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Главная » 2010 » Апрель » 16 » ICPO Bulletin (15-23 April 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (15-23 April 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
15/04/2010:  Three members of the Yamato Amateur Club, Mat JA1JQY
(P29VJY), Sasi JA1KJW (P29VKJ) and Kuni JA8VE (P29VEK) will be QRV from
New Britain Island (OC-008) from 15-23 April 2010. They will set up two
stations and operate all bands, CW and SSB. QSL information: P29VJY (QSL
via JA1JQY - Shigeo Matsui, 2-31-10 Shimoseya, Seya, Yokohama 246-0035,
Japan); P29VKJ (QSL via JA1KJW - Hisashi Nakayama, 1-17-8 Sibuya,
Yamato, 242-0023, Japan); P29VEK (QSL via JA8VE - Kunio Saito,
2-26-5-554 Nishitsuruma, Yamato, 242-0005, Japan). [F5NQL]

15/04/2010:  Seppo, OH1VR will be visiting the island of Crete (IOTA
EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA LH-1400) from 15th to 21st
April 2010. If time allows, he plans to be active as SV9/OH1VR. QSL via
home call. Website: [NG3K]

15/04/2010:  Finally Frank, F4DTO and Patrick, F4GFE have decided to go
to Albania instead of the damage Xinthia left to their homes. They will
sign ZA/homecalls from 15-24th April 2010, using SSB only. QSL via home
calls, bureau or direct. [F5NQL]

16/04/2010:  Look for Pedro, HK3JJH to be active as 5K4T from isla Playa
Blanca (HK4, IOTA SA-084) on 16-19 April 2010. He will focus his
activity on 14260 and 7150 kHz SSB. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]

16/04/2010:  Radio Club Stakhanov (UR4MWN) will be active as EM0MFF from
WFF NEW ONE Luhans'kyi Nature Reserve, a Ukrainian steppe reserve, on
16-18 April 2010. Reference will be URFF-014. Operators include Andrey
UX7MA, Anatoliy UR4MHT, Sergey US5MMY and Sergey US5MMH. QRV 80-10m, CW
and SSB. QSL via UX7MA, direct or bureau. [URFF/425 DX News]

16/04/2010:  The Regional Radiosport Club will operate with HG0WFF once
again from the Bihari-Sik Natural Reserve (HAFF-012) on 16-18 April
2010. The operation will goes on all HF bands on CW and SSB modes.
Equipment: FT-840, IC-706 MKII, MOS FET vegfok, kb. 300 W output, 2x22m
doublet with 450 ohm ladder line, Monoband Gp's for 40, 30, 20 metres,
and a big battery with generator. Operators include Pisti HA0ANA, Laci
HA0HW, Toni HA0LG and Viktor HG0NAZ. QSL via HA0HW, via HA bureau.

16/04/2010:  Members of J42ARET will be active on 17-18 April 2010 as
SX2WFF from the National Park of Prespes (WFF SVFF-008), that
administrativly belongs to the Municipality of Prespes. QRV on 80-10
metres, using CW and SSB. Frequencies: SSB - 3.744, 7.144, 14.244,
18.144, 21.244, 24.944, 28.444 MHz; CW - 3.544, 7.024, 10.124, 14.044,
18.084, 21.044, 24.844, 28.044 MHz. QSL cards via eQSL, bureau or
direct. In case of direct send a SAE (Self Addressed Envelope) +
sufficient postage fee (2GSs or 1 IRC) or even better only a SASE (Self
Addressed Stamped Envelope) to SV2GWY: Demetrius Anastasiades, 28HS
Oktobriou 3 St. Tagarades, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece. An online log
will be available after the expedition. Website:
[J42ARET/425 DX News]

16/04/2010:  Operators Nick YO5ALI, Dan YO5BRE, Feri YO5OED, Sanyi
YO5OAG & xyl Eva YO5OGT will be active as YP1WFF from the Apuseni
Natural Park (WFF YOFF-020) on 16-18th April 2010. QRV on the HF bands
using CW and SSB, with IC-7400, FT-847, wire antenna. QSL via YO5OED,
direct or bureau. [YO3JW]

16/04/2010:  The Grupo DX Caracas and the Amateur Radio Association of
Venezuela organize an operation from Mount Roraima to take place on
16-18 April 2010. Mount Roraima (2810 metres a.s.l.) marks the border
between Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. Special station YW6R will be
active on 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB and CW. QSL via W4SO. [425 DX

