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Главная » 2009 » Октябрь » 2 » I.C.P.O. Bulletin (October 01 - 09, 2009)
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (October 01 - 09, 2009)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
01/10/2009:  Petr, M0WTF/OK1THA reports that during our holiday in East
Africa in September/October 2009 he will be occasionally QRV as 5X1THA
from Kampala area, Uganda, during the first week of October. He will be
working with a very simple set up - IC-706MKIIG and dipole for 20m, so
please be patient. QSL 100% via home callsign M0WTF, either direct (1
green stamp or 1 IRC) or via RSGB bureau. Petr has also worked as 5Z4PS
from Kenya (29.Sep.2009) and might be on the air as ZS1/OK1THA from Cape
Town in the second week of October. [DX World of Ham Radio]

01/10/2009:  Jacek, SP5EAQ (3D2MJ) and Jacek, SP5DRH (3D2KJ) will be
active from Viti Levu (OC-016, WLOTA L0055), Fiji, starting October 1st
for four weeks. They will operate on all bands, with an emphasis on the
low bands, with two stations using small amplifiers and vertical
antennas. QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]

01/10/2009:  David, BA4DW will be active as BA4DW/4 from Dongxilian
Island (AS-135, WLOTA L0574) for 4-5 days between 1 and 8 October. He
will operate holiday style on 20 meters with 100 watts and a dipole. QSL
via home call ( [425 DX News]

01/10/2009:  Jim, WU0I currently in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as a U.S.
Foreign Service Officer, expects to be on the air by October as ET3JD.
Activity will be mainly 40/20/15 meters, but he would also like to spend
more time on the WARC bands - particularly 30 and 17 meters. Modes will
be CW, SSB, PSK31 and possibly RTTY (for contests mostly). QSL only
direct to: Jim DeLoach, ET3JD, 2030 Addis Ababa Place, Dulles VA
20189-2030, USA. Further information can be found at: [OPDX Bulletin]

01/10/2009:  Rick, AI5P will be active from three islands in the Pacific
from 1 October until 31 October. His schedule is as follows - New
Caledonia [Grande Terre] (OC-032, DIFO FK-001, WLOTA L1280) from 1-8 Oct
ober using the callsign FK/AI5P. Vanuatu island, New Hebrides (OC-035)
from 10-18 October using the callsign YJ0PX. Norfolk Island (OC-005,
WLOTA L1469) from 22-31 October using the callsign AI5P/VK9N. New
Zealand (OC-036, WLOTA L0069) from 1-6 November using the callsign
ZL/AI5P. All operations will be mostly CW on the HF bands. QSL via home
call, direct or by the bureau. [AT International]

01/10/2009:  Keith, KJ5YU is currently in Guantanamo Bay (NA-015, WLOTA
L0358) until approximately 1.Feb.2010. He will be using the callsign
KG4YU. So far it is unknown what bands or modes Keith will be using. QSL
via KJ5YU. [DX World of Ham Radio]

01/10/2009:  Peter, NO2R is currently active from Sihanoukville [aka
Kampong Som], Cambodia, (since 12 September) for a minimum one year as
XU7ACY. Peter goes on low band DXpeditons and he is active on mostly 160
and 80 meter CW, but does sometimes show up on other modes and bands.
QSL via W2EN only, direct or LoTW preferred but bureau OK. []

01/10/2009:  Members of the 4M5DX Group will be active as YW5O from La
Orchila Island (SA-054, DIV-038 for the Venezuela Islands Award, WLOTA
L3044, WW Loc. FK61WT). Activity will be on all bands and modes. The
group is awaiting the transportation schedule from the Venezuelan Navy.
The exact days and team will be posted soon on the following Web page: [OPDX Bulletin]

02/10/2009:  Ely, IN3VZE will be active from will be active once again
as 7Q7CE from the southwest shore of Lake Malawi from the shack of his
good friend Harry, 7Q7HB between 2-20 October. QRV all HF bands holiday
style using SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [AT

03/10/2009:  On Saturday 3rd October, François/F5JNE will be active as
homecall/p from the Castle of Bois Gerard (DFCF 10031), in the city of
Chessy les Prés (CP 10130), and Canton [county] of Ervy le Châtel (DDCF
10-09), Department Aube/10 and Province Champagne-Ardennes (DPF 08). QRV
80/40m, CW/SSB starting 0600 UTC. QSL via the bureau to his home call;
SWL cards are welcome. [F5NQL]

