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Главная » 2012 » Февраль » 21 » DXNL 1768 - Feb 22, 2012
DXNL 1768 - Feb 22, 2012
3W, Vietnam:
Wayne, K6ZSJ/3W7W, and his wife will change their QTH every 6 month
from California to Nha Trang City. Currently they are in Vietnam.
QSL via W3HNK, direct only, LoTW.

8P, Barbados:
Mike, W1USN (8P9CI), and Bob, AA1M (8P9CK), will be active February
23rd - March 8th on Barbados (NA-021)using SSB, CW, and PSK31. The log
of 8P9CI will be updated daily on LoTW. QSL 8P9CK via homecall, LoTW.

A6, United Arab Emirates:
Ed, A65BT, Joel, A65BX, and Obaid, A61QQ, plan to be active from
Sa'diyyat Island (AS-021) February 24-25th. using mainly CW and some
SSB. QSL direct only, via A65BT, P.O. Box 60926 - Abu, Dhabi - U.A.E.

C5, The Gambia:
Look for Alan, G3XAQ, transmitting from Gambia February 27th - March
15th as C56XA on HF on CW, also in RSGB Commonwealth Contest (10./11.
March). QSL via G3SWH (OQRS), LoTW after returning home.

C6, Bahamas:
Members of Yankee Clipper Contest Club Tom, N1GN, Bill, NE1B, and
Karney, W2AFC, will be in CQ 160-meters SSB Contest (24.-26. February)
M/S as C6ANM from Nassau (Gambier Village), New Providence Island
(NA-001, WLOTA 1115, WW Loc. FL15GB). QSL via LoTW preferred, or
- direct only - via WA2IYO.

CE, Chile:
"The Three Stars DX Group" members Carlos, CE6AMN, Roberto CE6UFF,
Alejandro, CA6WKD, and Irma, CA6UTF, will be active during the South
American Lighthouse Weekend (24. - 26. February) as XR4CA from Cabo
Carranza (WLOL CHI-005). Look for them on 40, 20, and 10 meters using

Stations also in South American Lighthouse weekend:
XR2FPC Faro Punta Caraumilla CHI-014
XR1FC Faro Punta Caldera CHI-065
3G3L Faro Punta Lutrin CHI-071
CE1DY Faro Concordia Directional CHI-101
XR2BPA Baliza Puerto Aldea NAC-135
XR4LR Baliza Espigon Puerto Rapel NAC-208A
XR4AC Baliza Alto Capellania Norte NAC-208B

CO, Cuba:
Find Luis, CO6LP, from Santa Clara on Cuba (NA-015, WLOTA 0032) in
CQ World-Wide 160m Contest SO. QSL via EA5GL, direct only.

DL, Germany:
Robert, DK2RO/p, will be on Spiekeroog Island (EU-047) February
20th - 24th holiday stile depending on propagation on HF.
QSL via homecall, LoTW.

EA, Spain:
Fernando, EA1GHT, Juan Carlos, EA1AUM, Dani, EB1LA, Javi, EC1KV, Carri,
EA1CUB, Juanjo, EA1WX, and Luis, EA1CS, will be inCQ WW 160m SSB
Contest as AO1POL. QSL via EA1GHT.

F, France:
TM8AAW operated by Francois, F8DVD from Macon is taking part in 9th
Antarctic Activity Week (20. - 26. February) on 10 - 40 meters, mostly
on SSB. QSL via homecall.

FO, French Polynesia:
Fred, FO/AB1OC, and Anita, FO/AB1QB, are operating holiday stile
through February 24th using IC 7000, verticals and a 2ele beam for
10 and 12 meters on 40 - 10 meters on PSK, RTTY, SSB, and JT65HF on
Bora Bora Island (OC-067, DIFO FO-003, WLOTA 0430). QSLs via homecall,

HI, Dominican Republic:
Find Laura, HI7/F4GEJ (14 years), Mathias, HI7/F0GQX (10 years), and
father Eric, HI7/F5NBK, during their "Family DXPedition" 22. - 29.
February mainly on SSB and digital modes. Be patient with them in their
first DXpedition experience. QSLs via homecalls.

