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Главная » 2011 » Июль » 15 » ICPO Bulletin (15 - 22 July 2011)
ICPO Bulletin (15 - 22 July 2011)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
15/07/2011:  The Wakefield & District Radio Society will be active as GB1HI from
Holy (Lindisfarne) Island (IOTA EU-120) on 15-18 July 2011. QSL via M0OXO. [425
DX News]

15/07/2011:  Swen, DF2MM, will be active as W4/DF2MM from Santa Rosa [aka
Okaloosa] Island (IOTA NA-142, USi FL003S), Escambia/Okaloosa counties, Florida,
between 15th July and 25th August 2011. QRV holiday style, on the HF bands. He
will also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (30-31 July). QSL via homecall,
direct or DARC Bureau. Website: []

16/07/2011:  Andy, N8OFS, will be back in the Caboose for the CQWW VHF Contest
(1800z July 16 to 1900z July 17) as N8OFS/p, Broadcasting Live and Direct from
the beloved AC&J Railroad in Grid EN91or. Same reliable setup, Kenwood TS-60 to
29.4ft of LMR-400 to the "DOMINATOR" 5/8 wave Vertical @ 29.5ft. Parked calling
on 52.525 MHz FM. QSL via home call, direct only or via eQSL. [N8OFS]

16/07/2011:  Ian, G4FSU, will be active from the island of Emsalö (IOTA EU-097)
as OH/G4FSU between 16th July and 10th August 2011. QRV holiday style on the HF
bands, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (30-31 July). QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Website: []

16/07/2011:  Radio Club Las Tunas, Cuba (IOTA NA-015, WLOTA 0032) will
participate in the CQ-WW-VHF Contest (16-17 July) as T48K, on 6 and 2 metres,
from Grid Square FL10mw. QSL via DK1WI. [425 DX News]

16/07/2011:  Alain, F5LMJ will be active in his spare time as VE2/F5LMJ/p from
Canada (mainland) in July. He will operate CW and digital modes from
Saint-Sauveur (16-23 July 2011) and Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre (23-30 July 2011).
QSL via home call, and LoTW. [425 DX News]

17/07/2011:  A castle activity for the Belgian Castles Awards is planned on
Sunday 17 July 2011 (0630 UTC till the end of the batteries), using the callsign
OP0P/p. QRV CW and SSB on 80/40m and perhaps 20m. The team will activate 2 NEW
references in the province of Liege: Castle of Saint-Vitu (BCA LG-087) and
Castle of Abee [Old Castle] (BCA LG-088). Operators include Janny ON5PO, Robert
ON4LRG, Didier ON6YH, Paul ON6DP and Peter ON7PC. QSL to ON6DP via bureau, LoTW,
eQSL or direct. [I1JQJ]

17/07/2011:  Look for Chris, DL4FO, to be active as OZ/homecall on 17-29 July
2011 from Tuno [Tunoe, Tunø] Island (IOTA EU-172, DIA JY-009, WW Loc. JO55FW).
Chris will be QRV on all HF bands, plus 6 metres, mainly CW. QSL via home call,
bureau preferred. []

17/07/2011:  Orlando, PT2OP will be active from the Chui lighthouse (ARLHS
BRA-024, DFB RS-13, Admiralty G0644, WW Loc. GF36HG), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
from 17-20 July 2011. He will be QRV on 40 through 10 metres, SSB only. QSL via
home call, direct preferred but bureau ok. [ARRL DX News]

18/07/2011:  Look for Kan, JE1SCF, to be active from Lizard Island (IOTA OC-187)
as KU2F/VK4 between the 18th and 22nd July 2011. QRV holiday style on the HF
bands. QSL via JE1SCF, direct or bureau. []

18/07/2011:  From 18 July till 31 July 2011, groups of Kazakhstan radio amateurs
Team UN6GWC (UN6GAO, UN6QC + XYL, UN7ECA, UN8GEK + XYL, from Almaty) and Team
UP7Z (from Astana), plan complex expedition across East Kazakhstan under degree
programs Kazakhstan Flora & Fauna, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains of Kazakhstan.
During the expedition, is planned the activation: Team UN6GWC/7 - UNL-003,
UNL-131, UNL-128, UNL-045, UNL-129, UNL-002, UNFF-012, UNFF-018, UNFF-006,
UNFF-029, UNFF-003, UNR-018, UNR-001 and UNWF-002; Team UP7Z - KDA B15, B07,
F13, F11, F06, F07, J05, J06, J07, J09, J16, UNFF-002, UNFF-006, UNFF-027,
UNFF-029, UNR-001, UNR-018, UNL-064, UNL-065, UNL-126, UNL-129, UNL-130,
UNWF-002 and UNM-036. QRV using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. Frequency for
SSB: 3744, 7144, 14144, 14244, 18144, 21244, 24944 kHz. QSL via home call.
Further information on their website at: [UN6QC]

