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Главная » 2011 » Сентябрь » 9 » ICPO Bulletin (09-16 September 2011)
ICPO Bulletin (09-16 September 2011)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
09/09/2011:  Look for Mike, DL4ABO and Martin, DC8MH to be active on the HF
bands as 5P7N and 5P7T, respectively, from Fano [Fanoe, Fanø] Island (IOTA
EU-125, DIA NS-002) on 9-12 September, 2011. Martin will operate CW and SSB,
while Mike will operate CW only. QSL via home calls, direct or by the Bureau.
Further information at: []

09/09/2011:  Gert, ZS6AYU, will once again be active from Jwaneng, Botswana, as
A25/ZS6AYU from 9-12 September 2011. Focus will be on the HF bands, mainly CW.
Further information can be found on under ZS6AYU. QSL via his home call,
direct or by the SARL Bureau. [NG3K]

08/09/2011:  Ken, JS3OMH, is now active as JS3OMH/6 from the islands of Toshima,
Taira, Kodakara and Akuseki (WLOTA 0629), all part of the Tokara archipelago
(IOTA AS-049), until 14 September, 2011. QRV on 40-30-20-17 metre CW, SSB, RTTY
and PSK31. QSL via home call. [dx-world]

09/09/2011:  Branko, 9A3PM, will be active from the Kabul Airport, Afghanistan,
as T6BP until April 2012. QRV on the HF bands, using CW and digital modes. QSL
via 9A6AA. [dx-world]

09/09/2011:  Steven, ZL4CZ, will be active as ZK2AB from Namukulu Village, Niue
(IOTA OC-040, WFF ZLFF-021, WLOTA 2139), from 9-16 September 2011. Activity will
be limited because he is on holiday, but hopes to fit in as much radio as
possible. He will use a Yeasu FT840 (with a FT857 for backup) and a 32 ft.
multi-band vertical and Buddipole for antennas. QSL via ZL4CZ; must include SAE
and IRC or 2 USDs. [OPDX Bulletin]

10/09/2011:  Willy, ON4AVT, will be touring Morocco between 10 September and 15
October 2011. He will be QRV, generally mobile, as CN2AV/m (Atas 120 ant), and
from time to time portable (end fed vertical on 10m fibreglass mast). Note that
this is not a DXpedition. Recommended frequency: 14306 kHz +/- 5 QRM. APRS
ON4AVT-9. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [UBA HF News]

10/09/2011:  Andy, N8OFS/p will be back in the Caboose (Jefferson Ohio EN91or
Ashtabula County) for the ARRL September VHF 2011 Contest (September 10-11).
Same reliable setup; Kenwood TS-60 @ 50W to 29.4ft of LMR-400 to the "DOMINATOR"
5/8 wave vertical @ 29.5ft above the ground using a Shakesepare heavy duty 8ft
mast bolted to the roofwalk of the Caboose, parked and locked on 52.525FM... I
will have Internet this time, and will be hanging out on the ON4KST Region 2
50MHz Chat... I will be on the air for the Contest the entire time; since
Passenger Train season will be on temporary hiatus during this time, I won't
hafta "get out of the way" and shut down early. Just a reminder that I will also
be on the air the Sunday following the ARRL Sept VHF for the Classic Exchange
Contest. [N8OFS]

10/09/2011:  Patrice, F5RBB, and his wife Mireille, F4FRL, will be active from
the island of Corsica (IOTA EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390) as
TK/homecalls from 10-24th September 2011. Plans are to be QRV on 40-10m SSB and
the Digital modes. QSL via home calls, Bureau preferred. [F6AJA]

10/09/2011:  Look for Vincent F4BKV, Christian EA3NT and Simon IZ7ATN to be
active as TM0INT from Ile de Tombelaine (IOTA EU-156, DIFM MA021, WW Loc.
IN89FP), Department Manche/50 and Province Basse Normandie (DPF 04) on 10th and
11th September 2011. Expect activity on all HF bands and modes. QSL via EA5KA,
Bureau or direct. Website: []

