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Главная » 2010 » Февраль » 5 » ICPO Bulletin (04-12 February 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (04-12 February 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
04/02/2010: Dieter, DJ2EH and his XYL Anneli, L8NBH are currently active as C21DL and C21YL from Nauru (OC-031) until 14th February. If all goes well, expect them to work in CW, SSB and RTTY on the usual DX frequencies on 160m-6m. RTTY operation take place using the call C21YL. Their station includes: K3, amplifier with 800 watts, a wirebeam in 15m height, 20.5m vertical for 80m/160m, a 2 ele vertical dipole for 30m/40m, switchable LP/SP. Due to the severe QRN they are trying to build a beverage towards EU in order to work effectively also on the lowbands. QSLs also via the Bureau to their homecalls. [DX Newsletter]

04/02/2010: Guy, F8ALU is currently active from Morocco as CN2BG until early March. He is generally using SSB on 14115/14130 kHz. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F5NQL]

04/02/2010: Fred, DL1NL is currently active from Lima, Peru, until the middle of February. Fred works mostly CW and will be QRV as OA4/DL1NL from Radio Club Peruano (OA4O) when time permits. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [dx-world-net]

04/02/2010: Robert, N7MSU, will be active as V31SU from various locations in Belize and Turneffe Islands (NA-123) between 4-23 February. Activity will be mainly 40 and 20 metres using CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct (see or by the Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

04/02/2010: Andrew, VK2ACC will be active from Norfolk Island (IOTA OC-005, WLOTA LH-1469) as VK2ACC/9 from 4-9 February. QRV 40-6 metres, using SSB and maybe some PSK31, with 100W to Buddipole and end-fed wire. This will be a holiday style operation. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]

05/02/2010: Randy, W6SJ will be active from Grand Bahama Island (IOTA NA-080, WLOTA LH-0527) from 5-10 February. QRV holiday style operation on 30, 17 and 12 metres. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]

05/02/2010: Jan, SM3CER and Jorgen, SM3FJF will be active from SI9AM (King Chulalongkorn Memorial Amateur Radio Society, in Ragunda on 5-6 February. They plan to operate CW and SSB on 80-17 metres. QSL via SM3CVM, direct or via Bureau. [425 DX News]

05/02/2010: Kanzi, JA4ENL will be active as V85NL from Tungku Lodge (Ambram's, V85SS, rental QTH,, Brunei (IOTA OC-088, WLOTA LH-1628) on 5-8 February. He will operate on various bands, including 160 metres using Ambram's full wave dipole. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

05/02/2010: Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia members Tommy VK2IR, Peter VK2NN, Raffy VK2RF, Allan VK2GR, Paul VK2HV and Jeff VK3HJA will be active from Broughton Island (OC-212, WW Loc. QF67DJ), 5-7 February. QRV 160-6 metres. QSL direct to VK2IR ( Further information can be found at: []

05/02/2010: Mirek, VK6DXI will be on a business trip to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, between 5-13 February. Activity likely "after hours" using Z21DXI. QSL via SP5UAF, direct or by the Bureau. [dx-world-net]

06/02/2010: Andrea IZ1MHY has received the authorization to transmit from the Principality of Monaco on 6-7th February 2010 with the callsign 3A/IZ1MHY. QSL via home call. No other details were given. [IW1DQS]

06/02/2010: Jorge, CT1FMX and Luis, CT1CQK will be active on 6th February from the Mosteiro do Varatojo (WCA CT-1050, DMHP LX-073) and the Cruzeiro do Mosteiro Varatojo (WCA CT-1544, DMHP LX-145). They will the callsigns CT1FMX/P (QSL via home call) and CR5CQK (QSL via CT1CQK) on 20 and 40 metres. QSL via Bureau or direct! [RN1CW]

