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Главная » 2009 » Апрель » 30 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (April 29 - May 08, 2009)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (April 29 - May 08, 2009)

"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Landing on Rockall impossible
The skipper of the "Elinca" did not allow a landing on Rockall.
The waves are too high; even launching a Zodiac is impossible.
A very sad Theo, ON4ATW told us at 09.00 UT they will have to come back
to Scotland. "The weather is worsening by the hour and the weather
forecast for the coming days does not give any hope" he told us by
satphone. For tomorrow 5 Bft winds are forecasted with gusts up to 80
We are all very disappointed that after all these preparations a landing
was not possible. However we learned a lot about all the aspects of
putting up a DXpedition. One way or another this knowledge will be used.
posted by "The Rockall Team" at 11:12 AM
29/04/2009:  Cliff, SV1JG, will be active from the Maldive Islands
(AS-013) as 8Q7SV between April 29th and May 5th. Activity will be
mostly CW and digital modes on all bands. QSL via SV1JG, direct or by
the Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

29/04/2009:  Claudio, IZ0KRC will be active as IC8/IZ0KRC from Ischia
Island (EU-031, IIA NA-001, MIA MI-042, WLOTA 0689) from April 29th to
May 4th. He plans to operate SSB on 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters. QSL via
home call, Bureau preferred. [425 DX News]

29/04/2009:  Koji, JI1LET will be active as JI1LET/JD1 from Chichi-jima
[Father Island] (AS-031, JIIA AS-031-003, Grid QL17), Ogasawara Islands
from April 29th to May 5th. He plans to operate SSB/CW/RTTY on 40-10
meters, and on 6 meters. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [425 DX

29/04/2009:  Look for JD1BLK (QSL via JM1LJS), JD1BMH (QSL via JG7PSJ),
JD1BMT (QSL via JE4SMQ) and JD1BLY (QSL via JI5RPT) to be active from
Chichi-jima (AS-031, JIIA AS-031-003), Ogasawara from April 29th to May
12th. They plan to operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-6 meters,
plus satellite. Logsearches and further information will be available on
their individual websites: (JD1BLK); (JD1BMH); and
(JD1BLY). [425 DX News]

29/04/2009:  The Teresina DX Group is preparing a DXpedition to the
Canarias Islands (IOTA 072, DIB MA-05, DFB MA-11, WLOTA 1697, WW Loc.
GI97BF), on the coast of Piaui, Brazil, from 1600 UTC April 29th to May
3rd. QRV 160 to 10 meters (SSB, CW, PSK31 and RTTY), including 6 meters,
144 MHz (SSB and FM). They also plan the following satellite activity
(SSB/FM): AO-7 (A and B), FO-29, AO-51, VO-52, SO-50 and the ISS in
repeater mode if active. Team members include PS8BBC, PS8DX, PS8ET,
( [PS7AB]

30/04/2009:  A group of operators will be QRV with special callsign
3Z0LH from Chelminek Island (SZ-018 for the Polish Islands Award, Not
IOTA) from April 30th to May 9th. This includes activity from several
Lighthouses. QSL via SP1TMN. [ARRL DX News]

30/04/2009:  Belgian team of five "well prepared and trained
Dxpeditioners" will attempt a landing on Rockall Island (EU-189, WLOTA
1694) between April 30th and May 1st. Depending on the weather and sea
conditions, they will be on the air with two stations using the callsign
MM0RAI/p for about 48 hours. Operators are: Theo/ON4ATW, Patrick/ON4HIL,
Luc/ON4IA, Karel/ON5TN and Marc/ON6CC. QRV 80-10m CW and SSB. QSL via
ON4BR, direct or Bureau. Please check their Web site for latest news and
last minute updates at: [NG3K]

30/04/2009:  CY0 Simulation Test - Murray/WA4DAN, Ron/AA4VK, and
Randy/N0TG will operate from Core Banks (IOTA NA-067, USi NC003S, WLOTA
0596, Pamlico County), on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, on an
island that is similar in environment (terrain, sand, sea, remoteness,
etc.) to Sable Island, during the period 2300z on April 30th through
1500z on May 2nd. The purpose of the operation will be a "test" of
potential antennas for use at CY0. Testing of antenna layout will be
conducted to assess inter-station interference and the ability to
operate two stations on the same band. Seven (7) antennas will be
included in the test. DX'ers from the US and other countries are welcome
to call in and participate in the CY0 simulation "test". Test
frequencies and modes of operation will be posted on our website
(, prior to the operation. [K1XN & the Golist]

01/05/2009:  Jan, OK2ZAW will be on a holiday DXpedition in May and will
be active as 3D2ZW. He plans to activate a few IOTA using his IC-706
(w/100 watts) into a vertical and dipole antennas. His schedule is as
follows: May 1st - Nadi, Viti Levu Group (OC-016), callsign 3D2ZW/p; May
2-4th - Bounty Island, Mamanuca Group (OC-121), callsign 3D2ZW/p; May
4-8th - Manta Ray, Yasawa Group (OC-156); May 6-8th - Botaira Beach
Res., Yasawa Group (OC-156), May 8th - Nadi, Viti Levu Group (OC-016).
QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/05/2009:  Lee/HL5BMX, Choi/6K5AQY, Kim/6K5AYC, Ha/6K5BHZ, Kim/HL2FDW
and Lee/DS4NMJ will be active from Jo Island (AS-081) as 6M0W/5 between
May 1st and 3rd. QRV 80-6 meters, using SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via
HL5BMX, direct or Bureau. []

