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Главная » 2010 » Апрель » 9 » ICPO Bulletin (08-16 April 2010
ICPO Bulletin (08-16 April 2010
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
08/04/2010: Dervin, PD9DX will once again be active from Iceland (IOTA
EU-021, WLOTA LH-2975) as TF/PD9DX from 8-17th April. QRV 80-10 metres
using SSB. QSL via his home call, direct or bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

09/04/2010: Stephane, F5UOW will be vacationing on Reunion Island (IOTA
AF-016, DIFO FR-001, WLOTA LH-1812) between 9th April and 2nd May 2010.
>From 9-17th April he will sign FR/F5UOW on 20m. Then he will move to
another QTH from which he will sign TO2R, trying to be active from
80-10m, mostly CW. QSL via home call. []

09/04/2010: Tony, KQ2I, will once again be active from the Palau
Islands (OC-009) as T88AT from 9-17th April 2010. Activity will be
mostly CW. QSL via his home callsign, direct only. [OPDX Bulletin]

09/04/2010: Jim, ND9M (VQ9JC) will be back to Diego Garcia (AF-006,
WLOTA LH-1645) on or about 9 April for four months. He expects to get
the callsign VQ90JC for him to use in late May and early June, CQ WW WPX
CW Contest included. QSL via home call, direct or by the bureau. [425 DX

10/04/2010: A group of operators will be active as 3W6C from Con Co
Island (AS-185), Vietnam, between 10th and 18th April 2010. Operators
mentioned as of today: Team Leader Hans-Peter HB9BXE, Jan DJ8NK,
Hansruedi HB9BHW, Rene HB9BQI, Christine HB9BQW, Hansjurg HB9DKZ, Paul
HB9DST/AA1MI, Friedhelm HB9JBI, Matthias HB9JCI, Peter HB9PJT, Rolf
HB9TVR, Casimir HB9WBU, Eddy XV1X and Michal XV9DX. The team is looking
for sponsors. Complete details are available at:

10/04/2010: Manel, EA3EGB/p will be QRV 10-11th April 2010 from the
Chateaux Tower of Riu (Pirinee Orientale) Alp (Girone) (DCE reference
GI-332, WCA EA-05977, WW Loc. JN02WI). He will use IC 751-A and IC 7000,
100 Watts, 3 elem beam yagi 10,15,20 mts., dipole for 80m and vertical
for 40m. QSL via home call, direct or by the bureau. [EA3EGB]

10/04/2010: Gil, F4FGJ and Claude, F5MCC will be active on 10th Arpil
2010 as F5MCC/p from the Castle of Barcour (DFCF 89-131, WCA F-04637),
city of Escolives Sainte Camille (CP 89290). At the same time and they
will also give the following references: For the French Mills award,
Champs sur Yonne Mill (DMF 89-058), in the city of Champs sur Yonne (CP
89290); for the French Inland Islands on rivers and lakes Award,
Marcigny Island (DIFI 89037R), in the city of Saint Bris le Vineux (CP
89290). For the three activities, grid map: JN17TR, Department Yonne/89
and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV on 80m SSB and 40m CW and SSB,
between 0545 and 0900 UTC. QSL via F5MCC, bureau preferred and SWL cards
are welcome. [F5NQL]

10/04/2010: Phil, F4EGS will be active once again from Chad for two
months starting on 10th April 2010. The callsign is not known at this
moment but it will certainly be his old TT8PK, he used at least 4 times
in the past. More information to come in due time. QRV in his spare time
on 40-10 metres, using CW, SSB and a little RTTY, using FT850 into an
old R7 (very tired: BTW, Phil will consider any offer for a new second
hand vertical, to replace it). QSL via F4EGS, direct ( or via
the bureau. Skeds are possible at: [F5NQL]

11/04/2010: Algarve STAR DX Team will be active as CR6A on 11 April
2010 from "Odeleite DAM Island 4" (WW Loc. IM67FH) for the first time.
NEW ONE!!! Valid for DIA (Algarve Island Award) # Ai-36!! Valid also for
PIP and we dont know if is OK for DIP (Portugues Islands Award). QRV on
40, 30, 20, 17 and 15m using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via CT1GFK, bureau or
direct. [Algarve STAR DX Team]

