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Главная » 2011 » Июнь » 10 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (10-17 June 2011)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (10-17 June 2011)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
10/06/2011:  The Clube Radioamadores do Entroncamento, with special call CS2CS,
will be active on 10, 11 and possibly 12 June 2011 from Castelo da Sertã (WCA
CT-0168, DCFP C-168, DMHP CB-019, DMP 0509, DDFP SRT-12), Province of Castelo
Branco. Operation will be on HF - SSB/CW and Digital modes. QSL via CS1CRE,
direct only ( or e-QSL. [CS1CRE]

10/06/2011:  Pavel, RU5A and Jurek, SP5VYI will be active as DL/RU5A and
DL/SP5VYI from Usedom Island (IOTA EU-129, DID O-13, WLOTA 1640) on 10th of June
2011. QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]

10/06/2011:  Roar, LA1EOA, will be active as JW1EOA from Longyearbyen,
Spitsbergen Island (IOTA EU-026, WLOTA 0125, WW Loc. JQ78TF), Svalbard, on
10-15th June 2011. Plans are to be QRV on the HF bands, SSB only. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

10/06/2011:  Doug, KF4VTT, will be visiting Bermuda (IOTA NA-005) from 10-17th
June 2011 and staying at the QTH of VP9GE (WW Loc. FM72PI), using the callsign
KF4VTT/VP9. Although this is not a true DXpedition, Doug will utilize 160M-6M on
SSB, CW, RTTY and possibly PSK31 when time permits. His XYL and son will be
accompanying him, so Doug will need to be fair about the amount of time spent on
the air. As a personal goal, he hopes to finish DXCC and VUCC from VP9. Doug
also hopes to be active on 6 metres during the ARRL June VHF QSO Party (11-13
June). QSL OK via KF4VTT by bureau, direct or LoTW. Website: [NG3K]

10/06/2011:  A group of German Scouts will be active again as OZ1RDP
( from Romo Island (IOTA EU-125, DIA NS-001, Grid Loc. JO45) on
10-14th June 2011. They plan to operate SSB and BPSK31 mainly on 80, 40, 30 and
20 metres, and on 2m JT65. QSL via DL9BCP, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

10/06/2011:  Mike, KF6RCP, is currently on vacation in Cyprus [Sovereign Base]
(IOTA AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA 0892) for the next four months. He will be
operating from mostly from the beach using the callsign ZC4MIS. His station will
be an FT-817ND, antenna tuner LDG Z817 and buddistick. Modes will be SSB and
Digital modes, both PSK31 and JT65. Primary band Mike will use is 20 metres. He
will also operate KF6RCP station via internet remote from here in Cyprus. Hope
to catch you on the airwaves both from here in Cyprus and my remote station in
California. Please contact me if you would like to schedule a QSO at [kf6rcp at]. QSL via home call. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL.

11/06/2011:  Patrick, F8DYD/p, will activate the Mill Bellien (DMF 86-042),
located in the commune of Mazeuil (CP 86110), Departement Vienne/86 and Province
Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19) on 11th of June 2011. QRV on 80 and 40 metres,
starting 05h30 UTC. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [F8DYD]

11/06/2011:  Gianni, I1UWF will be active as I1UWF/p from the lighthouse at Capo
dell'Arma (WAIL LI-001, ARLHS ITA-013, WW Loc. JN33VT, WAIS CL07) on 11th of
June 2011, in the morning. He will operate on 40 and 20 metre SSB and RTTY
(14270, 14080, 7080 kHz). QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

11/06/2011:  Dave K9DRO, Justin K9MU, John W9JN, Art N9BCA, Brian WB9E, and his
son Jacob KC9TVG will activate EN38 from 11th June through 15th June 2011. The
operation will commence with the 2011 ARRL June VHF QSO Party and continue a few
days after. Exact duration will depend on weather and band conditions. They will
employ a Field Day type operation using generators and operating out of a small
cabin and sometimes vehicles. A homebrew 6-element yagi (20 ft boom) on 6m and a
2M5WL 17-element yagi w/ elevation on 2m will be utilized on 20-foot temporary
masts. We will be running an amplifier on 6m which should provide around 700w of
power. We will have a station on 6m and 2m continuously. Each station will have
bandpass filters, laptop computers w/ WSJT, voice keyers, and logging software.
The team will initially setup base camp in EN38cf for the duration of the
contest. This will be northeast of Big Falls, MN in the Pine Island State Forest
in Marty's, N0NKC, cabin. They will either setup a satellite station (K9MU/0) in
EN48 during the day for 6m Es openings or completely move base camp to EN48
after they feel EN38 has been given its deserved attention. This will also
depend on available radio locations. The EN27/EN37/EN28/EN38 grid corner is not
far from basecamp so also look for K9MU/0 in those grids during the day.
Tentative frequencies on 6m are 50.147 SSB/CW and 50.267 FSK441. On 2m, 144.207
SSB/CW and 144.147 FSK441. We will be sending on the 1st period (0-30 seconds)
during FSK441 runs. Please spot them when heard. QSL direct only to W9JN and/or

