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Главная » 2010 » Май » 11 » ICPO Bulletin (06 - 14 May 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (06 - 14 May 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
07/05/2010:  Franjo 9A2MF, Daki 9A2WJ and Emir 9A6AA will be active as
homecall/p from National Park Krka (WFF 9AFF-003) on 7-8 May 2010 and
from Nature Park Lake Vrana (WFF 9AFF-019) on 9 May 2010. They plan to
operate SSB, CW and PSK31 on 40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL via their home
calls. Information on the Croatian Flora Fauna Program can be found at: [425 DX News]

07/05/2010:  Members of the F6KOP Team will be active as IS0R from Isola
Rossa di Bosa, Sardinia (IOTA EU-024, IIA OR-010, MIA MIS-086, WW Loc.
JN41KA), from 7-15th May 2010. Activity will be on 160-6m, using 3
stations on HF and 1 station on 6m. They plan to use CW, SSB and RTTY.
Each station will be a FT450 with an Acom 1010 using Micro Ham and PC.
Antennas include Spider Beam for 30-10m, 4 square for 40m, vertical for
80m (K9AY) and an Inverted L for 160m plus a beverage. For 6 metres a
six el. Yagi is expected. Operators mentioned are: Team leader Thierry
F4TTR (SSB), Sebastien F5UFX (SSB), John F5VHQ (SSB), Sergio IS0AWZ
(SSB), Yann F1NGP (SSB), Norbert F6AXX (CW), Maurice F5NQL (CW), Bruno
F5AGB (CW), Eric ON7RN (CW, SSB), Jean-Paul F8BJI (Digi), Henri F1HRE
(Digi) and Frank F4AJQ (Digi). QSL via F5CWU, direct or via the French
REF-Union Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

07/05/2010:  A team of operators from Brasov will try to work from the
Piatra Craiului National Park (WWF YOFF-010) on 7-8th May 2010. Activity
will also include the CQ MIR contest. QSL via YO3JW, direct or bureau.

08/05/2010:  Tony, IK8VRH will be working in Kenya from 8 May until
April 2012. Requested callsign is 5Z4RH (to be approved by the
Communications Commission of Kenya). Information on a new amateur radio
shack for rent at a tourist resort in Malindi will be available in late
June. [425 DX News]

08/05/2010:  Ron, DL5JAG, will be active as 8Q7SR and on holiday from
Embudu Island, South Male Atoll (AS-013, WLOTA LH-3911), on 8-23 May
2010. No other details were provided. QSL via his home callsign, direct
w/SAE and proper postage for return. Log will be uploaded to LoTW 1-2
months after his holiday, and for about 1 month. Also, he does
mention to visit the following Web page:
[OPDX Bulletin]

08/05/2010:  Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba CO2FRC will be
active in the Volta Contest as a Multi-Multi entry. Activity counts for
IOTA NA-015 and WLOTA LH-0032. Operators include Gustavo CO2NO, Lázaro
CO2WL, Jesus CO2IZ and Winston CO2WF. QSL via the Cuba QSL bureau.

08/05/2010:  Johannes, DF5AU will be active 8-12 May 2010 from Chalet
Wanni (1250m asl), Liechtenstein, as HB0/DF5AU. QRV on the HF bands,
using CW and SSB, with focus on the 80 metre band. QSL via home call,
bureau or direct. [NG3K]

08/05/2010:  Gerard, VK4TGL will be operating vacation style using light
weight QRP CW rig (ATS3b) from Moreton Island (OC-137, WLOTA LH-2987),
Queensland, from 8-15th May 2010. QRV around the QRP frequencies on 40,
30, 20 and 17m. QSL direct to VK4TGL as per or on

09/05/2010:  Lindy, WW5AA will be active as WW5AA/4 from Dauphin Island
(NA-213, USi AL002S, Mobile County), Alabama, as follows: May 9th - at
1100z, starting on 1850 kHz followed by 3805 kHz, 7153 kHz, 14260 kHz,
18135 kHz and 21260 kHz, all +/- QRM, and 12-10 meters as
propagation/time permits; May 10th - at 0100z, starting on 1850 kHz
followed by 7153 kHz. Other times and frequencies as time permits. QSL
via the home call with SASE and sufficient postage. [OPDX Bulletin]