06/02/2010: Manel EA3EGB, will be active as homecall/p on 6-7th February, from the Castle of Llivia (WCA EA-2130 for the World Castles award; DCE GI-213 for the Spanish Castles award; DME-17094 for the Spanish Municipalities [similar to USA-CA for county hunting]). Also valid for the certificate of nature parks (EAFF-114). Equipment: ICOM
751-1/100W, Antenna: 3 ele Yagi Beam 10/15/20m, dipole on 80 metres and vertical on 40 metres. He plans to work CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK-31. QSL via home call, Bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

06/02/2010: Operators EA3AXQ, EA3AXZ, EA3BZF, EA3BZG, EA3CUV, EA3CXY, EA3EIQ, EA3EVR, EA3FO, EA3GHZ, EA3GUM, EA3GVL, EA3IM, EB3COO, EB3FXH, EB3XZ and possibly others will be active on 6-7th February using special callsign EG3MVD (Montblanc Villa Ducal) from Murallas Goticas de Montblanc (WCA EA-04719, DCE/DCC CT-065); Convento de S. Francisco (DMVE MVT-0535); Montblanc (DME 43086). Acitivity is planned for all bands. QSL via bureau! [RN1CW]

06/02/2010: Christophe, F4AQG will be signing homecall/p on 6th February 2010 from the Castle of Sibourg (DFCF 13-046, WW Loc. JN23OO), located in the commune of Lançon Provence (CP 13680), canton [county] of Pelissanne (DDCF 13-51), Department Bouches du Rhone/13 and Province Cote d'Azur (DPF 20). QRV on 40 metre SSB only. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [F4AQG]

06/02/2010: Operators Siegfried DK9FN, Bernhard DL2GAC and Hans-Peter DG1FK will be active as H40FN (CW), H40MS (SSB) and H40FK (Digi-mode), respectively, from Pigeon Island, Ngarando/Reef Islands (OC-065) between 6-19 February. Activity will be focused on 160/80m (using their famous LOBSTER 2-element multi-band vertical), but they will operate on 160-6 metres depending on the band conditions. QSL H40FN via HA8FW, H40MS via DL2GAC and H40FK via DG1FK. QSL cards will be sent out automatically via
the Bureau. However, for those who want to receive their QSL cards directly, a minimum of 2 USDs for postage is requested. Donations are most welcome. For more details, updates and pictures/details of Siegfried's last visit to Temotu, please visit the following Web page at: [OPDX Bulletin]

06/02/2010: Look for JM1YGG/JD1 (QSL via home call), JA2ZL/JD1 (QSl via home call), JD1BMV (QSL via JK1EBA), JD1BNB (QSL via JA3MCA) and JM1YGG/JD1 (QSL via home call) to be active from Chichi-jima (JIIA AS-031-003, WLOTA LH-2269), Ogasawara (AS-031), on 6-14 February. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-12 metres. QSLs direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]

06/02/2010: Jeff, VA3QSL will be QRV near IOTA frequencies as KP2/VA3QSL, W/SSB/PSK on 40-15 metres from St. Thomas (IOTA NA-106, USi VI004S) and St. Croix (IOTA NA-106, USi VI002S, WLOTA LH-2477), USVI, from 6-14 February. This will be a vacation style operation. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [VA3QSL]

06/02/2010: MM0DGR/p will be operating from the Loch Lomond National Nature Reserve (GMFF-046) on Saturday, 6th February, 2010. The portable station will be located at the Shore Wood (southeast corner of Loch Lomond). Equipment: Icom IC-706MKIIG with HLA-300 Plus (300W) HF Power Amplifier. Antenna: 9m high Vertical with CG-5000 Automatic Antenna Coupler. Grid locator IO76RB, WAB NS48, EU Area SC31 (West Dunbartonshire), IOTA EU-005, WLOTA LH-1234. Bands, modes and frequencies ± QRM: 20 m (BPSK63 14.072 MHz, CW 14.044 MHz, SSB 14.244 MHz); 30 m (BPSK63 10.142 MHz, CW 10.110 MHz); 40 m (BPSK63 7.044 MHz, CW 7.014 MHz, SSB 7.144 MHz). QSL-cards via MM0DFV (preferably RSGB QSL-bureau). [MM0DFV]

