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Главная » 2009 » Ноябрь » 21 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (19 - 27 November, 2009)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (19 - 27 November, 2009) | 13:39 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 19/11/2009: Aki, JA1NLX and XYL will be QRV holiday style as FK/JA1NLX from Ouvea Island, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia (OC-033) between 19-24 November. Active on 80-10m CW/RTTY with 100w transceiver and vertical antenna. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Further information can be found on Aki's web site at www.ne.jp/asahi/ja1nlx/ham/fk_2009.html [NG3K]
19/11/2009: Fred PY2XB and Alex PY2WAS will activate Cabras Island (SA-071, DIB SP-06) between 19-23 November. They will use PW2IO (PY2XB) and PW2TA (PY2WAS) calls. They will operate two separate stations running 300W and 100W respectively. The antennas will be a yagi for 15, 17 and 20m and a multiband ZEP. The team guarantees that at least one station will be on the air around the clock. Both stations will work CW and SSB. The main bands to be used are 15, 17, 20, 30 and 40 metres, on IOTA frequencies. Alternative frequencies may be used if necessary. The team will need to take life support to the island, including generator and batteries for energy. The landing on the island is difficult and the operation may be postponed in case of bad sea. News will be forwarded thru Luke, PT7WA. Additional information will be available at QRZ.com. QSL routes: PW2IO via PT7WA and PW2TA via PY2WAS [F5NQL]
19/11/2009: Operators John/KL7JR, Claire/WL7MY and KL7BO will be active as VY1RST during and after the ARRL November Sweepstakes Phone Contest (21-23 November) from Buckshot Betty's Cabins, Beaver Creek, Yukon, between 19-23 November. Emphasis will be on 160/80 meters SSB (using a 160m Inverted L) with a 2nd station on for 20-10 meters (vertical) SSB and PSK-31. QSL Manager is KL7JR. E-mail skeds are welcome at: John.ReisenauerJr(at)alyeska-pipeline.com [OPDX Bulletin]
20/11/2009: Jean, ON5JV and Georgette, ON6AK will be active as EA8/homecall from Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife Island (AF-004, DIE S-012, WLOTA L1276) between 20.Nov.2009 and 10.Feb.2010. Activity will be on 40-10 meters during evening hours. They plan to use 100W into a 14AVQ vertical. QSL via their home callsigns, bureau is preferred. [UBA HF News]
20/11/2009: Operators Gregor/DF7OGO, Tom/K3WT, Ron/N0AT, Vlad/N0STL, and Bill/W0OR will be active from El Salvador between 20 November and 1 December, including a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as YS4U. Outside the contest they will probably be signing YS/homecall. QSL YS4U via N0AT. QSL others via their home calls, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
21/11/2009: Jouko, DU/OH1RX will be active from Manila, Luzon Island (OC-042, WLOTA L-0081), Philippines, during the LZ DX Contest (21-22 November). QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [425 DX News]
21/11/2009: Claude F5MCC and Gilles F4FGJ will be active 21 November as homecall/p from the Mill of La Grande Roue (DMF 89-048) in the city of Verlin (CP 89330), canton of Saint Julien du Sault (DDCF 89-26), Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). Starting around 0630 UTC, 80 then 40m SSB/CW. QSL via home calls, bureau preferred. [F5NQL]
21/11/2009: François F5JNE will be active on 21 November as homecall/p from the Castle of Vault de Lugny (DFCF 89-310), in the city of Vault de Lugny (CP 89200), canton [county] Avallon (DDCF 89-05), Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). Starting around 0700 UTC on 80 and 40 metre CW and SSB. QSL via home call, bureau preferred, and SWL cards are welcome. [F5NQL]
21/11/2009: Bill, K9HZ will be active from Labrelotte Bay, Castries, island of St. Lucia (NA-108, WLOTA L-1336) as J68HZ from 21 November to 5 December. QRV 80, 40 and 20 metres between 2000z and 2400z daily. Frequencies of operation: SSB - 3.770, 7.155, 14.155 MHz; CW - 3.550, 7.050, 14.050 MHz. Operations from other local islands possible. QSL via K9HZ, direct or LoTW and eQSL. [NG3K]