19/07/2011:  Yuri N3QQ, Tim NL8F, Yuri UA9OBA and Alex RW3RN are planning to
operate as KL7RRC from St. Matthew Island (IOTA NA-232, USi AK016, Grid Loc.
AP30PJ), Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (WFF KFF-143), Alaska, between
19th and 22nd July 2011. QRV on the HF bands, plus 6 metres, using an IC7600 and
3 IC7000; no PA for 6m and only 1/4 lambda as 6m antenna. Dates may change and
exact destination may change too. QSL via UA9OBA or N7RO. Further information
will be posted on their website at: [MMMonVHF]

20/07/2011:  Operators Masumi/JA3AVO (T88MB), Hiro/JH3PBL (T88MP) and
Shota/W7AED (T88SR) will be active from Palau (OC-009) on 20-24th July 2011.
Their activity of bands and modes were not provided. QSL T88MB and T88SR via
LoTW or direct to JA3AVO. QSL T88MP via JH3PBL. [OPDX Bulletin]

21/07/2011:  Paul, K9OT and Peg, KB9LIE will once again be active as FP/K9OT
from Miquelon Island (IOTA NA-032, DIFO FP-002, WLOTA 1417, WW Loc. GN17TC)
between 21st July and 4th August 2011. QRV on 80-10 metre CW and SSB. QSL via
LOTW, bureau, or direct to K9OT (return postage required for direct). Website: [NG3K]

21/07/2011:  Eric, SM1TDE, be active holiday style as OH0/SM1TDE from the island
of Eckero in the Aland islands (IOTA EU-002) as OH0/SM1TDE between 21st and 24th
of July 2011. Look for him around 2 kHz from the bandedges on CW, 80-10m. QSL
via the bureau to home call. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

22/07/2011:  Rick, K6VVA and Mike, K9AJ plan to activate Point Lay Barrier
Island (IOTA NA-242, USi New One), Alaska, for 3 days QRV between 22-26 July
2011, using the callsign K9AJ/KL7. First-time activation of NA-242. Activity
will be mostly CW on 40/30/20/17/15m depending upon WX and North Latitude
propagation. Dates may change slightly depending upon local weather. QSL via
N6AWD, direct or by the bureau. Information and updates at:
a242 []

22/07/2011:  Operators Antonio CU8AS, Arlindo CT1EGW, Carlos CT1END, Joao Rafael
CT1BOP, Luis CT1EEQ, Luis CT4NH and Hermann/HB9CRV will be active as
CT7/homecall and CT7/homecall/p from Insua Island (IOTA EU-150, DIP MI-001, PIP
NT-001, DCFP F-006, DCP CVC-046 and CVC-047, DMHP VC-017 and VC-061, DFP FM-101,
DMP 1602, DDFP CMN-12, WW Loc. IN51NU). Activity will be on all HF bands and
modes. They will also be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (30-31 July) using the
callsign CR6W. It is planned that some operators will stay some extra days on
Insua Island and activate the lighthouse (ARLHS POR-028, WLOTA 2869). QSL CR6W
via CS1GDX. QSL others via their home callsigns. Further information can be
found at:  and [Southgate ARC]

22/07/2011:  Operators IS0ANU, Daniele IS0BGL, Carlo IS0JOO, Nicola IS0BMU,
Franco IS0EUJ, Giorgio IZ3KVD, Vittorio I1BUP, Antonio I1ZB, Claudio IZ1DNJ,
Danio I5OYY and Simone IK5RUN will be active as IM0P from San Pietro Island
(IOTA EU-165, IIA CI-009, MIA MIS-031, WLOTA 2989, WAIS FM10, Grid Loc. JM49)
between 22nd July and 2nd August 2011. This includes an Island DXpedition entry
in the RSGB IOTA Contest (30-31 July). Plans are to be QRV on 160-6 metre SSB,
CW and RTTY. Depending on weather and sea conditions they will also operate from
a number of nearby islands: Isola del Corno (EU-165, IIA CI-001), Isola Piana
(EU-165, IIA CI-007), Isola dei Ratti (EU-165, IIA CI-008), Isola di Calavinagra
(EU-165, IIA CI-011), Isola di Stea (EU-165, IIA CI-016), Isola Genia (EU-165,
IIA CI-019) and Isola Sant'Antioco (EU-024, IIA CI-010).QSL via IZ1DNJ.
[NG3K/425 DX News]

