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Главная » 2010 » Сентябрь » 3 » ICPO Bulletin (02-10 September 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (02-10 September 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
02/09/2010:  Yoshi, JK2VOC will be active as 9M6/JK2VOC from East
Malaysia [Borneo Island - Sabah, Sarawak] (OC-088, WLOTA L-0119) on 2-6
September, 2010. Activity will include the All Asia DX Phone Contest
(4-5 September). QSL via JK2VOC. [OPDX Bulletin]

02/09/2010:  Operators Gerard PE1BBI, Kees PA5WT, Frans PC5T, Rob PE1ITR
and Theo PA1TK will be active from near Consthum, Clervaux canton,
Diekirch district, northern Luxembourg (WW Loc. JN39AX) starting 2
September until 5 September 2010. Their main goal will be the VHF
Contest on 4-5th September, but there will be HF activity as well on the
bands 80 to 10 metres, CW/SSB. Also look for them on 70 MHz! Large Yagi
antenna systems will be built for 144 MHz and a spider beam and dipoles
for HF and a 5el. beam for 70 Mhz. Look for LX/PA1TK in the VHF Contest
and LX/homecalls the days before the weekend contest. Contest QSLs for
LX/PA1TK go via PA1TK, all others go via their home callsigns. Pictures
and the story can be found on: [NG3K]

03/09/2010:  A team from ARI Vinci (Ferdinando I5FCK, Giuliano I5HQG,
Loris IK5GFC, Piero IK5UIK, Giuseppe IK5YOJ, Luca IK5ZUB, Marco IZ5AJP,
Rossella IZ5BRO and Riccardo IZ5EBL) will be active as IA5/IQ5LV from
Pianosa Island (EU-028, IIA LI-016, MIA MI-074, WLOTA L-0968, WAIS DJ21)
on 3-5 September 2010. They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes on
all bands, including 50, 144, 433 and maybe 1200 MHz. QSL via IZ5ENZ.
[425 DX News]

03/09/2010:  Aegean DX Group members, SV8CYR Alexandros, SV8CYV
Vassilios, SV8IJZ Giorgios and ON5CT Dirk will be active as
SV5/homecall/p on 3-7 September 2010 from Arkoi Island (IOTA EU-001,
GIOTA DKS-058, MIA MGD-003, WLOTA 0438) for the Greek Islands On The Air
(GIOTA) award programme. They will be focusing on the HF bands (with
special attention to the WARC bands, SSB & RTTY). The portable stations
will be fairly simple with power limited to 100 watts and antennas being
verticals and dipoles. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. Website:

03/09/2010:  Juergen, NF6J plans to be active from Battle Island
(NA-044, CIsA NF-049) as VO2/NF6J on 3-10 September, 2010. QRV on 30,
20, 17, 15 and 12 metres, CW only. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

03/09/2010:  Six Brazilian operators will be active as ZY6Z from Morro
de Sao Paulo lighthouse (DFB BA-06, ARLHS BRA-157 WLOTA L-1624), Forte
Morro de Sao Paulo (WCA PY-00015, DFH BA-11) and Tinhare Island (SA-080,
DIB BA-05), Bahia State, on 3-7 September 2010. The Brazilian Navy
schedule could affect the dates. Operators include Jose PY6HD, Roberto
PY6RT, Nilzo PY6AWU, Ramon PY6KY, Cristovao PY7GK and Fernando PY2JY.
QRV on 80-10 metres using CW and SSB. Suggested frequencies are: CW -
3530, 7030, 14040, 18098 and 21040 kHz; SSB - 3755, 7060, 14260, 18128,
21260, 24950 and 28560 kHz. QSL via PY6HD direct only. Also QSL via LoTW
(no eQSL, no bureau). [OPDX Bulletin]

04/09/2010:  Ulli, DD2ML and Martina, DD7MR will be active from Lolland
Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-015, WLOTA LH 2773, Grid Loc. JO55) on 4-18
September 2010 using the callsign 5P5L. Plans are to be QRV on 80m-2m,
using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL direct or buerau to DD2ML. []

