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Главная » 2012 » Май » 25 » ICPO Bulletin (25 May - 01 June 2012)
ICPO Bulletin (25 May - 01 June 2012)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
25/05/2012: Chris, VK3QB, is currently active from Malolo Lailai Island (OC-121) until 26 May, 2012. Operating as 3D2/VK3QB, this is primarily a holiday with some radio as a part-time activity, mostly on 40m and up - CW. QSL via home call, Bureau or direct. [dx-world]

25/05/2012: Rene, PE1L and Eltje, PA3CEE2 will activate the callsign 5X1EME on 2m and 70cm via EME from near Kampala (WW Loc. KJ60GH), between 25 May and 3 June, 2012. More info in the MoonNet and at MMMonVHF. QSL via PA3CEE. [DX Newsletter]

25/05/2012: Andy, RN3AKK, reports that Darko, E70A, will once again be active as 6O3A from Hargeisa (Grid Loc. LJ29), Woqooyi Galbeed region, Republic of Somaliland, between 25th and 31st May, 2012. QRV on the HF bands using SSB and RTTY. He will also use 50 MHz. QSL via E77E or K2PF. [dx-world]

25/05/2012: The team of OZ1RDP will visit the scout camp at Kongsmark, on Roemoe Island (EU-125, DIA NS-001, WFF OZFF-004), from 25-29 May, 2012. They will be QRV on 80-20m SSB, possibly some 160m. QSL via DL9BCP, direct or Bureau. [DX Newsletter]

25/05/2012: Members of the SP9YFF/p team will be active on 25th of May 2012 from the Nature Reserve 'Park Krajobrazowy Beskidu Malego' (WFF SPFF-069) and on 26th of May 2012 from the 'Babiogorski Park Narodowy' (WFF SPFF-001). QRV on all bands SSB with VPA-Systems antenna ( QSL info on Log will be uploaded on EW4DX LogSearch. [SP9BGL]

25/05/2012: Alex, SQ9UM, is currently active from the island of Crete (EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA 1400) as SV9/SQ9UM until 28 May, 2012. QRV on 40-6m CW, RTTY, PSK and some SSB. QSL via home call. [dx-world]

25/05/2012: Sho, JA7HMZ and Akio, JA7ZP will be active as V63DX and V63ZP, respectively, from the island of Pohnpei (OC-010, Grid Loc. QJ96), eastern Caroline Islands, F.S.M., between 25-29 May, 2012. QRV on 40-6 metres, all modes. Sho will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry, using the callsign V6A. QSL V63DX and V6A via JA7HMZ, direct only. QSL V63ZP via JA7ZP, direct only. [dx-world]

25/05/2012: Kadek, YB9BU, and others will be active from the rare Aru Islands Group (OC-249) using the callsigns homecall/8 between 25-28 May, 2012. The actual island they will be QRV from is called Wamar - last activated in 2002. The Aru islands are located in the Arafura Sea southwest of New Guinea and north of Australia. QSL via home calls. [dx-world]

25/05/2012: Radioclub QSO Banat (YO2KQT), Timisoara, Romania, members will be present from 25 May until 27 May 2012 as partners at the 3rd Hercules Marathon edition ( They will support communications between checkpoints and also operate from the Domogled-Valea Cernei Nature Park (WFF YOFF-008) for those interested in YOFF award program, using the special call sign YP0WFF. QRV on the HF bands using SSB and the Digital modes. Operators will be Gigi YO2MTG, Marius YO2LOJ, Eduard YO2LSP, Ovi YO2MLL, Vlad YO2LZP, Lili YO2MMX, Diana YO2MTD, Dan YO2LLQ, Robi YO2MNF and Horatiu YO2LQL. QSL via YO2KQT, direct only ( [dx-world]

26/05/2012: Safari DX-activators club is planning to conduct International DX-pedition on 26-28 May, 2012, in Gabala district, Azerbaijan, to the ancient fortress Chukhur Gabala and area of presently conducting archaeological excavations. The place of event accords to conditions of WFF and WCA programs both. WCA reference is 4K-016 (new one) and WFF reference is 4JFF-014 (second time activated), WW Loc. LN30UV. Due to WPX Contest on, 26 and 27 May, in which we will not participate, so in these days the team would operate mostly on WARC bands, but on Monday, 28 May to switch to regular HF bands - 20, 40, 15, etc. The callsigns - 4J0SFR, main, and 4J0WFF, reserve. Modes - CW and SSB, no Digitals. Team members include Boris 4K4K (CW), Yasu JR0HYT (CW), Anar 4K6AE (SSB), Farhad 4K3M (SSB), Sergey 4J5A (CW), Sergey 4K3FPL (SSB), Farid 4K6AF (E-logger) and Natig 4J5T (SSB). QSL via 4J5T. All incoming paper QSLs will be answered, but, please, send them before July 2012. Otherwise, we will not be able to answer you soon, sorry. [4J5T]

