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Главная » 2011 » Январь » 7 » ICPO Bulletin (07-14 January 2011)
ICPO Bulletin (07-14 January 2011)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
07/01/2011:  Cezar, VE3LYC and Johan, PA3EXX will attempt a very challenging
expedition to Wollaston Islands (IOTA SA-031) and Diego Ramirez Islands
(IOTA SA-097) between approximately 7th-22nd January 2011. In demand by 98%
of IOTA chasers, SA-031 currently ranks #6 on the Most Wanted IOTA list
World Wide and #1 in South America, whereas SA-097 has never been activated.
The plan is to operate for 4 days from Herschel Island (IOTA SA-031) and
Gonzalo Island (IOTA SA-097). However, weather and sea conditions can
influence significantly this schedule. The team has retained for this trip
the services of Thomas, an experienced skipper, with his 40 ft yacht, well
equiped for Antarctic waters. Callsigns: CE9/VE3LYC and CE9/PA3EXX. QSL ALL
QSOs via VE3LYC, direct or bureau. Further information can be found on their
website at: [VE3LYC]

07/01/2011:  Operators Alan VK3XPD, Kevin VK4UH and Mike VK3KH, will once
again be active from Norfolk Island (IOTA OC-005, WLOTA 1469, WW Loc.
RG30XX) as VK9NA from 7-20th January. This is the same group that did a VHF,
UHF and Microwave DXpedition earlier in 2010. The team is planning to
operate on 50, 144, 432, 1296, 2403, 5760, 10368 EME. Yagis up to 432, 1.2m
dish for higher bands. 75w on 10 GHz from TWT. QSL via VK3KH. Further
information and updates at:

08/01/2011:  Francis, F6BLP, will once again be active as 6W7SK from Saly
Portudal, Senegal, from 8-21st January 2011. QRV on 17/20/30/40m, mainly CW,
with IC7000 and G5RV antenna. QSL via F6BLP direct, bureau and LoTW. [F6AJA]

08/01/2011:  Patrick, F8DYD, will be active on Saturday 8th January 2011 as
homecall/p from the Castle of Sechere (DFCF 86-078), Saint Secondin City (CP
86350), and the Mill of Vent (DMF 86-036), Usson City (CP 86350). Department
Vienne/86 and Province Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). Locator JN06GH. QSL via
home call, bureau or direct. [F8DYD]

09/01/2011:  Eddy, ON4AFU, will be leaving Belgium on the 9th of January
2011 for a 3 month stay in Thailand, with a side trip to Cambodia. His main
QTH in Thailand will be Pathui, where he will operate as HS0ZJF. From 20th
January to 10th February he will be active as HS0ZJF/8 from two different
islands: Ko Samui (IOTA AS-101, WLOTA 1384) and Ko Tao (IOTA AS-101, WLOTA
1642). On 11-20th February he expects to be QRV as HS0ZJF/9 from the IOTA
AS-126 group. From 23 February until 8 March Eddy will be active from
Cambodia as XU7AFU with a possible activation of AS133 Koh Russei (IOTA
AS-133) as XU7KOH. Dates may change according to local circumstances. On
10-22nd March he will be QRV as HS0ZJF/8 from Ko Yao Yai (IOTA AS-053). QSL
via ON4AFU, direct or bureau. Website: [425 DX News/DE0MST]

10/01/2011:  Marty, W2CG, will be active again as P40CG from the Oceania
Condos, Eagle Beach, island of Aruba (IOTA SA-036, WLOTA 0033) on 10-24th
January 2011. Operating time will be limited mostly to his morning and early
evening hours; expect him to be QRV on 80-10 metre CW, with some SSB "on
request". Equipment will be IC-7000 Transceiver, Icom AT-180 Tuner, 11 Meter
collapsible Vertical and Carolina Windom. QSL via home call direct, bureau
and/or LoTW. No eQSL! [425 DX News]

10/01/2011:  Joe, DJ1JB (V31ML) and Max, DJ4EL (V31ME) will be active from
four of Belize's islands during January 2011. They plan to activate the
following IOTAs on the following dates: 10-11th January Ambergris Caye
(NA-073); 11-14th January Caye Caulker (NA-073); 14-18th January Long Caye
(NA-123) and 18-26th January Tobacco Caye (NA-180). Plans are to be QRV on
80-10 metre SSB using two stations with 100 watts into homemade Quads, a
wire antenna and a vertical. QSL via home calls, bureau or direct. [OPDX

