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Главная » 2012 » Январь » 13 » ICPO Bulletin (13-20 January 2012)
ICPO Bulletin (13-20 January 2012)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
13/01/2012:  Team SP9YFF/p will be active on the 13-15th of January 2012 and
participate in WCA-HBD 2012 from: Zloty Potok Castle (ZWP GCZ-06, WCA SP-00468,
WW Loc. JO90RQ, PGA CZ03), located in Reserve Przyrody Parkowe (WFF SPFF-218),
starting evening Friday 13 January. Ostreznik Castle [ruins] (ZWP GCZ-04, WCA
SP-00466, WW Loc. JO90QQ, PGA CZ03), located in Reserve Przyrody Ostreznik (WFF
SPFF-219) on 14 January (1300-1700 UTC). Reserve Przyrody Sokole Gory (WFF
SPFF-214, PGA CZ12) on 15 January (0700-1100 UTC). Olsztyn Castle [ruins] (ZWP
GCZ-03, WCA SP-00465, WW Loc. JO90PS, PGA CZ12), located in Landscape Park
Orlich Gniazd (WFF SPFF-093) on 15 January (1300-1700 UTC). Trx-100W, wire
antenna, SSB/RTTY only. Possible to run multiple transmitters. Due to winter
conditions the plans / times may change. Logs after expedition will be sent to
WFF Log Search and WCA E-Log. Paper QSL direct only to SQ9IDG. Website: [SP9UPK]

14/01/2012:  Manfred, DF6EX, will be active on 14th of January 2012 and
participate in WCA-HBD 2012 from the Palace of Neustadt (WCA DL-02826, COTA-DL
BOB-035) and the Palace New Neustadt (WCA: DL-02827, COTA-DL BOB-036) located in
the Nature Park Nordlicher Oberpfalzer Wald (WFF DLFF-093). He plans to be QRV
as DA0CW/p from 0900 UTC on all bands. Special colour-QSL comes automatically
via DL7RAG. Log will be uploaded to WCA E-Log and EW4DX-WFF-database. [RN1CW &

14/01/2012:  Look for Patrick, F8DYD/p, to be active during the morning of 14th
January 2012 from the Castle de la Vervoliere (DFCF 86-091) and the Mill Crechet
(DMF 86-047), located in the commune of Coussay-les-Bois (CP 86270), canton
[county] of Pleumartin (DDCF 86-20), Department Vienne/86 and Province
Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). 80m first, then QSY to 40 metres. Maybe higher bands
if propagation permits. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [F8DYD]

14/01/2012:  Michel, F8GGZ/p, will be active on 14 January 2012 from the Mill of
Conliege, commune of Conliege (CP 39570), canton [county] of Conliege (DDCF
39-11), Department Jura/39 and Province Franche-Comte (DPF 10). QRV mainly 80
and 40 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

14/01/2012:  The members of RZ1CWC and others operators will be active on the
14th January 2012 and participate in WCA-HBD-2012 from Fort Konstantin (WCA
UA-00202, COTA-RU F-108) or Fort 1 Severnyj (WCA UA-00195, COTA-RU F-101)
located on Kotlin Island (EU-133, RRA: RR-01-06, WLOTA 3146, RDA SP-09). Plans
are to be QRV on 80, 40, 30, 20 and 17 metre BPSK, CW and SSB as RZ1CWC/1 and
homecall/1. QSL via RN1CW, bureau or direct. Log will be uploaded to WCA E-Log.

14/01/2012:  F6BEE Jacques, Nigel G3TXF, Gilles VE2TZT, Miche FM5CD and Vincent
F4BKV are planning to be active as TX6T as they pass through French Polynesia,
both on their way to and returning from Pitcairn. The approximate dates of
operations from Tahiti (OC-046, DIFO FO-002, WLOTA 0885): Late on Saturday 14th
January (early GMT Sunday 15th) to Monday 16th January 2012. Late on Tuesday 7th
February (early GMT Wednesday 8th) to Friday 10th February 2012. In addition
there may be a short operation as TX6T/p from Mangareva Island (DIFO FO-108),
Gambier Archipelago (OC-063), from Monday 6th February to Tuesday 7th February.
However this short TX6T/p operation from Mangareva will depend on the early
arrival of the return boat from Pitcairn. QSL via G3TXF. Website:

14/01/2012:  Arnis, YL3GBC and Uldis, YL2IU will be active as YL11WCA on the
14th of January 2012 and participate in WCA-HBD from the Castle Lucavsala (WCA
YL-00116, COTA-YL R-013). Plans are to be QRV on 40 metre CW between 0900 and
1200 UTC. QSL via Log will be uploaded to WCA E-Log. [RN1CW]

15/01/2012:  Rolandas, LY3IV, will be active as homecall/p on the 15th of
January 2012 and participate in WCA-HBD from the Birzai Castle (WCA LY-00002).
He plans to be QRV on 20 metre SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RN1CW]

15/01/2012:  Mika, OH2FFP will operate from a few bases in Antarctica between
mid-January and mid-February. Callsigns to be used are OH2FFP/p from
Nordenskiold multinational camp (IOTA AN-016, WAP MNB-07), Basen Nunatak,
Western Droning Maud Land; OJ1ABOA from the Finnish station Aboa (IOTA AN-016,
AA OH-02, WAP FIN-01), Basen Nunatak, Vestfjella, Princess Martha Coast, Queen
Maud Land; and SM/OH2FFP from the Swedish station Wasa (IOTA AN-016, AA SM-01,
WAP SWE-04), Basen Nunatak, Vestfjella, Princess Martha Coast, Queen Maud Land.
QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

15/01/2012:  Bhagwati, VU3BPZ, will be stationed at the new Bharti Base (WAP
IND-New!, IOTA AN-016), Larsemann Hills, Princess Christensen Coast, Princess
Elizabeth Land, Antarctica, from 15 January 2012 until March 2013. He plans to
set up a HF station once his wintering tasks are completed. He is also expected
to use a special callsign, yet to be assigned. QSL via I1HYW (Gianni Varetto,
Via Pancalieri 2, I-12030 Casalgrasso (CN), Italy). Stay tuned! [WAP Bulletin

17/01/2012:  From 17 January to 2 February 2012, a team of six operators will be
active from Kiritimati [Christmas Island] (OC-024, WW Loc. BJ12HA) in Eastern
Kiribati. Each team member will operate with their own callsigns, with activity
on 160m to 6m CW and SSB. T32WW and T32CO will also operate both RTTY and PSK.
The group will put in a full Multi-Op effort for the CQWW 160m CW Contest (27-29
January) as T32XX (QSL via KB8TXZ). The operators are as follows: Dave, VO1AU
(T32AU - QSL via VO1MX); Brian, KG8CO (T32CO - QSL via KB8TXZ); Lee, N8LJ
(T32LJ - QSL via K8ESQ); Ted, K8AQM (T32TR - QSL via KB8TXZ); Jim, KB8TXZ
(T32TX - QSL via KB8TXZ); and Stan, AC8W (T32WW - QSL via KB8TXZ). The team will
operate from the same location as the recent T32C DXpedition. Website: []

20/01/2012:  Francis, F6BLP, will once again be active as 6W7SK from Mbour,
Senegal between 20 January and 3 February, 2012. He will be mostly active in CW
on the lower bands. QSL via home call. Website, including logsearch at: [F6AJA]

20/01/2012:  A team consisting of F6BEE Jacques, G3TXF Nigel, VE2TZT Gilles,
FM5CD Michel and F4BKV Vincent will be active from Pitcain Island (IOTA OC-044,
WFF GFF-053) between 20th January and 4th February 2012, using the callsign
VP6T. Efforts will be made to give this extremely rare entity to deserving DXers
on as many bands as possible, but especially on the low bands. The team will
make a particular effort to focus on contacts with Europe and the US East Coast.
QRV on 160-10 metre CW, SSB and RTTY, with K3s and high power. QSL via G3TXF,
direct or bureau, LoTW and OQRS. All information on their website at: []

20/01/2012:  Rich Carter, RAF Mount Pleasant, Falkland Islands Rich, G0ZEP will
be in the Falkland islands planed for the end of October 2011 and has plans to
be active from both the East (WLOTA 1479) and West Islands (IOTA SA-002, WFF
GFF-024) as VP8DFR, if time permits. QSL via home call, direct only (see []

