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Главная » 2009 » Сентябрь » 11 » AS185,AS162,AS157 с 24.09 по 02.10
AS185,AS162,AS157 с 24.09 по 02.10

с  24.09  по  02.10  - будут активны XV6RRC (AS-185), XV7RRC (AS-162),
XV3RRC (AS-157), это для тех, кто интересуется IOTA.

В команде: RA3NAN, RK3FA, RZ3EC, RZ3EM, UA6BGB

Более подробно

Будем пробывать и НЧ: 160m и 80m.

TX Ant: 18m вертикал от SpiderBeam с емкостной нагрузкой
RX  Ant: К94, и, если позволят условия (там до сих много чего осталось
с войны), то короткий BV.

До встречи на диапазонах!

Андрей RZ3EM
и еще -
----XV, VIETNAM (Rare IOTAs). Members of the Russian Robinson Club and R-Quad
Antenna Company have put together a DXpedition project to activate the
rarest IOTA references in Vietnam during the last part of September and
early October. They will be in Vietnam between September 24th and October
2nd. Operators mentioned are: Sergey/RA3NAN, Oleg/RK3FA, Andy/RZ3EM and
Andrey/UA6BGB. The tentative schedule is as follows:
  AS-185. Activity from Hon Ngu Island as XV6RRC; September 24-26th.
  AS-162. Activity from Cu Lao Cham Island as XV7RRC; September 27-28th.
  AS-157. Activity from Hon Tam Island as XV3RRC; Sept. 29th-October 1st
The team plans to run 2 stations with the following setup:
  TXs: Elecraft K3 – 2 pcs
  Amplifiers: Acom 1000, Ameritron ALS600
  Antennas: 160/80/40m Vertical on 18m mast, 20m VDA on 12m mast, VDAs on
            15-17m on 12m mast, BiggIR Vertical (40-10m), LowBands RX
            antennas (if the conditions permit)
  Software: WinTest, AATest
The team will try to do their best to log as many IOTA enthusiasts all
over the world as the propagation and other local conditions permit. If
they can manage to arrange an Internet connection, they will try to update
their log daily. For more details and updates, please visit their Web
page at:          

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