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Главная » 2011 » Декабрь » 19 » Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1041
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1041
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 11th-December, through Sunday, 18th-December there were
222 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, CY0, D2, D4,
D6, DL, DU, E4, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET,
EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW,
HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J8,
JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY,
LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4,
PJ5, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T32, T7, T8,
TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2,
V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK0M, VP5, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU,
XE, XU, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

3DA, SWAZILAND. Operators Phil/G3SWH and John/G3OLU (aka EA5ARC) will be
active from the Hawane Resort in western Swaziland between February
21-29th, 2012. The Hawane Resort has a well equipped station with Elecraft
K3 transceivers, ICOM IC2KL amplifiers, an A4S at 24m and an A3WS at 20m,
a wire 4 square for 40m and a vertical for 80m complete with 30 x 20m long
radials. Phil informs OPDX that they will use a single callsign for the
DXpedition, which is yet to be allocated. Activity will be on CW only on
all bands 80-10 meters. There will be no 160, 6 meters or EME activity.
Propagation permitting, they plan to have two stations on the air for as
many hours every day as is possible. Their main objective is to work as
many European, North American and ROTW stations on as many different bands
as possible and plan to make at least 15,000 QSOs. QSL via G3SWH, either
via the OQRS facility on Phil's Web site <> (preferred),
direct with SAE and adequate return postage, or via the Bureau. Subject
to a good Internet connection, there will be an on-line log on Phil's Web
site and daily uploads to LoTW. Phil will issue an update once the callsign
has been issued and he has the Web site up and running.

3DA, SWAZILAND. Members of the "Fox Charlie DXpedition Team" will be
active as 3DA0FC between April 4-11th, 2012. Activity will be on 80-10
meters using SSB, RTTY and PSK. Suggested frequencies are:
  SSB  - 3780, 7063, 14185, 18136, 21290, 24930 and 28490 kHz
  RTTY - 3590, 7040, 10149, 14084, 18104, 21084, 24924 and 28084 kHz
  PSK  - 7038, 14072, 18102, 21072, 24922 and 28122 kHz
The current list of operators are Filip/ON4AEO and XYL Kath/ON7BK,
Sid/ZS6AYC and XYL Adele/ZR6APT, Gert/ZS6GC, Jose/ON4CJK, YL Elna/ZS6EB,
YL Steffi/ON3AEO, Lucas/ZS6ACT and Herman/ZS5LH. QSL via ON4CJK, direct
or by the Bureau. A 3DA0FC Web site is currently under construction that
will include an online log at:

A2, BOTSWANA (Ops still needed!). Frosty, K5LBU, reports that there is
still room for several more operators to join his DXpedition to Botswana
in March. Currently, there is Frosty, one couple and one other operator,
and two of them are planning to visit and stay 3 nights and 4 days at the
Kruger Park before meeting up in Johannesburg on March 16-17th. They will
arrive at the Lotsane lodge on the 18th and return to Johannesburg on
the 28th and depart on the 29th. The group plans to operate as A25HQ
in the CQ WPX Contest while there. If you would like to go, E-mail Frosty

A5, BHUTAN. Take, JA4ATV (ex-9J2FM), is now active as A52ATV from Bhutan
until December 20th. Activity has been on 40/15/12 meters CW. Watch around
0800-0930z and 1930-2230z. QSL via JA4ATV.

CARIBBEAN TOUR. Tom, AA9A, will be on a Caribbean holiday tour with the
family between the end of January and early March. QSL via AA9A and LoTW.
His schedule is as follows:
  PJ2 - Active as PJ2/AA9A from Curacao between January 21st and February
        4th, 2012. Activity limited to spare time on 40-10 meters using
        CW and SSB.

  V2  - Active as V25AA from Antigua with other operators between
        February 13-22nd. See details below under V2.