08/02/2010: Rick, NE8Z will be active in CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 on 80m-10m from several provinces in Ecuador from 8-24th February: HC1MD from Tumbaco, Pichincha province; HC1MD/HC1 from Mt. Pichincha; and HC1MD/HC4 from Punta Blanca, Manabi province. QSL via K8LJG, direct or Bureau. [DX Newsletter]

08/02/2010: Thair, W2APF traveling aboard the ship National Geographic Explorer is visiting the Antarctic region from 8th February until 5th March. He will sign W2APF/C6A/mm from onboard the ship and W2APF/KC4 from the Antarctic mainland. He plans shore excursions on the Falkland Islands (IOTA SA-002, WLOTA LH-1479), South Orkney Islands (IOTA AN-008), South Shetland Islands (IOTA AN-010) and South Georgia Islands (IOTA AN-007) and will use the call VP8DML from there. An exact timetable is not known in advance. QSL cards for all callsigns should be sent via W2APF. Learn more at: [DX Newsletter]

09/02/2010: NODXA member Goose, W8AV will be on the Island of Curacao (IOTA SA-006, WLOTA LH-0942) from the PJ2T Signal Point station signing PJ2/W8AV, 9-22 February. He plans to be on 160-10 metres using CW and RTTY. He will also be one of the PJ2T operators during the ARRL International DX CW Contest (20-21 February) and possibly in the CQWW WPX RTTY Contest (February 13-14th), depending on the station maintenance work schedule. QSL PJ2/W8AV via home call, bureau preferred. QSL PJ2T via N9AG, direct or Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

09/02/2010: Operators Jacques F6BEE, Phil FO8RZ, Nigel G3TXF and Gilles VE2TZT will be active from French Polynesia as TX4T between 09-25 February. QRV on 9 HF bands, 160-10m. QTH will be north of Tahiti Hiti peninsula, Tahiti (IOTA OC-046, DIFO FO-001, WLOTA LH-0885), directly on the pacific ocean with a clean shot to Europe and the Americas. Strong effort on low bands (160m and 80m). Entries in WPX RTTY and ARRL DX CW
contest are planned. QSL via G3TXF, direct or Bureau. Further information can be found at: [NG3K]

10/02/2010: Ulf, DL5AXX, will be active from the island of Grenada (IOTA NA-024, WLOTA LH-0718) as J38XX between 10-24 February. Activity will be focused on the lower bands, but also in the ARRL International DX CW Contest (20-21 February) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau (the OQRS for bureau cards can be found at A logsearch will be available at: [OPDX Bulletin]

10/02/2010: Roger, N4RR, will be in Bonaire (IOTA SA-006, WLOTA LH-1279) between 10-15th February. He plans to operate in the CQWW WPX RTTY Contest (13-14th February) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. He will be signing PJ4R during the contest and PJ4/N4RR before the contest operating on all bands on RTTY and CW. QSL via his home call. [OPDX Bulletin]

10/02/2010: Mike, JA6EGL and Hiro, JA6KYU will be active as T88SM and T88HS respectively from Koror Island (OC-009), Palau, on 10-16 February. They plan to operate CW and SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL via home calls, direct only. [425 DX News]

11/02/2010: Yahir Omar, XE2JA will be active as XE2JA/XF1 from Isla Alcatraz (IOTA NA-167, WW Loc. DL48AT), Sonora State, Mexico, on 11-14th February. He plans to operate SSB and RTTY on 80-15 metres as well as via AO-27, AO-51 and SO-50 satellites. QSL via EA5XC (direct or Bureau); Mexican stations can go via XE2IVY. Further information can be found at: [425 DX News]

