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ICPO Bulletin (20 - 28 May 2010) | 20:43 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar
date (day/month/year) ============================================ 20/05/2010:
Operators Rolf SM6IQD, Sten SM6MIS, Rick SM6U, Bengt SM6UQL, Chris
SM6VAO, Magnus SM6WET, Tomas SM6XMY, Janne SM6YOF and Pierre SB6A
will be active from the island of Vinga (EU-043, WLOTA 1517), using
the callsign 7S6W, on 20-23 May 2010. Activation will start around
Thursday afternoon. This year they will bring four stations, all with
kW. They will work SSB, CW and probably some RTTY. See homepage for online
log, antennas, etc. (http://sm6.se/7s6w).
QSL via the bureau or 7S6W (QRZ.com). [rsgbiota.org]
Alex, PY2WAS will be active from Providenciales island (NA-002)
20-23rd May as VP5/PY2WAS. QRV on 80-10m CW and SSB. There is a possibility
to share the operation with PY1YB - Ivan, but his participation is
not confirmed yet. QSL cards may be sent via bureau or direct to
PY2WAS. Website: vp5py2was.com/ [NG3K]
21/05/2010: Yogi, DB5YB
will be active from Fano [aka Fanø, Fanoe] (EU-125, DIA NS-002) as
OZ/DB5YB between 21st May and 2nd June 2010. QRV on all HF bands,
propagation and local conditions permitting. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
21/05/2010: Members of TCSWAT
will be active as TC1HLH on 21-23 May 2010 from the Tekirdag Hosköy
Lighthouse (ARLHS TUR-025) for Marmara Lighthouse On The Air 7th
Station. Contact can be used for the MLOTA Award. QRV on all HF
bands. QSL via TCSWAT / Op A.K.Tevfik, TA1HZ, PO Box 73 Karakoy,
Istanbul 34421, REPUBLIC OF TURKIYE. Website: www.ta0u.com/2010/eng/PDF/TC1HLH.PDF
21/05/2010: The Charente DX Group (CDXG) will activate
Brehat Island (EU-074, DIFM MA-012, WLOTA LH-2010, WW Loc. IN88MU)
from 21st May to 28th May 2010 signing TM0B. The team will consist of
Joel F1BLQ, Michel F5EOT, Eric F5LOW, Laurent F5MNK, Fabrice F5NBQ,
Bert F6HKA and Leon ON4ZD/OS0S. QRV on all HF bands with 4 or 5
stations. Modes SSB-CW-RTTY-PSK. QSL via F6ANA direct or bureau.
After the expedition the log will be online at:
users.belgacom.net/cdxg [F5NQL]
21/05/2010: Bill, VK4FW reports
that a WFF dxpedition from Queensland, Australian Mainland (OC-001,
WLOTA LH-1520) will take place between 0000z 21st May and 2359z 23rd
May 2010. Gary, VK4FD and Dale, VK4DMC will be operating as VK4YN
from the Undara Volcanic National Park (WFF VKFF-506, WW Loc.
QH21HS). QRV on the suggested frequencies as per the WFF website (+/-
QRM), using G5RV for 80m and WARC bands, double extended Zepp 40 and
4 Element Tri-Band Yagi 10/15/20m. QSL MANAGER: VK4FW, fastest way
is via OQRS at www.odxg.org/ [VK4FW]
22/05/2010: Using a special
event call sign, 9A0GEO, founders of Croatian Flora Fauna Program
(Franjo 9A2MF, Daki 9A2WJ, Drago 9A6NDD, Emir 9A6AA, ...) will be
active during the event named Geoparks Communication Weekend on 22-23
May 2010 in order to bring awareness and importance of Croatia's
first proclaimed beautiful Geopark "Papuk". The main goal will be to
establish contacts with other radio stations around Europe and the
world from bases set up in or around Geoparks. The main frequencies
to be used are 3.680, 7.080, 14.180, 21.180, and 28.180 MHz. Look for
9A0GEO on the main frequencies but also on other bands using CW and
PSK31. QSL's are welcome via 9A2MF (via the bureau). Website: www.inet.hr/9a6aa/WFF/9Awff_activities.htm
22/05/2010: Operators of The Clube Radioamadores do
Entroncamento, CS1CRE, will be active 22-23rd May 2010 from the
Belver Castle, located in the Province of Portalegre (WCA CT-00053,
DCFP C-053, DMHP PG-018, DMP 1209. They plan to use the special
callsign CS2BV on all bands CW/SSB and Digital modes. QSL via bureau
or direct. [RN1CW]
22/05/2010: Operators UR4MO, UR5MM, UR7MA,
US1MM, UT6MF, UX7MB and UY0MM will be active as EM7MFF from
Siversko-Donetskij National Park on 22-24 May 2010. They plan to
operate on 160-20 metre CW and SSB. QSL via US1MM, direct or bureau.