03/10/2009:  Members of the Radio-club F5KKJ will activate the île du
Moulin de Naudin (DIFI reference 31031R), located on the Garonne river,
commune of Toulouse, Department Haute-Garonne/31 and Province
Midi-Pyrenees (DPF 15) as F5KKJ/p on 3 October starting around 0600 UTC.
This is a first time activation. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

03/10/2009:  Railway Stations award program: - Operators LU2BPM, LU9DPD, LU7BTO,
LU7COS, LU5BE, LW4EF, LU3DHR and LW6DW will be active as LU3DHR/A from
the Arata railway station (reference DEF-003A), on the Urquiza-Estado
railway line. QRV 80m 3.650 MHz to 3.700 MHz LSB; 40m 7.090 MHz to 7.140
MHz LSB, 7.037 MHz +/- 3Khz PSK31. No simultaneous sending SSB and PSK
on 40m. 2m 146.970 MHz simplex (-600 KHz - RPT LU4DQ), 147.270 KHz.
simplex (+600 KHz, PL Tone 71.9Hz, - RPT LU5DVB); 70cm 433.850 MHz
(+5000 KHz, PL Tone 88.5Hz - RPT LU4AAO). QSL via LW4EF (SAE + Postage)
Guillermo Alberto Castelnuovo, Anibal Ponce 1239 - Benfield, BA CP
B1828, Argentina. [F5NQL]

03/10/2009:  Rick "The Rhino", N6RNO will be active from Tehama county
(Grid CN80) for the California QSO Party (3-4 October). No entry
category was given. There is the possibility of 6 meter activity. QSL
via home call. [N6RNO]

04/10/2009:  Operators Jan/PA0JED, Herman/PA0TEN, Harry/PA1H,
Arend/PA2AWU, Peter/PA2PKZ, Dick/PA4VHF, Frans/PA5CA, Jelmer/PA5R,
Han/PE2HG and Dervin/PD9DX will be active 4-10 October from Wiltz,
Luxembourg, using the callsign LX/PA6Z. QRV 160-10m (WARC included)
using CW, SSB and PSK31. They will also have a 6 meter station in
operation for meteor scatter and WSJT. QSL is via PA9M, direct or
bureau. Further info and log search at:

04/10/2009:  Hotang, YC0IEM will be active as YC0IEM/8 from Ambon Island
[aka Pulau Ambon] (OC-070, WLOTA L1949), Indonesia, from 4-23 October.
QRV all HF bands. QSL via IZ8CCW, direct (Ant Cannataro, P.O. Box 360 -
87100 Cosenza - ITALY) or by the bureau. See:

05/10/2009:  Marco, IK1RAE says he will be active 5-23 October as C91VM
from Mozambique. He will operate SSB on 40-10 meters running 100 watts
into a vertical antenna. Side trips to one or more IOTA groups (AF-061,
AF-066, AF-072, AF-088) are also being planned. QSL direct only, as
proceeds will be donated to charity project in the village of Malangute
(QSLling policy details to be announced on under C91VM). [425 DX

05/10/2009:  You may catch the Radio Arcala team in action from the
Azores starting Monday, 5 October for one week. Look for Martti, CU2KG
(OH2BH); Juha, CU2KH (OH8NC) and Toni, CU2KI (OH2UA) on a variety of
bands during a maintenance operation from their contest station CR2X
( QSLs CBA via home calls. [OH2BH]

05/10/2009:  During the period from 5 October (late evening) until 7
October, a WFF expedition to the National Park "Hainich" (reference
DLFF-004) will take place. Peter DL3APO/p and Gerd DL5AWI/p will be
active on various HF bands, CW/SSB with HEX-beam/dipoles and high power.
The log will be given for uploading to the WFF online log search after
the trip. A special QSL will sent out automatically to all contacts
made! Their QTH is also good for Thuringian Castle hunters (reference
THB-200). QSL via home calls, for direct requests. [DL3APO]

05/10/2009:  Bill, N7OU will be on Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks,
doing volunteer work again and signing E51NOU in his spare time from
5-30 October. QRV 80-10m, CW only, 100w/vertical. QSL via N7OU. [NG3K]