11/06/2011:  Vincent, F4BKV, plans to be active from Shetland (IOTA EU-012, IOSA
SH01, SCOTIA SI11, WLOTA 0867), Orkney (IOTA EU-009, IOSA OR01, SCOTIA OI14,
WLOTA 1652) and Great Cumbrae (IOTA EU-123, IOSA CL03, SCOTIA CS17, WLOTA 2087)
on 11-13th June 2011, prior to joining the MS0INT team on their Outer Hebrides
IOTA tour. He will use the callsign MM/F4BKV. QSL via RX3RC. Website: [MM0NDX]

11/06/2011:  Martti, OH2BH; Pertti, OH2PM and Pekka, OH2TA will land on Market
Reef (IOTA EU-053, ARLHS MAR-001, TWLHD WLH OJ0-001, WLOTA 0542, Admiralty
C4472, WFF OHFF-038) on Saturday, 11th June 2011, for three days to finalize the
semi-permanent antenna installation and to test Market Reef's new power plant.
They will have two stations active as OJ0B primarily for 30m, 17m and 20m
CW/SSB. It is also expected that one of the lighthouse keepers, Harri,
OH6VM/OH0VM will follow the group for another week with the beam. OJ0B QSL via

11/06/2011:  The PG6N - team will be active from the Noordwijk Lighthouse (ARLHS
NET-019), during the Coastel Week (Week van de Zee). The event will start on
Saterday, 11th of June and will end on Kidsday Saterday, 18th of June 2011.
Because the Es-period, the will be active on 6 and 2 metres. QRV on all HF bands
too. QSL please only via bureau! Website: [PA7DA]

11/06/2011:  Members of the Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba's in Las
Tunas, eastern Cuba (IOTA NA-015, WLOTA 0032), will be active on 6 metres from
Grid Square FL10MW, during the ARRL June VHF QSO Party (11-13 June) using the
contest callsign T48K as a limited multi-operator entry. This will be the very
first time in the history that a ham radio station transmits from this
particular square on this band. Operators will be Carlos CO8CML, Douglas CO8DM,
Ernesto CM8GJ and Raul CO8ZZ. They will use an Yaesu FT 857 running into a five
element yagi from F9FT. QSL via DK1WI. [OPDX Bulletin]

11/06/2011:  The West Carleton Amateur Radio Club of Ottawa will again operate
VE3WCC "Field Day" style from FN04xa for the June ARRL VHF QSO Party (11-13
June). Located at 730 feet ASL overlooking Lake Ontario, the location will have
a clear shot to the major population centers of Ontario, Northern New York State
and beyond. This will be the fourth year of a multi-op effort from this site.
Website: [VE3WCC]

11/06/2011:  John, W6XM and Eric, KR0VER will be active from Santa Rosa Island
(IOTA NA-144, USi CA011S, WLOTA 4474) during the June ARRL VHF QSO Party (11-13
June), Grid Square CM93. QRV on 6 and 2 metres, using 170 Watts to a 5 element
yagi on 6m USB and 200 Watts to a 11 element yagi on 2m USB. QSL via W6XM.

12/06/2011:  Csaba, DH7KU, will be active as 9A/DH7KU from Pag Island (IOTA
EU-170, ACIA IC-188, CIA-32, IOCA CI-082, MIA MC-282, WLOTA 1796) on 12-22 June
2011. Holiday syle operation in CW on 20m and 40m. QSL direct or bureau to
DH7KU. Website: []

12/06/2011:  Bob, G0BUX, will be active from the island of North Uist (IOTA
EU-010, IOSA OH02, SCOTIA HI13, WLOTA 3287) as GM0BUX/p on 12-17th June 2011. He
will be operating in the PW 2M QRP Contest on 12th June, while operating HF
(SSB, CW, PSK31) for the remainder of the time. QSL direct or bureau to G0BUX or
eQSL. []

12/06/2011:  Silvia, EA1AP and Alberto, EA1SA will be touring the Channel
Islands and plan the following activation: 12th to 17th June 2011 on the isle of
Jersey (IOTA EU-013, WLOTA 0818) as MJ/homecalls; and from 17th to 21th June
2011 from the isle of Guernsey (IOTA EU-114, WLOTA 0013) as MU/homecalls. They
will be QRV 80-6m, including an entry in the IARU 50 Mhz contest from Guernsey.
QSL via their home callsigns, bureau or direct. Further info can be found on
their website at: []

