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I.C.P.O. Bulletin (September 24 - October 02, 2009) | 08:48 |
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year) ============================================ 24/09/2009: Tim/M0TDG, and Martin/G3ZAY plan to be active from Miquelon island (NA-032, DIFO FP-002, WLOTA L1417) as FP/homecall from September 24-27th. They will operate CW and SSB; low band operation will depend on equipment availability (and airline baggage limits). Martin will also try to activate McNutt island (VE1, NA-126, CIsA NS009), Nova Scotia, on September 29th. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]
24/09/2009: Gerry, IZ1DSH and Pasquale, IZ1MLQ will be active September 24-27th as IL7T from San Domino Island (EU-050, IIA FG-001, MIA MI-085, WLOTA L-1284). They will have two stations active on 40-10 meter SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via IZ1DSH, direct or bureau. Further information can be found at www.aritorino.it/IL7T.htm [425 DX News]
24/09/2009: Look for Fred, PA1FJ to be active as PJ2/PA1FJ from the island of Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA L0942) between September 24th and October 7th. QSL via home call either direct, by the Bureau or eQSL. [rsgbiota.org]
24/09/2009: Gerd/DJ5TT, Thomas/DK9FEC, Peter/DL1FX and Rainer/DL1ZBO will be active as T70A from from the radio club of San Marino's IARU Society (http://www.arrsm.org/) from September 24-27th. They will operate CW, SSB and various digital modes on 80-10 metres, and he will participate in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest. QSL via A.R.R.S.M. Radio Club, P.O. Box 77, 47890 San Marino, Republic of San Marino. [425 DX News]
24/09/2009: Claude, F5MCC will be active September 24th to October 2nd from some of Corsica's coastal islands. He plans to activate Sanguinaires Islands (EU-104, DIFM TK-002, MIA MCO-022, WLOTA L 0098) and also Lavezzi Islands (EU-164, DIFM TK-011, MIA MCO-007, WLOTA L 0755). The activation on EU-164 will be for one day only, between 1000 UTC to 1600 UTC. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [rsgbiota.org]
24/09/2009: The Amateur Radio Expedition to the rarest IOTA references in Vietnam is the project of the longtime friends: Russian Robinson Club and R-Quad Antenna Company. Operators Sergey/RA3NAN, Oleg/RK3FA, Eugene/RZ3EC, Andy/RZ3EM and Andrey/UA6BGB will be active from September 24th to October 1st from the following islands: Ngu Island (AS-185) as XV6RRC from September 24-26th; Cham Island (AS-162) as XV7RRC from September 27-28th; Tam Island (AS-157) as XV3RRC from September 29 to October 1st. They plan to run 2 stations on 160-10 meters with the following setup: Elecraft K3 - 2 pcs; Acom 1000, Ameritron ALS600 amplifiers; 160-80-40m Vertical on 18m mast, 20m VDA on 12m mast, VDAs on 15-17m on 12m mast, BiggIR Vertical (40-10m), LowBands RX antennas (if the conditions permit). QSL direct to RZ3EC, or use the online bureau request form. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW after Expedition is over. Further info and log search available at: http://xv6rrc.com/ [RZ3EM]
25/09/2009: Gab, HA3JB (SU8BHI), will be active from the island of Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA L0051) as 5B/HG3IPA between September 25th and October 2nd, including an entry in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 26-27th). QSO is good for the Hungarian International Police Association Award (HA-IPARC Award). For details on the award, visit: www.ha3jb.com/award.html . Also, a new online log search is available at: www.ha3jb.com/onlinelog . Those who send for a QSL, please write your E-mail address on your card, and he will advise you by E-mail when your QSL arrives. QSL via HA3JB: Gabor Kutasi, P.O. Box 243, H-8601 Siofok, Hungary. [HA3JB]
25/09/2009: Look for Jon, M0OVL to be active as M0OVL/p from the island of Inner Farne (IOTA EU-109) from September 25-26th. Sorry everyone but only 4 hours operations each day 1000 - 1400 UTC. Activation dependent on the weather. Web site at: www.m0ovl.co.uk/ [rsgbiota.org]
25/09/2009: Pekka/OH1TV, Ilmo/OH2BO, Pertti/OH2PM and Lars/OH0RJ will be active as OJ0B from Market Reef lighthouse (EU-053, ARLHS MAR-001, TWLHD WLH OJ0-001, WLOTA L 0542) from September 25-29th, including an entry in the SAC SSB Contest (September 26-27th). QSL via OH2BH. [AT International]
