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ICPO Bulletin (29 April-06 May 2011) | 10:47 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 29/04/2011: Marc, ON5SM, is currently active as DU9/ON5SM from the island of Mindanao (IOTA OC-130, WLOTA 2803), Philippines, until 20th May 2011. QRV on all HF bands. QSL via home call, direct or by the bureau. [AT International]
29/04/2011: Members of the QLF DX-Team will once again be active as LA6Q from More Og Romsdal County South IOTA EU-079 Group between 29th April and 1st May 2011. Operators mentioned are Bjorn, LA5UKA and Trond, LA9VDA. Plans are to be QRV 80-10 metres using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via LA9VDA, bureau or direct. [OPDX Bulletin]
29/04/2011: Junior, PY2ZA, will be active as PP0T from Trindade Island (IOTA SA-010, DIB OC-02, WFF PYFF-065, WLOTA 2851, Grid Loc. HG59) from 29 April to June 2011. The Brazilian Navy has re-scheduled their journey to Trindade for 25 April 2011, with arrival expected four days later. QRV on all HF bands, plus 6 metres, using SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and maybe SSTV. QSL via EB7DX. Website: trindade2011.com/ [dx-world.net]
29/04/2011: Evgeny, UV5EVZ and Sergey, UV5ENN will be active from the 29th of April till the 9th of May 2011 from Fortresses of Crimea (Ukraine): on the 29th of April and the 30th of April from Arabatskaya Fortress (WCA UR-00175, UCFA KR-027); on the 5th and the 6th of May from Fortress Tepe-Kermen (WCA UR-00059, UCFA KR-19); on the 6th and the 7th of May from Fortress Eski-Kermen (WCA UR-00065, UCFA KR-025); on the 7th and the 8th of May from Fortress Magnup (WCA UR-00053, KR-013); on the 8th and the 9th of May from Fortress Chembalo (WCA UR-00063, UCFA SL-009). They are going to work mainly on 40m, also on 80m and 20m using SSB as UV5EVZ/p and UV5ENN/p. QSL via home calls, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]
29/04/2011: A group of enthusiastic Mexican ham radio operators, Ismael XE1AY, Gustavo XE1KKK, Francisco Javier XE1P, Ricardo XE1RZL, Ricardo Raymundo XE1SOV, Fernando XE1VGC, Jose XE1UYU, Martin XE1UZH, Modesto XE1UZU, Juan Manuel XE2IA, Jose XE2IVG and Ricardo XE3NMC will be active from Isla de Lobos (IOTA NA-221, WW Loc. EL11JK), Veracruz State, between 29th April and 1st May 2011. They will also activate the Lobos Island lighthouse (ARLHS MEX-035, TWLHD WLH XE-016, WLOTA 0920). QRV on all HF bands, plus 6 metres and AO27, AO51 and SO50 Satellites. Modes: CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via XE1AY. Website: xf2p.puebladx.org/XF2P/Bienvenida.html
30/04/2011: Andrea, IZ2LSC, plans to be active as 3A/IZ2LSC from the Principality of Monaco during the weekend of 30th April to 1st May 2011. He will use a light multiband vertical antenna and 100W. Andrea will try to operate on 40-10m in SSB and CW. Because he is a beginner in CW be patient and please QRS. QSL via home call, bureau preferred, or LoTW. You can follow Andrea on twitter: @iz2lsc [dx-world.net]
30/04/2011: Holger, DA7C, will activate Nature Park Terra.vita (WFF DLFF-125), Niedersachsen/NRW, between 30 April (1900 UTC) and 1 May (0400 UTC) 2011. QRV on 80m and - if bands are open - on 15 and 10m. Sorry, but other HF-bands are not allowed with the Novice-Class in Germany. QSL via DO4HAM, bureau, eQSL and direct. [DO4HAM]
30/04/2011: Didier, F4ELJ, will be active as homecall/p from Noirmoutier Island (IOTA EU-064, DIFM AT-020, WLOTA 1224) between 30 April and 7 May 2011. QRV holiday style on the HF bands. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [rsgbiota.org]
30/04/2011: Look for Marcello, IK8DNJ, to be active as HI7/homecall from the Dominican Republic (IOTA NA-096, WLOTA 2974) between 30 April and 13 May 2011. QRV holiday style on 40-10m SSB and the digital modes. QSL via IZ8LKL. [IK8DNJ]
