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Главная » 2010 » Декабрь » 24 » ICPO Bulletin (24-31 Decenber 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (24-31 Decenber 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
24/12/2010:  Giulo, IW3HVB will be active from Aitutaki Island (IOTA OC-083)
as E51HVB from 24-28th December 2010. QRV holiday style mainly on 40 and 20
metre SSB; possible operations on 17/15/12/10m if propagation is good.
Suggested frequencies are: 7057, 14267, 18137, 21267, 24957 and 28567 kHz.
QSL via IW3HVB, direct or bureau. Website and online log:
[OPDX Bulletin]

24/12/2010:  Makoto, JI5RPT (JD1BLY) and Harry, JG7PSJ (JD1BMH) will once
again be active from Chichijima Island (IOTA AS-031, WLOTA 2269, WFF
JAFF-090, JCG #10007) between 24 December 2010 and 8 January 2011. QRV on
all bands 160-10m, with focus on the lower bands, using CW, SSB, Digital and
the satellites. JD1BLY will be active between 24 December 2010 and 3 January
2011, while JD1BMH will be active between 30 December and 8 January 2011.
QSL via the bureau to the JD1 callsigns or direct to their home callsigns.
[OPDX Bulletin]

25/12/2010:  Bruno, F4FIU (resident) will activate the Mill of Tablette (DMF
59-044) on 25th December 2010. The mill is located in the commune of
Maubeuge (CP 59600), canton of Maubeuge-Nord (DDCF 59-44), Department
Nord/59 and Province Nord Pas de Calais (DPF 16). QSL via the bureau or
direct. []

25/12/2010:  Markus, DJ4EL will be active from Mexico-City, Tlaxcala and
Queretaro, Mexico, as XE1/homecall between 25th December 2010 and 9th
January 2011. Plans are to be QRV on the HF bands, SSB only, using 100 Watts
to a Windom dipole and several quad-loops. QSL via the bureau to his home
call. [DX Newsletter]

26/12/2010:  Luis, CX1EK will be active from Chile as CE2/CX1EK between 26
December 2010 and 31 March 2011. QRV on all HF bands. QSL direct to his home
call ( [425 DX News]

26/12/2010:  Gerard F2JD who is at the moment in Manilla, Philippines, as
DU1/F2JD, will go, for his business, to Zambales province, Central Luzon
region, (200Km NW from Manilla) with less QRM as he has in Manilla City,
around 26th December 2010 until 2nd January 2011. On 4th Januray he will
traveling to Palawan to join the guys to go to Spratly and will be back
around 15th Jaunary to Manilla. He will leave Manilla on 24th January 2011
to Paris, back in France. QSL via F6AJA. [F6AJA]

26/12/2010:  Look for Take, JI3DST to be active as either JS6RRR and
JI3DST/JS6 from Miyako Island [Miyako-jima] (IOTA AS-079, WLOTA 0249, JIIA
AS-079-005, JCC 4714, JCG 47004), Ryukyu Archipelago, Okinawa Prefecture,
from 26th December 2010 to 4th January 2011. He plans to operate SSB, CW,
RTTY, PSK31 and FM on 160-6 metres; side trips to nearby Ikema-jima and
Kurima-jima are also being planned. QSL via bureau only. [425 DX News]

26/12/2010:  Mathias DJ2HD (SSB and RTTY; if the conditions allow he will
running the 10m DARC contest on 9th January 2011) and Ewald DJ2BQ (RTTY)
will be active as V5/homecall between 26th December 2010 and 16th January
2011, from Namibia. QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the bureau.

26/12/2010:  Ulmar, DK1CE will be active as V5/homecall from Namibia between
26th December 2010 and 6th January 2011. QRV on 160m-10m, CW only. QSL via
home call for a bureau card and via DH3WO for a direct reply. [NG3K]

28/12/2010:  Martijn, PA3GFE will be in Peru for a month and plans to be
active as OA4/PA3GFE sometime between 28th December 2010 and 28th January
2011. QRV holiday style on 40-15 metres, possibly 80m, using mainly CW and
the Digital modes. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [OPDX Bulletin]

28/12/2010:  Dani, YB2TJV reports that the first amateur radio lighthouse
activation from Indonesia will take place between 28th December 2010 and 4th
January 2011. Special callsign YE2H will be used to activate Klirong
Lighthouse (ARLHS IDO-374, WLOTA 1660), in the south beach of Kebumen City,
Indonesia (WW Loc. OI42TF), Central Java Province South Coast (IOTA OC-021),
during the 75th anniversary of Kebumen City. Team operators include Dani
YB2TJV, Eko YC2DSI, Seno YB2LSR, Jon YB2ECG, Heroe YC2DBG, Yuli YC2CYU, Anto
YC2LCT, Kus YC2CSY, Nur YC2FAJ, Bowo YC2MOJ and Budi YB2CNF. QRV on all HF
bands and modes. QSL via YB2TJV, direct (Box 123 Kebumen 54300-Indonesia)
with SASE/GS, or via the bureau. Further information at under the
callsign YE2H. [YB2TJV]