10/09/2011:  Merv, N6NO, will be celebrating his 75th birthday and 60th year in
ham radio by activating Lord Howe Island (IOTA OC-004) as VK9OL from 10-18
September 2011. QRV on 40-10 metres with a focus on CW and openings to Europe.
QSL via N6NO direct, Bureau and LoTW. [OPDX Bulletin]

11/09/2011:  Alain, F6CUG, will be active as homecall/p on 11 September from the
Fort du Rulianec (DFCF 29-036) and the Fort du Kador (DFCF 29-037), both located
in the commune of Crozon (CP 29160), canton [county] of Crozon (DDCF 29-11),
Department Finistere/29 and Province Brittany (DPF 06). QRV on 80 and 40 metres,
starting about 0730 local time. QSL via home call, direct or by the Bureau.

11/09/2011:  Wessex Contest Group (MX0WCB) members Dave M0SFT, Simon M0TTE and
Dan M0TGN will be active from the Isle of St. Martin's, Isles of Scilly (IOTA
EU-011) from 11-17 September 2011, using the club callsign MX0WCB. The team will
be operating mainly QRP, on 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m and 10m throughout the week. They
will be taking 3 x FT817, a Clansman PR320 and an FT897 as the main shack radio.
QSL direct, Bureau, eQSL or via M0WAY. Website:

11/09/2011:  Special callsign TM95BV will be active on 11 September 2011 from
the Fort de Troyon (DFCF 55-029, WCA F-02371), commune of Troyon (CP 55300),
canton [county] of Saint Mihiel (DDCF 55-17), Department Meuse/55 and Province
Lorraine (DPF 14). QRV mainly on 40 metres, starting about 1000 local time. QSL
via F6KUP or direct to F5LPY with SAE & IRC. Website:

12/09/2011:  Bernd, DL8AAV, will activate the island of Laeso (IOTA EU-088, DIA
NK-003, WLOTA 2820), Kattegat, Nordjylland region, Denmark, as OZ0AV from 12-24
September 2011. This activity also counts for the Laeso Nature Reserve (WFF
OZFF-001), a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance. Expect activity on all
HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL via his home call, direct or Bureau.

12/09/2011:  George, WW4GA, will be active from Prince Edward Island (IOTA
NA-029, CIsA PE001, WLOTA 0523) as VY2/WW4GA and later from Cape Breton Island
(IOTA NA-010, CIsA NS001, WLOTA 1592), Nova Scotia, as VE1/WW4GA from 12-20
September 2011. QRV holiday style on the HF bands. QSL via his home call, direct
( []

12/09/2011:  John, 9M6XRO, and Steve, 9M6DXX, will be operating 'holiday style'
as YB9/GM3OOK and YB9/G4JVG from the island of Bali (IOTA OC-022, WLOTA 2589,
Grid Loc. OI71) from 12 to 15 September 2011 on a stopover while on their way to
Timor-Leste for the 4W6A DXpedition. Activity will be part time but on all bands
80-6m using CW and RTTY (YB9/GM3OOK) and SSB (YB9/G4JVG) using 100W to beam
antennas. QSL both YB9/GM3OOK and YB9/G4JVG via M0URX, direct, Bureau, LoTW and
OQRS (see [9M6DXX/G4JVG]

13/09/2011:  Look for Fred, PA1FJ, to be active as SV8/PA1FJ/p from Skala
Potamias, located on the east coast of the island of Thasos [aka Thassos] (IOTA
EU-174, GIOTA NAS-037, MIA MG-124, WLOTA 4186, WW Loc. KN20JR), from 13-19th
September 2011. QRV on 40-6m CW and SSB, using FT-817, Buddistick and 2x5m
dipole. QSL via home call, Bureau preferred. []

14/09/2011:  Guenter, DL3NBI, will be IA5/DL3NBI on 14-22 September 2011 from
the island of Giglio (IOTA EU-028, IIA GR-002, MIA MI-036, WLOTA 0564). Plans
are to be QRV mainly on 20 metre PSK, RTTY and SSB. QSL via home call, Bureau or
direct. []