17/04/2010:  François, F5JNE will sign HC/p along with Gerard, F6ICG on
17 April 2010 from the Castle of Trion (DFCF 89-316), in the city of
Coulanges sur Yonne (CP 89480) and Canton [County] of Coulanges sur
Yonne (DDCF 89-13), Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05).
QRV 80 and 40 metre CW and SSB, starting around 0600 UTC. QSL via the
bureau and SWL cards are welcome [F5NQL]

17/04/2010:  The Silesia Radioamateur Group SP9YFF will be active as
homecall/p on 17 April 2010 from the Lipienniki w Dabrowie Gorniczej
National Park (WFF SPFF-195). QSL via SQ9IDG, direct or bureau. [DF6EX]

17/04/2010:  Team VE3ZF will be active from Twilight Island (CIsA
ON-018), Manitoulin district, on 17th and 18th April 2010 in the
"Ontario QSO Party" contest. Team members will be Val VE3VO, Max VE3CCN,
Evgeny VA3ATT and Igor VE3ZF. QSL via home call, direct or by the
bureau. Rules for the Ontario QSO Party contest are posted at: [VE3ZF/VE2IDX]

17/04/2010:  The Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, W2GSB will hold a
special event station at the Boy Scout Camporee, at Cedar Beach, Fire
Island (IOTA NA-026, USi NY013S) on 17 April 2010 between 1100z and
2300z. This activation will also count for the Fire Island lightouse
(ARLHS USA-286, TWLHD WLH K-060, WLOTA LH-1922, Admiralty J1016). They
plan to be QRV on 14.225 MHz SSB, 7.175 MHz SSB, 3.850 MHz SSB and
14.070 MHz PSK. QSL via W2GSB ( [ARRL]

17/04/2010:  Darryl, W5VK and Chuck, WA4IIF will attempt to qualify
three Alabama coastal islands (Robinson [USi AL033], Bird [AL034] and
West [AL035]) on Saturday, 17 April 2010. All three islands are located
in Perdido Bay, Baldwin county, State of Alabama. They will be operating
around 14.255 MHz during the middle part of the day. QSL via home call.

17/04/2010:  Page, WA3EOP will be on the road and will try a few hours
on Fenwick Island (USi DE002S, Not IOTA, Sussex County), State of
Delaware, as WA3EOP/m on 17th April 2010. QRV probably on 20 metres and
or maybe 40 metres, from 1830-1930 UTC. Page could be on the OMISS Net
on 14.290 MHz and before and after that on the more traditional island
frequencies. QSL via home call. [USi]

18/04/2010:  Look for Dan, YO6EZ and Victor, YO6MP to be active as
homecall/p on 18 April 2010 from the National Park Piatra Craiului (WFF
YOFF-010). QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [DF6EX]

20/04/2010:  Members of TCSWAT will be active as TC1GLH on 20-22 April
2010 from the Çanakkale Gelibolu Lighthouse (ARLHS TUR-023) for Marmara
Lighthouse On The Air 6th Station. Contact can be used for the MLOTA
Award. QRV on all HF bands. QSL via TCSWAT / Op A.K.Tevfik, TA1HZ, PO
Box 73 Karakoy, Istanbul 34421, REPUBLIC OF TURKIYE. Website: [TCSWAT]

22/04/2010:  Helmut, DL7VOX will be active as DL7VOX/p from Usedom
Island (EU-129, GIA O-13) and lighthouse (Admiralty C2867.1, ARLHS
FED-359, WLOTA LH-1640) between 22 April and 11 May 2010. He will
operate mainly CW on the HF bands, using 100 watts and wire antennas.
QSL via DL7VOX, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

23/04/2010:  Steve, W7VOA plans to be active as A52SW from Thimpu,
Bhutan, from about 23rd April until 1st May 2010, at least. He will
operate CW and SSB on 80-10 metres with 100 watts and a full-length. It
will be a business trip and Steve will be active mainly on weekends and
during his evening weekday hours. QSL via K2AU, direct or bureau. Logs
will be uploaded to LoTW. [425 DX News]