10/01/2011:  Wade, AA8LL and Roger, K0RMK will be active as AA8LL/4 and
K0RMK/4 from Key Largo (IOTA NA-062, USi FL049S, Monroe County), State of
Florida, on 10-17th January 2011. QRV holiday style on 40-12 metres SSB
(24950, 21260, 18128, 14260 and 7155 kHz), CW (28040, 24910, 21040, 18098,
14040, 10114 and 7030 kHz) and RTTY (24925, 21079, 18102, 14079, 10139 and
7039 kHz) with 200 watts and wires. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.
Wade will also upload his log to LoTW and eQSL. [425 DX News]

12/01/2011:  Gerry, VE6LB, will be active holiday style from Dubai, U.A.E.,
as A6/VE6LB between 12th January and 8th February 2011. QRV on 40-10 metres,
using 100 watts and G5RV. QSL via VE6LB direct, bureau or E-mail request.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

13/01/2011:  Bernhard, DL2GAC, will be on a DX vacation to Honiara, on
Guadalcanal Island (IOTA OC-047, WLOTA 0086), Solomon Islands, between 13th
January and 12th April 2011. QRV mainly SSB, but will focus on 80 and 40
metres. QSL via home call. [OPDX Bulletin]

14/01/2011:  A group of JA operators plan to take a DX holiday at the
'Captain's Last Resort' on Christmas Island (OC-002) from 14-20 January
2011. Operators mentioned (with their own VK9X callsign) are: Takeo JA3BZO
(VK9XA), Hiroko JH3PBL (VK9XL), Shimatake JI3DNN (VK9XN), Masumi JA3AVO
(VK9XO), Nakasako JA3UJR (VK9XJR), Kunio JA1CJA (VK9XXY) and Nishimura
JA3HJI (TBD). Both bands and modes of activity have not yet been announced.
QSL via the operator's home callsign. A Web site is currently under
construction at: [OPDX Bulletin]

18/01/2011:  John, G8HWI, will once again be active from the island of Malta
(IOTA EU-023, MIA MM-001, WLOTA 1113) as 9H3JS from 18th to 30th January
2011. Focus will be on 20m PSK31 at 2 to 3 Watts (QRP). Antenna will be an
end fed half wave, strung vertically up a fiberglass fishing pole. QSL via
his home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

01/02/2011:  Look for special callsign 8J6S to be active between 1st
February and 31st March 2011 to celebrate the full opening of the Kyushu
Shinkansen Bullet Train - connection completion between Hakata and
Shin-Yatsushiro (S stands for "Sakura" (or Cherry), a new express train
service between Shin-Osaka and Kagoshima-Chuo), island of Kyushu (IOTA
AS-077, WLOTA 0963), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/02/2011:  Operators Leopoldo I8LWL, Fred IK7JWX, Ruggero IK2PZC, Simon
IZ7ATN and Mounaim CN8QY plan to activate the rare Herne Island (IOTA
AF-068) as CN2LWL on 1-5th of February 2011. QSL manager for CN2LWL will be
I8LWL. They also plan to operate as 5C2J (IK7JWX), 5C2L (I8LWL), 5C2P
(IK2PZC) from the Natural Park of the coast of Dakhla (WFF CNFF-007). QSL
this activity via their home calls. Log online after the DXpedition at: NOTE: no credit will be given for operations after 31 January
2001 from the following islands unless evidence is produced that removes the
doubt over IOTA qualification mentioned below. In the case of sovereignty
dispute, copies of the licence and permission to operate from the island are
required. Credit will continue to be allowed for operations that took place
before 1 February 2001. AF-068 S0 (CN) Herne and Virginia Islands -
sovereignty disputed between Western Sahara and Morocco. [IK7JWX]

07/02/2011:  Bill, N7OU and Bob, W7YAQ will be teaming up for another
DXpedition to the Pacific, this time to Tarawa Atoll [Gilbert Islands],
Kiribati, (T30, IOTA OC-017). They will be operational 8-22nd February 2011,
160-10m, mostly CW with some RTTY and SSB, and using 100w and verticals.
They will be a MS entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest (19-20 February).
Callsigns TBA. QSL via home calls. [NG3K]