21/01/2012:  The Orkney Amateur Radio Club, Orkney [mainland] (EU-009, IOSA
OR-01, SCOTIA OI-14, WLOTA 1652) is supporting the SOS fundraising week from 21
to 29 January, 2012. There will be a special event station at or near each of
the Islands' three lifeboat stations. GB1OL (QSL via MM5DWW) will be in
Stromness; GB2OL (QSL via GM0WED) will in Longhope, based at the old lifeboat
station; and GB4OL (QSL via GM0IFM) will be at Kirkwall Bay. QSL's to home
calls, Direct only. The stations will be active on most bands, mainly at the
weekends, and will concentrate on 80, 40 and 20m, details nearer the time.
Modes will be SSB, with some CW and data. Further information can be found at: [GB2RS]

22/01/2012:  Daryl, W7TAE, will be active from Grand Cayman (NA-016, WLOTA 1042,
Grid Loc. EK99) 22-27 January 2012 as ZF2TE. He will be active on 20-6m mainly
SSB and some CW. Plans to be active early morning local time, and afternoons.
Operating 100w with 1/2wave vertical antennas on 20 17 15 12 10 and even on 6
metres. He will be active in ARRL VHF Sweepstakes Contest (21-23 January) 6
meters only on Sunday the 22nd. QSL via home call ( []

27/01/2012:  Look for Ash, KF5EYY, to be active once again as 3V8SS from the
club station in Hammam Sousse, Tunisia, during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
(27-29 January) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry, CQ zone 33. QSL via LX1NO,
direct only. Website: [NG3K]

27/01/2012:  Algarve STAR DX Team members Toze CT1GFK, Antonio CU8AS, Rudi,
HB9CQL and Hermann HB9CRV will be active as CR2W in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
(27-29 January) from the QTH of Antonio, CU8AS, next to the Albarnaz lighthouse
(DFP FAZ-02, TWLHD WLH CU-008, WLOL AZO-016, WLOTA 0947, WW Loc. HM49JM), Ponta
Delgada, Flores Island (EU-089, DIP AZ-008), Azores (CQ zone 14). QSL via
HB9CRV, direct or bureau. [Algarve STAR DX Team]

01/02/2012:  Special event station 8J1YMS will be active between 1 February and
31 March 2012 to celebrate the opening of the new Yoshikawa Minami Station,
constructed by the East Japan Railway Company (JR East) on the Musashino Line in
Yoshikawa (JCC 1343), Saitama prefecture, Kanto region, island of Honshu
(AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. It is scheduled to open on 17 March 2012. QSL via
the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/01/2012:  Special event station 8J9LITE will be active the entire month of
February 2012 for the Campaign for Amateur Radio License Electronic Application,
by Hokuriku Bureau of Telecommunications. (Utilizing the application system
"Denshi Shinsei·Todokede (or Electronic Application and Notification)
System Lite"). The Hokuriku Bureau of Telecommunications is located in
Kanazawa(-city) JCC 3001, Ishikawa prefecture, Chubu region, island of Honshu
(AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/02/2012:  Members of the Buddies in the Caribbean 2012
( (Team #1) will mount a mini-DXpedition
to the island of Grenada (J3, NA-024, WLOTA 0718) from 1-9 February, 2012. The
Buddipole team which specializes in 100 watt or less low power radios, and the
Buddipole portable antenna systems, will be on their annual "suitcase
dxpedition" featuring battery-only portable from Grenada's scenic beaches
or mountain tops. The team members are Chris (W6HFP), Budd (W3FF), Bill (W7ZT),
Steve (WG0AT), Mike (KC4VG), Guy (N7UN), Paul (KB9AVO) and Wey (K8EAB).
Licensing is not yet complete but each operator is expected to receive their
J3/call. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or mail to operator's home call (SASE required).

01/02/2012:  Look for Dennis, WA2USA, to be active as WA2USA/4 from St. George
Island (NA-085, USi FL007S, Franklin county), Florida, from 1-27 February, 2012.
Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via WA2USA, direct or bureau. Website: []

04/02/2012:  Hermann CT3FN/HB9CRV will be active as CR2V in the Mexico
International RTTY Contest (4-5 February) from the QTH of Antonio, CU8AS, next
to the Albarnaz lighthouse (DFP FAZ-02, TWLHD WLH CU-008, WLOL AZO-016, WLOTA
0947, WW Loc. HM49JM), Ponta Delgada, Flores Island (EU-089, DIP AZ-008),
Azores. This will be a Single-Op/High-Power effort. QSL via HB9CRV, direct or
bureau. [HB9CRV]