23/04/2010:  Jens DK8MIL, Thomas DK9BTX, Mathias DJ9MD and Jan DK7JAN
will be active 23-26th April 2010 as DF0TM from the island of Amrum
(IOTA EU-042, GIA N-018, WLOTA LH-2464). QRV on the HF bands, CW and
SSB. QSL via the DARC bureau. If you need a direct reply send a SAE and
the equivalent of 1.70 EUR, which is the price for a standard world-wide
letter in Germany, or two IRCs (preferred) to: Jens Saße, Mühlenfeldstr.
8, D-28832 Achim, Germany. []

29/04/2010:  Look for special event station 8J6DON to be active between
29 April and 5 May 2010 to celebrate the Hakata Dontaku Port Festival,
Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka prefecture, Kyushu region, island of Kyushu
(AS-077, JIIA AS-077-001, WLOTA LH-0963), Japan. The festival originates
from the local custom dating back to the Heian period (13th century),
called 'toka' or 'matsubayashi,' during which the local people praised
the feudal lord on the occasion of New Year. It is said that the upper
class people of Hakata walked around the town on their way back from the
castle. The word 'Dontaku' comes from the Dutch word 'Zontag', meaning
holiday. The festival was first referred to as 'Dontaku' in the Meiji
period (late 19th century) when the once-prohibited 'matsubayashi' was
revived. Today it is celebrated as a citizens' festival and many people
from in and outside Fukuoka city, including from overseas, get together
on May 3rd and 4th to celebrate. The whole city eagerly awaits the start
of one of the most exciting carnivals in Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/05/2010:  The special event station 8J2SEA will be active between 1
May and 13 June 2010 for the 30th All Japan Making Rich Sea Conference
in Gifu prefecture, Chubu region, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA
AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/05/2010:  Look for special event stations 3H100TW, 3T100TW and 3T0TW
to be QRV from Taipei, Taiwan (AS-020, WLOTA LH-0022), between 1 May and
31 December 2010, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic Of
China (Taiwan). QSL all three callsigns via the bureau. []

01/05/2010:  Tokyo Dental College ARC members JE1SCF, JG4IQC and JF1QQR
will be active as JA1YUC/1 on 1-4th May 2010 from Nii Island (IOTA
AS-008, JIIA AS-008-007, WLOTA LH-0509), Tokyo prefecture. QRV all
bands/modes. QSL via the bureau to JA1YUC preferred. []

05/05/2010:  Helmut, DL5DSM and Bernhard, DL9UBF will be active 5-10th
May 2010 as LA/homecall from Vardo Island [aka Vardoe, Vardø] (EU-141,
WLOTA LH-0106). QRV on the HF bands using SSB, 100 Watts and verticals.
QSL via their home calls, direct or bureau. []

06/05/2010:  Special event station 8J4BARA will be aired on 6-16th May
2010 for the Fukuyama City Bara (or Rose) Festival, Hiroshima
prefecture, Chugoku region, island of Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001,
WLOTA LH-2376), Japan. In the middle of May, when the roses across the
city begin to bloom, a variety of events are held, primarily at the Rose
Park and Midori-machi Park. These events include a rose contest, flower
arrangement, a rose music festival, a plaza festival and a rose parade.
QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

13/05/2010:  The Modena DX Italy Team ( is organizing a
new DXpedition to Sveti Nikola Island (EU-110, ACIA IC-516, IOCA CI-118,
MIA MC-414, WLOTA LH-3152, WW Loc. JN65TF) on 13-17th May 2010.
Operators and callsigns will be Sergio 9A/IZ4BBF, Augusto 9A/IK4RQJ and
Tony 9A/IK2SNG. They plan to operate CW, SSB, PSK and RTTY on HF bands
(WARC included) with 100 watts and vertical antennas. QSL via home
calls. Note: QSL cards will be printed within 3 months after DXpedition.

