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Главная » 2010 » Июнь » 24 » ICPO Bulletin (24 June - 02 July 2010)
ICPO Bulletin (24 June - 02 July 2010)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
NOTE: A secretary has been found to help keep the I.C.P.O. bulletin
alive!  The news will continue, as usual, with all the bad spelling
mistakes, poor grammar and typo's! :o)  If you signed up on the
I.C.P.O. e-mail reflector, do not forget that you can also post
good DX info for everyone to read.  Continue to enjoy the bulletin.
Dave, VA3RJ
24/06/2010:  Jimmy, W6JKV will be active from the island of St. Martin
(NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA L-0383, Grid Loc. FK88) between 24 June and
5 July 2010. Focus will be on 6 metres. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [N8OFS]

24/06/2010:  Look for Wolf, DM2AUJ to be active as LA/homecall from the
Lofoten Islands (EU-076) between 24 June and 8 July 2010. Expect
activity on 80-10m SSB and CW. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

26/06/2010:  David 4X6DK will be active on 26-27 June 2010 and
participate in UDCF-2010 from Akko Fortress (WCA 4X-00001). QRV on HF
bands (no WARC). QSL via bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Operators Arliss W7XU, his XYL Holly N0QJM, Ed W0SD and his
XYL Edith W0OE are headed to The Gambia between 26 June and 5 July 2010,
for the 6 metre sporadic E DXpedition season. The callsign requested for
is C5E, which they will pick up when they arrive. Primary focus will be
6 metres on 50.103 MHz. They will have a beacon on during all sporadic E
hours listening for stations calling. When there is an opening, please
call as directed. Their location will be at Cape Point (WW Loc. IK13QL)
and they are right on the ocean. There will be some HF SSB/CW operations
planned for late night non-Sporadic E hours. There is also RTTY
operations planned concurrently with the six metre operations on 17 and
20 metres. QSL via W7XU. [OPDX Bulletin]

26/06/2010:  Jorge, CT1FMX will be active on 26-27 June 2010 and
participate in the UDCF-2010 from Forte Novo da Ordasqueira (WCA
CT-01880, DMHP LX-221). Plans are to work on 20 and 40 metres as
CT1FMX/p. QSL via bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Mike, CU3HY will be active as homecall/p from Ermida
Espirito Santo (WCA CT-01560, DMHP AZ-094), located on Ilha Terceira
(EU-175, DIP AS-003, PIP AC-003, WLOTA L-0524), Azores, during the
UDCF-2010 (26-27 June). Plans are to be QRV on all HF bands, propagation
permitting. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Gerhard, DL5AWI/p will be active on 26-27 June 2010 and
participate in UDCF-2010 from Graues Schloss (WCA DL-01491, COTA-DL
THB-197) and Rotes Schloss (WCA DL-01492, COTA-DL THB-198) located in
Mihla. This expedition also counts for WFF program with reference
DLFF-053. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Manel, EA3EGB will be active on 26 -27 June 2010 and
participate in UDCF-2010 from the Castle of Peratallada (WCA EA-01946,
DCE GI-029). QRV on all bands as EA3EGB/p. QSL via home call, bureau or
direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Serge, UR7UT will be active on 26-27 June 2010 using the
special callsign EN1UCF from the Zolotye Gate (WCA UR-00067, UCFA
KV-002) in Kiev, Ukraine. QRV on the HF bands during the United activity
Days of Castles and Fortresses. QSL via UR7UT, direct or by the bureau.

26/06/2010:  Michel, F8GGZ/p will be active 26 June 2010 from the Mill
du bas de Vincelles (DMF 39-011), in the commune of Vincelles (CP
39190), Department Jura/39 and Province Franche-Comte (DPF 10). Look for
activity mainly on 40 and 20 metres. QSL via home call, bureau or
direct. []

26/06/2010:  Ichy, JH7IPR, will be active as JH7IPR/1 from Hachijo
Island [Hachijo-jima] (AS-043, JIIA AS-043-003, JCG 10006, JA1 Tokyo
prefecture, Grid Loc. PM93) beginning on 26 June 2010. Watch 7021 kHz at
1100z on that date. His length of stay is not known. This is a fairly
rare JCG. Activity will be on HF and 6 metres. QSL via home call. [OPDX