06/10/2009:  Pekka/OH2TA and Henri/OH3JR plan to be active as OJ0J from
Market Reef (EU-053) from 6-10 October. They will be mainly active on
the WRTC bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. This activation also counts for
the Market Reef lighthouse (ARLHS MAR-001, TWLHD WLH OJ0-001, WLOTA
L0542, WW Loc. JP90NH). QSL via OH0RJ, direct or bureau. []

07/10/2009:  It has been reported that Lars, VP8DIF, will arrive on
South Georgia (AN-007) between the second week of October and mid
November. He will stay at Husvik (WAP GBR-27). QSL via DJ9ZB, by the
bureau or direct. For more info and updates, visit Lars's Web site at: [OPDX Bulletin]

08/10/2009:  Yasu, JA1FJJ will be active from Thimphu, Bhutan, as A52FJJ
from 8-20 October. QRV all HF bands using SSB, RTTY and PSK31. He will
be running 500 watts to a G5RV antenna. QSL via JA1FJJ direct only.

08/10/2009:  Arne/LA7WCA, Maurits/LA3XIA and John/G4ATA will be active
as JW7WCA, JW3XIA and JW/G4ATA respectively from Longyearbyen,
Spitsbergen Island [Svalbard] (EU-026, WLOTA L0125) between 8-13
October. QRV on all HF bands, using SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls.

09/10/2009:  Dave/G4IAR and Judith/G4IAQ will be active as G4LAB/p from
the Isles of Scilly (IOTA EU-011) between 9-19 October. QRV on the HF
bands, on or near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via G4IAR,
direct only ( []

09/10/2009:  A multi national team of 19 operators will activate Sand
island (USi OI-011S, Grid AL18) Midway islands (OC-040) in October 2009
as K4M. The US Fish & Wildlife Service has authorized amateur operation
from this rare US entity for only a 10 day period between 9-19 October,
its first radio activity in almost 10 years. Team members are AA4NN,
site support is being provided by AA1V, W5DNT and W6XA. Activity will be
on 160 meters to 6 meters with 5 to 6 stations. Info, updates, online
log, frequencies and more can be found at: . QSL via
online QSL Service, direct (Midway 2009, Box 333, Bethlehem, GA
30620-9989 USA) or LoTW. [N4XP & WB4JTT]

09/10/2009:  Members of the Balkan Contest Club will be active from the
Biosphere Reserve Srebarna (LZFF-016, WW Loc. KN34MC), Bulgaria, from
9-11 October using the callsign LZ44WFF. QRV on all HF bands CW, SSB and
Digimodes. QSL via the bureau to LZ1KZA. Note: LZ44WFF counts 10 points
for "St. Teodosii Tyrnovski" award (
[Balkan Contest Club]


11/10/2009:  Mark, KO1U plans to activate Deer Isle (USi ME014S) and
Little Deer Isle (USi ME024) both in the IOTA NA-055 group, Penobscot
Bay, Hancock County, Maine, on 11th October. Mark is trying to offer
NA-055 for the JAs. Word from Japan is 2100-2300z has very good
communications between NA-055 and Japan. He will qualify ME024, Little
Deer Isle, off-and-on starting around 1700z on 11 October, on or near
14050.0/7050.0 kHz and also on the high side of 14260.0 kHz. QSL via
home call. [USi]

15/10/2009:  Andreas, DL9USA will be active from Comino Island, Malta
(EU-023), from 15-22 October as 9H8C. Active on the HF bands, CW and
SSB. QSL via the information on under 9H8C. [DX World of Ham

19/10/2009:  4U1UN Activity Week 19-25 October 2009:
   4U1UN - United Nations Headquarters, New York - this DXCC entity will
be active from 19-25 October, on all bands, all modes, with a team of
well-known DX and contest operators; OH2BH, OH0XX, OH2NB, OH6LI, G3SXW,
K2LE, N2UN, N2GA, K2DO, N2YBB, KA2D, WQ2N and W2VQ.
   Antennas and security access to the building are heavily restricted
but the team will do their best to make this rare station available to
   Activity will be from 8AM until midnight local time (1200-0400 UTC)
each day. All-night activity is planned for Friday the 23rd and Saturday
the 24th of October. Some of the operators will form an international
team for CQ World-Wide SSB Contest participation in the "Two
Transmitter" (M2) category. QSL via HB9BOU. LoTW upload will be done
after the operation. [OH2BN]