14/09/2011:  Morten, LA9DFA, will be active as JW9DFA from Longyearbyen,
Spitsbergen Island (IOTA EU-026, WLOTA 0125, WW Loc. JQ78TF), from 14-19
September 2011. QRV on the HF bands, mostly CW but some RTTY and SSB as well.
Will work 50MHz if conditions allow (not likely!). Morten will also participate
in the Scandinavian Activity CW Contest (17-18 September), using the callsign
JW3C. QSL both callsigns via LA9DFA, direct or Bureau and LoTW. QSL can also be
requested for both calls via e-mail to la9dfa[at] . Website: [NG3K]

15/09/2011:  Arnold, WB6OJB, will once again be active from Lesotho as 7P8JK on
15-22 September 2011. Activity last time was on the HF bands, 40-10 metres using
mostly SSB with some CW. QSL direct to his home call. [OPDX Bulletin]

15/09/2011:  Operators Yukon John, KL7JR and XYL Claire, WL7MY will be back to
their ocean front condo, near Cabarete, north shore of the Domincian Republic
(IOTA NA-096, WLOTA 2974, WW Loc. FK49SS) around mid-September through 2013. The
HI3/KL7JR license has been renewed for a year, so expect to hear them on HF SSB
concentrating on 12, 17, 40 and 80 metres and 6 metres! QSL via the information
on [OPDX Bulletin]

15/09/2011:  Christo, LZ3FN, will be active as SV9/LZ3FN from the island of
Crete (IOTA EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA 1400) from 15-24 September
2011. QRV on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

16/09/2011:  Stuie VK8NSB, Franck VK8FNCY, Steve 9M6DXX, John 9M6XRO and Oli
MW0JRX will be active as 4W6A from Atauro Island (IOTA OC-232), Timor-Leste, on
16-26th of September 2011. QRV on 160-10 metre CW, SSB and RTTY, with three
stations, two using full licensed power linear amplifiers, and a third running
100 watts. Antennas will mainly be quarter-wave verticals and vertical dipoles,
all located within a few metres of the ocean. For 160m an inverted-L will be
used. Atauro Island was activated only once, by 4W6GH/p, back in 2000.
Accommodation is very basic and will be in beach huts with no mains electricity
or running water. All power for the DXpedition will be provided using hired
generators. QSL via M0URX - online QSL request form, and LoTW. Website: [425 DX News]

16/09/2011:  Ely, IN3VZE, will once again be active as 7Q7CE from the Resort
Club Makokola, located on the south west shore of Lake Malawi. This will be a
holiday style activation (80-10m SSB/RTTY) between 16 September and 3 October,
2011. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [dx-world]

16/09/2011:  Gab, HA3JB, will be active as 9H3IP from the Republic of Malta
(IOTA EU-023, MIA MM-001, WLOTA 1113) from 16-27 September 2011. He will operate
holiday style on 80-10 metre CW, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV and SSB. He plans to
participate in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (24-25th September), CQ Zone 15, as a
Single-Op/Single-Band entry. QSL direct to HA3JB. [425 DX News]

16/09/2011:  Operators Jiri OK1IEC, Jan OK1JK, Jiri OK1JST and Vaclav OK1VVT
plan to be active as OX4OK and possibly OX/homecall from the OX2A club station
at the Kangelussuaq Airport (WW Loc. GP47QA), Greenland (IOTA NA-018, WFF
OZFF-006, WLOTA 0072) from 16-26 September 2011. QRV on 80-10 metres, depending
on propagation, and 2m EME (JT65b). QSL via home calls or via OK1JST. [OPDX

16/09/2011:  Atsu, JA8FAA (T88GO), and Tatsuo, JA8CMC (T88TO), will be active
from the Republic of Palau (IOTA OC-009) from 16-19 September 2011. QRV on 80-10
metre CW and SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or Bureau. []

