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Главная » 2012 » Июль » 28 » ICPO Bulletin (27 July - 03 August 2012)
ICPO Bulletin (27 July - 03 August 2012)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
27/07/2012:  Marcus, DL3NCI, will be active in the IOTA Contest as 9A/DL3NCI
from Losinj Island (EU-136, ACIA IC-116, CIA-25, IOCA CI-058, MIA MC-204, WLOTA
4295) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power/12Hr/Mixed entry. Outside the contest he
will be QRV holiday style (+/- 2 days). QSL via home call. [NG3K]

27/07/2012:  Members of Amateur Radio Taipei (A.R.T.) will be active as BO0M
from 27-30th July 2012 from Matsu Island (AS-113, WW Loc. OL96XD). This will
include a Multi-2/Island-Dxpedition entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest. Operators
include Tang BM2AAV, Ken BV1EL, Eddie BV2DD, Evan BV2KS, Lee BV2NT, Lee BX2AB,
Calvin BX4AG, Al VR2SA and Bom XX9LT. QSL information: c/o A.R.T. QSL Service,
P.O.Box 73-326, Taipei, Taiwan (see: You
can also QSL via the Bureau, but they only return QSLs by the Bureau once a
year. It is recommended to use the A.R.T. QSL Service at: [DX-World]

27/07/2012:  Members of the Shanghai DX Club will join the IOTA contest as
BY4DX/5 for the 3rd time from Shensi Island (AS-137), Zhejiang Province, China.
Team members will be BG4GMA, BD4CQ, BD4FM, BD4DYH, ON6WFO, BH4ACQ, BG4HRM. They
will be QRV from 27-29th July 2012. On 27th July the team members will use
homecall/5. QSL BY4DX/5 via BD4HF, direct or Bureau. QSL others via their home
calls. [DX-World]

27/07/2012:  Peter, DC1HPS, will be active from Pellworm island (EU-042, GIA
N-023, WFF DLFF-013, WLOTA 1188) as DC1HPS/p from 27-29 July 2012. Peter will
focus on the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL via home call, Bureau or direct. [rsgbiota]

27/07/2012:  Mike, DG5LAC, will be active as DG5LAC/p from Usedom Island
(EU-129, GIA O-13, WLOTA 1640) on 27-29 July, 2012. He will be QRV on 80-10
metre SSB and will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. [425 DX

27/07/2012:  Look for Friedrich, DL4BBH and Ric, DL2VFR to activate the special
callsign DM50IOTA from Borkum Island (EU-047, GIA N-001, WLOTA 1022) from 27-29
July, 2012. This will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest. QRV on all HF
bands and modes, propagation permitting. QSL direct or Bureau to DM50IOTA.

27/07/2012:  Operators EA1EN, EA1HVY, EA2RC, EA3VE, EA5CRC, EA5FX, EA5FHK,
EC7JA, EA5EEO will activate Isla de Tabarca (EU-093, DIE E-006, WLOTA 1779, WW
Loc. IM98SE) using the callsign ED5RKB from 27-29 July 2012. Activity will be on
160-2 metre CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 with three stations on the air. They will
also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest using the callsign ED5K. QSL both
callsigns via EA5RKB, direct or Bureau. Website: [rsgbiota]

27/07/2012:  Peter OT9Z / ON8ZZ, Dominiek ON3JA and Frederik ON3NT will be
active from Iles Chausey (EU-039, DIFM MA004, WLOTA 0424) as F/OT9Z from 27-29
July, 2012. This will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest, using the
special callsign TM7T. QSL via OT9Z. [rsgbiota]

27/07/2012:  Nobby, G0VJG, will be signing G0VJG/p from Saint Mary's Island,
Isles of Scilly (EU-011, WLOTA 0408, WAB NZ37), from 27-30 July, 2012. He will
also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest as a Single-Op/High-Power/SSB entry.
QSL via home call, direct only. [NG3K]

27/07/2012:  Francesco IV3EDU, Stefano IV3LZQ, Giovanni IV3ODE and Paolo IV3PUT
will be active as IA5/IQ3MO from Isola Capraia (EU-028, IIA LI-020, MIA MI-013,
WLOTA 0545) from 27-30 July 2012. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-10
metres, and will participate in the IOTA Contest as IA5Z. QSL via IV3ODE, direct
or bureau. A log search will be available at: [425 DX News]

27/07/2012:  Taka, JA8COE, plans to be active as homecall/8 from Yagishiri To
[island] (AS-147, WFF JAFF-034 WLOTA 2512), Hokkaido Prefecture, Rumoi
Subprefecture, Tomamae District, Japan. He will be QRV between 27th and 29th
July 2012, including the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL direct or Bureau to JA8COE

27/07/2012:  Joe, K5KUA, will once again be active as K5KUA/5 from Galveston
Island (NA-143, USi TX001S, Galveston County), Texas, from 27-30 July, 2012.
This will also include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest. QRV on 80-10 metres,
mainly SSB, with some CW if time permits. QSL via home call, direct, by the
Bureau and LoTW. [rsgbiota]

27/07/2012:  Graham, M6GCS, will be active as MM6GCS/p from the Isle of Mull
(IOSA NH15, SCOTIA CN10, WLOTA 2485), Inner Hebrides (EU-008) before, during and
after the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL direct to M6GCS QTHr. [rsgbiota]

27/07/2012:  Scott, NE1RD, plans to activate Lovell Island (NA-148), Boston
Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, Suffolk county, Massachusetts, as
NE1RD/1 from 27-29 July 2012. This will include a Single-Op/24Hr/SSB/QRP entry
in the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. Log will be
uploaded to Club Log. [NG3K]

27/07/2012:  The Perdigueiros Radio Team will be active as PR5D from Ilha do Mel
(SA-047, DIB PR-01, WLOTA 1435), Parana State, Brazil, from 27-29th July 2012,
including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest. Operators will be Alexandre PY5BH,
Vagner PY5DC, Fleck PY5DJ, Fernando PY5FO and Goncalves PY5IN. Note: Band and
frequencies will be chosen depending on propagation conditions. QSL only direct
to PY5DC ( Watch live video from PR5D on . Website: [rsgbiota]

