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ICPO Bulletin (28 January-04 February 2011) | 08:11 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 28/01/2011: Ash, KF5EYY, will be active as 3V8SS from Hammam Sousse, Tunisia, for the the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry (CQ Zone 33). QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Daniil, UT5EO, will be active from Obcha, Georgia, as 4L0A during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Single-Op/High-Power entry (CQ Zone 21). QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Omari, 4L5O, will be active from Tbilisi, Georgia, during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Single-Op entry (CQ Zone 21). QSL via N3SL. [OPDX Bulletin]
28/01/2011: Salvador, C31CT, will be active from Andorra in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry (CQ Zone 14). QSL via EA3QS. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Valery, RD3A, will be active from Gran Canaria Island (AF-004 DIE-005, WLOTA 0969, ESA GC) as EF8M in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry (CQ Zone 33). QSL via UA3DX. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Vlad, RA4LW, will be active as ER4A from Otaci, Moldova, during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Single-Op entry (CQ Zone 16). He will use a 43 metre high vertical and beverages for RX. QSL via RA4LW, direct only. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Lionel, F5NEP/p will be QRV on 28th January 2011 from the Castle of Essay (DFCF 61-019), commune Park Regional Normandy Maine (WFF FFF-029), Department Orne/61 and Province Basse Normandie (DPF 04). Activity will be on 40 and 20 metre CW and SSB, starting 1200 UTC. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [radioamateur.org]
28/01/2011: Members of the Castalia Island DX Association, George W4LW, and Fred K4FMD, will be active as FS/K4UP from the island of French St. Martin (IOTA NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA 0383) between 28th January and 5th February 2011. KQRV on 20/15/12/10 metre SSB, depending on the propagation. QSL direct to K4UP. [OPDX Bulletin]
28/01/2011: Look for Wut, HS8JYX, to be active as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest from Paknum Muang Krabi, Thailand (CQ Zone 26). QSL via direct (QRZ.com). Website: www.hs8jyx.com/ [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Saulius, LY5W, will be active as IT9/LY5W in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest from the island of Sicily (IOTA EU-025, IIA SC-001, MIA MI-107, WLOTA 1362) as a Single-Op entry (CQ Zone 15). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. NO eQSL, NO LoTW. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Marcus, DL1EKC, will be active as LX7I from the LX2A contest station in Eschdorf, Luxembourg, in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Single-Op/High-Power entry (CQ Zone 14). QSL via LX2A, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: The APRE - São Paulo Association of Scouting Amateurs along with guest operators will carry through on 28, 29 and 30th of January 2011 one expedition to Ilha Comprida, located in the southern state of São Paulo (Grid Loc. GG65), using the callsign PR2R (the callsign ZV2S may also be used by the Brazilian Boy Scouts Dxpeditionary Group). The Island is valid for IOTA SA-024 and DIB SP-03. The activation of the island corresponds to a project of more complex dimensions, that consist of placing in air all blockhouses, islands and lighthouses of the State of São Paulo. Operators will be Paulo PY2ZZ, Euclides PY2EV, Claudio PY3NZ, Cristiano PY3UK, Ronan PY2RAR, Marcelo PY2OX, Filipe PU2TEA, Rafael PU2RFS and Orlando PY2OP. They will be QRV