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Главная » 2012 » Апрель » 27 » ICPO Bulletin (27 April-04 May 2012)
ICPO Bulletin (27 April-04 May 2012)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
27/04/2012:  Look for Jim, MM0BQI, to be active as GB5TI from Lunga Island (IOSA
NH17, SCOTIA DI09, WAB NH17), Treshnish Isles, Inner Hebrides (EU-108) between
27 April and 1 May, 2012. QRV on the HF bands, on or near the usual island and
IOTA frequencies. QSL Information: Direct, email Bureau requests and LoTW via
GB5TI. []

27/04/2012:  Yuki, JO2ASQ/8, will be active from Hokkaido Island (AS-078, WLOTA
2967) on 27-29 April and again on 4-5 May, 2012. From 30 April to 3 May he will
activate the following islands in the IOTA AS-147 group: Rebun Island (WLOTA
2805) between 30 April and 1 May, and from Rishiri Island (WLOTA 2760) on 2-3
May, 2012. QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau.

27/04/2012:  Loek PF0IS, Henk PA3Z, Ineke PA3FTX and Gerben PD1GWF will be
active as PI4WBR from Schouwen Duiveland Island (EU-146, WLOTA 3089) between 27
April and 6 May, 2012. QRV on 80-10m SSB on, or near, the usual island and IOTA
frequencies. QSL via PA3FTX, direct or Bureau. []

28/04/2012:  Operators Dominic ON4AZP, Michel ON4CAQ, Francois ON6VP, Herman
ON7FH and Maurice ON7KS will be active from Lolland Island (EU-029, DIA SJ-015,
WLOTA 2773), Region Sjæland (County of Zealand), as 5P5Y between 28 April and 5
May, 2012. QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via ON4AMM, direct or Bureau.

28/04/2012:  The Camb-Hams will once again activate the Isle of Mull (EU-008,
IOSA NH15, SCOTIA CN10, WLOTA 2485, WW Loc. IO66VH), Inner Hebrides, as GS3PYE/p
between 28 April and 5 May, 2012. Operators include Pete 2E0SQL, Geoff G0DDX,
Bob G1SAA, Terry G3VFC, Martin G3ZAY, John G4BAO, Colin G4ERO, Neil G4HUN, Steve
G8CRB, Dominic M0BLF, Phil M0DEG, Lawrence M0LCM, Mark M0MJH, Rob M0VFC, Steve
M1ACB and Gavin M1BXF. They will be QRV on all HF bands from 160m to 10m covered
with five stations on air simultaneously, all capable of running the legal power
limit from five linear amplifiers. VHF: 6m, 4m and 2m with a great take-off to
the UK and Europe, again all at legal limit. They will also be active on 10GHz
(3cm) for a first-time activation of IO66 square. There will also be a 24 hour
activation of Lunga, Treshnish Isles (EU-108, IOSA NH17, SCOTIA DI09), by
operators Martin G3ZAY, Neil G4HUN, Dominic M0BLF, Mark M0MJH and Steve M1ACB,
using the callsign GS6PYE/p, on 29-30 April, 2012. QSL both calls by the Bureau
to G3PYE, or direct to M0VFC. []

29/04/2012:  JD1BLC and JD1YBT will be active from Chichi-jima (AS-031, WLOTA
2269, JCG #10007, Grid Loc. QL17), Ogasawara, between 29 April and 5 May, 2012.
QRV on 160 to 6m CW/SSB/RTTY. QSL both callsigns via JP1IOF. []

29/04/2012:  Makoto, JI5RPT, will once again be active as JD1BLY from Chich-jima
(AS-031, WLOTA 2269, JCG #10007, Grid Loc. QL17) between 29 April and 5 May,
2012. Plans are to be QRV on 160-6m CW, SSB and the Digital modes. He will also
work the Satellites. NO 6m EME. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. Website: [NG3K]

29/04/2012:  Koji, JI1LET, will again be active as JI1LET/JD1 from Chich-jima
(JCG 10007, WLOTA 2269, WW Loc. QL17CB), Ogasawara archipelago (AS-031), between
29 April and 5 May, 2012. QRV on 80-6 metre CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call,
Bureau or direct (SASE + 2GS). []

29/04/2012:  Robert ON4LRG, Janny ON5PO, Paul ON6DP, Didier ON6YH, Pierre ON7PC
and Jean ON7ZM will be active on the 29th of April 2012 from Castle of Hoyoux
(WCA ON-00497, BCA LG-096). They plan to work from 0600 till 1000 UTC on all
bands as OP0P/P or homecalls/p. QSL for OP0P is via ON6DP, bureau, direct, LOTW
or e-QSL. QSL others via their home callsigns. [RN1CW]