26/06/2010:  Karel, OK1TIR will be active on 26-27 June 2010 as
homecall/p from the Castle Spalene Porici (WCA OK-00717, CCA PL-067, WW
Loc. JN69TO). QRV on the HF bands during the United activity Days of
Castles and Fortresses. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Jirka, OK2SJI will be active on 26-27 June 2010 and
participate in UDCF-2010 from the Castle of Zamrsk (WCA OK-00642, CCA
PA-043) as OK2SJI/p. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Ivo ON7IVO, will be active on 26-27 June 2010 and
participate in UDCF-2010 from the Castle of Bisschoppenhof (WCA
ON-00437, BCA AN-021). QSL via bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Igor, RA3DCK will be active on 26-27 June 2010 and
participate in UDCF-2010 from Zaraysk Kremlin (WCA UA-00064, COTA-RU
C-301). QSL via the bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Operators of RZ1CWC team, inc. Andrew RN1CW, Alexey UA1CBW,
Vlad UA1CIO, Serge UA1COA, Denis UA1CDB and Dima RA1CK, Oleg RU2FB,
Serge UA1AIR, Victor UA1CBN and others will be actives on 26-27 June
2010 and participate in UDCF-2010, from Fort Krasnaya Gorka (WCA
UA-00203, COTA-RU F-109, RDA LO-30). QRV on 20-80 metres, CW/SSB as
RZ1CWC/P. QSL via RN1CW, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Leonid, UR2LM will be active on 26-27 June 2010 and
participate in UDCF-2010 from Kozlovskaya Fortress (WCA UR-00187, UCFA
HA-013, URDA HA-20) as UR2LM/p. QSL via home call, bureau or direct.

26/06/2010:  Yuri, UT5UKA/p will be active on 26-27 June 2010 to
participate in UDCF-2010 from Kievskiy Fortified North (WCA UR-00039,
UCFA KO-004). He will be using QRP with FT-817 and Inv-Vee 40/20/15
metres. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Vlad UY0UY, will be active on the air on 26-27 June 2010
and participate in UDCF-2010, from the Karmelitov Monastery (WCA
UA-00168, UCFA ZH-002), in Berdichev. Vlad will be QRV as home call on
all bands. QSL via bureau or birect. [RN1CW]

26/06/2010:  Dave, VA3RJ will be participating in UDCF-2010 on 26-27
June 2010 and will activate Fort York (WCA VE-00228), located in Toronto
(WW Loc. FN03HP), Province of Ontario. QSL direct (SASE/SAE + sufficient
postage 2USD) or via e-QSL. [VA3RJ]

23/06/2010:  Uldis, YL2IU and Arnis, YL3GBC will be active on 26-27 June
2010 to participate in UDCF-2010, from the Castle of Dynemunde (WCA
YL-00097) and Pavel Fort (WCA YL-00098). This will be a QRP operation
and will be QRV on 40 metre CW and SSB as homecall/p. QSL via home
calls, direct only or e-QSL. [RN1CW]

23/06/2010:  A team of operators from Braila will activate Balta Mica A
Brailei National Park (WFF YOFF-017) on 26 or 27 June 2010 using the
callsign YP1WFF/p. QSL via YO3JW. Website: [YO3JW]

28/06/2010:  Christian, EA3NT will be making another attempt to
Formigues Islands (IOTA EU-078, DIE E-058, FEA E-0467, WLOTA L-2128,
ARLHS SPA-139) along with Oscar EA1DR, George EA2TA and Vincent F4BKV.
Callsign will be EG3FI, and operations will take place from 25-26th June
2010. QSL direct to EA3NT. [OPDX Bulletin]

28/06/2010:  The Midwest 6 Meter DX Group will be activate on 6 Meters
as J8/W9DR (Dave) and J8/W8IF (Mike) from Bequia Island (IOTA-NA-025, WW
Loc. FK93JA), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, from 28 June to 5 July
2010. QSL direct to KB3RHR (SASE, SAE + sufficient postage). Further
information at: [N8OFS]

30/06/2010:  As a part of '50 years as OH1VR' activity Seppo OH1VR will
be QRV from Market Reef (EU-053, WLOTA L-0542) as OJ0VR from June 30th
(QRV abt. 20.00 Z) to July 3rd (QRT abt. 0300 Z). Please look at: . QSL direct to OH1VR CBA. Markus OH3RM will operate as
OJ0A during same time period. QSL via OH3RM CBA. [OH1VR]

