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Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1017 | 12:47 |
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 1017 BID: $OPDX.1017 July 4, 2011 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, ARRL Letter, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q, W1CU, K2DBK, W2GB, WB2GA, NG3K & ADXO, AF4MI, N4AA & QRZ DX, N6PSE, KH6BZF, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), AT International, DL1SBF, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, DxCoffee.com, DX-World.Net, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G0IAS, G3SWH, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, I0WDX, JA1BPA, OH2YY, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, PS7AB, RSGB IOTA Web Site, SP6NVK, VA3RJ & ICPO, VHF-DX- Portal (MMMonVHF) and VK3YP for the following DX information. Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network 9M6DXX and OH2BN for the following DX information.
4W6A TIMOR-LESTE (EAST TIMOR) DXPEDITION (SEPTEMBER 16-26th, 2011). <http://www.4w6a.com> PRESS RELEASE NUMBER 4 – July 5th, 2011: The 4W6A team welcomes Bernd Länger, VK2IA, as the seventh and final member of the DXpedition. Bernd has joined the DXpedition in order to help balance the requirement for CW operation. He brings a wealth of DXpedition and contesting experience from Europe and the Asia-Pacific area. Also joining the team, although not in Timor-Leste itself, are Col McGowan, MM0NDX, and Kev Haworth, M0TNX. Col, who is the founder and editor of the DX World website [http://dx-world.net], has been appointed as pilot while Kev will be the assistant QSL manager to Tim, M0URX. Col will be responsible for providing feedback to the team on Atauro Island. He may be contacted at dxer59@gmail.com CDXC (Chiltern DX Club – the UK DX Foundation), the RSGB DXpedition Fund, the German DX Foundation, the Northern California DX Foundation, the European DX Foundation, the Nippon DX Association and the Northern Illinois DX Association are the latest DX clubs and foundations that are kindly providing financial support for the DXpedition. The team is very grateful to all DX groups, companies and individuals who have offered sponsorship. All are listed with thanks on the 4W6A website at http://www.4w6a.com/sponsors.html If you or your DX club also wish to help, there is a "Donations" page on the 4W6A website. Payments may be made by credit or debit card and you do not need to have a PayPal account yourself in order to make a donation. 4W6A will be QRV from Atauro Island (IOTA OC-232), Timor-Leste (East Timor), from 16 to 26 September 2011. Activity will be on all bands 10 to 160 metres, using CW, SSB and RTTY. The QSL manager is M0URX, direct (SAE plus 1 IRC / $2), via the bureau, or LoTW. The entire log will be uploaded to LoTW as quickly as possible after the end of the operation or, if possible, even during the DXpedition. QSLs may also be requested using the QSL request form on the website.
YOUNGSTERS TAKE CONTROL OF FINLAND'S 20M SSB IARU HQ STATION AT RADIO ARCALA, OH8X, (Helsinki - July 6th, 2011). "Working OH2HQ may land you not only another HQ multiplier but may give you a good feeling and rein- force your faith in the future of Amateur Radio - so look for these four guys with their well prepared and balanced effort in their first serious contest. Mari, (YL) 18, OH2FPK, is a true mother figure of the group, radiating sympathy and empathy, but also ready to guide the gang to the best possible results. Mari can fight for her frequency if needed as she is one of the nation's best for her age in a Japanese martial art called taido. Mari is targeting for a meteorological profession and she can communicate with you in both English and Russian. Leevi, 17, OH2FHN, is the group's superb CW operator but also the team's technical expert. Leevi is a seasoned antenna builder and feels at ease working with electronics. He was just rewarded with a Bencher paddle to bring his CW to new heights. Leevi is comfortable with teaching the group as he conducts amateur radio courses, specializing in the technical part. Joona, 13, OH2FPG, is the youngest member of the team but well ex- perienced to communicate with people both on radio and in person thanks to his participation in several ham radio promotional exhibits. Joona is quite outspoken and deals with the group's IT needs with his extensive knowledge as another bright youth. Joona can handle the multitudes with his good command of English. Joel, 13, OH2FHI, is multi-talented and has coupled his burgeoning contesting interest with a focus on music as his way of life. When the IARU contest starts, Joel may blow a few sounds on the air from his accompanying trumpet. Joel is a true powerhouse and lots of fun as an expert, young team-builder with his humor and ready wit. English is