30/04/2011: Makoto JI5RPT (JD1BLY), Harry JG7PSJ (JD1BMH) and Masa JE4SMQ (JD1BMT) will be active from Chichi-jima (IOTA AS-031, WLOTA 2269, WFF JAFF-090, JCG 10007, WW Loc. QL17CC), Ogasawara, during the following dates: JD1BLY: April 30 to May 7, 2011; JD1BMT: April 30 to May 5, 2011; JD1BMH: May 4 to May 13, 2011. QRV on 7MHz-28MHz (poss 3.5MHz-50MHz, no EME) - CW, SSB, RTTY. QSL JD1BLY via JI5RPT, bureau or direct. QSL JD1BMH via the JARL bureau or direct to JG7PSJ. QSL JD1BMT via JE4SMQ, direct or bureau. [dx-world.net]
30/04/2011: Bill, ON5JE and Jacky, ON3JK will be active on 30th April 2011 as ON5JE/p from the Chateau Geetetruyen - Domein Meersdaal (BCA reference OV-054). They plan to be QRV on 80 and 40 metres. QSL via ON5JE, bureau or direct. [ON4BB]
30/04/2011: Team SP9YFF will be active on 30 April 2011 as SP9YFF/p from the Armeria Natura 2000 Territory (WFF SPFF-616). QRV holiday style on 80-12 metre SSB and RTTY. QSL via WFF LogSearch, LoTW and QRZ.com. Website: www.sp9yff.pl/ [SP9UPK]
30/04/2011: Ken, JA2LLK will be active from the Hotel Nikko Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam, starting end of April 2011 as XV9LL. He will be active on HF Bands. QSL via home call [AT International]
01/05/2011: Kan, AB2RF, will be active as AH0/AB2RF on 1-5 May 2011 from the Saipan rental shack, Saipan Island (IOTA OC-086, USi NI002S, WLOTA 1333), Northern Marianas. Focus will be on HF digimodes (RTTY, PSK). QSL direct to JJ2RCJ (QRZ.com) and LoTW. [NG3K]
01/05/2011: The Azores DX Group Team will be active on the 1st of May 2011 from Castelo de Sao Batista (WCA CT-00147, DCFP C-147, DMHP AZ-001, DCA CU3, DMP 4301, DDFP AGH-05) and Ermida de Santo Antonio da Grota (WCA CT-01577, DMHP AZ-101, DCA CU3, DMP 4301, DDFP AGH-05), located in Monte Brasil on Ilha Terceira (IOTA EU-175, DIP AZ-003, PIP AC-003, WLOTA 0524). They plan to work on all bands as CU3DX/p. QSL via CU3EJ, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]
01/05/2011: Camb-Hams members Bob G1SAA, Terry G3VFC, Martin G3ZAY, Colin G4ERO, Colin G8TMV, Mark M0MJH, Rob M0VFC, Steve M1ACB and Gavin M1BXF will be active on the 1-8th of May 2011 from the Isle of Arran (IOTA EU-123, IOSA CL01, SCOTIA CS14). QTH will be a rented cottage on the west of the island near Balliekine (WW Loc. IO75HO). As usual most HF bands will be activated with SSB, data and some CW. VHF wise they will be on 6m and 4m SSB/data (JT6m) and being a little more south than Harris they will again activate 2m both SSB/data (FSK441). If they have time, they will also be active on 2m and 70cm satellites. This year the CRG (Cambridgeshire Repeater Group) has a new callsign G6PYE which they will use alongside the traditional G3PYE, as the activation is in Scotland the prefix becomes GS for a club station in Scotland. Listen out for both GS3PYE/p and GS6PYE/p. QSL direct or via bureau to M0VFC. Website: dx.camb-hams.com/ [rsgbiota.org]
01/05/2011: Noel, OO4O, will be active as OZ/OO4O from Fyn Island (IOTA EU-172, DIA FY-001, WLOTA 2690) on 1-6 May 2011. QRV on the HF bands using mostly SSB. QSL via ON bureau and via the LoTW. [OPDX Bulletin]
01/05/2011: The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce their next DXpedition, as T6PSE from Afghanistan to take place during ten days in May of 2011. Due to security concerns, the exact dates and location of the DXpedition will not be given at this time. The Intrepid-DX Group is the same group which brought you the April, 2010 YI9PSE DXpedition from Iraqi Kurdistan. The primary objective is to activate Afghanistan with a goal of providing as many DXers as possible a "new one" with this rare DXCC entity and, as a secondary objective, to give as many band-slots as possible. They will focus on North and South America during those periods when propagation is possible to those areas. The team is expected to consist of ten operators including: Co-Leader Paul Ewing-N6PSE, Co-Leader David Collingham-K3LP, Hrane Milosevic-YT1AD, Krassy Petkov-K1LZ, John Kountz-WO1S/T6EE, Heathem Sabah-YI1UNH, David Flack-AH6HY, Jack Ritter-W0UCE and Wayne Rogers-W5KDJ. Further information can be found on their website at: www.intrepid-dx.com/t6pse/index.php [NG3K]