10/05/2010:  Juergen DJ5HD (CW), Karsten DH9HAK (SSB), Wolfgang DJ5ZWS
(RTTY), and Gerd DG1XG (PSK), will be QRV from the Grensstua cottage,
Morokulia, located close to the border between Norway and Sweden, on
10-17 May 2010. They will change the callsigns LG5LG and SJ9WL every
day. QSL via LA4EKA ( More info at: [DX Newsletter]

11/05/2010:  Look for Dominic ON4AZP, Michel ON4CAQ, Francois ON6VP,
Herman ON7FH and Maurice ON7KS to be active as OZ5K from Langeland
island (IOTA EU-172, DIA FY-019, WLOTA LH-0590, WW Loc. JO54JT) on
11-18th May 2010. QRV all HF bands/modes. They also plan to activate
Lolland island (IOTA EU-029, DIA SJ-015, WLOTA LH-2773) for one day
only. QSL via ON4AMM, direct or bureau. Website: []

12/05/2010:  Alex, IW5ELA and Marco, I5KOV will be in the city of Calvi,
island of Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA LH-1390) from
12-16th May 2010. QRV holiday style as TK/IW5ELA and TK/I5KOV on 40 to
12 metre CW/SSB, using 100W some verticals and one loop for 15m. QSL via
home call, bureau or direct. [NG3K]

13/05/2010:  The Modena DX Italy Team ( is organizing a
new DXpedition to Sveti Nikola Island (EU-110, ACIA IC-516, IOCA CI-118,
MIA MC-414, WLOTA LH-3152, WW Loc. JN65TF) on 13-17th May 2010.
Operators and callsigns will be Sergio 9A/IZ4BBF, Augusto 9A/IK4RQJ and
Tony 9A/IK2SNG. They plan to operate CW, SSB, PSK and RTTY on HF bands
(WARC included) with 100 watts and vertical antennas. QSL via home
calls. Note: QSL cards will be printed within 3 months after DXpedition.

13/05/2010:  Operators Curt/W3HQ and Don/VK2DON will be active as
FK/W3HQ from Ile Lifou (DIFO FK-012, WLOTA LH-0578), Loyalty Islands
(IOTA OC-033), between 13-16th May. Their activity will be on 40/30/20
metres using CW only. QSL via W3HQ ( [OPDX Bulletin]

13/05/2010:  Jan, DJ8NK and Paul, F6EXV will be active from the Central
African Republic on 13-26 May 2010. They will be guest operating as TL0A
from Christian's QTH (WW Loc. JJ95DS), and will concentrate on RTTY
(Jan) and CW (Paul) with two stations. Look for them on 40-6 metres,
with some possible activity on 80 and 160 metres (but it is "late in the
season for low bands, plus it is the rainy season in TL with daily
storms", Paul says). They are unlikely to have Internet access from the
station and there will be no on-line logsearch. QSL direct to Christian
Saint-Arroman, Chemin de Mousteguy, 64990 Urcuit, France (please note
that neither Jan nor Paul will be able to confirm any contact). Chris,
TL0A expects to leave definitively the Central African Republic in July
and probably go to Niger (5U5U) next September. [425 DX News]

15/05/2010:  Look for special event station 8N5T will be activated
between 15 May and 15 June 2010 for the 2010 Shikoku(-district)
Information Telecommunication Month (T: Tosa, an old name of Kochi, one
of four prefectures in Shikoku), Shikoku region, Kochi prefecture,
island of Shikoku (AS-076, JIIA AS-076-001, WLOTA 2015). QSL via the
JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