05/02/2012:  Look for Benoit, F8PDR, of the French UFT & CDXC clubs, to be
active as FS/F8PDR from the island of French Saint Martin Island (NA-105, DIFO
FS-001, WLOTA 0383, from 5-16th February, 2012. A radio trip to Sint Maarten
(NA-105, WLOTA 0711) is scheduled as well were he will be active as PJ7/F8PDR.
Focus on CW and RTTY, from 80 to 10m with 100 watts into dipoles or vertical
antennas. QSL via HC, direct or through the French REF bureau. Benoit is also a
LoTW user. [F5NQL]

08/02/2012:  Roy, KE4TG, will once again be active as J38RF from the island of
Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA 0718) between 8 February and 8 March, 2012. QRV primarily
using digital modes on the HF bands, with some CW and SSB. QSL via home call
( []

11/02/2012:  Iain, G4SGX, will be in Bhutan as A52JF from February 11-15, 2012.
Updates to follow... []

11/02/2012:  Look for Hermann CT3FN/HB9CRV to be active as CR2V in the CQWW WPX
RTTY Contest (11-12 February) from the CU8AS QTH, next to the Albarnaz
lighthouse (DFP FAZ-02, TWLHD WLH CU-008, WLOL AZO-016, WLOTA 0947, WW Loc.
HM49JM), Ponta Delgada, Flores Island (EU-089, DIP AZ-008), Azores. Plans are
for a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL via HB9CRV, direct or bureau. [HB9CRV]

11/02/2012:  Torkel, LA6VJA, will be active for one day only as JW6VJA from
Spitsbergen Island (EU-026, WLOTA 0125), Svalbard Archipelago, on 11 February,
2012. Darkness all day, so probably working the low bands only, expecting dead
bands above 10 MHz. QSL via LA6VJA, direct (P.O.Box 1036 Jeloy, NO-1510 Moss,
Norway) or LOTW. [LA6VJA]

11/02/2012:  Larry, XW0ZJZ (ex-XW1A), will be active as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW WPX RTTY Contest (11-12 February)
from Vientiane, Laos (CQ zone 26). QSL via E21EIC, direct only. [NG3K]

18/02/2012:  Operators Bill N7OU, Bob W7YAQ, Al K7AR and Rock NE7D will be
active as VP5OU from Turks & Caicos (NA-002) in the ARRL DX CW Contest (18-19
February) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry. QSL via LoTW or direct only to
N7OU. [NG3K]

18/02/2012:  Bruce, XW4XR (ex-XW1B), will be active as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest (18-19 February)
from Vientiane, Laos. QSL via E21EIC, direct only. [NG3K]

24/02/2012:  Henning, OZ1BII, will be active from Kangerlussuaq, Greenland
(NA-018, WFF OZFF-006, WLOTA 0072), as XP2I between 24-29 February, 2012. He
will use the special callsign XP2I, from the QTH of Jesper, OX3KQ. QRV using CW
only on the useable HF bands (160-10m), with a Ten-Tec Eagle 599. QSL via
OZ1BII. Website: []

27/02/2012:  Bert DL2RNS, Olaf DL7JOM and Rudi DM2XO will be active from the
island of Montserrat (NA-103, WLOTA 1475) as VP2MSN, VP2MOM and VP2MXO,
respectively, between 27 February and 10 March, 2012. QRV on all HF bands and
modes. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. []

01/03/2012:  Look for special event callsign 8N1MOMO to be active from 1 March
until 5 April 2012 to celebrate the 36th Koga-city (JCC 1404) Momo (or Peach
Blossom) Festival and the 19th Fire Balloon Contest. Koga(-city) is located in
Ibaraki prefecture, Kanto region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan.
QSL via the JARL QSL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/03/2012:  The Radiogrupo Sur ( team CV5A are working
on their next Dxpedition to Flores Island (SA-030, WLOTA 0528, WW Loc. GF25AB)
with plans to be active in March 2012. QSL via CX2ABC, direct only.

