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ICPO Bulletin (02-09 March 2012) | 06:55 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 02/03/2012: Michel, F6GWV and Gildas, F6HMQ will be active as TO11A from the island of Guadeloupe (NA-102, DIFO FG-001 WLOTA 0644, Grid Loc. FK96) between March 2-16, 2012. Multi-Op entry in the ARRL DX Phone Contest (3-4 March) and also QRV on 50MHz. QSL as via F6HMQ. [dx-world.net]
03/03/2012: Look for Sig, NV7E, to be active as 5Z4EE from Nairobi, Kenya (WW Loc. KI88JS) during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March 2012) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL 5Z4EE direct (QRZ.com) or via NV7E direct or Bureau, NOT the Kenya QSL Bureau. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Tom, W2SC, will once again activate 8P5A for the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March) from Warleigh Plantation, St. Peter Parish, Barbados (NA-021, WLOTA 0999, WW Loc. GK03EG). Plans are for a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via LoTW or direct only to NN1N. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Jimmy Lou, BX5AA, will be active in the ARRL DX SSB Contest from Taiwan (AS-020, WLOTA 0022) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m)/High-Power entry. QSL via the info at QRZ.com. Website: blog.yam.com/bx5aa [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Yankee Clipper Contest Club members Tom N1GN, Bill NE1B, Karney W2AFC and Mike N1IW will be active as C6ANM from Nassau (Gambier Village), New Providence Island, Bahamas (NA-001, WLOTA 1115, WW Loc. FL15GB) as a Multi-Single entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March). QSL via LoTW preferred, or direct to WA2IYO. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Loma Del Toro Contest Group members Tino HI3CC, Franky HI3TT, Ezequiel HI3EPR, John KL7JR and Edwin HI3K will be active as a Multi-Single entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March), using the callsign HI3K, from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic (NA-096, WLOTA 2974). QSL direct to KB2MS. Website: www.lomadeltoro.com/ [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Yuri, N2TTA, will once again be active as KP2MM in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March) from Christiansted, island of St. Croix (USi VI002S, WLOTA 2477), U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106). His entry category will be Single-Op/All-Band. QSL via LoTW, or direct only to N2TTA. Website: www.wix.com/n2tta1/kp2mm [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Hisashi, JF2SKV, will once again be active as NH0S/KH2 from Barrigada, island of Guam (OC-026, USi GU003S, WFF KFF-110, WLOTA 0064, WW Loc. QK23KM), for the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March). He plans to be QRV as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via JF2SKV, direct or by the JARL Bureau. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Operators John W6LD/P40L, Ed N4OC and Scott K0DQ will be active from Pos Chiquito, island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033), as P40L during the ARRL DX SSB Contest. Plans are for a Multi-Single entry. QSL via WA3FRP. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Look for Tom, AA9A, to be active from the island of Sint Maarten (NA-105, WLOTA 0711) as PJ7/AA9A, during his spare time. This is a holiday, not a DXpedition. QRV 3-17 March 2012 on 40-10 metre CW and SSB. QSL via home call, direct or LoTW. [OPDX Bulletin]
03/03/2012: Javier, HR2J, will be active from Guatemala as TG7/HR2J for the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m)/Low-Power entry. QSL direct to his home call and LoTW. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Andrei, NC2N (ex-NP3D), plans to be active from Guatemala as TG7/NC2N between 3-8 March and from Honduras as HR5/NC2N from 9-12 March, 2012. Low power, holiday style DXpedition on 10-80m CW, RTTY, SSB, including ARRL SSB DX Contest (3-4 March). Uploading Logs to LoTW as soon as he can. Andrei will try to complete his 3rd Triple Play Award from TG-land. Paper QSL's direct only via W3HNK or RW6HS. [dx-world.net]