[425 DX News]
22/05/2010: Four stations will operate on all
bands and modes as IR0LVC from the Maddalena Archipelago (IOTA group
EU-041) during the Louis Vuitton Trophy (formerly known as Louis
Vuitton Cup) from 22 May to 6 June 2010. QSL via IS0MKX. [425 DX
22/05/2010: The "Ring Deutscher Pfadfinder" (group of
German Radio-Scouts) will be QRV from Romo Island (IOTA EU-125, DIA
NS-001, Grid Loc. JO45) as OZ1RDP from 22-24th May 2010. QRV on HF,
50, 70 and 144 MHz. It is the 15th meeting at OZ1RDP. QSL via DL9BCP,
direct or bureau. Further details at: www.oz1rdp.de/ [MMMonVHF]
Activation of Campbell Island (USi TX059, Parker County), State of
Texas, on 22 May 2010 using the callsign W5PC. This is a joint expedition
by the Amateur Radio Club of Parker County (W5PC) and the Tri-County
Amateur Radio Club of North Texas (WC5C). A commemorative QSL card
will be sent to each contact, paper QSL is requested. The group will
approach the island in their traditional fashion, by canoe and kayak.
Will attempt 14.250 plus or minus and 14.340 plus and minus are areas
to look for 20M, but will be equipped to work all HF bands. Sked requests
will be considered and attempted, QSY requests for contact via any
relay will be considered and attempted. Look for us on 7.250 during the
operation, and maybe around 3.950 later in the afternoon and evening.
Higher bands will be checked and attempted. PSK31 is possible, as
well as phone and CW contacts. Photos will be posted to the website WC5C.org/
and possibly some YouTube videos [USi]
23/05/2010: Thomas,
OE2ATN is planning to be active as 8Q7AT from the Island of Velidhu
(AS-013), North Ari Atoll (WLOTA LH-0317), between 23 May and 4 June.
Activity will be mainly SSB on 80/40/20 metres using a Yaesu FT-897D
(w/LDG Auto-Tuner and 100 watts) into possibly a G5RV antenna. QSL
via OE2ATN (QSL cards will go out via GlobalQSL.com). [OPDX Bulletin]
Lionel, TJ3SL will be active from Mayotte (AF-027, WLOTA LH-0376)
beginning 23 May for three months. He will sign FH8ND with activity
on HF. QSL via F1OKV. [dx-world.net]
23/05/2010: Roland, DL1EAL
will be active as PA/DL1EAL from Texel Island (IOTA EU-038, WLOTA
0043) between 23 May and 10 June 2010. Activity will be holiday style
with 100 watts into dipole antennas on all bands from 80-10 metres,
including the 30/17/12 metre bands. His activity will also include
the IARU CW Field Day and in the CQWW WPX CW Contest. QSL via his
home callsign, by the bureau, direct, eQSL and the LoTW. [OPDX
23/05/2010: Jim, WI9WI + Annette and Cristin will
visit the Signal Point contest station, located on the island of
Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA LH-0942) between 23 May and 2 June 2010. Jim
plans to participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30 May) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry, using the callsign PJ2T. Outside
the contest, look for Jim to be signing PJ2/homecall on all
bands/modes. QSL PJ2T via N9AG. QSL PJ2/WI9WI via WI9WI (QRZ.com).
24/05/2010: Tomas, VK2CCC will be active as VK9LL from
Lord Howe Island (OC-004) from 24-31 May. QRV 160m/80m, spare time
operation, including an entry in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30 May).