27/07/2012:  Members of the Russian Robinson Club (RA5A, RL3AA, RW3RN, UA3EDQ
and UA9OBA) will be active as RI0K from Ostrov Ratmanova (AS-061, Big Diomede
Island, RRA RR-11-04, RDA CK-08), Chukchi Sea, from 27-30 July 2012, IOTA
Contest included. From 3-5 August the plan to be active as RI0K/p from Ostrov
Alyumka (AS-092, RRA RR-12-01, RDA CK-05, in the Chukotka Autonomous Region),
Bering Sea. They plan to have three stations with amplifiers on all bands and
modes. QSL RI0K via RW3RN, QSL RI0K/p via UA9OBA. Website: [425 DX

27/07/2012:  Members of the Radio Club Station Ryazan (RK3SWB) will be active as
RK3SWB/1 from the Solovetskiye Islands (possibly Anzerskiy island - EU-066,
RR-02-04, RDA AR-27, WLOTA 2998) from 27-29 July 2012. This will include a
Multi-Op entry in the IOTA Contest. Operators include Vas RU3SD, Serge UA3SKV
and SWL R3S-367. QSL via RK3SWB, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]

27/07/2012:  The TC Special Wireless Activity Team and the Giresun Radio
Amateurs and Nature Sports Club will be active as TC0KLH from Kefken Adasi
[Kefkenada] Lighthouse (built in 1879, ARLHS TUR-058, TWLHD WLH TA-011, WLOTA
0691, Admiralty E5830), Kefken island (AS-159, WW Loc. KN51DF), Kocaeli
Province, on 27-29th July 2012, RSGB IOTA Contest included. QSL via TA1HZ,
Bureau or direct. [425 DX News]

27/07/2012:  Len, VE9MY and Linda, VE9GLF will be active as homecall/VE1 from
Johns Island (NA-126 CIsA NS-127), Shelburne County, Nova Scotia between
(approx) 27th and 30th July 2012. This will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA
Contest. They will use both callsigns before, during and after the IOTA contest.
QSL both callsigns via VE9MY, Bureau preferred. [NG3K]

27/07/2012:  Anacapa Island (NA-144, USi CA002S), Ventura county, California,
will be activated as W6UX/p with a team of 6 operators during the RSGB IOTA
contest. This will be a multi-op entry on both phone and CW. Since this is a
battery only expedition, we will be running at 50W or less. QSL via W6UX, direct
or Bureau. Log will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. Operators are Jeff W6UX, Rich
AE6RS, Kenan KR6J, John KQ6ES, Steve K6SGH and Tim N6GP. Anacapa island also
counts for Anacapa lighthouse (ARLHS USA-012, TWLHD WLH K-005, WLOTA 1300) and
for the Channel Islands National Park (WFF KFF-014). Outside the contest (Friday
only) they will be QRV as homecall/p on 40, 30, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via
their home calls. [DX-World]

28/07/2012:  Chris, VE3CBK, is planning to visit Doe Island (CIsA New One!, WW
Loc. FN04XO), located in Quarry Bay, Upper Stony Lake, Peterborough County,
Province of Ontario, between 28th July and 4th August, 2012. QRV on, or near,
the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call, direct or by the
Bureau. [CIsA]

28/07/2012:  John, VE3ISE, and a group of friends will activate a Canadian
island during the IOTA contest. NOT AN IOTA. They will operate from Merritt
Island (CIsA ON-109), Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario, using
homecalls/p. Operators will include John VE3ISE, Doug VE3GJ, and Harvey VE3HMB.
QSL via home calls, direct or by the VE3 QSL Bureau. [USi]

29/07/2012:  Tsuyoshi, JJ2NYT, will be active as FK/JJ2NYT from Grande Terre
(OC-032, DIFO FK-001 WLOTA 1280, DDFM 988) between 29 July and 2 August 2012.
QRV on 40-10 metre CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or by the JARL
Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

30/07/2012:  Ray, PE1GUR, will be active as PA6FUN from Ameland Island (EU-038,
WLOTA 1059, WW Loc. JO23VK) between 30th July and 15th August 2012. QRV on 6
metres only...Es, Ms and Tropo. QSL via PE1GUR, Bureau or direct. [rsgbiota]

31/07/2012:  Victor, RW0BG, plans to be active as homecall/p from Oleniy Island
(AS-083, RRA RR-06-06, RDA YN-12) in the time frame of 31 July and 1 August
2012. Exact date will be posted closer to the time of the operation. QSL via
home call, direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [rsgbiota]

01/08/2012:  Stefano, IV3LZQ, will be active as IE9/IV3LZQ from Ustica island
(EU-051, IIA PA-001, MIA MI-116, WLOTA 0848) from 1-11 August 2012. QRV holiday
style on 80-10 metre CW. QSL direct only to home call ( [rsgbiota]

01/08/2012:  Bob, N6OPR and Terry, N0TW will be QRV from Tarimba, La Guacima de
Alajuela, Costa Rica, as TI5/K6MQ from 1-8 August, 2012. Look for activity on
all HF bands. Their main goal is to participate in the Ten-Ten Summer Phone QSO
Party (4-5 August). QSL via N0TW. [DX World]

01/08/2012:  Tevfik, TA1HZ, will be flying to Albania once more on 1st August
2012 to operate as ZA1TC. He will be staying till 7th August 2012 in Durres and
will participate in European HF Championship. This will be the third activation
of ZA1TC with the two previous activities in WAE SSB 2011 and CQ WPX SSB 2012
contests, with nearly 3000 QSOs. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

02/08/2012:  Alex, UA9YAB and Alex, UA9YPS will be active from two Venezuelan
island groups between 2 and 9 August, 2012. Look for them to be signing
YV7/homecall from Margarita (SA-012, DIV-062, WLOTA 1085) and as YV5/homecall
from Los Roques (SA-035, DIV-037, WLOTA 1085). QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]

03/08/2012:  Members of the Cape Ann ARA will be active as W1T from Thacher
Island (NA-148, USi MA001S, WLOTA 0924, Essex County), Massachusetts, from 3-6
August, 2012. Team members include Rick WZ1B, Marie KB1TEO, Ted KR1G, Dave
KD1NA, Kurt AJ1Z, Al N1QEH, John WA1JG, Marco KB1TZG and Jake K1LDL. They will
also activate both lighthouses on the island - Cape Ann [Thacher Island South]
(ARLHS USA-105, TWLHD WLH K-031, Admiralty J0276) and Thacher Island North
(ARLHS USA-1027, TWLHD WLH K-167, Admiralty J0277). QSL via W1GLO, direct
( Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. Website:

11/08/2012:  Operators Ron KB9NW, Frank K9TIE and Fritz WD9FMB will activate and
try to qualify Coopers Island (USi IL040, WW Loc. EN50EN), located in the
Illinois River, Tazewell County, Illinois, on 11 August 2012 using the special
callsign K9C. QRV on, or near, the island freqs 7.250, 21.350, 14.250-260 (main)
and 28.450 MHz. QSL via WD9FMB. [USi]

18/08/2012:  Members of Radio Society of Sri Lanka will be active from Barberyn
Island (AS-171) and lighthouse (ILLW LK0002, ARLHS SLI-002, TWLHD WLH 4S-001,
WLOTA 0024) for International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (18-19 August 2012),
using the callsign 4S7LGT. QSL via the Bureau. [DX Newsletter]

18/08/2012:  Phil, G3SWH, will activate the special call M0RSE on CW only on all
bands over the weekend of 18th and 19th August 2012. All QSOs will be uploaded
to LoTW immediately after the weekend. There will also be an on-line log at Special QSLs are available via G3SWH, either via
the OQRS facility at (bureau or direct) or direct
with SAE and adequate return postage or even via the traditional bureau route.

13/09/2012:  Look for Henning, OZ1BII, to be QRV CW only from the XP1AB
clubstation in Kangerlussuaq (Sønder Strømfjord), Greenland (NA-018, WLOTA 0072,
WFF OZFF-006) using the callsign XP2I. Activity will be on all HF bands from
13-17th September 2012. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [DX-Coffee]

26/09/2012:  Steve, AA7V, will be active as VP2V/AA7V from the island of Virgin
Gorda [aka Tortola] (NA-023, WLOTA 0347), British Virgin Islands, between 26
September and 1 October 2012. This will include an entry in the CQWW DX RTTY
Contest (29-30 September). QSL via home call. [NG3K]

29/09/2012:  Members of the Rhein Ruhr DX Association (RRDXA) will once again be
active from Santana, Ilha da Madeira (AF-014, DIP MA-001, PIP MD-001, WFF
CTFF-030, DPRN FF-101, WLOTA 0053), as CR3L during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest
(29-30 September). This will be a Multi-Op effort from CQ zone 33. QSL via
DJ6QT. Website: [DL1YFF]

20/10/2012:  Look for Luca I5IHE (S79LC), Danio I5OYY (S79YY) and Simone IK5RUN
(S79XX) to be active holiday style from Praslin island (AF-024, WLOTA 2862, WW
Loc. LI75VP), Republic of Seychelles. Plans are to be QRV on 80-10 metre CW, SSB
and RTTY between 20 October and 5 November 2012. QSL via home calls, direct
only. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [DXAT]

27/10/2012:  Champ, E21EIC, will be active from his home QTH in Bangkok,
Thailand, in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (27-28 October) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry (CQ zone 26). QSL direct to E21EIC. JAs QSL
via JR5XPG. Website: [NG3K]

24/11/2012:  Champ, E21EIC, plans to be active as 9M2/E21EIC from West Malaysia
during the CQWW DX CW Contest (24-25 November) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry (CQ
zone 28). QSL direct to E21EIC. JAs QSL via JR5XPG. Website:

24/11/2012:  Luis, EA8AY, will once again be active as EF8X from Santa Cruz,
Isla de Tenerife (DIE S-012, WLOTA 1276, EAA TF), Canary Islands (AF-004) during
the CQWW DX CW Contest (24-25 November). Plans are for a Single-Op/All-Band
entry from CQ zone 33. QSL via W2GR. Website:

27/07/2012:  The South Essex Amateur Radio Society will be operating GB1HF close
to the 5km Olympic mountain biking course at Hadleigh Farm in South Essex,
England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841). The station will be located opposite the venue at
the bottom of Benfleet Downs and will be operated at various times and days on
several bands and modes from 27 July to 23 August 2012. QSL via the RSGB Bureau
to G4RSE. Website: [GB2RS]

27/07/2012:  GB2VET, celebrating the Army, Navy and Air Force Reunion's 10th
anniversary, will be operational from 27 to 29 July 2012 from East Park in the
city of Hull. Plans are to operate all available bands using both World War 2
and modern gear. Modes will include D-Star on VHF and UHF. There will also be a
display of vintage equipment as well. QSL via G0SWO, direct or Bureau. [GB2RS]

27/07/2012:  Scout station TM12VTR will be active on 27-30 July 2012 for the
national jamboree "Vis Tes Reves!" (Live Your Dreams!) in Jambville, France.
Main operating frequencies will be 3940, 3690, 7190 and 14290 kHz. QSL via
operator's instructions. [425 DX News]

27/07/2012:  The Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club (CERAC - TP2CE) will be
active as TP8CE during the RSGB IOTA Contest (28-29 July). Operations will take
place before the contest, starting 27th July 27th, and are usually on all HF
bands and modes, possibly the satellites. QSL via F5LGF. An online log search
will be available at: [OPDX Bulletin]

28/07/2012:  GB2012RA has been allocated to the Vintage Operating Group, who are
based in Woolwich, England (EU-005, WLOTA 1841, WW Loc. IO91VL), for the period
of the Olympic Shooting - 28th July to 5th August 2012. QSL via the RSGB Bureau.
[Southgate ARC]

29/07/2012:  South Tyneside Amateur radio club is operating from Marine Walk,
Roker, Sunderland (WAB NZ40), for RNLI Harbour Day on Sunday 29 July 2012 from
11am to 4pm. Using GB1SLB, operation will be on 40 to 10 metres. Details from
Gerard, M3XYP, whose details are correct on [GB2RS]