12/02/2010: Operators Enrico/5Z4ES, Francesco/IK8TEO, Antonio/IK8UHA and Antonio/IK8VRH will be active as 5Z0H from Lamu Island (AF-040) and Wasini Island (AF-067) between 12-25 February. Operation dates are tentative. They plan to have 2 stations active on 160-10m CW/SSB/RTTY. Pilot station will be IK8OZZ. QSL via LoTW, by the Bureau or direct to IK8VRH: P.O. Box 173, I-80016 Marano (NA), Italy. For more information, visit their web page at: [NG3K]

12/02/2010: Luis XQ5CIE, Carlos CE6UFF, Didier F6DXE and Dago CE5COX will be active from the Chilean naval base Arturo Prat (WAP CHI-001) on Greenwich Island (IOTA AN-010, WW Loc. GC07EM), South Shetland Islands, from 12th February to 26th March as XR9JA. They will be active on 160-6m SSB, CW, PSK31, and Satellite AO-51. QSL via CE5JA (Radio Club de Concepcion, P.O. Box 2545, Concepcion, Chile). All QSLs received direct please include recent SASE or 2 USD $; QSL received via Bureau will be returning by the same way. All QSL will be 100% guaranteed. Further information can be found at: also [F5NQL]

12/02/2010: Look for XU7KOH activity from Koh Russei (AS-133) during the following date and operators: 12-16th February - Operators Wim/ON6NP, Wim/ON6TZ and Peter/XU7ACY (NO2R); 19-23rd February - Operators Wim/ON6NP, Wim/ON6TZ, Peter/XU7ACY (NO2R) and Joel/F5PAC. QSL direct to ON7PP. More details are forthcoming. Logs will be posted after the operation (ASAP) on the following Web page: [OPDX

18/02/2010: Rick, K6VVA will be active from Providenciales (NA-002),
Turks & Caicos Islands as VP5/K6VVA from 18-24th Frebruary. QRV holiday
style on all bands. He will also participate in the ARRL International
DX CW Contest (20-21 February), using the callsign VP5Z, entry category
to be decided. Note: VP5Z callsign chosen in honor of my longtime friend
Jim Neiger, N6TJ (ZD8Z). QSL ONLY VIA N6AWD. Website:

20/02/2010: Dave, G3TBK will once again be active as J88DR from the
island of St. Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492) during theARRL DX CW
Contest (20-21 February) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL
via home call, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]

03/03/2010: John, G3LZQ will be active from Cotton Bay, Rodrigues
Island (IOTA AF-017) between 3rd March and 2nd April as 3B9/G3LZQ,
including an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (13-14th March).
Outside of the contest he will be QRV on the low bands. QSL via home
call, direct or Bureau. [BERU contest news]

06/03/2010: Look for Dave, G3TBK to be active as J88DR from the island
of St. Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492) for the ARRL DX SSB Contest
(6-7 March) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via his home
call, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]

09/03/2010: Bob, G3PJT will be active from the north east coast of St.
Lucia (IOTA NA-108, WLOTA LH-1336) from 9-16th March, including an entry
in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (13-14 March). Outside the contest, Bob
will be QRV holiday style with K2 and verticals with focus on 80 and 30
metres. QSL via home call, direct ( [BERU contest news]

11/03/2010: Alain, F6BFH and his XYL will be active from the island of
St. Martin (IOTA NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA LH-0383), as TO5SM, between
11th and 24th March. QRV HF SSB and CW. QSL when return via F6BFH either
direct or Bureau. More information to be published at: [F5NQL]

16/03/2010: Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG begin another DXpedition! They
will be QRV from the island of Antigua (IOTA NA-100, WLOTA LH-1118, WW
Loc. FK97CC) between 16th March and 4th April as V21ZG. QRV on 80-6m,
mainly RTTY, PSK and SSB. V21ZG will look especially for JA-stations and
"Little guns" and QRP stations. QSL via DL7AFS, direct or Bureau.
Further information and log search at:

21/03/2010: Olivier ON4EI will be activating Bere Island (IOTA EU-121,
WLOTA LH-2983) as EJ8GQB, his new Irish callsign. This solo expedition
is planned from 21st-29th March 2010. Activity will be 160-10m SSB/RTTY.
HB: Spiderbeam beam; LB: 18m vertical mast top loaded + 30 radials; Rig:
K3 100W. He will also take part in the CQ WPX SSB Contest (27th-28th
March). [LY4A DX News]

27/03/2010: A Lithuanian and Georgian team will be active from Georgia
as 4L3A during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (27-28 March) as a Multi-?
entry. QSL via LY4A. Website: [NG3K]

27/03/2010: The Peel and Mississauga Amateur Raido Clubs will activate
the callsign VE3XR during the annual Ham-Ex Hamfest on 27th March 2010.
QRV 3.750, 7.260 and 14.265 MHz SSB. QSL via VA3QSL, direct ( or
by the Bureau. Information about Ham-Ex can be found at:

14/04/2010: Steve, K8QKY will be active from the island of Taiwan (IOTA
AS-020, WLOTA LH-0022, Grid square PL04) as BW1/K8QKY from 14-19th April
2010. QRV 160-6 metres, CW only. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

30/04/2010: To mark the 10th Anniversary of the closure of the World's
largest Maritime Radio Station Portishead Radio / GKA, a special
callsign GB10GKA has been granted. GB10GKA is being activated for a
period of one month 30th April 2010 through 27 May 2010. Hours of
operation will be dependent on individual operator's free time however,
it is intended that the callsign will be active extensively throughout
the licenced period. Operation will be primarily on CW. QSL via the RSGB
Bureau. [F5NQL]

01/06/2010: Herbie - G6XOU will be participating in June's big European
PSK Club (EPC) event as GB8EPC - for the first 28 days of June. As many
of you know, Herbie is the ISWL Council member who runs their QSL
Bureau. So if you work or hear this callsign, it will count for the
ISWL's Monitor award. June will definitely be the month to spend solely
on PSK!. So you have plenty of time to try out this mode and get active.

24/07/2010: The Massillon Amateur Radio Club, W8NP will be active from
North Bass Island (USi OH006), located in Lake Erie, Ottawa county, Ohio
on 24 July. They also plan to operate for a 24 hour period beginning
sometime Saturday morning. Operators include AB8CC Carl, KD8JNX Brooker,
KF8UN Byron, WC8W Gary, WD8MBE Tom, WD8MIU Wade and W8PNT Peggy. QSL via [USi]

04/02/2010: Operators Claire WL7MY and John KL7JR will be operating
special event station N7I from Honolulu, Oahu Island (OC-019, USi
HI008S, WLOTA LH-1227), February 4-10th. Activity is in celebration of
the 16th anniversary of the U.S. Islands Awards program. Main frequency
will be: 28460 or 14260 kHz. They use a TS-50 and a vertical on mag
mount. QSL Manager is KL7JR. For additional info:
[OPDX Bulletin]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

04/02-10/02 N7I: Oahu Island (Honolulu) WLOTA:1227 QSL KL7JR (d)
04/02-09/02 VK2ACC/9: Norfolk Island WLOTA:1469 QSL VK2ACC (d/b)
05/02-10/02 C6AWS: Grand Bahama Island WLOTA:0527 QSL W6SJ (d)
05/02-08/02 V85NL: Brunei (Borneo main) WLOTA:1628 QSL JA4ENL (d/b)
06/02-14/02 JA2ZL/JD1: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL HC (d/b)
06/02-14/02 JD1BMV: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JK1EBA (d/b)
06/02-14/02 JD1BNB: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JA3MCA (d/b)
06/02-14/02 JM1YGG/JD1: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL HC (d/b)
06/02-14/02 KP2/VA3QSL: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL HC (d/b)
06/02 MM0DGR/P: Scotland WLOTA:1234 QSL MM0DFV (b)
09/02-22/02 PJ2/W8AV: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL HC (d/b)
09/02-25/02 TX4T: Tahiti Island WLOTA:0885 QSL G3TXF (d/b)
10/02-24/02 J38XX: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL DL5AXX (d/b)
10/02-15/02 PJ4/N4RR: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL HC (d)