29/04/2012:  Noel, OO4O, will be active as OZ/OO4O from Hov Fyr (ARLHS DEN-035,
WLOTA 0590, WW Loc. JO55LD) on Langeland Island (EU-172, DIA FY-019) from 29
April to 5 May, 2012. He will operate mainly SSB and CW on the HF bands. QSL via
LoTW and the Belgian QSL Bureau. [425 DX News]

29/04/2012:  Serge, RQ1AP (ex RU9YT), will be active on the 29th and 30th of
April 2012 from Novgorod Kremlin (WCA UA-00012, COTA-RU C-112) and from Belaya
Tower (WCA UA-00405, COTA-RU C-138). He plans to work as RQ1AP/1 only BPSK (all
QSO also valid for ETPA). QSL via home call. Log will be uploaded to WCA E-Log.

29/04/2012:  Pete, W2GJ, will be active from the island of Saipan (USi NI002S,
WLOTA 1333, WW Loc. QK25UF), Northern Mariana Islands (OC-086) as W2GJ/KH0
between 29 April and 3 May, 2012. Expect activity on 80-10m, all modes. There is
also the possibility of some 6 metre activity. QSL via home call.

30/04/2012:  Kay, JH3AZC, plans to be active from the Pohnpei Islands (OC-010),
Micronesia, as V63AZ between 30 April and 4 May, 2012. QRV on HF bands using CW,
SSB and RTTY; possible activity on 80m and 160m too. QSL via home call.

30/04/2012:  Kan, AB2RF/JJ2RCJ, will be active from as T88RF between 30 April
and 4 May 2012 from the West Plaza by the Sea Hotel, Koror, Republic of Palau
(OC-009). QRV on all HF bands, with focus on the digital modes (PSK63/RTTY/Hell)
and the low bands. QSL via JJ2RCJ, Bureau or direct. Logs will be uploaded to
LoTW. [NG3K]

01/05/2012:  Luigi, IV3XNF, will be on a United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL)
mission in Lebanon between May and October, 2012. He will be staying on a
military base but plans to be active during his free time and operate as a QRP
station using the callsign OD5/IV3XNF/QRP. Activity will be on 80-10 metres
using a Yaesu FT-817ND into a Carolina Windom 80 antenna or an End-Fed
Half-Wavelength Antenna (EFHWA - fishing pole). Preferred modes are CW and
Digital. QSL direct to his home call, via LoTW and eQSL. Further information and
updates can be found at: [OPDX Bulletin]

03/05/2012:  Daniel, ZS6JR and Dior, ZS6DJD will be operating from Mozambique
for seven to ten days starting on the 3th or 4th of May 2012 depending how quick
they get the equipment up. Their plans were to park next to a small lake in Shai
Shai, Mozambique, (400 km north of the capital) and operate all vertical
antennas with the earth wires in the water and see what they could do. So they
will operate vertical on most bands 40m to 10m, but Daniel has also decided to
take a Hex beam antenna. If they get the chance they will also work 6m and 80m.
A callsign will be issued upon arrival, and will probably get C91JD or C91DJ or
C91DN. Conditions allowing they should be on all these bands. On 20m around
14.200, 14.1950, 02 14.900 or 14.2100, on 15m at 21.2800 or 21.2750, 21.2700
21.650, 21.500. On Ten Metres at 28.450 or 28.470 or 28.500 and others bands 17m
and 12m. QSL via ZS6DJD. [NG3K]

04/05/2012:  A team led by Dale, BA4TB, will be active as BY1WXD/5 from Gulangyu
Island ["Drum Wave Islet"] (AS-138), Xiamen, Fujian Province, South East China,
from 4-7 May, 2012. QRV on all bands and modes. QSL via BA4TB. [IOTA-Chasers]

05/05/2012:  During Memorial "Pobeda 67" (from 08.00 UTC on 5th of May till
14.00 UTC on 9th of May, 2012)  Ned, LZ1DX, will activate the special callsign
LZ67VZ via EME on frequencies of 432.144 MHz, 2320.144 MHz and 2304.144 MHz. To
arrange SKED's please write to lz1dx[AT] . All contacts will be
confirmed 100% by the log via the LZ QSL Bureau. The special callsign LZ67VZ is
devoted to the hero of the World War II - Bulgarian general Vladimir Zaimov. The
team of operators will be: Alex LZ1ADF, Boyan LZ1BJ, Valyo LZ1DOT, Ned LZ1DX,
Slav LZ1MC, Gosho LZ1ZF, Boris LZ2JR, Krasi LZ2UW and Emil LZ3HI. LZ67VZ will be
active on DigiModes DMC# 5525 DMC and EPC# 18090 EPC. Further information can be
found at: [LZ1ZF]