21/10/2009:  Martin, ON4PO will be operting as J45PO from the SX5P
contest station, Rhodes Island (EU-001, GIOTA DKS-006, MIA MGD-028,
WLOTA L0045), Greece, before and after the CQWW DX SSB Contest
especially on 40 meters from 21-29 October. QSL via home call. During
the contest he will be the operator on the 40 meter band. [NG3K]

24/10/2009:  Toni, OH2UA will be active using the callsign CR2X as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (24-25
October) from Ribeira Grande, Ilha de Sao Miguel (EU-003, DIP AZ-002,
WLOTA L2016). QSL via OH2BH, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

24/10/2009:  Look for the OL7R HF Contest Team to be active as a
Multi-Multi entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (24-25 October), using the
callsign OK0K from the Czech Republic (Zone 15). QSL via OK1WMV, direct
preferred. [NG3K]

24/10/2009:  Ted, W3TB will be active as W3TB/VP9 from Hamilton Parish,
Bermuda (NA-005, WLOTA L0201), for the CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest
(24-25 October) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. He might operate the
contest using the callsign VP9I. Look for Ted to be active before and
after the contest on the HF bands. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

24/10/2009:  Radio Club Temuco operators Alex/CE6SAX, Alex/CE6DFY,
Carlos/CE3AQI, Carlos/CE6CP, Marco/CE6VMO and Ramiro/CE6VMR will be
active from the QTH of Gaston, CE6DBI in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (24-25
October) as XR6T, a Multi-? entry. QSL via CE3FED direct (Radio Club
Temuco, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile) or by the bureau. [AT

24/10/2009:  Bloemfontein Defence Amateur Radio Club members ZS4TX,
ZS4U, ZS4S, ZS4RY, ZS4JAN and ZS4BS will be active as ZS9X, a Multi-?
entry in CQWW DX SSB Contest (24-25 October) from Bloemfontein, Rep. of
South Africa. QSL only via K3IRV. [NG3K]

25/10/2009:  Sho, JA7HMZ (V63DX) and Kei, JA7GYP will be active from
Pohnpei (OC-010) 25-31 October with focus on the low bands. QSL via home
call. They will also participate (part time) in the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(24-25 October) as V6B, a Multi-Single entry. QSL V6B via LoTW. [NG3K]

01/11/2009:  Operators Rudi/DF8AE, Burkhard/DF8XC, Georg/DK5QN,
Dirk/DL1YDI and Pete/DL1YAW will be active as 5P3WW from Mon Island
(EU-029, DIA SJ-017, WLOTA L-4630, WW Loc. JO64EX), 1-9 November,
including an entry in the Marconic Contest with new portable antenna
setup, 10m to the shore-line. Activity will be MS-TR on 144 MHz. QSL via
DL1YAW, bureau preferred. [MMMonVHF]

21/11/2009:  Operators Harry/DM5TI, Rene/DL2JRM, Tom/DL2RMC and
Sid/DM2AYO will be active from Christmas island (OC-002) between 21
November and 5 December. Plans are to have two similar station (K3,
600w+ amps) running 24/7 on all modes on 160-10m. They will focus on the
low bands, mostly on CW. VK9XX will be used during the DXpedition with
VK9XW active for the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November). QSL OK via the
bureau or direct to DL1RTL. Full details at VK9XX website: [NG3K]

22/11/2009:  Brian, ND3F will be active from Barbados (NA-021, WLOTA
L0999) as 8P9SS from 22 November to 02 December, including a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29
November). QSL direct to his home call. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.

23/11/2009:  Andy/DJ7IK, Jan/DJ8NK, Guenter/DJ9CB, Andreas/DL9USA and
Lars/DF1LON will be active from Tunisia between 23 November and 2
December using the special call 3V3S. They will be QRV, using low power
(100W), in all modes from the QTH of 3V8SS in Sousse, where they will
build antennas and also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29
November) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via DL9USA. Web:
(still under construction). [DX World of Ham Radio]

23/11/2009:  Mike, K9NW will be in Botswana between 23 November and 1
December using the callsign A25NW. Expect activity during CQWW DX CW
Contest (28-29 November). QSL via home call ( [DX World of Ham

24/11/2009:  John, K4BAI and Don, W4OC will be active from the island of
Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA L1279) between 24 November and 01 December as
PJ4/home call. The will also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest
(28-29 November) as PJ4A. QSL all calls via K4BAI, direct or bureau.

