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Главная » 2010 » Июль » 15 » ICPO Bulletin (15 - 23 July 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (15 - 23 July 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
15/07/2010:  Franco, I1FQH, will be active as 5V7DX from Kpalime Village
in central Togo on 15-30 July 2010. QRV on 20-10 metres using a ICOM
7000 with KL500 solid state amplifier to a Spiderbeam and on 40-30
metres he will use a homebrew vertical. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [OPDX Bulletin]

15/07/2010:  Aloys, PA3DAT and Femma, PA3DWK will travel by camping car
and will activate some IOTAs between 15 July and 27 July 2010. 15 July -
Farø island (EU-029, WW Loc. JO54XW), Denmark, at 1500 UTC on 14.260 MHz
as OZ/PA3DAT. 18 July - Öland island (EU-037, WLOTA L-0588, WW Loc.
JO86EE), Sweden, at 1200 UTC on 14.260 MHz as SM7/PA3DAT. 23-25 July -
Singø island (EU-084, WW Loc. JP90JD), Sweden, at 1500 UTC on 14.260 MHz
as SM0/PA3DAT; they will also be QRV for the RSGB IOTA Contest from this
location. 27 July - Alnøn island (EU-087, WW Loc. JP82RI), Sweden, at
1500 UTC on 14.260 MHz as SM3/PA3DAT. Their activities will take place
in SSB on 20 and 40 metre bands, maybe 10 metres depending on
conditions, using Yaesu FT857, 100 Watt into a 1/4-wave vertical.
Further announcements concerning exact dates, time and frequencies will
be posted on their website at: [NG3K]

15/07/2010:  Members of the VHF DX Gang (HB9EME) will be active as
XT2EME from an orphanage (La Maison du Coeur) in Ouagadougou, Burkina
Faso, between 15 July and 2 August 2010. Operators include Andre HB9CVC
(XT2CVC), Pierre-Andre HB9HLV (XT2HLV) and Ludo HB9EOU (XT2LW). The
group's goal is to make 20,000 QSOs on CW, SSB and PSK. QSL via HB9HLV.
Proceeds from QSLling and donations will be given to the orphanage the
group will operate from. Further information can be found at: [OPDX Bulletin/425 DX News]

16/07/2010:  Dov, 4Z4DX/p (CW) and Duby, 4Z5DZ/p (SSB) will be active 16
July 2010 from the Alexander River National Park (WFF 4XFF-002). QRV on
20 metres only (14.044 and 14.244 MHz +/-) starting 1000 UTC. QSL via
home calls. [4X4JU]

16/07/2010:  Gabriel EA3AKA, John EA3GHZ, Enrique EA5EOR and Dina EC5BME
will be active as IS0E from Sardinia (EU-024, IIA SD-001, MIA MIS-035)
on 16-24 July 2010. They will operate SSB and CW on 80-10 metres with
two stations. QSL via operator's instructions. Further information can
be found at: [425 DX News]

16/07/2010:  Castles And Stately Homes On The Air in Northern Ireland
(EU-115, WLOTA L-1439) will have a major activation on 16 July 2010.
Bobby, MI0RYL has obtained permission to activate both the Stormont
Parliament Buildings and Stormont Castle within the Stormont estate in
Belfast. To commemorate this activation, a special QSL card will be
issued to any contacts that are made. Propagation permitting, they hope
to cover many bands and modes throughout the day to allow as many people
as possible the opportunity to make contact. The station should be up
and running by 10am with the castle activation number GI022 and WAB No
J37. [GB2RS]

17/07/2010:  Jean Marc, F5SGI will sign HC/p from Belle Île en Mer
(EU-048, DIFM AT015, WLOTA L-0872) on 17-27 July 2010, including an
entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July). Outside the contest Jean
Marc will be QRV on the HF bands, mainly CW. QSL via home call, bureau
or direct. [F5NQL]

17/07/2010:  Jean-Pierre F6DLM/p and Jean-Claude F5IL/p will activate a
new island for the French Islands Award (DIFM reference MA-149) on 17
and 18 July 2010. QRV 80, 40 and 20 meters. QSL via F6DLM, bureau
preferred. [F6AJA]

17/07/2010:  Mark, M0MMK will be active holiday style as MM0MMK/p from
the isle of Tiree (EU-008, IOSA NH04, SCOTIA DI10, WLOTA L-2232) on
17-31 July 2010. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

17/07/2010:  Andy, N8OFS will be N8OFS/p (Caboose) for the CQ WW VHF
Contest (17-18 July) from Grid Locator EN91OR. Counts for Railroad
Depots On The Air (RRDOTA); AC&J Railroad, Jefferson, Ohio, (reference
OH-0001). Running Kenwood TS-60, 90W and will be running 2 antennas with
a switchbox: Horizontal - PAR OA-50 Loop at around 30ft; Vertical
'DOMINATOR' 5/8 wave GroundPlane at around 20ft. 52.525FM locked,
52.49FM if the band goes nuts. Andy will also be the "check-in" station
for the AC&Js "Steam Weekend". QSL info: eQSL preferred (send to
N8OFS/P), direct is OK (send to N8OFS/P) to either address listed on This operation is also to help celebrate the AC&J (ACJR)
Railroads 26th Aniversary. More "exact" details to follow. [N8OFS]

