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Главная » 2011 » Август » 12 » HK0NA DXpedition.
HK0NA DXpedition. | 13:19 |
Дорогие друзья и коллеги по DX’ing. Сегодня состоялся разговор со старым другом Францом, DJ9ZB, одним из участников предстоящей в феврале 2012 года DX экспедиции на остров Мальпело, HK0NA. Ниже приводится обращение членов экспедиции ( в оригинале) ко всем HAM's мира о финансовой поддержке. 73, Николай UT5UT
Dear DXers, As you know, the long awaited activation of Malpelo Island is scheduled for the late January/early February of 2012. Malpelo Island is currently ranked # 12 world-wide among the most needed DXCC entities! This 2012 Dxpedition will be led by Jorge, HK1R and include five Colombian operators and 11 foreign operators representing 7 countries. Included are three members of the CQ DX Hall of Fame….DJ9ZB, K4UEE and K5YY. SEE: www.hk0na.com for a complete list of operators.
The last major operation from Malpelo Island was in 1990, although there have been several short visits to the island since. Our QSO goal is to exceed the total number of QSO made by all the previous DXpeditions combined. That should give everyone a good shot a putting HK0NA is their log on several bands and modes.
The team will be QRV on 160m-6m, CW, SSB, and Digital modes. Elecraft will be supplying the team with seven K3 transceivers and several of their new KPA 500 amplifiers. Alpha will supply some of their High Power 8410’s for the low bands and DX Engineering will supply many of the antennas to be used. We plan to have two operating sites and 6-7 stations QRV on open bands/modes. Our antennas will be strategically deployed to maximize and our signal and to ensure DXers worldwide will have an opportunity to QSO us. We expect to dedicate one antenna solely to Asia as that direction is usually blocked by a mountain top. Fiveteen team members will take three weeks off work and away from home and pay all their transportation cost to Colombia and back. The team is hopeful that the DX community at large will contribute the remainder of the needed funds. This includes contributions from DX foundations, DX clubs, corporate sponsors and individual DXers.
So, please consider a generous contribution to this project. Have your club or organization’s logo included on our QSL card by contributing $500 or more; $250 to have your club’s name included on the card. Individual contributions of $100 or more will be listed on our QSL card. Everyone who supports the DXpedition will be listed and thanked on our website. We encourage you to visit the Malpelo DXpedition website (www.hk0na.com) and donate via the PayPal link. It’s free and easy. You can contribute with a major credit card, AND you don’t even have to have a PayPal account to do it! If that is not convenient, you may print the contribution from provided there and mail in a check or money order. All checks should be made payable to: Bob Allphin (North America) or Franz Langner (Europe). Please indicate on the "for" line: "Malpelo Island 2012”. Please send all contributions to their respective addresses shown on QRZ.com. Franz Langner,DJ9ZB P. O. Box 150 D-77950 Ettenheim Email. flangner@t-online.de
Категория: Экспедиции |
Просмотров: 1168 |
Добавил: UT5UT
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