11/04/2010: Several members of ARI Sanremo will be active as IQ1SM/p
and I1UWF/p from the Hanbury Botanical Gardens Nature Preserve
(reference IFF-376) on 11 April 2010. They expect to operate SSB, CW and
RTTY on 40-10 metres. QSL via the bureau to home calls. [425 DX News]

11/04/2010: Operators Sho JA7HMZ (V63DX), Koh JA1ADT (V63DQ), and Kei
JA7GYP (V63T) will be active from Pohnpei (IOTA OC-010), Micronesia,
from 11-17th April 2010. QRV on all bands/all modes. Focus on the low
bands. QSL via the operators' home call. []

14/04/2010: Steve, K8QKY will be active from the island of Taiwan (IOTA
AS-020, WLOTA LH-0022, Grid square PL04) as BW1/K8QKY from 14-19th April
2010. QRV 160-6 metres, CW only. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

14/04/2010: Members of Radio Club Delta, Obukhov (,
will be active on 14-16th April 2010 from St. Ekaterina fortress, in
Kirovograd city (WCA UR-00035, UCFA KI-001, URDA KI-01, WW Loc. KN68DM).
QRV using the callsign EN1UCF on all bands CW/SSB/BPSK-31 and VHF
144/430. QSL via UR7UT, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

15/04/2010: John, VE8EV plans to be active from Greens Island (IOTA
NA-182, CIsA-New One!) on 15-20th April 2010. QRV on the HF bands, on or
near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL VE8EV via direct,
Bureau, OQRS and/or LoTW. On-line logs will be uploaded as soon as
possible after the operation. Full information to be found at: []

15/04/2010: Seppo, OH1VR will be visiting the island of Crete (IOTA
EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA LH-1400) from 15th to 21st
April 2010. If time allows, he plans to be active as SV9/OH1VR. QSL via
home call. Website: [NG3K]

15/04/2010: Finally Frank, F4DTO and Patrick, F4GFE have decided to go
to Albania instead of the damage Xinthia left to their homes. They will
sign ZA/homecalls from 15-24th April 2010, using SSB only. QSL via home
calls, bureau or direct. [F5NQL]

16/04/2010: Radio Club Stakhanov (UR4MWN) will be active as EM0MFF from
WFF NEW ONE Luhans'kyi Nature Reserve, a Ukrainian steppe reserve, on
16-18 April 2010. Reference will be URFF-014. Operators include Andrey
UX7MA, Anatoliy UR4MHT, Sergey US5MMY and Sergey US5MMH. QRV 80-10m, CW
and SSB. QSL via UX7MA, direct or bureau. [URFF/425 DX News]

16/04/2010: The Regional Radiosport Club will operate with HG0WFF once
again from the Bihari-Sik Natural Reserve (HAFF-012) on 16-18 April
2010. The operation will goes on all HF bands on CW and SSB modes.
Equipment: FT-840, IC-706 MKII, MOS FET vegfok, kb. 300 W output, 2x22m
doublet with 450 ohm ladder line, Monoband Gp's for 40, 30, 20 metres,
and a big battery with generator. Operators include Pisti HA0ANA, Laci
HA0HW, Toni HA0LG and Viktor HG0NAZ. QSL via HA0HW, via HA bureau.

16/04/2010: Look for Pedro, HK3JJH to be active from isla Playa Blanca
(HK4, IOTA SA-084) on 16-19 April 2010. He will focus his activity on
14260 and 7150 kHz SSB. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]

16/04/2010: Operators Nick YO5ALI, Dan YO5BRE, Feri YO5OED, Sanyi
YO5OAG & xyl Eva YO5OGT will be active as YP1WFF from the Apuseni
Natural Park (WFF YOFF-020) on 16-18th April 2010. QRV on the HF bands
using CW and SSB, with IC-7400, FT-847, wire antenna. QSL via YO5OED,
direct or bureau. [YO3JW]