17/07/2010:  Look for Ray, PE1GUR to be active as PA6FUN from the island
of Ameland (EU-038, WLOTA L-1059) on 17-25 July 2010. QRV on 30-18 and
12 meter RTTY. QSL via PE1GUR, direct or bureau. []

17/07/2010:  Marq, CT1BWW (S79BWW) and Juan Carlos, EA2RC (S79SAL) will
be active from the Anse National Park (WFF SEY-004) on 17-31st July,
2010. QTH will be the Chalets d'Anse Forbans, Pirates Bay, island of
Mahe (AF-024, WLOTA L-3286, WW Loc. LI75SF), Seychelles. QRV 80-6m,
using Kenwood TS480s, with a vertical Force 12 XK40 and some wire,
hardware. This activation is valid from following Awards: DXCC, WAZ,
WAC, WPX, IOTA, WFF, WLOTA, AAA, ZONE 39, BWWAward and Mahe Northwest
Point of South reef lighthouse (ARLHS SEY-004). Marq will also be
participating in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25th July). QSL via home
call, direct or by the bureau. Website: [CT1BWW]

18/07/2010:  Gerhard, OE3GEA will be active 18-24 July 2010 as
9A/homecall from the island of Losinj (EU-136, ACIA IC-116, CIA-25, IOCA
CI-058, MIA MC-204, WLOTA L-4295). QRV on CW, using low power. QSL via
home call. []

18/07/2010:  Flavio, IW2NEF will be active as IG9/IW2NEF from Lampedusa
Island (AF-019, IIA AG-001, MIA MI-126, WLOTA L-2312, Grid Loc. JM65) on
18-31 July 2010. QRV holiday style on 40-6 metres using 100w max power.
He plans to participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July). QSL via
his home callsign, by the bureau or direct. [OPDX Bulletin]

18/07/2010:  Jacob OZ7AEI/p will be active 18-23 July 2010 from some
Lighthouses / Islands in the IOTA group EU-172. Vindebyøre Forfyr (ARLHS
DEN-161) and Vindebyøre Bagfyr (ARLHS DEN-162), placed on Taasinge
Island (DIA FY-015), plus some more. Check for the
specific plans and updates in the period. He will be QRV on 40 and 20
meters, using SSB and Digital modes. QSL via his home call. [OZ7AEI]

18/07/2010:  Jim, PG4DX will be signing P4/PG4DX from the island of
Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA L-0033) between 18 July and 6 August 2010. QRV on
all HF bands, mainly around the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL
via home call, bureau or direct. []

18/07/2010:  Franz DF6QV, Juergen DJ2VO and Lutz DL9DAN will be active
as TF/homecall from the Westman Islands [aka Vestmannaeyjar] (EU-071,
WLOTA L-0976) on 18-27 July 2010. They will run two separate stations on
160-10 metre CW, SSB and digital modes. During the IOTA Contest they
will operate as TF7X (QSL direct to KT6YL) along with Gulli/TF9GX. [425
DX News]

18/07/2010:  Members of the Nutley Amateur Radio Club, namely Frank
KC2AUP, Cody KC2LSD, Ron KC2SOU and Dave W2DCQ will be active 18-19 July
2010 from Sheffield Island (NA-136, USi CT008S, Fairfield county),
Connecticutt, using the club call W2GLQ/1. Look for them around 14.260,
21.300, 10.115 and 7.225 MHz. QSL via KD2C, direct or bureau.

18/07/2010:  Jon, WB8YJF will be active as homecall/4 from Ocracoke
Island (NA-067, USi NC001S, WLOTA L-0466, Hyde county), North Carolia,
on 18-25 July 2010. QRV on 40/20/15/10 metres (and possibly 80 metres)
using CW, RTTY, and SSB. Jon will also be active as a
Single-Op/Low-Power entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th). QSL
via the bureau, or direct to: Jon Severt/WB8YJF, 5586 Babbitt Rd., New
Albany, OH - 43054 (SASE or SAE + Green stamp to cover postage). [OPDX

19/07/2010:  Luke, SQ9IVD will be active as EA8/SQ9IVD from the island
of Fuerteventura (AF-004, DIE S-006, WLOTA L-0883) between 19 July and 5
August 2010. Activity will be on the HF bands, mostly on CW, using 100W
and wire antennas. SSB and RTTY is possible. QSL via home call, direct
or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. []

