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Главная » 2010 » Февраль » 6 » I.C.P.O. update
I.C.P.O. update
Dave, G3TBK will once again be active as J88DR from the island of St. Vincent (IOTA NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492) between 18th February and 15th March, 2010, including an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest. QRV on all bands 160-10 metres using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]


Bob, W4OWY (V25WY) and Mark, W9OP (V25OP) plan to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres from Gunthroppes, the island of Antigua (IOTA NA-100, WLOTA LH-1118, WW Loc. FK97BC) from March 9-18th, 2010. QSL via home calls, direct, Bureau, also LoTW and eQSL. [NG3K]


Bill, VK4FW and his XYL will fly to VK8 to see their daughter and grandkids... He has made arrangements to operate from Groote Eylandt (IOTA OC-141) for a few days as well as from the mainland (IOTA OC-001)... listen for Bill from late on the 14th of February for a few days as VK8MM. He plans to have internet coverage and will be listening intently for low power stations. QSL direct via mail, direct via OQRS and Bureau. (For all OQRS please go to and follow the prompt).


I have now begun qsling the 4W6FR operation.
This is a reminder to those that used the OQRS before my last computer crash that I lost all records of your oqrs submission. If you have not received your qsl card for 4w6fr by the 3rd March 2010 please send me an email with all oqrs details again.

I have also in the last 2 days completed thousands of buro cards to most countires. These will all go in the mail this week. [VK4FW]

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