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Главная » 2010 » Апрель » 3 » IOTA news от OPDX
IOTA news от OPDX
03 April, 2010

Island activities:

EU-062. Waldi, SP7IDX, will be active as LA/SP7IDX from Engeloya Island between June 2–17th. Activity will be holiday style (DXing and fishing) on 20-10 meters using SSB and RTTY. He will operate with 100 watts into a Hexbeam antenna. QSL via his home callsign.

EU-074. Members of the Charente DX Group (CDXG) will activate Brehat Island (DIFM MA-012) as TM0B between May 21-28th. Activity will be on all HF bands, with 4-5 stations on the air, using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK.
Operators mentioned are Joel/F1BLQ, Michel/F5EOT, Gemon/F5LOW, Laurent/F5MNK, Fabrice/F5NBQ,
Bertrand/F6HKA and Leon/ON4ZD/OS0S.
QSL via F6ANA, direct or by the Bureau. After the DXpedition the log will be online at:

NA-029. Gregg, VE3ZZ, will again operate from Prince Edward Island (CISA PE-001, WLOTA 0523, WW Loc: FN76vs) between July 21-26th.
He will operate from the VY2TT superstation during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) as VY2X, and outside of the contest as VE3ZZ/VY2. QSL both callsigns to VE3ZZ, direct or by the Bureau.

NA-231. As this was being typed, there was news of a search and rescue for Cezar, VE3LYC, who was active as VY0V for a short time from East Pen Island (a new IOTA), Nunavut.

Reports indicate that Cezar was in "fierce rain and wind, visibility poor, he had no water, no fire, no gas for generator, battery getting low, and native guide had abandoned him 38 hours ago. He was worried and seemed delirious, rambling on while running down his battery." For
updates, watch the DX-World.Net Web page at:

LAST MINUTE ADDITION: It was reported late Thursday night that Cezar is now SAFE and back at Fort Severn, which is about 120km from East Pen Island. Read the complete details at the above mentioned Web site.

Compiled by OPDX

RSGB IOTA website

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