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Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 15 » ICPO Bulletin (15-22 April 2011)
ICPO Bulletin (15-22 April 2011)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
15/04/2011:  A German group will be active as 5V7CC, from a location outside
the capital city of Lome between the sea and Lac Togo, starting in the
middle of April through the 28th. Operators mentioned are Werner DL9MBI,
Christian DL3MBG, Armin DL5MGH and Rudi DL5MEV. QRV on 160-10 metre CW, SSB
and RTTY. They will also have a station for EME. QSL via DL9MBI, bureau
preferred. [OPDX Bulletin]

15/04/2011:  Mathias DJ9MD, Jens DK8MIL, Jan DK7JAN and Thomas DK9BTX will
be active on 15-18 April 2011 as DF0TM from Sylt Island (IOTA EU-042,
GIA/DID N-016, WLOTA 2057). QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via the
bureau or direct (see to DF0TM. Website:

15/04/2011:  Anne, OH2YL, will be active as FJ/OH2YL from Saint Barthelemy
Island (IOTA NA-146, DIFO FJ-001, WLOTA 0377) on 15-27th April 2011. QRV on
all HF bands, 160-10 metres and using CW only (on a lower edge of all
bands). QSL via OH2YL, direct or bureau. Website:

15/04/2011:  Pascal, F5JSD, is currently active as FS/F5JSD from the island
of Saint Martin (IOTA NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA 0383) until 21 April 2011.
QRV holiday style on 40-10 metres, mainly CW with some SSB. Look for some
possible portable operation from the island of Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105,
WLOTA 0711) where he will operate as PJ7/F5JSD. QSL via home call, bureau
preferred. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [F5NQL]

15/04/2011:  From 15-22 April 2011, Jan-Willem, PA7JWC and Monique, PD7DB
will be active as PJ/homecall from the island of Curacao (IOTA SA-099, WLOTA
0942). They will be QRV on 80-10m SSB/CW/RTTY/PSK. QSL via home callsigns
(and LoTW for PJ2/PA7JWC). [PA7JWC]

15/04/2011:  On 15 April 2011, Kris SP9UPK and Zbig SQ9CXC will be on
business travel through SP7. They will attempt to activate two rare WFF
references: Szaniecki Landscape Park (WFF SPFF-129) and Kozubowski Landscape
Park (WFF SPFF-052), using the callsign SP9YFF/7. QSL via SQ9IDG, direct
only. [SP9UPK]

15/04/2011:  Phil, F4EGS, will be active again from N'djamena, Chad as TT8PK
between 15th April and 15th June 2011. This is a work related visit with
operating expected to be sporadic. QSL via F4EGS, direct or bureau.

15/04/2011:  Paul, G4BKI, is once again active as VP9KF from Baileys Bay,
island of Bermuda (IOTA NA-005), until 27 April 2011. QRV on all HF bands,
CW only. This operation counts for Gibbs Hill lighthouse (ARLHS BER-010,
WLOTA 0201) and St. David's lighthouse (ARLHS BER-009, WLOTA 1480). QSL via
G4BKI. Website: []

16/04/2011:  Sergej, UA9B (ex UA9BI), will be active from Saif-Zone,
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, as A6/UA9B from 16-22 April 2011. He plans
mainly CW with some SSB on 80-10 metres, holiday style as a guest of A65BR.
QSL via home call, bureau via UA9AB. [AT International]

16/04/2011:  The Radio-club Tabernacien F5KES/p will be active on 16 April
2011 from the Mill of Giez (DMF 95-003, WW Loc. JN19ED), commune of Viarmes
(CP 95270), Department Val d'Oise/95 and Province Ile de France (DPF 21).
Activity will be on 80 and 40 metres, starting 0530 UTC. QSL via F5KES,
bureau or direct. []

16/04/2011:  Look for Lionel, F5NEP/p to be active 16 April 2011 from the
Castle of Tertre (DFCF 61-035), commune La Ferriere au Doyen (CP 61380),
canton [county] of Moulins la Marche (DDCF 61-25), Department Orne/61 and
Province of Lower Normandy (DPF 04). QRV 80, 40 and 20 metre SSB and CW,
starting 0900 hours local time. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [F5NEP]

16/04/2011:  Look for Alain, F6CUG, to be active on 16 April 2011 as F6CUG/p
from the Castle of Bessey les Citeaux (DFCF 21-106) and the Mill of Bessey
les Citeaux (DMF 21-015), commune of Bessey les Citeaux (CP 21110),
Department Cote d'Or/21 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV starting 0530
UTC on 80 and 40 metres. QSL via home call, bureau or direct.