20/07/2010:  Operators Theodoros SV1GRM, Sotiris SV1HER, Toze CT1GFK
will be active from Corvo Island (EU-089, DIP AZ-009, WLOTA L-0707) as
CQ8SV from 20-27th July 2010. They will also participate in the RSGB
IOTA Contest (24-25th July). QSL via SV1GRM, direct only. Further info
at under CQ8SV. []

20/07/2010:  The Cray Valley Radio Society will be mounting a DXpedition
to St. Mary's Island (WLOTA L-0408), Isles of Scilly (IOTA EU-011)
mainly for the IOTA contest (24-25th July) but will also be QRV on 6m
from 20th till 26th July 2010. They hope to run with FT2000 small beam
and QRO from WW Loc. IN69UW, WAB NZ37. They will be using their
homecalls/p. Operator mentioned so far is Nobby, G0VJG who will be
signing G0VJG/p. QSL via home call is fine direct or bureau. there with
be others active to. [F5NQL]

20/07/2010:  Members of the Cray Valley Radio Society will be active
20-26 July 2010 from St. Mary's Isle, Isles of Scilly (EU-011, WLOTA
L-0408, WAB NZ37) on all HF bands. They will also participate in the
RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) as M8C. Outside the contest look for
activity as homecall/p. QSL M8C via G4DFI ( []

20/07/2010:  David, OK6DJ will be active 20-30 July 2010 as SV8/OK6DJ
from the island of Zakynthos (EU-052, GIOTA INS-015, MIA MG-138, WLOTA
L-0209), including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July). QRV
on all HF bands. QSL via OK1DRQ, direct or bureau. Website: [NG3K]

21/07/2010:  Operators Silvia EA1AP, Juanjo EA1CJ, Alberto EA1SA and
Raul EA5KA will be active from the 'Le Calao' rental shack, Somone,
Senegal, on 21-31 July 2010, using the callsign 6V7W. They will be QRV
on 160 to 6m, SSB, CW and RTTY. They will try to be active with 3
stations on, sometimes with special emphasis on the 6 metre band (WW
Loc. IK14LL). On 6m they will use 100W and 5 element yagi, listening
50.100 (CW) and 50.110 (USB). QSL via EA5KA. Further information, plus
online logs, can be found at: [NG3K]

21/07/2010:  Tom, DL2RUM will return to Kigali, Rwanda, for business. He
hopes to get his licence on Wednesday, 21-Jul-2010. The call 9X0TL was
assigned to Tom and all papers are prepared. With interruptions (6-8
days each) he will stay there until the end of August / beginning of
September 2010. This is not a dedicated dx-pedition, it's a spare time
operation only. K3, 600 Watt Solid State PA, Butternut HF-9V, HB9CV
(6m), wires - 80m-6m - CW, SSB, RTTY. QSL via home call. Further info
and online log: [NG3K]

21/07/2010:  Jim, MM0BQI/p will be active from the island of Tanera Mor
(IOTA EU-092, IOSA SC10, SCOTIA CN32) from 21-27th July 2010. He will
also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) using the
callsign MM0Q. QSL both calls via MM0BQI, direct or bureau. Logs will be
uploaded to LoTW. []

21/07/2010:  Giannis, SV2FPU will be active as SV2FPU/8 from Limnos
Island (EU-049, GIOTA NAS-026, MIA MG-065, WLOTA L-1740) and Plaka
Lighthouse on 21-31 July 2010. He will operate on 40-6 metres, possibly
with some activity during the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call, direct
only. [425 DX News]

21/07/2010:  Gregg, VE3ZZ, will again operate from Prince Edward Island
(IOTA NA-029, CIsA PE-001, WLOTA L-0523, WW Loc: FN76VS) gtom 21-26th
July 2010. He will operate from the VY2TT superstation during the RSGB
IOTA Contest (24-25th July) as VY2X, and outside of the contest as
VE3ZZ/VY2. QSL both callsigns to VE3ZZ, direct or by the bureau. [OPDX

22/07/2010:  Members of the Galway radio Experimenters Club (EI4GRC) and
Shannon Basin Radio Club (EI2SBC) will be on air from Inishbofin Island
(EU-121, WLOTA L-1870, WW Loc. IO43VO) for IOTA 2010 contest using the
call EJ3Z, a Island Expedition/Multi-Op entry. On the days leading up
members will be active using their own call signs on HF & VHF also watch
out for EJ4GRC. Operators include EI9HX, EI4CF, EI6GGB, EI2EO, EI3HA,
EI3Z. QSL others via their respective home callsigns. Information on the
island is available at: [NG3K]

22/07/2010:  Members of the Barry Amateur Radio Society (BARS) are
staging a DXpedition to Flatholm Island (EU-124, WLOTA L-0007) for 22-27
July 2010. They will take part in the IOTA contest as GW8K. Before and
after the contest they will be QRV as GB5FI. QSL via GW0ANA for both