01/07/2010:  Zik, VE3ZIK/DO7ZZ will be once again active from Bilice
(Croatian coast) as 9A/VE3ZIK between 1 July and 27 September 2010. He
will try to activate several IOTA/IOCA Islands in the EU-170 IOTA group,
and also be in the RSGB IOTA Contest. Also, there is a chance he will
activate several WFF areas from Croatia. QSL via DO7ZZ, bureau is OK,
eQSL and LoTW. Also, E-mail bureau request for QSL cards can be sent to:
ve3zik at gmail dot com [OPDX Bulletin]

01/07/2010:  Michel, HB9BOI will be active from the north of Sal Island
(AF-086, WLOTA L-0610) as D44TOI from 1-13th July 2010. QRV all HF
bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

01/07/2010:  Toshi, JA8BMK will visit Spitsbergen Island (EU-026, WLOTA
L-0125, WW Loc. JQ78TF) on 1-11 July 2010 and will sign JW/JA8BMK on
20-6m using CW, SSB and RTTY. He also needs help with 6m Big Linear Amp
which he would like to ship by plane in advance. QSL direct to home
call. [NG3K]

02/07/2010:  A total of twelve operators (made up of two teams) will
activate Ilha da Moela (SA-071, DIB SP-06, WLOTA 1335), Sao Paulo State,
Brazil, on 2-4 July 2010. Each team will use a different callsign.
PW2K - A team of 9 operators will have 2 stations on the air. Operators
are: Gerson PY2AC, Ric PY2DEL, Fabio PY2XM, Walter PY2IAY, Rogerio
PY2OE, Julio PY2XV, Rabelo PY2AN, Tony PY2DY and Alex PY2WAS. PS2G -
Another team, of only three operators, will participate in the 2010
WLOTA Contest (3-4 July). Operators will be: Ric PY2EL, Carlos PY2VM and
Waldir PY2WC. QSL both callsigns via PY2WAS, direct or by the bureau.

02/07/2010:  Look for Pontus, SM0R/SM0RUX and Jaan, SM0OEK to be active
as SM0R/1 from the island of Gotska Sandön (IOTA EU-020, WLOTA L-0401,
Grid Loc. JO98), Gotland County, Sweden, from 2-4th July 2010. QRV on
the HF bands and 50 MHz. Note that this activity will also count for
Gotska Sandön National Park (WFF reference SMFF-010). QSL via SM0R,
direct or bureau. []

02/07/2010:  Orlando, PT2OP in company with Fred, PY2XB (expedition
callsign pending) will be active 2-5 July 2010 from the Cotejuba
lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-278, WLOTA L-2855, WW Loc. GI58RR), on Cotejuba
Island (IOTA SA-060, DIB PA-14), in the Pará State, northern Brazil.
Orlando will use the special callsign ZX8C (mostly SSB), while Fred will
use ZX8W (mostly CW). Orlando is a Scout operator and all QSOs with ZX8C
will be valid for the BP Award (PR7JP manager) and Diploma Baden-Powell
the Radio (manager PY2AA). Both stations also to be valid: IOTA Diploma,
Diplomas of WLOTA, ARLHS, DIB Brazilian Islands Award, DFB Brazilians
Lighthouses Award, South American Lighthouses Award, in addition to
diplomas WAA (such as Brazil), WAB (as Para State - PY8), WAO (such
Brazil) and DBDX (as Brazil if worked on 160, 80 or 40m) from the LABRE,
PT2AA. QSL ZX8C via PT2OP, direct preferred but bureau ok. QSL ZX8W via

23/07/2010:  Operators Thomas OZ1AA, Kenneth OZ1IKY and Alex OZ7AM will
be active as JW/homecall from Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen Island (EU-026,
WLOTA L-0125) on 23-27 July 2010. They will also participate in the RSGB
IOTA Contest (24-25 July) as a Multi-Op entry using the callsign JW5E.
QSL JW5E via LA7XM ( QSL others via their respective home
calls. [NG3K]

23/07/2010:  Look for Butch N8CHS, Mike KB8ZYE and Ken W8ND to be active
as W8ND/4 on 23-25 July 2010 from Dauphin Island (NA-213, USi AL002S,
Mobile County), State of Alabama, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA
Contest. They will have antennas for 40, 20, 15, and 10 metres during
the IOTA contest. They will have 30 and 17 metres before and after the
contest. The team will also be on 6 metres. QSL direct or via bureau to
K8MCN. Include SASE for direct return, otherwise return goes via the
bureau. []

