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Главная » 2012 » Февраль » 13 » Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1049
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1049
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1049
BID: $OPDX.1049
February 13, 2012
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q & ARRL DX, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX,
WB6RSE, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), W9ILY, AT International, DK8JB &
The DX News Letter, DL1SBF,, DX-World.Net, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les
Nouvelles DX, G0IAS, I1HYW, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, JS6RRR, LY5W, OZ6OM
& 50 MHz DX News, RSGB IOTA Web Site, VA3RJ & ICPO, VE3DX, VHF-DX-Portal
and VU2DSI for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 5th-February, through Sunday, 12th-February there were 226
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5B, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P,
8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6,
A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU,
CX, D2, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX,
EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FS, FW, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU,
GW, H40, HA, HB, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2,
J3, J5, J6, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4,
LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2,
P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV/a,
SV5, SV9, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2,
UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V8, VE, VK, VK0M, VP5, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR,
VU, XE, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4,
ZD7, ZF, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

Operators Elmo/EA5BYP and Javier/EA5KM will once again be active from
Annobon Island (AF-039) and Bioko Island (AF-010, DXCC - Equatorial
Guinea) using the callsigns 3C0E and 3C6A, respectively. The official
dates have been announced this past week. The whole DXpedition will
take place between February 22nd and March 11th. Operations will take
place from the following islands:
  3C6A - Bioko Island; between February 22-26th
  3C0E - Annobon Island (Pagalu); between February 28th and March 11th

  QSL both callsigns via EA5BYP: Elmo Bernabé Coll, P.O.Box 3097,
03080 Alicante, Spain. They are looking for sponsors for this very
expensive operation. For more details and updates, watch the Web pge at:

3V, TUNISIA. SWL Ashraf "Ash", 3V4-002 (KF5EYY), will be active as 3V8SS
from the "Radio Club Station of Tunisian Scouts" in Sousse, during the
ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power
entry. QSL via LoTW or to LX1NO. Read about Ashraf on the following Web
page at:        

4W, TIMOR-LESTE (Update/QRT). Vlad, UA4WHX, is now QRT as 4W0VB. According
to, Vlad states [edited]: "Now, 4W0VB went off the air. US5ETV
and WA4WHX have been around, helping as much as they could. Great thanks
to both of them! If you worked 4W0VB - you worked OC-148 (main island of
East Timor - between January 11th-February 2nd and February 6-8th). If
4W0VB/p has been logged - you got OC-232 (Atouro Island - February 3-5th)
for yourself. All the valid QSOs have been uploaded to LoTW. If you need
a paper QSL, I would suggest you request it rather directly than via the
buro. USD cash in an envelope is a very bad idea. IRCs are better than
USDs. PayPal is perfect - my choice. Use E-mail
for Pay Pal. A few QSOs are perhaps not in the log, either pirates or QRM,
we will never know now. We could have busted your call, it may have
happened. Feel free any time to ask if that may be the case, do not
hesitate at all." Vlad's E-mail address is listed on, as well as
pictures he took from 4W.

6O, SOMALIA. By the time you read this, Darko, J28AA/E70A, is expected
to be active (on Monday, February 13th) from Hargeisa until February 20th.
Mixed reports about his callsign indicate that he will probably use 6O3A
and not 6O0DX as first announced. Also, reports indicate that he will
return to the Minister of Telecom on Monday to give a live demonstration
of operating (probably on 15 or 20 meters SSB), whereby his license and
callsign will be granted. Using a FT-857D into a multi-band vertical
antenna, Darko will be active on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB. While
there Darko will also try to teach and demostrate amateur radio to the
locals in Hargeisa and possibly establish a radio club by donating an
IC-735 transceiver with an antenna. QSL via K2PF.

6V, SENEGAL. Vladimir, RK4FF, will be active as 6V7S from Le Calao in
Ngaparou between now and February 22nd. Activity is on 80/40/20/15/10
meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via RK4FF.

6Y, JAMAICA. Yuri, VE3DX, will be active as 6Y2T during the ARRL DX CW
Contest (February 18-19th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. He will be on
Jamaica between February 14-21st. Activity outside of the contest will
be on 160-10 meters, including the 30/17/12 meter bands and using CW,
SSB and RTTY. QSL via VE3DZ.