22/07/2010:  Ruggero, IK2PZC will be active as IG9/IK2PZC from Lampedusa
Island (AF-019, IIA AG-001, MIA MI-126, WLOTA L-2312) on 22-31 July
2010. He will operate SSB, RTTY and PSK, and will participate in the
IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

22/07/2010:  The announced expedition to Chirikof Island (IOTA NA-235)
will take place between 22 July and 2 August 2010 using the callsign
KL7RCC. The team now includes Elena RV3ACA, Merle N6PYN, Yuri N3QQ and
Yuri UA9OBA. QSL via UA9OBA (Russia and Europe) and N7RO (rest of the
world). Bookmark for updates. []

22/07/2010:  The Strumble Head DX and Contest Group (SHDXCG) will
activate as MC0SHL from the Welsh island of Ramsey [Ynys Dewi] (EU-124,
also count for WFF GWFF-072) on 22-27 July 2010, including an entry in
the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) using the callsign MW9W. During the
IOTA contest MC0SHL will still be QRV on 17 and 12 metres. They will be
on the air mostly on SSB, but with some RTTY and CW thrown in. Team
members include Ant MW0JZE, Oli MW0JRX, Tim M0URX, Chris G1VDP and Tony
G4LDL. QSL via M0URX, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.
Online QSL requests are available at: [G1VDP]

22/07/2010:  Andreas, DD8ZJ and his son Tommy, DL8KX will be active as
OZ/homecall from the island of Moen [aka Mön, Møn] (EU-029, DIA SJ-017,
WLOTA L-4630) on 22-25 July 2010, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA
Contest. Outside the contest they will use the callsign OZ/DD8ZJ, while
during contest they will be signing OZ/DL8KX only. QSL via home calls,
direct or bureau. []

22/07/2010:  DARC OV Sued-Stormarn (DA0TT, DA0T) [DOK E38] members
Robert DH8HD, Hans-Joerg DO3HJW, Olaf DL4HG, Andy DG3XA and Andy DL7AT
will be active 22-27th July 2010 as OZ0TX and OZ/DA0T/p from Mando
Island (EU-125, DIA NS-003 for the Danish islands award). QRV on all
bands, CW and SSB, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25th
July). QSL via DL7AT. []

22/07/2010:  Operators Cliff SV1JG, George SV1QN, Spyros SV1RC and John
SV1GYG will activate as SV8/homecall from the island of Proti (EU-158,
GIOTA INS-013, MIA MG-092, WLOTA L-4036) on 22-26 July 2010, including
an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) using the special
callsign SX8PR (QSL via SV1JG). [OPDX Bulletin]

22/07/2010:  Operators Nikola YT2WW, Michel F1SRC, Jean-Francois F6DZD,
Remi F0GHK, Alain SWL, and Bastien F4EYQ will be active from Sein Island
(EU-068, DIFM AT007, WLOTA L-2721) as TM5KD on 22-27 July 2010,
including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July). Outside the
contest, they will be QRV using PSK31, CW and VHF activities on 3693,
7093, 14093 and 28493 kHz. QSL via F5KKD (see [NG3K]

22/07/2010:  Barry VE1TRI and John VE1CDD will be active as VE1TRI/P on
22-26 July 2010 from Long Island (NA-127, CIsA NS007, WLOTA L-2930).
They plan on working the 2010 IOTA contest from the middle of Long
Island, off Digby Neck southwest Nova Scotia, using portable antennas.
QSL via VE1TRI, bureau preferred. []

22/07/2010:  Alan, WD4AC will be homecall/p on 22-26 July 2010 from Core
Banks (NA-067, USi NC033S, WLOTA L-0596, Pamlico county), North
Carolina. QRV 40, 20 and 10 metre SSB, with an entry in the RSGB IOTA
Contest. QSL direct only to his home call. []

23/07/2010:  Operators Julio CT1ZW, Jorge CT1BOL, Jose CT1CJJ, Manuel
CT1DSC, Jose CT1EEB, Paulo CT1EFS, Filipe CT1ILT, Miguel CT1IUA and
Firmino CT1IZW will be active as CS2K on 23-25 July 2010 from
Pessegueiro Island (EU-167, DIP BA-001, PIP ST-001). Focus will be on
the RSGB IOTA contest as a Multi-Single/Expedition/Low-Power entry.
Expect some activity prior to the contest. This activation will count
for Sudoeste Alentejano National Park (DPRN FF-12, WFF CTFF-012) and
Forte da Ilha do Pessegueiro (WCA CT-00219, DMHP ST-020, DCFP F-043).
QSL via CT1CJJ, direct or bureau. Further info can be found at: [NG3K]

23/07/2010:  Bernie, GM4WZG will be active as EA8/G4WZG/p from Isla de
Gran Canaria (AF-004, DIE S-005, WLOTA L-0969) on 23-26 July 2010,
including the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

23/07/2010:  Look for SP6ICW, SQ7JT and EI5JQ to be active as
EI/homecall from Great Blasket Island (EU-007) on 23-25 July, including
the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL via the bureau to their home calls.