01/05/2009:  Richard, PA0RRS will be moving permanently to Malaysia on
May 1st. He will be active as 9M2MRS from Penang Island (AS-015, WLOTA
2743) initially only on 20 meters with a dipole. He prefers CW, with SSB
on request. QSL via 9M2MRS, either direct (Richard Smeets, Reef
Apartment Building, 54-7-12 Jalan Low Yat, 11100 Batu Ferringhi, Penang
Island, Malaysia) or through the Bureau. 'Via PA0RRS' is still
possibile, but you should be patient, as Richard will be back to the The
Netherlands only for a limited time each year. [425 DX News]

01/05/2009:  DL/District Thuringia - Activity day (May 1st) from German
disctrict Thuringia Announced activities: DJ2AC/p and others will be QRV
May 1st from the Fortress Ranis (reference THB-006); Jens-Uwe, DL8ALU/p
and others will activate Muehlburg (reference THB-036) and the Fortress
Gleichen (THB-038); Clubstation Of The OV Saale-Holzland members will
activate the Castle Hummelshain (THB-056) and the Castle Wolfersdorf
(THB-145) as DL0HDF/p; Peter, DL0DIX/p will activate the Castle
Brandenstein (THB-138); Club station DK0GER members will activate the
Castle Endschuetz (THB-177) and the Castle Frauenpriessn. (THB-178) as
DK0GER/p; DARC OV Obereichsfeld Worbis members will activate the Castle
Buhla (THB-180) as DF0WBS/p; and Reinhard, DL5ZA/p will activate the
Fortress Ebersburg (THB-229). QSL all calls via the DARC Bureau.

01/05/2009:  Johann, F4FEP will be active 1 to 3 days in the month of
May depending weather and boat (start of season) from Saint-Nicolas
Island (EU-094, DIFM AT-010) as F4FEP/p. He will be QRV May 1st
(1400-1700 UTC) and May 19th (1000-1700 UTC). QRV 14.260 (+/-) depending
on QRM, using ICOM-706 100Watts, battery and G5RV antenna. His location
will be on the Saint-Nicolas beach, Department Finistere/29 and Province
Brittany (DPF 06). QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. []

01/05/2009:  Olivier, F4FLF will activate the Castle of Montry (DFCF
77-173) as F4FLF/p on May 1st, in the afternoon, to finish 100 contacts.
If 100 contacts are not reached he will be QRV again in the morning of
May 2nd. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F4FLF]

01/05/2009:  François/F5JNE and Gerard/F6ICG will be active May 1st as
F5JNE/p from the Castle of Achun (DFCF 58-098), in the city of Achun (CP
58110), Canton of Chatillon en Bazois (DDCF 58-04), Department Nievre/58
and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). Starting 00600 UTC on 80/40m, CW/SSB.
QSL via Bureau and SWL cards are welcome. [F5NQL]

01/05/2009:  HB9SVT will be active May 1-2nd from the Romanshorn
lighthouse (ARLHS SWI-00), Lake Constance, Thurgau canton, signing
HB9SVT/p. QRV daily from 0700-1700 UTC using CW and SSB, on 80, 40 and
20 meters. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [K2JXW & ARLHS]

01/05/2009:  Ezio/IT9OJW, Sebastiano/IT9ZIR, Dario/IT9ZZO,
Vincenzo/IW9EJP, Filippo/IW9FRB, Giovanna/IW9GVP and Ferdinando/IW9HSK
will be active May 1-3rd as IG9/homecall from Linosa Island (AF-019, IIA
AG-003, MIA MI-128, WLOTA 0820). They plan to operate SSB, PSK and RTTY
on 10-80 meters. QSL via home calls. They have a web page at [425 DX News]

01/05/2009:  Members of ARI San Dona di Piave will be active as IL3T
from Torcello Island (EU-131, IIA VE-011, MIA MI-115) between May 1st
and 31st. Operators mentioned are I5JKI, IW3HCN, IK3SSO, IZ3LES, I3PGZ,
QRV all HF bands/modes. QSL via IQ3SD, direct or Bureau. Further
information and a log search will be available at: [425 DX News]

01/05/2009:  Frank, K1MAA will activate the Stonington Harbor lighthouse
(ARLHS USA 813, WW Loc. FN41BH, New London county), Connecticut, on May
1st (1200z to 1700z). Activity will be on 20 meter SSB only. QSL via
home call, direct preferred or via the W1 Bureau. [K1MAA]

01/05/2009:  The Radio Club Grupo DX Bahía Blanca will be QRV on May 1st
to 3rd as L21D from Isla Ariadna (SA-021), located 70 Km. South of
Ingeniero White harbour, (39° 15' Lat. S - 62° 01' Long. W), in the
Natural reserve of Bahía Blanca, Tiburones Province, Argentina. Activity
will be from 80-10m with 3 stations active at the same time. One station
on SSB, another on CW and the other on PSK31. QSL via the operator's
instructions. [F5NQL]

01/05/2009:  Paolo, I2AE will be active as OZ/I2AE/p from some IOTA,
Danish islands and will also activate many lighthouses between May 1st
and 15th. QRV 7.050-7.060 and 14.250-14.260 MHz SSB. Paolo plans to
activate the following - Als Island (Not IOTA, DIA JY-001) and
lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-019); Kalvo Island (Not IOTA, DIA JY-014); Roemoe
Island (EU-125, DIA NS-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-074); Mandoe
Island (EU-125, DIA NS-003); Jegindoe Island (EU-171, DIA NJ-006);
Nordjylland (EU-171, DIA NJ-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-022); Ageroe
Island (EU-171, DIA NJ-018); from Mors Island (EU-171, DIA NJ-002) and
lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-064); Alroe Island (Not IOTA, DIA JY-010); Fyn
Island (EU-172, DIA FY-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-227); Toroe Island
(EU-172, DIA FY-007); Helnaes Island (EU-172, DIA FY-024) and lighthouse
(ARLHS DEN-015); Thuroe Island (EU-172, DIA FY-016) and lighthouse
(ARLHS DEN-221); Taasinge Island (EU-172, DIA FY-015) and lighthouse
(ARLHS DEN-162); Sioe Island (EU-172, DIA FY-021) and lighthouse (ARLHS
DEN-218); Langeland Island (EU-172, DIA FY-019) and lighthouse (ARLHS
DEN-164, WLOTA 0590); Fyn Island (EU-172, DIA FY-001) and lighthouse
(ARLHS DEN-020); Sprogoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-009) and lighthouse
(ARLHS DEN-062); Sjaelland Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-001) and lighthouse
(ARLHS DEN-032); Glaenoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-013); Enoe Island
(EU-029, DIA SJ-028); Gavnoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-027); Sjaelland
Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-001) and lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-122); Masnedoe
Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-033); Falster Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-016) and
lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-135); Bogoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-023) and
lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-138); Moen Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-017) and
lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-142); Langoe Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-030); Nyord
Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-026); Falster Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-016) and
lighthouse(ARLHS DEN-136); Lolland Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-015) and
lighthouse(ARLHS DEN-183). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [I2AE]