  PJ7 - Active as PJ7/AA9A from Sint Maarten between March 3-17th.
        Activity limited to spare time on 40-10 meters using CW and

CY0, SABLE ISLAND (Everything is still a go!). Murray, WA4DAN, informs
OPDX (edited): "The team of Ron/AA4VK and Murray/WA4DAN are making last
minute preparations for the upcoming CY0 DXpedition. Gear is currently
being prepared for shipment to Maritime Air Ltd in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Some antennas are already on Sable. Because of the recent uptick in high
band propagation, increased emphasis will be placed on 10 and 12 meters.
Our goal is to always have one operator on 10 meters during the time that
band is open to CY0. We are shipping a three element, 10-meter monoband
yagi to the island. This 10-meter yagi will be mounted on top of a 30-foot
tower which we will erect upon arrival on the island. It is possible we
may have both CY0 stations on 10-meters at peak times. We are looking at
ways to physically separate the 10 meter antennas to facilitate that
possibility. We were greatly encouraged by the amount of activity in the
recent 10-meter contest. We know there is high demand for CY0 on that
band. We will do our best to satisfy this demand. We are scheduled to
arrive in Halifax on the morning of Dec. 27th. We will confirm all of
our gear made it safely and shop for last minute supplies. After an early
wake-up on Dec. 28th, we will arrive at Maritime Air and eagerly await
for the OIC on Sable and Maritime Air to make the GO/NO GO call on the
weather and landing conditions. Landing on Sable is a little tricky as
there is no runway on the island. Landing is on the sand which must be
relatively firm and free of standing water. Wind speed and wind direction
are also critical parameters to the GO/NO GO decision. These decisions
are made by the OIC on Sable and Maritime Air. Keep a check on this Web
site for more updates as we get closer to departure:

D6, COMOROS. Fabri, IW3SQY, will lead an international team of operators
to activate Comoros sometime in the coming months of 2012. More details
are forthcoming.

the year for the Web site's - "DXpedition of the Year 2011".
It is easy to vote on the Web page by just checking the box next to the
DXpedition you want to vote for (you can vote up to five DXpeditions).
After you vote, you can see the current standings. The survey is available
The voting will close on January 15th, 2012. states, "The
criteria behind the poll is to remind operators of the many notable
DXpeditions which occurred during the last 12 months and to  vote for
their favorite(s)."

E4, PALESTINE (Update). Peri, HB9IQB, is now active as E44PM possibly
through December 22-23rd. Activity will be mainly CW with some SSB.
For more details and updates, visit the following Web page at:
UPDATE FROM PERI (date December 16th): "Season's greetings from Bethlehem.
Operation started Dec. 15th, 20.48 UTC, on 7 MHz, in CW. First Call in
the Log is HB9DX, The Swiss DX Foundation, with HB9DDO at the key.
Unfortunately, terrible QRM was encountered here caused by all kind
of electrical devices in the house (Neon lights, Air condition etc.),
peaking S9 + 10 dB on the K2 meter. Will check possibilities today for
trouble shooting, including antenna relocation. Thanks for obeying my
regional instructions, excellent operating by the EU ops during JA and
K/W openings.

E5, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS (Reminder). Remember to look for Andy/AB7FS (E51AND,
ZK1AND and ZK2AND) and his XYL Kathy/KB7SCH (ZK1SCH) to be active again
from Arorangi Beach on Rarotonga Island (OC-013) between December 19-31st.
Andy will be active as E51AND. As a member of the Straight Key Century
Club (SKCC #7723), he plans to operate straight key CW at or around 14050
kHz, and he will be looking especially for SKCC members. Andy states,
"This is NOT a DXpedition - just a vacation with some hamming -- so frenetic
issuing of signal reports will be a low priority though I'll try to make
contact with those who want them. I often check into the ANZA net which
meets at 0515z daily at 14183 kHz -- so that's a good place to find me
for a sked or to QSY down to the CW part of the band --- or you can try
E-mailing me - we'll have limited connectivity but I'll check at least
every second day...and..... band conditions are MUCH improved from last
December." QSL via AB7FS. Andy's E-mail address is:

EA/P, SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS. Between now and March 2012, look for Adrian,
EA1CYK, to be active as EA1CYK/P during his spare time from Antarctic
base "Gabriel de Castilla" (WAP ESP-02) on Deception Island, South Shetland
(AN-010). If it is possible, he will visit the base "Juan Carlos I"
(WAP ESP-01) on Livingstone Island (also in the South Shetland). He was
heard this past weekend on 10 meters with a good signal. QSL Manager is

EF8, CANARY ISLANDS. Luis, EA8AY, will use the special callsign EF8USA
from Tenerife Island (IOTA AF-004, DIE S-012, WLOTA 1276, EAA TF) during
the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a Single-Op/All-band entry.
QSL via only LoTW. Visit his Web site at:

ET, ETHIOPIA. David, K3LP, informed OPDX on December 13th, that their
team has concluded this trip and is headed to the airport at 7:00 PM to
return home. David states, "The results of the U.S. FCC License testing
for Dec. 10, 12 and 13 are as follows:
    Total Number Students Tested: 62
    Total Number of Amateur License Tests conducted: 161

    License Types issued:
      Qty  5 - Extra Class Licenses
      Qty 36 - General Class Licenses
      Qty 16 - Technician Class Licenses
      Qty  5 - Did not receive a License

  After we get our logs combined, we'll upload the results to the Logbook
of the World plus post the results as a search function. QSL ET3AA and
ET3SID via N2OO for December 8-13th, 2011, only. Thanks to everyone for
their understanding regarding the low bands. A future goal will be set
to operate from a remote location with exceptional receive antennas."
For the complete details and up-to-date info, see:

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND (Update). Gregg, W6IZT, Co-leader of the upcoming
2012 HK0NA DXpedition, announced this past week to the 160 meter community
of their Topband plans for the upcoming operation. He reports, "We will
have 2 operating locations. Both locations will have 160 meters capabil-
ities and legal limit amplifiers. The distance between the two operating
locations is approximately 300 meters and the difference in elevation is
almost 200 meters! Two operating locations are a necessity to provide a
low take off angles in all directions. The camp lower in elevation 'OP B,
or Baja' will be our main camp and is located adjacent to the military
facilities. 'OP A, or Alto' will be located very close to the top of the
highest point on Malpelo. The antennas for OP A will be located on top
of the highest peak. The personnel operating from OP A will have to make
a very difficult and dangerous 200m vertical climb on a daily basis to man
the stations. OP B will be the primary 160m station for the eastern U.S.,
Europe, South America, and Africa. OP A will be the primary operating
location for the western US, JA/Asia, and VK/ZL. Our current antenna plans
call for an Inverted L for 160 at OP B, with Pennants for receive, and for
OP A an Inverted V broadside to the US and JA for 160 and Pennants for
receive. At 300 meters above the sea we are confident that the efforts to
establish this operating location and antenna selection will result in an
outstanding signal on 160 to those areas of the world that have been most
challenged to work Malpelo in the past. Establishing an operating location
from OP A comes at a considerable expense. We have expanded an already
strong team with the addition of several experienced DXpeditioners to man
the increased number of stations (from 6 to 10). This has also enabled us
to extend our stay on the island. We are making every effort to minimize
the risk in transit for OP B to OP A through the extensive use of safety
equipment wherever possible. Fortunately, we have a commitment from the
Columbian Military and the crew of our transportation vessel to assist
with transporting equipment, fuel and water to the OP A site. An advance
team of operators from Columbia are leaving for the island on Christmas
day to begin the efforts of establishing the camp infrastructure, and
setting up the antennas. One of our goals is to drop Malpelo out of the
top 100 on the DXCC most wanted list from the current spot of #11 world-
wide. Operations of this magnitude are expensive. This one in particular
also comes with a significant element of risk. The operators are bearing
the majority of the expenses. But without support from equipment sponsors,
major DX organizations, clubs, and individuals this trip would not be
possible. Contributions are still needed and very welcomed. Please visit
our Website at <> and click on 'how can I help'... Lastly,
we have a tremendous group of equipment and DX organization sponsors,
please support them whenever possible..... 73s, Happy Holidays, and hopes
that we are in your log on 160!"