on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2 metre CW and SSB. QSL via PY2OP, direct or bureau. Further information at: www.apre.com.br/compridais/ [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Members of the UA2 Contest Club will be active from Kaliningrad as RW2F in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Multi-Op entry (CQ Zone 15). QSL via DK4VW, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Stathis, SV5DKL, will be active for the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest from the island of Rhodes (IOTA EU-001, GIOTA DKS-006, MIA MGD-028, WLOTA 0045, CQ Zone 20), as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL direct (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Ivo, 9A3A/E73A, plans to be active for the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Single-Op/High-Power entry (CQ Zone 15) using the callsign T70A. QSL via T70A (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Richard, K5NA, will be active as TF4X from Thor's "Otradalur" rhombic farm, Bildudalur, Iceland (IOTA EU-021, WLOTA 2975), as a Single-Op/High-Power entry in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (CQ Zone 40). QSL via G3SWH. [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Sergey UA2FW, Vlad R7LV, Dmitry RA2FA, Igor UA2FZ and Roman UR0MC will be active from Kaliningrad as UA2FW for the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry (CQ Zone 15). QSL via the UA2 QSL bureau, or direct (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
28/01/2011: Operators Yon YB1CCF, Nyoman YB1NWP, Gus YB1ALL, Jo YC0LOW, Terry YC1KAF, Danu YD1GCL and Joz YD1JZ will be active as YE1C from the West Java DX Association contest station located at Malang mountain, Ciater - West Java Island (IOTA OC-021, WLOTA 1660, CQ Zone 28), Indonesia, as a Multi-Single entry in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (28-30th January 2011). QSL direct to YE1C (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
29/01/2011: Gilles, F4FGJ/p will be active on 29th January 2011 from the Castle of Sereville (DFCF 89-020, WCA F-04526), located in the commune of La Belliole (CP 89150), Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV 80 and 40 metre SSB, starting 0745 local time. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [radioamateur.org]
29/01/2011: Andy, N8OFS, will be QRV in the SPAR Winter Field Day (29-30 January) on 52.525FM and all local 6 Meter Repeaters... "I will be defending my title as #1 1H from the home QTH driveway, and freezing my gerbonzo beans off from Medina, OH (Grid EN91ae)... Kenwood TS-60 at 90W to 29.4ft of LMR-400 to the 'Dominator' Vertical Ground Plane at 9.5ft". QSL direct only to N8OFS (see QRZ.com for details). [N8OFS]
29/01/2011: Look for Christian, F5IDM, to be active on 29-30th January 2011 as VE7/F5IDM from Quadra Island (IOTA NA-091, CIsA BC006, WLOTA 1757). Activity will be on the HF bands on, or near, the usual IOTA and island frequencies. QSL direct or KH6 bureau to F5IDM. [rsgbiota.org]
30/01/2011: Karl, OE3JAG, will be QRV holiday style as PJ2/OE3JAG from the island of Curacao (IOTA SA-099, WLOTA 0942) between 30 January and 11 February 2011. Activity will be mainly CW on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 12 metres. QSL via home call, by direct (IRC), bureau, e-mail request-buro and/or LoTW. [NG3K]
31/01/2011: Karol, G0UNU (ex-ZD8KR), will be active from Grand Turk Island (IOTA NA-003, WLOTA 0289) as VP5/homecall between 31st January and 6th of February 2011. Expect activity on all HF bands. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [rsgbiota.org]