01/05/2011: Team YP1WFF (Romanian Fauna & Flora Program) will be active all day from the Defileul Jiului Natural Park (WFF YOFF-007), Gorj county, Romania. QSL via YO7KFX, bureau or direct. [YO3JW]
02/05/2011: Ronny, ON4ARV, will be active as HI7/OT4R from Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (IOTA NA-096, WLOTA 2974, WW Loc. FK58TN), on 2-20 May 2011. QRV on 14.226 (+/-), 21.226 (+/-), 28.450 (+/-) MHz daily between 2000-2200z. He will use a FT-450AT and FD3 antenna. QSL only via LoTW and eQSL - No paper cards. Website: www.ot4r.net/HI7-OT4R.html [NG3K]
04/05/2011: John, 9M6XRO, will once again be active from Darussalam, Brunei (IOTA OC-088, WLOTA 1628), as V85/9M6XRO between 4-9th May 2011. QRV 80-10m on RTTY/CW/SSB. As before he will be running 400w to a Butternut HF6V up about 100 feet on the hotel roof. QSL via M0URX. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
06/05/2011: Operators Torsten, DL1THM and Anja, DH2AK will be active as ZF2TH and ZF2AT respectively, from Grand Cayman Island (IOTA NA-016, WLOTA 1042) on 6-13th May 2011. QRV holiday style and mostly on 20 metre SSB. Most of the operation will be from the beach using a LiPo battery pack, IC-7000 and Buddipole. The two operators will also be active from New Providence [Nassau] Island (IOTA NA-001, WLOTA 1115), Bahamas, as DL1THM/C6A and DH2AK/C6A. QSL ZF2TH and DL1THM/C6A via DL1THM, bureau or direct. QSL ZF2AT and DH2AK/C6A via DH2AK, bureau or direct. [OPDX Bulletin]
06/05/2011: Once again the "HAMCOW" team will be active as W1ACT from Martha's Vineyard (IOTA NA-046, USi MA005S) and Gay Head (Aquinnah) lighthouse (ARLHS USA 319, WLOTA 2804, Admiralty J0476), Dukes County, Massachusetts on 6-8th of May 2011. They will also participate in the New England QSO Party. Operators will be Roland N1JOY, Paul KE1LI, Dave W2DAN, John WA1ESO, Don N1PMB, Melanie KB1TQB and Bob KB1JBC. QSL direct SASE only via N1JOY for QSL card. Website: hamcow.net/ [rsgbiota.org] ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
14/05/2011: Ricky G0LZX, Paul G0WRE and Kev M0TNX will be active as GB0HI on 14th May 2011 from Holy Island [Lindisfarne] (IOTA EU-120, WFF GFF-013). The activation is to publicise the outstanding natural beauty of The Holy Island, and allow amateurs worldwide to have the chance to claim this Island for their IOTA awards, a special QSL card will be available. The team plan to be active on 40-20-17 metres, with the possibility of 15 metres also. SSB, data and if required, CW contacts will be available. They will also be activating the Island for World Flora and Fauna award program. QSL via M0OXO, direct or bureau. Website: m0tnx.co.uk/GB0/ [rsgbiota.org]
19/05/2011: John, 9M6XRO, will be visiting the U.K. and the Isle of Man between 19th May and 1st June 2011. He plans to spend the first part until the 28th May in the Isle of Man (IOTA EU-116, WLOTA 0449) - then the latter part in Ayrshire, England (IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). John hopes to put GD3OOK on the air from home base for a last time! QSL via M0URX. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
20/05/2011: Kev, M0TNX, will once again activate Hilbre Island (IOTA EU-120, WLOTA 2038), in The Dee Estuary, between the 20th and 22nd May 2011, using the callsign GB2HI. Kev will be promoting the diversity of wildlife, and the outstanding natural beauty of The Wirral Penninsula to amateurs worldwide. This event will be SSB, but Kev is happy to provide a CW contact if asked. Bands will be 40/20/17 only, with a comemmorative QSL card. QSL via M0OXO, direct or by the RSGB bureau. Website: www.gb2hi.co.uk/ [rsgbiota.org]
22/05/2011: Thomas, HB9SVT, will be touring Germany and will activate various lighthouse and the island of Fehmarn (IOTA EU-128, GIA O-01, WLOTA 0637) as DL/HB9SVT between 22nd May and 12th June 2011. He will be QRV on the HF bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and BPSK31. QSL via home call, bureau or direct Full information, including list of lightouses and timetable can be found at: www.hb9svt.ch/dl-hb9svt [rsgbiota.org]