01/08/2012:  I.S.W.L. CLUB CALLSIGNS -
G4BJC and M1SWL will be used by several ISWL members in July, August and
September, to mark the Olympic Games 2012 in the U.K. The operators during the
month of August 2012 for both club calls are as follows:
July 28-August 3:
GO4BJC/A - Operated from Stratton, near Bude in Cornwall, by Mike - M0SMJ (ISWL
G-11331). (/A WAB Square = SS20 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
MO1SWL/A - Operated from Ivybridge, in Devon, by Peter - G4VFG (ISWL G-20322).
(/A WAB Square = SX65 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
August 4-10:
GO4BJC/A - Operated from Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire, by Walt - G3NYY (ISWL
G-8343). (/A WAB Square = SO93 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
MO1SWL/A - Operated from Great Sutton, in Cheshire, by Geof - M0BAU (ISWL
G-20665). (/A WAB Square = SJ37 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
August 11-17:
GO4BJC/A - Operated from Prestwood, Great Missenden, in Buckinghamshire, by John
G8XTJ (ISWL G-11570). (/A WAB Square = SP80 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA =
MO1SWL/A - Operated from Kidderminster, in Worcestershire, by Tony G4ZIB (ISWL
G-10476). (/A WAB Square = SO87 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
August 18-24:
GO4BJC/A - Operated from Ivybridge, in Devon, by Peter - G4VFG (ISWL G-20322).
(/A WAB Square = SX65 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
MO1SWL/A - Operated from Stratton, near Bude in Cornwall, by Mike - M0SMJ (ISWL
G-11331). (/A WAB Square = SS20 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
August 25-31:
GO4BJC/A - Operated from Walton on the Naze, in Essex, by Herbie - G6XOU (ISWL
G-20006). (/A WAB Square = TM22 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
MO1SWL/A - Operated from Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire, by Walt - G3NYY (ISWL
G-8343). (/A WAB Square = SO93 - England - IOTA = EU-005, WLOTA = 1841).
ALL QSL's will be handled by Herbie G6XOU and NOT the individual Operators.
The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club.
All QSL Info is on or or via NO LOTW.
I.S.W.L. Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see for
full details. cards ARE welcomed for our awards.
Very best wishes to all, Pete Rayer, ISWL Life Vice President, Bournemouth, UK.
[Pete at the DX-Newsdesk]

01/08/2012:  GB0YD Yorkshire Day 1st August as usual, though this year the
Pontefract & District Amateur Radio Society (FISTS #14041) hopes to be operating
in the Wilds of Yorkshire though near Black Sheep and Old Perculiar! QSL via the
RSGB Bureau or direct to Nigel, G0BPK ( [PDARC]

03/08/2012:  VE3WCD The 34th annual Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival will be
held in Port Colborne, Ontario, from Friday 3rd August to Monday 6th August
2012. Located on the historic Welland Canal, the festival features tall ships,
boat cruises, marine museum displays, a car show and several other attractions.
The Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio Club (NPARC) is taking part in the festival
by operating a special event station and providing RAC and ARES displays to
demonstrate to the public that Amateur Radio is both an interesting hobby and a
vital community service. The Special Event call sign is VE3WCD (Welland Canal
Days) and attractive QSL cards will be available with a SASE or via the Bureau.
See for QSL information. They will be QRV on Saturday 4th August and
Sunday 5th August from 1300Z to 1800Z on or about 7.250, 14.250, 21.250 and
28.250 MHz. [RAC]

03/08/2012:  Special event callsign XL31812 will be aired from 3-5th August 2012
to commemorate the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. The station will be QRV from
Fort Amherstburg (now Fort Malden), constructed in 1796, located in Amherstburg,
Ontario, Canada. Fort Amherstburg was built by the Royal Canadian Volunteers at
the mouth of the Detroit River to replace Fort Detroit, which Britain was
required to cede to the United States of America in 1796 as a result of the Jay
Treaty. The fort was constructed in 1796 and in use from 1796-1850's and
controlled by King George III and Queen Victoria. QSL via VA3CSS. [RAC]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:

27/07-30/07   9A/DL3NCI: Losinj Island WLOTA:4295 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07              AE6RS/P: Anacapa WLH:K-005 USA-012 WLOTA:1300 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07-29/07   DC1HPS/P: Pellworm WLOTA:1188 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07-29/07   DG5LAC/P: Usedom Island WLOTA:1640 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07-29/07   DM50IOTA: Borkum Island WLOTA:1022 QSL Direct/Buro
27/07-29/07   ED5RKB: Isla de Tabarca WLOTA:1779 QSL EA5RKB (d/B)
27/07-29/07   F/OT9Z: Chausey Island WLOTA:0424 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07-30/07   G0VJG/P: Saint Mary's Island WLOTA:0408 QSL H/c (d)
27/07-23/08   GB1HF: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL G4RSE (B)
27/07-29/07   GB2VET: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL G0SWO (d/B)
27/07-30/07   IA5/IQ3MO: Isola Capraia WLOTA:0545 QSL IV3ODE (d/B)
27/07-29/07   JA8COE/8: Yagishiri To WLOTA:2512 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07              K6SGH/P: Anacapa WLH:K-005 USA-012 WLOTA:1300 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07              KQ6ES/P: Anacapa WLH:K-005 USA-012 WLOTA:1300 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07              KR6J/P: Anacapa WLH:K-005 USA-012 WLOTA:1300 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07-30/07   MM6GCS/P: Isle of Mull WLOTA:2485 QSL M6GCS (d)
27/07              N6GP/P: Anacapa WLH:K-005 USA-012 WLOTA:1300 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07-30/07   OJ0R: Market Reef WLOTA:0542 QSL G3TXF (d/B)
27/07-29/07   PR5D: Ilha do Mel WLOTA:1435 QSL PY5DC (d)
27/07-29/07   RK3SWB/1: Anzerskij WLOTA:2998 QSL H/c (d/B)
27/07-29/07   TC0KLH: Kefken Ada WLH:TA-011 WLOL:TUR-058 WLOTA:0691
                                     QSL TA1HZ (d/B)
27/07-29/07   W6UX/P: Anacapa WLH:K-005 WLOL:USA-012 WLOTA:1300 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   5Q2T: Fyn Island WLOTA:2690 QSL OZ0J (d)
28/07-04/08   9A/HA9MDN: Vir Island WLOTA:4050 QSL H/c (B/eQSL)
28/07-29/07   9A/OM2FY: Brac Island WLOTA:0416 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   9A/OM5AW: Krk Island WLOTA:1342 QSL OM2FY (d/B)
28/07-29/07   9A/OM5MC: Krk Island WLOTA:1342 QSL OM2FY (d/B)
28/07-29/07   9A5YY/P: Losinj Island WLOTA:4295 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   9M2FB/P: Pulau Ketam WLOTA:0150 QSL H/c (d)
28/07-29/07   CR5B: Berlenga WLOTA:1054 QSL CT1BOL (d/B)
28/07-30/07   DA0T: Neuwerk WLOTA:2311 QSL DL7AT (d/B)
28/07-29/07   DL0KWH/P: Usedom Island WLOTA:1640 QSL H/c (B)
28/07-10/08   DO6UL/P: Usedom Island WLOTA:1640 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   ED5K: Isla de Tabarca WLOTA:1779 QSL EA5RKB (d/B)
28/07-29/07   EF8U: Isla de Gran Canaria WLOTA:0969 QSL EA8URL (d/B)
28/07-29/07   EI1A: Ireland (Eire) WLOTA:2484 QSL ON4EI (B)
28/07-29/07   EI5KF/P: Bere Island WLOTA:2983 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   ES0U: Saaremaa Island WLOTA:1401 QSL ES2DJ (d/B)
28/07-29/07   F/OO5C/P: Ile d'Oleron WLOTA:1369 QSL ON5HC (d/B)
28/07-29/07   F5RAB/P: Ile Saint Marcouf DPLF:PB-052 WLH:F-061 WLOL:FRA-055
                                      WLOTA:0060 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   F9IE: Ile de Noirmoutier WLOTA:1224 QSL d/B
28/07-05/08   GB2012RA: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
28/07-29/07   GM0B: Island of Bute WLOTA:1883 QSL MM0BHX (d/B)
28/07-29/07   GJ2A: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA:0818 QSL K2WR (d)
28/07-29/07   GM2T: Tiree Island WLOTA:2232 QSL GM4UYZ (d/B)
28/07-29/07   GU7O: Guernsey Island (main) WLOTA:0013 QSL GW3SQX (d)
28/07-29/07   GW4TTA: Holy Island WLOTA:3337 QSL Buro/LoTW
28/07-29/07   IA5Z: Isola Capraia WLOTA:0545 QSL IV3ODE (d/B)
28/07-29/07   IC8WIC: Isola di Capri WLOTA:2466 QSL
28/07-29/07   IF9/IT9BXR: Isola di Favignana WLOTA:1545 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   IF9ZWA/P: Isola di Favignana WLOTA:1545 QSL H/c (B/LoTW)
28/07-29/07   IH9YMC: Isola di Pantelleria WLOTA:0041 QSL eQSL only
28/07-29/07   IP1T: Isola del Tino WLOTA:0645 QSL IZ5JLF (
28/07-29/07   J49A: Nisos Kriti WLOTA:1400 QSL SV9GPV (d/LoTW)
28/07-29/07   K1VSJ/P: Martha's Vineyard WLOTA:2804 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   LZ0I: Sveti Ivan Islet WLOL:BUL-032 WLOTA:0121 QSL LZ1BJ (B)
28/07-29/07   MD4K: Man Island WLOTA:0449 QSL G3NKC (d/B)
28/07-29/07   N2GC: Long Island WLOTA:2937 QSL Direct/LoTW
28/07-29/07   N2US/3: Assateague Island WLOTA:4206 QSL H/c (d/B/LoTW)
28/07-29/07   NY6DX/1: Block Island WLOTA:1604 QSL H/c (d/eQSL/LoTW)
28/07-29/07   OH10TA: Isokari WLOTA:0971 QSL OH1MN (d/B)
28/07-29/07   OU2I: Aro Island WLOTA:0973 QSL OZ1BII (d/B)
28/07-29/07   OZ4CG: Bornholm Island WLOTA:2203 QSL Direct/Buro
28/07-29/07   PA/ON6CQ: Schouwen-Duiveland Island WLOTA:3089 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   PA6NH: Texel Island WLOTA:0043 QSL PH9HB (d)
28/07-29/07   PF4C: Schouwen-Duiveland Island WLOTA:3089 QSL ON4ON (d)
28/07-29/07   RU0FM: Sakhalin Island WLOTA:2318 QSL Direct/Buro
28/07-29/07   SA1A: Gotland WLOTA:2969 QSL SM1TDE (B)
28/07-29/07   SB3X: Braemoen WLOTA:0294 QSL SM0SHG (d/B)
28/07-29/07   SN0RX: Wolin Island WLOTA:4120 QSL SP8RX (d/B)
28/07-29/07   TK/OT2A: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL ON4HIL (d/B)
28/07-29/07   TM7T: Chausey Island WLOTA:0424 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/07-29/07   TO2U: Miquelon Island WLOTA:1417 QSL OQRS
28/07-29/07   VE1AL: Cape Breton Island WLOTA:1592 QSL Direct/Buro
28/07-29/07   VE2DRO: Ile aux Coudres WLOTA:2779 QSL Direct
28/07-29/07   VK4NM: Fraser Island WLOTA:2976 QSL M0OXO (OQRS/d/B)
28/07-29/07   VY2TT: Prince Edward Island WLOTA:0523 QSL K6LA (d)
28/07-29/07   W6UX/P: East Anacapa Island WLOTA:1300 QSL H/c (d)
29/07-02/08   FK/JJ2NYT: New Caledonia WLOTA:1280 QSL H/c (d/B)
29/07              GB1SLB: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
30/07-05/08   IM0/IZ3DBA: Isola di San Pietro WLOTA:2989 QSL H/c (d/B)
30/07-15/08   PA6FUN: Ameland Island WLOTA:1059 QSL PE1GUR (d/B)
01/08              GB0YD: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
01/08-11/08   IE9/IV3LZQ: Isola di Ustica WLOTA:0848 QSL H/c (d)
01/08?-31/08? YW5B: Isla la Blanquilla WLOTA:0894 QSL DM4TI (d)
02/08-09/08   YV5/UA9YAB: El Gran Roque WLOTA:2910 QSL H/c (d)
02/08-09/08   YV5/UA9YPS: El Gran Roque WLOTA:2910 QSL H/c (d)
02/08-09/08   YV7/UA9YAB: Isla de Margarita WLOTA:1085 QSL H/c (d)
02/08-09/08   YV7/UA9YPS: Isla de Margarita WLOTA:1085 QSL H/c (d)
03/08-06/08   W1T: Cape Ann (Thacher Island South) WLH:K-031 WLOL:USA-105
                                  WLOTA:0924 Admiralty:J0276 QSL W1GLO (d)
03/08-06/08   W1T: Thacher Island North WLH:K-167 WLOL:USA-1027 WLOTA:0924
                                  Admiralty:J0277 QSL W1GLO (d)

