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Главная » 2012 » Январь » 23 » Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1046
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1046
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1046
BID: $OPDX.1046
January 23, 2012
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Relayed this week from Murfreesboro, TN

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q & ARRL DX, W1HEO, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The
(60m News), W9OL, AT International, CO6CBF, CO8ZZ, CT1FKN, DK8JB & The
DX News Letter, DK8ZZ, DL1SBF,, DX-World.Net, ES1CW, F5NQL,
F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, HB9IAJ, HP1AC, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News,
News, VA3RJ & ICPO, VHF-DX-Portal and for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 15th-January, through Sunday, 22nd-January there were 217
countries active. Countries available:  3A, 3B8, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O,
4S, 4W, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9H, 9J,
9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2,
C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, DL, DU,
E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG,
FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI,
HK, HK0/m, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JY,
K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH,
OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ,
S2, S5, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T32, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG,
TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V5, V8, VE, VK,
VK0M, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XX9,
YA, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZL,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

4U1, ITU HQ (Special Activity). The International Amateur Radio Club,
4U1ITU, will be operating with the special callsign 4U1WRC between
January 23rd and February 17th. Activity will take place during the
ITU World Radio Conference 2012 (WRC-12) from Geneva, Switzerland.
Operations will be from 160-6 meters, eventually higher, all modes.
All QSOs will be confirmed with a special QSL available via 4U1ITU.
Short updates of the operation will be posted on twitter at:
More detailed information is availabe on the Web site at:

4W, TIMOR-LESTE. Vlad, UA4WHX, still continues to be active as 4W0VB
from Timor-Leste (OC-148) and his length of stay is still not known.
"The Daily DX" and other sources report that Vlad is operating in the
mountains of Ermera, and activity is almost exclusively on CW with
very little SSB. As posted on by Vlad [edited], "If you need
160 or 80, please note I am making an effort to be there every day at
around 1500-2100 UTC. I have no Internet at the radio place. So, check
1815.0 or 1831.5 and 3503.0 at these times or any other time you think
we may have an opening. Additionally, I will try to be at the same
frequencies at 1100-1145 UTC for US LP and 1200-1245 UTC for US SP.
Hence, the probability of your having a QSO is directly related to the
amout of time you spend looking for 4W0VB." QSL via UA4WHX.

8Q, MALDIVES (False Info Being Sent Out!). Bert, CX3AN, informs OPDX that
someone is sending false info out about Mario/CX4CR and him, and their
activity as 8Q7HU from Maafushi Island, Kaafu Atoll (AS-013). Their
operation will still take place between January 25th and February 5th,
and not February 6-15th, as the fake E-mail states. Activity will be on
80-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. There will be a special
emphasis on South America.

C6, BAHAMAS. Look for C6ANM to be active from Nassau (NA-001, FL15)
during the following contests with the following operators:
CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January 27-29th) - Multi-Single entry; operators
                          Tom/N1GN and William/NE1B; QSL via LoTW.
ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) - Multi-Single entry; operators
                          Tom/N1GN and William/NE1B; QSL via LoTW.
CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest (February 24-26th) - Multi-Single entry; operators
                          Tom/N1GN, William/NE1B and Karney/W2AFC; QSL
                          via LoTW.
ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) - Multi-2 entry; operators Tom/N1GN,
                          William/NE1B, Mike/N1IW and Karney/W2AFC; QSL
                          via LoTW.

CL, CUBA (Changing Cuban Regulations). Information from a few Cuban friends
inform OPDX [edited]: "Cuba Cuban radio amateur service regulations have
been modified to provide the use of segments of the 80 and 40 meters ham
bands to the third class operators license holders which before this new
rules could only operate on segments of the 160 and 2 meters band. The
news was much welcomed by the more than two thousand operators that hold
a CL prefix callsign... the first step in a Cuban radio amateur career...
By the way, the CL prefix holders do not need to pass a CW Morse Code
radiotelegraphy test, but they do have to take a 5 words per minute
receiving and also transmitting test in order to upgrade towards a second
class operators certificate. This opens the way to obtain a CM prefix
callsign that provides access to many more operating privileges... So,
if you start hearing stations on the 40 meters band from 7100 to 7125
kiloHertz using a CL prefix, be aware that they are a new generation of
Cuban radio amateurs that for the first time ever are having access to
working DX on 40 meters... The segment assigned to the CL stations on 80
meters span from 3550 to 3750 kiloHertz, but very probably you will hear
them much more often on 40 meters because the seven Mega-Hertz ham band
is open for long distance contacts much more frequently than the 80 meters
band. The maximum power allowed to the CL prefix stations, the Cuban
beginners license has been set at 10 watts that they can use on CW,
Single-Side Band and Double-Side Band voice."