Joel's mother language. So, this team has a very balanced skill set to do well at Radio Arcala's Northern outpost faced with all the expected and unexpected challenges. They plan to do a series of internal 2-hour runs to sort out their rates and then target for the best score along with maximum learning experience while exploiting their current skill levels to meet a variety of needs for achieving the highest possible QSO total. The Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) is the Finnish national IARU society with more than 4300 OH members while Radio Arcala is an alliance of dedicated Finnish contesters with the aim to increase awareness of competitive amateur radio and related concepts among today's youth through Arcala's extreme and novel approach. There is no doubt that these youngsters get a kick out of turning the mammoth 40-ton antenna constructions and driving the contest machine from the airplane-like Arcala cockpit. Radio extreme at its best. Check out the Radio Arcala website at <www.radioarcala.com> N.B. Pictures (JPEG) of the four young operators are available on request. ------------------------------ ((( 73 de Jarmo, OH2BN )))
ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND (Correction). German operators Wolf/DK1IP, Rainer/ DL7OR, Gerd/DJ4KW, Arno/DL1CW and Werner/DJ9KH will be active as ZD8D from Garden Cottage, Ascension Island (AF-003), between July 24th and August 9th (see OPDX.1009). The dates have not been changed as first thought only their location on the island due to the heavy rainfalls in late April which damaged the street to Garden Cottage (their planned operating site). They have changed their plans and will now use a guest- house in Georgetown which they state "is not ideal. We have to rely on our fiberglass poles, as there are no trees etc... We are afraid, that we will be handicapped on 160 and 80m, but we will do our best, of course." For updates, visit their Web page at: http://www.zd8d.de/index.php?home
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 26th-June, through Sunday, 3rd-July there were 215 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J3, J6, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH4, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T32, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK0M, VP2V, VP6, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
5B, CYPRUS. Zoli, HA5PP, will once again be active as 5B/HA5PP during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via HA5PP. There may be some 6m activity outside of the contest.
7Q, MALAWI (Update to OPDX.1014/Reminder). Malcolm, GM3TAL, has been issued the callsign 7Q7MH and is currently operating from the Malawi Scout Site at Makwawa. Activity will be on 20/17/15/10m and, possibly 6m. Modes will be CW and SSB. He is also planning to monitor the Scout Net frequencies. QSL via G0IAS DIRECT ONLY, with sufficient funds for a return. The cards are already printed so NOBODY will have to wait for a card which will be sent as soon as Allan, G0IAS, has the logs from Malcolm. For more details about the Scottish Scouting DXpedition to Malawi, see: http://www.7q7mh.org
8N, JAPAN. Icko, JA1BPA, reports that 7 JARL HQ stations in various regions of Japan will be on the air during the 2011 IARU HF Champion- ship (July 9-10th). Each station may be heard on other bands than specified below outside the contest during the week of July 3rd. All QSOs will be QSLed automatically via the Bureau. Here are the details of the 7 JARL HQ contest stations: Callsign Band[s] (during the Contest) Location -------- ---------------------------- --------------------- 8N1HQ 15 meters CW Kimitsu City, Chiba 8N1HQ 160 meters CW, 10 meters CW Minato Ku, Tokyo 8N2HQ 80 meters CW Mihama Town, Chita Gu, Aichi 8N3HQ 40 meters CW, 10 meters SSB Kobe City, Hyogo 8N3HQ 20 meters CW Miki City, Hyogo 8N4HQ 80 meters SSB, 40 meters SSB, Okayama City, Okayama 15 meters SSB 8N8HQ 20 meters SSB Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido
8Q, MALDIVES. Cesare, I0WDX, will be active as 8Q7CC from Furanafushi Island (AS-013), North Male Atoll, Maldives, between November 2-12th. He informs OPDX that he will be active on 20-6 meters, including the WARC bands, using an Icom IC-7000 into a Cushcraft R6000 vertical antenna. For 40 meters he will try to use an inverted V if he has enough space on his water bungalow. He mentions, "Do not know yet if I will be active on CW and RTTY, however, I'll try, but would not incur the wrath of my girlfriend because it's vacation days, hi hi hi. However there is still a long time and I will try to arrange." QSL via his home callsign. Lastly, Cesare states (on Sunday, July 3rd), "This morning I received an E-mail from Mr. Maussouma (from the Ministry of Telecommunications of Male) in which informed me that the call assigned to me is 8Q7CC."