24/11/2009:  Peter, K8PT will be active from Belize between 24 November
and 6 December as V31PT. QSL via home call. [AT International]

28/11/2009:  A team of operators will activate the ITU Radioamateur Club
Station, 4U1ITU during the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29 November) as a
Multi-Single entry from Zone 14. The activity may possibly including
160m. QSL via [NG3K]

28/11/2009:  Toni, OH2UA will be active using the callsign CR2X as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (28-29
November) from Ribeira Grande, Ilha de Sao Miguel (EU-003, DIP AZ-002,
WLOTA L2016). QSL via OH2BH, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

22/02/2010:  The 7th Antarctic Activity Week will be held from
22-28.Feb.2010, with various countries and special callsigns active.
Look for the following: DA0ANT WAP-128 (QSL DC2SF), K4A WAP-073 (QSL
WAP-002 (QSL I1HYW). Further information about the event plus full list
of participating stations can be found at: [Worldwide
Antarctic Program]

The ISWL Club Callsign's in use during October 2009 will be:
GX4BJC /A & GX4BJC /P - Operated /A from Hartford, in Cambridgeshire, by
Tom - G3RPV. (/A WAB Square = TL27 - England & IOTA = EU-005). (/P
locations will be given during the QSO).
MX1SWL /A & MX1SWL /P - Operated /A from Walton on the Naze, in Essex,
by Herbie - G6XOU. (ISWL Council Member & QSL Bureau Manager). (/A WAB
Square = TM22 - England & IOTA = EU-005). (/P locations will be given
during the QSO).
Please Note: The WAB Format changed on 1st January 2009. The new format
is: 10Km Square Number and Country. (Not District and County). Web:
The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316  and  16724.
All QSL Info is on  or  or via  NO LOTW.
ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see
for full details. cards ARE accepted for our awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

25/09/2009:  The United Nations Headquarters Station (4U1UN) in New
York, will be active for 64 days with special callsign 4U64UN in
celebration of the opening of the 64th session of the General Assembly
and the 64th anniversary of the United Nations. QSL via HB9BOU. The QSL
cards will be printed after the end of the operation. The direct cards
will be sent out starting December 2009. []

01/10/2009:  The Balkan Contest Club will air special event callsign
LZ26ZA 1-31 October to glorify the exploit of 26 Bulgarian saint monks
perished in defence of the Ortodox faith. That happened in 1284 in the
St. George Zograph monastery on the Month Athos Peninsula. The memory of
the 26 saint monks is honoured on October 10-th/23-rd. (for details see
The Saint's Lives). LZ26ZA counts 10 points for "St. Teodosii Tyrnovski"
award - . QSL via bureau or direct to:
LZ1KZA, P.O.Box 36, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria. [F5NQL]

01/10/2009:  The Radioclub Pribram (OK1RAF) will air the special event
callsign OL22ASE from 1 October to 15 October. Activity is planned to
coincide with the ASE XXII Planetary Congress - International congress
of astronauts organised by Association of Space Explorers (ASE), which
is being held in Prague, Czech Republic. QSL via OK1TIR, direct or
bureau. Full info on under OL22ASA. [Southgate ARC]

01/10/2009:  Over the weekend of 3rd and 4th October, members of the
Grimsby & District battalion will be operating GB1BB for the Founding
weekend On the Air, which celebrates the founding of the Boys Brigade
movement in 1887. The station will be manned by foundation holders who
are also members of the BB supported by M1BYQ and G0MNI. Also on the air
will be the 1st Bermuda battalion, callsign VP9400BB. QSL will be eQSL
via M1BYQ. [GB2RS]

01/10/2009:  Special event station GB4GDS, celebrating the work of the
Guide Dogs for the Blind organisation, will be operating from 1 October
for 28 days from the Lindsayfield branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Operator Keith, GM4DAE hopes to be active on 80m, 40m, 20m and 2m at
various times from early morning through to late evening. The station
celebrates the 78th anniversary of the first Guide Dog training in
Wallasey, Cheshire, England (EU-005, WLOTA L1841), in 1931. QSL via the
RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

01/10/2009:  Special event station PD55EA will be aired from 1-28
October to celebrate the 55th birthday of the Museum "Ellert and
Brammert" in Schoonoord, Netherlands. QRV on 10, 20 and 40 meter band in
SSB and Digital modes. Also possible activities on 2 meter band. This is
the second time we activete this SES,before it was in August. QSL's will
be send automatic via bureau. If you want to QSL in other ways, please
first send QSL via PD7BZ. More info on: www/ [F5NQL]