21/05/2010:  Members of TCSWAT will be active as TC1HLH on 21-23 May
2010 from the Tekirdag Hosköy Lighthouse (ARLHS TUR-025) for Marmara
Lighthouse On The Air 7th Station. Contact can be used for the MLOTA
Award. QRV on all HF bands. QSL via TCSWAT / Op A.K.Tevfik, TA1HZ, PO
Box 73 Karakoy, Istanbul 34421, REPUBLIC OF TURKIYE. Website: [TCSWAT]

29/05/2010:  Valery, RD3AF will be active as EF8M during the CQWW WPX CW
Contest (29-30th May) from Santa Maria de Guia, Las Palmas Gran Canaria
(AF-004, DIE S-005, ESA GC, WLOTA LH-0969) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via UA3DX. [NG3K]

29/05/2010:  Bernie, ZS4TX will be active from South Africa as ZS9X in
the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30th May) as a Single-Op/Single-Band entry.
QSL via LoTW. [AT International]

12/06/2010:  Steve, G0SGB will visit the islands of Malta (IOTA EU-023,
MIA MM-001, WLOTA LH-1113) and Gozo (IOTA EU-023, MIA MM-004, WLOTA
LH-0046) from 12-25th June 2010. This activity will focus on lighthouse
activations from Malta and Gozo as 9H3BS. The major lighthouse on Gozo
will be over the weekend of 19-20th June 2010. Steve will be operating
from All Lighthouses. Some references may include: Delimara Point
[Malta] (Admiralty E2070, ARLHS MLT-001); Valletta, Fort St. Elmo
[Malta] (Admiralty E2061.5, ARLHS MLT-007); St. Elmo, Grand Harbour West
Breakwater [Malta] (Admiralty E2062, ARLHS MLT-002); Giordan [Gozo]
(Admiralty E2050, ARLHS MLT-003); Mgarr Main Breakwater [Gozo]
(Admiralty E2051); Mgarr South Breakwater [Gozo] (Admiralty E2051-2);
and others. QSL via home call, direct only. Further information at: [ & G0SGB]

12/06/2010:  Look for Russell, G5XW to be active 12-19th June 2010 as
9H3XW from the island of Malta (IOTA EU-023, MIA MM-001, WLOTA LH-1113).
QRV on the HF bands, using SSB (no set times or frequencies). QSL via
home call, direct only ( []

11/07/2010:  Maarten ("Moj"), PA3GZU will be active between 11th July
and 7th August 2010 as DU9/PA3GZU from the island of Mindanao (OC-130,
WLOTA LH-2803). Holiday style operation, on and off. Priority will be
given to 20m and 40/15/10m depending on conditions. Modes USB/BPSK31/CW.
QSL via home call by the bureau preferred. There will be a delay but
received QSL cards will get answered. Do not surface mail without return
postage coverage. []

24/07/2010:  The Hills Amateur Radio Group, VK6AHR, will be active
24-25th July 2010, during the RSGB IOTA Contest, from Rottnest Island
(OC-164, WLOTA LH-2197). Operators will be Marty VK6FDX, Heath VK6TWO
and Martin VK6ZMS. Look for activity on all HF bands. QSL VK6AHR by the
bureau, or direct ( []

21/08/2010:  Operators Peter DL4AMK, Dieter DK1AW, Joachim DJ2AS, Lutz
DL3ARK, Jürgen DL2AMT and Siggi DL1AZZ plan to be active from Aro [Årø]
Island (EU-172, DIA JY-003) on 21-28 August 2010 as OZ/homecalls. They
will also activate the lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-072, WW Loc. JO45UG). QRV
from 80-10m using SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK, with 3 of their stations
running 600W. A log search will be available after the expedition.
Further info can be found at: [DL3ARK / DE0MST]

27/09/2010:  Lance, W7GJ is planning a 6m EME DXpedition to Fiji between
27 September and 7 October 2010. This time period spans the optimum days
of the month for 6m EME. Callsign TBA. QTH will be Sara Harvey's "Seqa
Na Leqa" small resort on the nothernmost point of Viti Levu Island
(OC-016, WLOTA LH-0055, WW Loc. RH92CQ), Fiji. JT65A mode will be used
for all 6m EME operation on 50.190 MHz. QSL is direct to W7GJ, with
SAE/SASE + sufficient funds or IRC for return postage. Further info is
available at: [MMMonVHF]

15/10/2010:  Randy, N0TG reports that "all is going fine ref our
Dxpedition to Sable Island (CYØ, NA-063, CIsA NS004, WLOTA LH-0758, Grid
Loc. GN03). We are definitely working hard toward a "MID-OCTOBER"
time-frame. (no longer Sept as a Maybe, rather a definite Mid-October".
They will be QRV 160-6m, including WARC bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY.
Further info is forthcoming. Also check for updates at: [NG3K]