01/02/2011: Peter, HA3AUI, will be active from 1st February until 31st March 2011 (both dates approximate) from: Cabrousse, Senegal, using the callsign 6W2SC. QRV 160-10m, with K3 and 500W, Spiderbeam, verticals, CW and RTTY, skeds welcome. Varela, Guinea-Bissau, using the callsign 6W2SC. QRV 160-10m, with K3 and 500W, Spiderbeam, verticals, CW and RTTY, skeds welcome. QSL via HA3AUI direct only. Website: cqafrica.net/ [NG3K]
01/02/2011: Operators Leopoldo, I8LWL (5C2L), Alfredo, IK7JWX (5C2J), Ruggero, IK2PZC (5C2P) and Mounaim, CN8QY plan to activate the rare Herne Island (IOTA AF-068, WW Loc. IL23AP) on 1-5th of February 2011. QRV on all HF bands, including WARC, and also 6 metres. Modes will be mainly SSB, with Digital modes and some CW. QSL information: for Italians op. via home calls, for CN8QY via I8LWL. Log online will be available after the DXpedition. For updates check their website at: www.i8lwl.it/ NOTE: no credit will be given for operations after 31 January 2001 from the following islands unless evidence is produced that removes the doubt over IOTA qualification mentioned below. In the case of sovereignty dispute, copies of the licence and permission to operate from the island are required. Credit will continue to be allowed for operations that took place before 1 February 2001. AF-068 S0 (CN) Herne and Virginia Islands - sovereignty disputed between Western Sahara and Morocco. [IK7JWX]
01/02/2011: Buddies in the Caribbean DXpedition - Operators Budd W3FF (J79FF), Chris W6HFP (J79HFP), Wey K8EAB (J79EA), Mike KC4VG (J79VG), Steve WG0AT (J79AT), Paul KB9AVO (J79AVO), Dan WZ1P (J79ZP) and Guy N7UN (J79UN) will be active from the island of Dominica (IOTA NA-101) on 1-9th February 2011. QRV on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY, with a power of 100W or less. QSL via LoTW. QSL also OK via eQSL or direct to home call (w/ SASE). [NG3K]
02/02/2011: Maurizio, IK2GZU, will be active as 5H6/homecall from the village of Ilembula (WW Loc. KI71GC), situated in Njombe, Iringa, Tanzania, between 2nd of February to 8th of March 2011 while doing volunteer work for the local mission. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY using the mission's 3-element tribander fixed to Europe, plus verticals or dipoles "for the other bands" (160m and 80m are unlikely). QSL via IK2GZU (bureau preferred) and LoTW. Log search and an on-line QSL request form will be avilable at: www.buffoli-pm.it/ [425 DX News]
02/02/2011: Operators John IK5CRH, John IK5BCM, Beppe IK5CBE and Andrea will be active as D44TBE from Sal Island (IOTA AF-086, WLOTA 0610) on 2-9th February 2011. QRV on 80-10 metres, possibly 160m (depending on the space), using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via IK5CRH. [ODPX Bulletin]
02/02/2011: For the RAMSAR convention wetland day, Maurice F5IYU/p and Francois F5JNE/p will be active from the Etangs de la Champagne humide (WFF FFF-148) on 2nd and 3rd of February 2011. Maurice will be QRV on 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m and 15m CW/SSB, while Francois will be QRV 80m, 40m and 20m CW/SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [wff44.free.fr]
02/02/2011: Bob, 5B4AGN, will be active from Koror Island, Republic of Palau (IOTA OC-009), as T88ZM on 2-8th February 2011. QRV on all HF bands, CW only. QSL via M0URX. [ODPX Bulletin]
03/02/2011: Randy, W6SJ, will operate as C6AWS from Grand Bahama Island (IOTA NA-080, WLOTA 0527) on 3-9th February 2011. Holiday style operation, when not fishing, and will do the WARC bands when possible. QSL to home call. [NG3K]
03/02/2011: Dennis, WA2USA, plans to be active as WA2USA/4 from St. George Island (IOTA NA-085, USi FL007S, Franklin County), Florida, between 3 February and 3 March 2011. QRV RTTY, CW and SSB on 160-10 metres, including WARC bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