23/07/2010:  Operators Bernard, EI4II and Olivier, ON4EI will be active
as EJ4II from Saltee Islands (IOTA EU-084) on 23-25 July 2010. QRV on
160-10 metres using CW and SSB. They also plan to be in the RSGB IOTA
Contest (24-25 July). QSL via EI4II. [NG3K]

23/07/2010:  Nicola IS0BMU, Raffaele IS0CPU, Gianni IS0IGV, Carlo IS0JOO
and Claudio IZ1DNJ will be active as IM0K from San Macario Island
(EU-165, IIA CA-012, MIA MIS-030) on 23-25 July 2010, including an entry
in the IOTA Contest. QSL via IS0BMU. [425 DX News]

23/07/2010:  Operators Thomas OZ1AA, Kenneth OZ1IKY and Alex OZ7AM will
be active as JW/homecall from Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen Island (EU-026,
WLOTA L-0125) on 23-27 July 2010. They will also participate in the RSGB
IOTA Contest (24-25 July) as a Multi-Op entry using the callsign JW5E.
QSL JW5E via LA7XM ( QSL others via their respective home
calls. [NG3K]

23/07/2010:  Iain, MM0TFU will be active 23-26 July 2010 as homecall/p
from Blackwaterfoot, Isle of Arran (EU-123) before during and after IOTA
Contest. Should also be active on 6m outwith contest. QSL Information:
LoTW preferred, but also direct or bureau to MM0TFU. []

23/07/2010:  Paul, M3KBU will be active from the Isle of Lismore (IOTA
EU-008, IOSA FL01, SCOTIA CN07) as MM3KBU/p from 23-29 July 2010,
including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25th July). QSL via
MM3KBU, direct or bureau. []

23/07/2010:  Operators Jack W0UCE, Dan N3ND, Keith W4KAZ and Nate N4YDU
will be active 23-25 July 2010 as N4A from Core Banks (NA-067, USi
NC033S, WLOTA 0596, WW Loc. FM14UU, Pamlico county), North Carolina.
They hope to be QRV by 2000z on 23 July, and expect to attempt activity
on 10m and 6m should those bands open. They will also participate in the
RSGB IOTA Contest as a Multi-Single/Low-Power Island DXpedition. QSL
direct to N4YDU. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Further info can be
found at: [NG3K]

23/07/2010:  Look for Jari OH1JO and Juha OH1LEG to be active from
Kaunissaari Island (EU-140, WW Loc. KP30JI) on 23-28 July 2010,
including a entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July). QRV on all HF
bands using Icom Pro 3 and FT-1000 MK V Field and Windom antenna. They
will try to be on two bands at the same time...2nd antenna still
undecided. QSL via OH1JO, direct or bureau. Further information and
updates can be found under OH1K on [NG3K]

23/07/2010:  Gabi DF9TM, Frank DL2SWW, Wilf DJ6TK and Ric DL2VFR will be
active as OZ0FR on 23-26 July 2010 from Romo Island (EU-125, DIA NS-001,
WFF OZFF-004). Expect activity on all HF bands/modes, including an entry
in the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL via DL2VFR, direct or bureau. Website: []

23/07/2010:  Perdigueiros Radio Team members Alexandre PY5BH, Vagner
PY5DC, Fleck PY5DJ, Fernando PY5FO and Goncalves PY5IN will be active as
PR5D from Ilha do Mel (SA-047, DIB PR-01, WLOTA L-1435), Parana State,
Brazil, between 1700 UTC 23 July and 0300 UTC 25 July 2010, including an
entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest. QRV using SSB on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10
metres. Note: Free band - depending on propagation; during the IOTA 2010
Contest a Free band - band depending on propagation too. QSL via PY5DC,
direct or bureau. Further info at: []

23/07/2010:  Operators Jacques ON5OO, Jean-Jacques ON7EQ, Carine ON7LX,
Claude ON7TK, Ann ON5ANN, Bart ON7BT, Charlotte ON3CO and Pascal ON5RA
will be active as F/homecall and TM7T from Grande Île (DIFM MA-004, DDFM
50, DPF 04), Chausey Islands (EU-039) from 23-26th July 2010. They will
also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) as TM7T, 80-10m
SSB/CW Multi-Op, 24 hrs. QSO's with TM7T or/and team member F/ON7TK
F/ON7EQ F/ON5OO F/ON7LX will be valid for WLOTA L-0424. QSL via ON7EQ,
direct (with SAE/SASE + sufficient postage), or by the bureau. Further
info at: []

23/07/2010:  On 23-25 July 2010 the Almaty Radio amateur League will
organize WFF expedition to the Kulsajsky National Park of Almaty area
(UNFF-008), using the callsign UP44Q. Operators mentioned are Andrey
UN8GU, Alexey UN9GG and Michael UN8GC. QRV 80-10m using CW, SSB and
Digital modes. QSL via the bureau to UN0GL, or direct (P.O. Box 15,
050009 Almata, Kazakhstan). Further info on their website: [NG3K]