29/12/2010:  Kan, JE1SCF will be active from the island of Saipan (USi
NI002S, WLOTA 1333), Northern Mariana Islands (IOTA OC-086), as KU2F/KH0
between 29th December 2010 and 1st January 2011. QRV holiday style on
40m-10m, SSB and CW. QSL via the JARL bureau (KU2F/KH0 via JE1SCF). [NG3K]

01/01/2011:  From 1st of January, 2011 till 31st of December, 2011 a group
of Hungarian radioamateurs from Jánoshalma, Hungary, will use the special
callsign HG200LST. This special event is to commemorate the 200th
anniversary of birth of the genius composer, virtuoso pianist, piano teacher
Liszt Ferenc (Franz Liszt) (1811-1886). QSL via HA5GY. [HA0HW]

08/01/2011:  Francis, F6BLP will once again be active as 6W7SK from Saly
Portudal, Senegal, from 8-21st January 2011. QRV on 17/20/30/40m, mainly CW,
with IC7000 and G5RV antenna. QSL via F6BLP direct, bureau and LoTW. [F6AJA]

27/01/2011:  Look for Adriano, IK2GNW to be active as HI9/IK2GNW from the
island of Leventado (IOTA NA-122) between 27th January and 27th March 2011.
Expect activity on all HF bands and modes. QSL via I2YSB, direct only.
Online log will be available at: [NG3K]

05/03/2011:  Dave, VO1AU plans to be active as 9M6/VO1AU from East Malaysia
during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6 March), as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry from CQ Zone 28. QSL via VO1MX. [NG3K]

09/03/2011:  Jean-Pierre, F6ITD will be active as FG/F6ITD from the island
of La Desirade (IOTA NA-102, DIFO FG-004, WLOTA 1121) on 9-16th March 2011
and from Basse-Terre (NA-102, DIFO FG-019) on 16-31 March. He will be active
using all modes except CW. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [F6AJA]

25/06/2011:  The Providence Radio Association, W1OP/W1PRA will be active as
W1OP from Conanicut Island (IOTA NA-031, USi RI007S, WLOTA 1422, Newport
County), Rhode Island, during the ARRL Field Day (25-26 June 2011). Expect
activity on all HF bands/modes. QSL via W1OP ( [USi]

30/07/2011:  Members of the Club RadioAmateurs de Lanester (F6KPQ) will be
active as F6KPQ/p from Belle ile en Mer (IOTA EU-048, DIFM AT015, WLOTA
0872) for the RSGB IOTA Contest (30-31 July). Operators include Michel
F1SRC, Jean-Yves F4EHM, Mickael F4FFZ, Gwena F4FHZ, Chris F5CBQ and
Jean-Francois F6DZD. QRV on 80-10 metre CW and SSB. QSL via F6KPQ, direct or
bureau. [F6AJA]

24/12/2010:  There will be a Grimeton Radio/SAQ transmission on 17.2 kHz CW
with the Alexanderson alternator on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2010 at
08:00 UTC (tuning up some 30 minutes before message). QSL reports are
welcome via e-mail to info at alexander [dot] n [dot] se, via fax to
+46-340-674195 or QSL via bureau or direct to Alexander - Grimeton
Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen Grimeton 72 SE-430 16 Rolfstorp,
Sweden. [UBA HF News]

29/12/2010:  They're at it again!!!! Just a last minute reminder that the 3
Steve's (Steve- KF2TI, Steve- N2IFA, Steve-KB2ENF and Kurt-W2MW, aka Steve),
along with those two laughing young men, Andrew-N2IFB and Eric-K2EMZ will be
guest op'ing at the ARRL station, W1AW, Wednesday December 29, from 1700 -
2045 UTC. This is our 20th annual WAS DX-pedition to Newington and we will
be operating the following bands: 30M CW (Kurt aka Steve) 15, 20 and 40M SSB
(Steve, Steve and Steve) Andrew-N2IFB and Eric-K2EMZ will also be operating
as "Steves" on 10 and 17M and possibly 80M. Hopefully condx will improve and
we will try to listen for outside the US. Packet spots will be posted. If
you work any 3 operators, we will send you a beautiful, full color WAS
(Worked All Steve's) certificate (suitable for framing). No QSL is needed,
as we will have copies of the log and send out a certificate to all those
who qualify. QSL cards to us are not necessary for the WAS. If you want a
W1AW QSL Card, please send to them direct or via the buro. The logs will be
posted (hopefully) after January 1st on our website: .
This is not an officially sanctioned ARRL event. It is run for fun by the 3
Steves Amateur Radio Association (TSARC) - WK3SS (all rights reserved) and
we are responsible for the printing and sending of the Worked All Steve's
certificate (suitable for framing). We would like to thank the ARRL for
allowing us to play with their great toys and putting up with us each year.
Hope to work you then. [Steve-KF2TI]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