01/05/2009:  The Rio DX Group, in partnership with the Labre-Rio de
Janeiro, will be activating Ilha Rasa [the Flat Island] (SA-079, DIB
RJ-07, WW Loc. GG86KW) and lighthouse (DFB RJ-10, ARLHS BRA-047, WLH
PY-048, WLOTA 0494) between May 1st and 4th, using the callsign PT1R.
QRV The bands of 160-10 meters, including the WARC bands, using SSB, CW
and digital modes with two simultaneous stations. They will also be QRV
6m and 2m, using SSB, CW and FM, for operation in the Araucária VHF
Contest (May 2-3rd). There will be 4 dedicated stations - HF, HF +
50MHz, 50MHz and 144MHz. Team members will be Marivaldo Salles/PY1IBM,
Marcelo/PY1KN, Felipe/PY1NB, Ivan/PY1YB, Fabio/PY1ZV, Rafa/PY2NDX,
Waldir/PY2WC, J Marcio/PY4OG and Carlos/PY4OY. QSL via PY1NB, direct
(Felipe Ceglia, Estrada Nova, 220, Teresópolis-RJ 25970-580, Brazil) or
by the Bureau. Further information at: [PS7AB]

01/05/2009:  Operators Fabio/I4UFH, Massimo/IZ4DPV, Vic/I4YSS,
Gab/IK4UPB, Luca/IK2NCJ, Stefano/IW2MJQ and Alessio/IZ4EFN will be
active May 1-3rd from San Marino as T70A, including a Multi-? entry in
the ARI International DX Contest (May 2-3rd). Outside the contest they
will be QRV 160-10 meters, using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via T7 Bureau or
direct (see [NG3K]

01/05/2009:  Ray/G3KOJ with XYL Penny will be on holiday in Perth,
Western Australia, for the entire month of May. Ray has applied and got
the callsign VK6XRM. The XRM part of the call is Ex-Royal Marines as he
retired from the Royal Marines Commando way back in 1975 after 22 years
and 9 months service. Ray will be operating from the QTH of Alan VK6PG,
located in Noranda, and meeting all the RSARS boys out there in VK6 land
for BBQ's. Penny and Ray will be travelling around WA with Colin and
Carol VK6BQ who will take an HF rig and wire antenna so we may get on
from some strange places. QSL via home call, direct or RNARS or RSARS or
RSGB Bureaus. [G3KOJ]

02/05/2009:  Randy, AJ4RW, will be active from Cumberland Island
(NA-058, USi GA002S, Camden county), off the coast of Georgia, May 2nd.
He will be on the air from approx. 1500-1930z on the frequencies of
14260 and 7225 kHz, alternating between the two bands as there is only
one station scheduled as of right now, but this might change as soon as
they move closer to the date of operation. Frequencies may also vary
depending upon band conditions. This will be SSB operation only. QSL via
his home callsign. [OPDX Bulletin]

02/05/2009:  The Team TM5OTA is going on a SOTA Tour again for
International SOTA weekend ... May 2nd, 0700 UTC TM5OTA on F/AB-379, Le
Moucherotte, 1901m asl, WW loc. JN25TD. Team members include
Laurent/F0FNC, Julien/F0FVC, Jean-François/F0FYF, Christophe/F4ABK,
Cyril/F4FUL and Philippe/F5RHY. QRV 7-SSB/CW, 14-SSB/CW, 50-SSB, 144 and
430-SSB/FM. See: . Find more details at The SOTA Alert Page: [F5NQL]

02/05/2009:  The Fall River Amateur Radio Club and Team HAMCOW will be
active during the New England QSO Party (May 2-3rd) as W1ACT/p from
Martha's Vineyard (NA-046, USi MA-005S, WLOTA 2804). Suggested
frequencies are: 3.540, 7.040, 14.040 and 14.280 MHz. QSL with SASE to
Roland Daignault, N1JOY, 19 Davis Rd, Westport, MA 02790-3433. Further
information will be available at: [USi]

03/05/2009:  Charlie/MM0GNS, Willie/GM4ZNC and Rodger/GM3JOB will be
active May 3-8th as MS0TJT/p from the Isle of Coll (IOSA NH05, SCOTIA
DI12, Grid IO66), Inner Hebrides (EU-008). They hope to be QRV on 80-6
meters, and plan to operate mainly SSB, with a little CW and PSK. QSL
via GM4ZNC. [425 DX News]

03/05/2009:  The Amateur Radio Club UBA-LGE, Liege (ON5VL) will activate
the Castle of Harze (BCA LG-076) as ON5VL/p on May 3th (0800-1200 UTC),
80 and 40 meters. QSL via the Bureau to ON5VL, or direct to ON5PO.