23/05/2011: Paul, WQ2N, will be QRV between 23rd May and 8 June 2011 from various regions of Vietnam. He will be working, so may be limited when and where he can operate. Expect activity for about 2-3 days mainly CW on 7-21mhz. QSL via home call. [AT Interantional]
24/05/2011: John, K4BAI and Dick, K4IQJ will be active as PJ4/homecall from the island of Bonaire (IOTA SA-006, WFF PAFF-024, WLOTA 1279) from 24th-31st May 2011. QRV on all HF bands and modes, including a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (28-19 May, CQ Zone 09), using the callsign PJ4A. QSL PJ4A and PJ4/K4BAI via K4BAI. QSL PJ4/K4IQJ via K4IQJ. [AT International] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
28/04/2011: The Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival will take place from 28 April to 2 May 2011. Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society is celebrating this event by running three Special Event stations. GB3SWF will be located at Strathisla distillery, GB2SWF will be at the Craigellachie Distillery and GB4SWF will be at Cragganmore Distillery. A commemorative QSL card will be sent to all stations that contact the club during the weekend. [GB2RS]
29/04/2011: The Amateur Radio Section of ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) and the Documentary Archives Radio Communications/QSL Collection will operate, for only 72 hours, a special event station with the callsign OE11M between Friday, 29th April and Sunday, 1st May 2011 (0000-2400z). The OE11M is an official International Marconi Day station. Contacts made on Saturday, April 30th, are valid for the IMD Award. QSL via OE Bureau or direct to OE1WHC. Cards without SAE and (new!) IRC or green stamps to cover postage will be processed via the bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]
29/04/2011: The Tamworth Amateur Radio Society will be operating GB1WK on Friday, 29 April 2011 from 2pm hours to celebrate the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton. Operation will be on the HF bands and 2 metres. [GB2RS]
29/04/2011: Operators Chris, M0DOL and Gary, M0NNH will be active as GB4RW on 29th April 2011, to celebrate the Royal Wedding of HRH Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton. QSL via address/info on QRZ.com. [OPDX Bulletin]
29/04/2011: Special event station 8J6DON will be aired from 29 April to 5 May 2011 to celebrate the Hakata "Dontaku" Port Festival. (Dontaku: a Dutch word Zontag, meaning a holiday). Hakata is located in the Kyushu region, Fukuoka prefecture [Fukuoka-ken], island of Kyushu (IOTA AS-077, WLOTA 0963), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
29/04/2011: Special callsign 8N0UN will be active from 29 April to 31 July 2011 for the 23rd United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues in Matsumoto [JCC 0902], Chubu region, Nagano prefecture [Nagano-ken], island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
30/04/2011: The Norfolk Amateur Radio Club will be participating once again in International Marconi Day (IMD) on Saturday 30th April 2011 with GB0CMS, an award station at Caister Lifeboat Visitor Centre. GB0CMS commemorates the village's original Marconi Station, which was established at Caister in 1900. The station's original purpose was to communicate with ships in the North Sea and the Cross Sands lightship. They will run two stations - one on 80/40m and the other on 20/15/10m, CW and SSB. Website: www.qsl.net/gb0cms/ [Southgate ARC]
30/04/2011: Special event station GB4FPR will be on the airwaves for Marconi Day on 30 April 2011 from Fort Pearch Rock, New Brighton , Merseyside (WAB SJ39 WW Loc. IO83LK). In addition to the normal amateur frequencies they will also be transmitting on 502 to 503kHz CW, replying on the same frequencies to suitably equipped stations and crossband to 3570 or 7030kHz for non suitably equipped stations. Signal reports are welcomed and QSLs should be sent to M0BZZ direct or via the bureau. [GB2RS]
