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Главная » 2010 » Январь » 10 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (07-15 January 2010)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (07-15 January 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
08/01/2010: Cezar, YO8TLC will be active from Feydhoo Island (IOTA AS-013), Addu Atoll, (WLOTA LH-0191), Maldive Islands, from 8-25 January as 8Q7CE. Holiday style operation on 40m, 30m and 20m bands, mainly CW and some SSB. Rig FT857, pwr 100W, manual ATU MFJ971, vertical multiband antenna (Rybakov style with 10m fiber glass mast). QSL via YO8TLC, bureau or direct. [AT International]

08/01/2010: Gerry, VE6LB will be active holiday style from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, as A6/VE6LB between 8 January and 8 February. QRV on the HF bands, using low power and mostly CW. QSL via home call and LoTW. [NG3K]

08/01/2010: Roberto, YV5IAL will be active as CE0/YV5IAL from Easter Island [aka Isla de Pascua](IOTA SA-001, DICE ICE-001, WLOTA L-0319) from 8-11 January. This will be a QRP, portable, holiday style operation. Activity will be on PSK31 digital mode on 14070.15 kHz from 2200-0100 UTC, and occasionally on 40/30/15 metres. QSL via home call.

08/01/2010: Seth, SM0XBI, will be active again as J79XBI from 8 January to the end of March from the island of Dominica (IOTA NA-101). QRV all HF bands, using SSB. QSL via LoTW (preferred) and bureau. NOTE: wait for sending direct QSL to SM0XBI after his return 2010 April!! [NG3K]

08/01/2010: George, K2CM will be active from the island of Bequia, The Grenadines (NA-025), from 8 January until 12 February. QRV on 20 metre SSB/CW, maybe 40m CW. QSL via the bureau, or direct (SASE/SAE) to K2CM.

10/01/2010: Hennie, PE1MAE will be active again as PJ4/PE1MAE from the island of Bonaire (IOTA SA-006, WLOTA LH-1279) for a couple of months starting around 10 January. He will operate SSB mainly on 40 metres around 0000 UTC. QSL via PA2NJC, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

10/01/2010: Jim, K1NA will be active as PJ5NA from the island of St. Eustatius (NA-145, WLOTA LH-1851) during the ARRL DX CW Contest (20-21 February) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. He will be at PJ5NA between 10 January and 27 March, operating mostly WARC bands outside of the contests and 160/80/40m during his night time hours. QSL via K1NA (100% QSL direct only with SASE) No bureau cards will be answered. DX stations
MUST have SASE or SAE with 1 USD. No IRC! USA stations SASE only. [NG3K]

10/01/2010: Alex, RV1ZC (ex-UA1ZCK) is planning to be active from ex Leningradskaya base (IOTA AN-016, AA U-05, WAP RUS-06), Antarctica, from 10-15 January and will be active as R1ANL 10 hours only. QSL via RN1ON. []

10/01/2010: Luis XQ5CIE, Carlos CE6UFF, Didier F6DXE and Dago CE5COX will be active from Arturo Prat, Greenwich Island (IOTA AN-010, WW Loc. GC07FQ), South Shetland Islands, 10-25 January as XR9JA. They will be active on 160-6m SSB, CW, PSK31, and Satellite AO-51. QSL via CE5JA (Radio Club de Concepcion, P.O. Box 2545, Concepcion, Chile). All QSLs received direct please include recent SASE or 2 USD $; QSL received via
bureau will be returning by the same way. All QSL will be 100% guaranteed. Further information can be found at: also [F5NQL]

12/01/2010: Dick, AD7AF will be active from Muri Beach, Rarotonga (IOTA OC-013), South Cook Islands, from about 12 January into the third week of February as E51WWA. Most activity will be CW on 40 through 15 metres. SSB and digital modes will be used as propagation conditions allow. 80 and 10 metre bands will be used if conditions are favorable. The rig will be a K3, barefoot, with vertical and horizontal wire antennas. QSL
via AD7AF ( []