26/09/2009: Ashraf, 3V4-002 will be active as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry from Tunisia during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest using the callsign 3V8SS. QSL via IZ8CCW, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Tonno, ES5TV will be active as 4O3A in SAC SSB Contest from the 4O3A Contest station, Herceg Novi, Montenegro. QSL via LoTW, via AI4U for USA/VE, via UA3DX for Russia-CIS and via YU1FW for the rest. [AT International]
26/09/2009: Look for Andreas/5B8AP, Spiros/5B4MF, Tamer/5B4AHE, Philip/5B4ZN and Paris/5B4XF to be active from Agios Georgios [aka Kakoskaliou] (IOTA AS-120) on September 26th from 0600-1600 UTC. They will all use homecall/p. Expect them to be QRV on, or near, the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via their home calls. [AT International]
26/09/2009: Ruben, EA5BZ and others will be active from Andorra as C37URE for the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL via EA4URE, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Look for EA2CYJ to be QRV from Spain in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as a Multi-Single entry. Operators mentioned are EA2CJ, EA2VE, EA2CXP, EB2GFA, EB2CYY, EA2DMZ, and EA2CYJ. QSL via EA2CYJ, bureau preferred. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Val, RD3AF will be active in CQWW DX RTTY Contest as EF8M from Santa Maria de Guia, Las Palmas Gran Canaria (AF-004, DIE S-005, WLOTA L 0969). QSL via UA3DX. [AT International]
26/09/2009: Vlad, UT0FT will be active as ER0/UT7FT, a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry from Moldova in CQWW DX RTTY Contest. QSL via UT0FT, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Serge, UR5FEO will be active from Parkany, Moldova, as ER0FEO during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry from CQ Zone 16. QSL via UU0JM (LoTW user). [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Look for ES5Q to be active from the ES5TV station in Tallinn, Estonia, as a Multi-? entry in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest. Operators include YL2KF, YL2KL, YL1ZF, ES2BH, ES5JR, ES5GP and ES5RY. QSL direct to ES5RY. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: On next Saturday, look for François/F5JNE and Gerard/F6ICG, to be active as F5JNE/p from the Castle of Dammarie (DFCF 45-054), in the city of Dammarie en Puisaye (CP 45420), canton [county] of Briare (DDCF 45-05), Dpartment Loiret/45 and Province Centre (DPF 07). 80/40m, CW/SSB, starting around 0600 UTC. QSL bureau and SWL cards welcome. [F5NQL]
26/09/2009: David/F8CRS, Yves/F5PRU, Freddy/F5IRO, Bernard/F5LPY and Philippe/F4EGS will be active as FT5GA from Glorioso Island (AF-011, DIFO FR-004, WW Loc. LH38PK) in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via F5OGL, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Halvard/LA7XK (JW7XK), Erling/LA6VM (JW6VM) and Just/LA9DL (JW9DL) will be active from Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen Island [Svalbard] (IOTA EU-026, WLOTA L-0125), from September 26-30th. They plan to participate in the SAC SSB Contest (September 26-27th) as JW5X (QSL via LA5X, bureau preferred). Outside the contest expect activity on all bands/modes. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [AT International]
26/09/2009: Rich, K3RWN will be active September 26th to October 2nd from the Isle of Palms (NA-110, USi SC001S, Charleston county), South Carolina. He will be QRV mostly SSB/RTTY/PSK31, with focus on 30m for digital modes and 40/20m for SSB. His operation will be portable with 100 Watts and a PAC12/Buddipole antenna. Rich will also try some beach operations with FT817 and 5 Watts, SSB only. QSL via home call (QRZ.com). [rsgbiota.org]
26/09/2009: Operators Daniel/LU3CT, Tim/LW9EOC, Daniel/LW1DIO and Mario/LW8DQ will be active from La Tablada, Argentina, in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as LS1D. QSL via LW9EOC. [AT International]
26/09/2009: A team of operators will be active from Eschdorf, Luxembourg, as LX7I in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as a Multi-Two entry. QSL via LX2A, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Steve/G0MTD, Paul/M1PAF, Mark/M0WCR and Glyn/M3XUH plan to be active from the isle of Barra (EU-010, IOSA OH11, SCOTIA HI02, WLOTA L3126) as MS0WRC from September 26th to October 3rd. QRV all HF bands but mainly 80, 40, 20 and 17m SSB. Some portable / mobile operation to activate rare WAB squares. QSL direct to G0MTD or via bureau to either MS0WRC or G0MTD. [rsgbiota.org]