05/05/2012:  Kay, JH3AZC, plans to become active from the island of Guam
(OC-026, USi GU003S, WFF KFF-110, WLOTA 0064) as W2AZ/KH2 from 5-6 May, 2012.
QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via homecall. [DX Newsletter]

10/05/2012:  Renner, PY7RP, will be active as PY7RP/6 from Tinhare Island
(SA-080, DIB BA-05, WLOTA 1624), Bahia State, from 10-13 May, 2012. QRV holiday
style on the HF bands using CW and SSB with 100W and wire antennas. QSL via
homecall. [PT7WA]

11/05/2012:  Look for Iwao JA2LSS (8Q7CJ), Yoshi JA2AIC (8Q7IC), Nob JA2AAU
(8Q7NK), Iku JA2ATE (8Q7TE) and Mori JA2ZS (8Q7ZS) to be active from North Male
Atoll (AS-013, WLOTA 3911), Maldives, between 11-16 May, 2012. QRV on 160-6m CW,
SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via home calls. []

12/05/2012:  Operators Holger DL1COP, Alex DL1KD, Jurgen DJ2VO, Martin DL3KMS
and Helmut DL3KBQ will be active from Porquerolles Island (EU-070, DIFM ME010,
WLOTA 1107) as F/homecalls from 12-25 May, 2012. QRV on 80-10 metres, all modes.
QSL via home calls, Bureau or direct. [ ]

19/05/2012:  Members of the Manotick Amateur Radio Group (VE3RIX) will be
operating special event station VX3W from the Fort Wellington National Historic
Site (WCA VE-00215) in Prescott, Ontario, on Saturday, 19th May 2012 from 10:00
EDT to 16:00 EDT (1400z to 2000z) to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the
War of 1812. They will be operating on various HF bands, depending on the
conditions. Local operators may be able to find us on simplex VHF and/or UHF.
While most operations will be voice, we may also operate in the digital modes.
If you make contact with VX3W, please send us a QSL card to: Manotick Amateur
Radio Group, c/o 609-45 Holland Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4S3 Canada. We will
send out cards in return and ask that you include a first class stamp for
Canadian addresses or an IRC for any other country. Further information can be
found on their website at: [RAC]

22/05/2012:  From May 22-31, 2012 look for Ron, DL6AUK and Sven, DJ2AT to be QRV
from Morokulien, on the border between Norway and Sweden. All bands will be
worked according to conditions with focus on 40m and 20m. The call will be
changed daily. QSL via LA4EKA (see []

06/06/2012:  Shigeo JA1JQY (A52JY), Aki JK1EBA (A52BA), Karl JA3MCA (A52MA),
Sasi JA1KJW (A52KJ), and Kund JA8VE (A52VE) will be active from Thimpu (Grid
Loc. NL47), Bhutan, between 6-14 June, 2012. They plan to stay at the Hotel in
the altitude of about 10,000ft. QRV 160m to 6m, SSB, CW, RTTY, with an emphasis
on 6 metres. A breakable beacon will be on 50.125 MHz around the clock. QSL via
home calls. [NG3K]

10/06/2012:  Dandy, K6ZRH (also DU1IMA), plans to be active from Palawan Island
(OC-128, WLOTA 1612) as K6ZRH/DU1 from 10-30 June, 2012. QRV on 40, 20 and 15
metre SSB. QSL via home call, direct only. []

28/07/2012:  Leslie, AD5WB, resident of Galveston Island (NA-143, USi TX001S,
Galveston County), Texas, will be active in the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July)
as an Island/Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL via LoTW. Also QSL direct, Bureau
or eQSL to AD5WB. [NG3K]

28/07/2012:  Members of the Papa Lima DX Group will be returning to activate the
callsign EJ0PL from Little Saltee Island (EU-103) for the RSGB IOTA Contest
(28-29 July), as an Island/Multi-Op entry. The team of operators will be Adam
EI5JQ, Oleg EI7KD, Michal SP9UUC, Arek EI9KC, Dan EI3JZ, Robert EI6KD and Chris
SQ7NNM. QSL via EI5JQ, direct or Bureau. [MM0NDX]

28/04/2012:  The North Jersey DX Association will be operating special event
station W2H between 28 April and 12 May, 2012. The activity will be in memoriam
of the 75th anniversary of the Hindenburg disaster, which took place as the
German passenger airship "Hindenburg" caught fire and was destroyed during its
attempt to dock at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station. W2H will be operated from
Lakehurst on 6 May, the actual date of the anniversary. See for QSL
information. [425 DX News]

01/05/2012:  Special event station EM350S will be active from 01 May to 30 June
2012 to celebrate the 350th anniversary of Ivano-Frankivsk city [1662-2012]
(Grid Loc. KN28), Ukraine. QRV on all HF bands and 6 metre CW, SSB and the
Digital modes. QSL via UW8SM direct, Bureau, LoTW and eQSL. [UW8SM]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