16/05/2012:  Operators Allan GM3OZB, Barry GM3YEH, Bill GM3ZRT, John GM0DJG,
Gordon MM0BIM and Declan EI6FR will be active as GM7WCO/p from St. Kilda Islands
(EU-059, Grid Loc. IO57), individual island not known at this time, from 16-21
May, 2012. QRV on on HF and 6m using CW, SSB and possibly RTTY. QSL via GM7WCO,
bureau or direct. []

19/07/2012:  Rick ("The Locust"), K6VVA, will activate sevaral Alaska IOTA
references as K6VVA/KL7 from 19-26 July, 2012. Plans are as follows: Crescent
Island (NA-172, USi New, 2nd North Western County) from 19-21 July, in company
with Mike, K9AJ. Barter Island (NA-050, USi AK044S, 4th Central County) on the
23rd and 24th July. Endeavor [aka Endicott] Island (NA-004, USi AK046S, 2nd
North Western County) on the 25th and 26th July. QRV mostly CW on the higher
bands (30-10m). Note that this schedule is subject to change due to local
weather conditions. QSL only via N6AWD, direct or by the bureau. Further
information and updates can be found on Rick's website at: []

26/07/2012:  Look for Paul M0TZO, Mark M0MJH, G6NHU, Peter 2E0SQL, Louis 2U0FER,
Jes MU0CHN to be active from the isle of Gurnsey (EU-114, WLOTA 0013) as MU0HTJ
from 26-31 July, 2012. This will also include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest
(28-29 July). QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via 2E0SQL. Website: []

25/09/2012:  The YT1AD team have planned their next DXpedition to be active from
Conway Reef (OC-112, Grid Loc. RG78) between 25 September and 6 October, 2012.
The team already has received the callsign 3D2C. They will be QRV on all HF
bands 160-10m, all modes. They will also be active on 6 and 2 metre 6 EME with
WSJT65 A,B,C on 50.375 MHz and 144.375 MHz. A 6 metre beacon will be setup on
50.095 MHz. Operators include Hrane YT1AD Team leader, David K3LP Technical
Co-leader, Aleksej UA4HOX Organization Co-leader, Paul N6PSE PR, Atilano PY5EG,
Vasily RW4NW, David WD5COV, Carlos EA1IR, Joe AA4NN, David AH6HY, Alan AD6E,
Gabriele I2VGW and Alan K6SRZ Medical Doctor of our team. Note: They still have
room for 2 more operators! Due to travel time between Suva, Fiji, and Conway
Reef actual operating dates from Conway will be between 27 September and 4
October (approx.). QSL via YT1AD (Dr Hrane Milosevic, 36206 Vitanovac, Serbia -
EU). For direct QSL please send: QSL + SAE + SASE (1US$ for normal post, 2US$
for Airmail). QSL via bureau - only send QSL card. Further information,
frequencies and log search can be found at:

09/11/2012:  A team led by Donovan, ZS2DL, plans activity from Lesotho between
9-19 November, 2012. The aim is to activate Lesotho 80m through 10m on CW and
RTTY. And to give this entity to as many deserving DX'ers as possible. They will
not be doing much SSB on this trip. Call sign not yet assigned. The team is
currently looking for other operators to join. QSL direct (Lesotho DX Pedition
2012, P O Box 29169, Sunridge Park 6008, South Africa). To cover cost we request
a donation of $2 with your QSL card. Please no IRC as it is difficult to convert
at the post office. OQRS system will also be implemented just before the
expedition. []

In 2012, amateur radio operators in Luxembourg will celebrating the 75th
anniversary of the foundation in 1937, of Radio Amateurs of Luxembourg. In order
to start the activities the RL lauches a special RL 75th Anniversary Award.
During 2012 the special callsign LX75RL will be activated by its members and as
you can imagine counts for many points for the award. For the Award Rules please
visit: [Southgate ARC]

VU17 - INDIA -
Members of the Indian Institute of Hams (VU2IIH) of Bangalore and the Mangalore
Amateur Radio Club (VU2RDO) will activate special event radio station VU17NYF
during the 17th National Youth Festival from 12-16 January, 2012. Activity will
be on the HF and VHF bands. QSL via direct (w/3 IRCs - see address on
or by the bureau. Info on the event at: [OPDX Bulletin]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

14/01              RZ1CWC/1: Ostrov Kotlin WLOTA:3146 QSL RN1CW (d/b)
14/01-16/01  TX6T: Tahiti Island WLOTA:0885 QSL G3TXF (d/b)

N7ID - Jack - 2* - 1-14-2012 to 1-14-2012 - SSB Only
ID: Bonneville, Bingham, Bute, Blaine, Camas, Elmore and Ada. QSL via home call.
[County Hunter Web]

W7FEN - Larry - 1* - 1/19/12 to 1/21/12 - SSB and CW
Will run 40, 30, 20, 17, 12, & 10 Metres on CW. Subject to band conditions and
time. Will run 20 and 17 meters on SSB if time permits. Remember mobile may make
changes with-out notification of such.
1/19/12 AZ: Cochise. NM: Hidalgo, Grant, Luna and Dona Anna. TX: El Paso.
1/21/12 MM: Dona Anna, Luna, Grant and Hidalgo. AZ: Greenlee, Graham and
QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