26/09/2009: Martti/OH2BH, Ville/OH2MM and Pekka/OH2TA will travel to Aland Islands (EU-002, WLOTA L 1373) to compete head-to-head with the announced Market Reef OJ0B team headed by Pertti, OH2PM in the Scandinavian Activity Contest, using the callsign OG0A. Radio Arcala's mother station OH8X will be operated by Juha, OH8NC while Toni, OH2UA will travel south to put the OH2BH station on with a pair of K3's for serious benchmark testing. OG0A and OJ0B via OH2BH. OH8X via OH2UA via OH0RJ. [OH2BN]
26/09/2009: Tomi, OH6EI will be active in the SAC SSB Contest as OH0Z from Riddarklint hill, Mariehamn, Aland Island (EU-002, WLOTA L 1373) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via W0MM, direct or bureau. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Look for OM8A to be active from near Maderet, Slovakia, as a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest. Operators include OM2KW, OM3RM, OM5CM, OM5KM and OM7JG. QSL via OM2VL, direct or by the bureau. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Dave, AH6HY will be active holiday style from the island of St. Eustatius (NA-145, WLOTA L1851) from September 26th to October 1st. QRV 40-10 meters, mostly SSB with some CW. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [NG3K]
24/09/2009: Operators Gerd/DJ5TT, Thomas/DK9FEC, Peter/DL1FX and Rainer/DL1ZBO will be activate from the Amateurs Radio Republic of San Marino (A.R.R.S.M.) club station as T70A from September 24-27th, including an entry in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL route TBA. [OPDX Bulletin]
26/09/2009: Tevfik, TA1HZ will be active from Bayramoglu, Kocaeli, Turkey, as TC2X during the SAC SSB Contest. QSL direct to TA1HZ (QRZ.com). [OPDX Bulletin]
26/09/2009: Al, WP3C will be active during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as WP4I, a Single-Op/Single-Band (80m) entry from Puerto Rico (NA-099, WLOTA L 2802). QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]
26/09/2009: Karl/YV5YA and Jhon/YV5KG will be active from Venezuela in CQWW DX RTTY Contest using the Radio Club Venezolano callsign YV5VD. QSL direct or bureau. [AT International]
26/09/2009: Members of the Radio Club "Nikola Tesla" (Z37M) will be active as Z37M during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL via Z37M, by the Bureau or info on QRZ.com. [OPDX Bulletin]
26/09/2009: Members of the Missouri DX/Contest Club and possibly other operators will be active from the Cayman islands (NA-016) as ZF2SX during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest. Operators mentioned are Jim/W4JO, Ron/K4SX and guest op Rob/W6BO. More details are forthcoming. QSL via K4SX. [ODPX Bulletin]
27/09/2009: Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG will be QRV as J79ZG near the town of Calibishie, island of Dominica (NA-101, WW Loc. FK95HN) from September 27th till October 15th, 2009. They will be active from 80 to 6m mainly in RTTY, PSK, SSB, CW (6m). They will look specially for JA-stations. QSL via the Bureau to DL7AFS. Further information and online log search can be found at: www.qsl.net/dl7afs/ [DL7AFS]
28/09/2009: Bill, WB5ZAM will be active as J68WI from Castries, island of St. Lucia (NA-108, WLOTA L-1336) from September 28th to October 11th. He will have access to a G5RV 160m antenna, so may be on there once it is up at J69MV's QTH in Castries. QRV all bands, CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [NG3K]
29/09/2009: Les, SP3DOI reports that a DXpedition to French Polynesia will take place between September 28th and October 22nd. Woj/SP9PT, Les/SP3DOI, Jan/SP3CYY, Joe (SWL) SP9-31029 together with their guest Michael, FO5QB will be working between September 29th to October 12th from Tubuai (OC-152, DIFO FO-126), Austral Archipelago, as TX5SPA. They will also be active between October 16th and 22nd from Nuku Hiva (OC-027, DIFO FO-023, WLOTA 2030), Marquesas Archipelago, as TX5SPM. They are planning to be active on CW, SSB, RTTY (maybe PSK31). Suggested frequencies: CW - 1.827, 3.505, 7.005, 10.105, 14.025, 18.075, 21.025, 24.895, 28.025; SSB - 1.842, 3.795, 7.075, 14.190, 18.145, 21.295, 24.940, 28.490; RTTY - 7.040, 10.143, 14.080, 18.103, 21.080, 24.923, 28.080 MHz. The QSL manager of the expedition is going to be Wojciech SP9PT. Further information can be found at: fo2009sp.superhosting.pl/ [SP3DOI]