14/06/2011:  The MS0INT group, Col MM0NDX [leader] (MM0NDX/p), Christian EA3NT
(MM/EA5KA), Ramon EA3OR (MM/EA3OR), Stan EI6DX (MM/EI6DX), Vincent F4BKV
(MM/F4BKV) and Simon IZ7ATN (MM/IZ7ATN) will be active on 14-20th June 2011 from
the Outer Hebrides (EU-010). They plan to activate the following islands:
Benbecula (IOSA OH04, SCOTIA HI08), South Uist (IOSA OH03, SCOTIA HI06), Grimsay
(IOSA OH27, SCOTIA HI10, WLOTA 3254), Baleshare (IOSA OH26, SCOTIA HI11), North
Uist (IOSA OH02, SCOTIA HI13, WLOTA 3287), Berneray (IOSA OH05, SCOTIA HI15,
WLOTA 0756), St. Kilda (IOTA EU-059, IOSA OL02, SCOTIA DI23) and Monach Islands
(IOTA EU-111, IOSA OH06, SCOTIA DI22, WFF GMFF-050, WLOTA 3145). All QSL
requests for MS0INT and MS0INT/p go via M0URX. All QSL requests for MM/homecall
are via RX3RC. Website: [MM0NDX]

14/06/2011:  Dave W9DR, Dave K9UK and Tom W9AEB will operate holiday style from
the island of Antigua (IOTA NA-100, WW Loc. FK97BD) from 14-28th June 2011. Look
for W9DR to be active as V25DR and concentrate on 6 metre SSB/CW on 50.115 MHz
and will have a 1kw amplifier. Look for K9UK to be active as V25DD and W9AEB as
V25TP and operate on 80-10 metre CW, SSB and PSK31. QSL via their home calls,
direct with SASE/SAE + sufficient postage. Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

15/06/2011:  Gene, KB7Q/p will be active on 15th of June 2011 and will put Grids
DN75, DN76, DN77, DN78, DN68 and DN58 on 6 metres - CW, SSB, FSK441 with up to
700 watts. A second trip will hit DN46, DN47, DN48 and others. Gene will have
further info at: [N8OFS]

16/06/2011:  John, VE8EV and Patrick, VE8GER will be active as XK1T from Tent
Island (IOTA NA-193, CIsA New One!), Yukon Territory, on 16-19th June 2011.
Their primary mode will be SSB but look for us on CW later in the operation or
if conditions are poor. They will have a yagi, amplifier, and wires, and will
mostly be active on 20m. Some operation on 30m, 17, and 15m is also likely. John
will post another update prior to departure or if anything changes. Website: [425 DX News]

17/06/2011:  Choi, HL5FUA and Yoon, 6K2GCW plan to be active as 3D2CJ from the
island of Rotuma (IOTA OC-060) on 17-24th June 2011. They expect to be QRV on
the following announced frequencies: CW - 1822, 3515, 7015, 10115, 14015, 18075,
21015, 24895, 28015 kHz; SSB - 3802, 7095, 14195, 18130, 21295, 24950, 28460
kHz; Digi - 7035, 10140, 14070, 14082, 18100, 21070, 21082 kHz. QSL via HL5FUA,
direct or bureau. Log search and propagation forecast can be found at: [425 DX News]

17/06/2011:  Operators Savas SV2AEL, Thomas SV2CLJ, Giannis SV2FPU, Giannis
(John) SV2HXV, Andy IK0EFR, Dimitris SV2YC and Marios SW2HXR will be active as
J48O from Othonoi islet (IOTA EU-052, GIOTA INS-045, MIA MG-076, WLOTA 0842, WW
Loc. JM99RU) from 17-25th June 2011. They will live and operate in the island
lighthouse of Kastri (GLHA GRE-078, ARLHS GRE-078, TWLHD WLH SV-044, Admiralty E
3738). Look for them on 80-6 metre CW, SSB and the Digital modes. Focus will be
on 6 metres during peak season. QSL via SV2FPU, direct or LoTW and eQSL. Further
info at: []

18/06/2011:  Matthias DL4ML, Jochen DG1SFJ, Guenther DJ8KI and Manfred DL4MP
will be active from Liechtenstein on 18-21 June 2011. QRV on all bands,
including WARC. They are also looking on 6m & 2m for Sporadic E Propagation.
QTH is near Steg, 1400m a.s.l. - WW Loc. JN47TC. QSL via the bureau to their
home callsigns, or direct (see []