21/11/2009: Takeshi, JI3DST will be active as either JS6RRR and JI3DST/JS6 from the Miyako Islands (AS-079) on 21-30 November, including activity during the CQ WW DX CW Contest. His main QTH will be on Miyako-jima (JIIA AS-079-005, WLOTA L-0249), but he also plans to go and operate from Ikema-jima (AS-079-001) and Kurima-jima (AS-079-003). QSL via bureau only. [425 DX News]
21/11/2009: Chak JT1BH (CW) and Buya JT7AA (SSB) will be active in the Mongolian DX Contest (21-22 November) from the Ulaanbaatar DX Club, using club callsign JT1F. QSL via QRZ.com. [NG3K]
21/11/2009: Enkhbayar JT1DA and Nekhiit JT1DN will be active from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as JT1T in the Mongolian DX Contest (21-22 November) as a Multi-Op/All-Band/Mixed-Mode entry. QSL via the info under JT1T at QRZ.com. [NG3K]
21/11/2009: Members of RZ4HZW Radio Club, namely Yuri RX4HJ, Igor RW4HT and RN4HGJ will be active 21-22 November as UE1WFF/4 from the Samarskaya Luka National park (RFF-140). QRV mainly CW on the HF bands. QSL via RW3OW, direct or bureau. Online log will be posted after the expedition. [QRZ.ru]
21/11/2009: Operators Harry/DM5TI, Rene/DL2JRM, Tom/DL2RMC and Sid/DM2AYO will be active from Christmas island (OC-002) between 21 November and 5 December. Plans are to have two similar station (K3, 600w+ amps) running 24/7 on all modes on 160-10m. They will focus on the low bands, mostly on CW. VK9XX will be used during the DXpedition with VK9XW active for the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). QSL OK via the bureau or direct to DL1RTL. Full details at VK9XX website: www.dl2rmc.com/tom/VK9X2009/ [NG3K]
22/11/2009: Brian, ND3F will be active from Barbados (NA-021, WLOTA L0999) as 8P9SS from 22 November to 02 December, including a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). QSL direct to his home call. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
22/11/2009: Tony/IK1QBT, Claudio/I1NVU and Emilio/IZ1GAR will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest from Lampedusa Island (AF-019, IIA AG-001, MIA MI-126, WLOTA L2312) as IG9X (SOSB 15m), IG9U (SOSB 80m) and IG9W (SOSB 40m) respectively. Outside the contest, between 22 November to 1 December, they will operate as IG9/homecall with a focus on the low bands. QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]
23/11/2009: Andy/DJ7IK, Jan/DJ8NK, Guenter/DJ9CB, Andreas/DL9USA and Lars/DF1LON will be active from Tunisia between 23 November and 2 December using the special call 3V3S. They will be QRV in all modes from the QTH of 3V8SS in Sousse, where they will build antennas and also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via DL9USA. Web: http://3v3s.tk/ (still under construction). [DX World of Ham Radio]
23/11/2009: Mike, K9NW will be in Botswana between 23 November and 1 December using the callsign A25NW. Expect activity during CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). QSL via home call (QRZ.com). [DX World of Ham Radio]
23/11/2009: The LARC (Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club) in cooperation with the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (EARS) will be operating as A65DLH out of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 23-30 November. Activity is planned on all bands 160-10m, using CW/SSB/Digi Modes and also in the CQWWDX CW contest. QSL via DO7ZZ (QRZ.com). [LARC]
23/11/2009: Alex, KU1CW (V31CW) and his wife Natasha (V31YL) will be QRV from Belize on all HF bands from 23 November to 2 December. Alex will also participate as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest, using the callsign V31CW. QSL both calls via KU1CW or LoTW. [NG3K]
23/11/2009: Klaus, DJ4SO will be active from Namibia 23 November to 15 December as V5/DJ4SO. QRV He on 160-10m using CW, RTTY and PSK-31. He will also be active as a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
23/11/2009: Dave/W5CW, Pam/N5KW, Connie/K5CM will operate from VP5JM's QTH on Providenciales (NA-002, WW Loc. FL31VS) from 23 November to 7 December, including a M? entry, along with Roger/W7VV and Ralph/VE7XF, in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) probably using a special callsign (TBA). Outside the contest look for the group to be signing VP5/homecall on all bands/modes 160-6 meters. QSL via home calls.