22/07/2011:  Peter, N4LI and Chris, WA4CB will be active on the 22nd of July
2011 as N4LI/4 from Santa Rosa Island (IOTA NA-142, USi FL003S),
Escambia/Okaloosa Counties, Florida. QRV 20m Backpack portable. Bicycles,
battery, dipole, 5W/10W. QSL via N4LI. []

22/07/2011:  Byron, KF8UN, will be in Peru between 22nd July and 16th August
2011 and plans to be active as OA4/KF8UN. QRV 20 metres, devoting 8th August to
amateur radio, but will be on casually at other times. Byron will check in as
often as possible with the YL International Single Sideband System Net on 14332
kHz. QSL via his home callsign. [OPDX Bulletin]

25/07/2011:  On 29-30 July 2011, on the Kiev water basin in Vyshgorod, Ukraine,
the F1 Power Boat Grand Prix 2011 will be held. Bogdan, UT7UU, will operate
special event station EO2011U for this event using the callsign EO2011U. QRV
between 25 July and 5 August 2011, on most of the HF bands, using SSB, CW, RTTY
and PSK 31/63. QSL via UT7UU. []

29/07/2011:  Peter, DC1HPS (EPC #5373), will be active on 29-31st July 2011 as
homecall/p from Pellworm Island (IOTA EU-042, DID N-23, WLOTA 1188) for the RSGB
IOTA Contest. Outside of the contest he will be QRV on the HF bands, with focus
on the digital modes. Further information at:

29/07/2011:  Members of the Dodecanese DX Group will be active from Kasos Island
(IOTA EU-001, GIOTA DKS-013, MIA MGD-014, WLOTA 1610) on 29-31 July 2011 as
J45K. They will be active on HF bands and will be active in RSGB IOTA Contest.
QSL via the SV bureau. []

29/07/2011:  Look for Rene, DL2JRM, to be active as OZ/DL2JRM/p from Romo Island
(IOTA EU-125, DIA NS-001) from 29-31 July 2011. He will be QRV in the RSGB IOTA
Contest using CW/SSB with 100W and vertical antenna. QSL via home call, bureau
or direct. NO eQSL! []

29/07/2011:  Members of the Casa Do Radioamador de Pernambuco Club Station
(PY7CRA) will be active on 29-31 July 2011 from Itamaraca Island (IOTA SA-046,
DIB PE-01), Pernambuco State, Brazil. This will include an entry in the RSGB
IOTA Contest. Operators include Luiz PU7RLM, Alex PY7AHA, Cris PY7GK, Tony
PY7OO, Ben PY7VI and Jim PY7XC. Look for them to be QRV on all HF bands,
propagation permitting. QSL via PY7CRA, direct or bureau. []

29/07/2011:  The Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club will be active 29, 30 and
31 July 2011 (IOTA contest) with the callsign TP50CE. QRV all HF bands,
propagation permitting. QSL via F5LGF. [F6FQK]

29/07/2011:  Operators Jeff W6UX, Rick AE6RS, Tom WA6WPG and Tim K6GEP will be
active as homecall/p from Anacapa Island (IOTA NA-144, USi CA002S, WLOTA 1300,
WW Loc. DM04HA), Ventura County, California from 29-31 July 2011. They will also
participate in the RSGB contest using the callsign W6UX/p (QSL via K6GEP), a
Multi-Op CW and SSB entry. Outside the contest 40-6m, including WARC, will be
activated. QSL via home calls. [iota-contest]

30/07/2011:  Steve, KD0ETC/p, will activate several islands and lighthouses in
the Apostle Island National Lakeshore (National Park), Lake Superior, Wisconsin,
between 30 July and 5 August 2011. He will setup base camp on York Island (USi
WI017) and will travel to the other islands by kayak. Dates and operating times
will all depend on the weather affecting travel by kayak, and maintaining
charged batteries with a solar collector. QRV on 20 metres primarily, SSB only.
He may do 40 metres in the evening using a larger loading coil on the vertical.
Plans are to activate Sand Island (USi WI018L) and lighthouse (ARLHS USA-722,
WLOTA 2287); Raspberry Island (USi WI019, WLOTA 1894) and lighthouse (ARLHS
USA-688); and Devils Island (USi WI015) and lighthouse (ARLHS USA-228, WLOTA
1790). QSL direct only to KD0ETC with SASE. [N8OFS]

