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Главная » 2012 » Июнь » 22 » ICPO Bulletin (22-29 June 2012)
ICPO Bulletin (22-29 June 2012)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
22/06/2012:  The Telford and District Amateur Society (G3ZME, FISTS #15554) will
be visiting the Island of Guernsey (EU-114, WLOTA 0013, WAB WV27, WW Loc.
IN89QK) between 22-27 June, 2012. Operators include David 2W0ZJA, Martyn G3UKV,
Dave G8VZT, Jim G8UGL, Paul M0PNN, Peter 2E0ZSU, Richard M1RKH and Mike G4NKC.
They will be operating on HF 160-10m, VHF 50MHz 70MHz 144MHz, UHF 1.3GHz and SHF
2.3GHz 3.4GHz 5.7GHz 10GHz 24GHz. You may follow the DX Expedition on twitter -
2W0ZJA will be tweating updates, frequencies, etc.,!/@2W0ZJA . VHF talk back and ON4KST chat will also be used.
Locator Square of the camping site is IN89QK but members of the group may well
move around the island looking for the best paths to UK EU etc. The team will
also take part in the following contests over the weekends of 23-24th June
1.3GHz and 50MHz (CW) contests, UKug contests 24th June 5.7GHz, Cumulative 24th
June 10GHz, Cumulative 24th June 24GHz, Cumulative 26th June SHF and the UKAC
2.3Ghz-24Ghz. They will be QRV at the peak to the es season so 50mhz will be a
priority. QSL via G3ZME (Bureau) or via M0PNN (Direct). Further information can
be found at: [rsgbiota]

22/06/2012:  Operators Allan KV4T, Steve KI4GGJ, John AJ4T, Gaston W4CCF and
Nicholas KJ4AVG will be active as homecall/p from Dauphin Island (NA-213, USi
AL002S, Mobile county), Alabama, from 22-25 June, 2012. Look for KV4T/P on 17
metre CW. Look for AJ4T on 20 metre SSB. Others will roam the bands. QSL via the
individual operator's home call. [rsgbiota]

22/06/2012:  Rob, KC0VEU, will again be /VY0 from Eureka, a small research base
on thr Fosheim Peninsula, Qikiqtaaluk region, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
(NA-008, CIsA NT003, WW Loc. EQ79AX) betweem 22nd June and 5th July 2012 on
official business. Sometime during his stay, and weather permitting, he will
attempt to operate from the PEARL facility 15km away, which is located at 80°N,
86°25'W and therefore in the rare ER grid (ER60) for those who chase the CQ Grid
Fields award, and the rare ITU Zone 75. PEARL (the Polar Environment Atmospheric
Research Laboratory) is also a separate base for the Arctic Challenge
( This is Rob's fifth time on Ellesmere. KC0VEU
recently passed his Extra class exam and is expecting a new call sign in the AD0
block, but will still sign /VY0. This activity also counts for World Flora &
Fauna reference VEFF-080 (Quttinirpaaq National Park). QSL direct or Bureau to
his home call. [WC6DX]

23/06/2012:  Members of the Nicosia Amateur Radio Club plan to be active as C4MG
from Agios Georgios islet [aka Kakoskaliou / Kakoskali Island] (AS-120, MIA
MCI-001, WW Loc. KM65EB), located off the north-east coast of the Akamas
Peninsula, in Chrysochou Bay. They hope to be on the air by 0600 UTC on Saturday
23rd and operate through to 1400 UTC on Sunday 24th of June, 2012. Plans are to
have 3 x 100W stations operating at the same time on 80 to 6 metres, mostly SSB
but also some CW. Antennas: 2 x Big SteppIR BigIR verticals, HF2V, homebrew 3el
yagi for 50MHz / 2el yagi 10/12/17m. Team members will be Stavros 5B4AFM, Tamer
5B4AHE, Nestor 5B4AHZ, Doros 5B4AJH, Pavlos 5B4AMF, Spyros 5B4MF, Christis
5B4SN, Philip 5B4ZN and Andreas 5B8AP. QSL via 5B4KH, direct or Bureau. [5B4AHJ]

23/06/2012:  On 23rd June 2012 Alain, F6CUG/p, will activate the Castle
d'Agencourt (DFCF 21-129), commune of Agencourt (CP 21700), canton [county] of
Nuits-Saint-Georges (DDCF 21-24), Department Cote-d'Or/21 and Province (region)
Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV on 80 and 40 metres. QSL via home call, Bureau or direct.