QSL via online QSL request system, LoTW, bureau or direct. Further
info at: www.qrz.lt/ly1df/vk9clh.htm [NG3K]
Operators Diethelm DJ2YE, Norbert DJ7JC, Dieter DJ8DS, Ulrich DJ9IE,
Detlef DK3QZ, Hans DL1XW, Kai DL3HAH, Joerg DL3QQ and Wil PA0BWL will
be active as CT3/homecall from Santana, Madeira Island (AF-014, DIP
MA-001, WLOTA LH-0053, WW Loc. IM12NT), on 25-29 May 2010. They will
also participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30 May) as CQ3L, a
Multi-? entry. QSL CQ3L via DJ6QT, direct or bureau. QSL others via
their home calls, bureau preferred. [NG3K]
25/05/2010: Alex,
UA9YAB plans to arrive in Mongolia on 25th May and will be operating
as JT9YAB from a car using simple antennas until 2nd June 2010. While
there they will also put an emphasis on 50 MHz. If all works out as
planned he will be find a location for a second trip for the coming
autumn for a focused 160 and 80 metre operation. QSL via their home
call, direct or via LOTW. No bureau requests. [MMMonVHF]
Vasiliy, RW9YW who resides near the Mongolian border will be active
as JT9YW from Ulgii city or Hoton-nur lake (WW Loc. NN48dp), Bayan-Ulgii
Aimag Province, Northwest Mongolia, between 25th May and 2nd June
2010. He will be active on the HF bands. QSL direct to home call (QRZ.com)
25/05/2010: John, PJ4/K4BAI is going to hit the airwaves
from the island of Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA LH-1279) from 25-31 May
2010. He will sign PJ4A during the CQWW WPX CW Contest. Bureau QSLs
may be requested also via e-mail (k4bai at att dot net). [DX
26/05/2010: A group of members of the Bulgarian LZ
Fauna Flora Club will be active 26-30 May 2010 as TC3WFF from the
Kuscenneti National Park (WFF reference TAFF-022), Balikesir
Province, in the Marmara region in northwestern Turkey. The team will
also participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30 May) as a Multi-2
entry. Prior to the contest they will be QRV on the WARC bands only,
using SSB. QSL via LZ44WFF (see QRZ.com). [NG3K]
Valle Brembana DX Contest Team members Enzo IZ2GLU, Fabio IZ2GMT,
Andrea IZ2AJE, Diego IW2MZX and Claudio IK2AOO will be active as TK9E
from the island of Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA LH-1390)
on 26-31 May 2010. QRV on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and 10m, mainly SSB
and CW. QSL via IZ2GLU, direct or bureau. Website: www.radioamatori.vallebrembana.org/vbdxc.htm
27/05/2010: Laci, HA0HW will be active as J48HW and
SV8/HA0HW from Thassos Island, Greece (IOTA EU-174, GIOTA NAS-037,
MIA MG-124, WLOTA LH-4186, QRA KN20HS) from 27 May to 7 June 2010. He
will operate mainly CW, with some SSB, RTTY and PSK31 as well, on
the HF bands (mainly on 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres) and on 6 metres. He
will take place in The CQ WPX CW contest as J48HW. His rig are a
FT-840 with a MOS-FET amplifier and an IC-706 (for 6m only) with
monoband Gps and dipoles on fishing poles. QSL via home call, direct
or via HA-bureau. [HA0HW]
27/05/2010: After an 11 year absence,
Darrell, AB2E will be returning to activate V26E on the island of
Antigua (NA-100, WLOTA 1118) for the 2010 WPX CW contest as
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power! He will hopefully be active on the air
from Thursday 27 May through Monday 31 May 2010. WARC bands and low
bands will be concentrated on before and after the contest (all CW).
New QSLs will be ordered for the occasion, and all logs will be
uploaded to LoTW upon his return. As usual, QSL direct via AB2E for
any and all operations of V26E from 1993 to present. [NG3K]
Eric, K9GY will once again be active as YN2GY from Granada (WW Loc.