03/05/2009:  The Blackstone Valley ARC, W1DDD will be active March 3rd
for the New England QSO Party at the Fort Getty campground on the island
of Jamestown [Conanicut] (NA-031, USi RI007S, WLOTA 1422) overlooking
the recently refurbished Dutch Island Lighthouse. Their plans are to
activate the Dutch Island lighthouse (ARLHS USA 250, TWLHD WLH K-051,
WLOTA 3862). Operators mentioned are Bill/W1VH, Bruce/KB1KKF,
Marian/AA1VU and Bob/KB1G. QSL via W1HW (David A St Onge, 154 Patton
Rd., Woonsocket, RI 02895 USA). Further information can be found at: [K2JXW & ARLHS]

04/05/2009:  Tom/9A2AA and Neno/9A5AN are planning to activate 10
islands south-east of Zlarin island (IOTA EU-170 group) for the Islands
of Croatia Award (IOCA) as homecall/p. Activity should start on May 4th
on all HF bands. Check the usuaual island and IOTA frequencies. Plan is
to activate: Krapanj (EU-170, CI-044), Zlarin (CI-148, WLOTA 4296),
Drvenik CI-167), Vela Krbela (CI-184), Oblik (CI-197), Dvainka (CI-429,
WLOTA 0669), Rakitan [Rakitnjak] (CI-430), Mala Krbela (CI-770), Mumonja
(CI-771) and Kraplun (CI-918). QSL via home calls, direct or Bureau.

04/05/2009:  Karol, G0UNU will be operating from Ascension Island
(AF-003, WLOTA 1491) as ZD8KR between May 4-11th. QRV mainly on 14MHz CW
and SSB, in her spare time, using IC-7000 and and an inverted V dipole.
Further details will be available at under ZD8KR. QSL via G0UNU
postal address or RSGB Bureau. [NG3K]

05/05/2009:  Nao, JK1FNL will be active May 5-9th as JK1FNL/VK4 from
Hamilton Island (OC-160). QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [425 DX

08/05/2009:  A team of 7 members of IOCA Group (Sven/DF9MV, Daki/9A2WJ,
Franjo/9A2MF, Boki/9A3KB, Matt/DL5MFL and Dado/9A3TA), with Emir/9A6AA
as team-leader, will be active as 9A0CI from Vela Palagruza Island
(EU-090, ACIA IC-901, CIA-33, IOCA CI-084, MIA MC-284) and Lighthouse
(CLH-100, ARLHS CRO 012, TWLHD WLH 9A-046, WLOTA 0057, Admiralty E 3586)
from May 8-16th. Operation will be SSB, CW and Digital modes, from 80
through 10 meters. They also propose to operate SSB as 9A/homecall and
homecall/p from Mala Palagruza Island (EU-090, ACIA IC-900, IOCA CI-461,
MIA MC-285) and, for the first time, from rock of Kamik od Tramuntane
(ACIA IC-899, IOCA CI-960, Not IOTA) as 9A0CI/p (QSL via 9A6AA). QSL via
DE0MST (only for 9A0CI, CI-084), via the DARC Bureau or direct to:
Manfred Stippschild, Sylvensteinstr. 9, D-83661, Lenggries, Germany..
More detail at [9A6AA]

08/05/2009:  An Eure et loir area Hams, namely F1LLS, F4BCG, F4FCS,
F5RAB, F6AXN, F6DPD, and F6HEQ will be active as TM5EL from the Penfret
Island (EU-094, DIFM AT-059, WLOTA 0321, DPLF PB-038, WW Loc. IN87AR)
from May 8-10th. The crew will be active on the open HF bands plus 6m,
VHF, UHF and SHF using SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via F6KHI through
French REF Bureau or direct (with SASE). [F5NQL]

08/05/2009:  Bill, WD2E/4 and Sofia, AI4KQ will be active from the Dry
Tortugas Islands (NA-079) as WD2E/4 from May 8-14th. Look for activity
on HF bands, on or near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via
WD2E, direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. []

15/05/2009:  Look for special event station 8N5I to be active on all
bands and modes from May 15th to June 15th for the 2009
Shikoku(-district) Information Telecommunication Month, Shikoku island
(AS-076, JIIA AS-076-001). QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

16/05/2009:  Special event stations from each callsign district of Japan
will be active between May 16th and July 20th to celebrate the expansion
of the 7 MHz band in Japan. Look for the following stations: 8J140M
Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376); 8J240M Honshu (AS-007,
JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376); 8J340M Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001,
WLOTA 2376); 8J440M Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376); 8J540M
Shikoku (AS-076, JIIA AS-076-001); 8J640M Kyushu (AS-077, JIIA
AS-077-001); 8J740M Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376); 8J840M
Hokkaido (AS-078, JIIA AS-078-001, WLOTA 2967); 8J940M Honshu (AS-007,
JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376); 8J040M Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001,
WLOTA 2376). QSL all stations via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

20/05/2009:  Thomas, DH1TS will be homecall/p from Amrum Island (EU-042,
N-18 for the German Islands Award, WLOTA 2464), May 20-28th. Look for
activity on all bands/modes. QSL via home call, direct or by the Bureau.