26/05/2012: Mel, SM0MPV, will be active as 8S0DAY from Rindö [Rindo] Island (EU-084), Stockholms Lan, Sweden, on 26 May, 2012. Plans are to active on all HF bands, for the first time, from the historical military redoubt \'Rindö Redutt\'. It was built between 1858 - 1863 aimed to protect the North-Eastern inlet to Stockholm. QSL via SM0MPV. [rsgbiota]

26/05/2012: Patrick, F8DYD, will be active on 26 May 2012 as F8DYD/p from the Tower of Montclair (DFCF 86-096) the Mill of Main (DMF 86-9051) and the Tower Chappe of Saint Gervais les Trois Clochers (TC86GC). All references are located in the commune of Saint Gervais les trois clochers (CP 86230), canton [county] of Saint Gervais les Trois Clochers (DDCF 86-10), Department Vienne/86 and Province Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). QSL via home call, Bureau preferred. [F8DYD]

26/05/2012: Kei, HL2UVH, reports that he and a friend will be active from Ch'ung Island (AS-060, WW Loc. PM35BA), Cholla-namdo Province, South Korea, on 26-27 May, 2012. QRV as HL0A (for IOTA) and HL0V (for the CQWW WPX CW Contest - CQ zone 25). For the IOTA chasers, look for activity on 80-6 metres, all modes. QSL via HL2UVH. [dx-world]

26/05/2012: Operators Vitaly YL3AFK, Alex YL3BU and Grigorij YL2NS will be active as YL11WCA from the Jaunpils Castle (WCA YL-00030, COTA-YL Z-004, WW Loc. KO16MR) from 26 May 2012 1000 UTC to 27 May 2012 1500 UTC. QRV on 80-10m CW and SSB near WCA frequencies. QSL via the YL Bureau. Log will be uploaded to WCA E-log. [YL3GBC]

27/05/2012: Chris, VK3FY, will be on Lord Howe Island (OC-004) on a work assignment from 27 May to 2 June, 2012. He will only be able to operate during the week and most likely evenings, using the callsign VK9LHI, as work will take precidence. Modes most likely to be CW, SSB and some RTTY on the HF bands. QSL via VK3HF. [dx-world]

28/05/2012: Jeff, N6GQ, plans to activate various islands in the IOTA EU-049 and EU-052 groups as SV8/N6GQ between 28 May and 17 June, 2012. Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands. QSL via home call, direct only. [NG3K]

31/05/2012: Eddie, ES2TT, will be active from the 31st of May till 4th of June 2012 from the Krimulda Bishop's Castle (WCA YL-00039, COTA-YL V-018), located in Park Gauja (YLFF-001). He plans to work on the 31st of May 2012 as YL/ES2TT and from 1st of June 2012 as YL2012USCARS (American Cars Fan Meeting - Saulkrasti 2012), on all bands CW, SSB possible BPSK. QSL via ES2TT, direct or Bureau. Log will be uploaded to WCA E-Log. [RN1CW]

01/06/2012: Members of the Radioclub Cancun plan to activate Cayo Culebra [Snake Key] (NA-200, Grid Loc. EK69), Quintana Roo State, Mexico, on 1-3 June, 2012. QRV as 4A3RRC on 80 to 6 metre SSB and RTTY and possibly Satellite. Special attention will be given for 6 metres. QSL via EA5FL. Further information can be found at: [dx-world]

01/06/2012: Pat, F4EBT, will be active from various islands in French Polynesia, Societe Archipelago, from 1-24 June, 2012. He plans to operate holiday style with 100 Watts as FO/F4EBT from the following islands: Tahiti (OC-046, DIFO FO-002 WLOTA 0885); Moorea Island (OC-046, DIFO FO-010, WLOTA 0465); Raiatea Island (OC-067, DIFO FO-012, WLOTA 1977); Huahine Island (OC-067, DIFO 004, WLOTA 1371); Bora Bora Island (OC-067, DIFO FO-003, WLOTA 0430); and Maupiti Island (OC-067, DIFO FO-008). QSL via home call, direct preferred but Bureau OK. [dx-world]