23/07/2010:  Ryan N0OJ, Peter VK4FSSB, and Andrew VK4HAM will be active
from Fraser Island (OC-142, WLOTA L-2976) as VK4HAM from 23-26 July
2010. Main focus will be the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July). QRV all
bands before and after the contest. QSL via VK4HAM (

23/07/2010:  Curt, W3HQ and Cliff, KI4IW plan to be active as
VO2/homecalls from Battle Island (IOTA NA-044, CIsA NF049, WW Loc.
GO22CG) from 23-26th July 2010. QRV 160-10 metres with two stations, one
each for CW and SSB. QSL via home calls ( []

23/07/2010:  Operators Rob W3DX and Paul AA4XX will be active as W3DX/p
on 23-25 July 2010 from Harkers Island (NA-067, USi NC002S, Carteret
county), North Carolina. Their main goal is to be QRV for the RSGB IOTA
Contest. QSL via W3DX. []

23/07/2010:  Look for Butch N8CHS, Mike KB8ZYE and Ken W8ND to be active
as W8ND/4 on 23-25 July 2010 from Dauphin Island (NA-213, USi AL002S,
Mobile County), State of Alabama, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA
Contest. They will have antennas for 40, 20, 15, and 10 metres during
the IOTA contest. They will have 30 and 17 metres before and after the
contest. The team will also be on 6 metres. QSL direct or via bureau to
K8MCN. Include SASE for direct return, otherwise return goes via the
bureau. []

23/07/2010:  Members of the NA-128 Contest Group will activate the
special callsign XL2I from Île aux Coudres (IOTA NA-128, CIsA QC-009,
ARLHS CAN-234, WW Loc. FN47SJ), Province of Quebec, between July 23-25
2010 during the IOTA Contest to commemorate the 475th anniversary of
arrival of the explorer Jacques Cartier. The group will operate many
stations on all bands (80-6 metres) and all major modes (SSB, CW and
RTTY, PSK31) and a station will be dedicated to 6m. During the IOTA
Contest, a station will be dedicated to the contest exclusively on CW or
SBB. The QSL manager will be VE2CQ (direct or via bureau). [VE2CQ]

24/07/2010:  Look for Tibi, OM3RM to be active during the RSGB IOTA
Contest from the island of Korcula (EU-016, ACIA IC-767, CIA-19, IOCA
CI-041, MIA MC-163, WLOTA L-1315) as 9A/OM8A. He plans to be a
Single-Op/All-Band/Mixed entry. QSL via OM2VL. [NG3K]

24/07/2010:  Members of the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (ROARS)
will be active during the RSGB IOTA Contest as A43MI from Masirah Island
(AS-014). QSL via A47RS, direct ( or bureau. [NG3K]

24/07/2010:  Tony EA5BY, Salva EA5DY, Juan EA5FID, Felipe EA5GRV and
Francisco EA5XC will be active as AO1DX/5 during the RSGB IOTA Contest,
Multiop expedition entry, from Tabarca Island (EU-093, DIE E-006, WLOTA
L-1779). QSL via operators' instructions. [NG3K]

24/07/2010:  Operators ES1AN, ES1LS, ES1QV, ES2DJ, ES2EZ, ES2NJ and
ES2QN will be active as ES0U from the island of Saaremaa (EU-034, WLOTA
L-1401) for the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) as a
Island-Fixed/Multi-Op/Mixed/Low-Power entry. QSL via ES2DJ. [NG3K]

24/07/2010:  Antoine, F5RAB will be homecall/p during the RSGB IOTA
Contest from Ouessant Island (EU-065, DIFM AT001, WLOTA L-0208) as a
Single-Op/Expedition/Mixed/Low-Power/24 hour entry. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [NG3K]

24/07/2010:  Look for Simon, HS0ZIB to be homecall/p during the IOTA
Contest from Lanta Island (AS-053, WLOTA L-0946) as a DXpedition,
primarily 20 meters SSB, Single-Operator/Low-Power, 12 hour entry. Also
PSK31 (non-contest). QSL direct only to his home call (see

24/07/2010:  Jeff, KU8E/p will be active from St. Simons Island (NA-058,
USi GA-003S, WLOTA L-4115, Glynn County), Georgia, during the RSGB IOTA
Contest as a Single-Op/Low-Power/CW entry. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

24/07/2010:  Reiner, DL3BRE and Harald, DL7VSN will be active from Vardo
Island (EU-141, WLOTA L-0106) as LA/DL3BRE during the IOTA Contest as a
Multi-Op/CW/24 hour entry. QSL via DL3BRE, direct or by the bureau.