30/09/2009: Hrane, YT1AD and Miki, YU1DW will travel to Pacific and will be active from the following islands: September 30-October 1st KH8/N9YU from Tutuila Island (OC-045, USi AS007S, WLOTA L 4385); October 2-3rd 5W8A (YT1AD) and 5W0DW (YU1DW) from Upolu Island (WLOTA L 1944), Samoa (OC-097); October 4-6th 3D2AD (YT1AD) and 3D2DW (YU1DW) from Viti Levu Island (WLOTA L 0055), Fiji (OC-016); October 6-8th T30M (YT1AD) and T30W (YU1DW) from Tarawa Island (OC-017). The main target of this trip is to prepare all necessary documents for the next DXpedition on T31, ZK3 and FW8 in September - October, 2010. QSL via home calls. More data on http://www.yt1ad.info/t31 [YT3W]
30/09/2009: Robert's, S53R next work assignment (for UN WFP) has taken him to the Sudan. He arrived in Khartoum, Sudan, early last week and expects to be on the air by the end of the month or early October. His possible callsign will be ST2X. He states, that his radio and amp are still in S5-land, but are expected to be shipped. He will be active on 80-10m CW and SSB. QSL via S53R (Robert Kasca, P.O. Box 23, 5280 Idrija, Slovenia). More details are forthcoming. [OPDX Bulletin]
01/10/2009: Based on the crew that activated Chesterfield island as TX9 some years back Hawa (DK9KX) as leader has formed a new crew, which will operate as 3D20CR from Conway Reef (OC-112, WW Loc. RG78HG) during the period of October 1st to 10th, plus/minus due to weather conditions. QRV on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. Sorry, NO EME or digital modes on 6m. The team will consist of Norbert/DJ7JC, Jan/DJ8NK, Uwe/DJ9HX, Dieter/DJ9ON, Heye/DJ9RR, Hawa/DK9KX, Hans/DL6JGN and Ron/PA3EWP. It is planned to have 3 stations running 24/7. In the first days one station is RTTY only! Equipment: 3 Elecraft K3 Transceivers, 3 Elecraft K2 Transceivers. Antennas: Vertical for 160/80 and 40m; K9AY loop for receiving; 40m, 30m pyramid antennas; 30m vertical; 20, 17, 15, 12, 10m vertical dipole array (loaned from the VK9DWX crew, Spiderbeam 20, 17,15,12; 10m, Ground plane 20, 15, 10m; Ground plane 17, 12m; 2 x big wheel stacked for 6m. Frequencies: CW - 1826.5, 3505, 7020, 10104, 14024, 18080, 21024, 24894, 28024, 50124 kHz; SSB - 3799, 7070, 14190, 18145, 21290, 24950, 28490, 50124 kHz; RTTY - 10140, 14080, 18110, 21080, 24920, 28080 kHz. They will have a 6m beacon always on 50124 kHz. QSL manager DJ8NK direct, bureau (new IRC's are OK, old IRC's with expiration date 31.Dec.2009 are not OK, because QSL cards most likely will be send out in January 2010). For more info and updates see their web page at: www.conwayreef2009.de/index.html [DJ8NK]
01/10/2009: Jacek, SP5EAQ (3D2MJ) and Jacek, SP5DRH (3D2KJ) will be active from Viti Levu (OC-016, WLOTA L-0055), Fiji, starting October 1st for four weeks. They will operate on all bands, with an emphasis on the low bands, with two stations using small amplifiers and vertical antennas. QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]
01/10/2009: Jim, WU0I currently in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer, expects to be on the air by October as ET3JD. Activity will be mainly 40/20/15 meters, but he would also like to spend more time on the WARC bands - particularly 30 and 17 meters. Modes will be CW, SSB, PSK31 and possibly RTTY (for contests mostly). QSL only direct to: Jim DeLoach, ET3JD, 2030 Addis Ababa Place, Dulles VA 20189-2030, USA. Further information can be found at: www.deloach.net/ET3JD.html [OPDX Bulletin]
01/10/2009: Rick, AI5P will be active from three islands in the Pacific from October 1st until October 31st. His schedule is as follows - New Caledonia [Grande Terre] (OC-032, DIFO FK-001, WLOTA L-1280) from October 1-8th using the callsign FK/AI5P. Vanuatu island, New Hebrides (OC-035) from October 10-18th using the callsign YJ0PX. Norfolk Island (OC-005, WLOTA L-1469) from October 22-31st using the callsign AI5P/VK9N. All operations will be mostly CW on the HF bands. QSL via home call, direct or by the bureau. [at-communication.com]
02/10/2009: Ely, IN3VZE will be active from will be active once again as 7Q7CE from the southwest shore of Lake Malawi from the shack of his good friend Harry, 7Q7HB between October 2-20th. QRV all HF bands holiday style using SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [AT International]
Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated CQWW DX RTTY Contest activity at: ng3k.com/Misc/cqr2009.html .. Good luck to all participants & have fun!!! ============================================ LOOKING AHEAD -