17/04/2010: Look for special event station CV7G to be active 17-19th
April 2010 in commemoration of "The Landing of 33 Oriental in Agraciada
Beach" (19 April 1825). QRV 40 and 20 metre, phone only. The Treinta y
Tres Orientales (Thirty-Three Easterners) was a militant revolutionary
group led by Juan Antonio Lavalleja against the Empire of Brazil. Their
actions culminated in the foundation of modern Uruguay. They became
famous by the name of the Treinta y Tres Orientales when, in 1825, they
began an insurrection for the independence of Oriental Province--a
historical territory encompassing modern Uruguay and part of modern
Brazilian Rio Grande do Sul--from Brazilian control. A special QSL card
will be issued for this event. QSL direct to CX7ABK (Ricardo Casarotti,
26 de Marzo 3495 - Apto.401, 11.300 Montevideo, URUGUAY. [PT2OP]

17/04/2010: Page, WA3EOP will be on the road and will try a few hours
on Fenwick Island (USi DE002S, Not IOTA, Sussex County), State of
Delaware, as WA3EOP/m on 17th April 2010. QRV probably on 20 metres and
or maybe 40 metres, from 1830-1930 UTC. Page could be on the OMISS Net
on 14.290 MHz and before and after that on the more traditional island
frequencies. QSL via home call. [USi]

01/05/2010: Look for Hans, DK3PZ to be active from the Aland Islands
(EU-002, WLOTA LH-1373) on 1-8th May, 2010. QRV all HF bands. QSL via
home call, bureau preferred. []

05/05/2010: Kevan, 2E0WMG (ISWL G-21098, WAB Book Number 18247) will be
active from Lundy Island (EU-120, WLOTA LH-1997, WAB SS14) between
Wednesday 5th May and Saturday 8th May 2010. QRV on 80/40/20/17m SSB
with operation times limited as all DC power will come from 7 amp hour
sealed lead acid batteries so transmit power will be mainly limited to
20W. QSL via bureau ok, or direct with return envelope, green stamp or
IRC to cover return postage. Sorry, No e-QSL. []

07/05/2010: Morse town 100th anniversary 1500z 7th May to 2000z 9th May
2010 - GACW members activity from MORSE (WW Loc. FF95OF), in Buenos
Aires province, to commemorate the town foundation birthday. All
stations will use his home QRA/Call with slash and the Buenos Aires
province letters D or E. - Example: LW2DCJ/D, LW9DTR/E, etc. DXCC count
for LU - Argentina - Province of Buenos Aires. Please send your QSL
cards individually to the station operator. Main CW operation, some
local VHF and DX activity using SSB and RTTY. Active stations include:
Gaby LU5FZ/D, Hector LU6UO/D, Guillermo LW1EXU/D, Alberto LU1DZ/E,
Marcelino LU7DSU/D, Gabriel LU3DAT/D, Juan Carlos LU9DO/D and others.
QTH: . More details on:

08/05/2010: Gerard, VK4TGL will be operating vacation style using light
weight QRP CW rig (ATS3b) from Moreton Island (OC-137, WLOTA LH-2987),
Queensland, from 8-15th May 2010. QRV around the QRP frequencies on 40,
30, 20 and 17m. QSL direct to VK4TGL as per or on

12/05/2010: Alex, IW5ELA and Marco, I5KOV will be in the city of Calvi,
island of Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA LH-1390) from
12-16th May 2010. QRV holiday style as TK/IW5ELA and TK/I5KOV on 40 to
12 metre CW/SSB, using 100W some verticals and one loop for 15m. QSL via
home call, bureau or direct. [NG3K]

13/05/2010: The MODXIT Team ( is organizing a new
DXpedition to Sveti Nikola Island (EU-110, ACIA IC-516, IOCA CI-118, MIA
MC-414, WLOTA LH-3152) on 13-17 May 2010. Operators and callsigns will
be 9A/IZ4BBF, 9A/IK4RQJ and 9A/IK2SNG. QRV on the HF bands, on or near
the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via home calls. [DE0MST]

21/05/2010: Yogi, DB5YB will be active from Fano [aka Fanø, Fanoe]
(EU-125, DIA NS-002) as OZ/DB5YB between 21st May and 2nd June 2010. QRV
on all HF bands, propagation and local conditions permitting. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. []

29/05/2010: Adrian M3TVF, Mark M0MTT and Adrian MW0ZEN will be camping
on the island from Friday 28th May to Monday 31st May for the purpose of
running a Islands on the Air (IOTA) station for the duration of Saturday
10am to midnight & Sunday 10am to midnight. They will use the
special callsign GB0FHI from Flatholm Island (EU-124, WLOTA LH-0007),
Wales. QRV on the following frequency's 80, 40, 20 metre SSB & 2
metre FM & SSB. Website: []