02/10/2009:  Special callsign PA08DWN will be aired on CW, 2-3 October,
during the annual Furieade maritime event at Maassluis, near Rotterdam.
Operations will take place from the radio shack of the 'Elbe', a tugboat
that is being restorated to serve as a museumship. QSL via PA3ALM. [425
DX News]

03/10/2009:  GB70GB is a very special Special Event callsign, issued by
Ofcom for the 70th anniversary of the opening of the Research Centre at
Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex, England (EU-005, WLOTA L1841). This is
the home to what was originally Marconi's Research Laboratories. Later,
it was also home to famous staff including Spycatcher author Peter
Wright and Chris Cockrell, inventor of the hovercraft. The station will
be operating on Saturday 3rd October and will be operated by members of
the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society. Baddow is also home to the last
surviving fully intact 360ft Chain Home radar mast from the Battle of
Britain - itself coming up to its own anniversary in February 2010, the
75th anniversary of the Daventry Experiment when radar was born.
Visitors must pre-register to visit the special event station and they
will see a series of exhibits on Baddow's history and technology from
turn of the century Marconi heritage right up to present day innovations
at what is now known as BAE Systems Advanced Technology Centre. QSL c/o
Murray Niman, G6JYB. Full details can be found at [GB2RS]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

01/10-29/10  3D2KJ: Viti Levu Island WLOTA:0055 QSL SP5DRH (d/b)
01/10-29/10  3D2MJ: Viti Levu Island WLOTA:0055 QSL SP5EAQ (d/b)
01/10-08/10  BA4DW/4: Dongxilian Dao WLOTA:0574 QSL HC (d)
01/10-08/10  FK/AI5P: New Caledonia Grande Terre WLOTA:1280 QSL HC (d/b)
01/10-29/10  GB4GDS: England WLOTA:1841 QSL RSGB Buro
01/10-1/2/10  KG4YU: Guantanamo Bay WLOTA:0358 QSL KJ5YU (d/b)
02/10-03/10  5W0DW: Upolu Island WLOTA:1944 QSL YU1DW (d/b)
02/10-03/10  5W7A: Upolu Island WLOTA:1944 QSL YT1AD (d/b)
03/10             GB70GB: England WLOTA:1841 QSL G6JYB (d/b)
04/10-06/10  3D2AD: Viti Levu Island WLOTA:0055 QSL YT1AD (d/b)
04/10-06/10  3D2DW: Viti Levu Island WLOTA:0055 QSL YU1DW (d/b)
04/10-23/10  YC0IEM/8: Pulau Ambon WLOTA:1949 QSL IZ8CCW (d/b)
06/10-10/10  OJ0J: Market Reef WLH:OJ0-001 WLOL:MAR-001 WLOTA:0542
                        QSL OH0RJ (d/b)
07/10-14/10  AA4VK/CY0: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL HC (d)
07/10-14/10  N0TG/CY0: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL HC (d)
07/10-14/10  WA4DAN/CY0: Sable Island WLOTA:0758 QSL HC (d)
08/10-13/10  JW/G4ATA: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 HC (d/b)
08/10-13/10  JW3XIA: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 LA3XIA (d/b)
08/10-13/10  JW7WCA: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 LA7WCA (d/b)

01/10-10/10  3D20CR: Conway Reef Grid:RG78HG 6M 100w 50.124CW +
50.124USB QSL DJ8NK (d/b)

09/10-19/10  K4M: Midway Island OC-040 Grid:AL18 6M 100w 50.115MHz

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:  (Updated September 29, 2009)

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX
portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:

WØGXQ - Jerry - 3* - 2 October 09 to 5 October 09 - CW Only
Friday, Oct 2nd starting around 1100z MN-Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin, St
Louis. WI-Douglas, Washburn, Sawyer, Rusk, Price, Taylor, Lincoln,
Langlade, Menominee, Oconto, Shawano, Outagamie, Winnebago, and Fond du
Lac. I need a MP contact in Washburn, Sawyer, Lincoln, Langlade, and

Saturday, Oct 3rd starting at 1300z with W9MSE - Fond du Lac, Calumet,
Brown, Kewaunee/Door, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Ozaukee, Milwaukee,
Washington, Waukesha/Racine, Kenosha, Walworth, Jefferson, Rock, Dane,
Green, LaFayette, and Iowa. I need a MP contact in Kewaunee/ Door,
Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Ozaukee, Milwaukee, and Washington.

