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Главная » 2010 » Июль » 21 » DXNL 1685 - Jul 21, 2010
DXNL 1685 - Jul 21, 2010 | 06:23 |
FW - WALLIS AND FUTUNA, OC-118 The Japanese DXpedition showed up from Futuna (OC-118, see DXNL 1683) as FW5F (QSL via JA2NQG) and FW5H (via JA2BNL) and not as FW5M/p and FWD2A/p like announced earlier.
IS0 - SARDINIA, EU-165 Nicola,IS0BMU, Gianni,IS0IGV, Carlo,IS0JOO, Claudio,IZ1DNJ, and Raffaele,IS0CPU, will be active as IM0K from San Macario (EU-165) from Jul 23-25 (including IOTA Contest). QSLs are managed by IS0BMU.
JD1/OG - OGASAWARA, AS-031 Koji,JI1LET/JD1, is going to hit the airwaves in CW, SSB and RTTY on 40m-6m from Chichijima (AS-031) from Jul 24-30. QSLs direct or via the bureau to his homecall.
JW - SVALBARD, EU-026 Thomas,JW/OZ1AA, Alex,JW/OZ7AM, and Ken,JW/OZ1IKY, will be active from Spitsbergen (EU-026) from Jul 23-27. They will sign JW5E in the upcoming IOTA Contest. QSLs for JW5E should be sent via LA7XM, all others to their homecalls.
OH0 - ALAND ISLANDS, EU-002 Max,OH0/DK1MAX, Miro,OH0/OM5RW, Tomi,OH0/OH2BEN, Pertti,OH0/OG2M, and Marko,OH0/OH3XR, are working from Kumlinge Island (EU-002) from Jul 21-27. They can be found on 80m-2m and in the RSGB IOTA Contest. All QSL cards should be sent to the operator's homecalls.
UN - KAZAKHSTAN UP44Q is a WFF DXpedition to the Kulsajsky national park (UNFF-008) from Jul 23-25. Operation will take place in CW, SSB and digital modes on 80m-10m. QSLs via bureau or direct to UN0GL. Find more info at: http://un-dx.ucoz.com/index/wff_kazakhstan/0-12
XU - CAMBODIA Masumi,JA3AVO (XU7AVO), his XYL Hiroko,JH3PBL (XU7PBL), and their 10 year old grandson Shota,W7AVO (XU7AED) are active from Sihanoukville in CW, SSB and digital modes on 80m-10m from Jul 20-23. The QSLs for all callsigns should be sent only direct to JA3AVO. --- Like two years before Jean,ON4JW, is now QRV as XU7AJW from Sihanouk- ville as well until Aug 14. His QSL manager is ON7PP, but the cards are available also as eQSL. Pictures of his last XU7AJW operation can be found at: http://users.telenet.be/on4jw/XU.html
6W - SENEGAL Silvia,EA1AP, Juanjo,EA1CJ, Alberto,EA1SA, and Raul,EA5KA, are going to hit the airwaves as 6V7W with up to three stations at the same time. Activities will take place in CW/SSB/RTTY on 160m-6m from Jul 24-31. They wil listen especially for any 6m band openigs. Their QRGs are: CW: 1824, 3527, 7027, 10117, 14027, 18077,21027,24897,28027,50100 kHz SSB: 1840, 3790, 7060, 14190, 18140, 21290, 24940, 28490, 50110 kHz RTTY: 3590, 7040, 10145, 14085, 18105, 21080, 24920, 28080 kHz. QSL via bureau to EA5KA or direct via EA5KA, Raul Blasco Villarroya, PO Box 20, 12080 Castellon, Spain. Online logs will be available as well at: http://6v7w.dxciting.com
9H - MALTA, EU-023 Marcello,IT9ABY, Peter,IT9WKU, Delly,IT9ZRU, Antonella,IW9HJT, and maybe also other OPs will sign 9H3Y in SSB, CW and RTTY on all bands from Malta (EU-023) from Jul 24-31. QSL via bureau or direct to IT9ABY. They plan to take part in the IOTA Contest as well.
9Q - DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO If you have missed Patrick,ON4HIL, as 9Q50ON last week there will be another chance to work Congo again soon. Patrick wants to help local amateurs to put up the clubstation 9Q50AR. This will be a temporary special callsign to celebrate 50 years of independence of the country. This station will be operated by local HAMs until the end of the year. The QSL manager is ON4BR, he confirms QSLs direct or via bureau.