EK71AU), Nicaragua, from 27-31 May. QRV all HF bands, plus 6 metres
(100W, 3 ele quad, 50.115USB). His main focus will be the CQWW WPX CW
Contest (29-30 May) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via LoTW or direct to
home call. [NG3K]
28/05/2010: Operators Giovanni I2OGV, Ivano
I2RFJ, Giuseppe I2ZBX, Diego IZ2AMV and Andrea IZ2LSC will operate as
9A/homecall between 28 May and 2 June 2010 from Sveti Nikola Island
(EU-110, ACIA IC-516, IOCA CI-118, MIA MC-414, WLOTA LH-3152). QRV on
80-6 metre CW, SSB and RTTY, with three or four stations. QSL via
home calls, direct or bureau. On-line logs and further information
at: www.timpy.it/eu110/ [425 DX News]
28/05/2010: Operators
Antonio, EA5RM, Roberto EA2RY, Fernando EA5FX, Manuel EA7AJR, Jose
EA7KW, Florent F5CWU, Alain F6ENO, Bernard F9IE, Fabrizio IN3ZNR and
Valery UT7CR) will be active as E4X from Ramallah, Palestine (Grid
Loc. KM71), from 28 May to 6 June 2010. QRV 160-6m using CW, SSB and
RTTY, with at least three stations active at the same time on
different bands and modes. QSL via EA5RM (QRZ.com). Web: www.dxfriends.com/e4x/
28/05/2010: Mek, SP7VC will be on a fishing trip to
Norway (Grid Loc. JP54FI) and will be QRV between 28 May and 4 June
2010. Activity will be during his free time on 80, 40 and 20 metres
with 500W and dipoles. He will also be active on 6 meters with 500W
and 5 element yagi. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Further info
at: www.sp7vc.pl/ [DL8EBW]
28/05/2010: Several members of the
Halifax Amateur Radio Club (VE1FO) plan to be active as VE1FO/9
between 2200z 28 May and 2300z 31 May 2010 from Campobello Island
(NA-014, CIsA NB001). Operators include Dick VE1AI, Scott VE1QD,
Howard VE1DHD, Gary VE1RGB, Ken VY2RU, Ella VE1PEI, Cory N1URA and
Beckie KB1IRZ. QSL via VE1FO, direct with SAE/SASE + sufficient
postage (1 IRC, or $2 US) or by the bureau. No US stamps on SASEs
please ... they are no good in Canada. [rsgbiota.org] ============================================ LOOKING
29/05/2010: Felipe, NP4Z will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry from the Puerto Rico contest club station KP3Z, Rio Piedras,
Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA LH-2802), during the CQWW WPX
CW Contest (29-30th May). QSL KP3Z via N4AO (see QRZ.com). [NG3K]
Andy HB9CVQ, Will DF4PD, Chris DL7CS, Mike DF3VM, Hubert DJ8VH and
Philippe LX2A will once again activate the LX7I callsign, from Eschdorf,
Luxembourg, during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (29-30th May) as a Multi-2
entry. QSL via LX2A, direct or bureau. There will be a live webcam
on their homepage during the contest. Website: www.lx2a.com/ [NG3K]
Peter, ON3WAB will be active as homecall/p from the following WFF
Parks and Reserves: 29 May from the Yzermonding Nature Reserve,
Nieuwpoort (WFF ONFF-026); 30 May from the Hoge Dijken Nature Reserve,
Ettelgem (WFF ONFF-024); and 31 May 2010 from the De Gavers Nature
Park, Harelbeke (WFF ONFF-051). QRV mailny on 40 and 20 metres. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [ON3SSB]
08/06/2010: Andrea,
IK1PMR and Claudia, PA3LEO will be active as PJ7/homecall from Sint
Maarten (NA-105, WLOTA LH-0711) on 8-12 June 2010. QRV holiday style,
with 100W and focus on the WARC bands. Andrea will be on CW, while
Claudia works RTTY. QSL via PA3LEO, direct or OQRS (see QRZ.com).
12/06/2010: After their stay on Sint Maarten, Andrea
IK1PMR and Claudia PA3LEO will activate the island of Anguilla
(NA-022, WLOTA LH-1474) on 12-21 June 2010. They have requested the
callsigns VP2EMR and VP2ECF. Once again this will be holiday style
operation with focus on the WARC bands, running 100 Watts CW and
RTTY. QSL via PA3LEO, direct or OQRS (see QRZ.com). [NG3K]
It's time for some more fun in the sun. Join us as we take on the
island of Eleuthera (NA-001, Grid Loc. FL15) between 9 and 25 July,
2010. Operators this year are Mark NA6M (C6AMS), Renee N5BW (C6AMR),
Scott K2CK (C6ASH), Alan K5AB (C6AAB) and Carolyne W5ETY (C6ATY). QSL
via home calls. Logs will be posted on their website (www.c6ams.com/index.php).