24/07/2010:  Fred, ON6QR will be active as GM/ON6QR from the Shetland
Islands (EU-012, IOSA SH01, SCOTIA SI11, WLOTA L-0867) during the RSGB
IOTA Contest, as a IOTA DXpedition/Single-Op/24 hour entry. QSL to home
call, direct or by the bureau. [NG3K]

05/08/2010:  Members of the Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club (W4BTI) will
be active as a Special Event Station and IOTA/Lighthouse DXpedition
using the callsign K4L from Sapelo Island (NA-058, USi GA007, McIntosh
County), State of Georgia, on 5-7 August 2010. They will activate the
Sapelo Island lighthouse (ARLHS USA-738, TWLHD WLH K-146) and the Sapelo
Island Range Front lighthouse (ARLHS USA-1014). Team members include
Ricky K4JTT, Ron NV4U, Ian AK4IK, Jim AK4I, Clark WU4B, Bill WB4WHD,
Rich KD4SEV, Rich KI4RQO, David KJ4IOR, Don N4HH, Mike K4KGA, Harold
KD8DVY, Phil W3HZZ, Neil N4FN and Ken KJ4PQX. Plans are being formulated
for a group of ten amateur radio operators to provide 24/7 operation
during the weekend capping ILLW. QSL via W4BTI, direct or bureau. Logs
will be uploaded to LoTW and e-QSL. More details of the operation
including frequencies will be put on the club's website at: []

20/10/2010:  John, W5JON will once again be active as V47JA from the
Calypso Bay Resort hilltside QTH, overlooking the Caribbean Sea and
Atlantic Ocean, located on the island of St. Kitts (NA-104, WW Loc.
FK87PG). QRV from 20 October to 10 November 2010 on 160-10m, using ICOM
IC-7000, KL-400 Amp (350 watts) and ZS6BKW design all-band dipole. John
will also be participating in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (30-31 October) as
a Single-Op/All-Band entry. As in the past, XYL Cathy (W5HAM) will be
very busy pool side. QSL via W5JON ( [NG3K]

21/10/2010:  Operators Frosty K5LBU (A25CF), Bob K5ZOL (A25BI), Matt
KD5TAN (A25AN), Gianfranco I0ZY (A25ZY), Lor IK1MDF (A25DF), Pier IZ5MMB
(A25MB) and Jay W5SL (A25ASL) will be active from the Stevensford Game
Reserve, Sherwood Village, Botswana (WW Loc. KG47AC) between 21 October
and 3 November 2010. QRV on 160-6 metres, all modes, with 3 stations
running at the same time. They will also participate in the CQWW DX SSB
Contest (30-31 October) using the callsign A25HQ. The team will also use
the call A25HQ for 6 metre EME activity. QSL via the operators home
call, direct or bureau. QSL A25HQ via K5LBU. Website: [NG3K]

23/06/2010:  Special callsign PD80TT will be in use between 23 June and
20 July 2010 for the 80th Dutch TT Motor Grand Prix in Assen. QSL via
PD7BZ. [425 DX News]

26/06/2010:  The Scarborough Special Events Group will be on the air as
GB1AFD for Armed Forces Day, over the weekend of 26 and 27 June 2010.
Scarborough will host a parade of more than 400 soldiers celebrating
their recent return from Afghanistan. The town's adopted Warship HMS
Explorer will be in the bay and there will be fly past by a spitfire.
QSL via M0LXT or RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

26/06/2010:  Jack, G3PWK will be operating GB70AAF for the Anniversary
Airborne Forces) on 26 & 27 June 2010. QSL via operators' instructions.