04/02/2011: Slavo, SP2JMB and Bogdan, SP2FUD will be active as 3B8/SP2JMB and 3B8/SP2FUD from Mauritius Island (IOTA AF-049, WLOTA 0595) between 4th and 24th of February, 2011. Expect them to be QRV on 80-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY, including an entry in the CQ WPX RTTY Contest (12-13th February). QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]
04/02/2011: Akira, JA1NLX, will be active as A35AY from the Fafa Island resort, Tongatapu group, Kingdom of Tonga (IOTA OC-049, WW Loc. AG28KV) from 4-9 February 2011. QRV on 80-10m, using mainly CW with some RTTY with FT857, microHAM CWKeyer, 5m long Buddistick with a lots of radials for 80 - 10m or Random wire on fishing pole with ATU. Frequencies - 3505/7015/10115/14035/18075/21035/24895/28035 QSX up 1-3KHz for CW and 10140/14085/18110/21085/24920/28085 QSX up 1-5KHz for RTTY. QSL via JA1NLX by the bureau, LoTW, or direct with SASE ($2.00 or 1 IRC). OnLine log be available after the vacation. Logs will also be uploaded to LoTW. Website: www.ne.jp/asahi/ja1nlx/ham/A35_2011.html [NG3K]
04/02/2011: Jon, LA8HGA, and possibly others will be active as JW8HGA from the JW5E club station in Longyearbyen, Isfjord [Ice Fjord], Spitsbergen Island (IOTA EU-026, WLOTA 0125) on 4-8th February 2011. This will be a CW only operation on the HF bands. QSL via LA8HGA, by the bureau or direct (see QRZ.com). [ODPX Bulletin]
04/02/2011: Operators Rene DL2JRM, Klaus DK1AX, Ulli DD2ML, Sid DM2AYO, Rolf DL7VEE, Jurgen DF1AL and Hartmut DM5TI plan to be QRV 4-17 February 2011 as S9DX from Ilhéu das Rolas (IOTA AF-023, WLOTA 1622, WW Loc. JI39GX), located in the Caué District of São Tomé Province. They will have two similar stations (K3, 650w) operating 24/7 on all bands/modes 1.8 through 28 MHz (50 MHz). Focus will be on the low bands, on RTTY, SSB and CW. QSL is via DL1RTL, direct only. Further information is expected soon. Website: s9dx.hkmann.de/ [NG3K via DM5TI]
Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated CQ 160-Meter CW Contest activity at: ng3k.com/Misc/cq160c2011.html .. Good luck to all participants & have fun!!! ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
14/02/2011: Geoff W0CG (PJ2DX), Bill W9VA, Mal NP2L, Wayne K8LEE, Jim W0NB, Kelly N0VD, Dan N1ZZ, Keith WA9S and John N4QQ will be active from the Signal Point contest station, island of Curacao (IOTA SA-099, WLOTA 0942, WW Loc. FK52KG) from 14-23rd of February 2011. They also plan to operate as a Multi-Multi entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest (19-20th February) as PJ2T. Outside the contest expect activity on all HF bands and modes. QSL PJ2T via N9AG. QSL others via their home calls. [NG3K]
16/02/2011: Dave, G3TBK, will be active from Kingstown, island of St. Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA 0492, Grid Loc. FK93) between 16th February and 14th March 2011 as J88DR. QRV on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. Dave will also enter the ARRL DX CW Contest (19-20th February) and the ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6th March) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
18/02/2011: Don, AF4Z and Jan, K4QD will be operating HH4/homecalls from the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission (IOTA NA-096, WLOTA 0343) as time permits, between 18th February and 6th March 2011. QRV on 80-10 metres, including the WARC bands, using CW, SSB, RTTY. QSL via home calls. [NG3K]
19/02/2011: Operators Stefano IK2QEI, Matt IK2SGC, Ahmed CN8WK, Saaid CN8WW, Tony IK1QBT, Flavio IK1SPR, Fabio IV3BAZ, Gianni IV3JCC and IV3ZXQ will be active from Safi, Morocco, as CN3A during the ARRL DX CW Contest (19-20 February) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]