DAYTON HAMVENTION EVENT (160m Dinner). Tim, K3LR, reports: "We are
carrying on the great TopBand dinner tradition that George/K8GG and
George/W8UVZ put together for so many years at Dayton. Dinner reserva-
tions and tickets are now available for the 23rd Annual Dayton TopBand
dinner on Friday evening, May 18th, at the Crowne Plaza  - downtown
Dayton, Ohio. Frank Donovan, W3LPL, will be the main speaker. Reserva-
tions are available online with credit cards and PayPal. Also, use the
online to contact us for information if you need to make other arrange-
ments. All of the updated details are here:
Scroll down to make your reservations. Hope to see you at the 2012
Dayton TopBand Dinner."

DAYTON HAMVENTION EVENT (Update to OPDX.1044 - Contest Dinner Speaker).
Tim, K3LR, Dayton Contest Dinner Chairman - North Coast Contesters,
reports: "North Coast Contesters are happy to announce that 'Tree' Tyree,
N6TR, will be the featured speaker at the 20th Annual Dayton Contest
Dinner to be held on Saturday, May 19th, in Dayton, Ohio.
  N6TR has an extensive and distinguished contesting resume that goes
beyond his many top ten finishes in domestic CW contests.  He was one of
the founders of the popular Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge and
ARRL Kids Day operating events. Tree wrote the TRLOG contest logging
software and he is responsible for log checking packages that are used
to adjudicate many of the major radio contests. He was the log checker
for the WRTC-2006 event and will be again in 2014. N6TR was honored as
Amateur of the Year in 2003 by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association.
  Tree recently operated as a single operator from KL7RA in the 2011
Sweepstakes Phone contest and as part of the KL7RA multi op team in the
CQ WW CW contest. This past August N6TR helped team USA win the gold
medal in the HF on-air contest from RG20CF as part of the Tenth Friend-
ship Radiosport Games in Khabarovsk, Russia.
  Outside of contests, Tree spends most of his time chasing new countries
on 160 meters."

EI80, IRELAND (Special Event). Members of the Irish Radio Transmitters
Society (IRTS) will be active as EI80IRTS throughout 2012. Activity is
to celebrate the IRTS's 80th anniversary. QSL via EI4GXB or LoTW.

GJ/MJ0, JERSEY. Richard, K2WR, will be active as GJ2A during the CQ 160-
Meter CW Contest (January 27-29th) as a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL
via K2WR or GJ3DVC. Look for him outside of the contest signing MJ0AWR.
He will be there starting around January 24th or 25th.

HK0NA DXPEDITION (Update). By the time you read this, the whole HK0NA
team should be on the island and operating immediately for 17 days. The
team left on January 18th for Malpelo island and is not expected to
return until February 10th.  For more details and updates, visit:

HR, HONDURAS. Gérard, F2JD, will be once again be active as HR5/F2JD from
Copan. He will leave on February 2nd and be back on May 6th. Activity will
be on all bands and modes. QSL via F6AJA. The online log will be available

IOTA NEWS..............
  SA-071.  A team consisting of Italian and Brazilian operators will
          activate the Brazilian Islands - Comprida (SA-024) and Peruhibe
          (SA-071) between January 30th and February 9th. The callsign
          to be used will be PR2I. Operators mentioned are Leopoldo/I8LWL,
          Paki/IZ8GDO, Vespe/IW8EZV, Angelo/PY2VA and Toni/PY2YW. QSL
          via IK7JWX.