26/06/2010:  A few days after Charles de Gaulle's famous appeal of 18
June 1940, which was the origin of the French Resistance to the German
occupation during World War II, the clandestine sea crossings between
Brittany and England started. Commemorating those events of seventy
years ago, special callsign TM70TC will be activated from Finistere from
26 June to 10 July 2010. QSL via F6CNM. [425 DX News]

01/07/2010:  Special event stations 8N5CLEAN (island of Shikoku) and
8N0CLEAN (Shin'etsu region, island of Honshu AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376) will
be active between 1 July and 31 October 2010 to celebrate Clean
Reception Environment Month. QSL via the JARL QSL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2010:  To celebrate the 2010 IARU World HF Championship Contest,
the following stations will be active on 1-11 July 2010: 8N1HQ by the
Tokyo University Contest Club (JG1ZUY), 15m Phone from Kimitsu-city (JCG
#12007), Chiba prefecture, Kanto region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA
LH-2376), Japan; 8N1HQ by Nao JA1HGY, 10m CW from Minato-ku (JCC
#100103), Tokyo, Tokyo prefecture, Kanto region, island of Honshu
(AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan; 8N1HQ by Kazuo JH1OGC, 80m Phone from
Minamiashigara-city (JCC #1118), Kanagawa 11 prefecture, Kanto region,
island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan; 8N2HQ by Nose JA2BNN,
10m Phone from Nakatsugawa-city (JCC #1906), Gifu 19 prefecture, Tono
region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan; 8N3HQ by
JK3ZNB, 15m CW from Nara-city (JCC #2401), Nara 24 prefecture, Kansai
region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan; 8N3HQ by Masa
JH3PRR, 160m CW and 40m CW from Kobe-city (JCC #2701), Hyogo 27
prefecture, Kansai region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376),
Japan; 8N3HQ by Kenji JH3AIU, 20m CW from Miki-city (JCC #2716), Hyogo
27 prefecture, Kansai region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376),
Japan; 8N4HQ by Tetsu JH4WBY, 80m CW and 40m Phone from Okayama-city
(JCC #3101), Okayama 31 prefecture, Chugoku region, island of Honshu
(AS-007, WLOTA LH-2376), Japan; and 8N8HQ by JH8ZMM, 20m Phone from
Iwamizawa-city (JCC #110), Hokkaido 01 prefecture, Hokkaido region,
Sorachi Subprefecture, island of Hokkaido (AS-078, WLOTA LH-2967),
Japan. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

24/06-05/07  FS/W6JKV: St. Martin Island L-0383 QSL HC (d/b)
25/06-26/06  EG3FI: Formigues FEA:E-0467 SPA-139 L-2128 QSL EA3NT (d)
26/06-27/06  CU3HY/P: Ilha Terceira L-0524 QSL HC (d/b)
26/06-30/06? JH7IPR/1: Hachijo Shima L-0436 QSL HC (d/b)
30/06-03/07  OJ0A: Market Reef L-0542 QSL OH3RM (d)
30/06-03/07  OJ0VR: Market Reef L-0542 QSL OH1VR (d)
01/07-31/10  8N0CLEAN: Honshu L-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/07-11/07  8N1HQ: Honshu L-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/07-11/07  8N2HQ: Honshu L-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/07-11/07  8N3HQ: Honshu L-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/07-11/07  8N4HQ: Honshu L-2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/07-11/07  8N8HQ: Hokkaido - main island L-2967 QSL JARL Buro
01/07-13/07  D44TOI: Ilha do Sal L-0610 QSL HB9BOI (d/b)
01/07-11/07  JW/JA8BMK: Spitsbergen Island L-0125 QSL HC (d)
02/07-04/07  PW2K: Ilha da Moela L-1335 QSL PY2WAS (d/b)
02/07-04/07  SM0R/1: Gotska Sandon L-0401 QSL HC (d/b)
02/07-05/07  ZX8C: Ilha Cotejuba BRA-278 L-2855 QSL PT2OP (d/b)
02/07-05/07  ZX8W: Ilha Cotejuba BRA-278 L-2855 QSL PT7WA (d/b)

K8OOK - 2 STARS & N8IPG NO STARS - June 26th to June 30th - SSB Only
MI: Kent,Ionia, Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Livingston, Washtenaw, Monroe.
OH: Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, Sandusky, Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Summit,
Portage, Trumbull, Mahoning. PA: Mercer, Venango, Butler, Clarion,
Jefferson, Clearfield, Centre, Clinton, Union, Snyder, Perry, Dauphin,
Lancaster, Chester, Delaware. NJ: Gloucester, Salem. DE: New Castle,
Kent, Sussex. MD: Dorchester, Caroline, Talbot, Queen Annes, Anne
Arundel, Baltimore Cty, maybe City, Carroll, Frederick. PA: Adams,
Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Somerset, Westmoreland, Allegheny, Beaver,
Lawrence. OH: Mahoning, Trumbull, Portage, Summit, Cuyahoga, Lorain,
Erie, Sandusky, Ottawa, Wood, Lucas, Fulton, Williams. IN: Steuben. MI:
Branch, Calhoun, Eaton, Clinton, Ionia, Kent. Freq 7188, 18136 or up and
14336 kHz. QSL via home calls. [County Hunter Web]