24/09/2011:  Look for BV100 to be active from Taipei, Taiwan (IOTA AS-020, WLOTA
0022, CQ Zone 24), during the CQWW RTTY Contest (24-25 September) as a Multi-?
entry. Operators include Tang BM2AAV, Eddie BV2DD, Bruce BV2KI, Evan BV2KS, Lee
BV2NT, Ken BW/JP1RIW and Lee BX2AB. QSL via the Bureau or direct to BV2KI.
Website: [NG3K]

19/10/2011:  Janusz, SP6IXF, and Wlodek, SP6EQZ, will once again be active as
PJ5/homecalls from the island of Sint Eustatius (IOTA NA-145, WFF PAFF-025,
WLOTA) between 19 October and 4 November, 2011. They will be active on all HF
bands running two high power stations on CW, SSB and RTTY. The antennas are
wires, verticals and a Spiderbeam. QSL via home calls, direct or Bureau. Logs
will be uploaded to during the DXpedition. A website is under
construction and will be ready before the activity. [SP5UAF]

23/10/2011:  Martin, ON4PO, will once again be active from the island of Rhodes
(IOTA EU-001, GIOTA DKS-006, MIA MGD-028) as J45PO between 23 October and 03
November 2011. QRV on all HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL via home call,
Bureau or direct. [NG3K]

29/10/2011:  The Republic of China (Taiwan) Centennial callsign BV100 will once
again be activated for the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October), a Multi-? entry
from Taipei, Taiwan (IOTA AS-020, WLOTA 0022, CQ Zone 24). Operators will be
Tang BM2AAV, Eddie BV2DD, Bruce BV2KI, Evan BV2KS, Lee BV2NT, Lee BX2AB, Tall
BX9AAA, Chung BX4AF and Pro BX4AN. QSL via BV2KI, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]

23/11/2011:  Jeff, N1SNB, will be active as 6V6V from the Le Calao shack,
Somone, Senegal (CQ Zone 35), from 23-29 November, 2011. He will also
participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band
entry. Outside the contest expect activity on all bands and modes. QSL via

26/11/2011:  Operators Tang BM2AAV, Eddie BV2DD, Bruce BV2KI, Evan BV2KS, Lee
BV2NT, Lee BX2AB, Chung BX4AF and Pro BX4AN will be active from Taipei, Taiwan
(IOTA AS-020, WLOTA 0022, CQ Zone 24), as BV100 in the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27
November), a Multi-? entry. QSLs go via BV2KI, by the Bureau or direct. Website: [NG3K]

10/09/2011:  Special event station GB1AVR (WAB SE41, Book number 14192, WW Loc.
IO93IP, FISTS 14041) will be active on 10th and 11th of September 2011 from the
Ackworth Vintage Steam Rally at Lane Farm, between Ackworth and Hemsworth. QSL
direct to G0BPK, or via the RSGB Bureau. [G1FYQ/G3FYQ]

10/09/2011:  GB4CFV will be put on the air by members of the Friskney & East
Linconshire Communications Club. Visitors are welcome to come and join them or
call them on the air on 10 and 11 September at Church Farm Museum in Skegness,
East Lindsey district of Lincolnshire, England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). They
plan be active on 2m FM and will be using PSK, SSB and CW on the HF bands. QSL
via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

10/09/2011:  Churches & Chapels On the Air takes place next weekend, 10 and 11
September, 2011, from 10am to 4pm. There will be several stations on the air,
mainly 40 and 80m SSB with special event callsigns. On Saturday 10 September
Hinckley Amateur Radio Society is taking part in Churches on the Air as GB2BOH,
from the Priory Church, Breedon, Derbyshire (WAB SK42, WW Loc. IO92HT). QSL via
M0JAV or by the RSGB Bureau. On Saturday 10 September Angel of the North Amateur
Radio Club is participating in Churches and Chapels on the Air as GB2ANG from
10am to 5pm, from the Whitehall Rd Methodist Church, Bensham, Gateshead (WAB
NZ26) QSL via G7UUR, direct or RSGB Bureau. On September 10th between 10 am and
4 pm. 2011, Brecon Cathedral, Brecon, Wales, will celebrating national Churches
and Chapels on the Air (CHOTA) day as special event station GB0BRE. Operators
will be Owen MW0GMH, Paul M0PNN and David 2W0ZJA. QSL via [GB2RS]