16/04/2011:  Look for Fred, SM7DAY, to be active on 16-23 April 2011 from
Senoren Island (IOTA EU-138) as SM7DAY/p. Expect activity on all HF bands.
QSL via home call, bureau or direct ( []

17/04/2011:  Look for Masa, JH4VUC, to be active as AH0CD from Saipan Island
(IOTA OC-086, USi NI002S WLOTA 1333, Grid Loc. QK25), Northern Marianas, on
17-19 April 2011. QRV on 40, 15, 10 and 6 metres, 500W SSB only. QSL via
home call. [AT International]

17/04/2011:  After the failed attempt on October the 10th 2010 due to bad
weather conditions, we going to try again this time on the 17th of April
2011 to activate "The Submerged Forteress". If the meteorological conditions
are adverse then, we will be forced to postpone the activity again.
Constructed in 1652, between the Armona Island and Culatra Island (EU-145)
with the purpose of defending Olhão harbour. Currently inside of the Natural
Park of Ria Formosa (CTFF-07), the only remain ruins are three iron cannons.
What remains of the fortress is totally submerged except in the lower tides
of the year, which happens next April the 17th. Operators Arlindo CT1EGW,
Jose CT1EHX, Toze CT1GFK, Goncalo CT1GPQ and Miguel CT1IUA plan to be QRV as
CR6A on 40-10m CW and SSB from the fortress. This operation is good for the
following award references: DPRN & WFF - CTFF 007 - DCFP F-171 (New One) -
DMHP FR-106 - WCA CT-1595. QSL via CT1GFK, bureau or direct. Website: [Algarve STAR DX Team]

17/04/2011:  Team TM95BV (Special Event Station for the 95th Anniversary of
the Battle of Verdun) will be active on 17 April 2011 from the Fort de
Belrupt (DFCF 55-055), commune of Belrupt en Verdunois (CP 55100), canton
[county] of Verdun Est (DDCF 55-26), Department Meuse/55 and Province
Lorraine (DPF 14). QRV starting about 0900 UTC on 40 metres, then QSY to 20
metres, using SSB and CW. QSL via F6KUP, or direct to F5LPY (with
SAE/postage). [F6FNA]

17/04/2011:  Craig, VK4LDX, will be active as homecall/p from Magnetic
Island (IOTA OC-171, WFF VKFF-299) on 17-20th of April 2011. The IOTA
antenna has been upgraded so the old Butternut HF9V will now be the back up.
The main antenna will be a newly acquired Spiderbeam 0m-15m-10m tribander to
be put on a 10m aluminium pole with tripod. QSL via VK8PDX, direct
( Craig does not use eQSL or LoTW. More details will be provided
over the upcoming months. Website:  and []

18/04/2011:  Jose PT9ZE, Ric PY2PT, Anderson PY2TNT, Alex PY2WAS and
Fernando PY4BZ plan to be active from Mayotte Island (IOTA AF-027, DIFO
FH-001, WLOTA 0376) between 18th and 25th of April 2011. QRV with three
stations active simultaneously on 160-10 metres using CW and SSB. More
details and the QSL route is forthcoming. [OPDX Bulletin]

18/04/2011:  Sigi DL8AKI, Udo DL2AQI, Ingolf DL4JS, And Rich DK8YY will be
active as XV4YY from Phu Quoc Island (IOTA AS-128, WFF 3WFF-020, WLOTA
2523), Vietnam, from 18-30 April 2011. They will work in all modes on all
bands with two stations plus amplifier. Special emphasis will be put on the
low bands if local conditions permit the right antennas. QSLs via bureau or
direct to DH7WW. NO E-QSL ! [DX Newsletter]

