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Главная » 2017 » Апрель » 8 » ARRL нуждается ((:
ARRL нуждается ((:
ARRL нуждается в гривнах!
Всего 550 грн и диплом ваш ((:

Have You Heard?
You Qualify for the ARRL National Parks on the Air Chaser Award

Thank you for your participation in ARRL’s National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event last year.
Because of your participation, you helped raise awareness of Amateur Radio and the National Park Service. Maybe you made new friends in the NPOTA Facebook group, or developed new skills as an operator that will enhance your participation and enjoyment of Amateur Radio for years to come.

Whatever your achievement, be sure to recognize it with an NPOTA certificate. These certificates honor your accomplishment as an NPOTA Activator, Chaser, or earning the NPOTA Honor Roll.

The NPOTA Chaser Award is for confirming contacts with NPOTA units. The Activator Award is for transmitting from NPOTA units, and the Honor Roll is for confirming at least 41 of the 59 official National Parks (units NP01-NP59).

Each certificate is $19, which includes shipping and handling. No need to worry about Logbook of The World (LoTW) credits, either; for NPOTA, the LoTW credits are included in the cost of the award!

NPOTA certificates will look great on your shack wall. Be sure to order soon; NPOTA certificates are available only until April 30, 2017. Once the deadline passes, they will never be available again!

NPOTA Chaser

Log on to the NPOTA Leader Board using your Logbook of The World credentials, then click on "Award Application”.


You are receiving this email because of your participation in ARRL’s National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event.
If you have an ARRL website user account, you can manage all of your e-mail preferences at

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