HS0AC HORROR STORY. For the first time since the flooding in October-
November, members of the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) were
able to get out to the HS0AC club station on the campus of the Asian
Institute of Technology on December 10th, and entering their shack by
forcing open a locked rusty door to get in. The water had been some two
meters deep at its peak and had submerged the AIT campus for five weeks.
The team entering the shack was RAST President Chaiyong/HS1QVD, Station
Manager Finn/OZ1HET, Swen/HS0ZFZ, Thida/HS1ASC, Sonn/HS6NDK, Karl/HS0ZJL
and his XYL, and Gerd/DK5FJ. They spent eight hours sifting through the
flood damage and and documented their visit: Visit the following link to
read and see photos of the damage at:

IOTA NEWS..............
  EU-008.  Members of the Black Country DX & Contest Group will be active
          as MS0OXE from the Isle of Tiree (IOSA NH04, SCOTIA DI10,
          IO66ML, WAB NL94), in the Inner Hebrides Islands between
          September 13-21st. Operators mentioned are Simon/M0VKY, Drew/
          G7DMO, Brian/G0JKY and Terry/G4MKP. Activity will be on 80-10
          meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via M0URX, direct or by
          the Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. Visit
          their Web site at:

  NA-066.  Operators Ray/N6HE, Jeff/K6JW, Joe/NZ6L, Bob/AB6SY, Clay/AB9A,
          Diana/AI6DF and Bill/KG6WVF will be active as K6PV/6 from Santa
          Catalina Island (USI CA016S, WLOTA 2912, Los Angeles County, CA)
          between February 23-26th, 2012. Activity will be on 20 meters
          SSB mostly, with some on 40 meters SSB. They will also be in
          the NAQP RTTY Contest (February 25-26th) and the CQWW 160m SSB
          Contest (February 24-26th). They also plan to be om 160/80/40/
          20/15/10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and possibly PSK31. QSL
          direct to address for K6PV.

JW, SVALBARD. Operators Magne/LA2XNA and Jon/LA8HGA will be active as
JW2XNA and JW8HGA, repectively, from Spitsbergen Island (EU-026, WLOTA
0125) between March 16-20th, 2012. Activity will be on 160-10 meters
with an emphasis on the higher bands. Look for JW2XNA to be on SSB, PSK31
and PSK63, while JW8HGA will be on CW. QSL via their home callsigns,
direct or by the Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.

KH3, JOHNSTON ATOLL (Update). "" is reporting that Susan's,
W7KFI, QSL Manager, Stan, KH6CG, states that Susan may now push off from
Hawaii a few days after January 15th. Additionally, the Northern California
DX Foundation (NCDXF) is now sponsoring her KH3 activity and has sent her a
banner which she has already received. Also, Susan has received her permit
to access Johnston Atoll for January/February 2012. Stan states, "Her plan
is to leave Honolulu on (approx) January 15, 2012, arriving KH3 some 5-7
days later, depending on wind. She'll operate for seven days setting up
a tent on the pier, where it will be over land, using a 43 ft. vertical
set into sand. She has informed the ARRL of this station set up so they
are aware for [pending] DXCC approval. Additionally, Susan will take photos
and is expecting an Elecraft banner to be sent to her soon via the company;
Susan will use a K3 on CW/SSB mainly." In short, according to Susan, she
should be active from about January 21st, and if there is a delay for any
reason she can operate through February."