30/04/2011: The Sands Contest Group is running a special event station to celebrate the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton. Weather permitting they hope to run four stations using the callsign GB4HRH. They will be on air between 10am and 5pm on Saturday, 30 April and Sunday, 1 May 2011. All QSL cards should be sent as eQSL. Details are available on QRZ.com. [GB2RS]
30/04/2011: M0HAZ & the Thorpe Camp Museum ARG will be active on 5MHz from the WW2 Museum on 30 April 2011 from 9am to 1pm using CW and from 1pm to 5pm on SSB. They will be using the callsign M0HAZ/A/TCM and will be looking for SINPO reports. For more information please go to www.m0haz.btck.co.uk/ [GB2RS]
30/04/2011: The Cork Radio Club will operate for International Marconi Day on 30th April 2011 from the original Marconi Site at Brow Head, near Crookhaven in County Cork, using the callsign EI5IMD. This will be a field day type operation with our masts on the original Marconi mast bases. The station will celebrate the 110th anniversary of Marconi setting up his station on Brow Head and the reception of strong signals from Poldhu in Cornwall which reassured Marconi that bridging the Atlantic with radio waves was possible. Prior to this it was thought that radio waves travelled in straight lines only. The station will be active on all bands both on CW and SSB. QSL via EI9FBB, bureau or direct. [Southgate ARC]
30/04/2011: ARI Frascati will participate in the International Marconi Day (30 April) as IY0ORP from the Geophysical Museum at Rocca di Papa (Rome). Activity will be on 20 and 40 metres. QSL via IZ0FVD. [425 DX News]
30/04/2011: Special event station 4M5M will be QRV on 30th April 2011 in celebration of the birthday of Guglielmo Marconi. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL via W4SO. [ARRL DX News]
30/04/2011: Phil, MW0DHF and Ken, GW1FKY will be active as GB4MBC (Marconi's Birthday Celebration) from Flatholm Island (IOTA EU-124, WLOTA 0007) Wales, on 30th April 2011. They plan to operate on many of the HF bands and amateur satellites when access is possible. QSL via MW0DHF. [425 DX News]
01/05/2011: Members of the Radio Club OK1KWN will activate special event station OL950CHEB during the entire month of May 2011 to celebrate the first documented, written information about the town Cheb and its 950th anniversary. QSL via OK1MO, by the bureau or direct(w/SASE). Use e-QSL for only Digital QSOs. QSL is valid for Cheb (Hrad) Castle (WCA OK-00302, CCA KA-034, HR 0005, WW Loc. JO60EB). [OPDX Bulletin]
01/05/2011: The 60th Suigo Itako Ayame Matsuri (or Water District Itako(-city) Iris Festival) will be celebrated with special event station 8J1ITAKO between 1st May and 26 June 2011. Itako is a city located in Ibaraki prefecture, Kanto region, island of Honshu (IOTA AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
01/05/2011: Look for special event station 8J1ITU to be active during the entire month of May 2011, to celebrate the 43rd World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD). The WTISD was established to commemorate both the foundation on 17 May 1865 of the International Telegraph Union, which was the predecessor of the ITU, and the World Summit on the Information Society held in 2003 and 2005. Every year, ITU-AJ holds a ceremony to celebrate this anniversary. ITU Website: http://www.itu.int/wtisd/ Organizer: The ITU Association of Japan, Inc. (www.ituaj.jp/english/index.html). [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
01/05/2011: The Asociación de Radio Experimentadores del Estado de Puebla A.C. (AREEPAC) will activate special callsign 6J5M to celebrate the 149th anniversary of the Cinco de Mayo Battle from 1st-6th May 2011. For only one day (15th May) they will operate field-day style from the Guadalupe Fort (WW Loc. EK09VB). QSL via XE1AMF. [dx-world.net]