23/06/2012:  The Radio Club of Velay, F6KQJ/p, will be active on 23rd June 2012
from the Castle of the Roche Lambert (DFCF 43-013), commune of Saint-Paulien (CP
43350), canton [county] of Saint-Paulien (DDCF 43-24), Department Haute-Loire/43
and Province (region) Auvergne (DPF 03). QRV on the HF bands according to
propagation. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [DFCF]

23/06/2012:  Patrick, F8DYD, plans to be homecall/p on 23rd June 2012 from the
Tower Chappe TC86CR. At the same time he will activate the Castle of Palais
(DFCF 86-098). Both the Tower and the Csstle are located in the commune of
Croutelle (CP 86240), Poitiers 5th Canton [County] (DDCF 86-35), Department
Vienne/86 and Province (region) Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). Hours and usual
frequency. He will also try CW about 7.015 MHz. QSL via home call, Bureau or
direct. [F8DYD]

23/06/2012:  Claudio, IZ0KRC, will be active holiday style as IS0/IZ0KRC from
Cala Gonone, municipality (comune) of Dorgali, Province of Nuoro, Sardinia
(EU-024, IIA SD-001, MIA MIS-035, WLOTA 1608, WW Loc. JN40TG) between 23rd June
and 15th July 2012. He will be QRV on the HF bands, plus 6 metres, using SSB, CW
and the Digital modes. QSL via his home call, Bureau preferred. Further
information can be found on his website at: [rsgbiota]

23/06/2012:  Brian is inviting you to meet him on 20 metres (14.340 +/-) 2 hours
before field day starts (11am Central) for a QSO from Mustang island (NA-092,
USi TX011S), Gulf of Mexico, Nueces County, Texas. Custom QSL cards have been
printed and will be sent out to anyone in his log that day. [USi]

23/06/2012:  Andy, N8OFS (SMIRK #6737), will be the 'free VHF' station for the
K8QQQ Field Day (23-24 June, WW Loc. EN91ae), parked and locked on 52.525FM as
always... "For this one I will have both vertical and horizontal polarities... I
have retuned my PAR OA-50 for 52.525FM..." QSL via home call ( or via
eQSL. The CrAzY 6M FM only, sometimes found in a Caboose guy... [N8OFS]

23/06/2012:  Operators Miro YT1UM, Miso YU1GU, Mirko YU3MMM and Milan YU5CW will
be active as homecall/p from the nature reserve Obedska Bara (WFF YUFF-039) on
23 and 24th June, 2012. QRV on all HF bands and modes. The nature reserve
situated in the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in the region of
Srem, south of the motor-road #121 (Beograd-Zagreb), in the territory of the
Commune of Pedinci, between the villages of Obrez and Kupinovo (WW Loc. KN04AR).
QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [DXAT]

24/06/2012:  Lionel, F5NEP, will be active as homecall/p on 24th June 2012 from
the Castle of Bonchamp (DFCF 91-048) and the Castle of Semont (DFCF 91-056).
Both castles are located in the commune Ville de Dourdan (CP 91410), canton
[county] of Dourdan (DDCF 91-07), Department Essonne/91 and Province (Region)
Ile de France (DPF 21). QRV on 80, 40 metres. QSL via home call, direct or
Bureau. [F5NEP]

24/06/2012:  Wolfgang, DM2AUJ, will activae the island of Senja (EU-046), Troms
County, Norway, as LA/DM2AUJ from 24-28 June, 2012. QRV on the HF bands, around
the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call, Bureau or direct.