17/04/2010:  Special event station TB90MM will be aired from Ankara,
Republic of Turkey, on 17-25th April 2010 for the 90th anniversary of
The Grand National Assembly of Turkey. QRV on all HF bands. QSL via
TCSWAT/ Op A.K.Tevfik, TA1HZ, PO Box 73 Karakoy, Istanbul 34421,

17/04/2010:  Look for special event station CV7G to be active 17-19th
April 2010 in commemoration of "The Landing of 33 Oriental in Agraciada
Beach" (19 April 1825). QRV 40 and 20 metre, phone only. The Treinta y
Tres Orientales (Thirty-Three Easterners) was a militant revolutionary
group led by Juan Antonio Lavalleja against the Empire of Brazil. Their
actions culminated in the foundation of modern Uruguay. They became
famous by the name of the Treinta y Tres Orientales when, in 1825, they
began an insurrection for the independence of Oriental Province--a
historical territory encompassing modern Uruguay and part of modern
Brazilian Rio Grande do Sul--from Brazilian control. A special QSL card
will be issued for this event. QSL direct to CX7ABK (Ricardo Casarotti,
26 de Marzo 3495 - Apto.401, 11.300 Montevideo, URUGUAY. [PT2OP]

18/04/2010:  Members of the Radio Operadores del Este will activate
KP3RE from Canovanas, Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA 2802), as a
special event station on 18 April 2010, to commemorate the life of their
first Puerto Rican governor. Activity will be from the Jesus T. Pinero
house-museum. They will be on the air from 40-10 metres between
1300-1900z on PSK31, SSB and possibly on CW, and also locally on 2
meters via the NP3EF-R on 147.310 MHz. They will also be commemorating
'World Amateur Radio Day 2010'. Jesus T. Pineiro, who was the first
governor of Puerto Rican origin in 1946, had as one of his hobbies
Amateur Radio, having the callsign 4KT and co-founder of the Porto Rico
Radio Club in 1918 with friend Joaquin Agusty-4JE, founder of WKAQ-AM,
one of the first radio stations of the Americas. QSL via KP3RE, bureau
or direct. [OPDX Bulletin]

23/04/2010:  The Amateur Radio Section of the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting
Corporation) and the Documentary Archives Radio Communications/QSL
Collection will operate, for only 72 hours, a special event station with
the callsign OE10M during the weekend of 23-25th April 2010
(0000-2400z). OE10M is an official "International Marconi Day" station.
Contacts made on Saturday, 24th April, are valid for the IMD Award. QSL
via OE QSL Bureau or direct to OE1WHC. Cards without SAE and (new!) IRC
or USDs to cover postage will be processed via Bureau. To see the QSL,
go to: [OPDX Bulletin]

23/04/2010:  Look for special callsign TC57A to be active from
Çanakkale, Republic of Turkey, on 23-25th April 2010 to commemorate the
Turkish 57th Regiment. QRV on all HF bands. QSL via TCSWAT / Op A. K.
Tevfik, TA1HZ, PO Box 73 Karakoy, Istanbul 34421, REPUBLIC OF TURKIYE.
Website: [TCSWAT]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

15/04-21/04  SV9/OH1VR: Nisos Kriti-Crete Island LH-1400 QSL HC (d/b)
17/04             W2GSB: Fire Island USA-286 WLH:K-060 LH-1922 QSL (d)
18/04             KP3RE: Puerto Rico Island LH-2802 QSL d/b
18/04-02/05  TO2R: La Reunion Island LH-1812 QSL F5UOW (d/b)
22/04-11/05  DL7VOX/P: Usedom Island FED-359 LH-1640 QSL HC (d/b)
23/04-26/04  DF0TM: Amrum Island LH-2464 QSL Buro

16/04-18/04  KP4AO: Arecibo Observatory IOTA NA-099 Grid: FK68OI
                         70cm EME 400W QSL

17/04-18/04  Ontario QSO Party 160m-70cm (

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 14 April 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

WA7JHQ - Sterling - 3* - 4/16 to 4/17 - CW Only - ECC accepted
30/40ssb/40cw(7.185)/20/17/15/12/10 April 16th - NM: Sandoval, Rio
Arriba, San Juan, CO: Montezuma, Dolores, UT: San Juan, Grand, Emery,
Sevier, San Pete, Juab, Utah April 17th - UT: Salt Lake, Davis, Weber,
Box Elder, ID: Oneida, Cassia, Minidoka April 18th - ID: Jerome (1300z).
QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