03/03/2011: Bill, NE1B and Tom, N1GN will be active as C6ANM from Nassau, New Providence Island (IOTA NA-001, WLOTA 1115, Grid Loc. FL15), Bahamas, on 3-8th March 2011. They will also participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6th March) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via LoTW or WA2IYO direct only. [NG3K]
03/03/2011: Juan Carlos TI2JCY, Carlos TI2KAC, Mauricio TI4ZM, Eddie K4UN, Bob W4BW, Keith W4KTR and Lex W4XO will be active from Costa de Pajaros, Costa Rica, as TI8M on 3-7th March 2011, including a Multi-2 entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6th March). QRV 160m-10m before the contest. QSL via TI2KAC (QRZ.com). [NG3K]
06/03/2011: Pete, VE3IKV, will use the special callsign VX3X/W4 from Key West (IOTA NA-062, USi FL040S, Monroe County), Florida, on 6-18th of March 2011. Primarily CW (some SSB) on 17m, 12m, and 10m. He will look for EU around 1200z and JAs/Asia around 2100z. Note: VX3X is a special event callsign to celebrate the 250th World Anniversary of the Veterinary Profession. QSL via VE3IKV, direct only. [rsgbiota.org]
19/03/2011: Tim, NL8F, will once again be active from Cocos Keeling (IOTA OC-003, WFF VKFF-577) as VK9CF between 19th and 29th of March 2011. QRV on 80-10 metres, maybe 160m given propagation. QSL via K8NA (QRZ.com). [islandchaser.com]
24/03/2011: Operators Raffaello IT9ATF, Renato IT9NPR, Pippo IT9PPG and Pino IT9WDC will be active as IF9A (possibly IF9/homecalls as well) from Favignana Island (IOTA EU-054, IIA TP-011, MIA MI-025, WLOTA 1545) on 24-27th of March 2011. They will also participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (26-27th March 2011) as a Multi-Single entry (CQ Zone 15), using the callsign IF9A. Outside the contest look for activity on all HF bands/modes. QSL via IT9ATF, bureau or direct. [NG3K]
26/03/2011: David, VK2CZ, will be active from Dili, Timor Leste (IOTA OC-148, WLOTA 0019), as 4W3A in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (26-27th March 2011) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via the information at QRZ.com under 4W3A. [NG3K]
26/03/2011: Sig, NV7E (ZS6SIG), will be active from Nairobi, Kenya, as 5Z4EE during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (26-27th March 2011) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL 5Z4EE direct (QRZ.com) of via NV7E direct or bureau, not the Kenya QSL bureau. [NG3K]
26/03/2011: Operators Raffaello IT9ATF, Renato IT9NPR, Pippo IT9PPG and Pino IT9WDC will be active as IF9A (possibly IF9/homecalls as well) from Favignana Island (IOTA EU-054, IIA TP-011, MIA MI-025, WLOTA 1545) on 26-27th of March 2011. QRV on all HF bands/modes. QSL via IT9ATF, bureau or direct. [NG3K]
26/03/2011: Special event station VE3XR will be active from the Brampton Fall Fairgrounds, Brampton, Ontario, Canada, for the Ham-Ex Hamfest on the 26th of March, 2011 (1300z-1600z). They will be QRV on 3.750, 7.260 and 14.265 MHz SSB (+/- QRM). QSL via VA3QSL, direct or bureau. [VE3MIS]
22/06/2011: Jimmy, W6JKV and Mike, K6MYC plan to be active as PJ7/homecall from the island of Sint Maarten (IOTA NA-105, Grid Loc. FK88) between 22nd of June and 4th of July 2011. They will be QRV on the HF bands, but their primary focus will be on 50 MHz and 144 MHz EME. QSL via home calls. [N8OFS]
25/06/2011: Members of the Amateur Radio Club Sarawak, namely Allan 9M8MA, Syed 9M8SYA, Liew 9W8CH, Aldrin 9W8WAT, Allpa 9W8ALF and Sudirman 9W8GPS will be active as 9M8RC from Talang Talang Besar (IOTA OC-165, WLOTA 3372, WFF 9MFF-022 [Talang-Satang National Park]) on the 25th and 26th of June 2011. Dates given are tentative. Any changes will be notified. QRV on all HF bands. QSL direct to 9M8RC (QRZ.com). Website: s2.webstarts.com/arcs/index.html [rsgbiota.org]