9X - RWANDA Tom,DL2RUM, is on business trip in Kigali since Jul 21. He will get his licence 9X0TL down there and will stay until the end of August or early September (with little breaks). He will use a K3 radio, an amplifier with 600 watts, a Butternut HF-9V, an HB9CV for 6m and several wires for 80m-6m. Tom is working in CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL cards should be sent via bureau or direct to his homecall. More information and an online log can be found at: http://dl2rum.de
CROATIA, SPECIAL EVENT STATION 9A10P is active in all modes and bands until Dec 31 to celebrate the anniversary of the city of Djurdjevac. On Jul 25 they will activate the callsign 9A10P/p from the nature park "Djurdjevacki Pijesci" (9AFF-032) also known as "Croatian Sahara". All QSOs will be confirmed via bureau automatically. For further information see also: http://www.9aff.com
SPAIN, SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS Many Spanish HAMs are celebrating the first win of the FIFA World Cup. They are allowed to use following special prefixes from Jul 12-31: AM instead of EB AN instead of EC AO instead of EA
SWEDEN, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The special event station SI9AM is situated at the "King Chulalongkorn Memorial" in Utanede. This is the biggest Thai pavilion outside of Thailand. This station will be QRV on Jul 24 and they want to listen especially for stations from Thailand on 20m in SSB around 1400 UTC. QSL direct or via bureau to SM3CVM. More information about SI9AM can be found at: http://www.si9am.se
USA, SPECIAL EVENT STATION W3C is a special event station working from the "Power Boat Racing" in Cambridge/Maryland. It is working on 7200, 14250, 21250 and 28350 kHz every day from 1400-2100 UTC from Jul 22-25. QSLs via Easton Amateur Radio Society, Box 311, Easton, MD 21601, USA. More information can be found on their website http://www.k3emd.com
LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://www.sotawatch.org --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de
UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Jul 24/25: RSGB IOTA Contest Jul 24/25: SWL IOTA Contest
IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de) ---- Island activities: EU-056, LA, Vigra Island: Erling,LA4FPA, is working from Vigra Island on 20m, 10m, 6m and via the satellites FO-29, AO-51, HO-68 and maybe also VO-52 between Jul 18 and Aug 2. QSL via homecall.
EU-068, F, Bretagne (Finistere SW) Region: A team of five HAMs is signing TM5KD from Sein Island from Jul 22-27. QSL via QRZ.com.
EU-124, GW/MW, Welsh Coastal Islands: Some members of the Barry A.R. Society (BARS) are QRV as GW8K and GB5FI from Flatholm Island from Jul 22-27. QSLs for both calls via GW0ANA (direct/bureau).
EU-135, SM2, Vasterbotten County: Thomas,SM3DMP, is QRV as SF2CW from Stora Fjaderagg from Jul 20-22. QSL via SM3DMP (direct/bureau).
EU-140, OH5, Etela-Suomi Province Group: OH1JO and OH1LEG are signing OH1K from Kaunissaari Island from Jul 23-28. QSL via OH1JO (direct/bureau).
EU-141, LA, Finnmark County East Group: Reiner,DL3BRE, and Harald,DL7VSN, will be active as LA/homecall from Vardoe Island working in CW/SSB/ RTTY/PSK31 on 80m-6m from Jul 23-27. QSL via homecalls (direct/bureau).
EU-158, SV, Peloponnisos Region Group: A group of Greek HAMs is QRV as SX8PR from Proti Island from Jul 22-26. QSL via SV1JG.
NA-177, VE2, QC Province Group: Louis,VE2EZD, and Jean-Pierre,VA2SG, will show up as VA2SG from Bonaventura Island (CisA QC-002) on Jul 24. QSL via VE2EZD (see QRZ.com).
NA-235, KL7, Semidi Islands: Yuri,N3QQ, Merle,K5MT, Yuri,UA9OBA, and Alex,RW3RN, are planning to activate Chirikof Island as KL7RRC between Jul 22 and Aug 2. QSLs for EU and Russia via UA9OBA, all others via N7RO.
Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW) ---------------------------------------- EJ1DD LH 1935 Clare Jul 24/25 GB5FI LH 0007 Flatholm Jul 22-27 GW8K LH 0007 Flatholm Jul 22-27 JI1LET/JD1 LH 2269 Chichijima Jul 24-30 JO3EVM/JA6 LH 2556 Iriomote Jul 27/28 JW5E LH 0125 Spitzbergen Jul 24/25 JW/OZ1AA LH 0125 Spitzbergen Jul 23-27 JW/OZ1IKY LH 0125 Spitzbergen Jul 23-27 JW/OZ7AM LH 0125 Spitzbergen Jul 23-27 LA/DL3BRE LH 0106 Vardoe Jul 23-27 LA/DL7VSN LH 0106 Vardoe Jul 23-27 SF2CW LH 1037 S. Fjaderagg Jul 20-22 SX8PR LH 4036 Proti Jul 22-26 TM5KD LH 2721 Sein Jul 22-27 4O1OTA LH 1097 Sv. Nikola Jul 24/25
Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 40m DL4FO/p 7.032 1844Z EU-047 TI5/KU0DM 7.032 0539Z via KU0DM (L), (d) 9H4RH/p 7.030 1804Z SOTA GO001
30m C6AMS 10.108 0200Z via NA6M MU/PA4N 10.109 2122Z via PA4N (B) OX8XX 10.104 0212Z via OH2BH (B)
20m EB5BBM/BY7PP 14.226 1904Z via EB5BBM (B) ET3SID 14.180 1929Z (d) FM/F2VX 14.197 1948Z NA-107, via F2VX (B) HB0/IZ5JMX/p 14.203 0757Z via IZ5JMX (B) MJ/OH1NOA 14.022 1004Z EU-013, via homecall (B) MU/PA4N 14.178 1909Z via PA4N (B) SV8/OE5FSM/p 14.255 0731Z EU-113, via homecall (B) SV8/PD0ARI 14.240 0729Z EU-042 VE2/F6EPO 14.060 1700Z 6W1AAD 14.194 1918Z via EA7FTR (B)
17m IS0E 18.073 0841Z via EA5KA (B) MU/PA4N 18.079 1218Z via PA4N (B) PY4BZM 18.073 2008Z XT2EME 18.140 0855Z via EA7FTR (B) 5V7DX 18.125 0934Z via I1FQH (B), (L)
15m FW5FM 21.232 0848Z via JI2UAY (d) MJ/OH1NOA 21.026 1056Z EU-013, via homecall (B)
6m OK1KNG 50.095 0919Z via OK1AAZ
* = new QSL manager (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok (L) = LoTW (r) = bureau QSL via e-mail request
Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL
12Jul-25Jul 3A/IW1RBI 1684 05Jul-21Jul 3B8/DK9PY 1683 01May-31Dec 3H100TW 1674 -31Dec 3Z0RADIO 1657 -31Dec 4A1B 1656 -31Dec 5K200LR.. 1683 15Jul-30Jul 5V7DX 1684 -Apr/12 5Z4RH ? 1674 24Jul-31Jul 6V7W 1685 * 2010 8P55AW 1668 -31Dec 9A10P 1685 * -31Dec 9A500AA 1656 24Jul-31Jul 9H3Y 1685 * -Sep/11 9J2KK 1682 SOON 9Q1EK 1669 -31Dec 9Q50AR 1685 * -Sep 9X0TL 1685 * -Jul 9V1/W4LT 1681
-Dec/11 A92IO 1663 10Jul-Dec/11 BP100 1684 10Oct-Dec/11 BV100 1684 09Jul-25Jul C6AAB.. 1683 20Jul-27Jul CQ8SV 1684 -May/11 D2AK 1675 -Apr/11 D2QR 1675 -31Dec DR2010L.. 1660 -Jan/11 DT8A 1652 -Dec DU1/F2JD 1680/1684 11Jul-07Aug DU9/PA3GZU 1683 19Jul-05Aug EA8/SQ9IVD 1684 18Jul-30Jul F5SGI/p 1684 23May-15Aug FH8ND 1677 -Aug/11 FO8RZ 1636 14Jul-24Jul FW5M.. 1683/1685 *