24/06/2012:  Sometime between 24th June and 5th July 2012 operators Gil F4FET,
Vincent F4BKV, Eric F4FJH and Diégo F4HAU will activate 3 islands in the
Bretagne Region group (EU-157) using the special callsign TM0CEZ. Please, make
only 1 QSO. Don't multiplicate QSO on the bands. They will be active on EU-157
only for 12 to 22 hours during the period. Dates will depend on sea and weather
conditions. Plans are to activate Ile de Cezembre (DIFM MA008), Ile Agot (DIFM
MA009) and Ile de Harbour (DIFM MA025, ARLHS FRA-020, WLOTA 1687). Rig:
IC706MKIIG, HEIL PRO SET Elite, amp HLA300V+ (300w), PSU 60amp + 25amp,
Generator HONDA EU20i 2kW inverter, Quad loop 10,15,17,20m, G5RV full size,
telescopic mast 10m DXWIRE, 16.2m DXWIRE, tuner LDG AT600PRO. Boat Bombard
Commando4 + 30hp motor + 6hp motor security. 1 tent. 1 kayak. 1 PC with internet
connection. QSL via F5CWU. Further information can be found at:
[DX World]

26/06/2012:  JA2MET will be active as JA2MET/1 from Mikura jima [jima means
island], North Izu Islands (IOTA AS-008) between 26 June and 1 July, 2012. Focus
will be on 6 metre Phone and maybe some CW. QSL via home call. [DXAT]

27/06/2012:  Kan, JE1SCF (KU2F) and Yoshi, JG4IQC plan to be QRV from the Daito
Islands (AS-047, WLOTA 0928), Okinawa Prefecture, Nansei Archipelago, Kyushu
Region, Japan. Activity will take place between 27 June and 2 July, 2012. QRV on
40-10 metre CW and SSB. QSL via home calls, by the JARL Bureau or direct
( [NG3K]

27/06/2012:  Members of the Russian Robinson Club, Dick N7RO and Yuri N3QQ, will
be active from the island of Tutuila (OC-045, USi AS007S, WLOTA 4385), American
Samoa, between 27th June and 3rd July, 2012. QRV on 40-10 metre CW, SSB and
RTTY. They will have two operating positions 100/600W. Depending on when the FCC
will act on their vanity callsign application, their callsign may change during
the expedition from KH8PPG to KH8RRC. QSL direct to N7RO or UA9OBA. Note: when
in Pago Pago, they will be meeting FWS officials and boat owners discussing the
possibility of activating the very rare Rose Atoll (OC-190), Rose Atoll National
Wildlife Refuge (WFF KFF-130), with a view to being active from there in
December 2012 / January 2013. [DX World]

29/06/2012:  Gordon, G3USR and Graham, M0AEP (UKSMG #1374) will be active from
the island of Montserrat (NA-103, WLOTA 1475, WW Loc. FK86VR) as VP2MSR and
VP2MDD, respectively, between 29 June and 9 July, 2012. They will be operating
from the QTH of Graham, VP2MDD, overlooking the Caribbean Sea on the West coast
of Montserrat. Gordon, VP2MSR, will be QRV on 6m with attention to any EU
openings. They will also be active on 20-10 metre SSB only. QSL VP2MSR via
G3USR, direct only - QTHR. QSL VP2MDD via M0AEP, direct or by the RSGB Bureau.
[DX World]

30/06/2012:  The Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League (PARL) will be joining the
Puerto Rico Olympic Committee to celebrate the Flag Bearing of the Puerto Rico
Delegation to the 2012 Olympic Games - London, which takes place 1st July, 2012.
They will activate the special event callsign K4O from the Puerto Rico Olympic
Committee headquarters, San Juan, Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi PR006S, WLOTA 2802).
Activity will be on all HF bands and modes for two days - 30th June and 1st
July. QSL via NP3O. [Southgate ARC]

01/07/2012:  There will be a Grimeton Radio/SAQ transmissions on 17.2 kHz, CW,
with the Alexanderson alternator on Sunday 1st July 2012, "Alexanderson Day", at
0900 UTC and 1200 UTC. They will start tuning up some 30 minutes before message.
There will be activity on amateur radio frequencies with the call SK6SAQ from
0915 to 1130 UTC and 1215 to 1300 UTC. Any of following frequencies: 14.035 kHz
CW; 14.215 kHz SSB; also from 0700 UTC also on: 3.755 kHz SSB. QSL-reports are
kindly received: E-mail to: info[at]; via the SM QSL Bureau and
direct to Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen, Grimeton
72, SE-432 98 Grimeton, Sweden. Website: [SM6NM]

08/07/2012:  Frandy, N1FJ, will be active as homecall/p from Three Mile island
(USi NH020, Not IOTA), located on Lake Winnipesaukee, Meredith, Belknap County,
New Hampshire, between 8th and 13th July 2012. QRV on 40-15 metres, WARC bands
included, QRP.Most likely CW, only unless his KX3 arrives by then. QSL via home
call, direct or Bureau. [USi]