12/01/2010: Eddy, ON4AFU will be active from Thailand as HS0ZJF between 12 January and 8 March. QRV on all HF bands, CW only. Eddy will also be active from IOTA AS-101 (Malay Peninsula East group) during this time-frame signing HS0ZJF/8. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. []

14/01/2010: Art, ZS6BQI will be active from Maseru, Lesotho 14-18 January as 7P8BA. QSL via ZS6BQI direct ( [AT International]

15/01/2010: Peter, HA3AUI will once again be active from Cabrousse (near Cap Skiring), Senegal, as 6W2SC and from Cab Roxo, Guinea-Bissau, as J5UAP between 15 January and 31 March. QRV 160-10m, mainly digital, other modes on request, using K3, 500W, 5Band Spiderbeam, Verticals. QSL direct or bureau via HA3AUI. For all info, including QSL and OnLine Log, please visit: [NG3K]

15/01/2010: Wade, AA8LL will be active from Key Largo (IOTA NA-062, USi FL049S, Monroe County), Florida, between 15-19 January. Holiday style operating will be mostly CW and RTTY on 80 to 15 metres (IOTA frequencies) with 200W and wires. QSL direct or bureau to AA8LL. Logs will also go to LoTW and eQSL. [K1XN]

15/01/2010: Joey, W5BAK will be heading to Big Bend National Park, Texas, and grid reference DL88 for the ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes (16-18 January). He will be QRV January 15-20th using the callsign NA5RC, which belongs to the Baytown Red Cross Amatuer Radio Communications Club. He will be rover from several of the other area
grids too but DL88 is the goal. QSL via W5BAK. [NG3K]

15/01/2010: Look for Valeriy, VE3LFW to be active from the island of Antigua (IOTA NA-100, WLOTA LH-1118) between 15 January and the middle of February, using the callsign V26VP. Expect him to be QRV all bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [AT International]

16/01/2010: A group of Finnish DXers will put Ribeira Grande, Sao
Miguel Island (DIP AZ-002, WLOTA LH-2016), Azores (IOTA EU-003), on 160m
and above with new vertical and beverage antennas starting January 16th.
The activity will include CQWW 160M CW (22-24 January), ARRL DX CW
(20-21 February) and ARRL DX SSB (6-7 March) contests, using the
callsign CR2X. Group members are: Ilmo OH2BO, Pertti OH2PM, Ville OH2MM,
Martti OH2BH (CU2KG) and Juha OH8NC (CU2KH). There will also be some
activity before and after the contests. Additionally, Jose CU2CE and
Frank CU2DX and others are due to take part in CQWW WPX SSB contest
(27-28 March). QSL CR2X/CU2KG via OH2BH, CU2KH via OH8NC. [OH2BN]

17/01/2010: Look for the special callsign 8J3EQ to be used between 17
January and 16 July to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the
Hanshin-Awaji great earthquake disaster (on 17 January 1995), and the
50th anniversary of the JARL Kobe Club, Kobe, Kansai region, Hyogo
prefecture, Honshu island (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376),
Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

29/01/2010: Valery, RD3AF will be active from Santa Maria de Guia, Las
Palmas Gran Canaria (DIE S-005, WLOTA LH-0969), Canary Islands (IOTA
AF-004), as EF8M during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (29-31 January) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via UA3DX. [NG3K]

30/01/2010: Andy, N8OFS (SMIRK #6737) will be participating in the SPAR
Winter Field Day (30-31 January) with a Catagory of 1H (1 Operator Home
Site) from Medina, Ohio (Grid EN91AE). He will be FM only, using 52.525
MHz Simplex and the Local 6 metre repeaters (/Repeaters ARE ALLOWED for
this Contest). Andy will be using the /P setup he used last summer
(; operating out of the pickup truck
(engine running), Kenwood TS-60 at 90W (less power when using the
/Repeaters) to the 'Dominator' 5/8 wave vertical. Here's a list of the
/Repeaters Andy will be using - 51.66OUT/51.16IN/OPEN;
53.19OUT/52.19IN/107.2PL; 53.17OUT/52.17IN/107.2,110.9,136.5PLs;
53.27OUT/52.27IN/107.2PL;...otherwise, he will see ya on Simplex. QSL
direct only, or via eQSL. Further information can be found at: [N8OFS]