6 Meters is SOOO OPEN, (how open is it???)..
VE3CRU 50110.0 C6ANX FL15 - FN03 5-7 tnx qso 2304 03 Feb [N8OFS]

C6ANM: From 2 reliable sources... He's running 100W with a 5 el yagi on
6... [N8OFS]

*** 8Q / MJ64 ***
PRE-ANNOUNCE of an EME-Expedition to Maledives (8Q) UPDATE from Dan,
dated 2010-01-23: QTH locator will be MJ64je. Equipment on 144 is
1x14el cross-yagi by DF7KF, preamp and full legal power equipment on
1296 is 1x59y and 100W it looks like we will not carry 432 equipment due
to weight and operator restrictions all preparations are on time,
everything looks good! [MMMonVHF]

*** FY / GJ34-GJ35 ***
Hermann, DL2NUD, is traveling in February to French-Guiana. Update from
Hermann, dated 2010-01-25: Hermann, FY/DL2NUD, did send latest News to
MMMonVHF yesterday. He might be able to activate two Squares at FY
(GJ35sa (main QTH) and maybe GJ34tv). First day of operation will be the
4th February or latest 5th Februray and last day shall be 1st March.
Flight back DL take place on 2nd or 3rd of March. QSL-Policy: Hermann
asks to remind that QSL only DIRECT to his home actual adress !(use: ) PLEASE do send 3 US-Dollar for each
Square you wants QSL from...! [MMMonVHF]

*** HS / OK16 ***
Karsten will try to setup a a MMMonVHF MDC together with DXBlog: to spread his latest News. LATEST NEWS from
Karsten, DL2LAH, dated 2010-01-24: Flights are booked and confirmed. So
the time frame will be 12th March until 6th May... More infos/details to
follow ... [MMMonVHF]

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 02 February 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

KØPC - Feb 6th 1400Z to Feb 6th 2400Z - CW Only
MN QSO Party. Le Sueur, Sibley, Nicollet, Brown, Redwood, Cottonwood,
Murray, Lyon, Lincoln, Pipestone, Rock, Nobles, Jackson, Martin,
Watonwan, Blue Earth, Faribault, Freeborn, Waseca, Steele, & Rice. APRS
tracking: K0PC-9. See for more information.
[County Hunter Web]

NØEO/m - 2-6-10 1400 hrs to 2-6-10 2400 hrs - CW Only
MN QSO Party mobile. We will be in the following Counties. Koochiching,
Lake of the Woods, Roseau, Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, Red Lake,
Polk, Mahnomen, Clearwater, Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Aitkin. Will be on
80-40-20 CW. Will work out band on each frequency before switching
Counties. 80-40 primary but will be on 20 for as long as it works. Will
be on APRS as N0EO-9. [County Hunter Web]

NØIJ - February 6, 2010 to February 6, 2010 - CW Only
MN QSO Party. Start Saturday morning 14:00 UTC in following MN counties:
Itasca, Cass, Hubbard, Beltrami, Clearwater, Polk, Red Lake at 16:00,
Polk (again), Mahnomen, Norman, Clay, Becker, Otter Tail at 18:00,
Wadena, Todd, Morrison, Cass (again), Crow Wing, Mille Lacs at 20:30,
Kanabec, Aitkin, Pine, Carlton at 21:45, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. Will
stay in Cook extra time if there is demand. Schedule weather dependent.
20,40,80 meters cw only. Advise on special needs. Will hit 80 & 40 in
each county for sure and 20 in most. [County Hunter Web]