24/12-3/1/11  JD1BLY: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL Buro
26/12-4/1/11  JI3DST/JS6: Miyako Shima WLOTA:0249 QSL HC (b)
28/12-4/1/11  YE2H: Klirong WLOL:IDO-374 WLOTA:1660 QSL YB2TJV (d/b)
29/12-1/1/11  KU2F/KH0: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JE1SCF (b)
30/12-8/1/11  JD1BMH: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL Buro

AA9JJ - Frank
Wife is N9QPQ - 5* - 12-24-10 to 12-26-10 - SSB Only
N9QPQ and AA9JJ will be running the following counties on 20 meters SSB
Friday 12-24-10: AZ: Yavapai and Mohave. NV: Clark.
Saturday 12-25-10: No Runs.
Sunday 12-26-10: AZ: Mohave, La Paz, Yuma, Maricopa. QSL via home call.
[County Hunter Web]
KB6UF - Ronald Jones - 3* - Friday, Dec 24, 2010 to Friday, Dec 24, 2010 -
SSB and CW
1300z LA: Franklin, Caldwell, La Salle, Grant, Winn, Natchotish, Red River,
Desoto, Sabine, Vernon, Rapides and Catahoula. If I have time will re-run
Tensas/Concordia Line. These will be run PH and CW. QSL via home call.
[County Hunter Web]
N6PDB - Dennis - 12/25/10 to 01/20/11 - SSB Only
Will be going East and North then South, CA, NV, OR, ID, WA, OR, CA. All
Counties are subject to weather and road conditions and what ever. Cell
phone numbers and email listed on my web site, If we can't get
to one of the counties sorry. Call or email before we get close to something
you need. Will be running PSK and limited CW, but not much as I am no good.
CA: Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, Merced, Stanislaus,
Medera, Fresno, Mariposa, Tuolumne, Calaveras, Amador, El Dorado, Placer,
Nevada and Sierra. NV: Washoe, Storey, Carson City and Douglas. CA: Alpine.
NV: Lyon, Mineral, Churchill, Pershing, Humboldt and Malheur. ID: Owyhee,
Canton and Payette. OR: Baker, Union, Umatilla and Morrow. WA: Benton,
Yakima, Kittitas, Grant, Douglas, Ferry, Lincoln, King, Pierce, San Juan,
Island, Kilsap, Thurston, Mason, Jefferson, Clallam, Grays Harbor, Pacfic
and Wahkiakum. OR: Clatsop, Tillamook, Washington, Columbia, Multnomah, Hood
River, Clackamas, Yamhill, Polk, Benton, Lincoln, Lane, Douglas, Coos and
Curry. CA: Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta, Tehama, Glenn, Colusa,
Yolo, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda and Santa Clara. QSL via home call.
[County Hunter Web]
WØNAC/NØLXJ - Matt/Sharon - 3* - DEC 26 to DEC 30 - SSB and Data
Round-Robin Trip through many counties In Kansas. First priority will be
PSK-31 on 10.139, 14.072, and 7.072 MHz (usually in that order). Will also
put counties out on 20m and 40m SSB as time permits. CW by special request
ONLY. Each day will start approx 1500z. Depart Sunday 12/26/2010 ~1600z CO:
Douglas, Elbert, Lincoln and Cheyenne. Then in KS: Wallace, Greely, Wichita,
Scott, Finney, Hodgeman and Ford. Depart Monday 12/27/2010 running KS: Ford
Edwards Pratt, Stafford, Reno, Rice, McPherson, Saline, Dickinson, Geary,
Wabaunsee and Shawnee. Depart 12/28/2010 running KS: Shawnee, Jackson,
Pottawatomie, Jackson, Brown, Nemaha, Marshall, Washington, Republic, Cloud
and Jewell. Depart 12/29/2010 running KS: Jewell, Smith, Phillips, Rooks,
Graham, Trego, Gove, Sheridan, Logan, Thomas, Sherman and Cheyenne. Depart
12/30/2010 running KS: Cheyenne, CO: Yuma, Washington, Adams, Arapahoe and
Douglas. Please take this opportunity to shape up your PSK-31 operation and
give us a call! We will be spotting ourselves on PSK-31 wherever we have
Verizon data coverage (may be spotty in rural KS). If you hear us on PSK-31
and we haven't spotted ourselves, please do so for us. QSL via home call.
[County Hunter Web]