27/07-30/07  ED5RKB: Isla de Tabarca EU-093 Grid:IM98SE 50.160USB 50.092CW
                                 144.310USB 144.290CW 145.450FM QSL EA5RKB (d/B)
28/07-29/07  U.S. Counties QSO Party 6&2m included  28 1400z-29 2400z
28/07-29/07  N8OFS/R: MARAC QSO Party various grids/counties QSL H/c (d/eQSL)
28/07-29/07  TO2U: Miquelon NA-032 Grid:GN17TC 50.104CW 50.115USB QSL OQRS
30/07-15/08  PA6FUN: Ameland I. EU-038 Grid:JO23 6m Es/Ms/Tropo QSL PE1GUR (d/B)
31/07             RSGB 70MHz UKAC SO Fixed/Open  31 1900z-2130z
01/08             MOON Contest 144MHz CW/Digital/FM/SSB  01 1800z-2000z

Contest Calendar:

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated 23 July, 2012)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

QSLs via Bureau: None to report this week! :o(

QSLs via Direct: 6OØCW (I2YSB), 8P9NX (W3HNK), 8R1PY (OQRS), 9LØW (DK2WV), A5A
(JH1AJT), BD4KRB/4 [AS-146] (H/c), D3AA (, F4BKV/p [EU-159] (OQRS),
MJ/DL3SEM (H/c), OY1CT (, VP9I (N1HRA), XX9E (EB7DX), ZA1G (ZA1FD) and

QSLs via LoTW: 4Z5MU, 7O6T, 9A2UZ, AE4Y, AE5ZD, BD4GNV, DJ5AN, DK3EG, EA4TX,
IOTA (Islands On The Air) at:
WCA (World Castles on the Air) at:
WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at:
WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at:

A limited Market Reef (OJ0) activation during the IOTA Contest...
Press Release 23 July 2012
    Next Friday morning on the 27th of July a group consisting of Nigel G3TXF,
Don G3XTT, Tore SM0DZB and Teemu SM0W will attempt to land on Market Reef (OJ0),
now from Sweden, with a small boat to activate the Reef during the IOTA contest
as OJ0R, EU-053. During last winter the Lighthouse on the Reef lost all
permanent antennas plus the wind generator, so the team will put up several
vertical antennas and dipoles and run modest power.
    The main goal for the team on this trip will be to prepare for a new
permanent antenna installation that will be done later in August. SM0W will also
collaborate with the Finnish Lighthouse Society to find a good permanent
solution for the electricity for future activations. They will still try to keep
at least one station open for the IOTA contest. The team will try to leave the
Reef early Monday morning on the 30th of July, says team leader Teemu, SM0W. For
more information see:
    OJ0R QSL via G3TXF. [SM0W]
2012: Western Blacksea Lighthouses on the Air (WEBLOTA) Award
2011: Eastern Blacksea Lighthouses on the Air (EBLOTA) Award
2010: 150th Anniversary of Sile Light House Award
2010: Marmara Lighthouses On the Air (MLOTA) Award
2009: Istanbul Lighthouses on the Air (ILOTA) Award
Complete details at:
    To support amateur radio activity from lighthouses and lightships, the BRAVE
RADIO FRIENDS offer this award to all interested lighthouse hunters (OP or SWL).
    During the month of August 2012 work or hear as many amateur radio stations
operating from lighthouses or lightships. A minimum number of ten lighthouses is
required for the award.
    Application with log extract.Please, only use one of the following files:
txt, doc, xls, pdf, jpg.
    The log extract must include the lighthouse name or number (preferably ARLHS
number). No band or mode restrictions.
    Deadline for application: November 30, 2012. Please do not send your
applications before August 28.
    The award is only available as a pdf. There is no award fee.
    Send your application via e-mail to de3ear[AT]darc[DOT]de
    Full details can be found at:
The following stations have announced their participation in the RSGB IOTA
Contest (28-29 July, 2012):
AF-004 - EF8U - Isla de Gran Canaria - M/? - QSL EA8URL (d/B)
AF-018 - IH9YMC - Pantelleria Island (resident) - SOAB - QSL eQSL
AS-006 - VR2/W8AY - Lamma Island - SOABLP/Mix - QSL R2AD (d/B)
AS-018 - RU0FM - Sakhalin Island - MOST/HP - QSL RU0FM (d/B/LoTW)
AS-061 - RI0K - Ratmanova (Big Diomede) Island - M/? - QSL RW3RN (d)
AS-066 - RI0NZ - Popov Island - SOABLP/Mix - QSL UA0LCZ (d/B)
AS-074 - 9M2FB/p - Pulau Ketam - Isl-Dxped/SO/24Hr/CW - QSL H/c (
AS-099 - TA3J/0 - Yassica Island - Isl-Dxped/LP/12Hr/SSB - QSL H/c (d)
AS-099 - TC0P - Celebi Island - Multi-One - QSL TA3X (d)
AS-105 - DS0DX/2 - Kanghwa-do - Isl-Dxped/MO/Mix/HP - QSL HL1IWD (d/B)
AS-113 - BO0M - Matsu Island - Isl-Dxped/Multi-2 - QSL Buro
AS-137 - BY4DX/5 - Shensi Island - MO - QSL BD4HF (d/B)
AS-158 - BY2HIT/2 - Guanglu Dao - M/? - QSL H/c (d)
AS-159 - TC0KLH - Kefken Island - M/? - QSL TA1HZ (d/B)
EU-004 - EA6/IZ2LSC - Isla de Menorca - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-005 - GB1HF - England - SOAB - QSL G4RSE (B)
EU-005 - GB2012MS - England - SOAB - QSL RSGB Buro
EU-005 - GB2012RA - England - SOAB - QSL RSGB Buro
EU-005 - GB2012OSP - England - SOAB - QSL
EU-008 - GM2T - Isle of Tiree - Isl-DXped/MO/Mix/HP - QSL Buro/GM4UYZ (d)
EU-008 - GM7A - Gigha Island - MO/AB - QSL Direct/Buro
EU-008 - MM3KBU/p - Isle of Lismore - SOABLP - QSL M3KBU (d)
EU-011 - G0VJG/p - Saint Mary's Island SO/SSB/HP - QSL H/c (d)
EU-013 - GJ2A - Isle of Jersey - MO/AB - QSL K2WR (d)/GJ3DVC (d)
EU-014 - TK/OT2A - Corsica Island - SOABLP - QSL ON4HIL (d/B)
EU-015 - J49A - Crete - M/? - QSL SV9GPV (d/LoTW)
EU-016 - 9A/OM2FY - Brac Island - Isl-Dxped/SO/24Hr/CW - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-020 - SA1A - Gotland Island (resident) - SOABHP/24Hr/CW - QSL SM1TDE (B)
EU-023 - 9H3BD - Malta - SOAB-QRP - QSL EA2BD (B)
EU-025 - IT9RZU - Sicily Island - SOABLP/CW - QSL Buro/LoTW
EU-028 - IA5Z - Isola Capraia - MO/AB - QSL IV3ODE (d/B)
EU-030 - OZ4CG - Bornholm Island (resident) - SB(?)/CW/LP - QSL Direct/Buro
EU-031 - IC8WIC - Capri Island (resident) - SOAB - QSL
EU-032 - F/OO5C/p - Ile d'Oleron - SOLP/SSB - QSL ON5HC (d/B)
EU-034 - ES0U - Saaremaa Island - Isl-Dxped/MO/LP - QSL ES2DJ (d/B)
EU-038 - PA6NH - Texel island - MO-HP/Mix - QSL Global QSL/LoTW
EU-038 - PA7DN/P - Terschelling Island - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-040 - CR5B - Berlenga Grande Island - Isl-DXped/MO - QSL CT1BOL (d/B)
EU-041 - IM0/IZ3DBA - Isola La Maddalena - SO - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-042 - DC1HPS/P - Pellworm Island - SOABLP - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-044 - LA/SP7IDX - Mageroya Island - SOABLP - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-044 - LA/SP7VC - Mageroya Island - SOABLP - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-045 - IB0F - Ponza Island - MOAB - QSL TBA
EU-047 - DM50IOTA - Borkum Island - M/? - QSL Direct/Buro
EU-053 - OJ0R - Market Reef - M/? - QSL G3TXF (d/B)
EU-054 - IF9/IT9BXR - Isola di Favignana - SOABLP/24Hr/CW - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-054 - IF9ZWA/p - Isola di Favignana - SOAB/SSB - QSL H/c (B/LoTW)
EU-055 - LN4C - Bokn Island - MO/24Hr - QSL LA4C (d/B)
EU-064 - F9IE - Ile de Noirmoutier - MOLP/24Hr/Mix - QSL Direct/Buro
EU-066 - RK3SWB/1 - Solovetskiye Islands - MO - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-066 - UA1OEJ/p - Bolshoy Solovetskiy Island - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-073 - IJ7A - Isola San Pietro - Isl-DXped/MO/Mix/HP - QSL IK7XIV (d/B)
EU-075 - SV8/SV1CDY - Aegina Island - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-081 - F5RAB/p - Iles St. Marcouf - Ile-DXped/SOLP/24Hr/Mix - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-083 - IP1T - Isola del Tino - SO - QSL IZ5JLF (
EU-084 - SK0HS/0 - Blido Island - SOABLP/SSB - QSL H/c Buro & LoTW
EU-087 - SB3X - Braemoen Island - M/? HP - QSL SM0SHG (d/B)
EU-088 - OZ8MW/p - Anholt Island - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-091 - IQ7HK - Isola del Capezzone - Isl-DXped/MO/AB/Mix/LP - QSL IK7FPX (d)