Dec/19th  AN      Dec/22nd  AN      Dec/24th  AN
Dec/20th  AN      Dec/23rd  AN      Dec/25th  AN
Dec/21st  AN

    NORMALITY              GEOMAG      K Values    Alpha
  -----------------        ------      --------    ------
  AN  - Above Normal      Quiet        K=0-1      0-7
  HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=2        8-15
  LN  - Low Normal        Active      K=3        16-29
  BN  - Below Normal      Minor Storm  K=4        30-49
  DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=5        50-99
  VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9      100-400

NEW WEB SITE FOR SATELLITE OP'S. A new French Web site for satellite
operators has recently made its debut on the Web. The site features
logbooks for all of the popular satellites including the DX bird, AO-7.
It is a welcome replacement for the <> which went
offline a few weeks ago. The main feature of the new Web site is the
logbooks where you can enter QSO data that will be archived for later
reference. There is a field for comments as well. Visit the Web site
ADDED NOTE: Another great resource for satellite operators can be found
It features grid maps submitted by active satellite operators as well
as thousands of recordings from satellite passes over the last two years.
If you would like your grid map added to the site, please contact John,
K8YSE, at:            

PACIFIC ISLAND TOUR. Vincent, F4BKV, a member of the upcoming 2012 VP6T
Pitcairn team, plans to continue has activity after this operation on
Pitcairn by activating the following islands and locations. His tentative
schedule and callsigns are as follows:
  E51BKV - February 9th; Rarotonga Island (OC-013), South Cook Islands.
  E51BKV - February 10-15th; Mangaia Island (OC-159), South Cook Islands.
  E51BKV - February 16th; Rarotonga Island (OC-013), South Cook Islands.
  FK/F4BKV - February 18-25th; Ouvea Island (OC-033), New Caledonia.
  FK/F4BKV - February 26th; Noumea (OC-032), New Caledonia.
  HL2/F4BKV - February 27th; A briefly stay in Seoul, South Korea, as
              Vincent heads home.
Activity from all locations will be on 40-10 meters using SSB and the
Digital modes (RTTY/PSK31). His equipment will include an Elecraft K3
with 500w amp, monoband VDA (vertical dipoles array) for 17/15/12/10m
and monoband verticals for 40/30/20m. QSL via his home callsign and LoTW.
For more details, updates and an online log search, visit:

PJ7, SINT MAARTEN. A group of Polish operators are planning to be active
as PJ7PT from Sint Maarten (NA-105) between March 5-18th, 2012. Operators
mentioned are Wojciech/SP9PT, Bogdan/SP2EBG, YL Gala/SP2GKS, Jurek/SP3GEM,
Czeslaw/SP3HLM and Jozef/SP9-31029. Activity will be on 160-6 meters
using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via SP9PT. For more details and updates,
visit the PJ7PT Web site at:

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated December 18th)
  4K6/JR0HYT via JR0HYT      EM2G via UR7GO        PR5B via 6K5YPD
  9Q6AL via DF9TA            EX2X via EA5KB        R3ARS/3 via RA3AKF
  A61BK via NI5DX            FR5DZ via F6CXV        UN1L via W3HNK
  AH0J via JA1NVF            LY2011XMAS via LY2QT  UP20L via UN7LZ
  CS2P via CT1BWU            MD/EB1BSV via EB1BSV  V31NB via EB7DX
  DR2W via DH3WO            OR2R via ON6LJ        W2VGA/6Y5 via W2VGA
  DU1/JJ5GMJ via JH5RXS      P39P via 5B4ES        XU7SSB via XU7AAA (direct)
  EA1/LW3EQU via EA1DMB      PG65ISWL via PA0FAW    YU1OOW via YT2AA
  EA7/ON4LO via ON4LO

  JX5O QSL STATUS. Members of the JX5O report that "due to unforeseen
  circumstances", Stan, SQ8X, will be delaying the sending/responding
  of QSLs until sometime in January at the earliest. Updates on this
  issue should be forthcoming on the JX5O Web Site. Thanks for your

  KG4AJ QSL MANAGER. Buzz, NI5DX, has assumed the duties of QSL Manager for
  Norm, KG4AJ, on Guantanamo Bay. A new QSL card will be designed and sent
  to UX5UO for printing. It will take about 4 weeks to receive the cards
  once the order has been placed. Buzz is awaiting a log transfer from
  KG4AJ. Once the log transfer is made, Buzz will able to confirm all past
  contacts with KG4AJ. Norm is scheduled to be in KG4 land for 2 years.