27/04-29/04  JO2ASQ/8: Hokkaido (main island) WLOTA:2967 QSL HC (d/b)
27/04-06/05  PI4WBR: Schouwen-Duiveland Island WLOTA:3089 QSL PA3FTX (d/b)
28/04-05/05  5P5Y: Lolland Island WLOTA:2773 QSL ON4AMM (d/b)
28/04-05/05  GS3PYE/P: Isle of Mull WLOTA:2485 QSL G3PYE (b)/M0VFC (d)
29/04-05/05  JD1BLC: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JP1IOF (d/b)
29/04-05/05  JD1BLY: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JI5RPT (d/b)
29/04-05/05  JD1YBT: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JP1IOF (d/b)
29/04-05/05  JI1LET/JD1: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL HC (d/b)
29/04-05/05  OZ/OO4O: Hov Fyr WLOL:DEN-035 WLOTA:0590 QSL HC (b)
30/04-01/05  JO2ASQ/8: Rebun To WLOTA:2805 QSL HC (d/b)
02/05-03/05  JO2ASQ/8: Rishiri To WLOTA:2760 QSL HC (d/b)
04/05-05/05  JO2ASQ/8: Hokkaido (main island) WLOTA:2967 QSL HC (d/b)

I would like to announce a new 10 GHz beacon!
The beacon is located in Atlantic, Pennsylvania (EN91UM).
The call sign is K3AWS and the frequency is 10368.325 MHz. + / - , running one
and one half Watt into an Alford Slot Antenna. The ground elevation is 432.8
Meters (1419.9 Feet), and the tower is another 89.3 Meters (292.9 Feet).
Any reception reports would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You & 73,
KB8VAO, Steve
kb8vao[AT] [OntVHFAssoc]
28/04-29/04  European EME Contest (3) CW/SSB/2.3G  18 0000z-29 2400z
28/04-29/04  Nebraska QSO Party 6&2m included  28 1100z-29 1700z
29/04-05/05  JD1BLC: Chichi-jima AS-031 Grid:QL17 6m CW/SSB QSL JP1IOF (d/b)
29/04-05/05  JD1BLY: Chichi-jima AS-031 Grid:QL17 6m CW/SSB+Sat QSL JI5RPT (d/b)
29/04-05/05  JD1YBT: Chichi-jima AS-031 Grid:QL17 6m CW/SSB QSL JP1IOF (d/b)
29/04-05/05  JI1LET/JD1: Chichi-jima AS-031 Grid:QL17CB 6m CW/SSB QSL HC (d/b)
29/04-03/05  W2GJ/KH0: Saipan Island OC-086 Grid:QK25 6m CW/SSB QSL HC (d)
01/05-31/08  3nd 50 MHz Marathon - Memorial "Roberto Rossi" I5RRE
01/05            LY 144MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM  01 1700z-2059z
01/05            RSGB 144MHz UKAC SO/Fixed/Open  01 2000z-2230z
01/05-30/06  EM350S: 350yrs Ivano-Frankivsk city Grid:KN28 6m QSL UW8SM (d/b)
02/05            MOON Contest 144 MHz CW/Digi/FM/SSB  02 1800z-2000z
04/05-05/05  35th All MIE 33 Contest 6m-70cm Class CW/SSB  04 2300z-05 0300z

Contest Calendars:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 25 April, 2012)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

QSLs via Bureau: PPØT, R75ØY and YU4NC.

QSLs via Direct: 4S7NE (, 5R8VB (UA4WHX), 603A (K2PF), 6Y1V (OH3RB),
7Q7VB (UA4WHX), 8P5A (NN1N), 9M6/OH2YY [AS-051] (H/c), A71BU (NI5DX), C6AZZ
(AI2N), TO3A (VE3EY), TX7M (RZ3EC), VKØTH (JE1LET), VK9N/ZL1RS (H/c) and ZL8X

QSLs via LoTW: 3D2R, 5B4AJC, 5K3R, 5V7CC, 7Z7AA, 9N7MD, 9UØA, A25KW, CO2WF,
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

Hi Friends
Since 2006, our friend Alain, F6HBR, has been living in Thailand.
After seven years of negotiation between France and Thailand, a reciprocal
agreement was signed last December, 2011.
So, to day, for the first time, a French operator has got a Thai ham ticket.
Starting Thursday 25th April, Alain, F6HBR, (ex FO8FW & FR5EM) will be HS0ZKG.
Alain will work mainly CW and a little PSK and RTTY, from Koh Samui (AS-101).
More information to follow.
A second French ham is living in Thailand, Gerald, F8DEG. He going is to be
the second French ham signing HS0Zxx. [F5NQL]

The callsign XX9E has been issued for the May 17-23 DXpediton to Coloane
Island, Macau. Further information at: []

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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