19/04/2011:  Update: April 13 - The boat chartered for sailing to Kanton is
delayed and will not arrive in Apia, Samoa, until late the 14th or early
15th, so the departure is delayed until maybe as late as the 16th. The boat
captain arrived in Apia by plane. All operators are anxious about the delay
as to how it may affect the T31A total operating days and also return
flights to home QTHs beginning on May 2nd. Standby for updates.
An international team will be active as T31A from Kanton Island (IOTA
OC-043, Grid Loc. AI47) on 19-28th of April 2011. The transportation has
been arranged, all licenses are assigned and the permit is in its final
stages. They plan to have 6 stations operational with 12 operators (namely
Carlos EA1IR, Jim K6ZH, Dave N1EMC, Arnie N6HC, John N7CQQ, Bud N7CW,
Michael N9NS, Paul UX2HO, Jay W2IJ, Charlie W6KK, Phil W9IXX and Hrane
YT1AD) and activity on 160-6 metres using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via W2IJ,
direct or bureau. Website: [OPDX Bulletin]

20/04/2011:  Dave, EI9FBB (FISTS (#14576), will be active from the
Principality of Monaco on 20-22 April 2011 as 3A/EI9FBB. QRV holiday style
on the HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL via home call, direct or LoTW
and eQSL. [AT International]

20/04/2011:  Masa, JH4VUC, will be active as AH0CD/KH2 from the island of
Guam (IOTA OC-026, USi GU003S, WFF KFF-110, WLOTA 0064, Grid Loc. QK23) on
20-22 April 2011. QRV on 40, 15, 10 and 6 metres, 500W SSB only. QSL via
home call. [AT International]

20/04/2011:  Bill, N2WB, is planning to be active HR5/N2WB from Honduras
between 20th April and 4th May 2011. Expect activity on all HF bands. QSL
via N2OO. [OPDX Bulletin]

21/04/2011:  Operators Tonny ON1DNF, Jaak ON4PJA, Joeri ON7IQ, Jempi ON7JPS
and Geert ON7QC will be active from the village of Biguglia, island of
Corsica (IOTA EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390, Grid Loc. JN42)
as TK4DS from 21-24 April 2011. Plans are to be QRV on the HF bands, using
SSB and the digital modes. There is the possibility of some VHF activity as
they will be taking a 9 element yagi for 2m and a vertical for 2m/70cm. The
village of Biguglia is located in the Canton [county] of Borgo, Department
Haute-Corse/2B and Province Corse (DPF 09). QSL via ON4PJA, bureau
preferred. Website: []

22/04/2011:  Ben, DO1BEN and Barbara, DO1IQ will be active as OZ/homecalls
from Lolland Island (IOTA EU-029, DIA SJ-015, WLOTA 2773, WW Loc. JO54QV) on
22-29th of April 2011. QRV on 80-10m using SSB and sometimes in Digimodes
(PSK31/RTTY). QSL via home calls, bureau or direct. Website:

25/04/2011:  Yuris, YL2GM, plans to be active from Azerbaijan as 4K3AC
between 25 April and 3 May 2011. QRV on all HF bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY
with 100 Watts. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

26/04/2011:  Andrew, KD5ZZK, will be active on 26 April 2011 as homecall/p
from Magazine Mountain (SOTA W5/MA-001, 839m, 2 points, WW Loc. EM35EE),
Ozark National Forest State Park, Logan County, State of Arkansas. He will
be QRV on 14.285 USB, 50.125 USB and 144.200 USB, starting about 1500z. QSL
via home call, bureau or direct. [N8OFS]

26/04/2011:  Tom, M1EYP, will be active on 26 April 2011 (1900z-2130z) as
homecall/p from The Cloud (SOTA G/SP-015, 343m, 1 point, WW Loc. IO83WE),
Southern Pennines region, England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). QRV 50 MHz
only, using CW, SSB and FM modes. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [SOTA

28/04/2011:  Look for special event callsigns 8J1VLP, 8J2VLP, 8J4VLP and
8J6VLP to be active from 28 April to 30 June 2011 to celebrate QRP Day. QSLs
go via the JARL QSL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