J7, Dominica:
Brian, K1LI, will be on Dominica (NA-101) 25. February - 13th March
as J7Y, for ARRL DX SSB Contest (3./4. March). QSL via homecall,
direct only.

LU, Argentinia:
Members of "Radio Club Mar Del Plata" (LU2DT) will be in the South
American Lighthouse Weekend (24. - 26. February) as LT5D from Punta
Mogotes (WLOL ARG-005, WW Loc. GF11fv). QSL via LU2DT.
Rick, LU9DA, will also be in the South American Lighthouse Weekend as
LU9DA/D from Lighthouse Baliza Escollera Norte Mar Del Plata (WLOL
ARG-123) and from Lighthouse Baliza Escollera Sur Mar Del Plata
(WLOL ARG-124). QSL via LU9DA, direct only.

OA, Peru:
Look for some activity of Fred, OA4/DL1NL, through early March from
Lima using CW on 10 - 160 meters from Radio Club Peruano (OA4O).
QSL via homecall.

P4, Aruba:
After their PZ5RO activity Redd, AI2N, and Dave, WJ2O, go to Aruba
(SA-036, WLOTA 0033) and will operate P40/homecall on HF holiday stile.
QSLs via homecalls.

T8, Palau:
Kazue, JJ0LUH (T88XG), and Kiyoshi, JA0EKI (T88XH), will be active
February 26th - March 2nd on Palau (OC-009) on 160 - 10 meters, CW,
SSB, RTTY, PSK61, and JT65. QSLs via JA0EKI.

TG, Guatemala:
Beacon TG9SIX is tested as TG9ADV/B on the original frequency
50.011,00 MHz. Another beacon TG9TEN is operated on 28.228.3 MHz with
5 Watts, and beacon TG9TWO will soon be ready on 144 MHz.
Position of all of them is in EK44 high up aside of a summit.

V3, Belize:
Guenter, DL2AYK, intends to be "on the other side of the pile up" and
will be active as V31YK February 27th - March 11th on 80 - 10 meters
(if propagation also 6 meters) using CW, SSB, RTTY, and maybe some
PSK31), also in ARRL International DX Contest (3./4. March).
QSL via homecall.
There will be another activation by Bob, N7MSU, February 26th - March
15th as V31SU on 40 - 20 meters mainly, using CW, SSB, and PSK31.
He will operate from several islands and the main land, inluding Caye
Caulker (NA-073), Orange Walk Town, San Ignacio and Gales Point.
QSL via homecall.

V2, Antigua And Barbuda
Before his activity from Montserrat (look up there) Bert, DL2RNS,
goes to Antigua and Barbuda as V25NS. QSL via homecall.

VK, Australia:
Luke, VK3HJ, will look for Europe on 160m during the next weeks before
his sun rise.

VP2M, Montserrat:
Find Norbert, DL2RNS (VP2MSN), Olaf, DL7JOM (VP2MOM), and Olaf, DM2XO
(VP2MXO), 27. February - 10. March from Montserrat (IOTA NA-103)
active on HF bands February 27th - March 10th. QSLs via homecalls.

XU, Cambodia:
Bernhard, DK7TF, will remain active as XU7DLH through March 15th.
QSL via homecall.

YA, Afghanistan:
Jorgen "Joe", 5Q2J/OZ2JBC, might appear on 160 - 10 meters in late
February as T6JP. Joe is an Electronics Technician with the Danish
Army. depending on propagation he will operate a Yaesu FT-857D (100W)
on RTTY, PSK, and SSB. QSL via 5Q2J.

ZF, Cayman Is.:
Look for John, K6AM, as ZF2AM in the CQ 160-meters SSB Contest
(24. - 26. February) from Savannah on Grand Cayman Island (NA-016,
WLOTA 1042) SO-HP from CQ Zone 8. QSL via homecall, LoTW.