Sunday, Oct 4th starting at 1230z with W9MSE - Iowa, Sauk, Richland,
Grant, Crawford, Vernon, La Crosse, Trempealeau, Buffalo, Pepin, Eau
Claire, Jackson, Monroe, Juneau, Adams, Marquette, Columbia, and Dodge.

Monday, Oct 5th starting at 1300z WI-Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Waushara,
Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Clark, Chippewa, Dunn, St Croix, Polk,
Barron, and Burnett. MN-Pine, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Crow Wing, Cass, and
Wadena. I need a MP contact in Waupaca, Portage, Marathon, St Croix,
Polk, and Burnett.

I may operate some SSB on October 2nd and 5th. Operation on the 3rd and
4th will be ALL CW. All of the Wisconsin counties count for my
Transmitted From for MP. Jeff and I usually alternate the runs, so there
will be instances where I will jump in while Jeff is running just to get
my credit for the county.

Our itinerary includes all of the callsigns I found on the Needs Page.
Band rotation over the weekend will be 40/80/30/20/17/15/12/10. If we
find the nets busy, we will work the mobile (if heard) or just send GXQ
or MSE D2 and hopefully someone will copy, follow, and spot. [County
Hunter Web]
N8KIE - Robert - 3* - 10/5/2009 to 10/12/2009 - SSB Only
Another try to put out Mississippi. This will finish Jaci N8RLJ and I
for Transmit All. Good luck and good hunting. SSB Only Will run down
I-75 from Detroit to Ky. KENTUCKY: .. Kenton, Boone, Gallatin, Carroll,
Henry, Oldham, Jefferson, Bullitt, Hardin, Larue, Hart, Barren, Monroe
... TENNESSEE: .. Clay, Jackson, Putnam, Smith, Wilson, Davidson,
Cheatham, Williamson, Dickson, Hickman, Humphreys, Perry, Benton,
Decatur, Henderson, Chester, Hardeman, Fayette ... MISSISSIPPI: ..
Benton, Marshall, Tate, Lafayette, Panola, Yallobusha, Tallahatchie,
Quitman, Sunflower, Leflore, Bolivar, Washington, Sharkey, Issaquena,
Humphreys, Yazoo, Madison, Holmes, Carroll, Montgomery, Grenada,
Webster, Calhoun, Choctaw, Attala, Leake, Scott, Rankin, Smith, Simpson,
Covington, Jefferson Davis, Lawrence, Marion, Walthall, Lamar, Forrest,
Stone, Harrison, Jackson, George, Greene, Perry, Jones, Jasper, Clarke,
Lauderdale, Newton, Neshoba, Kemper, Winston, Noxubee, Lowndes,
Oktibbeha, Clay, Monroe, Chickasaw, Ponotoc, Lee, Union, Itwamba,
Prentiss, Tishomingo ... ALABAMA: Colbert, Lawrence, Morgan, Madison,
Marshall, Dekalb ... GEORIGA .. Dade from here we will take I-75 home.
This list is for your planning purposes only. I don't take a list and we
never really know where we will stop for the night. I have 20 and 40 and
will try to run both bands. On the way home I may run through Breathitt,
KY my last for 4th time in KY. But it is about 100 miles out of the way
so who knows. [County Hunter Web]

Pirates & FT5GA:

The following has been released by Carl, N4AA of QRZ DX / DX Magazine
and is displayed in its entirety:

   Hello DXers: This is a SPECIAL BULLETIN and the following will reveal
   I have been contacted by a person (who I will NOT name) who has the
capability to pin point (very accurately) the source of an on the air
signal. What I am saying is - this person has the professional equipment
and the expertise to monitor a signal on the ham bands and determine to
a very narrow area where that signal is coming from.
   Apparently there was a pirate on 10114 last night signing FT5GA. That
signal was NOT coming from Glorioso, it was coming from QUEBEC in
CANADA, NNE of Montreal. On two other days, pirate signals were
monitored signing FT5GA, one was coming from LATVIA and the other from
   These pirates should be relatively easy for "local" DXers to find.
They need to be specifically identified and pressure brought to bear on
them to cease their deliberate and illegal activities.
   The "source" that I mentioned above will continue to provide periodic
reports like this and I will continue to publish the locations of these
irresponsible persons. I ask for those within the areas identified pay
particular attention and use whatever means are available to them to put
a stop to these activities.
   Your cooperation with the identification of these pirates will be
appreciated by all of us.
QSLs received Bureau - 4A3IH, 6Y8XF, 9G1AA, 9Q1EK, A25/DL7DF, EG0VRB,