01/02/2010: Special event station 8J6CK will be aired between 1
February and 31 March to celebrate the 2010 International Camellia
Congress in Kurume, Fukuoka prefecture, Kyushu island (AS-077, JIIA
AS-077-001, WLOTA LH-0963), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau.

20/02/2010: Rene, HP1DCP will be active from Los Santos Province,
Republic of Panama, as HP1DCP/9 during the ARRL DX CW Contest (20-21
February) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via EA5KB. [NG3K]

24/02/2010: Willi, DJ7RJ will be active from the island of Kos (EU-001,
GIOTA DKS-043, MIA MGD-016, WLOTA LH-1730, Grid KM36) as SV5/DJ7RJ from
24 February to 17 March. He will work 160m to 6m using CW and SSB
preferably on the low bands. QSL direct to home call (CBA). [NG3K]

24/02/2010: Art, NN7A will be active from the Turneffe Islands (IOTA
NA-123), Belize, as V31JZ/p between 24 February and 3 March. QRV holiday
style operation. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

01/03/2010: Look for special callsign 8N1MOMO to be active from 1 March
to 5 April to celebrate the 34th Koga(-city) Momo (or Peach) Festival
and the 17th Koga(-city) Fire Balloon Contest, Koga City, Kanto region,
Ibaraki prefecture, Honshu island (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

30/10/2010: Look for Zoli, HA5PP to be active from the island of Cyprus
(IOTA AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA LH-0051) as 5B/HA5PP during the CQWW DX
SSB Contest (30-31 October) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (?) entry. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Zoli, HA5PP will be active as 5B/HA5PP from Cyprus (IOTA
AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA LH-0051) for the CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28
November) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (?) entry. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [NG3K]

07/01/2010: Special event station 8J1FUJ is currently active until 31
December to celebrate the 2nd year of the Fuji microwave/millimeter-wave
radio propagation research project. Mount Fuji is located in
Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, Chubu region, Honshu island (AS-007, JIIA
AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau.

07/01/2010: In celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Polish
Amateur Radio Union, PZK and 85th anniversary of the IARU, look for
special event station 3Z0RADIO to be active all throughout 2010. QSL via

09/01/2010: GB2RAF Air Defence Radar Museum RAF Neatishead RAFARS
Permanent S.E.S. - GB2RAF should be QRV every 2nd Saturday of the Month
1000-1500hrs local on RAFARS frequencies SSB or CW on 80m, or 40m if
conditions are poor. Equipment used Kenwood TS570D 100w output to an
inverted V trap dipole. For contact or Schedule e-mail Terry G4PSH via
the Museums web site at: . NOTE Old Station Log
Book Apr 2001 to Aug 2009 is held at G8FC DCAE Cosford.

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

08/01-25/01 8Q7CE: Addoo Atoll WLOTA LH-0191 QSL YO8TLC (d/b)
08/01-11/01 CE0/YV5IAL: Isla de Pascua WLOTA LH-0319 QSL HC (d)
10/01-10/03 PJ4/PE1MAE: Bonaire Island WLOTA LH-1279 QSL PA2NJC (d/b)
10/01-27/03 PJ5NA: St. Eustatius Island WLOTA LH-1851 QSL K1NA (d)
15/01-15/02 V26VP: Antigua Island WLOTA LH-1118 QSL VE3LFW (d/b)

10/01-25/01 XR9JA: Greenwich Island AN-010 Grid:GC07FQ 6M 50.115USB
QSL CE5JA (d/b)