15/05/2010:  Tomi, HA4DX will take part in a sailing trip on the
Tyrrhenian Sea (part of the Mediterranean Sea off the western coast of
Italy) with a yacht on 15-22 May 2010. On the sea he will operate as
HA4DX/mm. He will visit and operate from the following islands: 15 May
from Elba Island (EU-028, IIA LI-001, MIA MI-022, WLOTA 0609) as
IA5/HA4DX; 16 May from Capraia Island (EU-028,  IIA LI-020, MIA MI-013,
WLOTA 0545) as IA5/HA4DX; 17-18 May from Corsica Island (EU-014, DIFM
TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390); 19 May from Giraglia Island (EU-164,
DIFM TK-007, MIA MCO-006, WLOTA 0511); and 20 May from Elba Island
(EU-028, IIA LI-001, MIA MI-022, WLOTA 0609). Tomi will use a TS450SAT
and vertical antennas. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [HA0HW]

08/06/2010:  John, K9EL will be in French St. Martin (NA-105, DIFO
FS-001, WLOTA 0383, Grid Loc. FK88) from 8-17 June 2010 on a family
vacation and will be operating whenever possible as FS/homecall. He will
be using an IC7000 and verticals for 80-6 metres plus he will try to
bring a yagi for 6m. QRV using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call,
bureau cards OK. [K9EL]

09/06/2010:  John, KB4CRT (SMIRK #4732) will be active as VP2MRT on 9-19
June 2010 from Gingerbread Hill, St Peters Parish, the island of
Montserrat (NA-103, WLOTA 1475, WW Loc. FK86VS). QRV 40-2 metres using
QRO 100w, QRP 5w, HFpack 5w or 10w. He plans to operate CW, SSB and
maybe PSK and to participate in the ARRL June VHF QSO Party (12-14
June). Occasional internet for skeds at: vp2mrt2010 -at-
. QSL direct to home call; No eQSL! Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.

10/06/2010:  Dennis, K7BV will head back to San Andres Island (NA-033,
ARLHS SAP-002, WLOTA 2990, WW Loc. EK92DM) for a third time in June 2010
to see if the old saying "Three Times is a Charm" is really true. He
will again have the new M2 6M8GJ 8 element 42' boom yagi. That yagi
combined with a functional KW amplifier will ensure that many more of
the Deserving put this DXCC entity in their log. The two openings to
Europe last year with only 100 watts convinced me coming back in 2010
was a must-do. QRV as 5J0BV on 10-21 June 2010, with focus on the 6
metre band. HF activity will also be possible. Equipment will be Yaesu
FT-950, Yaesu FT-450AT, ACOM - HF/6, HF - Wire & Vertical, 6M - 8el
42.5' boom. 6M - Breakable Beacon 50.106.2 MHz - "CQ de 5J0BV K"; WSJT
MS Random CQs 1st-50.260 MHz; WSJT EME JT65A 1st 50.198.5 MHz. QSL via
K7BV, direct only ( [UKSMG]

23/07/2010:  Operators Julio CT1ZW, Jorge CT1BOL, Jose CT1CJJ, Manuel
CT1DSC, Jose CT1EEB, Paulo CT1EFS,  Filipe CT1ILT, Miguel CT1IUA and
Firmino CT1IZW will be active as CS2K on 23-25 July 2010 from
Pessegueiro Island (EU-167, DIP BA-001, PIP ST-001). Focus will be on
the RSGB IOTA contest as a Multi-Single/Expedition/Low-Power entry.
Expect some activity prior to the contest. This activation will count
for Sudoeste Alentejano National Park (DPRN FF-12, WFF CTFF-012) and
Forte da Ilha do Pessegueiro (WCA CT-00219, DMHP ST-020, DCFP F-043).
QSL via CT1CJJ, direct or bureau. Further info can be found at: [NG3K]

10/10/2010:  Paul, K1XM will be leading a YCCC group to the island of
Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105, WLOTA 0711) in early October. They plan to be
active on or before 10 October 2010 from the QTH of Mort PJ7UQ, in
downtown Philipsburg (WW Loc. FK88LA). Callsigns are pending. QRV on
160-10m using SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL manager will be KQ1F. Further
information in due course. [NG3K]

01/11/2010:  HA5UK George and HA5AO Pista will be active as YJ0HA from,
Vanuatu, Efate Island (IOTA OC-035) between 01 November - 15 November
2010. Operation is planned on the 160-10m bands, using CW, SSB, RTTY,
PSK, SSTV modes. More details, like station setup, antennas, etc. will
be announced in due time. Website: . On-line log will
also be available on this site. QSL via HA5UK, direct, bureau and LotW.