9TH AAW ACTIVITY...................
* How in its ninth year, the Antarctic Activity Week (AAW) now boasts
  over 40 special event stations world-wide. All for the purpose of
  promoting awareness of the important work done by the scientific
  community and its associated amateur operators who delve out QSOs
  when their work schedule permits. The February 2012 QST has a great
  article on the AAW.

* "Scotty", WK3N, (WAP 192) is now in his third year of contributing.
  He will be passing out QSOs between February 20-26th. His special AAW
  QSL and associated links to awards can be see on (under WK3N).
  His QSL card displays a rare October 1956 photo taken on the first
  days of the construction of the South Pole Station showing parachutes
  dropping construction materials. WK3N's special event QSL has even
  made its way to the South Pole station where it is on display. QSL
  is via the Bureau or direct with SASE or SAE and one IRC.

* Look for three Italian National Antarctic Museums to be activate during
  the upcoming 9th Antarctic Activity Week (AAW), from three different
  cities between February 20-26th. Stations will be operating from inside
  the museums and will be active on all bands and modes. Look for the
  following stations to be on the air:
    II1MNA (WAP-60) - The National Antarctic Museum of Genova. QSL via
                      I1UP. No E-QSL. The log will be available online
                      Other info available at:
    II3MNA (WAP-205) - The National Antarctic Museum of Trieste. QSL via
    IO5ANT (WAP-210) - The National Antarctic Museum of Siena. QSL via

  More detailed information can be found on under the museum's
  callsign. Also, info about the AAW event can be found on the WAP Web
  site at:          

AH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Masa, JI1DSO, will be active as AH0/AE6YW from the
Saipan (OC-086) Rental Shack between February 29th and March 6th. Activity
will be on 80-6 meters including the satellites. QSL via JA6GMC.

A2, BOTSWANA (DXpedition Update). Operators Frosty/K5LBU (A25CF), Keith/
VE7MID, Don/VE7DS (A25DS) and another operator to be named later will
be active from the Lotsane Safari Lodge between March 18-27th. The group
plans to be active in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th) as A25HQ.
They will have about 3 rigs and a log periodic plus wire antenna covering
160 meters and up. Look for more details to be forthcoming.

AU2, INDIA (Special Event). By the time you read this, you may have a day
or two (expected QRT is February 13th) to work this unique 'Ham Radio
Expedition' that will be carried out at 'LOTHAL' in the Gujarat state,
which is an Indian historic place (one of the most prominent cities of
the ancient Indus valley civilization, dating from 2400 BC). Operators
will sign AU2LOH. Activity will be on CW, SSB and STV. Their suggested
frequencies are 7035, 7070, 7150, 14150, 14220, 21310, 21280 and 28550
kHz. Operators mentioned are: VU2ZNN, VU2EXP, VU2BGH, VU3RID, VU3KDG,
VU2AGJ, VU3SEG (and his XYL Shikha), VU3BUT, VU2WWX, VU2XX, VU2VMJ,
VU3PMU, VU2QBX, VU3TPN and SWL Suhash. QSL via VU3SYB. More details
about LOTHAL can be seen at:

CR3/CT9, MADEIRA ISLANDS. Operators Ulrich/DJ2YA, Falk/DK7YY, Ulf/DL5AXX,
Tom/DL5LYM and Frank/DL8WAA will be active as CR3L from Santana, Madeira
Island (AF-014) during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a
Multi-2 entry. QSL via DJ6QT. Operators will be active as CT9/homecall
before and after the contest. QSL via their home callsigns. Check out
the CR3L station's Web page at:

CT8, AZORES. Mario, DL2UX (ex-TY1JB), will be active as CT8/DL2UX from
Graciosa Island (EU-175, DIP AZ-004, PIP AC-004, WLOTA 0113) between
February 14-22nd. He is calling this a "Training Dxpedition" -- training
Persistence (biking, running, swimming and pile up; Triathlon and Ham
Radio). Activity will be on CW and SSB, and the HF bands testing antennas
for 20, 40 and 80m. He will use an IC706 MKIIG or something better. QSL
via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