21/07/2010: Operators Silvia EA1AP, Juanjo EA1CJ,
Alberto EA1SA and Raul EA5KA will be active from the 'Le Calao'
rental shack, Somone, Senegal, on 21-31 July 2010, using the callsign
6V7W. They will be QRV on 160 to 6m, SSB, CW and RTTY. They will try
to be active with 3 stations on, sometimes with special emphasis on
the 6 metre band (WW Loc. IK14LL). On 6m they will use 100W and 5
element yagi, listening 50.100 (CW) and 50.110 (USB). QSL via EA5KA.
Further information, plus online logs, can be found at:
6v7w.dxciting.com/ [NG3K]
24/07/2010: Peter, DF6QC a resident of
Helgoland Island (EU-127, DID/GIA N-14, WLOTA LH-0518, DOK E20, WW
Loc. JO34WE) will be active for the RSGB IOTA Contest (24-25 July).
QSL via the bureau is preferred; please No eQSL. Website:
www.df6qc.de/ [NG3K]
24/07/2010: Carter, N3AO (ARLHS member
#1604) along with Max, WB8FLE will be activating the Cape Hatteras
lighthouse (ARLHS USA-119, TWLHD WLH K-033, WLOTA LH-3913, Admiralty
J2396), located on Hatteras Island (NA-067, USi NC005S, Dare County),
State of North Carolina, on July 24 2010. QRV on or near the usual
ARLHS frequencies, most likely focusing on 40 and 20 metres. QSL via
home calls. [ARLHS]
25/07/2010: On July 25 2010, Carter N3AO
(ARLHS member #1604) along with Max WB8FLE will activate the Ocracoke
lighthouse (ARLHS USA-561, TWLHD WLH K-113, WLOTA LH-0466, Admiralty
J2408), located on Ocracoke Island (NA-067, USi NC001S, Hyde
County), State of North Carolina. QRV on or near the usual ARLHS
frequencies, most likely focusing on 40 and 20 metres. QSL via home
calls. [ARLHS]
19/09/2010: Some members of the Skyview Radio
Society (K3MJW) will be active from the Signal Point contest station,
on the island of Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA LH-0942), as PJ2/homecall on
19-28 September 2010. They will also participate in the CQWW DX RTTY
Contest (25-26 September) as PJ2S, a Multi-Single entry. Operators
include Rich K3RWN, Steve KB3EYY, Larry AB3ER, Bob KG3F and Bob
K3RMB. QSL PJ2S via K3MJW, direct or bureau. QSL others via their
home calls. [NG3K]
20/10/2010: Gabi DF9TM, Heiko DL1RTL, Frank
DL2SWW and Ric DL2VFR are in the planning stages of an IOTA operation
from Tasiilaq/Ammassalik (NA-151), Greenland. They plan to operate
CW, SSB and RTTY as OX/Homecall between 20-30 October 2010. Further
information is expected in due course. Website:
www.iota-expedition.com/tasiilaq/tasiilaq.html [dx-world.net] ============================================ SPECIAL
CE - CHILE - The RadioClub de Chile will air the
special event callsign 3G3ITU during the month of May 2010 to mark
the 75th anniversary of the ITU. QSL via CE3AA. [DX Newsletter]
- HUNGARY - Special event station HG30FHA operating to commemorate the
30 years ago space flight of the first Hungarian astronaut FARKAS Bertalan.
Operated by the members of HA5KFV (MOM Radio Club) until 31 December
2010. QSL via HA5KFV and LoTW. [HA0HW]
22/05/2010: Argentina
will be celebrating their "May Bicentennial Revolution" this month.
In commemoration, the Radio Club Argentino (RCA), National IARU
Member Society announced that all Argentine radio amateurs will be
allowed to change their callsign's prefixes on 22-25 May 2010,
according to the following criteria: LU stations will shift their
prefixes to LR; LW to LV; AZ to LT; Amateur Radio Clubs and Associations
to LS; Scouts Groups, Schools and any other institutions holding a
license to AY. A special two class award will be issued to radio
amateurs and SWL's worldwide who achieve a certain number of prefixes.