24/07/2010:  Len VE9MY and Linda VE9GLF will activate Barnes Island
(NA-014, CIsA New One!, WW Loc. FN65NA), Charlotte county, New
Brunswick, for the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July) as a Multi-Op entry.
QSL via their home calls. [NG3K]

24/07/2010:  Bill, W1WBB/p will be active from Aquidneck Island (NA-031,
USi RI006S, Newport County), Rhode Island, for the RSGB IOTA Contest as
a Island-Fixed/Single-Op/Low-Power/12 hour/CW (possibly Mixed mode)
entry. QRV 80-10m using wire antennas. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [NG3K]

26/07/2010:  Op. Giacomo "Jack", IZ3DBA will be active from the island
of Sardinia (EU-024, IIA SD-001, MIA MIS-035, WLOTA L-1608) between 26
July and 7 August 2010. QRV all bands as IS0/IZ3DBA. QSL via home call,
direct ( or bureau. []

08/08/2010:  Mic, DG5LAC will be active holiday style as OZ/homecall
from Mon Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-017, WLOTA L-4630) from 8-13 August
2010. QRV 80-10 meter SSB, using Windom, FT-450 and PA 600W. QSL via
home call direct or by the bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and
eQSL. []

16/08/2010:  Wayne, K9YNF will celebrate his Amateur Radio Golden
Anniversary as K9YNF/KL7 from NA-197 Fox Island (NA-197, USi AK094S,
WLOTA L-4245, 3rd S. Central county), Alaska, on 16-20 August 2010. Fox
Island, in the Kenai Peninsula County group, appears on the IOTA
Most-Wanted list for North America (12.1% confirmed). Wayne will be QRV
+/- 14.260 and 18.128 MHz SSB using solar power. Pilot station is K9JE
at k9je-jack at sbcglobal dot net. QSL to K9YNF. []

23/08/2010:  Harald, DF6BL plans to be active as DF6BL/p from the island
of Langeness (EU-042, N-19 for the German Islands Award, WLOTA L-1245)
on 23-29 August 2010. He will be QRV on 80-10 metres. QSL via home call,
bureau preferred. Website: []

27/09/2010:  Rick, K6VVA plans to be active as K6VVA/VE7 on 29-30
September 2010 from Quadra Island (NA-091, CIsA BC006, WLOTA L-1757).
Mostly CW - some SSB. 40m-15m. QSL direct or via bureau to N6AWD. More
details to follow on website at: []

23/11/2010:  Olaf, DL4HG and Holger, DL5XAT will be active as 9H3TX from
the island of Gozo (EU-023, MIA MM-004, WLOTA L-0046) on 23-30 November
2010. QRV all HF bands using 100W and verticals. They will also
participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28 November) as a Multi-2
entry. QSL via DL5XAT, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.

27/11/2010:  Members of the OM0C Contest Crew will be active from The
Gambia as C5A in the CQWW DX CW Contest (27-28 November) as a
Multi-Multi entry. Team members include Rich OM2TW/OK8WW, Jiri OK1RI,
Joe OM5AW, Norbert OM6NM, Roman OM2RA, Jiri OK1DO, Lada OK1DIX, Petr
OK1FFU and Vlada OK1NY. Look for activity from the group outside the
contest. QSL via OM2FY, direct or bureau. Further info at:

12/07/2010:  Special event station CS29MR will be active on 12-18 July
for the 29th International Motorcycle Rally of Faro, Portugal, capital
of the Algarve region. Operators will be Jose CT1EHX, Joao CT1FNT, Toze
CT1GFK, Goncalo CT1GPQ, Miguel CT1IUA, Rui CT2IHP, Carlos CT2HTN and
Pedro CT2JMW. QRV on 80-6m using CQ, SSB and RTTY. QSL via CT1EHX,
direct or bureau. [CT1EHX]

16/07/2010:  Fir Park Wings and Wheels will put special callsign GB0FWW
on the air from Market Rasen in Lincolnshire, England. QSL via the RSGB
bureau. [GB2RS]

16/07/2010:  Special callsign TM8OU will be in use on 16-30 July 2010 to
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Radio Club d'Albert. QSL via
F5KOU. [425 DX News]

17/07/2010:  Special event station GB0WKS will be on the air on 17 July
2010 for the West Kent Society from Tunbridge Wells in Kent, England.
QSL via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

17/07/2010:  Special event station 8J8BU will be active between 17 July
and 1 August 2010 to commemorate the Reconstruction of Hakodate Bugyosho
(or Hakodate Magistrate's Office). Hakodate is a city and port located
in Oshima, Hokkaido prefecture, island of Hokkaido (AS-078, WLOTA
LH-2967), Japan. It is the capital city of Oshima Subprefecture. QSL via
the JARL QSL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