29/07/2011: Al VA3KAI, Norm VE3VY and Barrie VE3BSB will activate Grosse Boule ["the big ball"] (IOTA NA-125, CIsA New One!), located near Sept-Iles, Côte-Nord region, Quebec, between 29th July and 1st of August 2011. Expect activity on all HF bands, maily SSB and CW. A special event callsign has been applied for and will be posted when obtained. Additional team members from Lanark-North Leeds ARES group are expected to be added. QSL via VA3KAI, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]
05/08/2011: Briggs AB2NJ, Rick WZ1B, Ruth WW1N and Marianne KB1TEO will be active with the special callsign W1T on 5-8th of August 2011 from Thacher Island (IOTA NA-148, USi MA001S, Essex County) and lighthouse (Admiralty J0276, ARLHS USA-105, TWLHD WLH K-031, WLOTA 0924), Massachusetts. QSL direct to W1GLO. Website: CAARA.net/ [rsgbiota.org] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
28/01/2011: Special event station GB4CLB will be active on 28-30th of January 2011 to commemorate the Cromer Life Boat -- Sea Over Sand and SOS Radio Week, by the Norfolk County RAYNET group. QRV 80m SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via G4PSH, bureau or direct. Website: www.norfolkraynet.org.uk/page92.html
28/01/2011: Southport and District Amateur Radio Club will be running GB5LLB from Lytham Lifeboat Station on 29 January 2011. The station is being run as part of SOS Radio Week and is being sponsored, with all monies received going to the RNLI. Contact can be made on 2m and whichever HF bands are open on the day. QSL via G0JCQ (QTHR). The club would like to express their thanks to Snowdonia Radio Company for supporting the station by supplying the vertical HF antennas that will be used. Further details can be found on the club's website at: www.sadarc.org.uk/. [GB2RS]
29/01/2011: In the period from 30th January to 6th February 2011 two key cities of Kazakhstan - Astana and Almaty will conduct the 7th Asian Winter Games. About 30 Asian countries are expected to send their sportsmen for the Games. The Games will include competitions on 11 sports and the sportsmen will contend for the 65 sets of medals. Almaty Amateur Radio League (ARL) is organizing activation of special amateur radio stations including UN2011G and 8 stations with UP2011 prefix. The suffix of UP2011-stations will imply the abbreviation of the 8 winter types of sports to be featured during the Games in Almaty and Astana. UN2011G (Game) - ARL club station, UP2011AS (alpine skiing), UP2011BN (biathlon), UP2011CS (cross-country skiing), UP2011FG (freestyle skiing), UP2011HB (Russian hockey, bandy), UP2011IH (ice hockey), UP2011SJ (ski jumping) and UP2011SO (ski orienteering). Special stations will be active during the period from 29th January (starting at 18:00 UTC) until 6th February (ending 18:00 UTC) of 2011 on all the HF bands including WARC. Modes of operation: CW, SSB and Digital. Those who will manage to make QSOs with special stations can apply for a special award "Medeo - 2011" established specifically for the occasion. More information is available at: www.un-dx.ucoz.com/ [UN6QC]
01/02/2011: To celebrate the 2011 Canada Games in Nova Scotia, Canada, amateur radio operators in the Provice of Nova Scotia will be permitted to use special prefixes CJ1 and CK1 during the entire month of February 2011. VA1 stations will be allowed to use the special prefix CJ1, while VE1 stations will use the special prefix CK1. QSL via the operators' instuctions. [RAC]