10/09/2011:  The Pentagon Amateur Radio Club, K4AF, will be on the air 7 AM-9 PM
Saturday, September 10 (1100-0100 UTC, Saturday, September 10 through Sunday,
September 11). Active operating frequencies will be posted during event on the
K4AF website. This Special Event is to honor all those lost on September 11,
2001, with special remembrance of the 184 people who lost their lives at the
Pentagon and on board American Airlines Flight 77. [ARRL]

10/09/2011:  Members of the Kings County Repeater Association (KCRA) will be on
the air as KC2RA honoring the memory of the 911 tragedy. Activity will take
place on 10 September 2011, between 1300-2100z. Main frequencies will be 7.250
and 14.295 MHz SSB. KCRA will send a special QSL card honoring this event if you
send them a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) to: KCRA 911 Memorial Event,
PO Box 280288, Brooklyn, NY 11228-0288 USA. Website: [ODPX

10/09/2011:  Members of the Symbol Technologies ARC (W2SBL) will be honoring the
lives lost during the horrific events of September 11th, 2001, with activating
special event station N1Y between 1400z (10:00 am local time) Saturday,
September 10th, and 0400z (11:00 am local time) Sunday, September 11th.
Suggested frequencies are: 3911, 7240, 14070 and 50135 kHz, as well as D-Star
REF10C. QSL direct to: STARC, 1 Motorola Plz, B-13, Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
USA (with a #10 SASE). NOTE: There will be a reading of one name of the fallen
with every QSO. [ARRL]

10/09/2011:  The Symbol Technologies Amateur Radio Club, W2SBL, will be on the
air 10-11 September 2011 on the following frequencies: 3.911, 7.240, 14.070 and
50.135 MHz, as well as D-STAR REF10C. STARC members will read the name of a
person killed in the attacks with every QSO. A Special Event QSL card is
available when you send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Symbol
Technologies Amateur Radio Club, W2SBL, One Motorola Plaza, B-13, Holtsville, NY
11742. [ARRL]

10/09/2011:  The Northeast Wireless Radio Club will operate special event
station NW2C on 11 September 2011, in remembrance of the tragic events that
occurred ten years ago. Activity will take place on SSB, CW and RTTY from
historic Fort Totten, Bayside (NY) from 1700 to 2300 UTC. Further information
can be found at [425 DX News]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

09/09-16/09  ZK2AB: Niue Island WLOTA:2139 QSL ZL4CZ (d)
10/09-11/09  CR3L: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL DJ6QT (d/b)
10/09-11/09  GB4CFV: England (main) WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
10/09-17/09  IM0/IZ4JMA: Isola La Maddalena WLOTA:1632 QSL HC (d/b)
10/09-11/09  PT5T: Ilha de Santa Catarina WLOTA:2981 QSL K3IRV (d/b)
10/09-24/09  TK/F4FRL: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b)
10/09-24/09  TK/F5RBB: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b)
12/09-20/09  VE1/WW4GA: Cape Breton Island WLOTA:1592 QSL HC (d)
12/09-20/09  VY2/WW4GA: Prince Edward Island WLOTA:0523 QSL HC (d)
12/09-15/09  YB9/G4JVG: Bali WLOTA:2589 QSL M0URX (d/b/OQRS)
12/09-15/09  YB9/GM3OOK: Bali WLOTA:2589 QSL M0URX (d/b/OQRS)
13/09-19/09  SV8/PA1FJ/P: Nisos Thasos WLOTA:4186 QSL HC (b)
14/09-22/09  IA5/DL3NBI: Isola del Giglio WLOTA:0564 QSL HC (d/b)
14/09-19/09  JW9DFA: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 QSL LA9DFA (d/b)
15/09-31/12/13 HI3/KL7JR: Dominican Republic WLOTA:2974 QSL HC
15/09-24/09  SV9/LZ3FN: Nisos Kriti WLOTA:1400 QSL HC (d/b)
16/09-27/09  9H3IP: Malta Island WLOTA:1113 QSL HA3JB (d)
16/09-26/09  OX/OK1IEC: Greenland WLOTA:0072 QSL HC (d/b)
16/09-26/09  OX/OK1JK: Greenland WLOTA:0072 QSL HC (d/b)
16/09-26/09  OX/OK1JST: Greenland WLOTA:0072 QSL HC (d/b)
16/09-26/09  OX/OK1VVT: Greenland WLOTA:0072 QSL HC (d/b)
16/09-26/09  OX4OK: Greenland WLOTA:0072 QSL OK1JST (d/b)