18/06/2011:  Andy, N8OFS [SMIRK #6737] will be active during the SMIRK 50MHz QSO
Party as N8OFS/p (caboose portable) from the AC&J Railroad, located in
Ashtabula County, Ohio (WW Loc. EN91OR). He will be QRV on 52.525 MHz FM.
Kenwood TS-60 at 50W to 29.4ft of LMR-400 to the "DOMINATOR" antenna at 29.5ft.
QSL direct only to N8OFS ( or via e-QSL. [N8OFS]

19/06/2011:  Special event station GB0BON will be activated by the Welland
Valley Amateur Radio Society on 19th June 2011 for the 366th anniversary of the
Battle of Naseby, the decisive battle of the English civil war. The battle took
place on the 14th June 1645 in the small hamlet of Naseby just south of the town
of Market Harborough in Leicestershire. The station will be located on a high
point that overlooks the battlefield. This is the same location that Prince
Rupert chose as his base to direct the battle from as it gave him a clear viev
of the surrounding area. They will operate on all bands from 3.5Mhz to 70cm and
try to be on air for as long as the petrol in the generator lasts. QSL's are
100% via eQSL and we will reply to any cards sent direct via G4XEX or via the
RSGB bureau. For direct please send IRC's or 2 US$ and a sae. (UK SAE). [G4XEX]

19/06/2011:  Todd, N4LA/p, plans to operate 40-10 metres from a beach house on
Bogue Banks [aka Emerald Isle] (IOTA NA-112, USi NC010S), Carteret county, North
Carolina, from 19th to 25th June 2011. This will be a part time effort, with no
set schedule. Todd will operate only when he has some free time. QRV on 40, 20,
17, 15, 12 and 10 metre SSB, using Yaesu FT-857D @ 100 watts, Par End Fedz and
Shock Cord Vertical. There will be the possibility of actual oceanside beach ops
if time permits, using a A123 battery pack. QSL direct to home call or LoTW
Only. Website: []

22/06/2011:  Nigel, G3TXF, plans to operate as ZD7XF from St. Helena Island
(IOTA AF-022, WLOTA 1488) between 22 and 30 June 2011. The operation will be
from the QTH of Barrie ZD7MY, which is at 1200ft asl and has an excellent
take-off to the north, overlooking Jamestown. Plans are to be QRV mainly on the
HF bands on CW, but will also be taking antennas for 80m/160m as well as for 6m.
There will not be any Internet access in the shack (nor is there any mobile
phone service on the island). However, logs will be up-loaded to both LoTW and
ClubLog whenever practical. QSL via home call. Further info at: []

25/06/2011:  Dave, VA3RJ, will activate Fort York (WCA reference VE-228), city
of Toronto, Ontario, during the World Castles Weekend (WCW-2011) on 25th and
26th June 2011. QRV on 80-10 metres, mainly CW, running 100 Watts to 'hamstick'
vertical antennas. QSL via VA3RJ, direct (SASE/SAE + 2gs) or by the bureau.

30/06/2011:  Look for special event station 8J4KHAM to be active between 30th
June and 23rd October 2011 to celebrate: 1) Hamfesta Kasaoka, 2) The 20th
Anniversary of Kasaoka Airstation and 3) The opening of a Michinoeki (or
Roadside Station) "Kasaoka Bayfarm". Kasaoka-city is located in Okayama
Prefecture, Chugoku region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. QSL
via bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2011:  Explorer Scouts on the Scottish Scout "New Horizons" Expedition
will carry out practical development work at the Makwawa National Scout Camp (WW
Loc. KH74QR), Makwawa, Malawi, where Malcolm, GM3TAL, will operate 7Q7MH during
July 2011. Although not a dxpedition as such, look for activity on the upper HF
bands (and possibly 50MHz), with SSB and CW. This will be a month long "field
day" under canvas - no towers or comfy resort style shacks and no Internet! QSL
via GM3TAL. Further details will be available soon at:

01/07/2011:  Between 1st July and 31st October 2011, special event station
8J2YMK (YMK: Yaramaika, or "Let's give it a try," implying a pioneering spirit)
will be active to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Hamamatsu-city (JCC
1802), by JARL. Hamamatsu is located in Chubu region, Shizuoka prefecture,
island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/07/2011:  RAFARS, with the assistance of RSARS, will put on a Special Event
Station in support of the annual "Operation Home Guard" held in the village of
Ingleton on 1-3 July 2011. Callsign will be GB2ING. This is a 1940's
re-enactment of the liberation of the Ingleton twin town in Normandy. QSL via
the bureau. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