10/02/2011:  A crew composed of members of the Provins ARC (F6KOP) is
heading to Kribi, Cameroon, from 10-20 February 2011. They have applied for
the TJ3C callsign. This international team, whose members know themselves
very well for being members of several F6KOP DXpeditions together in the
past will consist of: Frank F4AJQ (Team Leader), Seb F5UFX (Assistant Team
Leader), Michel FM5CD, Bob N6OX, Wild Bill N2WB, Dave K4SV, Eric ON7RN,
Gabriele I2VGW, Jean Paul F8BJI, Alain F6ENO, Jean-Luc F6BIV, Michel F5EOT,
John F5VHQ, Gerard F2JD, Gerard F2VX, Yan F1NGP, Mathieu F5PED and Henri
F1HRE. QRV on all bands from 160 to 10m, in all modes, CW, SSB, RTTY and
PSK. Six stations (5 x FT450SAT and 1 x K3), 6 PA (Acom 1010) and 6 laptops,
using Wintest software, will be on the air, 24hrs a day for 9 days. The
antenna farm will consist of Spderbeams (3 x five banders, 1 x tribander,
and 1 x WARC bands), Vertical for 20, 30, 40, 75, 80 and 160m. For the lower
bands according to the place usuable, 1 or 2 beverage and a K9YA system will
be settled. A website is under construction; the address will be published
asap. The main target is established at 80,000 QSO's, for these nine days,
with emphasis on lower bands, 160 to 30m and digimodes. QSL manager: Didier,
F5OGL. Pilot Station: Serge, F6AML. Webmaster: Thierry, F4TTR. Info by
Internet Mailing list: Maurice, F5NQL (subscribe by [F5NQL]

11/02/2011:  Eltje, PA3CEE and Johan, PE9DX will be QRV moonbounce 2 metre
as C56EME, a special moonbounce permit is requested, from The Gambia (WW
Loc. IK13QL) from 11th-21st February 2011.  If all goes ok they will have a
small 70cm setup with them. QSL via PA3CEE. Further information and updates
at: [MMMonVHF]

12/02/2011:  Look for special event station TM8AAW to be on the air between
12th and 28th February 2011. Activity is to celebrate the 8th Antarctic
Activity Week. Operation will be made by François, F8DVD from his QTH of
Macon in the eastern part of France, Department Saone et Loire/71 and
Province Burgundy (DPF 05). WAP reference for TM8AAW is 199. Operations will
be from 40-10 metres, mostly SSB. QSL via F8DVD, direct ( or by the
bureau. For more details, see:

19/02/2011:  Maz, NH0S will be active as NH0S/KH2 from the island of Guam
(IOTA OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA 0064, WFF KFF-110) for the ARRL DX CW
Contest (19-20 February) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via
JF2SKV, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

19/02/2011:  John, K6AM will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest (19-20 February) from Savannah, Grand Cayman
Island (IOTA NA-016, WLOTA LH-1042). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

01/03/2011:  Special event station 8N1MOMO will be active between 1st March
and 4th April 2011 to celebrate the 35th Koga City (JCC 1404) Momo (or Peach
Blossom) Festival and for the 18th Fire Balloon Contest. Koga City is
located in the Kanto region, Ibaraki Prefecture, island of Honshu (IOTA
AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

02/03/2011:  Ken, N2ZN, will be active from the Palmetto Place Guesthouse,
Placencia, Belize (WW Loc. EK56TM, V31MD QTH) as V31AM from 2nd to 8th March
2011, including a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (5-6th March). Activity before and after the contest will be  mainly
on CW or digital modes + WARC bands. QSL via home call, bureau or direct.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

10/03/2011:  Look for Don W5FKX, Jim N5HZ, David W5XU and Mike W5ZPA to be
active from the Signal Point contest station on the island of Curacao (IOTA
SA-099, WLOTA 0942) as PJ2/homecall between 10th and 17 March 2011. Expect
activity on all HF bands and modes. QSL via home calls. [CCC]

18/03/2011:  Kazu, JK3GAD/M0CFW, will be active from the isle of Jersey
(IOTA EU-013, WLOTA 0818) as MJ0CFW from 18th-21st March 2011. QRV 160-10m,
including an entry in the Russian DX Contest (19-20th March). QSL via M0CFW.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