03/03/2012: Once again TI5N will be active during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March 2012) as a Multi-? entry from Tarimba, La Guacima de Alajuela, Costa Rica. Operators, so far, include Kyle WA4PGM, Roy WK4Y, Rich AJ3G and Julius N2WN ...looking for more ops!! QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Operators Juan Carlos TI2JCY, Carlos TI2KAC, Mauricio TI4ZM, Eddie K4UN, Bob W4BW, Keith W4KTR and Lex W4XO will be active from Costa de Pajaros, Costa Rica, as TI8M in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via TI2KAC (PO Box 633-1007, Centro Colon, San Jose Costa Rica), or via the Bureau. Look for activity before the contest. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Al, F5VHJ, will be signing TO5A in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March) from Ducos, island of Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WFF FFF-016, WLOTA 1041). Plans are for a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via F5VHJ, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Kurt, W6PH and Tim, N6WIN will be active as VP9/W6PH during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March) as a Multi-Single entry from Hamilton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005). QSL via W6PH, direct only. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Look for Scott, K7ZO, to be active from Grenada, Nicaragua, as YN5ZO during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (3-4 March). Plans are for a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL direct to his home callsign. [NG3K]
03/03/2012: Peter, VE3IKV, will be active as W4/VA3RA from St. Simons Island (NA-058, USi GA003S, WLOTA 4115, Glynn County), Georgia, on 3rd and 4th of March, 2012. Look for activity on, or near, the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via VE3IKV, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
04/03/2012: Maurizio, IK2GZU, will once again return to the Mission Ilembula, Njombe region, Tanzania, to do some work at the new hospital and orphanage between 4th March and 4th April 2012. He plans to be active during his spare time as 5H3MB on the HF bands. Maurizio will use his FT-100 and the mission's TS-850 into a tri-band 3 element beam (20/15/10m) fixed on Europe and a vertical or dipole for the other bands. QSL via IK2GZU, direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW when he returns home. Log online and Bureau request at: www.buffoli-pm.it/5h/Tanzania%202011.htm [OPDX Bulletin]
05/03/2012: Allen, N2KW (FOC #1586), will be active as 6Y0A from the island of Jamaica (NA-097 WLOTA 0214) from 5-23 March, 2012, with as much fishing as radio. He plans to be a serious entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (10-11 March). Outside of the contest, his preference is CW, and he will try to work areas that are propagation challenged to the Caribbean. QSL via Kappy, WA4WTG. Kappy is a stamp collector, so please put your unwanted stamps in the envelope. [OPDX Bulletin]
05/03/2012: A team of six Polish operators consisting of Wojciech SP9PT, Bogdan SP2EBG, Gala SP2GKS (YL), Jurek SP3GEM, Czeslaw SP3HLM and Jozef SP9-31029 are planning a Dxpedition to the island of Dutch Sint Maarten (NA-105, WLOTA 0711, Grid Loc. FK88) from 5-18 March 2012. They will operate on all bands from 160 to 6m CW/SSB/RTTY using the call PJ7PT. QSL via SP9PT. More info will be posted soon on the official PJ7PT website at: www.pj7pt.com/ [dx-world.net]
05/03/2012: Babs, DL7AFS (V21FS) and Lot, DJ7ZG will once again be active as V21ZG from the Villa Sundowerns, near Pottery Village, island of Antigua (NA-100, WLOTA 1118, WW Loc FK97CC) from 5-31 March 2012. Focus on 16-6m if sunspots allow - mainly RTTY, PSK and SSB. V21ZG will look especially for JA and QRP stations. QSL via the German QSL-Bureau DARC to DL7AFS, or direct. Website: www.qsl.net/dl7afs/ [dx-world.net]
05/03/2012: Peter, VE3IKV, will be active holiday style as W4/VA3RA from Key West (NA-062, USi FL040S, Monroe County), Florida, between 5-17 March 2012. Expect activity on 80-10 metres. QSL via VE3IKV, direct or by the VE3 Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
07/03/2012: Jacek, SP5APW, will be active holiday style as 3W4JK from Phu Quoc Island (AS-128, WFF 3WFF-020, WLOTA 2523), Vietnam, from 7-12 March, 2012. He will be QRV on 40-10m SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. Website: as-128.blogspot.com/ [DxCoffee]