06/07/2011:  GB0RAF RAF Memorial Day Deerbolt Bernard Castle, Teesdale, County
Durham, North East England region (WW Loc. IO94AN). Operation will be on 80m SSB
and on AM 3.625 MHz, the AM transmission will be from a C12 set. RAFARS members
will be assisted by members of the Bishop Auckland Radio Amateurs Club. Staff
from RAF Leeming will also be in support. A fly past by a aircraft from the B of
B Memorial Flight has been confirmed.  Just to put you in the picture, there are
over eighty crash sites within a radius of ten miles of Barnard Castle. QSL via
RAFARS bureau or direct to G0NRK. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

09/07/2011:  The following stations will be active for the 2011 IARU HF World
Championship Contest (9-10 July): 8N1HQ by the Tokyo University Contest Club
(JG1ZUY), 15m CW from Kimitsu-city (JCC #1224, JCG #12007), Chiba prefecture,
Kanto region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. 8N1HQ by Nao JA1HGY,
160m and 10m CW from Minato-city (JCC #100103), Tokyo prefecture, Kanto region,
island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. 8N2HQ by Higasibetuin Amateur
Radio Club (JA2ZJW), 80m CW from Chita-gun (JCG 20005) Naka-ku (#200106),
Nagoya-city (JCC #2001), Aichi 20 prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA
2376), Japan. 8N3HQ by Masa JH3PRR, 40m CW and 10m Phone from Nada-ku (#270102),
Kobe-city (JCC #2701), Hyogo 27 prefecture, Kansai region, island of Honshu
(AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. 8N3HQ by Kenji JH3AIU, 20m CW from Miki-city (JCC
#2716), Hyogo 27 prefecture, Kansai region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA
2376), Japan. 8N4HQ by Tetsu JH4WBY, 80, 40 and 15m Phone from Okayama-city (JCC
#3101), Okayama 31 prefecture, Chugoku region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA
2376), Japan. 8N8HQ by JH8ZMM, 20m Phone from Iwamizawa-city (JCC #110),
Hokkaido 01 prefecture, Hokkaido region, Sorachi Subprefecture, island of
Hokkaido (AS-078, WLOTA 2967), Japan. QSLs via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

29/07/2011:  Special event station GB2VET will be active on 29-30 July 2011 for
the vetrans weekend in Kingston upon Hull. It is run by the royal airforce
amateur radio society. Further information can be found on under GB2VET.
QSL via G0SWO. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

30/07/2011:  Valery RD3A, Juan EA8CAC and Alex UA5C will be active as EF8M
during the RSGB IOTA Contest (30-31 July), as a Multi-Op entry, from Santa Maria
de Guia, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria Island (IOTA AF-004, DIE S-005, WFF EAFF-078,
WLOTA 0969). QSL via UA3DX. [NG3K]

01/08/2011:  To celebrate the Ham Fair Amateur Radio Festival in Koto-ku
(#100108), Tokyo (JCC 1001), Tokyo prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan, special event station 8J1A will be activated between 1st August
and 27th August 2011. Expect activity on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

20/08/2011:  Look for the PG6N team to be active on 20-21 August 2011 for the
International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend from the Noordwijk Lighthouse (ILLW
NL-0009, ARLHS NET-019, WW Loc. JO22FF). QSL via PA7DA, bureau preferred.

23/09/2011:  The Merrimack Valley YMCA and Murph, WA1VKO will activate the
special callsign W1Y in Celebration of Camp Kitchen Renovations on 23-25th
September 2011. The operation will take place from Bear Island (USi NH017L),
Lake Winnipesaukee, Belknap county, New Hampshire (WW Loc. FN43HP). Plans are to
be QRV on 3.850, 7.225, 14.200 and 21.300 MHz. A special QSL card will be
available from WA1VKO (Michael Murphy, PO Box 1024, East Hampstead, NH
03826-1024 USA). [USi]

23/10/2011:  Members of the Dutch DX-pedition & contestgroup PA6Z are planning a
DXpedition from 23 till 30 October 2011 to the isle of Guernsey (IOTA EU-114,
WLOTA 0013), using the callsign MU/PA6Z. They will be active from 160-6 metre CW
and SSB. The team will stay at Les Maingys the Headquarters of the Bailiwick of
Guernsey Scout Association (WW Loc. IN89RL). The DXpedition will operate 24
hours a day from a maximum 7 individual stations, as band conditions permit.
During the operation, the CQWW DX SSB Contest takes place (29-30 October). The
team will participate in the contest on all bands, as a Multi-Multi entry.
Operators include Marcel PA9M, Frank PA4N, Jelmer PA5R, Dervin PD9DX, Arbo
PH0AS, Arend PA2AWU and Dick PA4VHF. QSL via PA9M, direct or bureau. No e-QSL!
Further info on their website at: [NG3K]