Since this event is a very special occasion for Argentina, they
invite everybody to join them on the air. For more details, please visit:
www.lu4aa.org/bi/awards.htm [OPDX Bulletin]
22/05/2010: For the
celebrations of the Bicentennial of Argentina Independence, the
Radio Club de los Andes LU8YE (San Martín de los Andes (NQ),
Argentina) will be on air between 22 and 25 May 2010 operating with
the special callsign LS8YE. QSL via EA7FTR, direct only. More info at:
www.qrz.com/db/LS8YE [LU7YS]
22/05/2010: The Radio Club Ushuaia
LU8XW is planning an expedition to the City of Tolhuin,
commemorating the 25th anniversary of the radio club. LU8XW will be
active in SSB, CW, PSK, RTTY and Satellites, from 0100 UTC 22 May
until 0300 UTC 24 May 2010. All contacts on this expedition are all
contacts are valid for Radio Club Ushuaia Permanent Diploma. QSLs via
WD9EWK and LoTW. (IOTA SA 008) - (W.A.P. - W.A.C.A Ref ARG-23).
Website: www.lu8xw.com.ar/ [LU6XV]
22/05/2010: The Radio Society
of Harrow will be operating GB1RBP from RAF Bentley Priory on 22
May. Operations are at the invitation of St Luke Hospice in
association with the Bentley Priory Battle of Britain Trust. The
Society will demonstrate amateur radio, Morse code and display some
WWII communications equipment at the former RAF Bentley Priory in
Stanmore, NW London. GB1RBP will be operational on HF, 2m and 70cm.
QSL via G0ACK (QRZ.com) [GB2RS]
22/05/2010: GB6GEO The Geoparks
Communication Weekend (22-23 May 2010) is active again this year at
Kents Cavern in Torquay, right in the heart of the English Riviera
Global Geopark. Supported by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, and the
Torbay Amateur Radio Society. Suggested frequencies: 3.680, 7.080,
14.180, 21.180, and 28.180MHz. GB6GEO will also be transmitting on 2m
FM/SSB. All QSL cards will automatically be sent out via the bureau,
or send an SASE in the UK. If you are outside the UK, then please
send an addressed envelope, and sufficient funds for return postage,
if you would like a card direct (Please QSL via G3VOF). A Geopark
certificate endorsed by our Queens husband H.R.H The Duke of Edinburgh,
with his own words of congratulating the holder, is also available.
Full information about the event, QSLling and the special certificate
can be found on QRZ.com under GB6GEO. [K1XN]
Celebrating the 85th anniversary of the South African Radio League,
special event station ZS85SARL will be active from the Ysterplaat Air
Force Base near Cape Town on 22 May (6-18 UTC) 2010, on 80, 40 and
20 metres. QSL via operator's instructions. [425 DX News]
The Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club (GI0LEC) again this year will take
part in the weekend international Geoparks Communication event on 22
& 23 May 2010, with callsign GB2MAC at the Marble Arch Caves International
Global Geopark, Northern Ireland (EU-115, WLOTA LH-1439). GB2MAC
will seek contacts with similar Geopark stations, including the only
other one in Ireland (EU-115, WLOTA LH-2482), EI2GEO (QSL QRZ.com) at
the Copper Coast Geopark in County Waterford. Other Geopark stations include
the Hoover ARC GB5GEO (QSL QRZ.com) in Merthyr Tydfil, England (EU-005,
WLOTA LH-1841) and GB6GEO (QSL G3VOF d/b) from Kent’s Cavern in Torquay.
22/05/2010: The Grayson County Amateur Radio Club K5GCC
will operate a special event station from MKT (Katy) passenger depot
in Dension, Texas, from 1400-2400 UTC on 22nd May 2010. Operation
will be on or near RRDOTA frequencies on 80, 40, and 20 meters SSB.