07/03/2012: Bodo, DF8DX (ex. DL3OCH), will once again be active from Abuja, Nigeria, as 5N7Q between 7-14 March, 2012. QSL via home call, direct or by the Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [dx-world.net]
07/03/2012: Failaka Island (AS-118) will be activated again with the callsign 9K2F. Team members will be heading to the island on 7 March, installing antennas and then on air until 12 March, 2012. QSL via 9K2HN. [dx-world.net]
07/03/2012: Sigi DL7DF, and crew plan to be active from the Kingdom of Tonga (OC-049) as A35YZ from 7-24 March, 2012. They will be active with several stations on 160m to 6m - CW, SSB with one station exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. Operators include Manfred DK1BT, Georg DK7LX, Wolf DL4WK, Reiner DL7KL, Sigi DL7DF, Juergen DL7UFN Frank DL7UFR, Jan SP3CYY and Leszek SP3DOI. Pilot for this DXpedition will be Bernd, DF3CB. QSL via DL7DF, direct or via the German DARC QSL Bureau to DL7DF. Website: dl7df.com/a35yz/ [dx-world.net]
07/03/2012: Simon, G7SOZ will be operating from the island of Dominica (NA-101) as J79SZ from 7-15 March, 2012. This will include an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (10-11 March). Simon will be mainly operating CW with some SSB. QSL direct or via G7SOZ. Further details will be posted at: www.g7soz.net/ [dx-world.net]
07/03/2012: Look for Randy, N0TG and Jeff, N1SNB to be active as NP2/homecalls from the island of St. Croix (USi VI002S, WLOTA 2477), U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106), from 7-14 March, 2012. Plans are to be QRV on all bands and modes, including 60 metres. QSL via N0TG, direct (QRZ.com) or use the Online QSL Request at: www.n0tg.com/ [NG3K]
08/03/2012: Gert, ZS6AYU, will once again be active as 7P8GF from Roma, Lesotho, on 8-13 March, 2012. Look for him to be QRV on 40 to 10 metres, CW only, with 100W and vertical. QSL via ZS6AYU, direct or by the SARL Bureau. [NG3K]
08/03/2012: Peter, G3PHO, has planned a lightweight holiday style operation from Gozo Island (EU-023, MIA MM-004, WLOTA 0046) as 9H3C from 8-15 March 2012. This will include an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (10-11 March). 100 watts to dipoles on all bands 80-10m. 160m may be possible. QSL direct or Bureau to G3PHO; also LoTW and Clublog. [rsgbiota.org]
08/03/2012: Once again Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF will be active as CT9/DL3KWR and CT9/DL3KWF from the island of Madeira (AF-014, DIP MA-001, PIP MD-001, WLOTA 0053) from 8 March to 4 April, 2012. They plan to operate mostly CW and digital modes with a focus on 12, 17 and 30 metres. QSL via home calls. E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to dl3kwr[@]darc.de or dl3kwf[@]darc.de respectively. [425 DX News]
08/03/2012: Bob, G3PJT, will be active from Hamilton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005, WW Loc FM72PI) from 8-15 March 2012. This will include an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest [BERU] (10-11 March). QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]
08/03/2012: Dave, VO1AU, will be active as ZL7/VO1AU from the Chatham Islands (OC-038, WLOTA 1627) on 8-13 March, 2012. Plans are to be QRV on the HF bands using CW and SSB. Dave will also participate in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest [BERU] (10-11 March) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via VO1MX, direct preferred but Bureau ok. [NG3K]
Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated ARRL DX SSB Contest activity at: ng3k.com/Misc/adxs2012.html .. Good luck to all participants & have fun!!! ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
14/03/2012: UPDATE - Barney, ZS4U (ZS6TQ), will be active as 9Q6/ZS4U from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Grid Loc. KI16) between 14 March and 8 April, 2012. QRV on 40-6m CW, SSB and PSK, between 1300-1500 UTC daily, as work permits. QSL via K3IRV, direct preferred, Bureau ok. [dx-world.net]
15/03/2012: Look for Axel, DL6KVA, to be active from Baku, Azerbaijan Republic, as 4K0CW from 15-20 March, 2012. Activity will include an entry in the Russian DX Contest (17-18 March). Outside the contest Axel will be QRV on all HF bands, CW only. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