18/03/2011:  Gayle, K6GO along with other YL operators will be active as
PJ2/homecall from the Signal Point super-station on the island of Curacao
(IOTA SA-099, WLOTA 0942) from 18-21st March 2011. QRV on all HF bands. QSL
via home calls. [CCC]

22/03/2011:  Helmut, DF7ZS, will be active as CT9/homecall from Santana,
island of Madeira (IOTA AF-014, DIP MA-001, WLOTA 0053) from 22nd to 29th
March 2011. He will also participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (26-27
March) as CQ3L (QSL via DJ6QT). Expect activity on all HF bands. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

23/03/2011:  Geoff W0CG (PJ2DX), Jack N4RV, Marty K2PLF and others will be
active from Signal Point, Curacao (IOTA SA-099, WLOTA 0942), between 22nd
March and 6th April 2011, including a M/S or M/2 entry in the CQWW WPX SSB
Contest (26-27 March) as PJ2T. Outside the contest they will use
PJ2/homecall or their personal PJ2 callsigns. QSL via their home calls. QSL
PJ2T via N9AG / LoTW. [CCC]

02/04/2011:  Hans SM6CVX, Derek G3KHZ, Luis CT1AGF, Mike G3JKX, Martyn G3UKV
and Stig (none ham) will be active from several island groups of Papua New
Guinea during the month of April 2011. Plans are to be QRV on 160-6m CW, SSB
and RTTY, using 4 active stations at all the times. Schedule: Feni Island
(IOTA OC-101, Grid Loc. QI65), Bismarck Archipelago, on 2-7th April, using
the callsign P29VCX. Nuguria Island (IOTA OC-257, Grid Loc. QI76),
Bougainville district, on 8-14th April, using the callsign P29NI. Green
Island (IOTA OC-231, Grid Loc. QI75), North Solomons, Papua New Guinea, on
15-18th April, using the P29VLR. Following this expedition Hans, SM6CVX,
(and Stig) will activate Misima Island (IOTA OC-117, Grid Loc. QH69),
Louisiade Archipelago, on 22-25th April; and Loloata Island (IOTA OC-240,
Grid Loc. QI30) on 25-27th April, using the callsign P29VCX. QSL P29VCX and
P29VLR via SM6CVX, QSL P29NI via G3KHZ. Further info can be found on their
website at: []

30/07/2011:  Paul M0TZO, Peter 2E0SQL, Gavin M1BXF, Iain M0PCB (FISTS
#7194), Louis MU6FER and Chloe M0GEJ will be active from the island of
Guernsey (IOTA EU-114, WLOTA 0013) as MU0TZO during the RSGB IOTA Contest
(30-31 July). QSL direct or bureau to M0TZO. []

30/07/2011:  Operators Rick W4PC (FISTS #8252), Thelma WB2MVH, Erin KJ4MFO,
Victoria KJ4YWU will activate Santa Rosa [aka Okaloosa] Island (IOTA NA-142,
USi FL003S, Escambia/Okaloosa counties), Florida, for the RSGB IOTA Contest
(30-31 July). QSL direct to W4PC or LoTW. []

07/01/2011  Special callsign 8J3KTR is currently active until 31st March
2011 to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the business transfer regarding
Miyazu Line, from West Japan Railway Company to Kitakinki Tango Railway
Corporation. QSL direct w/SAE & IRC. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

07/01/2011  Special callsign 8N7MK is currently active until 31st March 2011
to celebrate the 130th anniversary of Morioka Daiichi Koko (or Morioka First
High School), Morioka city (JCC 0301), Tohoku region, Iwate Prefecture,
island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. Founded in 1880, Morioka
Ichiko is the second oldest high school in Iwate prefecture and one of the
oldest in Japan. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

07/01/2011  Special event station 8N7YAB is currently active until 31st
March 2011 to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of JA7YAB, Club Station of
Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University, Yonezawa City (JCC 0502),
Tohoku region, Yamagata Prefecture, island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA
2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

10/01/2011:  Radio Club D'Haiti, Port-au-Prince, Haiti (IOTA NA-096, WLOTA
0343), will activate special callsign 4V1 to remember the Haiti Earthquake
of 12 January 2010. QRV from 10-20 January 2011. QSL via Gary D. Mentro
(N3OS), 11028 Ewing Dr, Dade City, FL 33525-0931, USA. Frequency and times
will be announced on 14.300 MHz, (Inter-Con and MM Net Frequency) in
recognition of the assistance the nets provided for months following the
massive earthquake of 12 January 2010. They will operate from several sites
at various times on numerous frequencies. Check 14.300 Mhz often for
operation times and frequencies. [ARRL]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