Jan/23rd  HN-LN  Jan/26th  HN-AN  Jan/28th  AN
Jan/24th  LN-BN  Jan/27th  AN      Jan/29th  AN
Jan/25th  LN-HN

    NORMALITY              GEOMAG      K Values    Alpha
  -----------------        ------      --------    ------
  AN  - Above Normal      Quiet        K=0-1      0-7
  HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=2        8-15
  LN  - Low Normal        Active      K=3        16-29
  BN  - Below Normal      Minor Storm  K=4        30-49
  DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=5        50-99
  VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9      100-400

LX, LUXEMBOURG. Operator Ron, DL3BPC , will be active as LX7I during the
CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January 27-29th) as a Single-Op/High-Power entry.
QSL via LX2A. Logs will be put on the LoTW.

NCDXF PRESS RELEASE. Kip, W6SZN, NCDXF Secretary, sent out the following
press release on January 16th: "NCDXF ANNOUNCES GRANT TO VP6T PITCAIRN
ISLAND DXPEDITION -- The Northern California DX Foundation is pleased to
announce a contribution of 6,000 USDs to the VP6T Pitcairn Island DX-
pedition. The operation will take place from January 20th to February 4th,
2012. Pitcairn Island is No. 41 on the DX Magazine's Most Wanted List for
  Five veteran DXpeditioners anticipate more than 30,000 QSOs and plan
to have three stations on the air around the clock on nine bands. A
special effort will be made to work Europe and the U.S. East Coast. The
group and the HK0NA DXpedition have coordinated operating frequencies to
avoid mutual interference.
  For the past 40 years the NCDXF has funded major DXpeditions to many
Most Wanted countries. The credit for these large grants goes to the
NCDXF contributors who make DX like this possible. Have you contributed
yet?  <>"

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated January 22nd)
  3A2MG via F9JS          DP0GVN via DL5EBE          PI9SRS via PD9RAY
  4J9M via DL7EDH (d)    DQ0STRATEX via DK4REX      SX1912K via SZ2RCP
  9A0V via 9A6DR          EH1ILB via EA1UU          TT8FC via EA3GWK
  A31IO via DK7AO        EK85DX via EK7DX          VP6T via G3TXF
  A31YL via DK7AO        EW6DX via EB7DX            VP8/EA1CYK via EA7LS
  A61K via EA7FTR        EX8AS via EX2A            XU7ARJ via JA3ARJ
  A61R via EA7FTR        HB0/HB9LCW via HB9LCW      XU7AVO via JA3AVO
  BA5HAM via IK2DUW      JR7ISY/JD1 via JR7ISY      XU7CJA via JA1CJA
  CT9/CT5KAO via CT5KAO  KP4LH via KP4UNO          XU7UJR via JA3UJR
  DL0SLITISA via DK4FB    N2Y via K1NIU              ZL3FRI via JA3FRI
  DN0UKW via DO9PL        OG30OJ via OH3OJ

    (b) - Bureau only    (L) - LoTW only
    (d) - Direct only

  ADDRESS CHANGE. QSL Manager Zik, DK8ZZ/VE3ZIK/YT3ZZ, reports effective
  March 1st, 2012, the DK8ZZ address will change. His new address is:
  Zrinko Zibert, Rothweg 1, 55494 Erbach, Germany. Please note, Zik is
  the QSL Manager for following callsigns: A65DLH, V55DLH, DK8ZZ, VE3ZIK,
  YT3ZZ, 9A1CKL (Direct only, all QSLs already sent via the Bureau),

  IRC-GS POSTAGE CHART. Bill, W9OL, has once again updated his IRC-GS
  Chart. It can be found at:

  XE2AUD and YB1AR

  and XV2RZ


R1MVI, MALYJ VYSOTSKI ISLAND (Deletion of MVI Coming!). Jari, OH2BU,
reports: "The day of deletion has now been confirmed: Finnish and Russian
ambassadors met today, January 17th, and exchanged the documents signed
by the presidents of both countries. The new agreement of the lease of
Saimaa Channel will be in force one month from today - February 17th.
As the new agreement does not include Malyj Vysotskij (R1MV ...), the
island will be deleted from the DXCC-list the day before, February 16th,
2012. This is, of course, subject to the decision of ARRL DXCC Committee.
It's unlikely that any DXpedition will come on from the island before the
deletion, although our Russian friends would have a possibility to do it."