17/07/2010:  Andy, N8OFS will be N8OFS/p (Caboose) for the CQ WW VHF
Contest (17-18 July) from Grid Locator EN91OR. Counts for Railroad
Depots On The Air (RRDOTA); AC&J Railroad, Jefferson, Ohio, (reference
OH-0001). Running Kenwood TS-60, 90W and vertical 'DOMINATOR' 5/8 wave
GroundPlane at around 30ft. 52.525FM locked, 52.490FM if the band goes
nuts. Andy will also be the "check-in" station for the AC&Js "Steam
Weekend". QSL info: eQSL preferred (send to N8OFS/P), direct is OK (send
to N8OFS/P) to either address listed on This operation is also
to help celebrate the AC&J (ACJR) Railroads 26th Aniversary. [N8OFS]

18/07/2010:  Look for special event station GB2CPS to be active 18 July
2010 from the Castle Point Show on Canvey Island in Essex, England. QSL
via G4UVJ. [GB2RS]

18/07/2010:  Special event station GB6MMR will be on the air 18 July
2010 from the McMichael Mobile Rally near Reading, England. QSL via the
RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

  Since 2003 DF2ZC publishes the 144 MHz EME NewsLetter. This is a free
service for the EME community. Bernd, DF2ZC, informed us that the latest
edition of the EME-Newsletter is now available at:  - EMENL201006 (1.085 KB). [MMMonVHF]

  The 2010 CQ World-Wide VHF Contest will take part:
  Starts: 1800 UTC Saturday, July 17, 2010
  Ends: 2100 UTC Sunday, July 18, 2010
  Please be so kind and download the PDFs for the Rules at:
  PLEASE remember the Contest is NOT restricted on US! There is a
possibility to have a nice place as well from other outside US countries
if you are able to make a bit of activity... [MMMonVHF]

  Jonesy, W3DHJ will be Rover in the CQ WW VHF Contest. Saturday he will
operate rover from Gunnison (Colo.) - through Monte Vista - Alamosa -
Walsenburg - and on into Pueblo. DM68 - DM67 - DM77 - DM78. Sunday will
be his 'normal' Sunday route: DM78 - DM77 - DM87 DM88 out in Otero
County - with the greatest focus (time) on DM87+DM88. Current plans
(Hah!) are at: [MMMonVHF]

  W4NH will be operating in the CQ WW VHF Contest
( from EM84ao. They will be using
their usual arrays of stacked beams and 1KW TX power on 6 and 2 metres.
They will be operating WSJT (FSK441) on both bands starting around
midnight until 8 AM local time. [MMMonVHF]

  W4VHF will be active for the entire CQ WW VHF Contest
( from a 3200' mountaintop in
southwestern Virginia (EM96). This will be a Multi-Op entry, e.g.
operators are K4MQG and W4VHF. The team will be QRV on both 6M and
2M--all modes. [MMMonVHF]

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 15 July 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

  Some ones have put a wrong information on QRZ.COM.  Now I have correct
  QSL route for TX5TES is via FO5RH NOT via F6CTL.  It is the same route
for FO5RH himself.
  Direct to:
  Alain Claverie
  TATAKOTO Atoll, 98783
  French Polynesia

  or via the CORA (French polynesian QSL bureau).

Best wishes
Jean-Michel F6AJA
QSLs received Bureau - None to report!  Postman lost again!! :o(

QSLs received Direct - 9G1UW (DL8UP), A92GR (, KP2/JA1BPA (hc),
(SM6CAS), T32VI (SM6CAS), TI5XP (, TX3D (DL1AWI), V63MY [OC-260]
(OM2SA), XR9JA ( and XU7ABN ( - registered mail).

QSLs received LoTW - BX5AA, EW5A, FO8RZ, GJ4FDM, LZ7HQ, NH2T, RJ3AA,
UA0FM and ZL3TE.
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WCA Reflector:
WCAG (World Castles Activity Group) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

  Drago Stokic 9A6NDD, report on the beginning of work of the award
program of castles and forts of Croatia "Castles On The Air - Croatia -
  More detailed information on an official site, at: WELCOME! [RN1CW]
PA09WSF - World Statues Festival
  From 2-8-10 22.00 gmt till 30-8-10 22.00 gmt I will be running PC10WSF
mostly in cw and digital modes.
  This will be the second time for the World Statues Festival in Arnhem,
like last year when I ran PA09WSF. I always try to run a nice rather new
prefix and as a PA10 has already been active I choose for the PC10.
  Paper-qsl is preferred but all will be uploaded to E-qsl, no LOTW,
direct and bureau and SWLS's  are all fine.
  73  Fred Weidema PA0FAW  PA-11092
AO, AM, AN: Spain World Cup Champion, authorized -
  From 12 to July 31, 2010 any Spanish ham may use this special prefix,
if desired, to show the world his joy and support to our athletes, who
have reached the pinnacle of football and class effort until the last
moment, showing far as we can working together. An example for all
disciplines. So DGTel today confirms the request made by EA Digital
Federation, which thus saves the individual requests avalanche was
coming. Period of use: over 12 to July 31, 2010 (inclusive) and remained
unchanged mark the rest of the amateur radio operator assigned
permanently. Madrid, 12th July 2010

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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