10/01-20/01  4V1: Haiti Island WLOTA:0343 QSL N3OS (d)
10/01-24/01  P40CG: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL W2CG (d/b)
11/01-20/01  3B9/F6HMJ: Rodrigues Island WLOTA:4265 QSL HC (d/b)
13/01-12/04  H44MS: Guadalcanal Island WLOTA:0086 QSL DL2GAC (d/b)

K3IMC - Don - 2* - 1/12/2011 to 1/24/2011 - SSB and CW - ECC accepted
I am finally going to do it. My wife and I are going to Hawaii to put out
all five counties. My wife does not necessarily agree with my priority, but
what can I say. We are visiting the islands of Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Maui,
and Hawaii.

The schedule below may change based on weather and what we are doing. I will
try to update this schedule daily, so check each morning.

The planned dates for each county are:

Oahu - Jan. 12 and 14
Kauai - Jan. 16 to 17
Kalawao + Maui - Jan. 19
Maui - Jan. 20 to 21
Hawaii - Jan. 23 to 24

I will have only 20m, and plan most of the activity on SSB (14.336 MHz), but
will run CW off the 20m SSB net frequency at the end of the SSB run. Unless
stated otherwise, CW will be run on 14.343 if it is clear.

I will probably be monitoring the net during daylight hours, and I will try
to work any mobile stations I hear. After researching various propagation
predictions, I feel that the best conditions for the east coast should occur
between 2200 and 2400 UTC. That is 5:00 to 7:00 PM east coast time.

I hope sun spot cycle god keeps conditions good. I am sorry that I will only
be on Kalawao one day. Good hunting! QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

08/01             Contest Romagna 50MHz  0900z-1500z
08/01-09/01 10th District 2m Simplex Contest 08 1200-09 1200 local time
08/01-20/01 VK9NA: Norfolk Isl OC-005 Grid:RG30xx 6m-10.3G EME QSL VK3KH (d)
11/01             RSGB 432MHz UKAC  2000z-2230z
12/01             MOON Contest 432MHz  1900z-2100z
13/01             LY 50MHz Activity Contest  1800z-2159z
13/01             NRAU 50MHz Activity Contest  1800z-2200z

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 04 January 2011)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal
"Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

Andrew, G7COD states that he is completely up to date with the return of QSL
’s for those received direct from previous activation’s’. If you have not
received yours, please send your QSL again. All QSL’s should be sent via the
bureau or direct to G7COD.
QSLs via Bureau: AØ7AJR, D68BT, IMØ/IKØFMB, JW/CT1BWW and OL7R.

QSLs via Direct: 3DAØTM (, 8R1RPN (OHØXX), 9J2KK (JK1NSR), 9Q5ØON
JY5HX (, PJ2/N2MF (hc), PJ4D (W3HNK), PJ6A (OQRS), PX8J [Lencois
Island SA-041] ( PY7ZY), PX8L (PY7ZY), RI1FJ (UA2FM),
TO3GA (DL3GA), TO7ZG (DL7AFS), VP2V/NY6X (hc), VP8DMH (G0VGS) and ZL7A

QSLs via LoTW: 4O3A, 5V7TT, 5WØKH, 5X1NH, 9L5VT, 9XØTL, AM3SSB, C6APT,
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

A. George Spencer, VE3AGS, passed away December 21, 2010. He was 90.
Spencer served as ARRL Canadian Division Vice Director from January
1970-January 1974. In 1974 -- upon the election of Canadian Director
Noel Eaton, VE3CJ, as ARRL Vice President -- Spencer moved up to the
Director position and served one term. An engineer by training and
profession, Spencer lived all across Canada. While on the ARRL Board of
Directors, he was VE2MS and then VE4IM; he later became VE6AW before
moving to Ontario and obtaining his initials. [ARRL Letter-List]
Leonard Andrew "Woody" Woodward, W7KOP, of Mapleton, Utah, passed
away December 25, 2010. He was 99. Woodward -- who, according to the
Boy Scouts of America, was the "longest continuously registered
Scouter" -- was involved with scouting for more than 87 years. BSA's
Utah National Parks Council Program Director John Gailey called
Woodward "an amazing man" and told the ARRL that his friend was still
"very much active on the air weeks before his death." At the age of 8
in 1918, Woodward built his own radio. At the time of his death, he was
using the Internet to connect Amateur Radio operators around the world.
Woodward was known all over the world as an unofficial ambassador of
America and Scouting through his radio contacts. Read more here
[ARRL Letter-List]