Certificate available upon receipt of QSL card and SASE. #10 envelope
for folded cert, 9 x 12 for unfolded certificate. QSL to K5GCC
(QRZ.com). Operation is to commemorate the arrival of the first train
from the North into Texas on Christmas Day 1872. For more
information about Railroad Depots On The Air, visit their web page
at: w0jrm.homelinux.net/rrdota/index.php [N8OFS]
This year the Boy Scouts Of America turns 100 year old. The special
event callsign WS8BSA will be aired on 22nd May 2010 from 1400-2100
UTC. QRV on 80, 20 and 15 metres. QSL via KE8X (QRZ.com). Further
information will be available closer to the date of activity. [N8OFS]
Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-events ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE
20/05-23/05 7S6W: Vinga LH-1517 QSL Buro or 7S6W
(QRZ.com) 21/05-28/05 TM0B: Brehat Island LH-2010 QSL F6ANA (d/b) 21/05-23/05
VK4YN/P: Australia (main isl) LH-1520 QSL VK4FW (d/b) 22/05-23/05
EI2GEO: Ireland WLOTA:2482 QSL QRZ.com 22/05 GB1RBP:
England (main isl) LH-1841 QSL G0ACK (QRZ.com) 22/05-23/05 GB2MAC:
Northern Ireland LH-1439 QSL GI0LEC (d/b) 22/05-23/05 GB5GEO:
England (main island) LH-1841 QSL QRZ.com 22/05-23/05 GB6GEO:
England (main island) LH-1841 QSL QRZ.com 23/05-04/06 8Q7AT: Ari
Atoll LH-0317 QSL OE2ATN (d/b) 23/05-23-08 FH8ND: Mayotte Island
LH-0376 QSL F1OKV (d) 23/05-10/06 PA/DL1EAL: Texel Island LH-0043
QSL HC (d/b) 23/05-02/06 PJ2/WI9WI: Curacao Island LH-0942 QSL HC
(d/b) 25/05-29/05 CT3/DJ2YE: Ilha da Madeira LH-0053 QSL HC (b) 25/05-29/05
CT3/DJ7JC: Ilha da Madeira LH-0053 QSL HC (b) 25/05-29/05
CT3/DJ8DS: Ilha da Madeira LH-0053 QSL HC (b) 25/05-29/05 CT3/DJ9IE:
Ilha da Madeira LH-0053 QSL HC (b) 25/05-29/05 CT3/DK3QZ: Ilha da
Madeira LH-0053 QSL HC (b) 25/05-29/05 CT3/DL1XW: Ilha da Madeira
LH-0053 QSL HC (b) 25/05-29/05 CT3/DL3HAH: Ilha da Madeira LH-0053
QSL HC (b) 25/05-29/05 CT3/DL3QQ: Ilha da Madeira LH-0053 QSL HC (b) 25/05-29/05
CT3/PA0BWL: Ilha da Madeira LH-0053 QSL HC (b) 25/05-31/05
PJ4/K4BAI: Bonaire Island LH-1279 QSL HC (d/b) 26/05-31/05 TK9E:
Corsica Island LH-1390 QSL IZ2GLU (d/b) 27/05-07/06 J48HW: Nisos
Thasos LH-4186 QSL HA0HW (d/b) 27/05-07/06 SV8/HA0HW: Nisos Thasos
LH-4186 QSL HC (d/b) 27/05-31/05 V26E: Antigua Island LH-1118 QSL
AB2E (d) 27/05-02/06 VQ90JC: Diego Garcia Island LH-1645 QSL ND9M
(d/b) 28/05-02/06 9A/I2OGV: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b) 28/05-02/06
9A/I2RFJ: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b) 28/05-02/06
9A/I2ZBX: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b) 28/05-02/06
9A/IZ2AMV: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b) 28/05-02/06
9A/IZ2LSC: Sveti Nikola Island LH-3152 QSL HC (d/b) ============================================ SIX
22/05-23/05 GB6GEO: England EU-005 Geopark 2M
FM/SSB QSL G3VOF (d/b) 22/05-24/05 OZ1RDP: Roemoe Island EU-125
JO45 6M-2M QSL DL9BCP (d/b) 25/05-02/06 JT9YAB: Mongolia, mobile
with focus on 6M QSL UA9YAB (d) 27/05-07/06 J48HW: Thassos Is EU-174
KN20hs 6M IC-706 QSL HA0HW (d/b) 27/05-70/06 SV8/HA0HW: Thassos Is
EU-174 KN20hs 6M IC-706 QSL HC (d/b) 27/05-31/05 YN2GY: Granada,
Nicaragua EK71au 6M 50.115USB 100W 3ele
quad QSL K9GY (d) 28/05-06/06 E4X: Palestine KM71 6M 50.103CW
50.103USB QSL EA5RM (d) 28/05-06/06 LA/SP7VC: Norway JP54fi 6M
IC-706+500W 5el QSL HC (d/b)
29/05/2010: VUCC grid hunters who
need Canadian grid EO40 may want to listen for Mike, WB8BZK/VE3 who
will activate EO40ud for six days from Seseganaga Lake, in the
Province of Ontario, between 29 May 29 and 3 June 2010. Band: 50 MHz
SSB and CW. Frequencies: 50.135 MHz (starting on the calling freq,
50.125 MHz and moving up to 50.135 during an opening). Equipment:
FT100D with 100W into a 3 element yagi up 30 feet, battery powered.