04/09/2010:  Look for Javier EA3AGB, Gabriel EA3AKA, Manel EA3EGB, Juan
EA3ESZ, John EA3GHZ, Enrique EA5EOR, Raul EA5KA, Paco EA5RU and Jose
EA5WP to be active on 4-5 September 2010 from the Punta Corballera
lighthouse (FEA E-0371.2, ARLHS SPA-058). This activation also counts
for the Delta de l'Ebre Natural Park (WFF EAFF-116), located in Punta de
la Banya Area, Alfacs Bay, Sant Carles de la Rapita (DME 43136),
Tarragona, Spain. QRV on all HF bands using SSB, CW and RTTY, to give a
chance for everybody who needs a QSO for WFF and ARLHS programs. QSL via
EA3GHZ, bureau or direct. Website: [EA5WP]

04/09/2010:  Tom, DL4VM will be active from Vendsyssel-Thy [Nordjylland]
(EU-171, DIA NJ-001) on 4-18 September 2010. QRV on 40, 30, 15 + 6m, CW
+ PSK31. QSL via home calll, direct or bureau. []

04/09/2010:  The Mors Island Radio Club are planning to work the IARU
Region 1 SSB Field Day Contest (4-5 September) from Mors Island ((IOTA
EU-171, DIA NJ-002) as OZ7MOR/P. 3 Stations will be on the air and
everybody is welcome in the log. QRV on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 metre
SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via OZ7MOR, by the bureau or direct
( [OZ7AEI]

04/09/2010:  Claude, F5MCC and Gil, F4FGJ will activate the island of
Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390) and various
islands in the Corsica area on 4-24 September 2010, using the callsigns
TK/F5MCC and TK/F4FGJ. They plan to activate the following: Sanguinaire
Island (EU-104, DIFM TK-002, MIA MCO-022, DPLF PB-176, WLOTA 0098),
Lavezzi Island (EU-164, DIFM TK-011, MIA MCO-007, DPLF PB-175, WLOTA
0755), Cavallo Island (EU-164, DIFM TK-003, MIA MCO-004, DPLF PB-287,
WLOTA 2562), Pecorella Rock (EU-164, DPLF PB-289, WLOTA 4089) and a new
reference (a surprise)...some DFCF and DMF perhaps a SOTA. QSL via home
calls, bureau or direct. [NG3K]

05/09/2010:  Franck, F4DBJ will once again be active from Ivato,
Madagascar (AF-013, WLOTA L-2455), as 5R8HT between 5 September and 28
November 2010. Activity will be on 80/40 metres (using a W3DZZ antenna)
and on 20/15/10 metres using a vertical antenna and only using 100
watts. QSL via his home callsign. [OPDX Bulletin]

05/09/2010:  Fred, SM7DAY/p and Jan, SM7NGH/p will be active from Oland
Island (EU-037, WLOTA 0588) on 5-11 September 2010. They will operate on
all bands CW and SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [425 DX

06/09/2010:  Saad, N5FF is once again heading to Syria for YK1BA 2010.
He will arrive Damascus on the evening of 5th September and hopes to be
QRV on the 6th and tearing down on the 17th September 2010. Expect
activity on all HF bands. His priority is to work everyone that needs YK
for a new country, band amd/or mode. ALL QSLs should go direct to N5FF.
Further information is available at under YK1BA. [NG3K]

07/09/2010:  Oliver OE5OHO, Henry OE5HDN and Gerhard OE3GEA will be
active as MD/homecall from the Isle of Man (EU-116, WLOTA 0449) on 7-13
September 2010. QRV holiday style on all HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL
via the bureau to their home calls. [OPDX Bulletin]

08/09/2010:  Alex, SQ9UM plans to be active as 9H3UM from Qawra, Malta
(EU-023, WLOTA LH1113, MIA MM-001) on 8-22 September 2010. Activity will
also include operations from Marsalforn, on the island of Gozo (EU-023,
WLOTA LH0046, MIA MM-004). No other details about band/mode operations
were provided. QSL via his home call. [OPDX Bulletin]

08/09/2010:  Charlie, K3NXH/4 will be vacationing on Topsail island (USi
NC004S, Pender County), North Carolina, between 8 September and 9
October 2010. He will be active during the ARRL September VHF Contest
(11-12 September) from Kure Beach (Grid Loc. FM13) and Topsail Island
(Grid Loc. FM14), North Carolina. QRV on 6 and 2 metres. If time and
conditions permit, Charlie will try FM03 and FM04. QSL via home call.