C2, NAURU. Pekka, OH2YY, hopes to be active using the requested callsign C21YY between July 11-20th. Activity will be SSB only using a 2-element tribander beam and dipole antennas for 40/17/12m. QSL via his home callsign.
DXNL EDITOR RETIRES. Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE, editor of the German "DX Newsletter" announced this past week that he is retiring after 4 and a half years. The OPDX would like to wish Helmut the best and thank him for his hard work over the past years in providing the DX community with DX information. His successor will be Alexander Derichs, DG8KAD.
E4, PALESTINE (Update/Callsign). Peri, HB9IQB, who has been granted a license by the Ministry of Telecommunications & Technology in Ramallah, now plans to be active as E44PM instead of the previously announced callsign E4/HB9IQB. Activity is to take place around the second and third week of December 2011. For more details, see OPDX.1013 or visit the following Web page for more details and updates at: http://www.hb9iqb.ch/palestine.html
FY, FRENCH GUIANA. Jean-Pascal, F5TND, is active as FY5LH from French Guiana until July 29th, 2012. He has had the FY5LH license since 2008. Activity has been on 40-10 meters using SSB, RTTY and PSK. This past week he was on 15 meters RTTY. QSL via F5KDR.
IARU CONTEST AIDS (Zones and Maps). Darek, SP6NVK, invites all of the participants of the IARU Contest to use his helpful service which includes all the information about: "ITU Zones and Maps" -- http://www.itu.hamatlas.eu "ITU Zones Service" -- http://www.hamatlas.eu
IOTA NEWS............................... EU-012. Members of the "Worked All Britain Awards Group" will be active as GS4WAB and GS7WAB from Fair Isle between August 16-22nd. The group intends to be operational from Fair Isle's rare WAB squares HZ16, HZ17, HZ26, HZ27. Fair Isle is the only piece of land within the very rare HZ 100 km Ordnance Survey Grid Square. GS4WAB will be established at the South Lighthouse on the island, while GS7WAB will be used for portable activa- tions on other parts of the island including the North Light- house. QSL via G4IAR, by the Bureau or direct. If direct, please enclose self-addressed envelope (SAE) and 2 USDs. UK stations send self addressed envelope (SAE) and 2x first class stamps please. For more details about the WAB, see: http://www.worked-all-britain.co.uk
EU-050. Lucio, IK8EJN and possibly other operators from ARI Termoli will be active as IL7A from the Tremiti Islands during July and August. QSL via IK8EJN.
EU-119. Operators Valery/RW3WW, Andrei/RA3WJ, Andrey/RD3WC, Alexey/ RW3QNZ and Igor/RG3K will be active as RC3W/1 from Morzhovets Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest weekend (July 30-31st). Morzhovets Island lies only a few km above the Arctic Circle. QSL via RW3WWW.
EU-125. Operators Martin/DC8MH and Michael/DL4ABO will be active as 5P7T and 5P7N, respectively, from Fano Island (WFF OZFF-004) between September 9-11th. Fano is a Danish island in the North Sea off the coast of southwestern Denmark, and is the northern most of the Danish Wadden Sea Islands. The island is 16 km long and 5 km wide and it is located just off the coast from the city of Esbjerg to which it is connected by ferry. Its population is about 3,200 people. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW and SSB. They will have two stations: Icom IC-756PROII and Kenwood TS-570DG. Antennas are: Kite antenna with CG-3000 Tuner and monoband GP for 40/30/20/17m. QSL via their home callsigns.