01/05/2011: Fred, PA0FAW, will operate as PC65ISWL from 1-28 May 2011. Mainly Digital modes and CW, some SSB from his home QTH , but most SSB from WFF PAFF-005 (De Hoge Veluwe National Park). Fred will apply for a new EPC-number for this call. QSL information will be on QRZ.com. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
01/05/2011: Gerard, PD2GCM and Bertus, PD2GJS (guest operator) will activate the special callsign PD04ISLE to commerate the fourth anniversary of the Isle of Tiengemeten (IOTA EU-146, WW Loc. JO21DR), starting from the 1st of May through to the 31st of December 2011. The last surviving island in the southwest part of the Netherlands is to become a unique nature reserve. Tiengemeten Island, will make up an area of more than 700 hectares of protected countryside. Peaceful, spacious and unspoiled and close to a major urban area. QRV with main focus on the 40 and 20 metre bands. A beautiful special double folded QSL card will be available via PD2GCM, either via bureau or direct. Website: pd04isle.webklik.nl/ [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
01/05/2011: The Ballymena ARC will be participating in the Steam Traction Rally at Shanes Castle (CASHOTA GI-026, WCA G-00743, WAB J18, WW Loc. IO64VR), county Antrim, on 1 and 2 May 2011. They will be putting on displays of amateur radio for the public as well as activating the castle as part of castles and stately homes on the air Northern Ireland. The club will be using callsign GN4KPT, utilising all modes and bands. QSL via MI0RYL, direct or bureau and eQSL. [GB2RS]
01/05/2011: On the 23rd until 29th of May 2011, the CS2HD callsign will be active again to celebrate the 2nd Harley Davidson meeting in Tavira - Algarve. A team of 4 Hams (Nuno CT2FPE, Joao CT1EVE, Jose CT1EUB and Virgilio CT1ETX) will do this event on all modes and bands. All contacts will recieve a QSL card from this activity via the bureau. Direct requests go via CT2FPE. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
29/04-05/05 8J6DON: Kyushu Shima WLOTA:0963 QSL JARL Buro 29/04-01/05 KH8/EA1IR: Tutuila Island WLOTA:4385 QSL EA1IR (d/b) 29/04-01/05 KH8/N9YU: Tutuila Island WLOTA:4385 QSL EA1IR (d/b) 29/04-01/05 XF2P: Isla Lobos WLH:XE-016 WLOL:MEX-035 WLOTA:0920 Admiralty J4250 QSL XE1AY (d) 29/04-15/06 PP0T: Ilha da Trindade WLOTA:2851 QSL EB7DX (d/b) 30/04 EI5IMD: Ireland (Eire) WLOTA:2484 QSL EI9FBB (d/b) 30/04-07/05 F4ELJ/P: Ile de Noirmoutier WLOTA:1224 QSL HC (d/b) 30/04 GB0CMS: England (main island) WLOTA 1841 QSL Buro 30/04-13/05 HI7/IK8DNJ: Hispaniola WLOTA:2974 QSL IZ8LKL (d/b) 30/04-07/05 JD1BLY: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JI5RPT (d/b) 30/04-05/05 JD1BMT: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JE4SMQ (d/b) 01/05-26/06 8J1ITAKO: Honshu WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro 01/05-31/05 8J1ITU: Honshu WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro 01/05-05/05 AH0/AB2RF: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL JJ2RCJ (d) 04/05-13/05 JD1BMH: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL Buro/JG7PSJ (d) 04/05-09/05 V85/9M6XRO: Brunei WLOTA:1628 QSL M0URX (d/b) 06/05-13/05 DH2AK/C6A: New Providence (Nassau) WLOTA:1115 QSL HC (d/b) 06/05-13/05 DL1THM/C6A: New Providence (Nassau) WLOTA:1115 QSL HC (d/b) 06/05-08/05 W1ACT: Gay Head (Aquinnah) WLOL:USA-319 WLOTA:2804 Admiralty J0476 QSL N1JOY (d/LoTW) 06/05-13/05 ZF2AT: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA:1042 QSL DH2AK (d/b) 06/05-13/05 ZF2TH: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA:1042 DL1THM HC (d/b) ============================================ COUNTY HUNTING (USA-CA) -