08/09/2010:  Christian, TL0A will be back to Bangui, Central African
Republic, on 8 September 2010 and expects to remain there until late
2010-early 2011. He will use IC-746 and an beam antenna (7 elements 6
bands). QSL direct only (see [425 DX News]

09/09/2010:  Yigal, K2EFG/p plans to activate Fire Island (NA-026, USi
NY013S), Suffolk County, New York, and lighthouse (ARLHS USA-286, TWLHD
WLH K-060, WLOTA LH 1922) on 9-12 of September 2010. QRV mainly on
20/40m and may go to 10/15m as the conditions allow, using a Buddipole
antenna working portable from the eastern part of the island. There may
be a time when Yigal will be directing a YP3 Yagi to the west (in-land).
He will be working at 3-4 hours as there is no power available at the
dunes where he can set up an antenna. The output will be 75-100W from an
FT-857. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

09/09/2010:  Trond, LA9VDA will activate IOTA EU-079 on 9-14 September
2010 starting with Gurskoy Island (WLOTA 2397) on the 9th (for a few
hours), then Rimoy Island (WLOTA 2137). Expect activity on the HF bands
80-10 metres, propagation permitting. QSL via LA9VDA, bureau or direct.

09/09/2010:  Berkin, TA3J will be active as M/TA3J from various
locations in England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841) from 9-20 September 2010. QRV
on 160-6m, including the newer bands, using SSB and FM. QSL via his home
call, direct or bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

10/09/2010:  Jean-Claude F5IL, Christophe F5UBH, Luis F5THW and Juan
F5IRC will be active as TM5BATZ from Batz Island (EU-105, DIFM MA018,
WLOTA 0680) on 10-12 September 2010. QRV 80-10 metres using Phone, CW,
PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via F5IRC, direct or bureau. []

11/09/2010:  Look for special event station GB1RBP to be active 11
September 2011 from RAF Bentley Priory, Stanmore, Harrow, England (IOTA
EU-005, WLOTA 1841). RAF Bentley Priory was a non-flying Royal Air Force
station near Stanmore in the London Borough of Harrow. It was famous as
the headquarters of Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain and the
Second World War. QRV on 3710 kHz (1030-1130z), 7045kHz/14270 kHz
(1230-1330z) and 14270/18110/21290/24930/28590kHz (1430-1530z). Also
check 80, 40 and 20 metres between these times. Operators will be David,
G3RZF and Martin, G4SOH who will be using 2 HF stations. QSL via the
information on [RAFARS]

11/09/2010:  Jaap, PA7DA reports that the Noordwijk lighthouse station
PG6N (ARLS NET-019) will be active during the International Hertage Day
on 11th September 2010. The team will try to be active after 1100 UTC
after they finish preparing the station. The Noordwijk will be open for
the public on this day between 1100-1700 local time. QSL via PA7DA,
direct or bureau. Website: [K1XN]

12/09/2010:  John, G0OPA will be active as 8P9LJ from Holetown, St.
James Parish, island of Barbados (NA-021, WLOTA 0999) between 12
September and 8 November 2010. Expect activity on all HF bands. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [AT International]

12/09/2010:  Guenter, DL3NBI plans to be active as IA5/DL3NBI from the
island of Giglio (IOTA EU-028, IIA GR-002, MIA MI-036, WLOTA 0564) on
12-20 September 2010. Look for activity on all HF bands. QSL via home
call, bureau or direct ( []

13/09/2010:  Bernd, DL8AAV plans to be active as OZ0AV on 13-24
September 2010 from Laeso Island (IOTA EU-088, DIA NK-003, WLOTA 2820).
QRV on all HF bands, mainly SSB and CW. QSL via home call, bureau
preferred, or via eQSL. []

18/09/2010:  Special event station GB0NRS will be active on 18-19
September from RAF Northam, Devon, England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841).
The RAF station at Northam came into operation in 1941 and was a Chain
Home station, able to detect incoming high-level aircraft at long
ranges. The RAF station ceased to operate in 1944. This operation
coincides with the 'Battle of Britain' celebrations. QRV on 80, 40 and
20 metres, by operator Andy, G0NKK. [RAFARS]