Luc, F5RAV, will activate 6V7T from the QTH of 6W7RV in Somone
February 24th - March 7th and take part in the REF- and ARRL-
Contests. Find him February 27th - March 2nd as C5LT from Kololi.
He might be acompanied by Francisco, EA1BT. He will operate SSB and
PSK. QSL via homecall, direct only.

An official homepage of "Slovenia World Castles Award" (S5 WCA)
presents spots with their reference numbers and an option to spot
with WCA number in cooperation with S50CLX-DX-Cluster

Fred Curtis, G3SVK, professionelly produced a DVD about the T32C-
DXpedition 2011. It includes avideo about the FSDXA DXpedition to
St. Brandon (3B7C) in September 2007. The income will contribute to
the "Five Star DXers Association" for the next project.

Ham Radio on TV:
In US-Television they present sitcom "Last Man Standing" with a
real shack.

CW without key:
Find a new way to operate on CW at:

New Band:
At the WRC-12 in Geneva ham radio representatives finally came to a
consensus on an allocation to the amateur service in the region of
500 kHz. 472 kHz through 479 kHz will become a new amateur band
as soon as the PTT administrations concerned have edited their rules.
The band is shared with Air Traffic Services which have priority.
Power mostly is limited to 1 Watt (EIRP).

Not QSL Manager:
DF8OL and/or DF9OL are not and never were QSL manager for EX2A.
According to EX2A has no manager. QSL via buro is ok.

5 MHz for Dominican Republic:
Radio amateurs in the Dominican Republic got permission to transmit
on 7 channels in 60m band, the same channels as in the U.K..
SSB and CW my be used.

In DXNL 1759, Dec 21. 2011, there was a message from ARRL about a
change on the rules about UA prefixes. ARRL has changed its message
without notice. There was no change on the official homepage of IARU
concerning the rules of WAC since July 13th, 2010. Also there was no
change on the ARRL DXCC list of July 2011, the list for all ARRL DX
Contests. Therefor UA9 still may be counted for Asia.

AD1C with his "cty.dat" of 17.02.2012 took over that UA9-Oblasti
F, G, and X are counted for Europe.
UcxLog took over this allocation to avoid communication`s problems.

Silent Key:
Livio Zenti, I1ZL passed away February 11th after a long illness
at 81 years of age. He was founder and former president of ARI Asti.
He was fond of DXing and a IOTA hunter for 50 years.
Suchart Peusakhorn (HS1BA), Romano Cartoceti (I4FAF), Dipti Prakash Dey
(VU2DPD), Michael De Cheff (W0NS), Gary R. Schmidt (W5ZL), and Joseph
F. Keese (W8VSK) are also silent keys.
Our condolences and compassion to the families and friends.

Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at:
Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the
VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:
WA7BNM Contest Calendar:
NG3K Amateur Radio Contest/DX Page
Two websites dealing with a good operating technique are:
DX Code of Conduct:
Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur:

24.-26.2. CQ World-Wide 160m Contest
25./26.2. REF-Contest
25./26.2. UBA DX Contest
25./26.2. North American QSO Party
26.2. HSC-Contest

IOTA compiled by Klaus, DL7UXG (e-Mayl:
Island activities:
AF-014; CT3; Madeira Archipelago:
Adam/DJ0IF and Mek/SP7VC will hit the airwaves from Madeira Island
(AF-014, DIP MA-001, PIP MD-001, WLOTA 0053) February 29th through
March 7th as CT9/homecall. They will be in ARRL DX SSB Contest
(3. - 4. March) as CR3L. QSL for CR3L via DJ6QT. QSL for CT9/DJ0IF
and CT9/SP7VC via homecall (d/B).

AF-042; EA9; Alboran Island:
The IOTA expedition had to be postponed due to problems on transport.