01/06/2012: The Babaow Island Gang (Gil F4FET & Diégo F4HAU) will be active as TM0MIT from 8 to 10 islands in the Morbihan Department/56 and Province of Brittany (DPF 06) from 1-6 June, 2012. These islands will count for the French Islands Award (DIFM) and the Islands of Morbihan Award (DIM). QRV on 160-2m, depending on propagation, hour of the day and the space they will have to put antennas on the islands. Plans are to be active for 7-9 hours from each island, so please listen for the isle you are calling and make only 1 QSO with each isle. They will also be active on 144.260 USB, mostly in the evenings, using 50W on a 9 element horizontally polarized yagi. QSL via F5CWU, direct ( Further information can be found on their website at: [F4FET]
The following stations have announced their participation in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (26-27 May, 2012):
04 - VA3WR - Ontario, Canada - SOSB(?)QRP - QSL direct/Buro
04 - VC3D - Ontario, Canada - SOAB - QSL VE3FXX (d/B)
04 - VC3O - Ontario, Canada - Op. Ron VE3AT - SOAB - QSL VE3AT (d/B)
04 - VC3T - Ontario, Canada - Op. Yuri VE3DZ - SOAB - QSL VE3DZ (d/B)
04 - VC6Z - Alberta, Canada - SOAB - QSL VE6BF (d)
04 - VE3RZ - Ontario, Canada - SOABHP - QSL direct/Buro
05 - NQ4I - Georgia, U.S.A. - M/M - QSL LoTW or K4PK (d)
05 - VC2CBS30 - Quebec, Canada - M/? - QSL VE2DWE (d)
07 - V31UB - Belize - SOAB - QSL KU5B (d)
08 - 6Y3W - Jamaica - SOAB - QSL RA4LW (d)
08 - KP2M - U.S.V.I. - M/S - QSL AI4U (d)
08 - KP2MM - U.S.V.I. - SOAB - QSL N2TTA (d)
08 - V26E - Antigua - SOABLP(A) - QSL AB2E (d)
09 - HK1NA - Colombia - M/M - QSL K6IPM (d)
09 - P40H - Aruba - M/O - QSL OK7MT (d/B)
09 - P49Y - Aruba - SOABHP - QSL AE6Y (d)
09 - PZ5P - Surinam - SOAB - QSL UA4LU (d)
11 - PP1CZ - Brazil - SOABHP - QSL Direct/Buro/LoTW
11 - PP5JR - Brazil - SOSB(160m) - QSL
11 - PQ5B - Brazil - SOABLP(A) - QSL PP5BZ (d)
11 - PR3A - Brazil - Op. PY3OZ - SOSB(?) - QSL PY3OZ (d)
11 - PR5B - Brazil - Op. Alan PY2LSM - SOSB(80m) - QSL 6K5YPD (d)
11 - PR5W - Brazil - Op. Wesley PY5FB - SOABHP - QSL PY5FB (d)
11 - PT5T - Brazil - Op. Rafael PY2NDX - SOABHP - QSL K3IRV (d)
11 - PW0F - Fernando de Noronha - SOABLP - QSL OH2BH (d/B)
11 - PW5D - Brazil - Op. Thomas PY2ZXU - SOSB - QSL PP5VB (d)
11 - PX2W - Brazil - Op. Mark PY2NA & Tom PY2YU - M/S - QSL PY2YU (d)
11 - PY0FM - Fernando de Noronha - M/2 - QSL PY5XX (d)
11 - PY2KC - Brazil - SOABLP - QSL
11 - PY2KJ - Brazil - SOSB(20m) - QSL Direct/LoTW
11 - PY2NY - Brazil - SOABLP - QSL