16/03/2012: Mike, RA9FW and Igor, UA9CDC will be active from Le Calao, Somone, Senegal, as 6V7Z from 16-28 March, 2012. They will also take part in Russian DX Contest and CQ WPX SSB, Multi-Single entry. QSL via RA9FW. [dx-world.net]
17/03/2012: Alex XW3DT will be active from Vientiane, Laos, in the Russian DX Contest (17-18 March). He will be in the Single-Op/Single-Band 10m category. QSL via: Alex Sinchukov, XW3DT, SKY, P.O. BOX 7374, Vientiane, Laos (also instructions on QRZ.com). [DXAT]
20/03/2012: Look for John, W2GD, to be active from near Santa Cruz, island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033) as P40W between 20-27 March, 2012. Activity will include a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (24-25 March), from CQ zone 09. Outside the contest, John will be active on all HF bands and modes. QSL direct only to N2MM. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
20/03/2012: Joppy, YB8XM, and others will be active as YB8Y from Ohoiew Island, Kai Kecil Islands (OC-221, WW Loc. PI64HH). Plans are to be QRV on 160m to 6m, all modes, SSB CW and RTTY, between 20-27 March, 2012. They will also participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (24-25 March) as a Multi-Two entry. Operators include YB0AKM, YB0AZ, YB0JS, YB0ECT, YB0KVN, YB0BUI, YC0LOW, YC0TSU, YB0YJ, YD1JZ, YD1XUH, YB1CCF, YB1GJS, YB1PR, YB9YZ, YB9WR, YB9VBS, YB9VA, YB1MH, YD1GCL, YD1MRI, YD1ORZ, and crews: YB8VM, YC0VKI, YC0LLY, YC0KVM, YD1LUX and their Guest Opr: WK1S/JA1PBV. QSL via YB1GJS, direct or via the National Bureau. Website: www.yb8y.com/ [YB0ECT]
01/04/2012: Look out for GI100MGY, From Titanics Home City of Belfast, Northern Ireland (EU-115, WLOTA 1439), during the Month of April - MGY was the Callsign of the Ill-fated ship, which had been launched in Belfast in May 1911. The GI100 is a very special prefix, kindly allocated to the "Project WhiteStar" special event team by Ofcom, the UK regulator. We plan to be active all modes, 80m - 10m, with a 2 minute station silence at 01:47am on 15th April, the exact time when the vessel sank, in memory of all those who lost their lives that night. On the evening of 14th/15th, most operation will be on CW. QSL will be via Bureau, or direct to GI4FUE, details will be in QRZ eventually. [Pete at the DX Newsdesk]
05/04/2012: Anderson, PY2TNT and Alex, PY2WAS will be active from Georgetown, Guyana, as 8R1PY on 5-8 April, 2012. QRV on 80-10 metre CW and SSB. QSL via PY2WAS, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]
08/04/2012: Alan, VK4WR and Graeme, VK4FI will be active from Rarotonga Island, South Cook Islands (OC-013) between 8-27 April, 2012 as E51BKM and E51GMH, respectively. Look for them on 40-6m CW and SSB. QSL via home calls, direct only. [dx-world.net]
18/04/2012: Look for Harry, W6DXO, to be active holiday style on the HF bands from Cruz Bay, island of St. John (NA-106, WLOTA 2416), US Virgin Islands, from 18-23 April, 2012. QSL direct to KF6JOQ. [Pete at the DX Newsdesk]
09/05/2012: Hiroko, JH3PBL and Masumi, JA3AVO will be active from Oranjestad, Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033), as P40U and P40X, respectively, from 9-14 May, 2012. QSL via home calls. Website: ja3avo.blog81.fc2.com/ [dx-world.net] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
Special Event Station - VO1AA - April, 25, 2012 2012-02-26
The Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs (SONRA) will make history on April 25, 2012
April 25th each year marks the birthday of Guglielmo Marconi, who received the first wireless signal at Signal Hill, Newfoundland. This April 25th, SONRA will celebrate the event with making an Amateur Radio contact with Princess Elettra (Marconi) who will be in Bologna Italy to celebrate her father's birthday. It is planned to have the Canadian Heritage Minister, the NL Premier, the City of St. John's Mayor along with the NL Lieutenant Governor, exchange greetings with the Princess via Amateur Radio from VO1AA at Cabot Tower.
This is the first time that this event has been attempted, and it is anticipated that it will be a high level media exposure for Amateur Radio in Canada.
SONRA appreciates the wonderful relationship that it enjoys with Parks Canada, Signal Hill National Historic Site, and looks forward to many years of commemorating this important event.