06/10/2009: Pekka/OH2TA and Henri/OH3JR plan to be active from Market Reef (EU-053) from October 6-10th. They will be mainly active on the WRTC bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. This activation also counts for the Market Reef lighthouse (ARLHS MAR-001, TWLHD WLH OJ0-001, WLOTA L 0542, WW Loc. JP90NH). QSL via OH0RJ, direct or bureau. [QRZ.com]
10/10/2009: The Alamance Amateur Radio Club will be activating the Cape Lookout lighthouse (ARLHS USA-126) for the Cape Lookout 150th 'Special Event' from 1500z October 10th to 1900z October 11th. To promote this historical event along with the celebration by the National Parks Service and the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center on Harkers Island (NA-067, USi NC002S, Carteret county), North Carolina. Suggested frequencies are CW - 3.555, 7.055, 14.055, 21.055, 28.055 MHz; SSB - 3.850, 7.250, 14.250, 21.350, 28.450 MHz. QSL Manager for 'Event' - Gary Hills, KA4KJI. QSL's are to include SASE. [USi]
17/10/2009: Dick K5QY, Kris N5KM and Roy KE5FXE will be active October 17th as K5QY from Cedar Isle (USi TX052, Henderson county), Texas, for the W/VE Islands QSO Party. Proposed Frequencies: 40m 7.180 MHz (+/-), 20m 14.260 MHz (+/-) and 10m 28.450 MHz (+/-). Note: Cedar Isle on Cedar Creek Lake in Texas is not yet qualified. TX052L will be used as soon as they reach 25 QSOs. [USi]
17/10/2009: Some members of the St. Augustine Amateur Radio Society, N4AUG will be active for the W/VE Island QSO Party (October 17-18th) from Cayo Costa [aka Lacosta] (NA-069, USi FL464S, Lee county), Florida. Operators mentioned are Pete/KC1SS, Doug/N4FPS, Don/K4UBT, Jerry/W4YB, Ron/W9QGB, Ed/KJ4MXO, Gerard/AB4SR and Ken/KJ4FZW. QRV on 20m around 14.260 MHz and 40m around 7.240 MHz during the day and on 80m at night. QSL direct to N4AUG (St. Augustine Amateur Radio Society, PO Box 860084, Saint Augustine, FL 32086 USA). Website: www.saarsham.net/ [rsgbiota.org]
18/10/2009: Look for Ray, K9LUK to be active from Fraser Island (OC-142, WLOTA L 2976), Queensland State, from October 18-23rd. Expect activity on all HF bands. QSL via his home call (QRZ.com). [rsgbiota.org]
24/10/2009: Operators Don/N6JRL, Sandra/N3TQU, Todd/KD4YHY, Dave/KB8OCP, Jim/KI0DN, Jim/AL7BA, Stan/KC7EHJ, Keko/TI5KD and Sophia/TI2IY will be active from Guacima de Alajuela, Costa Rica, as TI5N for the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 24-25th) as a Multi-Single entry. There will also be recreational hamming on WARC bands and 60 meters with home calls. QSL TI5N via W3HNK. QSL others via their home calls. [NG3K]
20/11/2009: Jean, ON5JV and Georgette, ON6AK will be active as EA8/homecall from Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife Island (AF-004, DIE S-012, WLOTA L 1276) between November 20, 2009 and February 10, 2010. Activity will be on 40-10 meters during evening hours. They plan to use 100W into a 14AVQ vertical. QSL via their home callsigns, bureau is preferred. [UBA HF News]
25/11/2009: Bob, KE0UI will be active as VP9/homecall from Hamilton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005, WLOTA L 0201) from around November 25-31st, including a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power/Assisted entry in the the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) using the callsign VP9I. QSL VP9I via N1HRA. QSL VP9/KE0UI via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K] ============================================ SPECIAL EVENTS -
25/09/2009: Look for Anne, OH2YL to be celebrating 20 years of Amateur Radio with the special callsign OG20YL from Karjalohja, Finland, September 25-27th. She plans to be QRV on the HF bands, using CW. QSL via OH2YL, direct or by the bureau. See: www.qrz.com/db/OG20YL [NG3K]
25/09/2009: Special event stations SN2009B, SN2009EM, SN2009K, SN2009L and SN2009W will be active from Poland from September 25th to October 4th for the Women's Volleyball European Championships. Online logs, QSL information and details on the relevant award can be found at www.sq7mzh.pl/ [425 DX News]
26/09/2009: The Radio Club Azul, LU1DDO / Grupo "DX" Callvu Leovu will be active September 26th from the following railway stations: 1) Railway station "Vicente Pereda" (reference DEF 144 D, WW Loc. GF03GN) by LW7DWX and LW2ECK. Modes: Phone and Digitals with 20m Dipole, 40/80m Dipole and 2m 5 element beam. 2) Railway station "Hinojo" (reference DEF 142 D, WW Loc. FF93WL) by LU3DJI and LU8DTF. Modes: Phone - 40/80m Dipole, 2m Ringo. 3) Railway station "Olavarria" (reference DEF 141 D, WW Loc. FF93VL) by LU8EKB and LU1DDK. Modes: Phone - 40/80m Dipole, 2m Ringo. 4) Railway station "Empalme Querandi" (reference DEF 143 D, WW Loc. FF92VX) by LU7EPC and LW2ESC. Modes: Phone - 40/80m Dipole, 2m Ringo. QSL via operator instructions. [F5NQL]