  NOT THE MANAGER. Al, VE1AL, re[orts that he received a batch of cards
  from his VE1 Bureau this past week, and included were two cards for
  3V8S via VE1AL from the CQWWDX CW Contest in Nov. 2009. Al states, "I
  am not and never have been the QSL Manager for this operation. In the
  past, I have returned the cards via the Bureau system.  Also, I still
  receive cards for ZK2DD and VA1S. I have the logs for the ZK2DD operation
  for only July 1979. If the call was re-issued, I cannot help. The VA1S
  logs are no longer available. I won't return the QSLs to the senders
  because of new, onerous, charges by RAC for membership and use of its
  outgoing bureau."

  WIN-QSL-POLICY 2.2 (Program for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7).
  Manfred, DF6EX, has written a program that helps in providing info on
  which QSL-Manager/DX-station you can expect a reply via the Bureau or
  which DX-stations you better not work or have to spend a lot of money
  to get a card. The program has a growing database and it lets you know
  what stations do not QSL back or just take your green stamps.
  Currently, there are 11500 managers/DX-stations listed, from information
  collected over the past 20 years. The best news is that it is free.
  Read more about the program at:
  Or load directly at:
  No fee at all. Also, there will be further updates; you just have to
  register by mail.

  YU1JW, Z37M, ZF2OE, ZK2V, ZM4G and ZS4TX

  ZB2B and ZD8ZZ


SILENT KEYS.........
  * QSL Manager Allan, G0IAS, informs OPDX with great sadness that Harry
    Berry, G0JMU/7Q7HB, collapsed in his home during lunchtime on December
    12th and became a "Silent Key" (SK). Allan states, "I have ALL of
    Harry's Malawi contacts from the very first QSO he made more than 20
    years ago.....I will answer the cards as they arrive, if you worked
    Harry and need the cards I will honor them, although at this time I
    feel like closing down the logs on ALL the 7Q Stations I manage. With
    the exception of my wife, he was the best friend I have ever had, I
    KNOW he has given a lot of people the pleasure of working 'a new one'
    and will be sadly missed. My thoughts are with his wife Elaine and his
    family at this time. I am sure lots of Hams will say with me a silent
    'THANK YOU' Harry...REST IN PEACE OM......"

  * It has been reported that Larry Amodeo, W2AX, became a "Silent Key"
    (SK) on November 28th, the day after the CQWW DX Contest at his home.
    He had been in poor health for some time and had dismantled his Vermont
    station a few years ago and sold the house there. Larry was a long time
    ARRL member and a well known DXer and contester who was one of the first
    to run a remote station from Readsboro, Vermont.  At one point, he had
    worked them all and still stands at 381 on the DXCC Mixed standings.
    The only country missing from his list was North Korea. At the point
    where he stopped chasing them he had them all. He also managed to
    operate from some rare places in the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's includ-
    ing Johnston Island. He was a kind, friendly, helpful man who will be
    missed by the many who knew him and had a chance to operate from his
    Vermont station. He was a long time member of the "Order of Boiled Owls
    of  New York" and the "Yankee Clipper Contest Club".

  * Pat Parrish, K4YR (ex-K4HXF and W5PSB), became a "Silent Key" (SK)
    on December 15th. An avid Dxer, he was on the Honor Roll list at 391.
    He managed the ARRL QSL Bureau in both the 5th and 4th district for
    a number of years.  He was 84 years old.

  * OPDX and its readers would like to send out our deepest sympathy to
    the family and friends of 7Q7HB, W2AX and K4YR.

TC9, TURKEY (Special Event). Members of the Turkish Scouting and Guiding
Federation's National Conciousness Camp, will activate special event
station TC9SAM between December 23-26th. Operators mentioned are Tevfik/
TA1HZ, Hasan/TA1GE, Emrah/TA2AEM and Emre/TA1AES. Activity is in memory
for the "Allahuekber Martyrs", and operations will be commemorating the
fallen in Sarikamis Campaign of World War I. The special event station
TC9SAM will be located in Gaziler and Kaynak villlages of Erzurum. In
accordance with the camp program, they will be on the air mainly on 40
and 80m bands but will also try the other bands. You can also try to
follow the team on APRS. Detailed info is available on <> and
<>. The QSL Nanager is TA1HZ.