14/01-15/01  VK Summer VHF-UHF Field Day 50MHz-47GHz  14 0100z-15 0100z
14/01-22/01  XU7AEN: Cambodia Grid:OK10 6m + Sat (2m-70cm) QSL JA3BZO (d/b)
14/01-22/01  XU7ARJ: Cambodia Grid:OK10 6m + Sat (2m-70cm) QSL JA3ARJ (d/b)
14/01-22/01  XU7AVO: Cambodia Grid:OK10 6m + Sat (2m-70cm) QSL JA3AVO (d/b)
14/01-22/01  XU7CJA: Cambodia Grid:OK10 6m + Sat (2m-70cm) QSL JA1CJA (d/b)
14/01-22/01  XU7HJI: Cambodia Grid:OK10 6m + Sat (2m-70cm) QSL JA3HJI (d/b)
14/01-22/01  XU7UJR: Cambodia Grid:OK10 6m + Sat (2m-70cm) QSL JA3UJR (d/b)
17/01            RSGB 1.3GHz UKAC SO Fixed/Open  2000z-2230z

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 10 January, 2012)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

QSLs via Bureau: None to report this week ...

QSLs via Direct: 3D2R (WD5COV), 5Z4HW (DL7DF), 6W/AA1AC (H/c), 6Y3M (VE3NE),
7P8BA (ZS6BQI), 7Q7GM (G4FDM), 9G5MP (W3HNK), A52VM (LA6VM), EL2LF (KY7M),
EX8MLE (, HR9/AI5P (H/c), J79WE (DL8WEM), MU/PA9M (H/c), PJ7NK (DJ8NK),

QSLs via LoTW: C6ANM, EK6LP, HG6N, IO5O, IR1A, OA1F, V25RV and VE5UA.
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:


The new WACA & WADA Directory are available on

The new update n°16 for the WAP software by Carlo IK6CAC (tnx!) is available

Have fun!

'73 de Ale IZ1HKE
4W0VB - Timor Leste (OC-148) -
World traveller, Vlad UA4WHX is currently active (since 11 January 2012) from
Timor Leste [East Timor] (OC-148, WLOTA 0019) as 4W0VB. QRV on 30m and 17m CW so
far. Length of stay unkown at present time. QSL via UA4WHX.

Yukon John, KL7JR and Claire, WL7MY will be QRV as NH7DX from the island of
Hawaii (OC-019, USi HI025S, WLOTA 0065, Hawaii County) from late March to mid
April, 2012. QSL via KL7JR info at []
YL International Meet 03-09 May 2012 Update -
We have 47 YLs and 26 others registered for the Meet. If you are going to join
us it is time to register. I will have to close registrations by the end of
February for the Ghan and early March for the Adelaide Meet.

Unfortunately we have had to change the Ghan trip at what I consider the last
minute. I had a call from our travel agent, Lyn. Great Southern Rail (the Ghan
train operator) has just rung her to say that all Wednesday trains have been
cancelled including our trip from Adelaide to Alice Springs! Yes, we are now
doing something, but not overnighting on the train to Alice Springs. We will
still be able to do the Alice Springs to Darwin on the train with a stop at
Katherine Gorge and everything else. Lyn could not convince them that they
should change their minds for us. After all we have only been planning this trip
for 4 years!

At the moment, I do not know exactly what the changes will be, but the plan is
to fly to Alice Springs on the morning of the 9th of May and have an extra day
and night in Alice Springs with a bush dinner under the stars. We will also have
a little more free time in "The Alice" to nvestigate the town. The cost of the
trip will probably come down.
I will post the changes on the meet website
and send out amended invoices just as soon as I get it.

And just to make life more interesting we are changing our Internet provider and
therefore my email address. Please send all emails to vk5tmc[at]

I will keep you informed. If these changes mean you no longer wish to do the
Ghan trip, you will get a full refund of the deposits paid etc.

Thankfully everything else seems to be falling. Please get your registrations in
so you can join the fun in Adelaide.

33 Tina VK5TMC

Tina Clogg VK5TMC
President of ALARA
YL International 2012 Organizer
Australian Lace Guild Treasurer
AHARS Committee Member

PS Please note the new email address vk5tmc[at]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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