26/09/2009: Following last year's first Railways on the Air event, Bishop Auckland Amateur Radio Club is coordinating ROTA 2009 over the weekend 26 and 27 September. The event is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the running of the world's first steam passenger train on the Stockton to Darlington Railway. Callsigns to listen out for include G8OGJ from Peak Rail (QSL RSGB Bureau), GB0GWR from Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway (QSL G3SNN) and GB0HBL for the Helston Railway Preservation Society (QSL RSGB Bureau). GB0WHR is operating from the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway (QSL RSGB Bureau) and GB0WRH from the Waverley Route Heritage Association (QSL RSGB Bureau). GB1NNR is at North Norfolk Railway (QSL RSGB Bureau), GB2CR is at Corris Railway (QSL RSGB Bureau) and GB2EVR is based at the Eden Valley Railway (QSL RSGB Bureau). GB2HSC is operating from Hollycombe Steam Collection (QSL RSGB Bureau) and GB2LHR is based at Lakeside & Haverthwaite (QSL RSGB Bureau). GB2LWR is at Lincolnshire Wolds Railway (QSL G4YHP) and GB2NNR is at North Norfolk Railway (QSL RSGB Bureau). GB2RER is on the air at Ravenglas & Eskdale Railway (QSL RSGB Bureau), GB4BLR is operating from Battlefield Line Railway (QSL RSGB Bureau) and GB4CHC is at the Crewe Heritage Centre (QSL G0UZP). Dean Forest Railway will be using GB4DFR (QSL RSGB Bureau) and GB4DSR stands for Darlington Head of Steam (QSL RSGB Bureau). Over on the Isle of Wight, GB4IWR is on the air (QSL RSGB Bureau) and GB4WLR is at the West Lancs Railway (WAB SD42, QSL RSGB Bureau). Finally, GB5RSR is operating from the Ribble Steam Railway (QSL QRZ.com). Further information and a list of participating stations can be found at: barac.m0php.net/ [GB2RS]
26/09/2009: Special event station GB4CHC will be run by Paul G0UZP and John M0JCD and other operators, as a part of National Railways on the Air Weekend, commencing 26/27th September 2009. Celebrating the anniversary of the first steam powered passenger railway journey which took place on 27th September 1825. Transmission will be from the Prototype APT (ADVANCED PASSENGER TRAIN) train in the picture, at the Crewe Heritage Centre and Railway Museum, Crewe, Cheshire, England (EU-005, WLOTA L 1841). Modes will be SSB, CW and a variety of Digi modes such as PSK, QPSK, MFSK, THOR, THROB etc. Bands will be 80 thru 10 meters if conditions allow. QSL via G0UZP, direct or bureau. [G0UZP]
27/09/2009: Look for special event station OD5F to be on the air from September 27th to October 6th. Station's location is in the "Village Francophone", Lebanese University in Hadath. Activity is to celebrate the 6th Francophone Games which is held every 4 years. Some 3,000+ athletes, youths and artists from 56 French speaking countries will participate in these games. The event is a popular sports and art festival. For more details, see: www.libanvision.com/jeux-liban.htm . A special QSL card will be available. More info is forthcoming. QSL via the information at QRZ.com. [OPDX Bulletin]
01/10/2009: The Balkan Contest Club will air special event callsign LZ26ZA October 1-31st to glorify the exploit of 26 Bulgarian saint monks perished in defence of the Ortodox faith. That happened in 1284 in the St. George Zograph monastery on the Month Athos Peninsula. The memory of the 26 saint monks is honoured on October 10-th/23-rd. (for details see The Saint's Lives). LZ26ZA counts 10 points for "St. Teodosii Tyrnovski" award - www.balkanclub.org/awards.htm . QSL via bureau or direct to: LZ1KZA, P.O.Box 36, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria. [F5NQL]
01/10/2009: Special event station PD55EA will be aired from October 1-28th to celebrate the 55th birthday of the Museum "Ellert and Brammert" in Schoonoord, Netherlands. QRV on 10, 20 and 40 meter band in SSB and Digital modes. Also possible activities on 2 meter band. This is the second time we activete this SES,before it was in August. QSL's will be send automatic via bureau. If you want to QSL in other ways, please first send QSL via PD7BZ. More info on: www/pd7bz.nl/pd55ea [F5NQL]
02/10/2009: Special callsign PA08DWN will be aired on CW, October 2-3rd, during the annual Furieade maritime event at Maassluis, near Rotterdam. Operations will take place from the radio shack of the 'Elbe', a tugboat that is being restorated to serve as a museumship. QSL via PA3ALM. [425 DX News]