CY9, ST. PAUL ISLAND (Press Release #1 [edited]): "St. Paul Island is
called the Graveyard of the Gulf and that is where an international,
seasoned team of DXers will be heading to later this year.
  Plans are well under way for a 10-man team to activate this now wanted
DXCC entity which was last on air in 2005. When you consider most needed
entities (perhaps out with the Top 10) are activated every five years or
so, it is now time to mount a serious effort from CY9.
  Most operators will be unaware that in 2010, St. Paul Island became the
highest mover on DX Magazines most wanted list; from #77 to #47. Today,
according to that list and ClubLog, CY9 is needed more than entities such
as Tokelau (ZK3) or PY0T (Trindade & Martim Vaz).
  The team consists of Mike/AB5EB, Oscar/EA1DR, George/EA2TA, Christian/
EA3NT, Simon/IZ7ATN, Col/MM0NDX, Bjorn/SM0MDG, Vicky/SV2KBS, Steve/VA3FM
and Kevin/VE3EN.
  From late July to early August, IOTA Contest included, the group will be
active all bands, modes (160-2m) with special attention on 6m and 160m,
if propagation allows.
  A Web site is currently under construction and will be ready in a few
short weeks where much more info can be found. The QSL Manager for the
expedition is M0URX."

D4, CAPE VERDE. Rick, N6KT, will be active as D44TRS from Cape Verde
between March 17-29th. Details of activity were not provided, but he
will be active as D4A during CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th). QSL
via KU9C.

E5, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS (Update). John, N5JB, will be active as E51NJB
from the Rarotonga Islands (OC-013) starting February 13th and depart on
the 25th. John informs OPDX, "The Rarotonga Beach Bungalows resort I will
be staying at is on the East side of the Island, so my path to the USA
will slightly favor the East coast over the West coast. I will have a
mountain between me and Asia. I expect to operate all bands, but I will
be there with my wife, and I am operating holiday style. I will be doing
some [activity] on the night time bands, but more on the daytime bands.
I will probably operate a lot of CW, but I think there may be a need
for phone because E51NNV (I think that was the call) did such a good
job on CW and probably reduced the CW need by quite a bit. Maybe a good
contest style phone operation would have a good rate. I will test both
[modes] and see which plays best." Activity will include the ARRL DX
CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry.
QSL via LoTW or N5JB.

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE. Just a reminder that German operators Peter/DG1FK
and Sigi/DK9FN will once again return to Temotu Province for a third time
and be active as H40FK (PSK/RTTY) and H40FN (CW), respectively. Activity
will again be from Lata Motel on Nendo Island (OC-100) between February
7-20th. Operations will probably be on 160-6 meters depending on the band
conditions. QSL H40FN via HA8DD, and H40FK via DG1FK.

IOTA NEWS..............
  AF-042.  Members of the "Invoker Team" will be active as EG3INT/7 from
          Alborán Island (WLOTA 1061, ARLHS SPA-145, DIE S-001, DME
          04013, WW GRID IM85LW), an island half-way between Europe and
          Africa, between February 16-20th. The team plans to have up to
          3 simultaneous stations on air, covering most HF bands in
          order to give a fair chance to all operators world-wide who
          need this IOTA reference, working mostly on SSB and CW modes.
          Operators mentioned are Jordi/EA3ATM, Jaume/EA3DW, Christian/
          EA3NT, Ramon/EA3OR and Raul/EA5KA. QSL via EA5KA. To read the
          complete press release, go to (under EG3INT/7).

  EU-039.  Keith, G3TTC, will be active as F/G3TTC from Chausey Island
          (DIFM MA-004, DDFM 50, DPF 04, WLOTA 0424) between June
          16-22nd. Activity will be holiday style probably on 80/40/20/15
          meters SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the RSGB

  EU-127.  Operators Max/DJ4EL, Alex/IZ4AMS, Enrico/IK2FIL, Joerg/DJ1JB,
          Ben/DO1BEN and Enrique/XE2AA will be active as DD4T from
          Helgoland Island (GID/DID N-014, WLOTA 0518) between June
          3-10th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using all modes.
          QSL via IZ4AMS, by the Bureau or direct.

  EU-137.  Lars, SM6CUK, will once again be active as SA6G/7 from Ven
          Island (WLOTA 0780) between July 25-30th. Activity will include
          an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th). QSL via his
          home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

  NA-213.  Operators Allan/KV4T, Steve/KI4GGJ, John/AJ4T, Gaston/W4CCF
          and Nicholas/KJ4AVG will be active as homecall/p from Dauphin
          Island (USI AL002S, Mobile County, Alabama), between June
          22-25th. KV4T/p will be on 17 meter CW and AJ4T/p on 20 meter
          SSB. The others operators will activate the other bands,
          depending on the propagation. QSL via the individual operator's
          home callsign.