NRØT - 2/6/10 to 2/6/10 - SSB Only
Minnesota QSO Party - Feb. 6th from 8AM CST to 6PM CST. See for details and rules. Mobile operation with
NR0T as callsign and Martha, OA4ABC/W0 as primary operator. The
operation will be mostly SSB with possible excursions to CW to pick up
multipliers. The counties and approximate start times are as follows:
Dakota, 8am CST Goodhue, 8:30am CST Wabasha, 9:30am CST Winona, 10:30am
CST Houston, 11:30am CST Filmore, 12:45pm CST Mower, 2:00pm CST
Freeborn, 3:00pm CST Steele, 4:00pm CST Rice, 5:00 CST Frequencies will
about 3.850, 7.250, 14.270 Band choice will depend on conditions.
[County Hunter Web]

WØZQ - Feb 6, 2010 to Feb 7, 2010 - SSB and CW
MN QSO Party. Eight counties in this order - Dodge, Olmsted, Goodhue,
Wabasha, Goodhue(again), Dakota, Rice, Scott, ending in LeSueur. Mixed
mode this year - 80m will be CW only, but 40/20/15m CW & SSB as band
conditions allow. APRS tracking: W0ZQ-15. [County Hunter Web]

N5NA - Alan - Feb 7 to Feb 7 - CW Only
New Mexico QSO Party - Primarily CW but possibly some SSB. I'll be
active in the following counties: Lea, Roosevelt, Curry, De Baca,
Guadalupe, Torrance, Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Rio Arriba, Taos.
I'll be on APRS as n5na-9. More info at: [County Hunter

The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

Cape Verde


If you had one of these operations rejected on a recent application
please send a note to to have your record updated.

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager
Florentin F4DYW (FT5WO) is coming back at home and he has started to
reply to all direct request for his FT5WO activity. [F6AJA]
QSLs received Bureau - CW2A, D88S, FJ/OH2AM, NU1AW/0, PJ9JT, TI5NW,
W1AW/4, W1AW/9, YL2KO, YL90UZ, YV70IARU and YW9AJ.

QSLs received Direct - 1B1AB (N7RO), 3V3S (DL9USA), 4S7KKG (DC0KK),
(, PZ5RA (, SV2ASP/A (, T6YA (F5OGL), TL0A
[OC-211] (RZ3EC) and ZS9Z (ZS6EZ).

QSLs received LoTW - 3D20CR, 3D2RK, 3D2SQ, 6W/GM4FDM, A35A, A35RK,
YC3OSE, ZK1ASQ [N & S Cooks] and ZK1MA.

John Dunlop GM0WDF/GM6LNM became a silent key on Friday 22nd January
2010. Believed due to a heart attack. Known as "Farmer John" by all that
knew him, he was mainly active on 6m, 2m and 70cm DX from his elevated
farm in IO75PW during the 1980/90's. John was particularly well known on
for his MS, E's and Auroral activity. RIP. SOURCE: tnx to Ray, GM4CXM,
direct to MMMonVHF The Team of MMMonVHF will pass our deep sympathy and
condolences to his family. Rest in peace, Farmer John!

Log of the past dxpedition (21-29 January) has been uploaded to LOTW.
Search log is available at:
WCA Happy BirthDay (WCA HBD) Summary -
On January, 16th and 17, 2010, for the first time has took place
radiohams activity days from castles, fortresses and other historical
objects devoted to anniversary of World Castles Award Program foundation
(14th of January 2009) - WCA Happy BirthDay (WCA HBD).
We express our thanks to all radiohams who have supported us and were
active on air from castles, fortresses and other historical objects:
CQ0ODX team, DL1ASF, DL5AWI, EN1UCF & EO0UD teams, EU1EU & AGB, LY3X,
OK1ES, OK1TIR, OK2SJI, RV1AQ, RX1CQ, RZ1CWC team and etc..
Memorable and historical places from 6 countries of the world have been
presented in all.
Our personal thanks to Sergey UR7UT for interesting offers and ideas.
Also we would express our thanks to all radiohams who did not remain are
indifferent to this small, but memorable action - to everyone who
called, spotted and helped us in the air.
Foto report from WCA-HBD teams at: [RN1CW]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

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