73 Doug Mercer, VO1DTM/VO1DM Chief Field Services Officer - Radio Amateurs of Canada Inc. ---------- 02/03/2012: Special event station 8N5KOCHI is currently active until 22 March, 2012, to celebrate the ARISS Kochi Gakuen Kochi Junior High School Contact. Kochi-city (JCC 3901) is located in Kochi Prefecture, Region of Shikoku, island of Shikoku (AS-076), Japan. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
03/03/2012: Special stations II0IDP from Cagliari, island of Sardinia (EU-024, IIA SD-001, MIA MIS-035, WLOTA 1608) and II0ICH from the island of La Maddalena (EU-041, IIA OT-008, MIA MIS-013, WFF IFF-004, WLOTA 1632) - both representing former coast radio stations of the Italian Navy - will be active on 3-18 March for the 6th Italian Navy Coastal Radio Stations Award (www.assoradiomarinai.it). QSL II0ICH via IM0QMA. QSL II0IDP via IS0IGV. [425 DX News]
08/03/2012: Members of the Special Wireless Activity Team (TCSWAT) and the Giresun Radio Amateurs and Nature Sports Club (GITRAD), in collaboration with Turkish Society of Nephrology-Istanbul Branch, will be on the air as TC2012WKD on March 8th. Activity is taking place on "World Kidney Day" to raise awareness of the importance of our kidneys to our overall health, and to reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide. QRV on the HF bands using CW, SSB, BPSK31 and SSTV. Stations making contacts on three or more bands or modes will receive a special award via e-Mail. QSL via the TA incoming QSL Bureau or via TCSWAT. [OPDX Bulletin]
09/03/2012: Members of the Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club (CERAC) and guest operators Volker, DL1WH and Dieter, DK5PZ will be active as TP8CE on 9-11 March, 2012. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands. QSL via F5LGF, direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
02/03-16/03 TO11A: Guadeloupe Island WLOTA:0644 QSL F6HMQ (d/b) 03/03-04/03 8P5A: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL NN1N (d) 03/03-04/03 BX5AA: T'ai-Wan (main Taiwan) WLOTA:0022 QSL QRZ.com 03/03-04/03 CR3L: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL DJ6QT (d/b) 03/03-04/03 HI3K: Dominican Republic WLOTA 2974 QSL KB2MS (d) 03/03-18/03 II0ICH: Isola La Maddalena WLOTA:1632 QSL IM0QMA (d/b) 03/03-18/03 II0IDP: Sardinia WLOTA:1608 QSL IS0IGV (d/b) 03/03-04/03 KP2MM: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL LoTW/N2TTA (d) 03/03-04/03 NH0S/KH2: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL JF2SKV (d/b) 03/03-04/03 P40L: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL WA3FRP (d) 03/03-17/03 PJ7/AA9A: Sint Maarten Island WLOTA:0711 QSL HC (d/LoTW) 03/03-04/03 TO5A: Martinique Island WLOTA:1041 QSL F5VHJ (d/b) 03/03-04/03 W4/VA3RA: St. Simons Island WLOTA:4115 QSL VE3IKV (d/b) 05/03-23/03 6Y0A: Jamaika Island WLOTA:0214 QSL WA4WTG (d) 05/03-18/03 PJ7PT: Sint Maarten Island WLOTA:0711 QSL SP9PT (d/b) 05/03-31/03 V21ZG: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL DL7AFS (d/b) 07/03-12/03 3W4JK: Dao Phu Quoc WLOTA:2523 QSL SP5APW (d/b) 08/03-15/03 9H3C: Gozo Island WLOTA:0046 QSL G3PHO (d/b) 08/03-04/04 CT9/DL3KWF: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b) 08/03-04/04 CT9/DL3KWR: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b) 08/03-13/03 ZL7/VO1AU: Chatham Island WLOTA:1627 QSL VO1MX (d/b) ============================================ 6 METRES & UP -