EU-062. (Update) Operators Mek/SP7VC and Waldi/SP7IDX will be active as LA/SP7VC and LA/SP7IDX, respectively, from Vega Island between July 23rd and August 2nd. Activity will be holiday style (they plan to do some fishing). They plan to have 2 stations on the air: One for the HF bands and the other for the 50 MHz (Grid Square JP65BQ). Operations will be 80-6 meters using SSB and RTTY. They will also be in the RSG IOTA Contest. Equipment will consist of: IC-7000, TS-450, HEX beam, R-7 vertical, 6 element yagi for 6m, 500w amp for HF and 6m. QSL via their home callsigns, by the Bureau, direct and also LoTW. Visit Mek's Web page at: http://www.sp7vc.pl
NA-085. Members of the Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club (W4BTI) will activate special event station K4L on an IOTA/Lighthouse DXpedition from St. George Island (ARLHS USA-1057, USA 140, USI FL075S, Grid EL791n) between October 5-9th. Visit the club's Web page at: http://www.w4bti.org/index.html
NA-091. Rob, VE7RSV, is currently active as VE7RSV/P from Broughton Island (CISA BC-026) located in the Broughton Archipeligo just east of Port McNeil towards the Mainland. He states, "I am currently working there on a 8 day shift rotation with 6 days off. Using a FT-857 with a G5RV antenna about 35 feet high and will be on most days and weekends when time permits. I prefer to QSL direct and will respond to any requests with no return postage required. I am good in the RAC Bureau and will respond to eQSL requests if anyone needs, but I am not set up on eQSL for my IOTA operation."
NA-145. Joe, K5KUA, will be active as K5KUA/5 from Galveston Island (USI TX001S, Galveston County, Texas) between July 29th and August 1st. He will participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st) as a Single-Op entry. Activity will be on all HF bands, propagation permitting. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.
KH4, MIDWAY ISLAND. Joe, KH4/W5FJG, states this past week, "I wanted to give you all an update on the Midway Island operation. First, I am sorry I haven't been on the air much the past two weekends. Work has taken up much of my free time. Things should change next weekend. A new rig is on its way! A Yaesu FT-1000 Mark V was just purchased and should arrive on the Island in a few weeks time. We are in the process of obtaining an RF Amp in the 1KW range. There is a possibility we will hold a special event on July 4th between Midway Island and the USS Midway on either 15 and or 20 meters. Will provide more details on this as we work them out with the USS Midway Museum station. The R-5 Vertical has been taken down. We are in the process of trouble shooting the antenna. We continue to have high SWR on 20, 17 and part of the 15 meter bands. As of now we continue to work using the home brew 20m dipole. I wish to thank all of you who have donated or offered to donate equipment to support us on Midway. Once we get the Mark V and an amp, we should have all the equipment we need to begin to work some pile ups. We can't wait. See you all on the bands soon..... 73 de KH4/W5FJG"
KH6BZF PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (July 4-10th).... Jul 04 AN SOLAR REFERENCE KEYS Jul 05 AN -------------------- Jul 06 AN BN - Below Normal Jul 07 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET Jul 08 HN LN - Low Normal Jul 09 HN HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED Jul 10 HN-AN DIS - Disturbed VDIS - Very Disturbed
GEOMAGNETIC REFERENCE --------------------- QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between 0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between 7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less
PLEASE NOTE (Update): "The ARRL Letter" reports this past week -- "In April 2011, the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) informed the public that as of September 6, 2011, it would no longer broadcast its geophysical alert message on WWV and WWVH. The ARRL has now learned that the SWPC has changed its mind and will keep broadcasting these messages that inform listeners of the solar flux, the mid-latitude A and K indices and space weather storms, both current and predicted. Due to listener feedback, the SWPC is considering updating the broadcast; in addition to providing the current daily solar flux at 2800 MHz, the SWPC is evaluating adding more frequent observations at 2695 MHz. According to the SWPC website, other improvements to the message content will also be evaluated."