11 - PY2WC - Brazil - SOSB(80m) - QSL PY2WC (d/B/LoTW/eQSL)
11 - PY3DX - Brazil - Op. Paul - SOAB - QSL PY3DX (d/B/LoTW)
11 - PY3YD - Brazil - SPSB(?)LP - QSL PY3YD (d/B/LoTW)
11 - PY4HO - Brazil - SOABLP - QSL Direct/LoTW/ClubLog
11 - PY4ZO - Brazil - SOABQRP - QSL LoTW
11 - ZP9MCE - Parguay - SOSB(10m)LP - QSL EA5ZD (d)
11 - ZW5B - Brazil - Op. Marko N5ZO - SOABHP - QSL K3IRV (d)
11 - ZX2B - Brazil - Op. Gomes PY2MNL - SOAB - QSL Direct/LoTW/eQSL
11 - ZX5J - Brazil - Op. Carl AI6V - SOSB - QSL AI4U (d)
12 - CE3AA - Chile - Op. XQ4CW - SOSB(15m) - QSL CE3AA (d)
14 - CS2W - Portugal - M/S - QSL HB9CRV (d/B/LoTW)
14 - DR8A - Germany - Op. DL1QQ - SOLP - QSL LoTW
14 - ED1R - Spain - M/2 - QSL EA4RCH (d)
14 - EF7X - Spain - M/S - QSL EA7GYS (d)
14 - GM0F - Scotland - M/S - QSL GM4FDM (d)
14 - LX7I - Luxembourg - M/S - QSL LX2A (d/B)
14 - M7A - England - Op. LY4L - SOABLP - QSL LoTW
14 - MJ0CFW - Jersey - SOABLP - QSL M0CFW (d)
14 - OP4K - Belgium - M/S - QSL ON4JZ (d/B)
14 - SJ2W - Sweden - M/S - QSL LoTW
14 - TM5A - France - Op. W6NV @ F5VHJ - SO - QSL W6NV (d)
15 - 3Z3Z - Poland - SOSB(10m)QRP - QSL SQ3ET (d)
15 - 4U1GSC - Italy - SOABHP - QSL 9A2AA (d)
15 - 9A201AA - Croatia - SOAB - QSL 9A1AA (d)
15 - 9H3PP - Malta - SOSB(15 or 10m) - QSL HA5PP (d)
15 - LY7A - Lithuania - M/M - QSL LY2ZO (d)
15 - OG73X - Finland - Op. OH8LQ - SOAB - QSL OH8L (d)
15 - OH0X - Aland Island - Op. OH2TA - SO - QSL OH2TA (d/B)
15 - OM100IG - Slovakia - M/S - QSL OM3BY (d)
15 - TK4A - Corsica - M/2 - QSL DJ7JC (d)
15 - YU5R - Serbia - M/2 - QSL LoTW or YU1ARC (d)
15 - Z33F - Macedonia - Op. Z33F - SOSB(15m) QSL
20 - J48HW - Greece - SOABHP(TB wires) - QSL HA0HW (d/B)
20 - SV5/N6GQ - Dodecanese - SOAB(QRP) - QSL H/c (d/B)
20 - SV9/SQ9UM - Crete - SOABLP - QSL H/c (d/B)
20 - SW8A - Greece - M/O - QSL LZ1QN (d)
20 - TC2X - Turkey - Op. OH2PM - SO - QSL OH2BH (d/B)
20 - TC7C - Turkey - SOAB - QSL RA1QQ (d)
21 - 4L0A - Georgia - SOAB - QSL LoTW
21 - T6MO - Afghanistan - SOABLP - QSL K9GY (d/B)
25 - HL0V - South Korea - SOAB - QSL HL2UVH (d)
27 - AH2Y - Guam - M/? - QSL
27 - NH2T - Guam - SOABHP - QSL W2YC (d)
27 - V6A - F.S. Micronesia - SOAB - QSL JA7HMZ (d)
28 - YE0X - Indonesia - Multi-2 - QSL YB0ZZ (d)
30 - VK9PN - Lord Howe Island - M/O - QSL VK2PN (d)
33 - EE8X - Canary Islands - SOAB - QSL W2GR (d)
34 - ST2AR - Sudan - SOAB(TB wires) - QSL S53R (d)
35 - 6V7S - Senegal - SOAB - QSL RK4FF (d)
37 - 5X1RO - Uganda - SOSB(15m) - QSL F8DFP (d)
40 - XP2I - Greenland - SOABLP - QSL OZ1BII (d/B)
(d) = Direct
(d/B) = Direct or Bureau

Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated CQWW WPX CW Contest activity at: .. Good luck to all participants & have fun!!!

02/06/2012: Leslie, AD5WB and Jeremy, K0JCC will be active as N5E during Museum Ships Weekend (2-4 June 2012) from the the Tall Ship 'Elissa', located at Galveston Island (NA-143, USi TX001S, Galveston County), State of Texas. QSL via K0JCC, direct with SASE or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Website: [rsgbiota]

03/06/2012: Look for TX5VT, a special call sign for an astronomy outreach and scientific expedition in the four main islands of the Marquesas Archipelago for the 2012 Venus Transit, from 3-12 June, 2012. Christian, F5IDM (TX5VT), is a member of this scientific team. Plans will be to activate the following islands in the OC-027 Marquesas group: Hiva Oa (DIFO FO-021, WLOTA 1233); Nuku Hiva (DIFO FO-023, WLOTA 2030); Ua Huka (DIFO FO-026); and Ua Pou (DIFO FO-027). QSL via F5IDM (KH6 Bureau or irect). Website: [dx-world]

09/06/2012: T48K will once again be activated for the ARRL June VHF QSO Party (9-11 June) as a Limited Multioperator entry from FL10MW. QRV mainly on 6 metres with a five element Tonna and 100 watts, but will also try some contacts on 2 metres with 50 watts and 9 element homebrew cubical quad, looking for the very first QSO ever made between Las Tunas, Cuba (NA-015, WLOTA 0032) and the United States. QSL via DK1WI. [NG3K]

16/06/2012: As part of an International Museum Weekend (16-24 June 2012), a Ham Radio Special Event Station is being setup at the Auberge D'Italie, Merchants Street, at the capital city, Valletta (WW Loc. JM75GV) with a special all 9H9IMW. This exhibition is being setup from the vast collection of vintage radios of 9H1ES, Fortunato. The station is going to be operated from an exhibition hall entitled 'Vintage Wireless Military Museum' the exhibits include thirty vintage communications transmitters and receivers of the period 1938 - 1944, including wireless of post war. One of the exhibits is going to be H2S equipment (nowadays called Radar) which was invented in 1935 and was used by British royal air force (RAF) during second WW II. During the weekends, 9H9IMW will be aired on HF bands and VHF including 6 metres. QSL via 9H1ES, direct with SAE/SASE + sufficient postage. Further information can be found at: [UBA HF News]

29/06/2012: Gordon, G3USR and Graham, M0AEP (UKSMG #1374) will be active from the island of Montserrat (NA-103, WLOTA 1475, WW Loc. FK86VR) as VP2MSR and VP2MDD, respectively, between 29 June and 9 July, 2012. They will be operating from the QTH of Graham, VP2MDD, overlooking the Caribbean Sea on the West coast of Montserrat. Gordon, VP2MSR, will be QRV on 6m with attention to any EU openings. They will also be active on 20-10 metre SSB only. QSL VP2MSR via G3USR, direct only - QTHR. QSL VP2MDD via M0AEP, direct or by the RSGB Bureau. [dx-world]

29/06/2012: Kan, JE1SCF (KU2F) and Yoshi, JG4IQC plan to be QRV from Daito Islands (AS-047, WLOTA 0928), Okinawa Prefecture, Nansei Archipelago, Kyushu Region, Japan. Activity will take place between 29 June and 2 July, 2012. QRV on 40-10 meter CW and SSB. QSL via home calls, by the JARL Bureau or direct ( [NG3K]

17/08/2012: Paul, VK5PAS and six other operators plan to be active as VI5CW from Kangaroo Island (OC-139), South Australia, between 17-20 August, 2012. Their main goal is to activate the Cape Willoughby lighthouse (ARLHS AUS-051, TWLHD WLH VK-017, WLOTA 0869, Admiralty K2112) for the ILLW 2012 (18-19 August), located at the eastern end of the island. QRV on all HF bands SSB, possibly some CW. QSL via VK5PAS, direct or by the VK5 Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to loTW and eQSL. [dx-world]

17/08/2012: An experienced team of 8 operators will be signing VK4ILH during the International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend on 18 & 19 Aug, 2012. Activity to take place (prior to ILLW) from the 17th of August at Cape Moreton Lighthouse (ARLHS AUS-039, ILLW AU0009, WLOTA 2987, Admiralty K2854.1) located on Moreton Island (OC-137, WW Loc. QG62RX). This expedition will mark the very 1st time Cape Moreton Lighthouse has ever been activated. Scheduled in 2007 for the ILLW, this activity never took place. QSL to VK4MIA via the Bureau, direct and LoTW. [dx-world]

19/09/2012: Operators Philippe ON4ACP, Erik ON4ANN, Jose ON4CAU, Eric ON4CCV, Marc ON4CJY, Cedric ON4CKM and Walter ON8CW will be active as HB0/homecalls from Liechtenstein between 19-22 September, 2012. The aim is to be QRV from 80m to 10m, SSB and CW with emphasis on the higher bands, conditions permitting. QSL all calls via ON4ANN, direct or Bureau. Further information at: [dx-world]