24/11/2009: Jacques, F6BEE will be active from Senegal as 6W1RW between 24-29 November, with focus on the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. Prior to the contest he will be QRV mainly on WARC bands. QSL via F6BEE and LoTW. [NG3K]
24/11/2009: Rhein Ruhr DX Association members Uli DJ2YA, Walter DJ6QT, Arno DL1CW, Ulf DL5AXX and George SV1RP will be active as CT9/homecall from Santana, Ilha da Madeira (AF-014, DIP MA-001, WLOTA L-0053) from 24th November to 3rd December, including a Multi-2 entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as CR3L. Outside the contest, look for activity on all bands/modes. QSL via home calls. QSL CR3L via DJ6QT, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
24/11/2009: John K3CT and John K3TEJ will be active on all bands/modes as KP2/homecall from Christiansted (WW Loc. FK77PR), island of St. Croix (USi VI002S, WLOTA L-2477) U.S. Virgin Islands (IOTA NA-106) from 24 November to 1 December, including a Multi-? entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as KP2M. There is the possibility of some 6 metre activity outside the contest, using 1 KW and a KLM 11 element yagi. QSL KP2M via AI4U, direct or bureau. QSL other calls via their home call. [NG3K]
24/11/2009: John, K4BAI and Don, W4OC will be active from the island of Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA L-1279) between 24 November and 1 December as PJ4/home call. The will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as PJ4A. QSL all calls via K4BAI, direct or bureau. [QRZ.com]
24/11/2009: Peter, K8PT will be active as V31PT from Ambergris Cay (NA-073), Belize, between 24 November and 6 December. Activity usually is 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and some PSK-31.QSL via home call. [AT International]
25/11/2009: Niko, S53A will be active from Hippo Lodge, Kafue National Park (WFFA reference 9JFF-003), Zambia, as 9J3A from 25-30 November, including an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). QRV using low power on all bands. Antennas include 80m vertical, 40m 2el wire delta loop and 20-10m spider beam. QSL via S57S, direct only. [NG3K]
25/11/2009: Saty, JE1JKL will be active as FM/JE1JKL/p from FM5BH's QTH in Ducos, island of Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA L1041) between 25-27 November. Activity will also include the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November), signing as TO5T, and as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via JE1JKL. [OPDX Bulletin]
25/11/2009: T88CI (HA5AO), Pista will be back once again to the Island of Koror (OC-009), Republic of Palau. He will be active between 25 November and 10 December 2009. During this holiday style operation he will be working on the HF bands, throughout 80-10 meters, might be also on 160 m, mainly on CW, however SSB and RRTY activity is also possible. He will also attend to the CQ WW CW contest, in the single operator, all band, high power category. QSL via HA5AO direct, bureau and LoTW. Logsearch will be available on his website: ha5ao.novolab.hu/ [HA0HW]
25/11/2009: Bob, KE0UI will be active as VP9/homecall from Hamilton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005, WLOTA L0201) from around 25 November and 1 December, including a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power/Assisted entry in the the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) using the callsign VP9I. QSL VP9I via N1HRA. QSL VP9/KE0UI via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/11/2009: Rich, K2WR will be active from St. Brelade, isle of Jersey (EU-013, WLOTA L0818) as MJ0AWR before the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). During the contest he will use the callsign GJ2A, as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL GJ2A via K2WR or GJ3DVC. QSL MJ0AWR via K2WR. [NG3K]
26/11/2009: Look for Bud, AA3B to be QRV 26 November to 1 December from Gunthorpes, island of Antigua (NA-100 WLOTA L1118) as V26K. Activity will be on all HF bands, CW only, including the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/11/2009: Eric, K9GY will be active 26-29 November as YN2GY from Grenada, Nicaragua, including a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). Outside the contest he will be QRV on the WARC bands. QSL via home call, direct or via LoTW. [NG3K]
27/11/2009: John, G4IRN will be active from the island of Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA LH-0051) as 5B/G4IRN from 27-30th November, including a Single-Op/Single-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29th November). QSL direct to home call. [NG3K]