22Jul-27Jul GB5FI & GW8K 1685 * -31Dec HA2010S 1659 -31Dec HG30FHA 1677 -31Jul II2TRE 1678 15Mar-31Dec IR1C 1667 16Jul-24Jul IS0E 1684 13Jul-Sep IS0/I2MOV 1683 23Jul-25Jul IM0K 1685 * -2011/12? J28JV 1680 -Jul/12 J28RO 1683 24Jul-30Jul JI1LET/JD1 1685 * 07Jul-22Jul JT1/IW5ELA 1683 -31Dec JT70AS 1680 23Jul-27Jul JW/OZ1AA.. 1685 *
04Jul-01Aug K4C 1682 -Jun/13 KH2/N2NL 1680 17Nov-01Dec KH5 1674 -Dec KH9/WA2YUN 1568/1655 22Jul-02Aug KL7RRC 1685 * 18Jul-02Aug LA4FPA 1685 * 23Jul-27Jul LA/DL3BRE.. 1685 * -31Dec LM50NRK 1659 20Jul-26Jul M8C.. 1684 -Dec OD5/DL6SN 1665 -31Jul OE2XXM.. 1683 23Jul-28Jul OH1K 1685 * 21Jul-27Jul OH0/OM5RW.. 1685 * Sep /Oct ON30ON 1664 -Dec OX3QM 1654
18Jul-06Aug P4/PG4DX 1684 25Jul PA08DWN 1678 29Aug&02Oct PA08DWN 1678 01Sep-28Sep PC600P 1657 -Dec R1ANP 1654 17Jul-31Jul S79BWW/S79SAL 1684 20Jul-22Jul SF2CW 1685 * 24Jul SI9AM 1685 * 20Jul-30Jul SV8/OK6DJ 1684 22Jul-26Jul SX8PR 1685 * -Dec T6MB 1680 NOW T88CF 1674 Jul TC90AA 1684 18Jul-27Jul TF/DF6QV 1684 10Jul-24Jul TK10B 1683 NOW TL0A 1675 22Jul-27Jul TM5KD 1685 * 16Jul-30Jul TM8OU 1684 11Jul-25Jul TX5TES 1684
-30Nov UP25F 1675 23Jul-25Jul UP44Q 1685 * 24Jul VA2SG 1685 * -Oct VK100WIA 1673 09Apr-09Aug VQ9JC 1670 22Jul-25Jul W3C 1685 * -31Dec XR200R 1678 15Jul-02Aug XT2EME 1684 -14Aug XU7AJW 1485 * 20Jul-23Jul XU7AVO.. 1685 * -31Dec YR5EPC 1660 19Nov-05Dec ZL8X 1664 -Apr/11 ZS8M 1674
* = new or updated .. = and other calls
QSL information --------------- AM2EMH via EB2EMH (B) AM5ESV via EB5ESV (B), (L), eQSL EG7SWC via EA7URD (B) ER240C via ER5AA (B) HF600BG via SP7PTK (B) HF600OM via SP7PRA (B) JV5A via WV6E (B) 3Z600BG via SP7PAC (B), eQSL
(d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok (*) = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) (r) = e-mail request
QSL EX2A: Gerhard,DD0BX, (QSL manager of ther German OV I17) asks everybody to send the QSLs for EX2A only via the EX bureau or via his address in QRZ.com but NOT via DF9OL or DF8OL. DF9OL or DF8OL are NOT the QSL managers of EX2A.
QSL FO5RH/TX5TES: NOT via F6CTL (like announced in the last DXNL). Please send your QSLs for TX5TES direct via: Alain Claverie, B.P. 48, Tumukuru Tatakoto atoll, 98783 French Polynesia. Alain confirms QSLs also via the CORA bureau.
QSLs arrived direct: R1FJT (only six months!)