QSLs received Direct - 3DA0EL (GI4FUM), 3DA0MH (GI4FUM), 3DA0MM
(EA4ATI), HR9/WQ7R (AI4U), K5D (N2OO), OZ1GML (, P29NI (G3KHZ),
PX6T [SA-080] (PT2OP), S04R (EA5RM), TI2KI (, TJ3SL (F5PSA),
V55X (V51YJ), V7XX (JH2BNL), ZK2V (N3SL).

QSLs received LoTW - 5W0VK, 6H1IM, HK1X, K0KU, K4RO, K5RT, K9BWI, N0BUI,

4W6Al QRT. Last QSO on 27th September 2009 at 15:40 utc.
Final og in now online on
Soon we will publish small statistic about 4W activity by CT1GPQ.

Received from printer QSL cards for Azores activity CR2F, CR2W and CR2N
(TNX HB9CRV, Hermann - Team Leader and Algarve STAR DX Team member).
Tomorrow (monday) all direct request will be out via manager (CT1GFK).

Algarve STAR DX Team
4W6AL statistics available now on:
QSl cards will be printed during October. Please be patient.

by Algarve STAR DX Team
CT1GFK, Toze

Next expedition to Antarctica by F5PFP prepared for beginning of 2011
Mehdi F5PFP, has informed us about his planning tour to the Antarctic
Peninsula to be finalized for the season 2010-2011. The Bases and
locations he intent to visit, are roughly listed down here:
WAP ECU-NEW Republica del Ecuador Refuge, King George island, 62°S-58°W
WAP ECU-01 Maldonado station Greenwich island, 62°27'S-59°42'W
WAP CHL-04 Presidente Aguirre Cerda, Deception island, 62°56'S-60°36'W
WAP FRA-NEW Port Circoncision, Petermann island, 65°11'S-64°10'W
WAP ARG-18 Groussac Refuge, Petermann island, 65°11'S-64°10'W
WAP CHL-11 Yelcho, Doumer island, 64°52'S-63°35'W
WAP GBR-26 Base "W" - Detaille, Detaille island, 66°52'S-66°48'W
WAP GBR-14 Base "Y" - Horseshoe, Horseshoe island, 67°49'S-67°18'W
WAP GBR-05 Base "E" - Stonington, Stonington island, 68°11'S-67°00'W
WAP USA-NEW US East Base, Stonington island, 68°11'S-66° 55'W
3 New-One WAP Antarctic sites and rare referenced Bases; great indeed!
The trip also includes an island belonging to Alexander grp, 69°S-68°W.
The plan is ambitious and we keep our finger crossed. Likewise already
experienced during Mehdi’s 2009 Expedition, the opportunity to work
several new spots in Antarctica is guarantee. Keep up the good job Mehdi
and TNX. [Worldwide Antarctic Program]
CANADA HAMS - 3 years till current mobile use outlawed:

  Mobile ham radios will be required to operate hands free in the
Ontario province of Canada, they have less that 3 years to comply.
  "To help these businesses stay competitive, Ontario is granting a
three-year phase-out period for the commercial use of two-way radios,
including mobile and CB radios, to allow for hands-free technologies to
be developed."
  "The use of hand-held radios by amateur radio operators (who provide
assistance, especially in emergency situations such as severe storms and
blackouts) will be phased out within three years, to allow hands-free
technologies to be developed."
  More info at:

Instead of yesterday fears, the crew is safe on Conway Reef. This
morning Oct 1st it had been received on 14, 18and 7 MHz, both in SSB/CW
with good sigs in East Asia and US West coast.
QSL manager DJ8NK direct, bureau (new IRC's are OK, old IRC's with
expiration date 31.Dec.2009 are not OK, because QSL cards most likely
will be send out in January 2010). For more info and updates see their
web page at:

The 37th SEANET Convention will be held in Seoul, South Korea, between
23rd and 27th October.
Special callsign HL09SEA. QSL via HL1OYF. [F5NQL]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ

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