Activity times: Mike will check for activity each morning at 1230z
and then again between 2230z and 2300z each evening. He will also give
it a try if the WX is too nasty to go out fishing. QSL with SASE to WB8BZK
(QRZ.com). [N8OFS]
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy
'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 19 May
Information about current VHF activities can be found on
the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
(Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ US
KL1V - Kent - 2* - 5-20-10 to 5-23-10 -
SSB and CW going to do some gambling in the Yukon Territory and
excercise my Canadian callsign (VY1KL) so will put out the third and
the fourth districts on the way there and the way back and some mid
day operating on friday or sat with my canadian callsign. QSL via
home call. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ QSL
Available now logs online from all six "CQ72LH# -
2nd Algarve LH Activity" stations. 6 Lighthouses, 14 operators and
total of 11654 QSOs. Pictures and statistic will be available soon. For
now, logs on: algarvedx.com/ [Algarve STAR DX Team] --------------------- QSLs
received Bureau - none to report! Postman still lost!! :o(
received Direct - 5WØYA (W7YAQ), 6W/GM4FDM (hc), 6Y9V (WD9DZV), 9K2F
[AS-118] (9K2HN), CN8KD (QRZ.com), CT9/DL3KWR (hc), E76C (E77E), EA6SA
(QRZ.com), HR5/F2JD (F6AJA), HVØA (IKØFVC), J38XX (DL5AXX), LY2KM (QRZ.com),
OD5/DL6SN (DO8LA), P43JB (QRZ.com), PJ6/K4UEE (hc), PYØFF (W9VA),
V63T (JA7GYP), VK4SWE [OC-227] (QRZ.com), Z36T (DJØLZ), ZK3YA (W7YAQ)
and ZP6CW (N4PW).
QSLs received LoTW - 5WØOU, A31A, C37URE,
ZK3OU. ============================================ LINKS - IOTA
(Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air)
at: www.sota.org.uk/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
www.wcagroup.org/ENG/main.html WCA Reflector: wca_group-subscribe@yahoogroups.com WCAG
(World Castles Activity Group) at: www.wcagroup.org/ENG/wcag.html WFF
(World Flora & Fauna) at: wff44.com/ ============================================ BITS
On Behalf Bill Horner, VK4FW: Bill has asked
whether you could please post the following note on his behalf: Refer
to QRZ.com for confirmation. VK4FW currently has NO internet
capability, including EMAIL address. Therefore any emails will bounce
- We should be operational with new ISP within 10 days changing over
presently. Regards Trent VK4TI --------------------- KENYA -
Extension of 40m Band The Communications Commission of Kenya has
approved the use by radio amateurs in Kenya of the sub-band 7100 kHz
to 7200 kHz. Website: www.qsl.net/arsk/ & www.cck.go.ke/ --------------------- Cray
Valley Award returns The Cray Valley Radio Society has
re-launched its Cray Valley Award. It is available to any licensed
radio amateur or short wave listener who works or hears Cray Valley
members, their club call G3RCV, or one of the many special event
stations the club have organised in the last 10 years. Full
details of activity periods and Award rules are available at www.cvrs.org/ Any
profits from award applications received from non-members will be donated
to radio related charities. [Southgate ARC] *******************************************
and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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