28/04/2011:  Members of the GMDX group plan to be active from Lunga Island,
Treshnish Isles (IOTA EU-108, IOSA NH17, SCOTIA DI09), as GB5TI between 28
April and 1 May 2011. Plans are to be QRV on 80-100m CW/SSB, RTTY. QSL via
MM0BQI. []

29/04/2011:  Special event station 8J6DON will be aired from 29 April to 5
May 2011 to celebrate the Hakata "Dontaku" Port Festival. (Dontaku: a Dutch
word Zontag, meaning a holiday). Hakata is located in the Kyushu region,
Fukuoka prefecture [Fukuoka-ken], island of Kyushu (IOTA AS-077, WLOTA
0963), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

29/04/2011:  Special callsign 8N0UN will be active from 29 April to 31 July
2011 for the 23rd United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues in
Matsumoto [JCC 0902], Chubu region, Nagano prefecture [Nagano-ken], island
of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau.

29/04/2011:  Junior, PY2ZA, will be active as PP0T from Trindade Island
(IOTA SA-010, DIB OC-02, WFF PYFF-065, WLOTA 2851) from 29 April to June
2011. The Brazilian Navy has re-scheduled their journey to Trindade for 25
April 2011, with arrival expected four days later. QRV on all HF bands, plus
6 metres, using SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and maybe SSTV. QSL via EB7DX. Website: []

01/05/2011:  Kan, AB2RF, will be active as AH0/AB2RF on 1-5 May 2011 from
the Saipan rental shack, Saipan Island (IOTA OC-086, USi NI002S, WLOTA
1333), Northern Marianas. Focus will be on HF digimodes (RTTY, PSK). QSL
direct to JJ2RCJ ( and LoTW. [NG3K]

01/05/2011:  Special event station VC2CQ85 will be activated from Quebec
City, Quebec, Canada, during the entire month of May 2011 for the 85th
Anniversary of Club Radio Amateur de Quebec (CRAQ). QSL via VE2CQ. [RAC]

15/05/2011:  Oreste, IZ8EDJ, along with others will be active on 15 May 2011
from the Sapri Lighthouse (ARLHS ITA-299) and the Scario Lighthouse (ARLHS
ITA-079, WAIL CA-011, WAIS EQ53). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

22/05/2011:  Look for Oreste, IZ8EDJ, and others to be active on 22 May 2011
from the Capo Palinuro Lighthouse (ARLHS ITA-030, WAIL CA-010, WAIS EQ52)
and the Agropoli Lighthouse (ARLHS ITA-185, WAIL CA-019). QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [IZ8EDJ - AK1DX]

30/05/2011:  Two call signs GB25AFS and GB4AFR (both affiliated to RSARS)
will be activated from 30th May until the 8th June 2011. GB25AFS (Air
Formation Signals) is F297 and GB4AFR (Armed Forces Remembered) is F298.
Activity will be from the Training Wing at 21 Signal Regiment (Air Support)
at Colerne, Wiltshire SN14 8QY by the usual team to be advised. This with
the permission of the C/o Lt Col Grahan N Addley; with the Training Wing O/c
Capt Jon A Martindale and Staff, also perhaps later at another location. A
special commemorative quality QSL card is being designed for this Operation
GB25AF / GB4AFR and will be sent via the usual routes. [RSARS]

29/06/2011:  Special Event Staion VY1T - Teslin Historical and Museum
Society - Grand Opening of Aeradio Exhibit. The VY1T Special Event Station
will be on the air from  29th June , 2011 to 1st July , 2011 for the Grand
Opening of Aeradio Exhibit at the Teslin Historical and Museum Society in
Teslin, Yukon Territory. VY1EI Eric our resident contester, will use VY1T on
the 29th of June 29th Whitehorse. Club Station VY1T will be on the air from
Teslin Yukon, at the George Johnson Museum on the 30th of June 30th from
early morning to late afternoon. VY1T will be on the air from Whitehorse on
Canada Day (1st July) as a club station. QSL will be available. On the 30th
of June look for them on 20 metres around 14.180 or so, also may try 14.140
Mhz. QSL via Hugh Henderson, VY1EEN at P.O. Box 33062, Whitehorse, YT Y1A
5Y5, Canada. More information to be found on the Yukon Amateur Radio
Association website at <> or contact Ron McFadyen at
<> [RAC]