18/09/2010:  Paul, M3KBU (RAFARS No. 4712) will be active on 18
September 2010 as homecall/p from RAF Compton Bassett, Wiltshire,
England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). First opened as an air base in World
War I, RAF Yatesbury continued operations in the interwar years before
again taking on a major role in World War II. From 1936 onwards, RAF
Yatesbury and RAF Compton Bassett were major Radio and Radar Training
Schools. QRV on 80, 40, 20, 2m. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

18/09/2010:  Look for Robert, MM0RDT to be active as homecall/p on 18
and 19 September 2010 from RAF Grangemouth, Stirlingshire, Scotland
(IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1234). From September 1939 to March 1941 RAF
Grangemouth was used by 602 Squadron flying Spitfires, 141 Squadron
flying Blenheims & Gladiators and 263 Squadron flying Lysanders. In the
December of 1940 it was used by No. 58 Operational Training Unit (later
renamed No. 2 Tactical Exercise Unit). After the war, it was used as a
gliding school and by No. 13 Refresher Flying School, then by RAF
Maintenance Command until closure in 1955.This operation coincides with
the 'Battle of Britain' celebrations. Expect activity on the 80, 40 and
20 metre bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RAFARS]

19/09/2010:  Paul, M3KBU (RAFARS No. 4712) will hit the airwaves again
as homecall/p on 19 September 2010, this time from RAF Yatesbury,
Wiltshire, England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). First opened as an air
base in World War I, RAF Yatesbury continued operations in the interwar
years before again taking on a major role in World War II. From 1936
onwards, RAF Yatesbury and RAF Compton Bassett were major Radio and
Radar Training Schools, RAF Townsend a satellite landing ground and RAF
Cherhill was 27 Group Headquarters Technical Training Command. It is the
oldest air base in the whole of Europe and is the only air base in the
world that is still is such good condition. Activity will be on the 80,
40, 20 and 2 metre bands. This operation also coincides with the 'Battle
of Britain' celebrations. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RAFARS]

06/10/2010:  Operators Michael DL3FCG, Fred DL8MG, Klaus DK1EG and Peter
DJ9DW will be active as EA8/homecall on 6-20 October 2010 from La
Orotava on Tenerife Island (IOTA AF-004, DIE S-012, WLOTA 1276, EAA TF).
With beam and wireantennas the will be QRV in SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK on
all HF bands 80-10m. Participation in WAG contest will be expected. QSL
direct or bureau to home call of operator. []

09/10/2010:  Mic, DG5LAC will be active holiday style as OZ/DG5LAC on
9-15 October 2010 from Vendsyssel-Thy [aka Nordjylland] (IOTA EU-171,
DIA NJ-001, WW Loc. JO47GA). QRV 80-10m SSB using FT-450AT, PA Ameritron
AL-811H 750W -1KW, DX-wire Windom 42m antenna. QSL via home call, bureau
preferred. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. []

09/10/2010:  Look for Michael, DL4ABO to be active holiday style as
OZ/DL4ABO from Rømø Island (IOTA EU-125, DIA NS-001) on 9-16 October
2010. QRV mostly 30m & 40m, CW only, using TS-570, 100 Watts,
Groundplane and ETM-8C. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

09/10/2010:  Will, AA4NC will be active as PJ5/AA4NC from the island of
St. Eustatius (IOTA NA-145, WLOTA 1851) on 9-15 October 2010. QRV on all
HF bands. Note: St. Eustatius - probable a new DXCC entity on 10 October
2010. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to
LoTW. [NG3K]

15/10/2010:  Look for Will, AA4NC to be active as PJ7/AA4NC from the
island of Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105) on 15-18 October 2010. QRV on all
HF bands. Note: St. Eustatius - probable a new DXCC entity on 10 October
2010. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to
LoTW. [NG3K]

18/11/2010:  Janusz, SP6IXF and Wlodek, SP6EQZ will be active from St.
Eustatius Island (IOTA NA-145, WLOTA 1851) between 18 November and 3
December 2010 using PJ5/homecalls. Expect activity on all HF bands
(160-10m) on CW, SSB and RTTY. Their location on the Island seems to
open to Europe. QSL via home calls. The website will be ready soon.
Online log will be available during or right after the DXpedition.