6 METERS IN SENEGAL Francois now reports: "6V7SIX: 6m band in Senegal, it's a go! As of March 1st, 2012, the Saly Amateur Radio Club station (ADRASEC Senegal) will be allowed to operate with the callsign *6V7SIX* on the band 50-51 MHz. This is a temporary authorization valid until the new ITU Radio Regulations (WRC-12) come into force, normally by the end of 2012. A dual watch of 50.110 MHz (Intercontinental calling frequency) and 50.210 MHz (French calling frequency) will be performed by the Radio Club operators. Watch for the next opening on the Magic Band and call us! Francois Normant, 6W7RT [K1XN] ----------- 02/03-16/03 TO11A: Guadeloupe NA-102 Grid:FK96 6m 100W QSL F6HMQ (d/b) 03/03-04/03 European EME Contest CW/SSB/432MHz/3.4GHz 03 0000z-04 2400z 03/03-04/03 JLRS Hina 3.3 Contest 6m-1.2GHz Classes 03 0900z-04 0900z 03/03-04/03 RSGB March 144 432MHz SO/Fixed/Open 03 1400z-04 1400z 03/03-04/03 V-U-SHF Reg.1 Contest 144 MHz-76 GHz 03 1400z-04 1400z 05/03-18/03 PJ7PT: Sint Maarten NA-105 Grid:FK88 6m CW/SSB QSL SP9PT (d/b) 05/03-19/03 V21FS: Antigua NA-100 Grid:FK97CC 6m 100W QSL DL7AFS (d/b) 05/03-19/03 V21ZG: Antigua NA-100 Grid:FK97CC 6m 100W QSL DL7AFS (d/b) 06/03 LY 144MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM 1800z-2159z 06/03 NRAU 144MHz Activity Contest SO/MO/Open 1800z-2200z 06/03 RSGB 144MHz UKAC SO Fixed/Open 2000z-2230z 07/03 MOON Contest 144MHz CW/Digital/FM/SSB 1900z-2100z 07/03-24/03 A35YZ: Tonga OC-049 Grid:AG28 6m CW/SSB 5el QSL DL7DF (d/b) 08/03 LY 50MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM 1800z-2159z 08/03 NRAU 50MHz Activity Contest SO/MO/Open 1800z-2200z
Contest Calendar: www.qsl.net/va3rj/con_mar.html
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 29 February, 2012)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SMIRK: www.smirk.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
Re: Gildas F/TU5KG TM0T, FT5W. FT5X. FR/TU5KG Since 2012 QSL is via F4DXW only direct, but I answer the mail already received. I have just answered the last QSL received via the buro. Now it's finish. F4EFI Gwenael ------------------------------ QSLs via Bureau: 3D2A, 3D2DX, 6W/AA1AC, 6Y1V, 6V7Z, 9XØTL, 9Y4W, C21YY, EA6IB, EY7AF, EY8/K4ZW, EZ8AZ, FJ/OH2YL, FR1LB, H44WG, JT1/K4ZW, JW7QIA, OX3KQ, PJ2/N2MF, SV9/LZ3FN, TM5B [EU-148], TM5SM [EU-081], TO6T, VP2E/W1UE, VP2MSC, VP2MXO, ZD8O and ZF1EJ.
QSLs via Direct: 3D2R (YT1AD), 7Z7AA (7Z1CQ), 9M2/KM9D [AS-058] (OM2SA), 9M2MRS [AS-015] (PAØRRS), CE4A [SA-095] (VE3LYC), COØOM (CO3JY), E44PM (HB9IQB), ET3AA (QRZ.com), FK8CP (QRZ.com), H4ØKJ [OC-065] (SP7DQR), KP2A/KP1 (WB2MSH), KP4MS (W4DN), OA4/DJ2VO (H/c), PJ2/W6XK (H/c), TN2T (MØURX), TX8NC [OC-033] (LZ1JZ), UK/UA1ZEY (H/c), XX9LQ (QRZ.com), ZC4LI (QRZ.com) and ZC4MIS (KF6RCP).