TX6, FRENCH POLYNESIA (IOTA Op). Before their major VP6T operation,
operators Jacques/F6BEE, Nigel/G3TXF, Gilles/VE2TZT, Michel/FM5CD and
Vincent/F4BKV will be active from Tahiti Island (OC-046) and possibly
from Mangreva Island (OC-063) as TX6T. Specific dates were not provided
yet, but should be forthcoming. Activity will be active on all HF bands.
QSL via G3TXF.

V2, ANTIGUA. Operators Tom/AA9A and Bob/W4OWY will be active from here
as V25AA and V25WY, respectively, between February 13-22nd. Activity
will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via their home
callsign. Tom does use LoTW. ADDED NOTE: "The Daily DX" reports that
Ed/N2ED (V26G) will team up with Tom and Bob for the ARRL CW DX Contest
(February 18-19th). The callsign is not yet known.

VK0, MACQUARIE ISLAND. Trevor, VK0TH, has been active on 40/20/17/15/12/10
meters using SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. Activity has been mainly between 2300-
1330z. Suggested frequencies are 70163, 14070, 18135, 21070, 21086, 21365,
24945, 28120 and 28400 kHz. QSL via JE1LET (direct only).

from Cooper Island (NA-023) between January 11-21st, 2012. Activity
will be holiday style on 20-6 meters using CW and SSB. He will use
a FT817 with 5 watts into GP and dipoles. QSL via his home callsign.

VP6, PITCAIRN ISLAND (Update). Operators Jacques/F6BEE, Nigel/G3TXF,
Gilles/VE2TZT, Michel/FM5CD and Vincent/F4BKV will be active as VP6T
from famous, mythical Pitcairn Island (OC-044, CQ Zone 32) between January
20th and February 4th. From the VP6T Web page: "This DX operation from
Pitcairn has a target of more than 30,000 QSOs. With good propagation
forecast for early 2012, efforts will be made to give this extremely rare
entity to deserving DXers on as many bands as possible, but especially
on the low bands. The rarity of VP6 ensures that all operators will be
kept fully occupied during our nine full days on the island. We will be
travelling there by boat. We are planning to have three stations active
round-the-clock." Activity will be on 160-10 meters including the 30/17/12
meter bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY. The VP6T log will be uploaded to
LoTW during the operation if possible, if not immediately after the
operation. They will try to update their VP6T log on "ClubLog" several
times a day during the operation. This will help you track your progress
across the bands. QSL Manager is Nigel, G3TXF. In addition to the usual
routes (Direct QSLing, QSLing via the Bureau and E-mail requests for
Bureau cards to "QSL at G3TXF dot com"), they will also be using the new
"Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) provided by ClubLog." For more details
and the suggested frequencies, visit the VP6T Web site at:

YX6, VENEZUELA. Members of the Radio Club of Venezuela plan to be active
as YX6AJ from Angel Falls waterfall (the world's tallest - 979m) between
January 3-6th, 2012. Operators mentioned are Lino/YY5FRD, Jesus/YY5CHJ,
Marcel/YY5CAR, Wilmer/YY5CWM, Alfredo/YV5SSF, Edwin/YV5HUJ, Jose/YV5JF,
William/YV5VE, Angel/YV5NEA and possibly one more. Activity will be on
CW, SSB, Digital modes and the Satellites. QSL via YV5AJ, by the Bureau
or direct.

ZF, CAYMAN ISLAND (Update). Dr. Bill, K9HZ, will be active as ZF2HZ from
Rum Point, Grand Cayman Island (NA-016, WLOTA 1042, WW Loc. EK99II)
between December 19-29th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW
and SSB. Suggested frequencies are listed on QSL via his home
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