QSLs arrived bureau: EA6/DL5DSM, EA8/DL8JJ, MJ/DL5NUA, OH0/SM3TLG (EU-002), OZ/I2AE (EU-125), PA150SLH (PA0HFT), PA750ASN (PI4ASH), PA/ON7PQ/p (EU-038), PX8M (SA-041), PY5EW,S04R (EA5RM), S05A (EA1BT),SF700BF (SK6NL),SN70N (SP2CA),SV5/DJ5AA/p, SV5/DL3DRN, TO8YY (DH7WW)
QSL via LoTW: NP3CW, OH/OE1MCU/p, P40XM, PY0FZM, PY2HL/p, S79GM, SC3DX, ST2AR, T6AG, T77C, T77GO, TA3AX, TF/DL3OCH, TF/F5UFX, TK/F5JSD, TS8P, TX3D, V31MU, V63MY, V85TX, VP2MDG, VU3DMP, VY2ZM, W2VV/p, WH2D, XE1RAB, YI9KT (Jan/Feb 2005)
Participants of the upcoming IOTA Contest (Jul 24/25, 2010) =========================================================== IOTA Call Island WLOTA QSL via ----------------------------------------------------- AF-004 EA8/SQ9IVD Fuerteventura 0883 SQ9IVD AF-004 EA8/G4WZG/p Gran Canaria 0969 G4WZG AF-006 VQ90JC Diego Garcia 1645 ND9M AF-019 IG9/IK2PZC Lampedusa 2312 IK2PZC AF-019 IW2NEF/IG9 Lampedusa 2312 IW2NEF AF-024 S79BWW Mahe 3286 CT1BWW AF-024 S79SAL Mahe 3286 EA2RC AF-047 CQ9U Selvagenes 0692 CT1BOL AS-014 A43MI Masirah Island A47RS AS-053 HS0ZIB Koh Lanta 0956 direct AS-067 JA1YUC/6 Uji 2857 JA1YUC AS-159 TC0T Kefken 0691 TA2RC EU-002 OH0/OM5RW Aland OM5RW EU-005 GM7A Luing Island 2232 GM7AAJ EU-007 EI/SP6ICW Gr. Blasket SP6ICW EU-007 EI/SQ7JT Gr. Blasket SQ7JT EU-007 EI5JQ Gr. Blasket EI5JQ EU-008 MM3KBU/p Lismore MM3KBU EU-008 GM0ADX/p Skye 1626 GM0ADX EU-008 GM7X Skye 1626 GW3SQX EU-008 MM0MMK/p Tiree 2232 MM0MMK EU-010 GM7V Benbecula N3SL EU-011 M8C St. Mary's 0408 G4DFI EU-012 MM/ON6QR Shetland 0867 ON6QR EU-013 GJ2A Jersey 0818 RV3ACA EU-013 GJ6YB Jersey 0818 G3SWH EU-013 MJ0ASP Jersey MJ0ASP EU-016 9A/OM8A Korcula Island 1315 OM2VL EU-020 SA1A Gotland 2969 SM1TDE EU-023 9H3Y Malta 1113 IT9ABY EU-024 IS0B Sardinia 1608 IK2SND EU-025 IT9RZU Sicily 1362 IT9RZU EU-026 JW5E Spitzbergen 0125 LA7XM EU-029 OZ/DL8KX Moen 4630 DL8KX EU-030 OZ/DL6DH/p Bornholm 2203 DL6DH EU-031 IC8WIC Capri 2466 IW8WIC EU-034 ES0U Saaremaa 1401 ES2DJ EU-038 PA3FKN Texel 0043 PA3FKN EU-038 PA6FUN Ameland 1059 PE1GUR EU-039 TM7T Grande 0424 ON7EQ EU-045 IB0R Ventotene IK8HCG (d) EU-048 F5SGI/p Belle Ile en Mer 0872 F5SGI EU-049 SV2FPU/8 Limnos 1740 SV2FPU (d) EU-052 SV8/OE3MZC Kerkyra 4132 OE3MZC EU-052 SV8/OK6DJ Zakynthos 0209 OK1DRQ EU-057 DL5KUD Ruegen 1712 DL5KUD EU-064 TM7C Noirmoutier 1224 F5CWU EU-065 F5RAB/p Oessant 0208 F5RAB EU-068 TM5KD Sein 2721 F5KKD EU-071 TF7X Heimaey 0976 KT6YL (d) EU-075 SZ1SV/8 Salamina 4159 SZ1SV EU-078 EG3FI Formigues 2128 EA3NT EU-084 SM0/PA3DAT Singoe PA3DAT EU-087 SM3/PA3DAT Alnoen PA3DAT EU-088 OZ/OK1DRX Laeso Island OK1DRX EU-089 CQ8SV Corvo 0707 SV1GRM EU-092 GM1J Tanera Mor LoTW EU-092 