01/02/2011: Marc, F5SSN, will activate special callsign TM40ZH during the month of February 2011 to commemorate the RAMSAR Convention. The Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) -- called the "Ramsar Convention" -- is an intergovernmental treaty that embodies the commitments of its member countries to maintain the ecological character of their Wetlands of International Importance and to plan for the "wise use", or sustainable use, of all of the wetlands in their territories. Unlike the other global environmental conventions, Ramsar is not affiliated with the United Nations system of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, but it works very closely with the other MEAs and is a full partner among the "biodiversity-related cluster" of treaties and agreements. TM40ZH will operate from the site of La Brenne (FFF-150) (also FFF-031). QRV on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via F5SSN (QRZ.com). [F5SSN]
01/02/2011: The Israel Amateur Radio Club (IARC) is proud to announce a special 3 month activity for the Holyland Contest's 20th anniversary, starting the 1st of February through 2359z 30th April 2011. Look for the following honorary activations of two special prefixes/callsigns, 4X20HC and 4Z20HC. Activity will be used on CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via 4Z4TL, direct or bureau. For more details about the Holyland Contest, see: www.iarc.org/~4z4tl/4X20HC_fil.htm [OPDX Bulletin]
01/02/2011: Look for special callsign 8J6S to be active between 1st February and 31st March 2011 to celebrate the full opening of the Kyushu Shinkansen Bullet Train - connection completion between Hakata and Shin-Yatsushiro (S stands for "Sakura" (or Cherry), a new express train service between Shin-Osaka and Kagoshima-Chuo), island of Kyushu (IOTA AS-077, WLOTA 0963), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
04/02/2011: In honor of the 100th birthday of former President Ronald Reagan, the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club will operate W6R at various times and from various locations on Friday, 4th February through Monday, 7th February 2011. Main operation will be on the 5th of February, from 0300z-2100z. In addition, a rover operation from the Reagan ranch is scheduled on the 7th of February. QSL direct with SASE/SAE + postage to W1UUQ (QRZ.com). Website: www.sbarc.org/w6r.html [OPDX Bulletin]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
28/01-30/01 EF8M: Isla de Gran Canaria WLOTA:0969 QSL UA3DX (d) 28/01-05/02 FS/K4UP: St. Martin Island WLOTA:0383 QSL HC (d) 28/01-30/01 IT9/LY5W: Sicilia Island WLOTA:1362 QSL HC (d/b) 28/01-30/01 PJ2T: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL N9AG (d/LoTW) 28/01-30/01 SV5DKL: Nisos Rodos WLOTA:0045 QSL Direct 28/01-30/01 TF4X: Iceland WLOTA:2975 QSL G3SWH (d/b) 28/01-30/01 YE1C: Java WLOTA:1660 QSL Direct 29/01-31/01 VE7/F5IDM: Quadra Island WLOTA:1757 QSL HC (d) 30/01-11/02 PJ2/OE3JAG: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL HC (d/b) 31/01-06/02 VP5/G0UNU: Grand Turk Island WLOTA:0289 QSL HC (d/b) 01/02-04/02 5R8HL: Madagascar Island WLOTA:2455 QSL SM1ALH (d/b) 01/02-31/03 8J6S: Kyushu Shima WLOTA:0963 QSL JARL Buro 02/02-09/02 D44TBE: Ilha do Sal WLOTA:0610 QSL IK5CRH (d/b) 03/02-09/02 C6AWS: Grand Bahama Island WLOTA:0527 QSL W6SJ (d/b) 03/02-15/02 FK/DL2NUD: New Caledonia WLOTA:1280 QSL HC (d/b) 03/02-15/02 FK/DL9GRE: New Caledonia WLOTA:1280 QSL HC (d/b) 04/02-24/02 3B8/SP2FUD: Mauritius Island WLOTA:0595 QSL HC (d/b) 04/02-24/02 3B8/SP2JMB: Mauritius Island WLOTA:0595 QSL HC (d/b) 04/02-08/02 JW8HGA: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 QSL LA8HGA (d/b) 04/02-17/02 S9DX: Ilheu das Rolas WLOTA:1622 QSL DL1RTL (d) ============================================ COUNTY HUNTING (USA-CA) -
KB6UF - Ronald Jones - 3* - Sat 1/29/2011 to Sat 1/29/2011 - SSB and CW More MS transmits 1400z- MS: Madison, Yazoo, Holmes, Humphries, Sunflower, LeFlour, Carrol, Montgomery, Granada, Yalobusha, Tallahatchie, Panola, Quitman, Tunica, Tate, Desoto, then down to Attala, Leake, Scott, Rankin. As usual 20 ph, 40 ph, 20 cw. 40, cw, 30 cw. Will be on the fly, will run CW where I can, but every county is not a sure thing for CW. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]