23/05/2012: The Coventry Amateur Radio Society will put GB50CCC on the air on 23 May to 19 June 2012 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the consecration of Coventry Cathedral. QRV mainly on 80, 40 and 20 metre SSB. Activity will also be on 2 metre FM (WW Loc. IO92fj). QSL via RSGB only please. Website: [GB2RS]

25/05/2012: Special event station 8T1M is currently active until 8 July, 2012, for the Malabar Amateur Radio & Scouting Society (MARSS), Malappuram District, Kerala State, India. QRV on 160-2 metre CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY, FM and D-STAR. Operators include Taj VU2DJ, Sabu VU2ELJ, Sree VU2OB, Prabin VU2POL, Peeter VU2PJP, Murali VU2FWW, Thomas VU2VJT, Sunil VU2ATB, Ashraf VU3MTY, Mujeeb VU3WII and Sanal, VU3SIO. QSL via VU2MLQ. Website: [DX Newsletter]

26/05/2012: Radio stations from around the world will exchage greetings with GB6GEO over the airwaves at the English Riviera Global Geopark on 26th and 27th May, 2012. The special event station will transmit live from a base set up outside the entrance at the famous Cocking Court in Torquay, right in the heart of the English Riviera Global Geopark. Main frequencies to be used are 3.680MHz, 7.080MHz, 14.180MHz, 21.180MHz, and 28.180MHz. GB6GEO will also be transmitting on 2m FM/SSB. QSL via the RSGB Bureau or direct to G3VOF. Further information on the Geo Parks Communication Weekend event and Geo Parks Award can be found at: []

26/05/2012: The special event station TM3FFI commemorates the agents with their secret transmitters in the Resistance of the Second World War on 26 May, 8-13 July and from 19-22 July, 2012. QSL via F8JZR. See also: [DX Newsletter]

26/05/2012: The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will again operate the Geo Parks Communication Weekend event (26-27 May) from Tankardstown on the Copper Coast Geopark in Co. Waterford, Ireland. The callsign should be EI2GEO and activity will mainly be on HF. QSL via EI7IS, Bureau preferred. [GB2RS]

26/05/2012: Ron, VE3AT, will be using the special callsign VC3O between 26 May and 24 June 2012 for the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. QSL via VE3AT, direct or Bureau. [RAC]

26/05/2012: Members of the Jupiter Tequesta Repeater Group (W4JUP) will once again be operating from underground in the bunker built as an atomic shelter and command center for President J. F. Kennedy during the height of the cold war on 26th and 27th May, 2012 (1300Z-1600Z). This will be their 3rd annual visit to Peanut island (Not IOTA, USi FL479S, WW Loc. EL96XS, Palm Beach County), Florida, which is the location of the bunker. QSL via PO Box 7751, Jupiter, FL 33469. The group plans to be QRV on 7180, 14072.7, 14240 and 18130 kHz. Further information can be found on their website at: [ARRL]

26/05/2012: The San Francisco Amateur Radio Club (W6PW) in cooperation with the California Historical Society celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge, 26-27 May 2012. W6G will be working SSB and CW, 26 May - 27 May, 2000z-2200z, 28.375 24.975 21.275 18.125 14.275 7.175 3.750. Certificate and QSL. Tony Dowler KM6DA, PO Box 1749, Pacifica, CA 94044. SSB and CW. Certificate available for working 5 Bands. [UBA HF News]

01/06/2012: The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during June 2012 will be:
May 29-June 4: GQ4BJC/A - Operated from City of Chester, by Mike M1DAP (/A WAB Square = SJ36 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841). MQ1SWL/A - Operated from Prestwood, Great Missenden, in Buckinghamshire, by John G8XTJ (/A WAB Square = SP80 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
June 5-10: GQ4BJC/A - Operated from Dagenham, Essex, by John M0HEM (/A WAB Square = TQ48 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841). MQ1SWL/A - Operated from Kidderminster, in Worcestershire, by Tony G4ZIB (/A WAB Square = SO87 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
June 11-30: GX4BJC/A - Operated from Dagenham, Essex, by John M0HEM (/A WAB Square = TQ48 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841). MX1SWL/A - Operated from Hartford, in Cambridgeshire, by Tom G3RPV (/A WAB Square = TL27 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
ALL QSL's will be handled by Herbie G6XOU and NOT the individual Operators.
The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club.
All QSL Info is on or or via NO LOTW.
I.S.W.L. Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see for full details. cards ARE welcomed for our awards.
Very best wishes to all, Pete Rayer, ISWL Life Vice President, Bournemouth, UK. [Pete at the DX-Newsdesk]