12/07/2012:  The Strumble Head DX & Contest Group will once again be active as
MC0SHL from Ramsey Island (EU-124, Grid Loc. IO71), on the northern side of St.
Brides Bay, County of Pembrokeshire, southwest Wales, between 12th and 16th July
2012. They will be on all bands from 40m through to 6m using 2 Hexbeams and a
Windom. This year they are hoping to have a station dedicated to digital, mostly
RTTY, using a TS480 at 200w and one of the Hexbeams. Team members include Ant
MW0JZE, Charles M0OXO, Chris G1VDP along with Rob MW0RLJ and his wife Jane. As
usual QSL via the manager Tim M0URX using his OQRS system for a speedy turn
around. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and Clublog. Note: The team have also
advised that they will operate from their farm HQ in the Pembrokeshire National
Park (WFF GFF-015) if they are unable to make the crossing to the island due to
bad weather, but will announce on air if this is the case. All details and
(hopefully) a daily blog will be available on their website at:
[DX World]

23/07/2012:  Operators Dominik SQ7OXU, Sergey UA1ANA, Jack SP7DPJ and Constantin
RD1AR will be active as ES0W from the island of Ruhnu (EU-178, WLOTA 4244, WW
Loc. KO17OT), located in Saare County, Estonia, Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea,
from 23-30th July, 2012. This will include a Island DXpedition, Low Power, Mixed
entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July). They plan to use a TS-580 and
IC-7000, with Hexbeam and Inverted Vee's. QSL via SP7DPJ, direct (US$2 or 1 IRC)
or Bureau. [NG3K]

25/07/2012:  Operators BY2HIT, BH1MAD, BH1NYT, BG2BHC, BG2BMB, BG2BRO, BG2BYQ,
and BG8NPK will be active as BY2HIT/2 from Guanglu Dao  [Dao = Island] (AS-158,
WW Loc. PM19EE), Changhai County, Liaoning Province, China, from 25-31 July,
2012. Expect activity on all HF bands and modes. They will also participate in
the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July). QSL direct to BY2HIT. [rsgbiota]

28/07/2012:  Brani, OM2FY, will be active as 9A/OM2FY from the island of Brac
(EU-016, ACIA IC-657, CIA-04, IOCA CI-010, MIA MC-042, WLOTA 0416, WW Loc.
JN83II),  Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia, during the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29
July). His category will be Island-DXpedition//Single-Op/24hr/CW. QSL via home
call, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]

28/07/2012:  GianLuca, IC8WIC, will join the fun in the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29
July) as a Single-Op entry from his home QTH on the island of Capri (EU-031, IIA
NA-006, MIA MI-015, WLOTA 2466), Gulf of Naples, Campania region and Province of
Naples, Italy. QSL via the information at [NG3K]

28/07/2012:  Raf, IH9YMC, will be QRV in the RSGB IOTA Contest as a Single-Op
entry from Hic Sunt Leones, island of Pantelleria (AF-018, IIA TP-001, MIA
MI-124, WLOTA 0041), Africa Italy. QSL via eQSL only. [NG3K]

28/07/2012:  Operators Mike IK7FPX, Gilberto IK7LMX, Giancarlo IK7QMJ, Cesare
IK7XNF, Paolo IK7UXW, Angelo IZ7CTE, Jean IZ7SIA and Ivo 9A3A/I7 will be active
as IQ7HK in the RSGB IOTA Contest from the island of Capezzone (EU-091, IIA
LE-004, MIA MI-012, WW Loc. JN80WG), located near Porto Cesareo, Province of
Lecce and Region of Puglia. Plans are for a Island
DXpedition/Multi-Op/All-Band/Mixed/Low-Power entry. QSL via IK7FPX, direct only
(see [DX World]

28/07/2012:  Stan, N2US, will be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest as N2US/3 from
Assateague Island (NA-139, USi MD001S, WLOTA 4206), Worcester County, State of
Maryland. Plans are for a Single-Op/12 Hour entry. QSL via home call, direct or
Bureau and LoTW. [DXAT]

