0QB, will appoint a new Section Manager to fulfill Beebe's remaining term of office that ends March 31, 2010. [ARRL] ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
MELLISH REEF DXPEDITION NEWS - Tropical storms (03-19-2009 from AA7JV) Thursday, March 19, Marion Reef. The weather has gotten worse. The team are experiencing tropical storm strength winds (40 to 50 kts) and continuous torrential rains. To the east of them the tropical low is in the process of developing into a tropical storm or cyclone. The best they can hope is that it will drift past them to the south. The reef provides some protection for now, but they will have to decide soon whether they need to escape from here and return to the main-land or try to stick it out there. Currently they are hoping that the weather will ease up by Sunday and they will be able to continue onto Mellish on Sunday or Monday. -------------------------------------------- LATEST JT1R NEWS - 18/03/2009 5:30 UTC - Alexey UA4HOX We are hooking up the rigs, computers, erecting antennas. We came on the air for a while but time is scarce now. -------------------------------------------- 4U1UN - United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY - This weekend I will be joining up with two or three other ops at 4U1UN. We will be especially looking for those who have never worked 4U1UN. If you have never worked the United Nations Headquarters station I would like to hear from you as to the best time and band for your area. We are especially looking for openings to Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific and all parts of Asia. Over the next day or two please listen for the 4U1UN beacon on the following frequencies: 14100, 18110, 21150, 24930 and 28200 kHz. For those of you who need 4U1UN for an ALL TIME NEW ONE please monitor 4U1UN over the next day or two and report the best time. 4U1UN activity will probably begin around 2100Z on Friday March 20th and continue into midday Sunday. An official announcement with more details will be sent out by Friday. 73 Bernie, W3UR [kiwidxlist] -------------------------------------------- TC-SWAT LIGHTOUSE ACTIVATIONS - The last two lighthouses from the series of Lighthouse activations by TC-SWAT and AKUT DXpedition Team between December 2008 and April 2009 from the historical lighthouses around Istanbul, Republic of Turkiye. In collaboration with the Directorate General of Coastal Safety, TC-SWAT and AKUT DXpedition Team will be QRV for the next and last two lighthouses: 21-22 March 2009 Rumeli/Turkeli Lighthouse TUR 053 / TC1RLH 4-5 April 2009 Fenerbahçe Lighthouse TUR 021 / TC2FLH For the pictures of the Istanbul Lighthouse on the Air you can check the next links... www.ta0u.com/galeri.asp Main page for all pictures: www.ta0u.com/galeri2.asp?id=7 TC1KLH www.tcswat.org/activities/TC1KLH/photos/index.html TC2SLH www.tcswat.org/activities/TC2SLH/photos/index.html TC2ALH www.tcswat.org/activities/TC2ALH/photos/index2.html TC1ALH www.tcswat.org/activities/TC1ALH/photos/index.html ILOTA AWARD - There will be a special AWARD for the Istanbul Light House on the Air activitie.... ILOTA AWARD. For more information and the rules of the ILOTA AWARD please check the next link: www.ta0u.com/detay.asp?id=4296 TC12AKUT Dxpedition movie is still on the main page of TA0U at www.ta0u.com [TA0U] -------------------------------------------- The Algarve S.T.A.R. DX Team website was updated with 2 Google Earth Files. Location of all Algarve Islands and all Algarve Lights and Lighthouses valid for our 2 awards. You can see it on http://algarvedx.com CS6A Murtinas Light (15.Mar.2009) video will be avaiable soon. Anyway, pictures and logs online are update now. 73's Algarve S.T.A.R. DX Team -------------------------------------------- GOLDENE ANTENNA BAD BENTHEIM - Every year, the town of Bad Bentheim is awarding the 'Golden Aerial' to a radioamateur or a group of radioamateurs for his/their exceptional ham radio efforts during or after accidents or natural disasters. You are invited to submit nominations to Stadt Bad Bentheim, Schloßstr. 2, D-48455 Bad Bentheim, or by e-mail to dc9xu@darc.de before June 30, 2009. The awarding ceremony is to take place on August 28, 2009. [UBA HF News] -------------------------------------------- Bill Gipps, VE7ISV, new BC/YK Regional Director - Following the March 1, 2009, close of nominations for the British Columbia/Yukon Region Director position, an Election Committee was convened, chaired by RAC Corporate Secretary, Linda Friars, VE9GLF. The committee met to open and review the sole nomination received for the position, as required by the By-laws. There being no other nominees, and the nomination documents found to be in order, the committee declared Bill Gipps, VE7ISV, elected as the RAC Director for the BC/YK Region to complete the remainder of a two-year term that began January 1, 2009, effective immediately. The RAC president, board and executive welcome Mr. Gipps and thank him for volunteering his services. Past Director Ed Frazer, VE7EF, who did not stand for re-election, had agreed to stay on by special appointment of the Board in an acting role pending the election of a replacement. RAC extends a heartfelt thank-you to Mr. Frazer for his years of service on the Board and for his dedication and commitment to Radio Amateurs of Canada. [RAC Bulletin] -------------------------------------------- Scheduled RAC AGM Postponed March 18, 2009 Due to a change in the bookkeeping system at the Radio Amateurs of Canada headquarters office resulting in unforeseen related complications, the Annual General Meeting of RAC members, scheduled for May 24, 2009, at Sorel-Tracy, Québec, has had to be cancelled. The hamfest organisers were notified directly, prior to release of this bulletin. Presentation of an audited financial statement at the AGM is an important and long established practice, facilitating face to face discussion and questions from members. Because of the unexpected delay caused by the transfer to a new bookkeeping method, the possibility of an audited statement being ready for the AGM is virtually nil. This conclusion was reached at a recent special meeting of the RAC Board. It was deemed adviseable to make this decision now, to give sufficient notice to the Québec Provincial Hamfest organisers rather than waiting to the last minute in the faint hope the AGM might still take place as planned, only for it be cancelled with very little notice. That would have been unfair to the RAC membership and to the hamfest organisers. RAC has been looking forward to the Quebec venue for the AGM and deeply regrets the need for this decision. Another venue for the required 2009 AGM is being sought and will be announced as soon as one is known. R. D. (Bob) Cooke VE3BDB President and Chairman of the Board Radio Amateurs of Canada Inc. [RAC Bulletin] ============================================ 73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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