27/11/2009: Yoshi, JK2VOC will be active from Wuxi, China, as JK2VOC/BA4TB from 27-30 November, including a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). QSL via JK2VOC. [NG3K] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
28/11/2009: Kang, DS2AGH with the group will be active as 6M0HZ/2, a Multi-? entry from Kanghwa Island (AS-105), South Korea, in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via HL1IWD, bureau preferred. [AT International]
28/11/2009: Paul, A35RK will be active from Lifuka Island (IOTA OC-169), Tonga, as A35A during the CQWW DX CW Contest propably as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m)/Low-Power entry. QSL via W7TSQ, direct or LoTW [QRZ.com]
28/11/2009: Ali A71BX, Juma A71EM and Dave K5GN will be active from the QTH of A71BX, located in Doha, Qatar, for the CQWW DX CW Contest. They will use the callsign A73A as a Multi-Op/Single-Transmitter entry. QSL via EA7FTR, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Operators Aki JI3ERV, Kazu JK3GAD, Toshi JR7OMD and Nozomu JE8KKX will be active as AH2R from Tumon, Guam Island (OC-026, USi GU003S, WLOTA L-0064), in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via JH7QXJ, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Marios, 5B4WN will be active from Nicosia, Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA L-0051), as C4W in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Stefano, IK2QEI will be active from Safi, Morocco, as CN3A for the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band or Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry (if new 80m system will be ready). QSL direct to I2WIJ. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Luis, CO6LP will be active from Santa Clara, Cuba (NA-015, WLOTA L-0032) during the CQWW DX CW Contest using a dipole and low power as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. QSL direct (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Nodir, EY8MM will be active as a Single-Op/Single-Band (160m) entry from Dushanbe, Tajikistan, in CQWW DX CW Contest. Due to business commitment only first 24 hours of operation QSL K1BV via direct, bureau or LoTW [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Look for Tom, WV6E to be active as a Single-Op/All-Band entry from Mongolia, using the callsign JV1A. QSL via WV6E (QRZ.com) [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Radio Club de los Andes, LU8YE will be active from San Martin de los Andes, Patagonia, Argentina, in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. Operators include Juan LU4YAU, Jorge LU4YAO, Sergio LU7YS, Fernando LW2DX, Alejandro LU7YZ, Guillermo LW1EXU, Gabriel LU3DAT and Alberto LU1DZ. Ricardo, LU1YW and the local crew will be supporting them with antenna works, Patagonian lamb and good wine from the region. QSL via EA7FTR, direct or bureau. Web site: lu8ye.blogspot.com/ [F5NQL]
28/11/2009: Look for Mat, MJ0ASP to be active from St. Brelade, isle of Jersey (EU-013, WLOTA L-0818), during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry. QSL via direct (QRZ.com) or by the RSGB bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Felipe, NP4Z plans to be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest from the island of Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA L-2802). There is the possibility that he will use KP3Z as the callsign. QSL via WC4E. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Special event station PB500GT will be active 28 November to 13 December to celebrate 500 years Great Tower of Breda (in Dutch Grote Toren). The Great Tower is 65 metres high and located in the middle point of the city. QRV 80, 40, 20, and 2 metres, using SSB and digital modes. QSL via PA1WLB. More info can be found at: www.qrz.com/db/PB500GT [PA1WLB]
28/11/2009: Look for the Khartoum Sea Scouts National Radio Club ST2KSS to be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry from Khartoum, Sudan. QSL via ST2M (please write out ST2KSS for sorting). [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Al, WP3C will be active from Utuado, Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA L-2802) during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry. QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: Peter, XU7ACY will be active from Sihanoukville [aka Kampong Som], Cambodia, during the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via W2EN, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/11/2009: The East Coast Contesters Team, namely Lee ZL2AL, Stan ZL2ST, Holger ZL3IO, Peter ZL2LF and Mike ZL2FAR will be active from the North Island of New Zealand (OC-036, WLOTA L-0069) as ZM4T in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via ZL2AL, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
