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Главная » 2013 » Февраль » 25 » 4S7DXG, 8Q7VR QSL для DXCC
4S7DXG, 8Q7VR QSL для DXCC | 08:15 |
The following operations have been approved for DXCC:
4S7DXG – Sri Lanka Only operations in 2008 and 2011
8Q7VR – Maldives Only operations in 2008 and 2011
If you had credit rejected for contacts with dates during the periods noted, contact http://hfdx.at.ua/news/sentmsg?mailto=mailto%3adxccrules@arrl.org to be put on the list for an update. Contacts before or after these periods cannot be accepted. Also, in order to expedite the search for these QSOs please include the application "date received” or "reference number” noted on your credit slip of the submission these were originally rejected. 73 es DX! Bill Moore NC1L Awards Branch Manager
tnx UR9IDX
Категория: QSL |
Просмотров: 972 |
Добавил: uy5zz
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