29/10/2011:  Al, F5VHJ, will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry
in the CQWW SSB Contest (29-30 October) from Ducos, island of Martinique (IOTA
NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA 1041, CQ Zone 8), using the special callsign TO5A.
QSL via F5VHJ by the bureau, direct or LoTW. [NG3K]

09/06/2011:  The Verulam Amateur Radio Club is celebrating its 50th year with a
special event day on Saturday, 11 June 2011. The event is being held on the
premises of a local school in St. Albans in Hertfordshire where the Verulam club
is also making a promotion of amateur radio over two days to 15 local schools.
Special event callsign GB5OVE will be active on HF SSB, CW and various data
modes between 9 and 11 June inclusive. QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

12/06/2011:  The Bush Valley Amateur Radio Club will be active on a club day out
on 12 June 2011 from Slieve Gallion (SOTA GI/SM-007, WW Loc. IO64OR, 528m, 4
points), a peak of the Sperrin Range in Northern Ireland. The club callsign
MN0GKL will be used and activity is expected on all bands. QSL via MI0MSR,
bureau or direct. [GB2RS]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

10/06               DL/RU5A: Usedom Island WLOTA:1640 QSL HC (d/b)
10/06               DL/SP5VYI: Usedom Island WLOTA:1640 QSL HC (d/b)
10/06-15/06   JW1EOA: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 QSL LA1EOA (d/b)
11/06               I1UWF/P: Capo dell'Arma WAIL:LI-001, ITA-013 QSL HC (d/b)
11/06-13/06   MM/F4BKV: Mainland Shetlands WLOTA:0867 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
11/06-13/06   MM/F4BKV: Mainland Orkney WLOTA:1652 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
11/06-13/06   MM/F4BKV: Great Cumbrae WLOTA:2087 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
11/06-13/06   OJ0B: Market Reef WLH:OJ0-001 WLOL:MAR-001, WLOTA:0542,
                         Admiralty C4472 QSL OH2BH (d/b)
11/06-18/06   PG6N: Noordwijk Lighthouse WLOL:NET-019 QSL Buro
11/06-12/06   SN0WFF: Wolin Island WLOTA:4120 QSL SP5X (d/b)
11/06-13/06   T48K: Cuba Island WLOTA:0032 QSL DK1WI (d)
11/06-13/06   VP5CW: Caicos Island WLOTA:1476 QSL W5CW (d)
11/06-13/06   W6XM/P: Santa Rosa Island WLOTA:4474 QSL HC (d)
12/06-22/06   9A/DH7KU: Pag Island WLOTA:1796 QSL HC (d/b)
12/06-17/06   GM0BUX/P: North-Uist WLOTA:3287 QSL G0BUX (d/b)
12/06-17/06   MJ/EA1AP: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA:0818 QSL HC (d/b)
12/06-17/06   MJ/EA1SA: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA:0818 QSL HC (d/b)
14/06              MM/F4BKV: Berneray Island WLOTA:0756 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
14/06              MM0NDX/P: Berneray Island WLOTA:0756 QSL M0URX (d/b)
15/06              MM/EA3OR: North-Uist WLOTA:3287 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
15/06              MM/EA5KA: North-Uist WLOTA:3287 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
15/06              MM/EI6DX: Grimsay Island WLOTA:3254 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
15/06              MM/F4BKV: Grimsay Island WLOTA:3254 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
15/06              MM/IZ7ATN: Berneray Island WLOTA:0756 QSL RX3RC (d/b)
16/06-17/06   MS0INT/P: Monach Island WLOTA:3145 QSL M0URX (d/b)
14/06-28/06   V25DD: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL K9UK (d/b)
14/06-28/06   V25DR: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL W9DR (d/b)
14/06-28/06   V25TP: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL W9AEB (d/b)
17/06-21/06   MU/EA1AP: Guernsey Island (main) WLOTA:0013 QSL HC (d/b)
17/06-21/06   MU/EA1SA: Guernsey Island (main) WLOTA:0013 QSL HC (d/b)
17/06-25/06   J48O: Kastri WLH:SV-044 WLOL:GRE-078 WLOTA:0842
                         QSL SV2FPU (d/LoTW/eQSL)