01/05/2010:  Ms. ONO Kaori Radio Club of ITU Association Japan will
activate the special event callsign 8J1ITU on 1-31 May 2010 from Tokyo,
Kanto region, Tokyo prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA
AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376), to celebrate the 42nd World Telecommunication
Day. QRV on all bands and modes. World Telecommunication and Information
Society Day was established to commemorate both the foundation on 17 May
1865 of the International Telegraph Union, which was the predecessor of
the ITU, and the World Summit on the Information Society held in 2003
and 2005. Every year, ITU-AJ holds a ceremony to celebrate this
anniversary.  QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/05/2010:  The special event station 8J2NC4OO will be aired from 1 May
to 31 October 2010 to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Nagoya city
(Castle-building and Transmigration in 1610). The City of Nagoya has
kick-started the "NC400" Project, with the "NC" representing "Nagoya
Castle" (WCA JA-00131), "Nagoya City" and "Nagoya Culture" and the "400"
referring to the number of years since the foundation of a shogunate
government in Nagoya. To tie in with Nagoya's 400th anniversary in 2010,
the City government is currently planning the restoration of the Nagoya
Castle Hommaru Palace, once a world-class cultural heritage site and
symbol of the tradition and culture of manufacturing in Nagoya, Chubu
region, Aichi prefecture, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001,
WLOTA 2376), to its former glory. QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/05/2010:  Special event station 8J8Y will be aired between 1 May and
13 June 2010 to celebrate the 19th Yosakoi Soran Festival. The festival
takes place in the city of Sapporo (capital of Hokkaido Prefecture,
located in Ishikari Subprefecture, and an ordinance-designated city of
Japan), Hokkaido region, island of Hokkaido (AS-078, JIIA AS-078-001,
WLOTA 2967). Every June, the Yosakoi Soran Festival is held. The sites
of the festival are centered in the Odori Park and the street leading to
Susukino, but other festival sites also exist. In the festival, many
dance teams dance to their music which are composed based on a Japanese
traditional song, Soran Bushi. Members of the teams wear special
costumes, and compete their dancing skills on the roads or stages
constructed on the festival sites. QSL via the JARL bureau.

06/05/2010:  Special event station GB2HFF will be active 6-9 May 2010
from the Holmfirth Festival of Folk, Holmfirth, Yorkshire, England
(EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841). Operators will be Andy, M0GGR and Chris,
2E0XLG. QRV mainly on the low bands - 160, 80 and 40m. The event is an
annual celebration of traditional music, dance and arts and features
live music, dance performances and sessions throughout the town and in
the local public houses of Holmfirth over the event weekend. QSL via
2E0XLG, direct only with return postage, IRC, etc. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

06/05/2010:  Special event station 8J4BARA will be aired on 6-16th May
2010 for the Fukuyama City Bara (or Rose) Festival, Hiroshima
prefecture, Chugoku region, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001,
WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. In the middle of May, when the roses across the
city begin to bloom, a variety of events are held, primarily at the Rose
Park and Midori-machi Park. These events include a rose contest, flower
arrangement, a rose music festival, a plaza festival and a rose parade.
QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

07/05/2010:  Morse town 100th anniversary 1500z 7th May to 2000z 9th May
2010 - GACW members activity from MORSE (WW Loc. FF95OF), in Buenos
Aires province, to commemorate the town foundation birthday. All
stations will use his home QRA/Call with slash and the Buenos Aires
province letters D or E. - Example: LW2DCJ/D, LW9DTR/E, etc. DXCC count
for LU - Argentina - Province of Buenos Aires. Please send your QSL
cards individually to the station operator. Main CW operation, some
local VHF and DX activity using SSB and RTTY. Active stations include:
Gaby LU5FZ/D, Hector LU6UO/D, Guillermo LW1EXU/D, Alberto LU1DZ/E,
Marcelino LU7DSU/D, Gabriel LU3DAT/D, Juan Carlos LU9DO/D and others.
QTH:  More details on:

08/05/2010:  Operated by members of Stevenage & District ARS, GB6CW will
be on the air from Cromer Windmill near Stevenage in Hertfordshire,
England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841) on 8 and 9 May 2010 as part of the Mills on
the Air weekend. QSL via G2BKZ, bureau or direct. [GB2RS]

08/05/2010:  On 8 and 9 May 2010, the Cray Valley RS will be taking part
in the National Mills weekend celebrations with Mills on the Air special
event station GB6MW from Meopham Windmill located at Meopham Green in
Kent (WW Loc. JO01EI), England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841). It will be active
on HF and VHF on both days. A display about amateur radio, licence
courses and the club will also form part of the visitor attraction this
year. QSL via G4DFI, bureau or direct. Further details at

12/05/2010:  Special event station CS2HD will be aired on 12-16 May 2010
for the Harley meeting in Tavira, Algarve, Portugal (15-16 May). This
event (HOG) will take place in the gardens in front of the old market
between "Rua Doutor José Pires Padinha" and "Rua dos Cais" in the center
of Tavira (WW Loc. IM67ED). All contacts will receive a QSL card from
this activity via the bureau, or direct if requested, SWL's are always
welcome. This activity will not use eQSL nor LoTW only paper QSL.

Special Event Callsign - CG3ADML
  Planned Modes of Operation - SSB, PSK31. 144mhz demonstration of
  email over amateur radio and IRLP.
  Date of Event - One day 15 May, 2010 (0900 - 1700).
  Location - Royal Canadian Legion Branch 231, Portland, Ontario.
  The purpose of this event is to celebrate the 100 Anniversary of the
  RCN and highlight the contribution of Admiral, Sir Charles E.
  Kingsmill in the establishment of the Royal Canadian Navy.
  B. The second objective is to introduce Navy League Cadets, the Vice
  Admiral Kingsmill Corps, to amateur radio.
  C. Admiral, Sir Charles E. Kingsmill is buried in the Anglican
  Cemetary just outside Portland.
  73 George VE3GXW [RAC]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

06/05-16/05   8J4BARA: Honshu LH-2376 QSL JARL Buro
06/05-09/05   GB2HFF: England (main) LH-1841 QSL 2E0XLG (d)
08/05-23/05   8Q7SR: Male Atoll LH-3911 QSL DL5JAG (d)
08/05-09/05   CO2FRC: Cuba Island LH-0032 QSL Buro
08/05-09/05   GB6CW: England (main) LH-1841 QSL G2BKZ (d/b)
08/05-09/05   GB6MW: England (main) LH-1841 QSL G4DFI (d/b)
08/05-15/05   VK4TGL/4: Moreton Island LH-2987 QSL HC (d)
12/05-18/05   OZ5K: Langeland Island LH-0590 QSL ON4AMM (d/b)
15/05-15/06   8N5T: Tosa Okino Shima LH-2015 QSL JARL Buro
15/05              OZ5K: Lolland Island LH-2773 QSL ON4AMM (d/b)
12/05-16/05   TK/I5KOV: Corsica Island LH-1390 QSL HC (d/b)
12/05-16/05   TK/IW5ELA: Corsica Island LH-1390 QSL HC (d/b)
13/05-17/05   9A/IK2SNG: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b)
13/05-17/05   9A/IK4RQJ: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b)
13/05-17/05   9A/IZ4BBF: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b)
13/05-16/05   FK/W3HQ: Ile Lifou LH-0578 QSL W3HQ (

07/05-15/05  IS0R: Isola Rossa di Bosa EU-024 Grid:JN41KA 6M 100W
                        6el QSL F5CWU (d/b)