28/05/2009:  Larry/K3VX, Bill/W3WH, Ron/W3WN and Jack/W9UK and Carl/K9CS
will be homecall/KP2 between May 28th and June 2nd from the island of
St. John (USi VI003, WLOTA 2416), U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106). During
the CQ WPX CW contest (May 30-31st) they will use NP2SH. They will
probably enter the test as Multi-2. QSL W3WN/KP2 via W3WN. QSL all
others via K9CS. [NG3K]

30/05/2009:  Operators Lee/AH2Y and Harry/WX8C will be active as AH2Y
from the island of Guam (OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA 0064) during the CQWW
WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via HL1IWD.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

30/05/2009:  Look for Champ, E21EIC to be active from Bangkok, Thailand,
for the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/Low-Power
entry. QSL via JAs QSL to JR5XPG. [NG3K]

30/05/2009:  Operators Juha/OH1JT, Jouko/OH1RX, Kari/OH2XX, Ari/OH5DX,
Tomi/OH6EI and Timo/OH6GLE will be active from Riddarklint hill,
Mariehamn, Aland Island (EU-002, WLOTA 1373, WW Loc. JP90XI) as OH0Z
during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Multi-Single entry.
QSL via W0MM, direct or by the Bureau. [NG3K]

11/06/2009:  The APRE - Sao Paulo association of Radioamadores will be
active from Ilha da Moela (SA-071, DIB SP-06, DFB SP-07, ARLHS BRA 043,
TWLHD WLH PY-031, WLOTA 1335, WW Loc. GG65UW) as PT2T from June 11-14th.
The Expedition is part of a project of more complex dimensions, that
consist of placing on air all blockhouses, islands and lighthouses of
the State of Sao Paulo. Team members incude Irineu/PY2IA,
Marcelo/PY2OMT, Thiago/PY2TLB, Claudio/PY3NZ, Felipe/PU2OVA,
Filipe/PU2TEA and Thiago/PU2TJQ. QRV 80-2 meters, phone only. QSL via
PY2OP, direct or Bureau. More info at:

24/06/2009:  Operators Alan/G0RCI, Pete/M0USY, Harry/G7DEH, Alan/G4VUA
and Brian/M0JNC will be active from Holy Island (EU-124), Wales, from
June 24-29th. QRV on HF bands, CW and SSB. QSL direct only to G0RCI.

29/06/2009:  Aki, JA1NLX will be active from Mana Island (OC-121) as
3D2YA between June 29th and July 3rd. QRV on all HF Bands using CW and
RTTY. QSL via home call. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

01/07/2009:  Look for special event station 8J8LOVE to be active on all
bands/modes from July 1 to August 2nd for Volunteer Island Hokkaido in
Haboro-town on "Ororon (or Common Murre) Line", Hokkaido (AS-078, JIIA
AS-078-001, WLOTA 2967), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2009:  Look for special event station 8N0CLEAN to be active on all
bands/modes from July 1 to October 31st to celebrate Clean Reception
Atmosphere Month, in Area 0, Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA
2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

20/07/2009:  A Slovenian crew, namely Jane/S57L, Goran/S52P, Vinko/S53F,
Brane/S56UGB and Silvo/S50X, will be active from Vela Palagruza Island
(EU-090, ACIA IC-901, CIA-33, IOCA CI-084, MIA MC-284, ARLHS CRO-012,
CLH-100, WHL 9A-046, WLOTA 0057) as 9A8ZRS from July 20-31st, including
an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QRV 3.5 MHz, 7 MHz, 14
MHz, 21 MHz, 28 MHz, 50 MHz and 144 MHz using CW, SSB, PSK-31 and
possibly other digital modes. QSL via operator instructions. [F5NQL]

21/07/2009:  Ian, G4FSU will be active as OH/G4FSU from Emasalo Emsalo
Island (EU-097) as OH/G4FSU from July 21st to August 16th, including an
entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QSL via home call.
Further details can be found at:

24/07/2009:  Ed, CO7PH and other Cuban hams plan to be active as T47D
from Jardines de la Reina, probably from Cayo Anclitas (NA-201), during
the RSGB IOTA Contest. QRV all HF bands/modes from July 24-31st. QSL via
CO7PH ( []

20/10/2009:  John, W5JON will once again be operating from the hilltop
QTH overlooking the Caribbean Sea, and Marigot Bay, St. Lucia (NA-108,
WLOTA 1336, Grid FK93). He will be QRV October 20-30th as J68JA on 160-6
meters (including 60m), including a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW
SSB Contest (October 25-26th). Equipment: ICOM IC-7000, KL-400 Amp (350
watts); Antennas: Alpha Delta DX-LB and DX-EE Dipoles, and 3 Element
yagi on 6m. As in the past, XYL Cathy (W5HAM) will be very busy pool
side. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

25/03/2010:  Kirk/JF3MYU, Ted/K8AQM, Brian/KG8CO and Paul/NF8J (possible
others joining) will be operating from Chichi-jima (AS-031, JIIA
AS-031-003) March 25th through April 5th, 2010. Operation will be
160m-10m CW, SSB and RTTY. More on the QSL info and calls as they are
issued. [NG3K]

29/04/2009:  DARC OV Obereichsfeld Worbis, DF0WBS is currently using the
Special DOK 800BS from April 1st to July 31st for 800 years of the
Castle of Scharfenstein in the near from Leinefelde, Germany. QSL via
the DARC Bureau. []

29/04/2009:  Look for special event station 8J6DON to be active from
April 29th to May 5th to celebrate the Hakata "Dontaku" Port Festival,
Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu (AS-077, JIIA AS-077-001),
Japan. (The word Dontaku comes from the Dutch word Zontag, meaning
holiday.) Expect activity on all bands/modes. QSL via the JARL Bureau.

01/05/2009:  A special event station signing LZ2009KM will be activated
by HQ of Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs on all bands and modes
between May 1-31st to celebrate national St. Kiril and Methodius day -
creators of Cyrillic alphabet. QSL via bureau to LZ1PJ. Logs will be
uploaded to LoTW. Further information at:

01/05/2009:  ARI Radio Club, Section of Erba, will air special event
callsign II2ERBA between May 1st and 24th to celebrate their 20th
Anniversay. QRV all HF bands, using SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via
IQ2ER, Bureau preferred - No eQSL. [IW1DQS]

01/05/2009:  Special event station 8J1ITU will be aired May 1-31st to
celebrate the 41st ITU Day. This activity counts for Honshu island
(AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376). QSL direct ( or via JARL
Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/05/2009:  Special event station 8J6SL will be active on all
bands/modes from the Kumamoto Museum between May 1st and October 31st to
celebrate the 100th anniversary of Hisatsu (Railroad) Line - Steam
Locomotive Operation, Honshu island (AS-077, JIIA AS-077-001), Japan.
Possibly 5 stations will be on the air. QSL via the JARL Bureau.