29/05/2010: Timo, OH6GLE will be active as OG0Z from Aland Island
(EU-002, WLOTA LH-1373) during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30th May) as
a Single-Op/Single-Band (20 or 15m) entry. QSL via W0MM, direct or by
the bureau. [NG3K]

29/05/2010: Look for Tom, DL4VM to be signing OZ/DL4VM from Fano [aka
Fanø, Fanoe] (EU-125, DIA NS-002) between 29th May and 12th June 2010.
QRV on 40m and 15m CW with 20 Watts and dipole. QSL via home call,
bureau or direct. []

11/06/2010: Look for Kevan, 2E0WMG (ISWL (G-21098, WAB Book Number
18247) to be active from Herm Island (EU-114) between Friday 11th June
and Thursday 17th June 2010. QRV on 80/40/20/17m SSB, using low power.
WAB: North East WV48, North West WV38, South East WV47, South West WV37.
QSL via home call, direct with Green Stamp or via the bureau.

01/07/2010: Michel, HB9BOI will be active from the north of Sal Island
(AF-086, WLOTA LH-0610) as D44TOI from 1-13th July 2010. QRV all HF
bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

14/07/2010: Mine JA2NQG, Yuji JH2BNL and Shige JI2UAY will be active af
FW/homecall from Wallis and Futuna (OC-054, DIFO FW-001, WLOTA LH-0389)
from 14-21 July 2010. Afterwards, from 21-24 July 2010, they will be
active from Fiji (callsigns not given). QRV 160-10 metres, in all
classic modes. QSL via home calls. [NG3K]

23/07/2010: Operators Jacques ON5OO, Jean-Jacques ON7EQ, Carine ON7LX,
Claude ON7TK, Ann ON5ANN, Bart ON7BT, Charlotte ON3CO and Pascal ON5RA
will be active as F/homecall and TM7T from Grande Île (DIFM MA-004, DDFM
50, DPF 04), Chausey Islands (EU-039) from 23-26th July 2010. They will
also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) as TM7T, 80-10m
SSB/CW Multi-Op, 24 hrs. QSO's with TM7T or/and team member F/ON7TK
F/ON7EQ F/ON5OO F/ON7LX will be valid for WLOTA LH-0424. QSL via ON7EQ,
direct (with SAE/SASE + sufficient postage), or by the bureau. Further
info at: []

24/07/2010: The RASC DX Team plan to operate the special call J49A from
Gavdos Island (EU-187, GIOTA KRS-021, MIA MGC-010, WLOTA LH-1885) in the
RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July). Operators include SV9JI, SV9LM, SV9ANJ,
SV9GPV, SV9GPY and possibly others. QSL via SV9GPV. Futher info at: [NG3K]

24/07/2010: The Massillon Amateur Radio Club, W8NP will be active from
North Bass Island (USi OH006, WW Loc. EN81OR), located in Lake Erie,
Ottawa county, Ohio. QRV from 1200z 24th July to 1600z 25th July 2010,
using the special callsign N8B, on or near the standard US Island Award
Program frequencies. Operators include Carl AB8CC, Brooker KD8JNX, Byron
KF8UN, Gary WC8W, Tom WD8MBE, Wade WD8MIU and Peggy W8PNT. QSL via More info at: [USi]

25/10/2010: Luc, F5RAV will be active from the 6W7RV radio shack in Le
Calao, La Somone, Senegal, from 25th October to 1st November 2010. QRV
160-10m using SSB and PSK31, including 17m and 12m. He will also
participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) as a Single-Op
entry. QSL direct only to F5RAV. [NG3K]

30/10/2010: The 095 DX Team will be active as IR9X in the CQWW DX SSB
Contest (30-31 October) from the island of Sicily (EU-025, IIA SC-001,
MIA MI-107, WLOTA LH-1362) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL direct to

30/10/2010: A team of operators will be active as IU9T from Palmermo,
Sicily (EU-025, IIA SC-001, MIA MI-107, WLOTA LH-1362) in the CQWW DX
SSB Contest (30-31 October) as a Multi-Single entry. They are looking
for extra top-notch CW ops. They will also be QRV for the CQWW DX CW
Contest (27-28th November) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via IT9GSF
( [NG3K]