27/11/2010:  Luis, EA8AY will be active as ED8T from Casa Monte del
Agua, Tenerife Island (AF-004, DIE S-012, EAA TF, WLOTA 1276) during the
CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL
via LoTW. Website: [NG3K]

The ISWL Club Callsign's in use during September 2010 will be:
GX4BJC /A - Operated /A from Stratton, near Bude in Cornwall, by Mike -
M0SMJ. (/A WAB Square = SS20 - England, IOTA = EU-005 & WLOTA =
MX1SWL /A - Operated from Tavistock, in Devonshire, by Bill - G4OJB.
(WAB Square = SX47, IOTA = EU-005 & WLOTA = LH-1841).
The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316  and  16724.
(WAB Info:
The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club.
All QSL Info is on  or  or via  NO LOTW.
ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see
for full details. cards ARE accepted for our awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

03/09/2010:  GB2LGR will be operating from the former RAF airfield at
Langar, Nottinghamshire (WW Loc. IO92NV, WAB SK73, IOTA EU-005, WLOTA
1841), during September 3/4/5 weekend and is a special event organised
by the Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society for Airfields On The Air
(AOTA). The special event call is to celebrate 70 years since the Battle
of Britain which took place between July 1940 and September 1940. QRV on
80, 40, 20 and 2 metres. QSL via bureau or RAFARS. [RAFARS]

03/09/2010:  Special event station GB4BLR, operated by HARES, will be
aired on 3-5 September 2010 from the Shackerstone Railway Station (WW
Loc. IO92GP, WAB SK30) on the Battlefield Line, in Leicestershire. The
Battlefield line is a preserved steam and Diesel Railway which runs from
Shenton Site of the battle of Boswroth Field to Shackerstone. This
activity also counts for IOTA EU-005 and WLOTA 1841. QSL via the RSGB
bureau or direct to M0JAV. [GB2RS]

04/09/2010:  Members of the Radio Club of Binche (ON7RY) will activate
the special event station ON4WAR on 4-5 September 2010. This activity is
to commemorate the sacrifice of the Belgian Resistance (WWII) and
especially those of the Refuge B 40 in Waudrez, Belgium. The timetable
of the activities are as follows: Sept. 4th - Saturday between 9:00 AM
and 06:00 PM local time (1100-1800z); Sept. 5th - Sunday between 08:00
AM and 04:00 PM local time (1000-1600z). PLEASE NOTE MODES OF
OPERATIONS: At the top of the hour up to the hour and a half, CW
transmissions with a Whaddon Paraset MK VII on 3.560 MHz, 3.579 MHz,
3.583 MHz and 7.025 MHz. At the hour and a half up to the next hour, SSB
transmissions on the HF bands. QSL information via ON7RY, direct or by
the Bureau. For more info about the ON4WAR station and about the history
of Refuge B 40, visit the Web site at: [OPDX Bulletin]

04/09/2010:  Operators Peter, PD1AJJ and Elmar, PD3EM, members of the
Lowlands 5x5 Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio Group, will activate the
special event callsign PD55RADAR from 4-14th September 2010. The 'RaDAR'
is short for 'Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio', and this is an
international concept of Radio Amateurs being able to operate anywhere
under all circumstances. The goal is to set up an Amateur Radio station
quickly on remote sites anywhere using only battery power. Anywhere
means not only sites reachable by car but also on locations after a few
miles walk. The 5x5 concept means being able to communicate by Amateur
Radio within 5 minutes after arriving with the QRP power of 5 watts
maximum. The Lowlands 5x5 RaDAR Group is not a club with payed
membership. It's the concept that brings these Dutch Radio Amateurs
together. For more info, check: [OPDX Bulletin]

05/09/2010:  The Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society (G4ONP)
will be active on 5 September 2010 as GB2EFF from the City of London's
annual Epping Forest Festival (good for the 'Epping Forest' award), in
the London Borough of Waltham Forest (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841, WAB
TQ39). QSL via G0TOC, direct only. Website: [LEFARS]

05/09/2010:  Members of the Symbol Technologies Amateur Radio Club will
sponsor a special event station honoring those who lost their lives
during the horrific terrorist attacks on U.S. soil of 9/11/2001. Club
station W2SBL will be multi-operated as N1Y on Saturday 1500z, September
11th, through 1500z Sunday, September 12th. Operations will be from grid
FN22 in Delaware County, NY. Activity will be on the HF bands using
SSB/CW/PSK31/SSTV, and on 70cm/2m/6m SSB. QSL is 100% via a SASE or by
the Bureau via W2SBL. [OPDX Bulletin]