MM0Q Tanera Mor LoTW EU-093 AO1DX/5 Tabarca Island 1779 EU-103 EJ4II Saltee EI4II EU-114 GU0TSM Guernsey 0013 G0TSM EU-121 EJ1DD Clare 1935 EI7CC EU-121 EJ3Z Inishbofin 1870 EI3Z EU-121 EJ4GRZ Inishbofin 1870 EI4GRZ EU-123 MM3T Bute 1883 eQSL only EU-123 MM0TFU/p Arran MM0TFU EU-124 MC0SHL Ramsey M0URX EU-124 MW9W Ramsey M0URX EU-124 GB5FI Flatholm 0007 GW0ANA EU-124 GW8K Flatholm 0007 GW0ANA EU-125 OZ/DA0T/p Mandoe DL7AT EU-125 OZ0TX Mandoe DL7AT EU-125 OZ0FR Romoe DL2VFR EU-127 DF6QC Helgoland 0518 DF6QC EU-128 DL5XAT/p Fehmarn 0637 DL5XAT EU-131 IV3UHL/p Vignole IV3UHL EU-138 SM7BHM/p Hassloe Island SM7BHM EU-140 OG5A Kuorsalo Island OH5AD EU-140 OH1K Kaunissaari OH1JO EU-141 LA/DL3BRE Vardoe 0106 DL3BRE EU-141 LA/DL7VSN Vardoe 0106 DL7VSN EU-146 PA/OQ4T Sch. Duiveland 3089 ON4TO/LoTW EU-146 PA/OT7X/p Sch. Duiveland 3089 ON4ON EU-150 CR6W Insua 2869 CS1GDX EU-153 RW3WWW/1 Shogly Island RW3WWW EU-156 F/OR9W/p Tombelaine ON4CB EU-158 SX8PR Proti 4036 SV1JG EU-163 4O1OTA Sv. Nikola 1097 IK2ILH EU-165 IM0K San Macario IS0BMU EU-166 IT9EJW/p Lachea Isl. IT9EJW EU-167 CS2K Pessegueiro CT1CJJ EU-170 9A1CKL Zirje Island 9A-bureau EU-170 9A/HA6NL Pasman HA6NL EU-170 9A/HA6PS Pasman HA6PS EU-178 ES0/YL2PN Ruhnu 4244 YL2PN EU-181 LZ1GC/1 Sveta Anastasiya LZ1GC EU-187 J49A Gavdos 1885 SV9GPV NA-006 VE8EV/p Victoria VE8EV NA-014 VC9A Whitehead Island 1788 VE1DHD NA-014 VE9GLF Barnes Island VE9GLF NA-014 VE9MY Barnes Island VE9MY NA-029 VY2X Prince Eward Isl. 0523 VE3ZZ NA-031 W1WBB Aquidneck Island W1WBB NA-036 VE7RSV Vanvouver 0858 VE7RSV NA-044 VO2/KI4IW Battle W3HQ NA-044 VO2/W3HQ Battle W3HQ NA-058 KU8E St. Simons Island 4115 KU8E NA-067 N4A Core Banks 0596 LoTW NA-067 W3DX Harker's NA-067 WB8YJF/4 Ocracoce 0466 WB8YJF NA-083 K3I Tangier Island N3QO/LoTW NA-111 N3DG/2 Seven Mile Beach N3DG NA-127 VE1TRI/p Long 2930 VE1TRI NA-128 XL2I Coudres 2779 VE2CQ NA-136 W1ASB/p Shea Island W1ASB NA-139 N2US/3 Assateague bureau/LoTW NA-143 AD5WB Galveston Isl. AD5WB/LoTW NA-177 VA2SG Bonaventura VE2EZD NA-213 W8ND/4 Dauphin K8MCN NA-235 KL7RRC Chirikof N7RO bzw. UA9OBA OC-026 NH2T Guam 0064 LoTW oder W2YC OC-066 TX5TES Tatakoto FO5RH OC-142 VK4HAM/p Fraser 2976 VK4HAM OC-164 VK6AHR Rottnest 2197 QRZ.com OC-171 VK4LDX/p Magnetic VK4LDX SA-036 P4/PG4DX Aruba 0033 PG4DX SA-047 PR5D Mel 1435 PY5DC SA-071 PS2G Moela 1335 PY2WAS
Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DD0BX, DF2CQ, DF6EX (WIN-QSL) DJ1OJ, DJ5AV, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL7VOA, DL7VSN, DM3VL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX NG3K, VE3ZIK and others.
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