NA-018; OX; Greenland:
Henning/OZ1BII will be on Kangerlussuaq, Groenland, as XP2I February
24th - 27th during the hours 15 - 03 UTC on HF bands, CW only, using
the QTH of Jesper/OX3KQ. QSL via OZ1BII. Actual information at

NA-066; W6; California State South:
Ray/N6HE, Jeff/K6JW, Joe/NZ6L, Bob/AB6SY, Clay/AB9A, Diana/AI6DF, and
Bill/KG6WVF will present K6PV/6 from Santa Catalina Island (USI CA016S,
WLOTA 2912) February 23rd through 26th, on 20m SSB mainly. There will
be participation in NAQP RTTY- and CQWW 160m SSB - Contest.
There also will be activity on 160/80/40/20/15/10 meters on CW, SSB,
RTTY, and possibly PSK31. QSL direct via K6PV (

SA-028; PY2; Sao Paulo State East group:
Orlando/PT2OP and Fred/PY2XB will visit Sao Sebastiao Island (ARLHS
BRA-223, WLOTA L-1007, DFB SP-14, DIB SP-02) 23. through 27. February
operating as PV2PC and ZX2S on the IOTA- and DX frequencies on 40-10m.
QSL: PV2PC via PT2OP and ZX2S via PT7WA (d/B).

SA-055; LU; Buenos Aires (Delta del Parana) Province group:
LU1EEZ/D, Mark LU7CAW/D, Alberto, LU4DIS/D, and Mariano, LU9ACJ/D, will
visit Martin Garcia Island, resp. Martin Garcia Lighthouse, (ARLHS
ARG-045, TWLHD WLH LU-005, Admiralty G0791, WW Loc. GF05VT) for the
South American Lighthouse Weekend using all HF bands.
QSL via Ezequiel, Alicia M de Justo 3442, Lomas del Mirador,
Bs AS 1752, Argentina (d).

SA-057; CX; Colonia Department group:
Also in LH-Weekend is CX2FAA on Isla de Farallon/Faro de la Isla
Farallon (ARLHS URU-003, WLOTA 2561). QSL via LU7DSY.

SA-064; CE7; Aisen Region Centre group:
IOTA-activation of CE1TBN/7 had to be postponed to February 24th.
Expect him with 100 Watts on 20, 15. and 10m using SSB and some CW.
QSL via homecall (d/B).

South American Lighthouse Weekend
Many stations (actually more than 60 light houses) are announed to
be active for this event. They are listed at

General informations at

Extract of activities:

Other Lighthouse activities
AH0/AE6YW LH 1333 29.02. - 06.03.
C6ANM LH 1115 24.02. - 26.02.
KG4SS LH 0358 25.02. - 10.03.
KG4OS LH 0358 25.02. - 03.03.
VP2MON LH 1475 27.02. - 10.03.
VP2MSN LH 1475 27.02. - 10.03.
VP2MXO LH 1475 27.02. - 10.03.

Resident 3B8FA 1765
5. - 25. February 3B8GY 1765
22.February-11.March 3C6A.. 1766/1767
21. - 29. February 3DA0PW 1767
unknown 3W7W 1768 *
unknown 4J29RA.. 1758
12December-10March 4S7KKG 1757
unknown 4W0VB 1763
unknown 4W0VB/p 1766
01January-30June 5P12EU 1760
until 2014 5Z4EE 1742/1753
until April 2012 5Z4RH ? 1674
until 22. February 6V7S 1767
24.February-7.March 6V7T.. 1768 *
31. March 8N1JARL.. 1762
until 31. March 2012 8J1ING 1751
until 31. March 8J1YMS 1764
- 30.September2012 8J2NDP.. 1751
10December-05March 8J6HAM 1757
until 28. February 8J9LITE 1764
23.February-8.March 8P9CI.. 1768 *
14. - 22. February 8P9VX.. 1766
- 2012 9J2RI 1739/1742
long term 9N1FE 1740
soon 9Q1EK 1669
- October2014 9V1RM 1751