01/06/2012: Look for special event station VC3E to be active during the entire month of June, 2012. Activity is to celebrate the Diamond Jubiliee of Queen Elizabeth II. QSL via VE3JPP. [RAC]

01/06/2012: Eddie, ES2TT, will be active with the special event callsign YL2012USCARS, for the American Cars Fan Meeting (Saulkrasti 2012), between 1-4 June, 2012. QRV on 40-6 metre SSB, CW and PSK, from his home QTH in Keila, Estonia (WW Loc. KO29EH). QSL via ES2TT, direct or via the Bureau. Information on Eddie's American Auto Club can be found at: []

01/06/2012: "European Football Championship 2012 on the AIR" is an on-the-air activity which promises to be a great deal of fun, organized by Polish and Ukrainian amateurs affiliated with PZK and UARL. From 1 June to 5 July 2012, there will be numerous special event stations active on the air. They will be operating concurrently with the 2012 European Football Championship, which this year is organized jointly by Poland and Ukraine. Stations to be active are - PZK: SN2012PZPN, HF2012EFC, 3Z2012EFC, SN2012GD, SN2012PO, SN2012WA, SN2012WR; and UARL: EM2012EFC, EN2012EFC, EO2012EFC, EN2012L, EN2012I, EN2012W, EN2012U. Other special events stations will include HF2012BGS, HF2012EUPP, HF2012EURO, SN2012EB, SN2012EURO, SN2012FUD, SN2012RKK, SN2012UEFA, SN4EFC, 3Z2012RKT, HF2012KV and 3Z2012YRY. Further details, including QSL information, online logs and several awards can be found at: [SQ2RH]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

25/05-03/06 SV8/HA0HW: Nisos Thasos WLOTA:4186 QSL HA0HW (d/B)
26/05-27/05 6Y3W: Jamaika Island WLOTA:0214 QSL RA4LW (d)
26/05-31/05 9H3PP: Malta Island WLOTA:1113 QSL HA5PP (d/B)
26/05-27/05 CS2W: Culatra Island WLOTA:0144 QSL HB9CRV (d/B/LoTW)
26/05-27/05 EE8X: Isla de Tenerife WLOTA:1276 QSL W2GR (d)
26/05-27/05 J48HW: Nisos Thasos WLOTA:4186 QSL HA0HW (d/B)
26/05-27/05 KP2M: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL LoTW
26/05-27/05 KP2MM: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL LoTW/N2TTA (d)
26/05-27/05 MJ0CFW: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA:0818 QSL M0CFW (d)
26/05-27/05 NH2T: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL LoTW / W2YC (d)
26/05-27/05 P40H: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL OK7MT (d/B)
26/05-27/05 P49Y: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL AE6Y (d)
26/05-27/05 PW0F: Ilha Fernando de Noronha WLOTA:1208 QSL OH2BH (d/B)
26/05-27/05 SW8A: Nisos Samothraki WLOTA:4166 QSL LZ1QN (d)
26/05-27/05 XP2I: Greenland WLOTA:0072 QSL OZ1BII (d/B)
26/05-27/05 YE0X: Java WLOTA:1660 QSL YB0ZZ (d)

25/05-27/05 070 Club Three Day Weekend PSK31 6m Class 25 0000z-27 2400z
25/05-03/06 5X1EME: Uganda Grid:KJ60GH 2m/70cm EME QSL PA3CEE (d)
25/05-29/05 V63DX: Pohnpei OC-010 Grid:QJ96 6m CW/SSB QSL JA7HMZ (d)
25/05-29/05 V63ZP: Pohnpei OC-010 Grid:QJ96 6m CW/SSB QSL JA7ZP (d)
26/05-27/05 A.R.I. Italian EME Contest 2m-2.3G/New Modes 26 0000z-27 2400z
26/05-27/05 European EME Contest CW/SSB/1296MHz 26 0000z-27 2400z
26/05-27/05 HL0A: Ch'ung Island AS-060 Grid:PM35BA 6m SSB/CW 100W QSL HL2UVH (d)
27/05 Contest Gargano 50MHz CW/SSB/Fixed/Rover 27 0800z-1500z
29/05 RSGB 70MHz UKAC SO/Fixed/Open 29 2000z-2230z
01/06-03/06 4A3RRC: Cayo Culebra NA-200 Grid:EK69 6m SSB + Sat QSL EA5FL (d)

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: (Updated 21 May, 2012)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:


QSLs via Direct: 3CØE (EA5BYP), 3C6A (EA5BYP), 7X5QB (OQRS EA7FTR), 9M6/JA1PBV (H/c), A35YZ (OQRS), AT2DW [AS-175] (VU2SWS), HV5PUL (IWØDJB), KP2/W1EQ (H/c), SV2ASP/A (, UK8AR (, UM2ØY (UK8AR), V26M (W3HNK), VK9XS (JA1PBV), VP2MMM (W3HNK) and ZD7FT (

IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

Our radio club will carry out on Thursday, 24 May, a trip to Juan Fernandez Archipelago (SA-005), with the purpose of installing a radio station that will be able to communicate from the island to the mainland.
It is not the first nor last time, that CE2AA embarks on a mission of this kind in this section place of our beloved and loved Chile.
Team members include: Claudio CE2NGN (team leader), Alex CE2OKY, Ricardo CE0YJI, Ed CE2SJT and Francisco CA2REM.
QRV on 80-15 metre, CW and SSB. CW - 3.550, 7.035, 14.040 and 21.040 MHz. SSB - 3.700, 7.075, 14.150 and 21.250 MHz. They will also untilize any local VHF/UHF repeaters.
On Monday 28 of May they will try to connect the island in the maneuvers of tsunami.
Information of: Encargado grupo DX CE2AA (
Comision Dx y Concursos
With great pleasure I inform to the world community of amateur radio that after a national debate and then follow the legal avenues has been approved by the department authorized by the government the use of new digital modes for all Cuban hams.
The last legislation only allowed us to work in PSK31, QPSK31, AMTOR, PACKET and RTTY.
We can now work in Domino Contestia, Olivia, MFSK, JT65, almost all variants of PSK (BPSK, QPSK, PSK-R) among others.
And more importantly, it has set up a mechanism to apply for new digimodes by any hams, I have asked already some who were not authorized, including WSPR, JT6M, HSMM, PACTOR II and III, FSK441, among others.
Another important step is that they have authorized access to the FRC's internal network using packet radio nodes, and have authorized the use of packet gateways in cross bands (HF/VHF, etc.)
Cuban radio amateurs are pleased with this approval that puts us on a par with colleagues anywhere in the world.
73 from CO7WT
CU on HF on Digimodes !!! [Southgate ARC]
Complete details at:
Tnx & 73, Rick-K6VVA
Helsinki, May,21.2012
>From the Desk of Radio Arcala

In the summer months of the Far North, the midnight sun never sets and no QSOs are possible on the point rich lower bands. Additionally, 10M rarely opens in the North, so the only choice left to Radio Arcala and their associates is to tactically move South to satisfy their competitive urge.
The troops are still spearheaded by their battle ship, OH8X and the specific target is to reach North America with the massive hardware of Arcala fame, boldly challenging the forces of Mother Nature.

Northern Europe:
OH8X will be operated by Toni Linden, OH2UA
OH10X by Kim Ostman, OH6KZP
OH0X, Aland Islands by Pekka Holstila, OH2TA

Asiatic Turkey:
TC2X will be operated by Pertti Simovaara, OH2PM

South America:
PW0F will be operated by Ville Hiilesmaa, OH2MM/PY2ZEA
PW0F, Fernando de Noronha operation will be conducted jointly with the Araucaria DX Group of Brazil

QSL info:
OH8X via OH2UA
OH0X via OH2TA
others via OH2BH
The Galway VHF Group will be officially launching of the Craggy Island DXpedition Group using the new callsign EI0TED.
The launch will take place this weekend, on Sunday the 27th of May, at the Craggy Island Parochial House which is actually located in the Burren, County Clare. A H.F. Station will be in operation between 11:00 am and 3pm on 80, 40 and possibly 20 metres. Afternoon Tea and buns have been booked for the operators and guests courtesy of "Mrs. Doyle".
Please find time to QSY to 3680 KHz after the IRTS news at Mid-day where we will take calls before QSYing to 40 metres for the rest of the afternoon. A special QSL card will be produced to mark this occasion.
Later this year there will be a number of operations from Offshore Islands round the coast of Ireland. EI3IS is an experienced kayaker and hopes to activate some of the more inaccessible islands with no landing facillities and due to the mode of transport many of these operations will be QRP. This should not present a major problem if the band conditions are reasonable.
Check out the News section of where up to date announcements of our operations may be found.
Current EI0TED / EJ0TED operations may also be found on
From the Southgate News.

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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