U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html ============================================ LIGHTHOUSE CALENDAR -
24/09-27/09 FP/G3ZAY: Miquelon Island LH-1417 QSL HC (d/b) 24/09-27/09 FP/M0TDG: Miquelon Island LH-1417 QSL HC (d/b) 24/09-27/09 IL7T: Isola San Domino LH-1284 QSL IZ1DSH (d/b) 24/09-07/10 PJ2/PA1FJ: Curacao Island LH-0942 QSL HC (d/b) 24/09-02/10 TK/F5MCC: Sanguinaires Island LH-0098 QSL HC (b) 24/09-02/10 TK/F5MCC: Lavezzi Island LH-0755 QSL HC (b) 25/09-02/10 5B/HG3IPA: Cyprus Island LH-0051 QSL HC (d) 25/09-29/09 OJ0B: Market Reef LH-0542 MAR-001 OJ0-001 QSL OH2BH (d/b) 26/09-27/09 EF8M: Isla de Gran Canaria LH-0969 QSL UA3DX (d) 26/09-27/09 JW5X: Spitsbergen Island LH-0125 QSL LA5X (b) 26/09-30/09 JW6VM: Spitsbergen Island LH-0125 QSL LA6VM (b) 26/09-30/09 JW7XK: Spitsbergen Island LH-0125 QSL LA7XK (b) 26/09-30/09 JW9DL: Spitsbergen Island LH-0125 QSL LA9DL (b) 26/09-03/10 MS0WRC: Barra Island LH-3126 QSL G0MTD (d/b) 26/09-27/09 OG0A: Aaland (main island) LH-1373 QSL OH2BH (d/b) 26/09-27/09 OH0Z: Aaland (main island) LH-1373 QSL W0MM (d/b) 26/09-01/10 PJ5/AH6HY: St. Eustatius Island LH-1851 QSL AH6HY (d/b) 26/09-27/09 WP4I: Puerto Rico Island LH-2802 QSL W3HNK (d) 28/09-11/10 J68WI: Sta. Lucia Island LH-1336 QSL WB5ZAM (d/b) 30/09-01/10 KH8/N9YU: Tutuila Island LH-4385 QSL YT1AD (d/b) 01/10-29/10 3D2KJ: Viti Levu Island LH-0055 QSL SP5DRH (d/b) 01/10-29/10 3D2MJ: Viti Levu Island LH-0055 QSL SP5EAQ (d/b) 01/10-08/10 FK/AI5P: New Caledonia Grande Terre LH-1280 QSL HC (d/b) 02/10-03/10 5W0DW: Upolu Island LH-1944 QSL YU1DW (d/b) 02/10-03/10 5W7A: Upolu Island LH-1944 QSL YT1AD (d/b) ============================================ QSL INFORMATION -
The following operations are approved for DXCC credit: TX3A - Chesterfield Island - 2009 Operation T6AB - Afghanistan - 2008 and 2009 Operation T6AF - Afghanistan - Current Operation 73 es DX! Bill Moore NC1L Awards Branch Manager -------------------------------------------- 7P8AO QSLs - 21 September 20009 -
Pista, HA5AO reports that he has received the QSL cards from the UX5UO printshop. He will answer the QSL request, first, to the stations who sent a donation to the orphan children in Lesotho, then to those who sent direct request with sufficient funds. In the third batch the QSL cards will be posted to stations who sent IRC, however he kindly asked GS only. All the direct request with 1 USD, will be answered via bureau. Finally the bureau cards will be answered. Pista will upload the logs to LotW to all stations who sent a donation online or it was included with the direct request. The complete log will be uploaded to the LotW at least a year later. "If you are going to send your direct QSL request, please read carefully my QSL policy, especially for the Lesotho operation." [HA0HW] -------------------------------------------- VC1W QSL cards status -
QSL cards received from UX5UO. Processing in progress. Check your mail boxes in next week or two. Requests received with insufficient funds will be responded via the bureau 73 Nenad VE3EXY -------------------------------------------- QSLs received Bureau - 3B7SP, 4K9W, 5X7FN, 7P8FC, 9M2GCN, A43DLH, BY4RSA/4, C56YK, CE0Z/DL2AH, CO2IZ, CT9L, DR25RIN, E7/YT2ED, EA5ARJ, EA9BW, EB1DH/p, EG2ANT, EK0B, EK8PL, IO1DCI, IQ4AX, J3/DL7CM, JE1FAR, JJ5EFY, JW8DW, LY0HQ, ON64POL, PA143ITU, RK3IWT/1, TF/LA9SN, TU2/F5LDY, VK7AC, VP8YLH, XT2C, YL2GQT, YV5CRB, YW6AJ and ZP6/DL7VEE.
QSLs received Direct - 5K0T (via HA7RY), 5V7PRF (via I1FQH), 7P8MM (via W0MM), 7P8OK (via M0URX), 7Q7BP (via G3MRC), 7Q7HB (via G0IAS), 9J2FM (via JA4ATV), 9L1X (via I2YSB), A25/DL7DF (via DL7DF), BX5AA (QRZ.com), C21TI (via EA4ATI OQRS), C6AGU (via HA7RY), CG200I [NA-128] (via VE2CQ), CQ2I (via CT1ILT), D44TXS (via HB9EHQ - answered by DJ2VO), DY1C [OC-120 Cuyo Island] (via VE7DP), EA9IB (QRZ.com), EU3AR (QRZ.com), FM1FV (via W3HNK), FT5YI (via F4EGX), GB5HOD (via G4IAR), H44MY [OC-162] (via OM2SA), HV5PUL (QRZ.com), JD1BMH (via JG7PSJ), PR5D (via PY5DC), SV2AVP (QRZ.com), TL0A (QRZ.com), TM5EL [EU-094 Penfret Island] (via F6KHI), TY5ZR (via IK2IQD), V51YJ (QRZ.com), V63MY [OC-259 Mukuoro Island] (via OM2SA), V85SS (via QRZ.com), VK0BP (via VK2CA), VK9GMW (OQRS), VK9GMX (via HA7RY), VK9NI (OQRS & VK3HR), VP2ETN (via JN1RVS), YJ8TZ (via VK3TZ), ZC4LI (QRZ.com), ZF2DX (via N7CW) and ZF2ZB (via K9WZB).