SILENT KEY. Carl, AI6V/P49V, reports that Johan (Joop) Box, P43JB, became
a Silent Key (SK) at approximately 1700z, Thursday, January 19th. He
states, "He had a severely infected kidney. When the doctors tried to
remove it, they found the area surrounding it full of infection, so they
could not remove the kidney. His wife, Yvonne, and daughter, Barbara,
Sue, myself and Lisandro, P43L, were with him when he passed away."
OPDX and its readers would like to send out our deepest sympathy to the
family and friends of P43JB.

T6, AFGHANISTAN. Look for Kurt, KE7KUS, to be active as T6KK from Bagram
until mid-February. He states that after much waiting (over 5 months!),
Kurt received his Afghanistan Amateur Radio License which was issued by
the Afghanistan Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (ATRA). Kurt
primarily spends his time on the HF bands working CW and the Digital
modes. QSL via LoTW (preferred), eQSL or direct to his home callsign.

T6, AFGHANISTAN. Jose, CT1FKN, is now active as T6JM from Kaul until
June 13th. He tells OPDX that he has been there since January 14th and
is a member of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) based
inside a military compound where there are restrictions to what size
antenna can be installed, so he will only use a small horizontal loop
wire. Activity is expected to be mainly on 20 meters using SSB and the
Digital modes. QSL via CT1FKN, direct or by the Bureau.

TI8, COSTA RICA. Operators Keith/W4KTR, Eddie/K4UN, Bob/W4BW, Lex/W4XO,
Carlos/TI2KAC, Juan Carlos/TI2JCY and TI2ZM will be active as TI8M from
Costa de Pajaros, during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) as a
Multi-2 entry. QSL via TI2KAC, direct preferred but bureau "OK". Their
operations will be on 160-10 meters. Look for operations before the

TN, CONGO (Reminder). By the time you read this, six operators should be
active as TN2T from the Republic of the Congo until January 31st, Using
three stations. The DXpedition will be active on 160-10 meters using CW,
SSB and RTTY. Their suggested frequencies are available on the TN2T Web
page. Operators mentioned are Patrick/ON4HIL/OT2A, Marc/ON6CC/OR3A,
Luc/ON4IA/OR2M, Ronald/PA3EWP, Carlo/ON4BR/OO4T and Stefaan/ON4FG/OP4T.
QSL Manager is M0URX. More details and updates are available on the TN2T
Web page at:      

TX5Q CLIPPERTON DXPEDITION (Postponed!). It was announced on January
19th: "We regret to announce that this operation had to be cancelled
due to unforeseen problems with logistics and costs. We will plan to
carry out a major DXpedition to Clipperton in early 2013. If you are
interested in the project, please contact KK6EK at" For
more details, see:

UK STATIONS TO USE SPECIAL CALLSIGN. The Radio Society of Great Britain
(RSGB) and Ofcom have reached agreement on the optional use of special
callsigns for two significant events during 2012:
  1) For the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, all UK amateur stations will have
    the option of applying for a variation to their licence if they wish
    to use a special prefix for a five week period. This will add or
    substitute the letter "Q" in the place of the Regional identifier
    in the callsign. Examples of callsign prefixes:
        M3aaa becomes MQ3aaa        2E0aaa becomes 2Q0aaa
        G3aaa becomes GQ3aaa        2M0aaa becomes 2Q0aaa
        GM3aaa becomes GQ3aaa      GX3aaa becomes GQ3aaa
    Activity for the special prefixes will take place between 0000 BST,
    May 5th and 2359 BST, June 10th.

  2) For the period of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, a similar
    facility will exist for a seven week period, using the letter "O"
    to substitute the letter "O" in the place of the Regional identifier
    in the callsign. Examples of callsign prefixes:
        M3aaa becomes MO3aaa    2E0aaa becomes 2O0aaa (Two Oscar zero aaa)
        G3aaa becomes GO3aaa    2M0aaa becomes 2O0aaa (Two Oscar zero aaa)
        GM3aaa becomes GO3aaa    GX3aaa becomes GO3aaa
    Activity for the special prefixes will take place between 0000 BST,
    July 21st and 2359 BST, September 9th.