15/01-20/01 NA5RC /R: January VHF Sweepstakes Grid:DL88+others
QSL W5BAK (d/b)

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 04 January 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

K4YFH - Jimmy - 1* - 02 JAN 2010 to 31 MAR 2010 - SSB and CW
Will be in south Texas. Plan to run all around the Brownsville area. On
20 Metre SSB and CW. Then going back north toward Dallas. Please spot
me. [County Hunter Web]

Hello,guys! Happy New Year and MXMAS!!!
Today i'm upload 20.000 qso's from RP3RQ, RP63RQ, RK3RZM, RX3RXX.
Tomorrow also will be upload 100.000 qso's from UA3R, RP3RST,
Best 73 from Jack RN3RQ
QSLs received Bureau - None to report :o(

QSLs received Direct - 3D2KJ (SP5DRH), 4W6AL (CT1GFK), 5W0KH (DL2FAG),
8P9SS (ND3F), 9L1NH (G3RWF), 9Z4FZ (, C91LW (UY5LW), CR2X
(OH2BH), CT8/DL7JAN (hc), CU2A (OH2BH), CU2X (OH2BH), EA9IE (,
EL8RI (ZS6RI), FH/DJ7RJ (hc), FK8CP (, FM5AA (, Fr5ZQ/G
(, FO8RZ (F8BPN), H44MY [OC-127] (OM2SA), J28KO (F6DKI),
K8CC/C6A (hc), KP4AO (W3HNK), OH2BH (, OJ0B (OH2BH), P29VCX
[OC-102] (SM6CVX), P29VCX [OC-116] (SM6CVX), P29VCX [OC-240] (SM6CVX),
P29VLR [OC-231] (SM6CVX), RX9FM (W3HNK), T30GM (PG5M), TN5SN (IZ1BZV),
XV2RZ (OH4MDY), YJ0PX (AI5P), ZK2DL (DL2FAG) and ZY0T [SA-010] (PY1NB).

QSLs received LoTW - 4L4WW, 4L8A, 4O3A, 8P5A, AH2Y, BA4RF, BU2AI, CN3A,
P49Y, PJ2T, PS2T, RA0FU, SM5IMO, UA0FAI, V26K, V47NT and YO9HP.

Francisco Das Chagas M Rodrigues, PV8ADG, of Bo Vista, Brazil, has
recently been reported Silent Key.

Visit the site of the biggest Group of CW of the South America.
The CWJF is the sponsor of the biggest contest of CW that is carried
through between 3 Americas: ( North , Central - Caribbean , South ).
The growth of the Manchester Mineira All America CW Contest, that from
2011, will be world-wide.
Please QSP for other Radioamateurs, Clubs or Groups of your Country.
Happy NEW YEAR for you and your family.
73, Ed - PY4WAS
Information received from CT1IUA:
"I have now in hand the written logs of Paulo D2CQ.
I am putting then on PC log and then i will start to reply to all direct
For those who have not worked D2CQ yet, Paulo will be back in Angola, in
February 2010, and this time he is taking his 5 band beam antenna!
He is going to work in Angola for the next few years, so there will be
plenty of time to work him. Info updates on:
73, Mike, CT1IUA"
D2QMN - Angola now QRV on 75/80m:
Vasiliy D2QMN is now active on 80m after building a new antenna today.
He has made a few QSO’s in testing his latest antenna, which appears to
work well. Vasiliy is not a pile-up operator. On air from time to time,
he runs low power (no amp) on CW, PSK, RTTY, SSB. D2QMN via RZ3EC.
To: Award Managers, Webmasters and others who may find this
information useful:
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) AWARDS PROGRAM has been
extensively revised.
Please review the following link, then update your web site and
links to the WIA award program accordingly.
Publicity via your web page(s) would be appreciated.
Thank you and 73,
WIA Awards Manager & Awards Committee Chairman
Eddie DeYoung VK4AN
Note: All inward and outward emails pertaining to the Award Program
will be copied to all Award Committee members

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

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