28/07/2012:  The Contest Team of Noord Holland (NH-province) PA6NH will be
active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July) as a Multi-Op/Mixed/Low-Power entry
from Texel island (EU-038, WLOTA 0043). Team members are Christiaan PA3FUN, Bram
PE1OPK, Jan PD1AIQ and Jerry PH9HB. All QSO's will be uploaded to LoTW AND
confirmed via Global QSL (=bureau). Should you require a direct QSL, please send
your application to PH9HB (address on [NG3K]

28/07/2012:  John, VE8EV, will be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July)
as VE8EV/p from Sachs Harbour [aka Ikhuak] on Banks Island (NA-129, CIsA NW007)
as a Single-Op/Mixed entry. Banks Island is located in the Beaufort Sea, in the
Inuvik Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. QSL via home call, Bureau or
direct. [DX World]

28/07/2012:  Ken, K6LA, will be active as VY2TT for the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29
July), from the PEI DX Lodge (WW Loc. FN76VS), located in Prince County, Prince
Edward Island (NA-029, CIsA PE001, WLOTA 0523). His category will be
Single-Op/All-Band/Mixed/24 hours. QSL via K6LA. [NG3K]

28/07/2012:  Adam, W1ASB, will be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July)
as W1ASB/p from Shea [aka Ram] island (NA-136, USi CT005), Norwalk islands
archipelago, Fairfield County, Connecticutt. Plans are for a
Single-Op/Low-Power/Unassisted/12hr entry. QSL via his home call address
( [USi]

10/08/2012:  Mike, VE2XB, plans activity from St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032,
DIFO FP-002, WLOTA 1417, Grid Loc. GN17) as FP/VE2XB between 10th and 20th
August 2012. QRV on 160-10m including the WARC bands 12, 17, and 30m and 6m when
there are openings. Mike will make a special effort to give first time CW DX
QSOs to Novices and newcomers, so listen on or near 7.115 MHz on 40m in the
evenings. QSL direct to address with self addressed stamped envelope
(SASE) with CDN stamps or self addressed envelope (SAE) and 2 IRCs or 2
greenstamps. If you want to wait, you can also QSL to his home call via the VE2
QSL Bureau. Website for further info: [DX World]

12/08/2012:  Geoffrey F4FVI, Chris HB9ELV, Johan F4GTD, Phillipe F5TRO and
Nicolas F8BDB plan a second operation as TM1NOI from Barbâtre (WW Loc. IN86WV),
Ile de Noirmoutier (EU-064, DIFM AT020, WLOTA 1224), department Vendée/85 and
province Pays-de-Loire (DPF 17) from 12-14 August, 2012. They are going to be
active around the IOTA frequencies according to QRM: 3.755, 7.055, 14.260,
18.128, 21.260, 24.950, 28.460 and 29.600 MHz. QSL direct to HB9ELV or via the
REF-Union Bureau to F4FVI. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. [DX World]

14/08/2012:  Ron, DL4ME, will once again be active from Dar es Salaam (WW Loc.
KI93PG), Tanzania, as 5H3ME between 14th August and 3rd September 2012. Look for
him to be QRV holiday style on 80-6 metre CW and the Digital modes, while
visiting his son Mike, 5H3EE. QSL via home call. [DXAT]

06/09/2012:  Hubert, OE3FHA and Sal, IC8SQS will be active as IC8/OE3FHA from
the island of Ischia (EU-031, IIA NA-001, MIA MI-042, WAIS EL44, WLOTA 0689,
Grid Loc. JN60) between 6th and 22nd September 2012. Isola d'Ischia is located
at the northern end of the Gulf of Naples, Tyrrhenian Sea, Campania region,
Province of Naples, Italy. They will work 100W SSB on all bands and will also
try 6 metres. QSL only via bureau to OE3FHA. [rsgbiota]

27/10/2012:  Zoli, HA5PP, will be active as 9H3PP in the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(27-28 October) from Qawra, Malta (EU-023, MIA MM-001, WLOTA 1113, WW Loc.
JM75FW). Plans are for a Single-Op/Single-Band 15m or 10m entry. QSL via home
call. [NG3K]