01/05/2009:  Special event station 8N8BOY will be active May 1-6th to
celebrate Activating Amateur Radio among Our Juniors 2009. This activity
counts for Hokkaido Island (AS-078, JIIA AS-078-001, WLOTA 2967). QSL
via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/05/2009:  Adriaan, PE2KP (previous callsign PE1KHP,
will be active on all bands and modes as PE25KP from May 1-12th to
celebrate his Silver Jubilee with amateur radio. QSL via Bureau to
PE2KP. [425 DX News]

01/04/2009:  The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during March 2009 will be:
GX4BJC /A - Operated from Healing, in North East Lincolnshire, England,
by Cliff - G4YHP (ISWL Hon. Treasurer & Monitor magazine Editor). (WAB
Square = TA21- England & IOTA = EU-005). Cliff will also use GX4BJC /P
during the month.
MC1SWL /A - Operated from Llangollen, Clwyd, Wales, by Dave - MW0AYM.
(WAB Square = SJ23 - Wales & IOTA = EU-005).
Please Note: The WAB Format changed on 1st January 2009. The new format
is: 10Km Square Number and Country. (Not District or County).
The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316  and  16724.
All QSL Info is on  or  or via
ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see
for full details. cards ARE accepted for our awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

02/05/2009:  Within the framework of European 'Leader' project for the
promotion of country, organizes the amateur radio enthusiasts of
Zevergem, a municipality of the Pinte, on 2 and 3 May 2009 a special
event in the rural core of Zevergem, with clear offer to activities:
ON769MS QRV op HF/VHF in SSB, CW, digital modes, SSTV, ATV, DATV; a
radio search for young and old; communication with satellites and the
ISS space station; passing through demonstrations and information around
radio amateurism; particular QSL card. ON769MS will be used up to 31
October by the Radio Club TLS (De Pinte) up to October 31st. QSL via
ON6MS. [UBA HF News]

02/05/2009:  Operators IW4BDG, IW4CEZ, IW4EKS, IW4ELT, IZ1JKW, IZ4FUA,
IZ4IPI, IZ4IPU and IZ4OSA will operate special event station II4CRI from
Piacenza from May 2-8th for the World Red Cross Day and to commemorate
the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Solferino, whose terrible
aftermath (some 40,000 soldiers died or were wounded) eventually led to
the establishment of the International Red Cross. QSL via IZ1JKW, direct
or bureau. [425 DX News]

02/05/2009:  Special event station GB0AOA will be aired May 2-3rd from
RAF Jurby to celebrate "Airfields On The Air. QSL via GD0HYM, Bureau
preferred. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

04/05/2009:  Rustam/UU2JQ, Eugene/UU5DX and Serge/UU5WW will operate
special event station EO64JM from May 4th to May 10th, 2009. The
operation will commemorate the 64th anniversary of victory in the Great
Patriotic war. QSL via K2PF. [K1XN & the Golist]

07/05/2009:  Special Event Station celebrates 100 years of the Fleet Air
Arm. On 7th May 1909 the Admiralty began a process that was to lead to
the formation of the Fleet Air Arm. As 2009 is the Centenary Year of
Naval Aviation, there are a number of events and publications throughout
the year to celebrate and commemorate this event.
RNARS will be operational with the SES GB100FAA from the 7 May to the 15
May 09 from HMS Collingwood and from 19 May to 21 May 09 from RNAS
The RNARS Chairman Mick Puttick says: "This is a chance for us to assist
in publicising this historic occasion. Contacts with the special event
stations and with RNARS members will also count towards the awards
issued by the Society."
Operation will be on SSB and CW on the usual RNARS frequencies, band
conditions permitting, and, +/- QRM: SSB - 3740, 7055, 14294/14335,
18150, 21360, 28940 kHz; CW - 3520, 7020, 10118, 14052, 18087, 21052,
24897, 28052 kHz. It is expected that a 2 metre FM station will also be
operational. More information about the Society and the awards can be
found at: [Southgate ARC/Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