24/12-3/1/11 JD1BLY: Chichijima Island AS-031 satellites QSL Buro
26/12             RSGB Christmas Cumulative 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z
27/12             RSGB Christmas Cumulative 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z
28/12             RSGB Christmas Cumulative 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z
28/12             The 50MHz Open Cumulative  1800z-2200z
28/12             RSGB 50MHz UKAC  2000z-2230z
29/12             RSGB Christmas Cumulative 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z
30/12-8/1/11 JD1BMH: Chichijima Island AS-031 satellites QSL Buro

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 22 December 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal
"Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

H4ØHP - Temotu Province  (2009 Operation)

7Z1HB - Saudi Arabia  (Current operation commencing in 2007)

If you had these operations rejected in a recent application send a note to to have your record updated. Note, due to extremely heavy
e-mail DXCC may not respond to your message. Once updated, this will be
reflected in your LoTW account or in the live, daily DXCC Standings on the
website. (

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
ARRL DXCC Branch Manager
VE8EV/p [NA-129]
QSL cards for November 2010 NA-129 activation are out.
Nenad VE3EXY
Full information and costs can be found at:
NOTE: A harmonized sales tax (HST) also has to be paid on top of the
price of the postage. Example: for the Province of Ontario, a $1.00 stamp
will cost $1.13.
QSLs via Bureau: 9A/S51FB, 9A/S52BT, 9Q/DK3MO, 9U1VO,CO6RD, CT8/SP5UAF,

QSLs via Direct: 3D2RB (MMØNDX), AO1DX/5 [EU-093] (EA5BY), E51NOU (N7OU),
FP/KV1J (hc), OG5A [EU-140] (OH5AD), P4ØL (WA3FRP), PJ2/DF7ZS (hc), PJ2/K2NV
(hc), PJ2/K2TQC (hc), PJ2/K8LEE (hc), PJ2/OH1VR (hc), PJ2/W1NG (hc), PJ2A
(N5UCF), PJ5/AA4NC (hc), PJ5/K1XM (hc), PJ5/SP6EQZ (hc), PJ5/SP6IXF (hc),
[NA-129] (hc), VP9MT (, VYØX (VE3LYC), XU7TZG (ON7PP) YK1BA (N5FF)
and ZD8ZZ (K7ZZ).

QSLs via LoTW: 3B9C, 6V7Z, 9G5XA, 9H3TK, A41NW, A45WD, BD2RJ/2, C91DJ,
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

New WAB Award for 2011
  WAB (Worked All Britain) are introducing a new award for the year 2011
  For the new Coastal and Tidal award you need to work as many WAB squares
containing tidal water as you can. Valid squares are those shown as
containing tidal water on an Ordnance Survey map.
  The basic award is for 50 squares on HF or 10 on VHF rising in increments
to 400 squares for the Diamond HF award.
  More details, a copy of the certificate and a spreadsheet of valid squares
are available on the WAB website
  All contacts must be made in the 2011 calendar year. [Southgate ARC]
Hello All!
Since January, 1st, 2011 the order an issue of the "World Castles" Award
(WCA) and "Castles On The Air - Russia" Award
(COTA-RU) will change. Awards will be issue by two
- in electronic form in PDF-format (free of charge);
- in print form.
The fee of WCA and COTA-RU in print form will be:
- For Russia 200 Roubles, for the CIS countries - 7 EURO, 7 USD, 7 IRC.
- For the others - 10 EURO, 10 USD, 10 IRC.
- Fee of HONOR ROLL please ask Award Manager at the moment of application
73 & 11! de Andrew RN1CW
Co-ordinator of WCA (World Castles Award)
One operator of RZ1CWC team
DXCC Card Checker Program

For years, the DXCC card checker lookup page was available by means of a
static lookup list by Division, Section then non-USA.

This page has been removed and replaced with simple lookup (search) link on
the DXCC web Site called:

‘DXCC Card Checker Search’ (direct link to

To find your local checker open this link and for USA click ‘State’, for
non-USA click ‘Country’

For USA only, you can narrow your search within your state to Zip Code and
distance from your zip code by noting this information in the boxes shown.

Also, as a reminder, DXCC card checkers are authorized to verify
applications for these programs:

· Worked All States (WAS)
· VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC)
· Worked All Continents (WAC)

For non-USA, under the IARU General Certification Rules (GCR) any approved
Awards Manager for a local IARU member society can also verify applications
for these 3 programs.

DXCC is NOT included in the GCR and can only be checked by approved DXCC
card checkers

All applicants are eligible to use approved DXCC card checkers. For non-USA,
you do not need to be a member of your local IARU member society to utilize
your local checker. For USA and possessions ARRL membership is required to
participate in ARRL Awards Programs. ARRL membership is not required for
non-USA hams to participate.

Please send questions to

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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