EU-092 - GM1J - Tanera Mor, Summer Isles - SOABLP - QSL MM0BQI (d/B)
EU-093 - ED5K - Isla de Tabarca - MO/HP - QSL EA5RKB (d/B)
EU-096 - OH10TA - Kustavi Island - MO/LP - QSL OH1MN (d/B)
EU-096 - OH1TD/p - Korpo Island (resident) - SOAB - QSL SARL Buro
EU-096 - OH2CI/p - Kustavi Island (resident) - SOABLP/CW - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-103 - EJ0PL - Little Saltee Island - Isl-DXped/MO - QSL EI5JQ (d/B)
EU-110 - 9A8ZRS - Sveti Ivan - M/S - QSL S57L (d/B)
EU-114 - GU7O - Isle of Guernsey - SO/CW - QSL GW3SQX (
EU-114 - MU0HTJ - Isle of Guernsey - M/? - QSL 2E0SQL (d/B)
EU-115 - EI1A - Ireland - SOAB/green energy - QSL ON4EI (B)
EU-116 - MD4K - Isle of Man - SOAB/Mix - QSL G3NKC (d/B)
EU-121 - EI5KF/p - Bere Island - SOABLP/12Hr/CW - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-121 - EJ3Z - Inishbofin - Isl-DXped/MO/LP - QSL EI6GUB (d)
EU-123 - GM0B - Isle of Bute - Multi-Op - QSL MM0BHX (d/B)
EU-123 - MM0TFU/p - Isle of Arran - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-124 - GW4TTA - Holy Island - Isl-DXped/MO/AB - QSL Buro/LoTW
EU-125 - OZ/DF9TM - Rømø Island - SOABHP/12Hr/CW - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-127 - DA0T - Neuwerk Island - Isl-DXped/MOAB/Mix - QSL GlobalQSL Service
EU-129 - DG5LAC/p - Usedom Island - SOABLP - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-129 - DL0KWH/p - Usedom Island - MO/HP - QSL H/c (B)
EU-129 - DM3X/p - Goermitz Island - Multi-Op - QSL H/c (B)
EU-129 - DO6UL/p - Usedom Island - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-130 - IL3/IV3CTS - Grado Island - M/S - QSL H/c (B)
EU-132 - SN0RX - Wolin Island - SOAB - QSL SP8RX (d/B)
EU-136 - 9A/DL3NCI - Losinj Island - SOABLP/12Hr/CW - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-136 - 9A/OM5AW - Krk Island - SOAB(A)LP/12Hr/Mix - QSL OM2FY (d/B)
EU-136 - 9A/OM5MC - Krk Island - SOAB(A)LP/12Hr/SSB - QSL OM2FY (d/B)
EU-136 - 9A4KJ/p - Rab Island - SOABLP/12Hr/Mix - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-136 - 9A5YY/P - Losinj Island - SOABLP/12Hr/Mix - QSL H/c (d)
EU-137 - SA6G/7 - Ven Island - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-140 - OG5A - Kuorsalo Island - M/S - QSL OH5AD (d/B)
EU-144 - ID8/IQ8CS - Isola di Dino - Multi-Op - QSL H/c (B)
EU-146 - PA/ON6CQ - Schouwen-Duiveland - SOAB/SSB - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-146 - PF4C - Schouwen-Duiveland - MOABLP/Mix - QSL ON4ON (d/B)
EU-150 - CR6W - Insua Island - Isl-DXped/MOLP/Mix - QSL CS5DX (d/B)
EU-170 - 9A/HA6NL - Pasman Island - SOLP QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-170 - 9A/HA6PJ - Pasman Island - SOLP QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-170 - 9A/HA6PS - Pasman Island - SOLP QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-170 - 9A/HA7JJS - Pasman Island - SOLP QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-170 - 9A/HA7PL - Pasman Island - SOLP QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-170 - 9A/HA9MDN - Vir Island - SOAB/Mix - QSL H/c (B/eQSL)
EU-170 - 9A0D - Zirje Island - Isl-DXped/MO/AB/Mix - QSL DK8ZZ (d/B)
EU-172 - 5Q2T - Fyn Island - SOAB/24Hr/Mix - QSL OZ0J (d/B)
EU-172 - OU2I - Årø Island - Isl-DXped/SO/LP - QSL OZ1BII (d/B)
EU-174 - SW8LR - Thasos Island - SOAB - QSL HA0NAR (d/B)
EU-177 - SM5/DL3KUD - Kattilo Island - Isl-DXped/SO/24Hr/CW/LP - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-178 - ES0W - Ruhnu Island - Isl-DXped/Mix/LP - QSL SP7DPJ (d/B)
EU-178 - ES5GP/8 - Kihnu Island - SOAB/SSB - QSL H/c (d)
EU-179 - UT7E/p - Kalanchakskiye Islands - M/? - QSL UT7EZZ (d)
EU-181 - LZ0I - Sveti Ivan Island - Isl-DXped/MS/HP - QSL LZ1BJ (B)
EU-182 - UT/UA3A - Ochakovskiy Island - Isl-DXped/M/? - QSL H/c (d/B)
EU-182 - UT9IO/p - Zmeiniy Island - Isl-DXped/SOABLP - QSL H/c (d)
NA-010 - VE1AL - Cape Breton Island (resident) - SOABLP - QSL Direct/Buro
NA-026 - N2GC - Long Island (resident) - SOAB - QSL Direct/LoTW
NA-029 - VY2TT - Prince Edward Island - SOAB/24Hr/Mix - QSL K6LA (d)
NA-031 - NY6DX/1 - Block Island - SOABLP/12Hr - QSL H/c (d/eQSL)
NA-032 - TO2U - Miquelon Island - M/? - QSL OQRS (d/B)
NA-046 - K1VSJ/P - Martha's Vineyard - SOABLP/24Hr/Mix - QSL H/c (d/B)
NA-067 - W4O - Ocracoke Island - SOABLP - QSL N4YDU (d)
NA-067 - WB8YJF/4 - Ocracoke Island - SOAB - QSL H/c (d/B)
NA-073 - V31MX - Cay Caulker - MOAB - QSL K0BCN (d)
NA-081 - VC1X - Little Tancook Island - MO-HP/Mix - QSL VE1CDD (d/B)
NA-091 - VE7RSV/p - Broughton Island - SO/24Hr/SSB/LP - QSL H/c (d/B)
NA-092 - WD5IYT/p - Mustang Island - Isl-DXped/SOABLP/CW - QSL H/c (d)
NA-094 - CY9M - St. Paul Island - MOAB - QSL M0URX (d/OQRS)
NA-104 - V47JA - St. Kitts - SOAB - QSL W5JON (d/LoTW)
NA-126 - VE9GLF/VE1 - Johns Island - SOLP - QSL VE9MY (B)
NA-126 - VE9MY/VE1 - Johns Island - SOLP - QSL VE9MY (B)
NA-128 - VE2DRO - Ile aux Coudres - MO/Mix - QSL Direct
NA-128 - VX2I - Ile Verte - M/S - QSL VE2CQ (d/B)
NA-129 - VE8EV/p - Banks Island - SOAB/Mix - QSL H/c (d/B)
NA-136 - W1ASB/p - Shea Island - SOABLP/12Hr QSL H/c Direct
NA-137 - N1LI - Long Island, ME - Multi-Op - QSL
NA-139 - N2US/3 - Assateague Island - SOAB/12Hr - QSL H/c (d/B/LoTW)
NA-143 - AD5WB - Galveston Island (resident) - SOABHP - QSL Direct/Buro
NA-143 - N5BPS - Galveston Island - SOAB - QSL
NA-144 - W6UX/P - Anacapa Island - MOAB/Mix/LP - QSL H/c (d/B)
NA-146 - TO2D - St. Barthelemy Island - M/? - QSL HB9EOU (d/B)
NA-148 - NE1RD/1 - Lovell Island, MA - SOABQRP/24Hr/SSB - QSL H/c (d/B)
OC-032 - FK/JJ2NYT - Grande Terre - SO/Mix - QSL H/c (d/B)
OC-086 - WE8A/KH0 - Northern Mariana Islands - SO - QSL JE3MYU (d)
OC-130 - DU8/DF8DX - Mindanao Island - SOABLP - QSL H/c (d/B)
OC-142 - VK4NM - Fraser Island - Isl-DXped/Multi-Single - QSL M0OXO (d/B)
OC-150 - YE9IOTA - Trawangan Island - Multi-Op - QSL YB9BU (d)
OC-227 - VK4SWE - Sweers Island (resident) - SOAB - QSL Direct preferred
SA-029 - ZV1M - Itacuruca Island - Multi-Op - QSL PY1MT (d)
SA-046 - PX7C - Itamaracá Island - M/S - QSL PY7CRA (d)
SA-047 - PR5D - Ilha do Mel - M/? - QSL PY5DC (d)

(d) = Direct
(B) = Bureau
(d/B) = Direct or Bureau

Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated IOTA Contest information
at: .. Good luck to all participants & have fun!

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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