  ADDED NOTES: Both the above facilities will also be available to Amateur
  Club licences. Furthermore, callsign in the series GB2012aaa will be
  available for special event stations relating to the Olympics, and
  licences will be issued for four "flagship" stations using the prefix
  2O12a where "O" is the letter O, and a is a single letter relating to
  the location of the station. Further details of these arrangements are
  on the attached summary, and administrative details will be issued by
  Ofcom and the RSGB shortly. The complete press release can be seen at:

V5, NAMIBIA (Update). Operators David/GI4FUM and XYL Gillian/GI8MIV,
along with Richard/GI4DOH, Kalle/DM3BJ, Andre/V51B and possibly others
will be active from Oranjemund for the CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th)
as a Multi-Op entry. Callsign has not been announced yet. The week before
the contest, operators will be active on the HF bands using CW, RTTY and
PSK31.  QSL via GI4FUM.

VK9L, LORD HOWE ISLAND. Chris, VK5CP, will be operating in the "holiday
mode" from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) as VK5CP/9, and as of January 19th
(his birthday), through January 24th, he will be focusing on 30 meters
(data), 20 meters and 6 meters depending on conditions. Chris will be
using a IC-7000, LDG Z2Pro Tuner and a Buddistick vertical antenna. He
also has a SignaLink USB interface and Mix W software which he plans to
use the data modes PSK31 and RTTY. He expects to have InterNet access
and should be logged into Skype as VK5CP. Chris plans to post his log
on LoTW and eQSL upon his return to VK5. Please QSL via VK5CP (and be
patient as he will have to print some cards).

VK0/AX0, MACQUARIE ISLAND (Special Event/Update). Look for Trevor, VK0TH,
to be active as AX0TH on January 26th, to celebrate "Australia Day". QSL
via JE1LET. UPDATE FROM TREVOR (on "Thank You - Pile Ups have
been much more controlled of late and I thank you for the efforts. I
continue to try to do at least an hour or two of radio a day after my
working day has finished on Macquarie. Operating hours are typically
0700-1200 UTC. Current Modes are SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and Hell. Occasionally,
I will visit the ON4KST chat room. I won't take individual requests in
the chat room or via E-mail, however, am happy to work the bands when they
are open and let you know where I am."

VP6, PITCAIN ISLAND. After a three day sail, the team of five operators
are now active as VP6T from Pitcain Island (IOTA OC-044, WFF GFF-053)
until February 4th. They arrived on the island on Friday, around 1700z,
January 20th. Their activity will be on 160-10 meters CW, SSB and RTTY,
and giving this extremely rare entity to deserving DXers on as many
bands as possible, especially on the lower bands. QSL via G3XF, direct
or by the Bureau, LoTW and OQRS. More details are available on their
Web site at:        
LAST MINUTE UPDATE: They have begun uploading QSOs to LoTW.

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Special Bulletin No. 1046.1
BID: $OPDX.1046.1
January 24, 2012
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K2MGA, W2VU and G3SXW for the following DX information.

CQ PRES RELEASE (ARRL, CQ, Sign Agreement to Provide Logbook of the World
Support for CQ Awards). The following press release was sent out by Richard
Moseson, W2VU:

  For more information, contact:
  Harold Kramer (WJ1B)
  Chief Operating Officer
  ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio
  (860) 594-0200 /

  Richard Ross (K2MGA)
  CQ Communications, Inc.
  (516) 681-2922 /

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 24, 2012

  ARRL & CQ Sign Agreement to Provide
  ARRL’s Logbook of The World Support for CQ's Awards

  (Hicksville, NY and Newington, CT - Jan. 24, 2012) – CQ Communications,
  Inc. (CQ) and ARRL – the national association for Amateur Radio, have
  signed an agreement to begin providing support for CQ-sponsored operating
  awards by the ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW) electronic confirmation
  system.. The agreement was announced jointly today by ARRL Chief Operating
  Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B, and CQ Communications President Richard Ross,

  CQ's awards will be the first non-ARRL awards supported by LoTW and
  will be phased in, beginning with the CQ WPX award. Additional CQ awards
  will follow. The ARRL's LoTW system, an interactive database recording
  contacts between radio amateurs was created in 2003  and has been
  adopted by 47,500 radio "hams" worldwide. It already has records of
  400 million contacts and grows weekly. The target date for beginning
  LoTW support for WPX is April 1, 2012. Amateurs will be able to use
  LoTW logs to generate lists of confirmed contacts to be submitted for
  WPX credit. Standard LoTW credit fees and CQ award fees will apply.

  ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, observed that this
  step gives radio amateurs throughout the world an inexpensive and
  convenient means of gaining credits toward CQ’s popular operating
  awards. "LoTW has significantly increased interest and participation
  in the ARRL's DXCC, Worked All States and VUCC awards programs. We
  anticipate a similarly positive response to the addition of the CQ
  WPX award. Amateurs will be able to spend more time operating and
  less time chasing QSL cards."

  CQ President Richard Ross, K2MGA, said he is very pleased to be able
  to move forward with Logbook support for CQ awards. "We have had
  excellent results with electronic confirmations for several years,"
  he said, "and I am glad that we are now able to begin expanding that
  convenience to those participants in our award programs who use Logbook
  of the World. We look forward to a smooth launch for WPX, and to the
  expansion of LoTW support to include the rest of our award programs
  as well."

  ARRL ( is the national association for Amateur Radio in
  the United States and publisher of its membership journal QST. CQ
  Communications, Inc. ( is publisher of CQ Amateur Radio
  and several other magazines.  There are currently over 700,000 Amateur
  Radio licensees in the USA and approximately 2.5 million worldwide.

  To learn more go to  <>.


SPECIAL EVENT (Titanic Centenary – Station GR100MGY - Press Release
No. 1, 23 January 2012): The sinking of White Star Line's RMS Titanic on
15th April 1912 sent shock-waves around the world and has touched our
hearts ever since. Those who perished in this disaster will be remembered
on its 100th anniversary during many commemorative events.
  Within amateur radio we recognise that this event marked the first time
that Morse code saved so many lives at sea. Jack Phillips (1887-1912) was
the liner's Chief Marconi Wireless Operator. He perished only after sending
distress signals in Morse right until the ship foundered, thereby saving
hundreds of lives. Jack was from Godalming, Surrey, where his heroism is
constantly recalled.  A group of local radio amateurs commemorated his
heroism on the 90th anniversary of the sinking by setting up a radio
station in Godalming with the call-sign GB90MGY. The letters 'MGY' were
used by RMS Titanic for all its radio transmissions. Five years later,
the Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group (WVARG), activated a similar commemor-
ative station in Godalming, this time using GB95MGY.
  For the 2012 centenary a much larger project to honour Jack's memory
will be mounted in Godalming by the Wey Valley club. From Tuesday 10th
April (when Titanic sailed from Southampton), until the day of the sinking,
Sunday 15th April, two transmitters will be manned continuously, with the
special call-sign GR100MGY (Godalming Remembers the Centenary of the
Titanic Disaster). There will be a short pause in transmissions at 0547 GMT
on the Sunday, the time when distress messages ceased minutes before the
liner sank. The transmitters will make contacts around the world, mostly
in Morse code, targeting 15,000 two-way exchanges. Each contact may be
confirmed with a specially printed card depicting Titanic and Jack Phillips.
  We offer our grateful thanks to Charterhouse for providing operating
facilities at their excellent Godalming location, to Ofcom for allocating
the special call-sign and to Waverley Borough Council and Godalming Town
Council for their support and embodying this event in their commemorative
  During Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th April, from 12:00 noon until 4:00pm,
the general public will be welcome to visit the station to observe the
transmissions and to participate in this memorable commemorative event.
  Further information:  Michael Shortland, G0EFO,


For Amateur Radio Publications
  Some fifteen operators will man two 400 watt transmitters on the eight
HF bands from 3.5 to 28 MHz , using directional antennas. Only CW will be
used except on the open days, 14-15th April, when SSB will help the public
to understand the operation.  Activity on VHF is also planned.  QSL inform-
ation can be found at:
  GR100MGY will be located at 0° 37’ 18” West, 51° 11’ 49” North, Locator
IO91qe: Charterhouse, Hurtmore  Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2DX.
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