27/12/2009: Harry, JG7PSJ (JD1BMH) and Makoto, JI5RPT (JD1BLY) will be active once again from from Chichi-jima [Jima and Shima in Japanese means Island] (AS-031, JIIA AS-031-003, WLOTA L-2269), Ogasawara Islands, from 27 December 2009 to 1 January 2010. QRV 160-10 metres using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via the bureau to JD1 calls or Direct to homecalls. Web pages: www.ji5rpt.com/jd1/ and sapphire.es.tohoku.ac.jp/jd1bmh/ [NG3K]
08/01/2010: George, K2CM will be active from the island of Bequia, The Grenadines (NA-025), from 8 January until 12 February. QRV on 20 metre SSB/CW, maybe 40m CW. QSL via the bureau, or direct (SASE/SAE) to K2CM. [rsgbiota.org]
18/01/2010: Wulf DL1AWI, Peter DL3APO and Mat DL5XU will be active as FO/homecall from Raivavae Island (OC-114, DIFO FO-122, WLOTA L-2581), Austral Islands, between 18 January and 5 February. Focus will be the lower bands 160-30m, with some work on the higher bands in SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
02/02/2010: Scott, NE1RD will be active from the island of St. Lucia (NA-108, WLOTA L-1336) as J6/homecall from 2-10 February. Look for activity on all HF bands/modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [rsgbiota.org]
21/02/2010: Operators Fazlay S21RC, Manju S21AM, Sohel S21S and Aminul S21D plan to be active from St. Martin's Island [aka Narical Gingira, which means Cocos island] (AS-127, WLOTA L-2351), Bangladesh, from 21-25 February. Callsign to be announced. QSL manager will be EB7DX. More info upcoming. [NG3K]
28/02/2010: Mike, W1USN will be QRV from the island of Montserrat (NA-103, WLOTA L-1475) as VP2MPR from 28 February until 11 March. Mike will work mainly SSB and PSK31. Bob, AA1M will operate mostly CW as VP2MPL from 6 March until 11 March. QRS both via home call. [NG3K]
06/03/2010: Al, F5VHJ will be active as TO5A from the island of Martiique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA L-1041) during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7 March) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via F5VHJ, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]
11/03/2010: Colin, G3VCQ (J38CW) and Sharon, M3VCQ (J38SW) will be active from the island of Granada (NA-024, WLOTA L-0718) from 11-25 March. QRV all HF bands/modes. QSL both calls via G3VCQ, direct or by the bureau. [F5NQL] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
19/11/2009: The Western Amateur Radio Club will have a Special Event commemorating the 516 anniversary of the Discovery of Puerto Rico, operating as NP3M/516 on 19 November, starting at 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC. It will be on SSB, CW and possibly PSK31, from 80 to 10 meters. QSL info via NP3M. [F5NQL]
20/11/2009: COTA (Carabinieri on the Air) members will be active as IQ6CC on 20-22 November to celebrate Saint Mary "Virgo Fidelis", patron saint of the Carabinieri, the Italian military police. QSL via IW6DSM, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]
24/11/2009: Special event callsign PD450OBL will be in use from 24 November through 20 December to celebrate the 450th anniversary of the Dutch village of Oud-Beijerland. QSL via PD0LDC. [425 DX News]
26/11/2009: Members of Chorley & District Amateur Radio Society will be operating GB0LD from the village of Hoghton in central Lancashire, England (EU-005, WLOTA L-1841). The station will be celebrating Lancashire Day, the actual date of which is Friday 27 November. However, they are so proud of Lancashire that the station will be active from Thursday 26 November to Sunday 29 November inclusive. The station will be operating on the HF bands dependent on propagation, with activity also planned on 2 metres and possibly 70 centimetres. QSL will be via the bureau. More information can be found on QRZ.com. [GB2RS]
U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
