В статье "CQ WW Contest Commiteee Stays Quiet Amid More Questions About "Private" 2008 Contest DQ's" на http://www.radio-sport.net/cqwwcw08_dq3.htm интересно изложены причины "частной дисквалификации" команды 4L0A. В часности там пишется, что благодаря активным стараниям и письмам Igor Tokar US0LW и сотоварищей, было выявлено около 50 "некорректных" строк (это из 5600!!!), что и привело к такому решению.
А слабо ли Игорю поковырять других грандов радиоспорта??? Или ему только Крым и Украина не даёт покоя? Пусть Игорь опубликует здесь, на страницах своего сайта и список "сотоварищей", которым было интересно "помочь" соотечественникам не получить должного результата!!! Хотя список уже можно начать...
Теперь слова на англ. из указанной статьи -
Aided by the open log policy of CQ WW, a pair of Russian hams led by Igor Tokar US0LW went through the 4L0A log and found evidence of what they believe were faked contacts and more.
"I will try to restrain myself from making conclusions," Tokar said in his review, but he went on to "describe some details" which he found to be "unrealistic."
In one section, Tokar laid out how a series of stations only seemed to work 4L0A and V31WA, which was operated by Dmitry Stashuk UT5UGR. A number of the 4L0A ops were Ukranian as well.
Those stations included two American calls - W3UTX and W4PHC - neither of those callsigns is currently active in the U.S. government FCC database. Tokar said other callsigns also may not have been valid.
"Then there are about 50 more call signs that made three QSO’s – with V31WA, 4L0A and with one more station," wrote Tokar.
"The call signs of the third station were all different."
Так кому будут "помогать" наши Павлики Морозовы в дальнейшем? - Ответь Игорёк!