NO5W - Chuck - September 10 to September 10 - CW Only
Chuck, NO5W, and Alan, N5NA, will be mobile multi-op in the Arkansas QSO Party
on September 10. We plan to activate the following counties in the order shown:
Union, Columbia, Lafayette, Miller, Hempstead, Nevada, Clark, HotSpring, Grant,
Dallas, Cleveland, Dallas, Cleveland, Lincoln, Drew, Desha, Chicot, Drew,
Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Ouachita and Union.
They plan to operate 37 kHz from the bottom of each band and will primarily be
on 20m & 40m but will QSY to 15m if it's open. They plan to do some 80m near the
A map which includes the routes of NO5W, W3DYA, W4SIG, K5END and N4CD is at:
N4CD and K5END are also expected to be active. [County Hunter Web]

W4SIG - Kerry - 1* - sep 10 to sep 11 - CW Only
Kerry will run the following counties in the Arkansas QSO Party.
AR: Cross, Crittenden, St. Francis, Lee, Monroe, Prairie, Arkansas, Jefferson,
Cleveland, Dallas, Calhoun, Cleveland, Bradley, Drew, Desha and Chicot.
Running CW solo as usual. Will run 40 and 20 until it gets around 0000z. Then
will run 80 as well. Will run close to 40khz up. Once I find a good frequency
I'll try and use that one during whole contest. Spots are certainly appreciated.
QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

10/09-11/09  Arkansas QSO Party 2m included  10 1300z-11 0100z
10/09            Indiana Parks on the Air 6m included  1600z-2400z
10/09            Ohio State Parks on the Air 6m included  1600z-2400z
10/09-12/09  ARRL VHF QSO Party  10 1800z-12 0300z
10/09-12/09  QRP ARCI VHF Contest 6m & Up  10 1900z-12 0400z
10/09-12/09  K3NXH/4: Kure Beach, NC Grid:FM13 6/2m ARRL VHF QSL HC (d/b)
10/09-11/09  N1Y: 9/11 Always Remember 50135USB QSL W2SBL (
11/09            Contest Province Italiane 50MHz  0700z-1500z
11/09-12/09  Fall Classic Exchange (CW) 50.100 144.100  11 1300z-12 0700z
12/09-15/09  YB9/G4JVG: Bali OC-022 Grid:OI71 6m 100W + beam QSL M0URX (d/b)
12/09-15/09  YB9/GM3OOK: Bali OC-022 Grid:OI71 6m 100W + beam QSL M0URX (d/b)
13/09            LY 432 MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM  1700z-2059z
13/09            NRAU 432MHz Activity Contest  1700z-2100z
13/09            RSGB 432MHz UKAC  2000z-2230z
13/09-19/09  SV8/PA1FJ/P: Thasos EU-174 Grid:KN20JR 6m CW/SSB QSL HC (b)
14/09            MOON Contest 432MHz CW/Digi/FM/SSBMHz  1800z-2000z
14/09-19/09  JW9DFA: Svalbard EU-026 Grid:JQ78TF 6m 5el yagi QSL LA9DFA (d/b)
15/09-31/12/13 HI3/KL7JR: Dominican Rep NA-096 Grid:FK49SS 6m QSL HC
16/09-26/09  OX4OK: Greenland NA-018 Grid:GP47QA 2m EME (JT65b) QSL OK1JST (d/b)