23/07/2011:  Mek, SP7VC and Waldi, SP7IDX will be active as LA/SP7VC and
LA/SP7IDX from Vega Island (IOTA EU-062, WW Loc. JP65BQ) between 23 July and
2 August 2011, RSGB IOTA Contest (30-31 July) included. Activity will be
holiday style (they also like fishing!). Plans are to use 2 stations, one
for the HF bands and the second for the 50Mhz. Operation will be 80-6m using
SSB and RTTY. Equipment will consist of IC-746, TS-2000X, HEX beam, R-7
vertical, 6el. yagi for 6m, PA 500W for HF and 6m. QSL via home calls,
bureau or direct and LoTW. [NG3K]

30/07/2011:  Operators Tony E21IZC, Tana E27EK, Kamroon HS7UCQ and Wut
HS8JYX will be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (30-31 July) as HS7AT/p from
Samui Island (IOTA AS-101, WLOTA 1384). QSL via HS7AT, direct only
( [NG3K]

15/04/2011:  Special callsign 8J1YKD is currently active until 31 December
2011 to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Yotsukaido-city [JCC 1228].
Yotsukaido is a city located in Chiba, Kanto region, Chiba prefecture,
island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. The city was founded on 1
April 1981. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

15/04/2011:  Look for special callsign 8J4BARA to be aired until 15 May 2011
to celebrate the 44th Fukuyama City [JCC 3508] Bara (or Rose) Festival.
Fukuyama is located in the Chugoku region, Hiroshima prefecture
[Hiroshima-ken], island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via
the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

15/04/2011:  Special event station 8J4FF is currently active until 5 May
2011 to celebrate the Hiroshima City [JCC 3501] Flower Festival. Hiroshima
is located in the Chugoku region, Hiroshima prefecture [Hiroshima-ken],
island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau.

15/04/2011:  Special callsign 8J7400H is currently active until 31 August
2011 to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Hirosaki Castle. Hirosaki Castle
is a hirayama-style Japanese castle constructed in 1611. It was the seat of
the Tsugaru clan, a 47,000 koku tozama daimyo clan who ruled over Hirosaki
Domain, Mutsu Province, in what is now central Hirosaki [JCC 0202], Tohoku
region, Aomori prefecture, island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376),
Japan. It was also referred to as Takaoka Castle. QSL via the JARL bureau.

15/04/2011:  Special event station 8N5TOSA will be aired between 15 April
and 30 June 2011 for the Ryoma Furusato Expo, Shikoku(-district)
Kochi(-pref.). (Tosa: an old name of Kochi-prefecture; Ryoma Sakamoto:
1836-1867, a leader of the pro-imperial movement to Meiji Restoration; birth
place: Furusato). QSL via the bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

15/04/2011:  On 15 April 2011, GB4SG will be on the air for St. George's Day
from Northampton, England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). St. George is the
patron saint of England. His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is
the flag of England, and part of the British flag. QSL via the RSGB bureau.
Website: [GB2RS]

15/04/2011:  Peter, MI0RTX, will put GB0AVB will be on the air from Dervock,
County Antrim, Northern Ireland (IOTA EU-115, WLOTA 1439), promoting the
work of artificial voice boxes. QSL via MI0RTX. Website:

15/04/2011:  Gab, HA3JB, is currently active until 31 December 2011 using
the special callsign HG15IPA, to celebrate the International Police
Association (I.P.A.) 15 year jubilee. QRV on 160-10m CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31
and SSTV. QSOs with this station are valid for the HA-IPARC Award. QSL
direct to HA3JB. Further information at: [HA0HW]

16/04/2011:  On 16 April 2011, the Grantham Amateur Radio Club are putting
GB0GRA on the air for the Grantham radio amateurs, Lincolnshire, England
(IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). QSL via G0RCI. [GB2RS]