W4SIG - Kerry - 1* - 6/12/11 to 6/13/11 - SSB and CW
Southern MO and Western AR Trip
  Will start early and run late each day. Plan to run the bottom tier of MO.
Then up to Dade, MO. Next day will run down into Western and south central AR
for some much needed CW counties. Will have all bands 80 thru 10 available. Run
CW and SSB on each band. Rotation is 40/30/20. Other bands on special request.
Conditions have been rather poor the last week so please help spot and relay
when you can. This trip is solely for putting out counties so only about 50
miles of this 800 mile trip will be on interstates. AR: Clay MO: Dunklin,
Butler, Ripley, Oregon, Howell, Douglas, Ozark, Taney, Stone, Barry, Christian,
Greene, Dade, Lawrence and Barry. AR: Benton, Carroll, Madison, Washington,
Crawford, Sebastian, Logan, Scott, Montgomery, Garland, Hot Springs, Grant,
Dallas, Calhoun, Cleveland, Lincoln, Desha, Arkansas, Phillips, Lee, St. Francis
and Crittenden. TN: Shelby. As usual, route subject to change if necessary. QSL
via home call. [County Hunter Web]

The 144 MHz EME NewsLetter - Current Issue June 2011:
Since 2003 DF2ZC publishes the 144 MHz EME NewsLetter. This is a free service
for the EME community. Bernd, DF2ZC, informed us that the latest edition of the
EME-Newsletter is now available at: [MMMonVHF]

10/06-17/06  KF4VTT/VP9: Bermuda NA005 Grid:FM72 6m 100W CC-5el QSL HC (d/b)
10/06-14/06  OZ1RDP: Romo Island EU-125 Grid:JO45 2m JT65 QSL DL9BCP (d/b)
11/06-13/06  ARRL June VHF QSO Party
11/06             JT65a Tropo Contest 50 MHz - Open Class  1000z-1400z
11/06-13/06  C6AKQ: Grand Bahama NA-080 Grid:FL06 ARRL June VHF QSL N4BP (d)
11/06-13/06  K0W: Grid:EN38CF 50.147USB + 52.525FM 600W 5el QSL W9JN (d)
11/06-13/06  K9AKS/P: Grid:EN07 6m QRP CC-5el QSL HC (d/b)
11/06-13/06  KF4VTT/VP9: Bermuda NA-005 Grid:FM72 ARRL June VHF QSL HC (d/b)
11/06-13/06  N8OFS: Medina, OH Grid:EN91 52.525FM 50W ARRL June VHF QSL (d)
11/06             NJ0W/M: Near Slim Lake, MN Grid:EN38/48 50.125USB 50.245m/s
FSK441 250w 5el yagi 0930-2000z QSL HC (d)
11/06-18/06  PG6N: Noordwijk Lighthouse NET-019 Grid:JO22FF 6-2m QSL Buro
11/06-13/06  T48K: Cuba NA-015 Grid:FL10MW 6m ARRL June VHF QSL DK1WI (d)
11/06-13/06  VE3WCC: Ottawa, ON Grid:FN04XA ARRL June VHF QSL
11/06-13/06  VP2MRT: Montserrat NA103 Grid:FK86 ARRL June VHF QSL KB4CRT (d)
11/06-13/06  VP5CW: Turks&Caicos NA-002 Grid:FL31 ARRL June VHF QSL W5CW (d)
11/06-13/06  W6XM/P: Santa Rosa Is NA-144 Grid:CM93 ARRL June VHF QSL HC (d)
11/06-13/06  YN2PR: Nicaragua Grid:EK71AU ARRL June VHF QSL W5PR (d)
12/06             PW 144MHz QRP Contest  12 0900z-1600z
12/06             RSGB 144MHz Backpackers  0900z-1300z
12/06             50 RASE Dx Sprint 50MHz - CW/SSB  1400z-1800z
12/06-17/06  MJ/EA1AP: Jersey EU-013 Grid:IN89 50103CW 50120USB QSL HC (d/b)
12/06-17/06  MJ/EA1SA: Jersey EU-013 Grid:IN89 50103CW 50120USB QSL HC (d/b)
12/06             NJ0W/M: Near Big Falls, MN Grid:EN28/38 50.125USB 50.245m/s
FSK441 250w 5el yagi 0600-2100z QSL HC (d)
13/06-16/06  NJ0W/M: In residence Fargo, ND Grid:EN16 50.125USB 50.245m/s FSK441
250w 5el yagi QSL HC (d)
14/06             LY 432MHz Activity Contest - CW/SSB/FM  1700z-2059z
14/06             RSGB 432MHz UKAC - SO Fixed/Open  2000z-2230z
14/06-28/06  V25DR: Antigua NA100 Grid:FK97 50115USB 1KW M2-5el QSL W9DR (d)
15/06             KB7Q/P: East Montana grid trip 6m CW/SSB 700W QSL HC (d)
17/06-21/06  MJ/EA1AP: Guernsey EU114 IN89 50103CW 50120USB QSL HC (d/b)
17/06-21/06  MJ/EA1SA: Guernsey EU114 IN89 50103CW 50120USB QSL HC (d/b)
17/06             NJ0W/M: Kidder County, ND Grid:EN07 50.125USB 50.245m/s FSK441
250w 5el yagi 1130-2000z QSL HC (d)
17/06-25/06  J48O: Othonoi islet EU-052 Grid:JM99 6&2m QSL SV2FPU (d)