19/11 NP3M/516: Puerto Rico Island WLOTA:2802 QSL NP3M (d) 20/11-10/2/10 EA8/ON5JV: Isla de Tenerife WLOTA:1276 QSL HC (b) 20/11-10/2/10 EA8/ON6AK: Isla de Tenerife WLOTA:1276 QSL HC (b) 21/11-22/11 DU/OH1RX: Luzon Island WLOTA:0081 QSL HC (d/b) 21/11-05/12 J68HZ: Sta. Lucia Island WLOTA:1336 QSL K9HZ (d/LoTW) 22/11-02/12 8P9SS: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL ND3F (d/LoTW) 22/11-01/12 IG9/I1NVU: Isola di Lampedusa WLOTA:2312 QSL HC (d/b) 22/11-01/12 IG9/IK1QBT: Isola di Lampedusa WLOTA:2312 QSL HC (d/b) 22/11-01/12 IG9/IZ1GAR: Isola di Lampedusa WLOTA:2312 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-03/12 CT9/DJ2YA: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-03/12 CT9/DJ6QT: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-03/12 CT9/DL1CW: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-03/12 CT9/DL5AXX: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-03/12 CT9/SV1RP: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-01/12 KP2/K3CT: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-01/12 KP2/K3TEJ: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-01/12 PJ4/K4BAI: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL HC (d/b) 24/11-01/12 PJ4/W4OC: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL K4BAI (d/b) 24/11-03/12 XR0ZN: Isla Robinson Crusoe WLOTA:0153 QSL QRZ.com 25/11-27/11 FM/JE1JKL/P: Martinique Island WLOTA:1041 QSL HC (d/b) 25/11-31/11 VP9/KE0UI: Hamilton Island WLOTA:0201 QSL HC (d/b) 26/11-29/11 GB0LD: England - Main Island WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro 26/11-28/11 MJ0AWR: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA:0818 QSL K2WR (d) 26/11-01/12 V26K: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL AA3B (d/b) 27/11-30/11 5B/G4IRN: Cyprus Island WLOTA:0051 QSL HC (d) ============================================ SIX METERS & UP -
6 METERS - Faroes, OY. Beacon: According to Ivan OZ7IS, the Faroe beacon on 6 meter is now up running again. Call has been changed to OY6BEC to match the call of the other beacons at the site. The beacon still uses 50.035 MHz, reports/spot at the cluster would be appreciated to map its coverage. SOURCE: (OZ6OM) via CQ SIX - 50 MHz DX Information. 6 Nov. 2009 All Info about BEACONS look at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/beacmap.php
*** RUSSIAN WINTER MS CONTEST *** New 144 MHz Meteor Scatter Contest during 2010 Quadrantids shower: RUSSIAN WINTER MS CONTEST. Contest is held during Quadrantids meteor shower. Start: 02 Jan. 2010, 15:00 UTC End: 05 Jan. 2010, 04:59 UTC PARTICIPANTS - Radio amateurs from all over the World are invited. Read all and links to RULES: www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2989 SOURCE: tnx to Rytis, LY4U, direct to MMMonVHF
Another DX-Pedition by Dime, Z35Z, during the BCC MS Test to KN01 Dime, Z35Z, will try to setup a station at KN01 during the BCC MS Contest 2009 (Dates 11st to 14th of december 2009). QSLs are sure via DL8EBW (have a look how to obtain the QSL at the QSL page: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/qsl.php - More details about the activity later here http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2986 ... SOURCE: tnx to Dime, Z35Z, direct to MMMonVHF
*** EI / IO43 IO44 IO54 *** Dermont, EI7IX, is thinking of going on a mini-dxpedition this winter during either the Leonids or Geminids to activate a "rare" square on 2 meters. He need your feedback at his webpage: http://www.ei7ix.net/index.php?page=2-meters" SOURCE: Dermont, EI7IX on KST-Chat
Andy will be participating in the SPAR Winter Field Day 2010 as N8OFS (EN91ae) with a Catagory of 1H (1 Operator Home Site) I will be FM only, using 52.525 Simplex and the Local 6 Meter Repeaters (/Repeaters ARE ALLOWED for this Contest)... I will be using the /P setup I used all summer operating out of the pickup truck (engine running), Kenwood TS-60 at 90W (less power when using the /Repeaters) to the "Dominator" 5/8 wave Vertical. All details at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2972 SOURCE: tnx to Andy, N8OFS direct to MMMonVHF
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 12 November 2009)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ US COUNTY HUNTING - USA-CA
WA2DWP - Mike - 24 NOV 09 to 25 NOV 09 - SSB Only NY: Schoharie, Delaware, Otsego, Chenango, Broome. PA: Susquehanna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Schuykill, Lebanon, Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin. MD: Washington. WV: Berkeley. 25 November 2009: VA: Frederick, Shenandoah, Rockingham, Augusta, Rockbridge, Botetourt, Roanoke, Montgomery, Pulaski, Wythe, Smyth, Washington. TN: Sullivan. Return Trip on 28 November 2009. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
For all WLOTA Checkpoints, The decision of EA8AY WLOTA President is: 9M6DXX, 9M6DXX/p and 9M6XRO/p are not valid for WLOTA program. The QSLs will not be accepted.