18/04/2011:  Members of the (Mexican Contest and DX group will activate the
special callsign 4A0IARU from 18-14th April 2011, to celebrate World Amateur
Radio Day on 18th April, and the 86th anniversary of the founding of the
International Amateur Radio Union. The theme for this year's celebration is
"Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network." QSL via N7RO.
Don't send your QSL cards to the Mexican Bureau since they will not have
QSLs to answer. Make sure your bureau QSL card is clearly marked via N7RO.
QSOs with this station are good for the DXXE Award. Website:
[OPDX Bulletin]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

15/04-18/04   DF0TM: Sylt Island WLOTA:2057 QSL d/b
15/04-27/04   FJ/OH2YL: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL HC (d/b)
15/04              GB0AVB: Northern Ireland WLOTA:1439 QSL MI0RTX (d/b)
15/04              GB4SG: England (main) WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
15/04-22/04   PJ2/PA7JWC: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL HC (d/b)
15/04-22/04   PJ2/PD7DB: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL HC (d/b)
16/04              GB0GRA: England (main) WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
16/04-17/04   VQ51V: Caicos Island WLOTA:1476 QSL W5CW (d)
17/04-19/04   AH0CD: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JH4VUC (d/b)
18/04-25/04   TO2FH: Mayotte Island WLOTA:0376 QSL TBA
20/04-22/04   AH0CD/KH2: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL JH4VUC (d/b)
21/04-24/04   TK4DS: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL ON4PJA (b)
22/04-29/04   OZ/DO1BEN: Lolland Island WLOTA:2773 QSL HC (d/b)
22/04-29/04   OZ/DO1IQ: Lolland Island WLOTA:2773 QSL HC (d/b)

N7PIB/K6KLL - 4/15 to 4/17 - SSB Only
Friday, 4/15 - CA: Calaveras, Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, Fresno and Tulare.
Saturday, 4/16 - CA: Tulare and Kings. Sunday, 4/17 - CA: Mariposa and
Tuolumne. Will run 20m, 17m 18.136, and 24m 24.936 on request. QSL via home
call. [County Hunter Web]

K8IR/M - 4/16/11 to 4/17/11 - SSB and CW
Michigan QSO Party 1600Z 4/16- 0400Z 4/17. Planned route is the entire Upper
Peninsula: Delta, Schoolcraft, Mackinac, Chippewa, Luce, Schoolcraft
(again), Alger, Marquette, Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw, Houghton (again),
Ontonagon, Gogebic, Iron, Dickinson, Menominee. More CW, but some SSB. Most
activity expected on 80/75, 40, and 20, but will be checking 15 and 10. QSL
via home call. [County Hunter Web]

NA8W - Darl - April 16 to April 19 - SSB Only
Headed to Holmes County, Amish Country, Ohio, on the 16th April 2011. Wife
wants to get there so route will be OH: Hancock, Wyandot, Crawford, Richand,
Ashland, Wayne, Holmes with no deviation. Since the Amish don't work on
Sunday we will be driving around on Sunday and also Monday in that area and
hope to put out OH: Tuscarawas, Carroll, Harrison, Guernsey, Coshocton and
others. Nothing set in stone or any times for sure on those days. Any other
needs in that area e-mail and let me know. Should have plenty of time to get
other ones. Also unsure which way we will return home, probably not the same
way we go. Will be on 20 and 40 SSB, other bands (except 80) by request. QSL
via home call. [County Hunter Web]