N9NE - Todd - April 17 to April 18 - SSB and CW
Michigan QSO Party. 1600z Saturday until 0400Z Sunday UTC. I plan on
being Solo Mobile in these five western UP counties (in order): IROM,
BARA, HOUG, ONTO, and GOGE. Will run CW and SSB on 80 (75) through 20M,
and possibly 15M if the band opens. QSL via home call. [County Hunter

NE9U - Scott - APRIL 17 to APRIL 17 - SSB and CW
Michigan QSO party: 80/40/20 meters cw and ssb. Counties in order: Iron,
Dickinson, Menominee, Delta, Schoolcraft, Mackinac, Chippewa, Luce,
Alger, Marquette, Baraga, Houghton, Octonagon, Gogebic. Thats all the UP
counties except Keweenaw. If time is on our side, we will take a quick
swing up that way, but no promises. QSL via home call. [County Hunter

N4XML - Bob - 1* - April 18, 2010 to April 19, 2010 - SSB Only
Trip will be from Clinton NY to Horry SC. Will start on Sunday at 1100
UTC and traveling till dusk. On Monday I will be on the road again at
1100Z. Times posted are approximate. I will be pulling travel trailer so
I will be staying on planned route which is mainly Interstate. I will
not be stopping, so If you here me in one you need and I am not up you
may want to move me off frequency. I will run 20 & 40 SSB. QSL via home
call. [County Hunter Web]

QSLs received Bureau - None to report! Where is postman?? :o(

QSLs received Direct - 5ZØH (IK8VRH), 9XØLX (DK7LX), A25NW (K9NW),
D44TXP, ER4DX (UT7ND), GJ0KYZ (, H4ØFN [OC-065] (HA8FW), KG4JB
(, T77C (, TX3A (HA7RY), VP5/W5SL (hc), VP5/W5CW (hc),
VP9400HW (VP9HW), WP4L ( and ZF2AH (W6VNR).

QSLs received LoTW - 3B9WR, S79GM.
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

Available now Logs Online of CR6A - Odeleite DAM Isl. #4 valid for DIA
Ai-36 on
73's Algarve STAR DX Team
Hans, DJ0VZ, Silent Key - Dear Friends, we did get the sad news that our
good friend Hans, DJ0VZ, did leave us at Easter Saturday, 3 April 2010.

Wilson A. Brooks, VE3OQI of Dunnville, Ontario, Canada passed away 12
April 2010.

Leonard H. Elster, VE3LA of Nepan, Ontario, Canada passed away 2 April

    * With the SA Agulhas arrived
<> at
Marion Island, the ZS8M website is also now in the public domain.
Although very much under construction, it can be found here
<>. With limited internet access, it's
conceivable Pierre will update when time permits.

March 19 from Pierre, ZS1HF/ZS8M

    * In true tradition, we have an idiot pirating my callsign -
ZS8M. Shame on you! Please note: ZS8M will only be operational from
approx 15 May 2010. Before I get operational, I will notify you all
once ready. Please do not entertain any idiot pirating my callsign
before I make further announcements. My technical training is
progressing well. The complete team gathers on Tuesday 23 March in Cape
Town to start team training - fire fighting, first aid and cooking

March 14, 2010 [OPDX]

Pierre informs that he is currently still very busy with some technical
and team training. Training includes maintenance on the Wx equipment
and hydrogen generator, with team training including fire fighting,
cooking and first aid. The ship leaves Cape Town on April 8th, and he
will arrive on Marion Island some 6 days later. The ship that take him
there will unload food and cargo, and then leave 4 weeks later once the
scientists have completed their work.

Once the ship and scientists leave, he will be on the air. Pierre tells
that this is his first long voyage. He has sailed before, but on some
of the SA Navy ships and usually on much shorter trips. On Marion
Island, Pierre's job will be the resident radio and electronics
technician for; HF, VHF, Wx station, Hydrogen generator, IT LAN,
satellite system and all the other smaller systems that use 12 or 220V.
He will be assisting the engineers with technical support. Pierre
states, "One of the engineers will be writing her exam on the
island, which will be a first for the island."
[Sent by Lee, ZL2AL]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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