06/11/2012:  Han, SM6CVX, plans to be active as P29VCX from Bougainville Island
(WLOTA 0814, Grid Loc. QI73), Solomon Islands archipelago (OC-135), Bougainville
Province, Melanesia, between 6th and 9th November 2012. He will be QRV on the HF
bands, plus 6 metres. QSL via SM6CVX, direct or Bureau. [DX World]

20/11/2012:  Mike, AJ9C, will be active from Grenada, Nicaragua (WW Loc.
EK71AU), as YN2CC between 20th and 28th November 2012. This will include a
Single-Op/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (24-25 November). Mike will
be QRV on 160-6 metre CW, SSB and RTTY (3el quad for 6m @ 65'). QSL via home
call ( [NG3K]

24/11/2012:  Look for Zoli, HA5PP, to be active as 9H3PP from Qawra, Malta
(EU-023, MIA MM-001, WLOTA 1113, WW Loc. JM75FW), in the CQWW DX CW Contest
(24-25 November) as a Single-Op/Single-Band 15m or 10m entry. QSL via home call.

10/12/2012:  Norman, 5B4AIF, plans to be active as E51E from Tautu Village [Titi
Ai Tonga] (WW Loc. BH01CD), Aitutaki island, Aitutaki Atoll (OC-083), South Cook
Islands, between 10th December, 2012 and 5th January, 2013. Operating
holiday-style from a villa using basic antennas, primarily on SSB and RTTY. Some
slow CW is possible. QSL via EB7DX. [DX World]

23/06/2012:  For the first time Ham Radio Operators are going to take part in
the memorial services for the fallen allied bomber crews from WOII in Hamont
Achel. Since Bart Aerts (ON3FMB) was a little boy his grandfather told him
stories about the crashed airplanes and their crews above Achel and Hamont. To
remember these Heroes Bart decided in 2011 to start with RAF-MOTA (Royal Air
Force Memorial On The Air) activations as a radio amateur in the north of
Limburg at the exact crashsites where the planes came down during WOII. He is
the founder of the Royal Air Force Memorial On The Air activations in Belgium
and wants to keep the rememberence alive of these airplane crews who died for us
so we could live in freedom. When you want to know more about these activations
please check Bart's website: ( On 23 June 2012 Bart (ON3FMB)
and a team of radio amateurs from the region (From UBA section NLB: ON4VLM and
ON5WAL, UBA section NOL: ON3EE and ON7KEI and UBA section MTT: ON3EA) are going
on the air with the special callsign ON1RAFMOTA on this day of memorial
services. Their team will be QRV in SSB on 40m + 20m and on 2m FM above
145.500MHz. They also are going to be QRV in SSTV on 20m (14.230MHz). QSL only
via the Bureau to ON4VLM. [UBA HF News]

23/06/2012:  The Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (CARS) will again be operating
as GB100MWT from Sandford Mill Museum on on Saturday, 23 June 2012 to
commemorate the 100th anniversary of the opening of Marconi's Factory in New
Street which was the world's first purpose-built wireless factory. 'Marconi Day
at Sandford Mill'. QSL via RSGB Bureau or direct to G0MWT ( [Southgate

23/06/2012:  On 23rd and 24th June 2012, Milton Keynes ARS will be running
GB2AMT within Bletchley Park to recognise both the Centenary of the birth and
the memory of Alan Turing, whose wartime work at the Bletchley Park is well
known. The station will be working all HF bands. They will also be operating on
30th June and 1st July, however this time using their standard GB2BP call sign.
QSL via GB2BP, direct or via the RSGB Bureau. Website: [GB2RS]

23/06/2012:  The North Wakefield Radio Club will be operating a Special Event
Station at Holt Cross Station (WW Loc.IO93FS, WAB SE32), Middleton, Leeds, to
commemorate the 200th anniversary of steam festival at Middleton Light Railway.
The station will be on the air from approximately 9am to 5pm over the weekend of
the 23rd and 24th June 2012. The callsign for the event will be GB2MLR. QSL via
eQSL to G4NOK. Website: [GB2RS]

Huntingdonshire Amateur Radio Society (G0HSR) will be operating GB2RRM for
International Museums Weekend on 23rd and 24th June 2012 from the Ramsey Rural
Museum (WW Loc. IO92WK, WAB TL28), Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, England (EU-005,
WLOTA 1841). QSL via G0HSR, direct or via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