08/05-09/05  Spring 50 MHz Sprint 2300z 8 May - 0259z 9 May 2010

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 05 May 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

WØFP - Frosty - 2* - 5/7/2010 to 5/7/2010 - SSB Only
One day Friday trip to north central Missouri
Leaving home around 1200z to 1230z
MO: Clay, Clinton, De Kalb, Daviess, Grundy, Mercer, Sullivan, Putnam,
Adair, Schuyler Macon, Randolph, Linn, Livingston, Caldwell, De Kalb,
Clinton and Clay. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

N5XG - Don - 1* - 13 May to 14 May - CW Only
40-30-20 CW
Modified to add Cottle/Foard county line.
Thursday, 13 May start approx 1230 UTC - TX: Jack, Young, Throckmorton,
Haskell, Stonewall, King, Cottle/Foard, Motley, Dickens, Kent, Crosby,
Floyd, Briscoe, Swisher and Randall.
Friday, 14 May start approx 1300 UTC - TX: Carson, Gray, Roberts and
Hemphill. OK: Roger Mills. TX: Lipscomb, Ochiltree, Hansford,
Hutchinson, Moore and Potter. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

- Ralph,  K2PF will be handling QSLs for special event station EO65JM
which will be active 1-15 May 2010. [K1XN]

- PIRATE: Charles, KY4P (ex-S9SS), writes that the station which was
using his former callsign S9SS during the last days was definitely a
pirate. Save your QSL cards for real stations! [DX Newsletter]
QSLs received Bureau - 3DAØOK, 9L0W, 9V1/VE2XAA, A61AS, D44TXI and

QSLs received Direct - 5WØOU (N7OU), C56KR (OZ8KR), FO5JV (N3SJL), ST2AR
(S53R), TX3A (OQRS), V63T (JA7GYP), XRØY (OQRS) and XW3DT (

QSLs received LoTW - V85TX
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

Hi friends

For about ten years I’ve managed the DX list of the Union Française des
Télégraphistes, UFT.

Due to some personal reasons, I cannot continue to maintain it active.

Several months ago, I’ve asked to my Society, the UFT, to search an
assistant who could continue alone after several months with me, with no

So with a big sadness, I have to inform you that I have to stop to
organize and to put aside, the DX information list for a long while.

It will be effective on May 2010, 4th.

Along these years, it was always a great pleasure to inform you and If
sometimes I’ve helped you to enhance your DXCC or other diplomas it was
my reward.

I hope to be able to continue to do some ham traffic in the future, so
if one day you hear me on the bands, thank you for your calling me.

Maurice, F5NQL
CORRECTION:   This 20 April 2010 NCDXF Press Release below has an error
in the second sentence of the first paragraph:    W6OAT (previously
retired) should be K6RIM (who is "newly retired")
Glenn W0GJ
- Silent Key - Glenn Gilley, KD5EZM passed away 2 May 2010.
Romania amateurs gain access to 70MHz -
All radio amateurs in Romania can now apply for access to the 70MHz
band. They can run up to 20 watts output between 70 and 70.3MHz on a
Secondary basis with a maximum emission bandwidth of 12.5kHz. It is
understood that individual requests must be made to the regulator prior
to operation. [RSGB]
May and June will be the last chance for anybody to work GB50ATG, the
Golden Jubilee station representing the British Amateur Radio Teledata
Group, BARTG. For both May and June the station will be operated by
Arthur Bard, G1XKZ. Arthur will be very active during the last two
months so look for him on all HF bands. Special QSL cards will be
available and also plaques and certificates for reaching certain
targets. The special call will cease operations on 30 June. Arthur will
try to use both RTTY and PSK for those that would like contacts on both
modes. QSL direct to M5AEX ( [GB2RS]
NA-182. DXPEDITION STORY. John, VE8EV, who was active as CK8G from
Greens Island in the Northwest Territories (NWT) in the Inuvik Region
East Group towards the end of April, has written an interesting story
called the "Perfect Storm" which can be read online at:

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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