LX, LUXEMBOURG. Members of the Luxembourg Amateur Radio Society (LX0RL) will once again active the R.L. HQ station, LX0HQ, in Eisenborn during the IARU World HF Championship between July 9-10th. There will also be two other LX0HQ stations on the air from two different locations during the contest: LX7I - Eschdorf (Luxembourg DX and Contest Club LX9DX) LX1TI - Bascharage Photos of the LX0HQ stations will be available after the contest on their Web sites <www.rlx.lu> and <www.lx2a.com>. A live webcam will be available during the contest at the LX7I QTH on <www.lx2a.com>. This year 22 operators will be active from 9 Stations (6 at LX7I, 2 at LX0RL and 15m SSB at LX1TI) at 3 QTHs. Operators mentioned are Ron/DL3BPC, Wilko/ PA3BWK, Holger/DL5KUT, Andy/DC3RJ, Mich/LX1KQ, Marc/LX1DUC, Andre/LX1AM, Carlo/LX1TI, Philippe/LX2A, Norbert/DJ7JC, Kai/DL3HAH, Frank/DL8LR, Henning/DK9LB, Marco/DJ4MH, Andy/DK5ON, Mike/DF3VM, Chris/DL7CS, Will/ DF4PD, Gerd/DF9TS, Detlef/DK3QZ, Matthias/DJ8OG and Hubert/DJ8VH. The Logbook will be uploaded to LoTW and you can request a Bureau QSL via <lx0hq@rlx.lu> (no need to send a card via Bureau!). QSL via LX2A (New QSL Manager coordinator since 01.07.2009).
PJ4, BONAIRE. Once again the Provins ARC F6KOP team will activate another location, and this time it will be Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA L1279) as PJ4C. Activity is schedule for January 2012 with 24 operators and six stations on 160-10 meters. More details are expected to be forthcoming. This is the team that activated TJ9PF from Cameroon this year.
PT155, BRAZIL (Special Event). Look for special event station PT155FD to be active between now and July 30th. Activity is to commemorate the 155th anniversary of the first Official Fire Department in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro State). Operation will be SSB on 10/15/20/40 meters. QSL Manager is PS7AB (by the Bureau, direct, or send an E-mail to ps7ab@yahoo.com and he will send your QSL via the Bureau. For more information, visit: http://www.ps7ab.com.br/pt155fd.htm
QSL INFO AND NEWS..................... QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated July 3rd) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4L0CR via DL8KAC HB0/F4FVI via F4FVI PJ2/DJ9ON via DJ9ON 4O/SQ9CNN via SQ9CNN HB0/PA5MW via PA5MW PJ76 via W6JKV 5C12M via EA7FTR IR3WFF/9 via IW3ILM RI1FJ via UA2FM 9M/JE1SCJ via JE1SCJ J48YA via HA1YA SN1JK via SQ5OVL 9Q6CC via CX2CC K1HP via JE2EHP SP/ES2TT via ES2TT CU2/OH2KW via OH2KW K2L via KG4RUL SV5/DJ5MN via DJ5MN EA6/DL5DF via DL5DF LY53SOP via LY5W SV5/G0TSM via G0TSM ED2SMR via EA2CCG LY500PT via LY1CG TA4/G4IJD via TA4/G4IJD EE3URR via EA3URR LZ85R via LZ1BJ TF/DL3GCS via DL3GCS EG1ETG via EC1AEU M0RSE via G3SWH TK/F1FIH via F1FIH EH3EPC via EB3JT OH0/OH2LZC via OH2LZC TK/F4BXL via F4BXL EK6LP via RN4LP OH8X via OH2UA TM90RCNF via F8KKH EX9T via EX8MLE OJ0/SA0BJF via SA0BJF TM98TF via F6KUF FS/K9EL via K9EL OJ0/SA5BDS via SA5BDS YJ8A via M0URX GB50RSARS via G0SWY OJ0/SA5BJM via SA5BJM YP1WFF via YO3JW HB0/DJ2IA via DJ2IA PJ2/DJ8NK via DJ8NK
NOT THE QSL MANAGER. John, W2GB, states, "PLEASE NOTE - I am NOT the manager for HK3Q. The QSL Manager for HK3Q is W2GR.