09/09/2010:  Look for special event station N3U/United Flight 93 to be
activated on 9-13 September 2010, to remind Amateur Radio Operators
World-Wide of the tragic events that happened near Shanksville (PA), New
York City and Washington DC on September 11, 2001." This operation will
be sponsored by the Blair Amateur Radio Society (W3PN) along with
various local, state and government agencies (City of Altoona, Blair
County Pa, Red Cross, EMA/911, LEPC, PEMA, DHS). The N3U/United Flt 93
operators will include: Bob W3BTX (also P49T), Roy W3TEF and various
other W3PN club members. QSL N3U/Flt 93 via W3PN, by the bureau or
direct with sufficient postage. PLEASE no eQSL or LoTW at this time. For
more details, see [OPDX Bulletin]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

02/09-06/09   9M6/JK2VOC: Borneo Island WLOTA:0119 QSL HC (d/b)
02/09              GM0DHZ/P: Helliar Holm Islet WLOTA:3000 QSL HC (d)
02/09              GM3VLB/P: Helliar Holm Islet WLOTA:3000 QSL HC (d)
03/09-15/09   GM0DHZ/P: Mainland Shetlands WLOTA:1652 QSL HC (d)
03/09-15/09   GM3VLB/P: Mainland Shetlands WLOTA:1652 QSL HC (d)
03/09-05/09   IA5/IQ5LV: Isola Pianosa WLOTA:0968 QSL IZ5ENZ (d/b)
03/09-07/09   ZY6Z: Morro de Sao Paulo DFB:BA-06 WLOL:BRA-157 WLOTA:1624
                             QSL PY6HD (d)
04/09-18/09   5P5L: Lolland Island WLOTA:2773 QSL DD2ML (d/b)
04/09-05/09   EG3LH: Punta Corballera FEA:E-0371.2 WLOL:SPA-058
                             QSL EA3GHZ (d/b)
05/09-28/11   5R8HT: Madagascar Island WLOTA:2455 QSL F4DBJ (d/b)
05/09              GB2EFF: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL G0TOC
05/09-11/09   SM7DAY/P: Oland WLOTA:0588 QSL HC (d/b)
05/09-11/09   SM7NGH/P: Oland WLOTA:0588 QSL HC (d/b)
08/09-22/09   9H3UM: Gozo Island WLOTA:0046 QSL SQ9UM (d/b)
08/09-22/09   9H3UM: Malta Island WLOTA:1113 QSL SQ9UM (d/b)
09/09-12/09   K2EFG/P: Fire Island WLH:K-060 WLOL:USA-286
                               WLOTA:1922 QSL HC (d/b)
09/09              LA6Q: Gurskoy Island WLOTA:2397 QSL LA9VDA (d/b)
09/09-14/09   LA6Q: Rimoy Island WLOTA:2137 QSL HC (d/b)
09/09-20/09   M/TA3J: England (main) WLOTA:1841 QSL HC (d/b)
10/09-12/09   TM5BATZ: Batz Island WLOTA:0680 QSL F5IRC (d/b)

New Website For Lighthouse Spotting at:

* = new info...
Added 2 Contests, Added 2 Awards (in Awards section)...
Just a reminder, I will again be back in the Caboose (counts for RRDOTA)
for the ARRL SEP VHF and QRP ARCI VHF on the Spetember 11-12 weekend...
And, the QCWA SEP QP and CX SEP PHONE on the September 18-19 weekend...
4 Contests, 2 weekends...  90W from the TS-60 to the "Dominator" Vert @
35ft, 52.525 FM only...  This should get me enough cards to get the West
Park Radio Ops "OHIO" Award on 6M FM, I'm only 3 cards (or eQSLs) short.
QSL cards will start going out after these Contests, I have 1000 cards,
and enuf postage and envelops to send out about 160 cards as of right
now...  N8O Special Event cards go out first, QSLs rcvd with SASE go out
second, 6M FM cards third, and everybody else in alphabetical order
after that...
PeAcE... [N8OFS]