29/04-04/05   IC8/IZ0KRC: Isola d'Ischia LH 0689 QSL HC (b)
29/04-03/05   ZW8BBC: Canarias Island LH 1697 QSL PS8DX (d)
30/04-01/05   AA4VK/P: Core Banks Barrier Island LH 0596 QSL HC (d/b)
30/04-01/05   MM0RAI/P: Rockall Rock LH 1694 QSL ON4BR (d/b)
30/04-01/05   N0TG/4: Core Banks Barrier Island LH 0596 QSL HC (d/b)
30/04-01/05   WA4DAN/P: Core Banks Barrier Island LH 0596 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-31/05   8J1ITU: Honshu LH 2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/05-06/05   8N8BOY: Hokkaido LH 2967 QSL JARL Bureau
01/05-31/12?  9M2MRS: Pulau Penang LH 2743 QSL 9M2MRS (d/b)
01/05-03/05   IG9/IT9OJW: Isola Linosa LH 0820 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-03/05   IG9/IT9ZIR: Isola Linosa LH 0820 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-03/05   IG9/IT9ZZO: Isola Linosa LH 0820 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-03/05   IG9/IW9EJP: Isola Linosa LH 0820 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-03/05   IG9/IW9FRB: Isola Linosa LH 0820 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-03/05   IG9/IW9GVP: Isola Linosa LH 0820 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-03/05   IG9/IW9HSK: Isola Linosa LH 0820 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   K1MAA/P: Stonington Harbor, CT USA-813 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Kegnæs DEN-019 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Rømø DEN-019 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Lodbjerg DEN-022 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Sillerslev Forfyr DEN-064 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Stavrby Skov DEN-227 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Helnæs (Lindhoved) DEN-015 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Thurø Forfyr DEN-221 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Vindebyøre Bagfyr DEN-162 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Siø South Bagfyr DEN-218 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Tranekær DEN-164, LH 0590 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Knudshoved DEN-020 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Sprogø DEN-062 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Halsskov Kulfyr Posterior DEN-032 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Ore DEN-122 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Orehoved DEN-135 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Bogø DEN-138 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Borgsted DEN-142 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Grønsund Forfyr DEN-136 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-15/05   OZ/I2AE/P: Tårs Fyr For DEN-183 QSL HC (d/b)
01/05-04/05   PT1R: Ilha Rasa DFB:RJ-10, WLH:PY-048, WLOL:BRA-047,
                                WLOTA LH 0494 QSL PY1NB (d/b)
01/05-31/05   VK6XRM: Australia - Main Island LH 1520 QSL G3KOJ (d/b)
02/05-03/05   W1ACT/P: Martha's Vineyard Island LH 2804 QSL N1JOY (d)
03/05              W1DDD: Conanicut Island LH 1422 QSL W1HW (d)
03/05              W1DDD: Dutch Island USA-250 QSL W1HW (d)
04/05-10/05?  9A2AA/P: Dvainka Islet LH 0669 QSL HC (d/b)
04/05-10/05?  9A2AA/P: Zlarin Island LH 4296 QSL HC (d/b)
04/05-10/05?  9A5AN/P: Dvainka Islet LH 0669 QSL HC (d/b)
04/05-10/05?  9A5AN/P: Zlarin Island LH 4296 QSL HC (d/b)
04/05-11/05   ZD8KR: Ascension Island LH 1491 QSL G0UNU (d/b)
08/05-16/05   9A0CI: Vela Palagruza CLH-100, WLOL:CRO-012, WLH:9A-046,
                                WLOTA LH 0057 QSL DE0MST (d/b)
08/05-10/05   TM5EL: Penfret DPLF:PB-038, LH 0321 QSL F6KHI (d/b)

AJ9C - May1 to May 2 - SSB and CW
I will be mobile for the Indiana Qso Party. I plan to start at Lawrence
County then Orange, Crawford, Dubois, Perry, Spencer, Warrick, Pike,
Daviess, Martin, Greene, Clay, Sullivan. All are in Indiana. There may
be some additions depending on time or possible back tracking depending
on time and need. [County Hunter Web]

KO1U - Mark - 1* - 2 May to 3 May - SSB and CW
NEQP Saturday North and Sunday up for grabs...3540-3550, 7044 and lower
as RTTY/EU will be a problem. 14040-50, 21040-50, 28040-50...Near 3850,
(7280, 14280, 21380 and lower) 28380 and higher. Mainly CW however if
you need SSB just ask. Send email requests to ko1usn *at*
[County Hunter Web]

WE7G - Wayne - May 2, 2009 to May 2, 2009 - CW Only
One day trip in 7th Land QSO Party starting 1300Z Saturday only. Davis,
Weber, Morgan, Summit and hopefully Rich. Can't get to Rich easily this
trip as the road over the mountain remains closed. Might have to go to
Uintah WY to get into Rich. Will try to get over to run Wasatch after
Summit, we'll see. Will return in afternoon from Rich, Morgan, Weber and
Davis. Will probably stay on 20 as it seems to be in the best shape
recently. Listen for me amongst all the other State QSO parties. I'll
try to hang around the top end of 20 at 14.050 or so. We'll see. The wx
is supposed to be poor, but the roads should still be clear [no snow at
least]. Send email requests to we7g *at*

28/04-03/05  YJ0KS: Espiritu Santo Island OC-035 6M CW/SSB Grid:RH34 QSL
JA6REX (d/b)

29/04-05/05  JD1BLK: Chichi-jima AS-031 6M CW/SSB + Satellite Grid:QL17
QSL JM1LJS (d/b)

29/04-05/05  JD1BLY: Chichi-jima AS-031 6M CW/SSB + Satellite Grid:QL17
QSL JI5RPT (d/b)

29/04-12/05  JD1BMH: Chichi-jima AS-031 6M CW/SSB + Satellite Grid:QL17
QSL JG7PSJ (d/b)

29/04-12/05  JD1BMT: Chichi-jima AS-031 6M CW/SSB + Satellite Grid:QL17
QSL JE4SMQ (d/b)

29/04-05/05  JI1LET/JD1: Chichi-jima AS-031 6M CW/SSB Grid:QL17 QSL HC

29/04-03/05  ZW8BBC: Canarias Islands SA-072 6 & 2M SSB/FM Grid:GI97BF

01/05-04/05  PT1R: Ilha Rasa SA-079 6M/2M SSB/CW/FM Grid:GG86KW 100W
6ele QSL PY1NB (d)

02/05-02/08  6M DX Marathon USB + FM

02/05-03/05  7th Call Area QSO Party 6M/2M activity

02/05-03/05  AVHFC May VHF Contest 6M/2M USB+FM

02/05-03/05  European WW EME Contest 2.3 & 3.4GHz

02/05-03/05  MARAC SSB QSO Party 6M activity

02/05-03/05  ON769MS: EU 'Leader' project special event HF-144 Grid:JO10

02/05             TM5OTA: SOTA 6m-70cm F/AB-379 Le Moucherotte 1901m asl

03/05-17/05  C21TI: Nauru Grid:AI69 50.115 MHz (CW/SSB) QSL EA4ATI (d/b)