For the WLOTA President, 73's - Phil - F5OGG WLOTA Manager http://www.wlota.com/ ---------------- QSLs received Bureau - 3X5A, 5J0A, 5L2MS, 7Q7CE, 8R1XR, 9Y4W, FJ/DJ2VO, J5UAP and V73PX.
QSLs received Direct - 5V7SE (IK3GES), 8R1DB (QRZ.com), 8R1TO (QRZ.com), 9G5ZZ (DL1CW), 9M6/JJ2CJB (hc), 9Y4D (QRZ.com), A73A (EA7FTR), BD9TD (QRZ.com), DX1J (JA1HGY), FS/K1XM (KQ1F), J28JA (F5JFU), PJ5/AH6HY (AH6HY), WP3C (W3HNK), YI1RZ (QRZ.com), ZK2NX (JM1CAX) and ZL7/N7OU (hc).
QSLs received LoTW - 7Q7AA, D2BB, EL2AD, K4M, PY1ZBA and S04R. ============================================ SILENT KEYS -
Harry Helms, W5HLH became Silent Key on Sunday November 15, 2009 after a long battle with cancer. He was 57 years young. Harry was an avid Ham and SWL and published a number of books on the the radio hobby over the years.
Rowley Shears BEM, G8KW, passed away peacefully on Tuesday 17 November 2009 at the age of 90.
Jorge Dionisio Camboni Camadini, CX8BBH (SK) - With sadness, the Radio Club Minas members have to announce the passing of Jorge, CX8BBH.
Eugene A. Kostromin, UA4RZ became Silent Key on Tuesday 17 November 2009 at the age of 62. ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
SA-071 UPDATE: PY2XB is already in the way to Cabras Islands (SA-071) to be active as PW2IO. He expects to be on the air this afternoon (Brazilian time). PW2TA (PY2WAS) will start only tomorrow. QSL PW2IO via PT7WA PW2TA via PY2WAS. [PT7WA] ---------------- PIRATE If you worked TX3A on RTTY on 14 Nov between 0400 through 0700 or so, it was a pirate. I have confirmed via the pilot station that they were not on the air. They sure fooled me, because the beam heading and frequency were correct he acted exactly like TX3A, even telling some they were dupes. I bet he worked a hundred or more, mostly JA with some scattered NA and Europe. At least we know ahead of time so we can work the real one. [N4TJ] ---------------- COMOROS: D68F cancelled. No more information to be published before Sam's return. [F5NQL] ---------------- CASHOTA Northern Ireland: Cashota-NI (castles and stately homes on air), have launched a new website for Northern Ireland. All information and details of historical sites and how to activate them can be found there, including activation forms for those amateurs that wish to have a go gaining the award. Information can also be obtained from The Northern Ireland Representative, Bobby 2i0ull on 07747019438. The website is located at www.cashota-ni.org ---------------- Gerard F2JD who is DU1/G0SHN will be back in France around November 20th. He was not very active (around 300 QSO) due to hight noise level in Manilla. He will be back in Philippines somewhere in February and will get another antenna for his multiple activity when he will traveliing on the neighbor islands. Logs are at: /LesNouvellesDX.fr/voirlogs.php [F6AJA] ---------------- 40m band expaned for VU - VU (India) Amateur Radio operators are now authorized to use 7.00 to 7.20 MHz (previously it used to be 7.00 to 7.10 MHz). Here is an extract of a message from ARSI (Amateur Radio Society of India which represents India in IARU): "I spoke to WPC just now and they have confirmed that the extra bandwidth has been officially released to VU radio amateurs based on the petitions given by ARSI on 15 April 2009, soon after the band was to be released as per agreement inWRC2003 The notification will appear on the WPC webpage shortly VU hams can now officially use that extra band width. They have also confirmed that the other requests made by ARSI regarding 10 MHz and 50 MHz are also under consideration, so please wait for further news. 73 Gopal VU2GMN" [QRZ.com] ============================================
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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