QSLs via LoTW: 4O3A, 8P6ER, AL1G, AL9A, C6AKQ, C6ANM, CU2AF, CX9AJ, DL1EK, DL5AN, E7DX, EA3CI, EF8R, EF8USA, GM7R, GW6W, HA7PF, HG7T, HK1R, HK3TU, HP1WW, HU2DX, IR4M, IU2R, JA1YPA, KH6/AA4V, KH6CW, KH6LC, KH7T, KH7X, KL7RA, KL8DX, LN8W, LS1D, MJ/K3PLV, OH7AAC, OH7M, OHØZ, P49Y, PJ2/W2UP, PJ2T, PS2T, PV8DX, S5ØR, S51DX, S53M, SK3W, SMØW, SP3GXH, TM6M, V31RR, VP5B, WL7E, WP3A and XE2X. ============================================ LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: www.wca.qrz.ru/ENG/main.html WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: www.wff44.org/program/wff/ WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at: www.wlota.com/ ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
RAC Bulletin 2012-015E - Earle Smith, VE6NM - SK 2012-02-25
It is with regret that Radio Amateurs of Canada has learned that Earle Smith, VE6NM, a RAC past President, passed away peacefully after an illness on Friday, February 24th.
Earle had served as President of RAC from late 2004 to the end of 2007 and was well respected by amateur radio operators both within Canada and Internationally. He was a gentleman and friend to all hams and a strong advocate for amateur radio and for the Radio Amateurs of Canada.
All who knew Earle respected him as a leader, a friend and a force for good in the amateur radio community. We will miss him. The amateur community can post condolences which will be forwarded to the family at http://earlesmith.rac.ca.
Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW President and Chairman of Radio Amateurs of Canada ------------------------------ ANTARCTICA - Neumayer Station III will continue to be on the air throughout the upcoming Antarctic winter: Lars, DL1LLL, is the radio operator of the 32nd wintering team, and he is active until February 2013, using the call sign DP0GVN. His main operating mode is PSK31, but he wants to try other modes later. QSL cards will be handled by Dominik, DL5EBE. Lars' online logbook is available at http://www.hrdlog.net/ViewLogbook.aspx?user=DP0GVN [antarctic list] ------------------------------ SWAINS ISLAND DXPEDITION Joe, W8GEX released an announcement this afternoon on his latest DXpedition plans.
"Joe, W8GEX and Craig K9CT are pleased to announce they are planning another DXpedition to a rare DX entity. Joe and Craig were the co-leaders of the very successful PJ7E DXpedition on 10-10-10. Before that, they were part of the team that re-activated Midway K4M in 2009.
This DXpedition will be to Swains Island in September 2012. Swains ranks number 31 on the DX Magazine Most Wanted Survey and number 30 on Club Log's Most Wanted list. Because of the anticipated demand, a highly experienced team of 20 operators has been formed. The team will operate six stations over a 14 day period, from 160 to 6 meters on all modes, using the callsign NH8S. Great emphasis will be put on Europe where it is most needed.
Team members include AA4NN, DJ7JC, DL3DXX, I8NHJ, K5AB, K6MM, K6TD, K9CT, KH7Y, N2TU, N6HC, NA6M, ND2T, NI6T, SM5AQD, W4BUW, W6KK, W8GEX, WB4JTT, and WB9Z.
Swains is a privately owned island and the only way to get there is from American Samoa via ship. The time frame of this operation may not be the best for the low bands, but dates are dictated by transportation and weather. The team of international operators will first gather in Honolulu and then travel to American Samoa together. Landing permission has been granted for the tent and generator operation by the owner for this timeframe.
Our website, (http://www.nh8s.org/) developed by team member John, K6MM, will provide updates as they become available. There are no communication systems on Swains, but logs will be uploaded daily via satellite phone. Later, the group will also have an OQSL link on the website for easy QSLing.
All equipment must be sent from the US via cargo ship in June. Location, transportation, island costs, and other logistics make this a costly trip. Therefore, donations are very much appreciated. Details of how to donate to help defray our expenses are on the website.
We want to thank ICOM, who will be supplying IC7600s for our use. Thanks also to Joe, AA4NN, who will be the QSL manager, and to Carl, N4AA of the DX Magazine who will sponsor the log search.
73, Carl, N4AA [K1XN] ------------------------------ 2012 WORLD CASTLES WEEKEND At the Spanish radiohams' request, in connection with His Majesty The King of Spain Contest (23-24 June, 2012), the World Castles Weekend will be moved forward to the third weekend of June (16-17 June, 2012). [RN1CW] ------------------------------ EnzoLog http://www.enzolog.org/ EnzoLog - The first WebLog [IT9GCG(Enzo)] *******************************************
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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