The K5N Activation Group trip to DL88 and DL89 -
   Hello to all on the list....the K5N group is finalizing our trip to
DL88 and DL89.  We have acquired an old TV van with the pneumatic
mast and are almost done with the preparations on the truck.
   We will be traveling on June 28th using K5QE/R as the call.  We
expect to be operational at DL88 on June 29th about Noon.  We will
operate on 50.150MHz for both SSB/CW and FSK441(in the evenings after
Es is closed).  Rig will be a Pro2, a 250W amp, and a M2 6M5XHP.  We
will leave DL88 at 3PM on July 1 and begin the long drive out.  We
will set up in DL89xw for only one day on July 2nd.  On July 3rd, we
will be driving home, signing K5QE/R as we go.
   We will have NO Internet and NO cell phones, however, we have
arranged with some members of the BBARC to post messages for us on
some of the Internet forums.  They will be posting on Ping Jockey
Central when we are doing meteor scatter.  We will be posting on
ON4KST and the FFMA reflector at other times.
   It will REALLY HELP if you guys will post us to your favorite
forum when you hear us.  That will keep other stations aware of what
is happening.
   Especially let everyone know when we change from SSB/CW to FSK.
Thanks for that.
   The K5N Group is hoping for a big operation and we hope we can work
everyone that needs DL88/89.  If we get some great propagation, like
we had in the June contest, we will work a lot of stations.  GL to
NOTE:  ALL WSJT operations will be on WSJT7.
73 The K5N Activation Group
Support staff
W5TFW-Joey, QSL Manager
N0IRS-JD of the Grid Bandits, Webmaster and Videographer
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 23 June 2010)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

QSLs received Bureau (Postal delivery person has been found!) - 3Z1ØUM,
3Z7ØIIWW, 4X/EA5RM, 5Q2J [EU-029], 8J1RL [AN-016], 9AØCI [EU-016,
EU-090, EU-170], 9A8ZRS [EU-090], 9M2TO, 9M8YY [OC-088], A65BI, AH2R,
EH1PAZ, F4UKP/P [EU-032], G3RCV/P [EU-011], HF14MTR, HF7Ø*(MANY QSL),
[EU-172], P29VCX [OC-102, OC-116, OC-240], P29VLR [OC-231], PA/OT7X
[EU-146], R1ANB [AN-015], R5ØKTV, RA1QQ/1, SØ4R, SG3U [EU-084], SNØWFF,
TM1ØØB, TM4RSX, TM5WRC, TM6JUN, UA1OEJ/1 [EU-066], UA3EDQ/1 [EU-147],

QSLs received Direct - 3D2ØCR (DJ8NK), 4O3A (UA3DX), 4U1UN (HB9BOU),
9K2HS (, 9XØLX (DK7LX), A61BK (NI5DX), AH8DX (, CE1/K7CA
(IK2ILH), TO2R (F5UOW), TZ6EI (W7XU), V88/DL7JAN (hc), VK3ZL (,

QSLs received LoTW - 9M2HB.
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
SOTA (Summits On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WCA Reflector:
WCAG (World Castles Activity Group) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:

Vanuatu 2010 DXpedition News Release

In co-operation with ODXG, a group of four Australian amateurs will be
activating Vanuatu (YJ0) from 27th August until 2nd September. The
accommodation and flights are booked and the team are waiting on
callsign allocation from the Vanuatu government.  Chris VK3QB (Leader),
Allan VK2CA, Luke VK3HJ and Brenton VK3CBV will spend six days and
nights working the HF bands from the island of Efate - as well enjoying
some of the sites of this beautiful country.

More details will be released in the coming 2 weeks, including web site
details, QSL details and likely bands/modes.  However, at this stage the
team plans to keep things simple with two HF stations limited to 100
watts and vertical and wire dipole antennas.  For more information
please contact Chris VK3QB

Bill Horner, VK4FW
PO box 612
Childers, 4660
WAIR (Worked All Italians Regions) is an excellent award maintained by
ARI of Ivrea.
This information is for your awards list.
[Lino IK1SOW]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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