15/04-28/04  5V7CC: Togo Grid:JJ06MX EME activation QSL DL9MBI (b)
15/04-18/04  P29VLR: Green Island OC-231 Grid:QI75 6m 100w QSL SM6CVX (d)
16/04             Trofeo ARI 50MHz - Contest Lazio  1100z-1700z
16/04-17/04  Ontario QSO Party 6m-microwave included
16/04             NJ0W/M: Two-Guns, AZ (Route 66) Grid:DM45 50.125USB
                                  50.245m/s FSK441 250w 5el yagi QSL HC (d)
17/04-19/04  AH0CD: Saipan OC-086 Grid:QK25 6m 500w SSB QSL JH4VUC (d/b)
18/04             NRAU 1.3GHz Activity Contest  1800z-2200z
19/04             LY 1296MHz Activity Contest  1700z-2059z
19/04             RSGB 2.3GHz UKAC  2000z-2230z
19/04             K9JK Spring Sprint 222 MHz (7pm to 11 pm LOCAL time)
19/04-28/04  T31A: Kanton OC-043 Grid:AI47 50.099CW 50.120USB QSL W2IJ (d/b)
20/04-22/04  AH0CD/KH2: Guam OC-026 Grid:QK23 6m 500w SSB QSL JH4VUC (d/b)
21/04             NRAU 70MHz Activity Contest  1700z-2100z
21/04-24/04  TK4DS: Corsica EU-014 Grid:JN42 possible VHF activity 9el 2m
                                    yagi, vertical 2m/70cm QSL ON4PJA (b)
22/04-25/04  P29VCX: Misima Island OC-117 Grid:QH69 6m 100w QSL SM6CVX (d)

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 11 April, 2011)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal
"Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

QSLs via Bureau: CO8OTA, TI7XX, and XR7W.

QSLs via Direct: 3CØC (EA7FTR), 5R8X (OH2BH), AP2NK (W3HNK), ET3BN (), FR5ZL
(, OJØB (OH2BH), OX3XR (OZ3PZ), S9DX (OQRS), T3ØYA (via W7YAQ),
V25OP (W9OP), VK4MA ( and Z35T (

QSLs via LoTW: 4U1ITU, 9Q5ØON, A45XR, EE3A, EU7SA, FJ/VE3EY, KH2/N2NL,
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

Special temporary call signs for Royal Wedding -
   Special temporary call signs that Radio Amateurs may use subject to prior
authorisation, from 29 April to 9 May 2011 - signifying the marriage of
H.R.H. Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton.
   Facilitating the use of special temporary Amateur call signs in respect
of the Royal Wedding for Amateurs holding UK; Full Licences, Full
(Reciprocal) Licences, Intermediate Licences and Foundation Licences;
   The only format for the individual special temporary call sign permitted,
is as follows:
   1. Following a request from the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB),
Ofcom has decided to permit Amateurs holding valid UK; Full Licences, Full
(Reciprocal) Licences, Intermediate Licences and Foundation Licences to
apply for and receive authorisation for the use of individual special
temporary call signs which are linked to their existing licensed call sign.
   2. Subject to prior authorisation, the existing Regional Secondary
Locator in the existing call sign may be replaced by the Letter "R" except
in the case where no Secondary Locator exists, the Letter "R" may be
inserted as a Secondary Locator. For the avoidance of doubt, where the
existing call sign commences with the digit "2", the Secondary Locator i.e.
the second character of the existing call sign (the letter "E", "U", "D",
"J", "I", "M" or "W") may be replaced by the letter "R".
   3. The duration for use of these special temporary call signs will be
from 29 April 2011 through to 9 May 2011 inclusive only.
   Examples: G0ABC is amended to GR0ABC; GM0ABC is amended to GR0ABC; 2E0ABC
is amended to 2R0ABC; 2W0ABC is amended to 2R0ABC; 2J0ABC is amended to
2R0ABC; M1ABC is amended to MR1ABC; MI0ABC is amended to MR0ABC; MD6ABC is
amended to MR6ABC; and MU3ABC is amended to MR3ABC.
   Full details at: [RSGB]
Reminder of the special award - "The Columbus of the Cosmos"
SWL's can apply for this award on the same terms as Licensed Hams.

UN - Special Event stations UN50, UO50, UP50, UQ50 will be active in
Kazakhstan from 01 April 2011 - of 50th Anniversary of the first human
flight to outer space which was done by Yuri Gagarin.

To commemorate this event Kazakhstan information website "UN Amateur Radio
News" together with Almaty Amateur Radio League have established a special
award - "The Columbus of the Cosmos".

List of special event stations:
UO 50 G - UN2G
UP 50 F - UN7FW
UP 50 YG - UN7Z
UQ 50 G - UN6QC
UQ 50 L - UN7LZ
UQ 50 P - UN7PL

More information:

Award manager: Artur UN6QC [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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