TM26UFT QSL STATUS. Maurice, F5NQL, reports that all the direct QSL cards received by F6ICG for the latest TM26UFT activity have been answered and mailed.
WRTC 2010 PLAQUE. Jonathan, W1CU, reports that he just received by mail this past week from Russia a beautiful 5" x 7" plaque for working all of the WRTC stations in the 2010 IARU Championship Contest.
ST0, SOUTHERN SUDAN (Update). Paul, N6PSE, sent out the following on July 2nd (Press Release #4): "DXpedition to Southern Sudan -- In just a few short days, the people of Southern Sudan will declare their independence from Sudan and will become the new Republic of Southern Sudan. Vice President of South Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny has announced that admission as a member state of the United Nations will take place on July 14th, 2011. The DX Friends and the Intrepid-DX Group continue to monitor the UN General Assembly and Security Council votes and are moving forward with our plans for a large multi-national DXpedition to take place soon after the UN admission occurs. Equipment has been procured and is being staged for rapid delivery to Juba, the new capitol of Southern Sudan. Team members have applied for their visas and we are awaiting them now. We have held several successful meetings with representatives of the Government of Southern Sudan. We have been issued an amateur radio license for the purpose of this DXpedition. The Government of South Sudan is very supportive of our plans to visit Juba and to help them celebrate the birth of their new country. We plan to soon be in the new capital of Juba and to be ready to start our DXpedition after admission by the UN. We will have 18 operators operating 24X7 on seven active stations. At this time, we are seeking Foundation, Club and Individual Sponsors to help us defray the costs of carrying out this very important DXpedition. Our official website is http://www.dxfriends.com/SouthernSudan2011/ Thank you, The Intrepid-DX Group and The DX Friends." http://www.dxfriends.com/ http://www.intrepid-dx.com/
ADDED NOTES: As you can see, the U.S. is not the only nation to celebrate their independence (July 4th) this week, but the Southern Sudan will also celebrate theirs on July 9th. After the celebration, the "News Sudan Vision" reports that the United Nations Security Council will first vote to endorse the Republic of Southern Sudan to become a member of the U.N. on July 13th. The United Nations Security Council will then bring it before the General Assembly on July 14th. The Southern Sudan is then expected to be the 193rd member/nation of the U.N.. Word has it that once this happens, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will issue an international dialing code within 48 hours of their membership into the U.N., and will also provide an ITU prefix block. Stay tuned!
SV9, CRETE. Ron, WB2GAI, will once again be active as SV9/WB2GAI/P between August 29th and September 30th. This will be his fourth DXpedition to Chania, Crete (EU-015). Activity, as always, will be on CW and on 80-10 meters. Ron still has the logs for his 2001, 2005 and 2009 operations. DX stations, if you need a QSL, respond via the Bureau. USA stations, QSL direct.
T6, AFGHANISTAN (Press Release). Paul, N6PSE, sent out the following on June 29th: "Many in the amateur radio community have asked us about our reaction to the attack and bombings at the Kabul Intercontinental Hotel: The Intrepid-DX Group is saddened to learn of the attack and bombings at the Kabul Intercontinental Hotel. This hotel was to be the venue for the now cancelled DXpedition that was planned for May 4th to May 16th, 2011. The hotel General Manager, Mr. Yousuf Hakimi and his staff were very supportive and welcomed our plans to do a DXpedition from their hotel. The hotel's height on a prominent hilltop made for a spectacular radio location. In early April, we shipped our DXpedition equipment to the hotel. Since we cancelled the DXpedition, Mr. Hakimi and his staff were cooper- ative in helping us recover the bulk of our equipment. We cancelled our plans to conduct the DXpedition on the morning following Osama Bin Laden's death. We were to fly to Kabul that very morning. It is just this type of attack that we feared in reprisal for Bin Laden's death. We had hoped that things might stabilize in Kabul and that someday we could resume our plans for a DXpedition, however attacks such as this make those plans unsound and less likely. We will continue to focus on activating the soon to be new country of The Republic of Southern Sudan. Thank you, Paul Ewing-N6PSE -- The Intrepid-DX Group"
TI7, COSTA RICA. David, K2DBK, will be active as TI7/K2DBK from Costa Rica between July 10-17th. He states that he will be in the northwest part of the country near the city of Liberia in the Guanacaste region. This is a vacation with friends, so activity will be holiday style with most of his operation to take place in the late afternoon local time. Activity will be SSB only on 20-10 meters and possibly 6 meters, if conditions permit, using 100 watts and a Buddipole system. QSL via his home callsign. For more details and updates, watch David's following links: http://k2dbk.blogspot.com http://k2dbk.com twitter: @k2dbk
TM98, FRANCE (Special Event). Look for special event station TM98TF to be active between now and July 14th. Activity takes place during the start and first stage of the 98th cycling race "The Tour de France", by the Vendée area hams (West France) on all HF bands, and possibly other bands, on CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via F6KUF, RC Vendéen, either direct or by the Bureau.