03/05-08/05  MS0TJT/P: Coll EU-008 6M SSB Grid:IO66 QSL GM4ZNC (d/b)

05/05-07/05  YJ0KS: Tanna OC-035 6M CW/SSB Grid:RH40 QSL JA6REX (d/b)

08/05-10/05  TM5EL: Penfret EU-094 6M-SHF Grid:IN87AR QSL F6KHI (d/b)

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated April 29, 2009)

For the V63TR operation in 2008 the QSL route is no longer K5ZM, QSL
V63TR only to K8AQM. V63TR will soon be up on LoTW. [K8AQM]
From: Hutch, NK0S
The logs for VQ9HB were recently converted to electronic format &
up-loaded to LoTW. I am now the point of contact if anyone needs a paper
I have agreed to convert the logs for 9M2HB for up-loading to LoTW. The
stack in 3" high so I will convert a year & then forward for I will also become the point of contact if anyone needs a
paper card.
(Note: Cards will be generated by me as needed. If anyone has a VQ9HB
and/or 9M2HB card they can pdf & send me I would appreciate it.) [NK0S]
Please do not send for JT1R (2009) QSL to JT1BL.
JT1R (2009) only send to RW3HB
Serge A. Golobokov
P.O.Box 37
Samara, 443099
Best 73s Khos JT1CD
QSLs received Bureau - 1A4A, 3DA0VB, 4K0WB, 4L0B, 5H1CM, 5H3VMB, 5T5DC,
YK9SV and Z2/UA4WHX.

QSLs received Direct - 5H1DF (via DL7DF), 6Y1LZ (via K1LZ), 7Z1SJ (via, CO8LY (via EA7ADH), E51KAJ [OC-013] (via JA1KAJ), E51QQQ
[OC-014] (via JA1KAJ), FK/JA1KAJ [OC-032] (via JA1KAJ), HD2A (via
N3ZBK), HK0/EA7HEJ (via EA7HEJ), JA1XGI/VK9X (via JA1XGI), JD1BMH (via
JG7PSJ), RO9O (via RZ9OO), T32BE (via WC5P), T88WW [OC-009] (via
JA2NQG), V25WY (via W4OWY), V63WW [OC-010] (via JA2NQG), V73M [OC-029]
(via JA2NQG), VK9AA (via DL8YR), VK9DWX (via DJ2MX), VP8KF (via G3VPW),
YI1RZ (via IK2DUW) and ZF2NN (via WQ2N).

QSLs received LoTW - D4C, E77DO, H22H, JW9PJA, K7K, KP2D, LW9DA,

April 29, 2009
For Immediate Release:

It was in February 2009 when the team at Radio Arcala, OH8X launched
an essay contest to get some fresh ideas from today's youth and
their elders to boost  recruitment to the ranks of Amateur Radio. Great
participation was ensured, and determining the winners took some effort
from a multinational jury representing six nations.

A 19-year old Briton, Mark Dumpleton, 2E0NCG came out as winner by a
fair margin while two U.S. hams, John Scott Anderson, KC9OQO and Brian
Wood, W0DZ , finished in second and third place respectively.
Argentinian Diego Salom, LU8DX was recognized for his submission of the
best Spanish language piece.

You can read Mark's piece and his interview at
under the "Young People Terms" button and get your personal inspiration
to do your share for Amateur Radio.

Jarmo, OH2BN
The C21TI DXpedition to Nauru (OC-031) apparently will now take place
June 16-26, 2009 and not during the month of May as previously reported.
More information at:
One more activity log on "CT Logs Online".
CQ5CQK activated by CT1CQK on last week-end.
Activity is OK to DPRN Portuguese Natural Parks Award.
Log on
DPRN informations
Algarve S.T.A.R. DX Team [F5NQL]
Dear Friends,
Finally the A6 licence has been delivered but the callsign is not A65BK
as mentionned in my previous mail following the letter received from the
authorities but: A65BI  Nice for cw ! My QSL manager remains John SM5DJZ
and I will check with him for the QSL logo. I will be in France from 6
to 20th March and will start the installation upon my way back. Hope to
be active before the end of the month.
Bst 73's Philippe F5LTB ex-9Q1TB
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

Категория: Бюллетени | Просмотров: 2107 | Добавил: UY0LL | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 UY0LL  
I.C.P.O. (Islands, Castles & Portable Operations)
The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during May 2009 will be:
GX4BJC /A - Operated from Healing, in North East Lincolnshire, England,
by Cliff - G4YHP (ISWL Hon. Treasurer & Monitor magazine Editor). (WAB
Square = TA21- England & IOTA = EU-005). Cliff will also use GX4BJC /P
during the month.
MC1SWL /A - Operated from Llangollen, Clwyd, Wales, by Dave - MW0AYM.
(WAB Square = SJ23 - Wales & IOTA = EU-005).
Please Note: The WAB Format changed on 1st January 2009. The new format
is: 10Km Square Number and Country. (Not District or County).
The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316 and 16724.
All QSL Info is on or or via
ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see
for full details. cards ARE accepted for our awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
02/05/2009: Andrew RN1CW, will be active on May 2th from
Petropavlovskaya fortresses in Sankt-Petersburg city, WCA/COTA: C-115,
RDA: SP-16 as UE1CDX/1. QSL via RN1CW, direct or Bureau. For information
please visit: [RN1CW]

03/05/2009: Operators from Cherepovets city, inc. RA1QCZ, RA1QIH,
RA1QIT, RA1QQ, RA1QY will be active on May 3th from Belozerskiy kremlin
in Kirillo-Belozerskiy monastery, WCA/COTA: C-121, RDA: VO-07 as
UE1CDX/1. For information please visit: [RN1CW]
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ

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