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 07 September, 2011)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

QSLs via Bureau: 3B8/DK9PY, 3DAØTB, 5H3ME, 6V7W, 6Y9V, 8J1AXA, 9K2/SP4R and

QSLs via Direct: 3XDQZ/P (F5OZC), 8Q7LM (DL7ULM), C21YY (OH2YY), DZ1P [OC-009]
(, MD2C (MDØCCE), SU9VB (UA4WHX), TE8X [NA-116] (TI5AA), TO2FH (OQRS),
YS3CW (I2JIN) and YT1AR (

and YS3CW.
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:


PRESS RELEASE NUMBER 6: September 9, 2011

This is the sixth and final press release before the 4W6A DXpedition.
The bulk of the equipment, including the linear amplifiers, the
Titanex V160E vertical, Hexbeam and other antennas, left Darwin,
Australia, on 6 September. It has all arrived safely in Dili,
Timor-Leste, and is now awaiting the arrival of the team next week.

9M6DXX and 9M6XRO leave Malaysia on 12 September for a transit stop in
Bali, from where they plan to be active 'holiday style' as YB9/G4JVG
and YB9/GM3OOK respectively. Unfortunately, due to a late change of
airline timetable, they will not now arrive in Dili before the
afternoon of Friday 16 September. The chartered boat taking the team
and the equipment to Atauro Island has therefore been rescheduled to
later that afternoon.

It is likely that only one or two stations will be on the air that day
as the team will run out of daylight before all the antennas can be
erected. The remainder of the antenna work will commence at first
light the following morning (approximately 2115UTC on 16 September)
and 4W6A should be fully operational by the morning (UTC) of 17

4W6A will be QRV on all bands 10 to 160 metres, using CW, SSB and RTTY
with up to four stations simultaneously. It is hoped that log search
will be available, thanks to the Clublog facility (go to, but this is dependent on a
reliable Internet connection being available on the island. Col,
MM0NDX, is the pilot for 4W6A and is responsible for providing
feedback to the team. He may be contacted at

The QSL manager is M0URX, direct (SAE plus 1 IRC / $2), via the
bureau, or LoTW. The entire log will be uploaded to LoTW as quickly as
possible after the end of the operation or, if possible, also during
the DXpedition. Direct or bureau QSLs may also be requested using the
M0URX Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) at
(there is also a link from the 4W6A website at

We look forward to having fun in the pile-ups and we hope you have fun
chasing 4W6A. 73, The 4W6A Team.
CASHOTA to hold UK & IRE heritage event -

Castles And Stately Homes On The Air will be holding a UK & IRE Heritage event
during the month of September to coincide with the European Heritage Month. This
is an opportunity to access locations that may previously have been inaccessible
or closed to the public. Details on activations appear on the CASHOTA website, The group has also set the dates for CASHOTA's annual Castles
weekend in 2012. The event will be held over two weekends on 18 and 19 May and
25 and 26 May. New and previous participants are encouraged to take part. More
details can be found at [GB2RS]
Hello Folks,

  There is a very interesting new group of Amateurs on the block.
  In the UK and Europe we know RAOTA to be, "The Radio Amateurs Old Timers
Association". Well now you also have to think of "RAOTA" as being the "Rest
Areas On The Air" Society. Their Founder is Brian K0MCM.
  Rest Areas On The Air - RAOTA
  The Interstate Highway Rest Area Society was created to promote amateur radio
mobile HF operations across the U.S.of A.
  Their website ( is online and accepting "free" memberships from
across the country.
  They will be coordinating and matching up mobile operators, with others in
the ham community, who wish to start making contacts and collecting QSL cards
from Rest Areas across the country.
  Their Inaugural Event will be "Rest Areas On The Air" November 23 - 27 2011
which is the busiest travel weekend of the year. (Details will follow).
  A Yahoo group has been formed to coordinate activities on a regular basis. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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