KM9X - Dan - 3* - APR 29 to MAY 1 - SSB Only Trip to Michigan Mini Convention. APR 29 1300z IN: Marion, Hamilton, Tipton, Howard, Miami, Fulton, Marshall, St. Joseph and Elkhart. MI: St. Joseph, Kalamazoo, Allegan, Kent, Montcalm, Mecosta, Osceola, Wexford and Grand Traverse. MAY 1 1200z MI: Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Crawford, Roscommon, Claire, Isabella, Gratiot, Clinton, Eaton, Calhoun and Branch. IN: Stueben, DeKalb, Allen, Wells, Huntington, Grant, Delaware, Madison, Hamilton and Marion. I will have my son with me, may not run every county as many others will also be on, especially Sunday. 40m and 20m SSB when I can get on, or move me. I am not good for Diamond, but good for Platinum, Master Gold and on down. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web] ============================================ 6 METRES & UP -
MS Shower Info 2011, May: The most prominent shower this month is Eta - Aquariids, peaking May 06, around 13h UT. This shower is characterized by a broad maximum; predicted ZHR at peak for 2011 is 70 hr-1. Some daytime showers (Omicron - Cetids, peaking May 20th being the most significant) will be also active this month; in addition to increasing Sporadic Meteors background, they will provide good conditions for MS DXing. Have a look to shower predictions for May 2011, together with a quick overview of 2011 Lyrids shower, at our MS-Propagationpage: www.MMMonVHF.de/ms.php
29/04-01/05 XF2P: Isla de Lobos NA-221 Grid:EL11JK 6m+Sat QSL XE1AY (d) 29/04-15/06 PP0T: Trindade Island SA-010 Grid:HG59 6m QSL EB7DX (d/b) 30/04-01/05 European EME Contest CW/SSB-5.7GHz 30 0000z-01 May 2400z 30/04-01/05 Nebraska QSO Party 6&2m included 30 1100z-01 1700z 30/04 NJ0W/M: Tusayan, AZ (West Grand Canyon National Park) Grid:DM35/36 50.125USB 50.245m/s FSK441 250w 5el yagi QSL HC (d) 01/05-31/08 50 MHz Marathon - Memorial "Roberto Rossi" I5RRE 01/05-08/05 GS3PYE/P: Arran EU-123 Grid:IO75HO 6&2m+Sat QSL M0VFC (d/b) 01/05-08/05 GS6PYE/P: Arran EU-123 Grid:IO75HO 6&2m+Sat QSL M0VFC (d/b) 03/05 LY 144MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM 1700z-2059 03/05 RSGB 144MHz UKAC 2000z-2230z 04/05 MOON Contest 144 MHz CW/Digital/FM/SSB 1800z-2000z 06/05-08/05 W1ACT: Martha's Vineyard NA-046 Grid:FN41 6m QSL N1JOY (d)
Contest Calendars: www.qsl.net/va3rj/
GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at: http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt (Updated 27 April, 2011)
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SMIRK: www.smirk.org/ SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/ ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
QSLs via Bureau: None to report this week ... :o(
QSLs via Direct: 3DAØGF (ZS6AYU), 7Z1TT (NI5DX), 9M8DX/2 (SP5UAF), D44BS (QRZ.com), DU1IST (JA1HGY), E51CG (QRZ.com), EP2MKO (UA6GG), ET3SID (QRZ.com), FG5FR (QRZ.com), HC1MD/HC4 (K8LJG), HL3ERJ (QRZ.com), J88DR (G3TBK), JT5DX (JT1CO), LX1DA (QRZ.com), MJ/K3PLV (hc), P4/W1HEO (hc), P40D (WD9DZV), PZ5RA (QRZ.com), RI1FJ (UA2FM), S9DX (DL1RTL), SV9/DJ7RJ (hc), UA2FCB (QRZ.com), V25OP (W9OP), V47KP (W2OX), XE2WWW (QRZ.com), ZD9T (DJ2EH) and ZF2LC (W2SM).
QSLs via LoTW: C6AKU, CR6A, DK1MAX, ED8A, GM4FDM, HK1MW, HK1NK, HK1R, HK1T, IZ5AXA, J79M, KH7X, MUØFAL, VK4ADC, YN2ER and YN2ET. ============================================ LINKS - IOTA (Islands On The Air) at: www.rsgbiota.org/ WCA (World Castles on the Air) at: www.wca.qrz.ru/ENG/main.html WFF (World Flora & Fauna) at: wff44.com/ WLOTA (World Lighthouses On The Air at: www.wlota.com/ ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
JX7VPA - JAN MAYEN - Hello DX Friends, I'd like to inform that we just have launched our website dedicated to our another ham radio project - DXpedition to Jan Mayen island. We will activate the island as JX7VPA between July 6-14, 2011. You'll find all details at: janmayen2011.org/ Since Jan Mayen is a very expensive destination, please consider donating to our project to help to organize the DXpedition - thank you! All the best of greetings. Stan SQ8X - JX7VPA team leader and organizer. *******************************************
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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