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 01 June, 2011)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

TJ9PF - Cameroon - 2011 Operation

VK0KEV - Macquarie Island - Current Operation

Special Note:
"We have been notified that the TJ9PF QSL labels have been printed with the year
2001 instead of 2011.  This is a known software bug that has been fixed.
Regardless, we do not believe the integrity of the TJ9PF logs or operation are
affected by this printing error. Also, the TJ9PF logs have now been uploaded to
LoTW, providing a primary source of QSO confirmations. We will add instructions
to the DXCC system internally to note this operation’s correct year. No one
wants to promote the wasting of resources to reprint labels or cards, or to
require resending of cards to fix an error which has little effect on the
program. DXCC will accept TJ9PF QSLs showing the date as 2001.

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager
QSLs via Bureau: 4TØI, 6V7O, CU3CC, DP1POL, FY/IW1BND, VP8YLE and Z21LS.

QSLs via Direct: 4A4A (EB7DX), 5R8HL (SM1ALH), 9N7DX (4X4DX), 9Y4D (,
C56FR (ON4TA), CE2/CX1EK (hc), EX2F (RW6HS), HV4NAC (IKØFVC), J28RO (F8DFP),
K7IOC/mm (hc), KH8/AI5P (hc), LU8EEM [6m] (, OA4/DL5YWM (hc), OE11M
(OE1WHC), P29TL (, S51V (, SV1UT (, T88AA (JJ1BMB),
Z21BB (W3HNK), ZD7FT ( and ZS8M (ZS1X).

IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

June 7, 2011

   This coming Saturday, Martti, OH2BH; Pertti, OH2PM and Pekka, OH2TA will land
on the rocks for three days to finalize the semi-permanent antenna installation
and to test Market Reef's new power plant. They will have two stations active as
OJ0B primarily for 30M, 17M and 20M CW/SSB. It is also expected that one of the
lighthouse keepers, Harri, OH6VM/OH0VM will follow the group for another week
with the beam. OJ0B QSL via OH2BH.
   A group of Finnish DXers have agreed with the Finnish Lighthouse Society
(FLS), the folks currently operating and renovating the Market Reef lighthouse,
that a permanent SteppIR beam can remain on the roof of the building and can be
used by visiting DX groups at the cost of modest compensation to the FLS. New
services also include a large generator/battery plant able to supply 3x 230 VAC
10A each (6KW) on a 24/7 basis for visiting groups.
   In spite of inclement weather with icy storms, the SteppIR beam survived
another winter season (2010/2011), and you can see its location by looking up
the daily diary of the lighthouse for April 25, 2011 at <>
   You may wish to note their recognition of NCDXF and OHDXF for supporting
their valuable activities in saving and restoring another DXCC counter.
   FLS encourage radio visits to Market Reef from Aland Islands. If you plan to
make a trip of your life as a small group and get into instant pileups, please
contact the Finnish Lighthouse Society; <> or these visiting
DXers for more details.

((( 73 )))
Jarmo OH2BN
   Organized by the World Castles Activity Group, it will be held on 25-26 June.
Several stations are expected to operate from fortresses and castles in Belarus,
Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, The
Netherlands, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Information on the event can be
found at [RN1CW]
Information on the Greek Lighthouses Award can be found at: [SV2AEL]
Press Release DXpedition to Rotuma as 3D2R -
   After many months of careful planning, we are pleased to announce our
DXpedition to Rotuma-3D2R with a large multi-national DXpedition Team.
   Rotuma is located in the South Pacific Ocean and is #32 on Club Log's most
wanted DXCC list.
   Hrane Milosevic-YT1AD has recently visited Fiji and has obtained the license
of 3D2R and a landing permit. We have received the Rotuma Island Council's
official approval as well as from the Prime Minister’s Office.
   The team of 19 operators will meet in Fiji on September 24th and sail to
Rotuma with an arrival slated for September 27th. We will be active on all bands
and modes from September 27th to October 7th, 2011.
   We will focus on the low bands at this time of the year and will make every
effort to satisfy the needs of EU operators.
   At this time, we are seeking Foundation, Club and Individual Sponsors to help
us defray the costs of carrying out this DXpedition.
   Our official website:
3D2R Team

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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