27/11/2010: Mark, M0DXR will be active from the GI0KOW QTH in Keady,
Co. Armagh, Northern Ireand (EU-115, WLOTA LH-1439) as GI1A during the
CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry. QSL via M0DXR. [NG3K]

10/04/2010: On 10 April 2010 GB100GLD will be on the air to commemorate
the first recorded SOS message from the Lizard Wireless Station, England
(EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841). QSL via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

10/04/2010: Over the weekend 10th and 11th April 2010 GB2NOR will be on
the air as part of the Norbreck Amateur Radio Rally in Blackpool,
England (EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841). QSL via the Bureau. [GB2RS]

10/04/2010: Operators Jacques F5LON, Jean-Francois F6CNM, Nicolas F8FKD
and Claude F9OE will activate TM4FFU from the French radio maritime
coast station "Brest-Le Conquet Radio (FFU)" on "2010 Radio Maritime
Day" between 1200z Saturday, 10th April, and 1200z Sunday, 11th April.
Activity will be on 160/80/40/20/15/10 metres using CW only with 100W
into a dipole and vertical. Suggested frequencies are (+/- 5 kHz): 1824,
3520, 7020, 14052, 21052 and 28052 kHz. QSL via F8FKD. [OPDX Bulletin]

10/04/2010: From 8am Saturday April 10th until 5pm Sunday, 11 April
2010, the call sign W0S will be operating from the steps of the Titanic
Museum in beautiful downtown Branson Missouri. This event will
commemorate the heroic efforts of Harold McBride and John "Jack"
Phillips as they sat at the Marconi radio in the Titanic sending the
first ever SOS. Jack perished while continuing to send the SOS. Harold
was rescued and went on to operate the radio on the ship Carpathia until
it reached dock. Thanks to their efforts, 706 people were rescued from
the Titanic when that mighty ship sank. Most contacts will be via phone,
but there will be several amateurs operating with CW as they participate
in this historic event. Frequencies: 3950, 7250, 14250 kHz and others.
DX Stations: Please send your QSL card along with either one large style
VALID IRC or at least $1 U.S. dollar. USA Stations: Please send your QSL
card and a self-addressed stamped business size envelope (SASE ) along
with $1 or $2 dollars. All stations, please send your QSL requests to
this address only: Rod Kittleman K0ADI, 604 Cascades Drive, Nixa, MO
65714, U.S.A. [ARRL]

11/04/2010: On 11 April 2010, GB4AFS will be on the air from the
Norbreck Rally for the Air Formation Signals, in Blackpool, England
(EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841). QSL via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

08/04-17/04 TF/PD9DX: Iceland LH-2975 QSL HC (d/b)
09/04-17/04 FR/F5UOW: La Reunion Island LH-1812 QSL HC (d/b)
09/04-08/08 VQ9JC: Diego Garcia Island LH-1645 QSL ND9M (d/b)
10/04 GB100GLD: England (Main Island) LH-1841 QSL Buro
10/04-11/04 GB2NOR: England (Main Island) LH-1841 QSL Buro
11/04 GB4AFS: England (Main Island) LH-1841 QSL Buro
14/04-19/04 BW1/K8QKY: T'ai-Wan (Taiwan) LH-0022 QSL K8QKY (d/b)
15/04-21/04 SV9/OH1VR: Nisos Kriti-Crete Island LH-1400 QSL OH1VR (d/b)