VU - Indian amateurs now on 6m:
India's amateur radio operators now have access to the 6m band. The new
allocation says 50 to 54MHz on F1B, F2B, F3E, F3C modes using 25 watts.
Indian amateurs are hoping there is a mistake and are seeking
clarification as previous allocations allowed CW and SSB among other
modes on VHF/UHF. The other interesting development is that 400 watts DC
input power has been allowed on all HF bands for the General class
licence. Earlier the limit was 150 watts input with 400 watts being
allowed in very small sub-bands for the old Advanced class licence
holders. [GB2RS]

*144 MHz MS & EME DX-PEDITION NEWS* - Please do use:
and use the FILTER for your personal wishes!

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 31 August 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

Thanks to everyone to contact YP1WFF (YOFF-020).
Last week I sent all QSL cards.
If someone has not received QSL card please write me.
Soon we hope to organize expeditions in various WFF districts.
73/44  Feri-YO5OED (yo5oag at gmail dot com)
More than 7800 old QSL are waiting your visit.
Please have a look on: web site.
Below, a list of the latest card we have put on the site from July to
August ordered by gallery.
FO/JJ8DEN (Maupiti)
FW0DX, FW0VU (Wallis)
TX3A (Chesterfield)
ZS8M-Marion (2010), etc., etc. [F6AJA]
QSLs via Bureau: 3B7C, 3G1E, 4S7SAG, 5H1MS, 6W1SJ, 6Y5/WE9V, 9A70LPC,

QSLs via Direct: 3D2M [OC-016] (JA2NQG), A7/MØFGA (NN1N), CE4WJK
(, E4X (), EX8MLE (, FW5F [OC-118] (JA2NQG), FW5M
[OC-054] (JA2NQG),  GW3YDX (, PJ4/OK5MM (hc), ST2AR (S53R), TLØA
(, V47KP (W2OX), VQ9RD (KI1G) and ZS8M (ZS1X).

QSLs via LoTW: HA1DAE, LU5FF, OHØX, S53R, WQ2N/P, XE1/N6AN and XE1NTT.
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WCA Reflector:
WCAG (World Castles Activity Group) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

Battle of Britain - GB70BRS
Last chance to work GB70BRS!
  During its time as a radar research centre and as an operational
station for Chain Home radar, Bawdsey Manor was known by the acronym
BRS - Bawdsey Research Station.
  In recognition of the historic events that took place in 1935 and 1940
which played a significant part in Britain’s war effort, the site has
been activated in Feb 2010 (GB75BRS) and June (GB70BRS).
  Over the weekend of 11 and 12 September 2010, BRS will be activated
for the final time, as GB70BRS, to commemorate the contribution of radar
to success in the Battle of Britain.
  Part of the aim of the operation is to raise funds for benevolent
organisations working in the field of supporting families and members of
the RAF. To this end, the Daventry and Bawdsey Certificates were
established. Proceeds from the Daventry Certificate are going to the
British Legion - this award is available to stations who worked all
three active sites during the operation in February to commemorate the
Daventry Experiment.
  The Bawdsey Certificate is available to stations who worked the
Bawdsey site as GB75BRS in Feb, and as GB70BRS in either June or Sept -
so this is the final opportunity to complete that! Proceeds from the
Bawdsey Certificate are going to the RAF Benevolent Fund.
  More detail about the awards, including examples of the certificates
and how to apply can be found on the BRS website at - please help to support those
working to make the lives of ex-servicemen and women, and their families
a little more comfortable.
  You can also find details about our previous operations, and our
planned activity and preferred frequencies for September on the site.
[G4HUP & Southgate ARC]
Farol do Forte do Cavalo - Sesimbra [A.R.V.M.]
Montenegro joins the IARU:
At the end of last week, the Montenegrin Amateur Radio Pool was accepted
as an IARU Member Society. [GB2RS]
VKØ - Heard Island
Steve VK6IR and Chris VK3FY are in the planning stages to go to Heard
Island in February 2013. Operators is limited to 13. It’s expected that
the activation will be for 14 days, whilst travel to and from the island
will take 14 days each way. Costs are likely to be in the order of
USD$400-500k. Chris, VK3FY explains negotiations have begun with the
ships owners and an application has been forwarded to the relevant
goverment department in regards to the landing permit. []

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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