Didier F6DXE is, at the moment, in Chili as CE?/F6DXE with
100 watts and verticale antenna. He is trying to be active
one hour per day mostly when the propagation is good for
Europe in CW: 7025, 14025 and SSB: 7140, 14205, 21250, 28450.
He is travelling from CE7 to CE6, CE4, CE5 and CE3 until
January 20. QSL via home call. [F6AJA]
The new WAP Bulletin 243 has been published.
I've also uploaded the new WACA and WADA Directories and the IK6CAC
WAP software Update n° 14 too.  All at:
I wish You a happy new 2011 full of sunspots!
73' de IZ1HKE
January 4, 2011
Yasme Excellence Awards

   The Yasme Excellence Awards are given to individuals who through their
own service, creativity, effort and dedication have made a significant
contribution to amateur radio. ( The
contribution may be in recognition of technical, operating or organizational
achievement as all three are necessary for amateur radio to grow and
prosper. The YASME Foundation recognizes the following individuals in order
to inspire them and others on behalf of amateur radio now and in the future.

* Ramón Santoyo V, XE1KK who is recognized for his work in advancing
Mexican ham radio and representation within the international radio
community. In addition, Ramón serves as IARU Region 2 Secretary. He has been
a tireless advocate of amateur radio in Central America and a strong
proponent of radiosport and the World Radiosport Team Championships. Voices
like Ramón's help the amateur community work together worldwide,
strengthening our position and reputation as important members of the
wireless community.

* Makoto (Mako) Mori, JE3HHT who deserves much credit for popularizing RTTY
by writing the MMTTY software modem and making it available for integration
into logging software. He also wrote MMVARI, which implements other popular
digital modes, and several other digital mode software products. MMTTY is a
great product and Mako has exhibited great ham spirit with a huge effect as
can be observed as RTTY operation continues to be the fastest growing mode
of HF digital operation.

* Bruce Horn, WA7BNM who continues to generate useful and innovative web
sites including a complete upgrade of his excellent contest calendar Web
site. Bruce supports contesting with a web site that enables contesters to
convert paper and other forms of contest logs to Cabrillo format. His 3830
score reporting and compilation service has changed the nature of
radiosport. Bruce was also a key player in the initial efforts to develop
methods of exchanging scoring information in the web-friendly XML format.

* Rick Meuthing, KN6KB for developing the new WINMOR sound-card digital
mode software now gaining wide use in the worldwide Winlink 2000 system.
Many attempts at approaching the performance of the proprietary PACTOR III
protocol and hardware failed before WINMOR, attesting to the difficulty of
the problem. Rick also invented an improved "channel busy" detector that
senses many different types of modulation and will drastically reduce the
inter mode QRM common from other semi-automated digital protocols.

* Mikael Styrefors, SM2O who has developed the Remote Radio Interface. The
ability to connect radios and operators transparently and robustly over the
Internet is a key technological element of putting top-grade remote HF
stations on the air - something more common every day. Remote stations will
undoubtedly be important in making and keeping amateur radio available to
urban and suburban amateurs in the future as they deal with an increasingly
noise-filled and interference-prone electromagnetic environment.

* Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA for developing DX Atlas, Morse Runner, HAM-CAP,
CW Skimmer, Rocky and other innovative software. Alex's products are making
a remarkable impact on the competitive HF operating environment. The quality
of the software is remarkable, and having it available to the amateur
community at little or no cost demonstrates excellent ham spirit. Programs
like these are rapidly expanding the technological frontier of radio in
general and are prime examples of how amateurs can continue to make

* Pepe Ardid, EA5KB who makes it possible for many Latin American DXers,
who are in many cases saddled with deficient postal services and QSL
Bureaus, to confirm contacts with attractive and unique QSL cards.
Confirmations are rapid and he confirms not only direct but via bureau as
well. Pepe contributes countless hours of service in support of his fellow
amateurs so they can continue to participate in one of amateur radio's most
cherished traditions.

   For additional information about the Yasme Foundation see
ICPO Bulletin (07-14 January 2011)

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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