- September 2013 A52SV 1752
24. - 25. February A65BT 1768 *
unknown P40/AI2N.. 1768 *
24.-26.February AO1POL 1766/1768 *
27.February-2.March C5LT 1768 *
- April CE2/CX1EK 1762
- March 2012 CE9VPM 1752
27.February-15.March C56XA 1768 *
24.-26.February C6ANM 1768 *
24. - 26. February CO6LP 1768 *
14. - 22. February CT8/DL2UX 1767
- 8. July 2012 D2QV 1750
- April 2012? D2SG 1748
20. - 24. February DK2RO/p 1768 *
2012? DL0SLITISA 1764
1January-31December DL1630Y 1760
1January-31December DM100MGY 1763
1January-31December DM50KSJ 1763
until 31. December DM800ANH 1767
- February 2013 DP0GVN 1756
- 31. December DQ125HSB 1763
9. - 27. February E51BKV.. 1766
13.- 21.(25?.)Febr E51NJB 1766
until March 2012 EA1CYK/p 1759
1January-31December EI80IRTS 1763
1December-28February EM0BSCC/mm 1756
until 29. February EM80UKO.. 1767
9February-13March FG/F6ITD 1766
- 1. March 2013 FH8NX 1747
unknown FK/9A4DU 1763
24. February FO/AB1OC.. 1768 *
- July 2012 FR8NE 1710
24January-23February FW0R.. 1763/1765
until 31. December GB50WVR 1767
2012 GB80PW 1762

11. - 24. February H40FN.. 1766
7. - 28. February H44XB 1766
unknown HA100CGCDH 1762
September2012 - 2013 HI3/KL7JR 1745
22. - 29. February HI7/F4GEJ..1768 *
16January-26March HK3JCL 1762
now HL2/KC6STQ 1746
2.February - 6.May HR5/F2JD 1764
until April HS0ZIQ 1765
- late 2012 ID9DXC.. 1755
- February 2012 II0MZ 1755
1January-31December II6LN 1763
- spring 2012 J28FJ 1739
- 2011/2012? J28JV 1680
- July 2012 J28RO 1683
- July 2013 J28UC 1734
8.February-7.March J38A.. 1766
8.February-8.March J38RF 1766
15.February-14.March J88DR 1767
- 15th April JG8NQJ/JD1 1762
8.February-7.March J38A.. 1766
25.February-13.March J7Y 1768 *
8.February-8.March J38RF 1766
15.February-14.March J88DR 1767
until 15. April JG8NQJ/JD1 1762
13.-19. February K7UGA 1766
- April 2012 KC4AAC 1757
- 2013 KG4AJ 1756
18. - 25. February KG4AS 1765
25February -3.March KG4OS 1765
25February -10March KG4SS 1765
6. - 23. February KG4WV 1765
- June 2013 KH2/N2NL 1680
- May 2012 KH4/W5FJG 1728
postponed 2012 KH5 1674/1705/1741

24. - 26. February LT5D 1768 *
- 29. February LY16W 1767
- March 2012 OA/OE3NHW 1749
- early March as OA4/DL1NL 1768 *
1January-31December ON65BR 1763
1January-31.January ON800TUR 1763
- February 2012 OR4TN 1754
long term P29FM 1752
- March 2012 P29FR 1742
21January-17March PJ2/AA9A.. 1763
- March/April 2012 PJ4/PE1MAE 1753
18./19. February -/+ PJ4X.. 1767
11. - 17. February PJ7/AK4GP 1767
16. - 21. February PZ5RO 1767
- mid March RI1ANA 1762
- early 2013 RI1ANF 1765
- September 2012 RI1FJA 1741
- September 2012 RI1FJM 1741
unknown SN2012WW.. 1763
now ST2AR 1745
unknown SU9VB 1754
unknown SX1912 1763
- April 2012 T6BP 1746
- 13. June T6JM 1764
late February T6JP 1768 *
- June 2012 T6MO 1733/1767
26.February-2.March T88XG.. 1768 *
7February-27March TG8/W0OR 1767
unknown TL8ES 1755
- 31. December TM70TRS 1763
bis 26. February TM8AAW 1768 *
- July 2012 TN9SN 1755
now TR0A/p 1760