19/10/2011:  Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG will be active as VK9CX from the from
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (IOTA OC-003, WFF VKFF-57) between 19 October and 9
November 2011. Plans are to be QRV on 80-6 metres, mainly in RTTY, PSK and SSB.
QSL via DL7AFS. Updates and online log search will be available at:

25/10/2011:  Operators Thomas DL1QW, Modesto EC8AFM, Uwe DL8OBF, Bertrand DF3FS,
Carsten DL5OCR, Helmut DF7ZS and others will be active holiday style as
CT9/homecall on 25-29th October from Santana, island of Madeira (IOTA AF-014,
DIP MA-001, WLOTA 0053 DPRN FF-101, WFF CTFF-030). The team will participate in
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (29-30 October) as a Multi-2 entry using the callsign
CR3L. QRV on all bands. QSL CR3L via DJ6QT. QSL others via their home calls.

26/11/2011:  Jim, N6TJ, will be active from Scarborough, island of Tobago (IOTA
SA-009, WLOTA 0412) as 9Y4W during the CQWW DX CW Contest (26-27 November) as a
Single-Op entry. QSL via DL4MDO, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

16/07/2011:  Special event station GB1AVR (WAB SE41, Book number 14192, Loc.
IO93IP, FISTS 14041) will be active on 16th and 17th of July 2011 from the
Ackworth Vintage Steam Rally at Watertower Field, between Pontefract and
Ackworth. QSL direct to G0BPK, or via the RSGB bureau. [G1FYQ/G3FYQ]

16/07/2011:  Borders Amateur Radio Society will be holding a special event
station at Birgham Village Fete, located in the village playpark on 16 July
2011. Operating on the HF bands and 2m on CW and SSB, the callsign will be
GB4BBR. QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

16/07/2011:  Sutton Coldfield Radio Club is hosting a special event station
GB4MVF on 16 July 2011 at Middleton Village Fete, Church Lane, Middleton B78 2AW
from 2pm till 5pm. QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

16/07-17/07  T48K: Cuba Island WLOTA:0032 QSL DK1WI (d)
19/07-27/07  9A/IZ5LDD: Losinj Island WLOTA:4295 QSL HC (d)
21/07-04/08  FP/K9OT: Miquelon Island WLOTA:1417 QSL HC (d/b)
22/07-02/08  IM0P: Isola di San Pietro WLOTA:2989 QSL IZ1DNJ (d/b)

16/07-17/07  CQWW VHF Contest  16 1800z-17 2100z
16/07-17/07  N8OFS/P: Caboose/P Grid:EN91or CQWW VHF 52.525FM QSL HC (d)
16/07-17/07  T48K: Cuba NA-015 Grid:FL10MW CQWW VHF 6/2m QSL DK1WI (d)
16/07-17/07  V47JA: St. Kitts NA-104 Grid:FK87PG CQWW VHF QSL W5JON (d)
16/07-17/07  ZF2EZ: Grand Cayman NA-016 Grid:EK99 CQWW VHF QSL W5JAY (d/b)
17/07-29/07  OZ/DL4FO: Tuno Isl EU-172 Grid:JO55 6m mainly CW QSL HC (d/b)
19/07             LY 1296MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM  1700z-2059z
19/07             The 50MHz Open Cumulative  1700z-2100z
19/07             RSGB 50MHz UKAC  1900z-2130z
19/07             RSGB 1.3GHz UKAC  1900z-2130z
22/07-02/08  IM0P: San Pietro Isl EU-165 Grid:JM49 6m 100w QSL IZ1DNJ (d/b)

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 29 June, 2011)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

SM5PHU, T06T, TS7C, YO3KPA and Z21DXI.

QSLs via Direct: 5N7M (OM3CGN), 6W2SC (HA3AUI), 9L5MS (PA3WW), HK7AAG (,
K8LEE/CYØ (Hc), KP2/K3CT (Hc), LY3BH (, NØTG/CYØ (Hc), N1SNB/CYØ (Hc),
PJ2T (N9AG), PJ4E (W0SD), ST2EB (, TG9NX (N4FKZ) and ZA/I2GPT (Hc).

S57IIO, S9DX, T31A and ZB2X.
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

ARLD028 The Republic of South Sudan Is Now a DXCC Entity

DX Bulletin 28  ARLD028
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  July 14, 2011
To all radio amateurs

ARLD028 The Republic of South Sudan Is Now a DXCC Entity

At 10:18 AM (EDT) on Thursday, July 14, the UN General Assembly met
to vote on whether or not to admit the Republic of South Sudan as
its 193rd member state. The Republic of South Sudan was unanimously
admitted and is now a member of the United Nations; a two-thirds
majority is needed to become a member of the UN.