V3, BELIZE. Colin/KU5B will be active as V31UB between August 5-10th. Activity will be 80-6 meters, possibly 160m, using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. Look for him in the NAQP CW Contest (August 6-7th). QSL via LoTW, or to KU5B.
VK9L, LORD HOWE ISLAND. Members of the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia will activate Lord Howe Island (OC-004) as VK9HR between July 23rd and August 2nd. Activity will be for ten days with an inter- national team of ten operators operating CW, SSB and RTTY, and on 160-6 meters. Operators mentioned are Tommy/VK2IR (Team Leader), John/VK3YP, Peter/VK2NN, Raffy/VK2RF, Bruce/VK2KLM, Ed/VK2ARE, Don/N4HH, Alex/OZ7AM, Les/W2LK and Saul/K2XA. QSL via EB7DX. The operation's Web site is: http://www.vk9hr.com
W4, UNITED STATES (Special Event). The Coastal Amateur Radio Team (CART) of Bryan County, Georgia, has the honor of providing communications for the Ft. McAllister Sport Fishing Club's Wounded Warrior Fishing Rodeo on August 20th. CART will also run a special event station, W4W, from 2000z, August 19th, to 2000z, August 21st, in honor of our wounded warriors. Operation will be on 20 meters, SSB and CW. QSL AF4MI, direct with SASE.
YJ, VANUATU. Chris, VK3QB, will once again lead a team of operators to Port Vila on Efate Island 9OC-035), Vanuatu, and be active as YJ0VK between September 30th and October 12th. Operators mentioned are Chris/ VK3QB, Luke/VK3HJ, Ian/VK3BUF, Dianne/VK3JDI, Lee/VK3GK, Tom/NQ7R, Ben/N6MUF and Andy/M0HLT. Bands/modes of activity were not yet announced, but last operation they focused on the HF bands (with special attention to the 30/17/12 meter bands). They do plan to have three stations on the air as often as possible. QSL via VK2CA, direct or by the Bureau. LoTW log upload will be available on completion of operation. For update, visit the YJ0VK Web page at: http://yj0vk.odxg.org/yj0vk2011/default.html
ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND (Update/Delayed). German operators Wolf/DK1IP, Rainer/DL7OR, Gerd/DJ4KW, Arno/DL1CW and Werner/DJ9KH were expected to be active as ZD8D from Garden Cottage, Ascension Island (AF-003), between July 24th and August 9th (see OPDX.1009), but have now push their operation back until possibly October. The delay is due to heavy rainfalls in late April which damaged the street to Garden Cottage (their planned operating site). They have changed their plans and will now use a guesthouse in Georgetown which they state "is not ideal. We have to rely on our fiber- glass poles, as there are no trees etc... We are afraid, that we will be handicapped on 160 and 80m, but we will do our best, of course." For updates, visit their Web page at: http://www.zd8d.de/index.php?home
ZG3, GIBRALTAR (Special Event). Look for Mike, ZB3M, to be active as ZG3M between September 5-11th. He is using this special prefix to celebrate "Gibraltar's National Day" which takes place on September 10th. QSL via the address on QRZ.com.
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