13. - 22. February V25AA.. 1766
February 2012 V25DH 1765
until 26. February V25NS 1768 *
4. - 26. February V31RU.. 1765
16. - 25. February V31RR 1767
26.February-15.March V31SU 1768 *
27.February-11.March V31YK 1768 *
- 26. February V31YN.. 1763
8.February-28.March V47JA.. 1766
Resident V63YWR 1765
- November 2014 V73NS 1604/1668/1752
now VK0TH 1748/1763/1764
until March VK3HJ 1768 *
27.February-10.March VP2MSN.. 1768 *
15. - 22. February VP5OU.. 1767
unknown VP8DFR 1764
- February 2012 VP8DMH 1757
- July 2012 VQ9JC 1755
- March VU3BPZ.. 1762
- May 2014 XE1/DM3DL 1730
until 1. April XE3/K5ENS 1767
24.- 26.February XR4CA.. 1768 *
unknown XT2RJA 1712/1763
16. - 25. February XU7AFU 1765
15February-15March XU7DLH 1768 *
unknown XV9DX.. 1756
unknown XW3DT 1766
3. - 28. February ZD8Z.. 1767
24.- 26. February ZF2AM 1768 *
- spring 2012 ZS7KX 1740/1749
- February ZY78AA.. 1765

* = new or updated
.. = and other calls

QSL information
3B8FA via NI5DX (B)
3W7W via W3HNK (d), (L)
4X/UT5UDX via UT2UB (B)
5B/RN3QQ via RN3QQ
6O3A via K2PF (d)
6V7T via F5RAV (d)
8P9CI via (L)
8P9CK via AA1M (B), (L)
9N1II via BG6JPZ (d)
A65BT via (d)
C56XA via G3SWH (B), (L)
C5LT via F5RAV (d)
C6ANM via (L), WA2IYO (d)
CE1TBN/7 via CE1TBN (B)
CO6LP via EA5GL (d)
CR3L via DJ6QT (B)
CT9/DJ0IF via DJ0F (B)
CT9/SP7VC via SP7VC (B)
CW5W via CX6VM (d)
DK2RO/p via DK2RO (B), (L)
EF1A via (B)
EF8R via (L)
EI0PL via EI5JQ (B), (L)
EX2A via (B)
FO/ AB1OC via AB1OC (L)
FO/ AB1QB via AB1QB (L)
GB0CFG via (B)
GB0WOR via (B)
GB4ADD via (B)
J7Y via K1LI (d)
K6PV/6 via K6PV (d)
LT5D via LU2DT (B)
MJ0ASP via (L)
NH2T via (L), W2YC (B)
OH0X via OH2TA (B), (L)
OH8X via OH2UA (B)
OA4/DL1NL via DL1NL (B)
P40/AI2N via AI2N
P40/WJ2O via WJ2O (B)
P49V via AI6V (B)
PV2PC via PT2OP (B)
PV2PC via PT2OP (B)
T6JP via 5Q2J (B)
TM8AAW via F8DVD (B)
T88XG via JA0EKI
T88XH via JA0EKI
V25NS via DL2RNS (B)
V31SU via N7MSU (B)
V31TP via WC0W (B)
V31WW via W2OX (*)
V31YK via DL2AYK (B)
VP2MXO via DM2XO (B)
XP2I via OZ1BII (B)
XR4CA via CE6AMN (B)
XU7DLH via DK7TF (B)
ZF2AM via K6AM (B), (L)
ZX2S via PT7WA (B)
ZX2S via PT7WA (B)

(d) = only direct
(B) = bureau ok
(*) = new QSL manager
(L) = Logbook of the World (LoTW)

QSLs arrived direct: E51MAN (N7OU), P29FR (I2RFJ), ZK2X (N3SL).

QSLs arrived via buro: 5H3ME (DL4ME), 5X1NH (G3RWF), 5X1VB (UA4WHX),
9J3A (S57S), 9M6/UA3QNS, 9M6XRO (M0URX),
TB0DX (AS-123 via OK2GZ), TC0DX (EU-186 via OK2GZ),

Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to:
Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX-Bulletin, CE3FZL, DF6EX (WIN-QSL),
Les Nouvelles DX, LU7DSY, NG3K, OE5HTL, VA3RJ, and others.
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