Immediately following the General Assembly meeting, the flag of the
Republic of South Sudan flew for the first time in front of the UN,
ceremoniously marking its membership in the UN.

Now that the Republic of South Sudan is a member of the United
Nations, the new country is now a DXCC entity by way of Section II,
1(a) of the DXCC rules. The DXCC Desk will begin immediately
accepting QSOs for this new entity, with a start date of July 14,

According to DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, the Honor Roll numbers
move from 340 to 341 for the Top of the Honor Roll, and for Honor
Roll it becomes 332. "The deadline for the Honor Roll and annual
listings is December 31, so you must submit the new entity to DXCC
by then in order to retain your Honor Roll status," Moore explained.

"For Logbook of The World (LoTW), you may submit all your QSOs with
the Republic of South Sudan stations anytime. There is no need to
hold them out of your log or do anything differently from what you
already have been doing. You do not need to assign country names or
identifiers. After we issue certificates to the Republic of South
Sudan license holders, LoTW will make matches and assign the correct
entities automatically."

As of July 14, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has
not announced a prefix block for the Republic of South Sudan.
RRTC-2011 has a great pleasure to invite you to take part in RRTC held from
07:00 UTC July, 16th 2011 till 14:59 UTC July, 16th, 2011. 8 hours only!

Russian operators will be back at it this weekend, as 14 different two-man teams
will use a Field Day style event. The teams will be set up close together as por
table stations, using an agricultural area not far from Nizhniy Novgorod.

Rules for RRTC outside participants:
1. Date and contest period: The Saturday of the third full weekend of
July (July 16th, 2011) beginning 07:00 UTC and ending 14:59 UTC. Both
Single and Multi operator stations may operate the entire 8-hour period.
2. Everybody can work everybody.
3. Modes: CW and SSB.
4. Bands: 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz.
5. Band and (or) mode can be changed at any time. Only one signal is allowed at
a time.
6. Exchange: Outside participants sends RS (RST) and ITU zone number. Russian
Radio Team Championship competitors sends RS (RST) and three-character
combination, e.g. 599 XYZ.
7. Station with the same call-sign may be worked on different bands/modes, to
include both modes per band.
8. Scoring Point System: QSO with RRTC station (special call-sign series
R3XY-R3XY  X- digital, Y - letter) - one point. QSO with outside participant
from the same ITU zone - one point. QSO with outside participant from different
ITU zone on the same continent - three points. QSO with outside participant from
different ITU zone on different continent - five points.
9. Multipliers: ITU zone and new three-character combination received from an
RRTC team - one point for the multiplier on each band (regardless of mode). RRTC
station gives no ITU zone multiplier.
11. Entry categories:
A - Single operator, mixed (CW and SSB), high power
B - Single operator, mixed (CW and SSB), low power (100 W and less)
C - Single operator, SSB, high power
D - Single operator, SSB, low power (100 W and less)
E - Single operator, CW, high power
F - Single operator, CW, low power (100 W and less)
G - Multi operator team (2 or 3 operators), mixed (CW and SSB).
12. Awards: Special trophies, certificates and medals will be awarded to the
world`s top scoring stations in both the A and G categories. Certificates and
medals will be awarded to the world's 2nd and 3rd stations in both the A and G
categories. Certificates will be awarded to the world's top three stations in
the B-F categories. Achievement commemorative pennants will be awarded to those
participants making at least 10  QSOs with RRTC competitors and submitting email
logs to Logs must be submitted no later than 17:00 UTC, July 16th,
13. Logs: Any contest logging software can be used which supports IARU HF World
Championship. Only email logs are accepted, Cabrillo log format shall be used
according to IARU HF Championship requirements. File name should be mycall.cbr
where mycall is your callsign.

Please send the file as an attachment to during 2 hours after
contest, for checking RRTC team.  10 QSO`s with RRTC competitors - special RRTC

Thank you and see you in RRTC 2011! [RRTC 2011]
The Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society, 1800 members strong, is sponsoring its
18th annual ILLW (International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend) on August 6 & 7.
Operating guidelines and scoring details can be found at either of the ILLW
Organization web sites:
This annual QSO Party is held in conjunction with the International
Lighthouse-Lightship Week, August 1 through August 8, and the National
Lighthouse Day, August 7th.
Further lighthouse information is on the ARLHS web site at:
[ARLHS E-Mail Newsline]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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