GB4H will be on the air for International Museums Weekend from Coventry on 23rd
and 24th June 2012. Run by the Coventry Amateur Radio Society, they plan to have
HF and VHF stations, located at The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum (Museum Number
5229), Jordon Well, Coventry, England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841). Website: [GB2RS]

23/06/2012:  The Montgomery County Amateur Radio Club (MARC) will use the
special call sign W3M during its Field Day operations on 23-24 June, 2012. (Not
on 23-24 July as previously reported). The group will hold their Field Day
operations from the Davis Airport in northern Montgomery County, State of
Maryland (WW Loc. FM19KF). QSL direct to NH7C (Steve Caesar, 3 Maryland Avenue,
Rockville, MD 20850-2327, USA). [MARC]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

22/06-27/06  GP3ZME/P: Guernsey Island (main) WLOTA:0013 QSL G3ZME (B)
23/06            GB100MWT: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL G0MWT (d/B)
23/06-24/06  GB2AMT: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL GB2BP (d/B)
23/06-24/06  GB2MLR: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL G4NOK eQSL
23/06-24/06  GB2RRM: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL G0HSR (d/B)
23/06-24/06  GB4H: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
23/06-15/07  IS0/IZ0KRC: Sardinia WLOTA:1608 QSL HC (B)
24/06-07/07  TM0CEZ: Ile Harbour DPLF:PB088 WLH:F-029 WLOL:FRA-020
                                        WLOTA:1687 QSL F5CWU (d/B)
27/06-02/07  JE1SCF/6: Kita Daito Shima WLOTA:0928 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/06-02/07  JG4IQC/6: Kita Daito Shima WLOTA:0928 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/06-03/07  KH8PPG / KH8RCC: Tutuila Island WLOTA:4385 QSL N7RO (d)
29/06-09/07  VP2MDD: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL M0AEP (d/B)
29/06-09/07  VP2MSR: Montserrat Island WLOTA:1475 QSL G3USR (d)

22/06-27/06  GP3ZME/P: Guernsey EU-114 Grid:IN89QK 50MHz-24GHz QSL G3ZME (B)
23/06-24/06  European EME Contest (5) CW/SSB 5.7GHz  23 0000z-24 2400z
23/06-24/06  VK Winter VHF-UHF Field Day 50MHz-47GHz  23 0100z-24 0100z
23/06-24/05  Quebec QSO Party 6 & 2m Classes  23 1700z-24 0300z
23/06-24/06  ARRL Field Day 6m & Up Classes  23 1800z-24 2059z
23/06-24/06  C4MG: Agios Georgios AS-120 Grid:KM65EB 6m SSB/CW QSL 5B4KH (d/B)
23/06-15/07  IS0/IZ0KRC: Sardinia EU-024 Grid:JN40TG 6m SSB/CW QSL H/c (B)
23/06-24/06  N8OFS/P: K8QQQ Field Day Grid:EN91AE 52.525FM QSL K8QQQ (d)
24/06            RSGB 50MHz CW Contest SO Fixed/Open  24 0900z-1200z
24/06            RSGB 70MHz Cumulatives  24 1400z-1600z
26/06            LY 2.4GHz & Up Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM  26 1700z-2059z
26/06            NRAU Microwave Activity Contest SO/MO/Open  19 1700z-2100z
26/06            The 50MHz Open Cumulative SO/MO  26 1700z-2100z
26/06            RSGB 50MHz UKAC SO/Fixed/Open  26 2000z-2230z
26/06-01/07  JA2MET/1: Mikura-jima AS-008 Grid:PM93TU 6m QSL H/c (d/B)
27/06            SKCC Straight Key Sprint 6m Class  27 0000z-0200z
29/06-09/07  VP2MDD: Montserrat NA-103 Grid:FK86 6m SSB 100W 5el QSL M0AEP (d/B)
29/06-09/07  VP2MSR: Montserrat NA-103 Grid:FK86 6m SSB 100W 5el QSL G3USR (d)

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated: 19 June 2012)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

TT8ES - Chad  2012 Operation

TL9EL - Central African Republic  2011 Operation

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager
QSLs via Bureau: PT1R [SA-079]

QSLs via Direct: 5N7M (OM3CGN), 9MØL (9M2TO), AT2DW [AS-175] (VU2SWS), CE2WQ
(EA5KB), CP4BT (EA5KB), E51BKV [OC-159] (F4BKV), FK/F4BKV [OC-033] (H/c), HKØNA
[SA-007] (N2OO), HR5/F2JD (F6AJA), KT3Q/6 [NA-066] (DF8DX), MUØFAL (,
(, VP5H (WØGJ), XU7DLH (DK7TF), YB8Y [OC-221] (YB1GJS), YC6ODD (F4BKV)
and YW5PI [SA-048] (DM4TI).

IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

Etherkit debuts with open source QRSS transmitter kit -
  Etherkit, a new amateur radio kit company devoted to open source hardware,
has released its first product for sale.
  OpenBeacon is an open source crystal-controlled QRPp beacon transmitter kit
which can output a variety of slow-speed modes, including QRSS, DFCW, and
Sequential Multi-tone Hellschreiber
  It is configured via USB port, so there are no jumpers to set and you can
easily adjust all of the operating parameters via command line.
  Once configuration is complete, OpenBeacon may be removed from the PC and
operate stand-alone, as the on-board microcontroller stores all settings.
  Visit for more information.
German amateurs get 472-479kHz band -
  German amateurs with a Class A licence are now allowed to operate in the new
472-479kHz band. The power limit is 1W erp, with a maximum signal bandwidth of
800Hz. [Southgate ARC]
Ofcom announces that a small block of 2m is required for the London 2012 Summer
Olympic Games -
  In the July RadCom it was announced that Ofcom had approached the RSGB to
discuss temporary usage of a few channels on 2m to support the London 2012
Summer Olympic Games. Following negotiations with the RSGB to minimise the
impact on amateurs, Ofcom has now announced that it will temporarily authorise a
small block of 12.5kHz channels on that band. The frequencies are from
144.0125MHz to 144.1375MHz, but only for the period 27 July to 28 August 2012.
The frequencies specifically exclude the CW calling frequency, 144.050MHz, and
the Meteor Scatter calling frequency, 144.100MHz. Ofcom are also aware of the
various contests on 4 and 7 August and will work with Game users to keep
operations to a minimum on these dates. Usage of this spectrum by Games users
will be in the vicinity of London Olympic venues, and will be limited to
handhelds with a maximum output of 5 watts. Ofcom emphasises that use of Primary
Amateur spectrum is only for the specified time period and does not constitute a
change of usage. The full Ofcom statement can be found at: [Southgate ARC]
  Welcome radio Friends of Flora & Fauna - representatives of National WFF
  We would like to ask you to post information about free-of-charge SRG SP9YFF
diplomas at local portals and websites.
  These diplomas are assigned for hunters who managed to establish contact with
SP9YFF expeditions.
  Further informations at:

June 15, 2012
Jackson Hole, Wyoming


  The Yasme Foundation has for many years offered two Yasme Awards, available
at no cost to qualifying applicants. The first Yasme Award, in the form of a
handsome plaque, is offered to those amateurs who submit proof of 30 QSOs with
Yasme officials and DXpeditions that have at least one Yasme official as a
participant. The second, the Yasme Supreme Award, is in the form of a
representation of the YASME boat used by Danny Weil in his around-the-world
DXpedition and is available to those who submit proof of 60 QSOs with Yasme
officials and DXpeditions with a Yasme official as a participant. See
  After a year-long evaluation of the rules for qualifying call signs, the
Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the rules for qualifying call
signs have been revised. As a result, many call signs have been added to the
list. The revised list of call signs eligible for both awards is available at
the Yasme Foundation website,
  The Yasme Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organized to conduct
scientific and educational projects related to Amateur Radio, including DXing
(long distance communication) and the introduction and promotion of Amateur
Radio in underdeveloped countries. For additional information about The Yasme
Foundation, visit our website at .

Wayne A. Mills, N7NG, President
The Yasme Foundation

Board of Directors:
Wayne Mills, N7NG, Director and President
Fred Laun, K3ZO, Director and Vice-President
Rusty Epps, W6OAT, Director and Treasurer
Kip Edwards, W6SZN, Director and Secretary
Martti Laine, OH2BH, Director
Mac McHenry, W6BSY, Director
Ward Silver, N0AX, Director
Robert Vallio, W6RGG, Director
[Kip W6SZN]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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