Arecibo Observatory - KP4AO:
If you have a 70 cm rig and a small 70 cm yagi antenna, here's your
chance for an EME QSO with the Areceibo Observatory in Puerto Rico:
In less that two weeks the Arecibo Observatory Amateur Radio Club will
again put the 1000-foot radio telescope on the air for 432 MHz EME.
The scheduled times of operation are:
April 16: 1645 - 1930 UTC
April 17: 1740 - 2020 UTC
April 18: 1840 - 2125 UTC
Callsign: KP4AO
Tx Frequency: 432.045 MHz
Rx Frequency: 432.050 to 432.060+
Tx power: 400 W
Antenna gain: 60 dBi
System noise temp: 120 K (cold sky)
System noise temp: 330 K (when pointed at moon)
KP4AO can be heard with a small hand-held yagi pointed at the moon, and
a good receiver. A 15 dBi antenna and 100 W will be enough to work us
on CW.
Operators at KP4AO will do their best to work as many stations as
possible. Each session will start with a brief announcement and CQ in
SSB. SSB QSOs may continue for 30 minutes to an hour, if the QSO rate
remains high. The mode will be shifted to CW as soon as it is judged
that higher QSO rates would result.
We will listen for calls at frequencies 5-15 kHz higher than our own,
and even higher if QRM warrants. Callers who s-p-r-e-a-d o-u-t are
more likely to be copied.
If you've already worked us in any mode, please do not call again --
give others a chance.
If we call "CQ QRP", we will listen for stations running 100 W or less
to a single yagi. Please do not answer such a CQ if you are running
more power or have a larger antenna.
On April 18, if we reach a condition where most calling stations have
been worked, and we judge that operating in the digital mode JT65B would
produce a higher QSO rate, we will switch to JT65B.
Note that any of these planned operating strategies may be changed as
circumstances dictate.
We are extremely fortunate to have been granted access to the world's
largest radio telescope for this amateur radio good-will event. We look
forward to working as many stations as possible in the alloted time!
-- 73 from Joe, K1JT, on behalf of all the gang at KP4AO [K4WSB]
For all activations:
Kenwood TS-60, 90W USB, 50W FM/AM...
PAR OA-50 at 30ft, "Dominator" 5/8 wave GP at 20ft...
Grid EN91or, Ashtabula County Ohio...
All these qualify for Railroad Depots On The Air (RRDOTA) reference
OH-0001, 6 Meters ONLY...
N8OFS/P (Caboose) during the ARRL June VHF Contest (12-14 June),
50.225USB and hunt and pounce on USB...
N8OFS/P (Caboose) during the CQWW VHF Contest (17-18 July), 52.525FM
locked, 52.49FM if the band goez nutz... Also the "check-in" station
for the AC&Js "Steam Weekend"...
N8OFS/P (Caboose) during the ARRL September VHF Contest (11-12
September), Sunday only, hunt and pounce USB and FM... (Geneva Ohio
State Park Saturday)...
QSL via (direct only) [N8OFS]

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 31 March 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

K7DM - Don - 1* - April 12 to April 18 - CW Only
I'll be attending a conference in Hood River, OR from April 12th - April
18th. I may be able to run Klickitat and Skamania, WA during the week
and I'll definitely return home that way on the 18th. QSL via home call.
[County Hunter Web]

Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH has recently been appointed as the QSL manager
for Alain, 5R8AL. Please see
QSLs received Bureau - None to report! :o(

QSLs received Direct - 6V7S (UA1OMX), 8P9RY (AA6YQ), A65DLH (DO7ZZ),
DS5USH (, E51WWA (AD7AF), HR2/NP3D (hc), J79SB (NI5DX), JD1BMM
(EA3GHZ), TX3A (OQRS), TX4T (G3TXF), XE2/N7DD (W7RJ), XR0ZA (JA8BMK) and

QSLs received LoTW - 5W0YA, K4M, S79GM, XR0Y, YI9PSE, YS3CW and ZK3YA.

IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

The past information about the new band 60m granted to amateurs in
Portugal is incomplete. Each amateur who want to use these frequencies
must ask to be granted personally by the ANACOM. The use is restricted
to scientific studies and tests. The permission is not permanent. 73
Hello everyone, who will work in HOLYLAND DX Contest !
We have new date and time of the contest:
Beginning - 16.04.2010 in 21.00 UTC
Ending - 17.04.2010 in 20.59 UTC
All are welcome!
Victor M.Ratinov, 4Z5AD
The annual ILLW event (International Lighthouse-Lightship Week) will
take place from August 1 thru August 8, 2010, including the
Congressionally declared National Lighthouse Day, August 7th. Full
details and operating guidelines can be found at and
registration via [F5NQL]
Dear friends,
This year the Conference "International DX Convention 2010" will be live
on the channel's web site, for all those who are
unable to attend in person can follow the direct and propose questions
to the speakers.
Sincerely and 73,
Francesco Giacoia, IZ7AUH/WZ7AUH

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

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