N4CD - Bob - 7* - 1/29/2011 to 1/29/2011 - SSB and CW One day trip. Rockwall, Rains, Wood, Camp, Upshur, Cass, Marion, Red River and maybe more. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]
K4XI - Ken - 4* - Jan 30 to Jan 30 - SSB Only Leaving about 1300z FL: Orange, Osceola, Okeechobee, Indian River, St Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach and Broward. 40 and 20 SSB only, I will be driving, ie no cw! I have 4 STARS and BINGO. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ 6 METRES & UP -
2011 Six Meter trip to PJ6 website The 2011 Six Meter Trip to PJ6 now has a web site where news about the trip will be posted before and during the trip. http://dkhanson.com/pj6/ George Fremin III - K5TR ------
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 25 January 2011)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
Dear hamfriends, Please be informed that YE2H's QSL Card is still in printing, and will be ready at the end of January 2011. Thanks for all stations who have made QSOs with us. 73 de Dani-YB2TJV Qsl manager of YE2H, Indonesian Lighthouse Station ------ ZL8X QSL cards will be printed some time in February. We hope, we can start with distribution end of February. 73, Mario DJ2MX ------ QSLs via Bureau: 5B/UTØU, 5NØOCH, 5R8IC, 7S5A, 9AØHQ, 9A3KS/p, 9A5AN/p, A92IO, CT9/DJØJE, CU3TRP, DAØHC, DFØESA, DG6HD, DKØDAN/LH, DK2ØØ7EKT, DLØFTP, DLØTHR, DL1JEN, DL4JS/6W, DL6OO, DL9WVM/p, DR2Ø1ØL, DR4X, DR9P, EA1SB, EG5FUV, EI1ØØMFT, FJ/AC8G, FO/F8AAL, GB7HQ, GB9ØRAF, GI7AXB, HBØ/OE9SDV, HF1ØØZHP, HF68ØTAR, HF94ØLP, IØIDP, IC8SDL, II2CV, IK4RUX/4, IK5DEZ, IK6CLD, IQ5FI, IZ4JMA, IZ8FRH, J28JA, K3NEM, LZ1NK, MSØZET, MXØSSW, OG3A, OL8ØOK, ON5ØRN, ON9DAMIAN, PA1EJ, PA4VHF, PG3N, PI4NAF, PT7ZT/p, RA1QQ, RD3AF, RKØAXX, RL6YXX, RW9CB, SK9HQ, SN51OGP, SP3EWP, SP6VWX, SP7HJJ, SQ8ØMKW, TA3SA, TF3AO, TF4M, TM5ICE, TO7RJ, TP6ØCE, UA9LAU, UA9SC, UE1OLH, UE1RLH, UN7CM, US8IM, UW2XW, VP2MUM, WB2JSM and YP1WFF.
QSLs via Direct: 4L5O (N3SL), 5N7M (OM3CGN), 7Z1TT (NI5DX), 8R1AK/p (QRZ.com), A45XR (QRZ.com), AT1ØBP (I1HYW), C5ØA (OM2FY), C5ØC (OM2FY), C56E (W7XU), EK3SA (QRZ.com), FP/AC8W (hc), LU/JH4RHF (OE1ZKC), MU/F4EGD (hc), MU/F5CWU (hc), NP4A (W3HNK), OX/DL2SWWP (hc), J2/K2TQC (hc), PJ2/N2MF (hc), PJ2/W1NG (hc), PJ2MI (EB7DX), PJ4A (K4BAI), PJ4D (W3HNK), PJ4W (W3HNK), PJ6A (N4NX), PJ7/K1GI (JG2BRI), S79LR (RA9LR), T6MB (SP8UFB), V85TX (W3HNK), VK4LDX/p [OC-172] (hc), VK9XO (JA3AVO), VP2E/W1UE (KQ1F), YJØVK (VK2CA), Z21BB (W3HNK), ZD9AH (DL2AH), ZF2AH (W6VNR) and ZL7V ZL7VR (OH1VR).
QSLs via LoTW: 6W7SK, 9A4RX, 9N38, C6ANM, D2EB, DF2UU, DP4T, EA1DR, G4IIY, IØMWI, SV2FPU/8, TCØ3W, VP9/WW3S and YO3JF. ============================================ LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air) at: www.sota.org.uk/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: www.wca.qrz.ru/ENG/main.html WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: wff44.com/ WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at: www.wlota.com/ ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
Hi Friends
For our next dxpedition to Cameroon, Feb 10 to 20, we announce an unfortunate change about our callsign.
We had applied for TJ3C.
The final callsign which will be used is: TJ9PF - Tango Juliett Nine Papa Foxtrot.
For the new TJ3PF team Maurice, F5NQL Internet communication Officer for TJ9PF 2011.
Added Note: Gerard, F2VX, unfortunately had to cancel. Norbert, DJ7JC will replace Gerard for the DXpedition. The new web page address for the TJ 2011 dxpedition to Cameroon, TJ9PF, by the Provins ARC, F6KOP is available at: www.tj9pf.fr/ *******************************************
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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