QSLs received LoTW - 5N0OCH, 5W0VK, 6H1IM, 7O1YGF, 7Q7BP, CP6/DF9GR, DL4CF, FO8RZ, LY2IJ, SM3EVR, UA0YAY, XE1HSW, ZC4LI, ZK3DX and ZP6CW. ============================================ BITS & PIECES -
>From Rafik, F5CQ Gloriosos 2009, FT5GA webmaster.
The last upload of the log has been done. last QSO recorded on Sept 23rd at 15:25 utc. among 18475 QSO's and 7236 callsigns once recorded only..
Check your contacts at: http://www.clublog.org/charts/?c=FT5GA
73's Rafik webmaster: http://glorieuses2008.free.fr/index-e.htm (don't forget to write your comments on our guest book) -------- Last news from FT5GA 24 September 2009
The FT5GA crew continues do try satisfiing the international Ham radio community.
The propagation is very changeable, in these equinox and higher sunspots times. Two rigs felt down some days ago. Now one is again in order but the second have to be repaired when coming back home, because of new parts missing on Gloriosos.
By the way, three stations are on the air as often as possible.
On next week end, the all crew will enter the CQ WW DX RTTY contest, in Multi/single class. The two other stations CW/SSB will be also on the air.
We have now 14 days of traffic to do. We hope more quiet pile ups for these two weeks.
The logs are received at F5CQ's every evening and uploaded in the row at: http://www.clublog.org/charts/?c=FT5GA
The operators have confirmed us once again the lost of time with unruly operators. Some other seem death for they have to repeat very often their callsigns to get confirmation of the QSO. Listen the operators sen.ding information or instructions!
About the QSOs/QSL, Didier, F5OGL, team leader and Rafik/F5CQ webmaster are receiving complaints about wrong callsigns or more. As it was said in a previous message, no answer will be give to these messages. If there are problems, they will be solved when the future QSL'ing operation after FT5GA return.
We say once again that the cuts, which are systematically denounced on the clusters, are service imperatives, for maintenance. During these times, no AC nor DC is available, and at these moments the operators are doing service job, especially doing the generator maintenance.
These mandatory cuts are used also by the crew, during their very short spartime to study the Traffic instructions wrote upon pilots observations It's essential to make the most of you satisfie.
73 Didier, F5OGL, FT5GA team leader and QSL manager.
>From Maurice, F5NQL: Yesterday about the pirates who make QSO's on the FT5GA frequencies, even with the same callsign, a typo was made. You had to read: "so we cannot consider their QSO's indeed.", and not "we can". Apologises! 73 Informations via Maurice, F5NQL, Communications Internet par mail for FT5GA. [F5NQL] -------------------------------------------- Midway Island 2009
Press Release Number 7 September 23, 2009
There is less than a month to go before the K4M team hits the air. Our final dates are now set.
We arrive on the Island on 9 October and our return will be 19 October. That gives us two weekends to be QRV.
Our website was updated this week with interactive propagation charts. Pick a month and then the time and it will show you openings from KH4 to the world at that moment.
The team wishes those 15,000 DXers who voted on our web poll. If you haven’t voted on your needed band/mode please do so now as we are going to use this to schedule our operators. We also appreciate all the comments left for us there. Our website is, www.midway2009.com . If you haven't visited it in a while stop by and help support our effort.
This month we are highlighting four more team members. You can read all their history at: www.midway2009.com/meettheops6.html -------------------------------------------- 29th Indian Antarctic Expedition -
Bhagwati Prasad Semwal, VU3BPZ will be in Antarctica with the 29th IAE.
The crew has just finished the pre Antarctic training & medical checks. >From November 15, 2009 the overwintering Team will start a long term operation (till March 2011). Bhagwati VU3BPZ will be on the air from Maitri Base (WAP IND-03) using his personal call VU3BPZ and also a special call AT1ØBP on the way to be issued by Ministry of Communication & IT for the event.
More info on WAP web site at www.waponline.it (Check: News & Information page). [Gianni I1HYW] -------------------------------------------- 4W6AL log updated until 24th Sep.2009, 15:48 utc on: algarvedx.com/ Al, 4W6AL/CT1GPQ inform that will do QRT on next 27th Sep.2009. Sunday will be last operation day. He return home day next.
73's by Algarve STAR DX Team CT1GFK, Toze 4W6AL QSL Manager & Pilot Station -------------------------------------------- The Clipperton DX Club has elected the new Officers for 2009/2010: President - Flo F5CWU Vice-Presidents - Frank F4AJQ, Sylvain F4EGD, Didier F5OGL, John F5VHQ Tréeasurer - Laurent F8BBL Assistant-Treasurer - Gérard F2JD Secrétaire - Sebastien F8IJV Assistant Secretary - Laurent F1JKJ [F5NQL ============================================
73 and Good DX! Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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