J5, GUINEA-BISSAU. The Verona Section of A.R.I. (Italian Radioamateurs
Association) is organizing by the means of a group of its members called
"Verona DX Team" a DXpedition [with a humanitarian and amateur radio
purposes] to Guinea-Bissau -- one of the poorest countries in the world.
Guinea-Bissau is "most wanted", especially on CW, RTTY and the Digital
modes, and has never been activated on EME. The EME operations are
scheduled to take place between March 24th and April 6th. In addition to
the VHF, they will try to be operative on UHF and 6 meters too. The
callsign will be J52EME, and the location will be in the Cumura Mission
(WW. Locator IK21DT). The suggested frequencies are: 144.130, 432.090
and 50.200 MHz. Simultaneously, they will also be active as J52HF with
two stations on the HF bands, 80-6 meters using all modes. The suggested
frequencies are:
  CW  - 3520, 7020, 10105, 14020, 18075, 21020, 24895 and 28020 kHz
  SSB  - 3780, 7065/7160, 14150, 18150, 21300, 24945 and 28430 kHz
  RTTY - 3580, 7050, 10140, 14080, 18100, 21080, 24920 and 28080 kHz
  6m  - Skeds only for both CW and SSB (See Web page for details.)

  Operations will be based mainly on RTTY and CW modes, but that doesn't
mean that they will not be active on SSB. They will be present in the CQWW
WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th). Operators mentioned are Lucio/I3LDP (Team
Leader, SSB, RTTY, 6m), Silverio/IK3IUL (CW, SSB, RTTY), Livio/IZ3BUR (SSB,
RTTY), Walter/I3VJW (CW, SSB, RTTY), Libero/IK3RBE (SSB, RTTY, 6m), Enzo/
6m) and Ilario/IZ3STA (SSB, RTTY, 6m). QSL via I3LDP, direct or by the
Bureau. See the Web page for more details about QSLing. For more details
and updates, visit the J52 DXpedition Web page at:

JW, SVALBARD. Operators Mitko/LZ1UQ and Andy/LZ2HM will be active as
JW/homecall from Svalbard between February 15-21st. Activity will be on
all HF bands using CW, SSB and possibly RTTY. They also plan to be in
the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th). QSL via their info on

KH2, GUAM (Update). Operators Takeshi "TAKE"/JS6RRR and Akihiko "AKI"/AB0IH
are now active as KH2/JS6RRR and AB0IH/KH2 from Guam Island (OC-026, USI
GU003S, WFF KFF-110, WLOTA 0064 and Grid Loc. QK23) until 0300z, February
14th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, FM, RTTY and PSK31.
QSL AB0IH/KH2 via JI3BAP and KH2/JS6RRR via JS6RRR. Please check
for details.

KH2, GUAM. Hisashi, JF2SKV, will be active as NH0S/KH2 during the ARRL
DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry.

Feb/13th  AN-HN  Feb/16th  AN      Feb/18th  AN
Feb/14th  AN      Feb/17th  AN      Feb/19th  AN
Feb/15th  AN

    NORMALITY              GEOMAG      K Values    Alpha
  -----------------        ------      --------    ------
  AN  - Above Normal      Quiet        K=0-1      0-7
  HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=2        8-15
  LN  - Low Normal        Active      K=3        16-29
  BN  - Below Normal      Minor Storm  K=4        30-49
  DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=5        50-99
  VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9      100-400

KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Masashi, JL1FUQ, will be active as W2GJ/KH0 from
Saipan (OC-086, USI NI002S, WLOTA 1333, WW Loc. QK25UF) between April
29th and May 3rd. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using all modes.
There is a possibility of some 6 meters operations. QSL via his home

LX, LUXEMBOURG. Operators Lars/DF1LON, Gerd/DF9TS, Norbert/DJ7JC, Wil/
PA0BWL and Philippe/LX2A will be active as LX7I during the ARRL DX CW
Contest (February 18-19th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via LX2A. QSL
via LX2A. Visit the following Web page at:

LY16, LITHUANIA. Look for special event station LY16W to be on the air
until February 29th. Activity is to celebrate "The Act of Independence
of Lithuania". This is the first time ever that the LY16 prefix is being
used on the air! Activity will be on all bands, 160-10 meters, using CW,
BPSK, SSB and RTTY. QSLs are welcome via the Bureau, eQSL, LoTW and
direct via LY5W. This is a good chance to confirm a new prefix for the
many WPX awards. Check out the LY5W prefixes trophies corner at:

M5, ENGLAND (Special Contest Station). Look for the special contest
station M5E to be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th)
from the historical site of Marconi's original trans-Atlantic tests in
Cornwall. Operators from the Wireless Contesters Olof/G0CKV, Kazu/JK3GAD,
Oliver/W6NV and Seppo/OH1VR will operate as a Multi-2 entry. Special
QSLs will commemorate contacts on multiple bands. QSL to G0CKV. Read
more about M5E on

NP4, PUERTO RICO. Felipe, NP4Z, will be active during the ARRL DX CW
Contest (February 18-19th) as a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL via

OH0, ALAND ISLAND. Operator Tomi, OH6EI, will once again be active as
OH0Z, but this time during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as
a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via W0MM.

P3, CYPRUS. Jack, R2AA (ex-RW3QC), will be active as P3N during the
CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry. QSL via RW3RN.

PJ4, BONAIRE. Operators Martin/W1MD, Charles/K1XX and possibly others
will be active as PJ4X during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th)
as a Multi-2 entry. QSL PJ4X via LoTW or direct to W1MD. Operators will
be active outside of the contest with their own individual callsigns.
QSL via their home callsign.

PJ4, BONAIRE. Four stateside operators from Georgia will be going to the
K2NG rental QTH on Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA LH-1279) for CQWW WPX SSB Contest
in March. They will travel down on March 20th and return on March 27th.
The team should be active as PJ4/homecall between March 21-27th and in
CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th), they will use the contest callsign
PJ4Z as a Multi-2/High-Power entry. Operators are John/K4BAI, Fred/WW4LL,
Brian/NA4BW and Eric/W4DXX. Their activity will be on CW, RTTY, and SSB,
outside the contest using their PJ4/homecalls. They have ordered photo
QSLs and all five callsigns should be QSLed via K4BAI. Requests for bureau
cards may be sent to <>. The PJ4Z logs will be uploaded to
LoTW and probably some of the non-contest logs too.

PJ7, SINT MAARTEN. By the time you read this, Gary, AK4GP, should be
active as PJ7/AK4GP from Sint Maarten (NA-105, WLOTA 383, DIFO FS-001)
until February 17th. Activity will be QRP CW on 40 and 20 meters using
an Elecraft KX1. QSL via LoTW.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated February 12th)
  4K6/JR0HYT via JR0HYT      HB9/ON4TO via ON4TO        PJ4/N4RR via N4RR
  8S50BQ via SM7BHM          HI0UD via ON4IQ            RA/SM6LRR via SM6LRR
  9Y4NW via EB7DX            HI3DX via EB7DX            S540DKR via S59DKR
  AB0IH/KH2 via JI3BAP      IQ5RR via IW5EID            SN51SDA via SP7PSW
  AD7UV/VK3 via JA8DKJ      IX1/IW1CAB via IX1/IW1CAB  SN51SEW via SP7SEW
  CT9/GW0ANA via GW0ANA      KG4KL via KN4KL            T88ZT via JA3HZT
  D2EB via IZ3ETU (direct)  KH6/VE7AHA via KH6/VE7AHA  TB2ZHI via HA5OJ
  DR650BAR via DL9SUE        KP2/KZ5D via KZ5D          V85/9M8Z via M0URX
  EA8/OH6MKL via OH6MKL      LX/DL8DXL/P via DL8DXL      VK8/OZ1AA via OZ1ACB
  EH3FCM via EA3HP          OE1KIDS via OE1XIC          W6IB/VK3 via JA8EFI
  EM80UKO via UR7UC          ON100TT via ON4EKO          XV3AA via JA6UHG
  FR5FC via EA7FTR          PA63PSK via PA2LP          YV5RNE via YV5AJ
  GX4BJC/A via G6XOU        PI6V via PI4EDE            ZW78AA via PY2AA

  announced this past week, on behalf of Elaine the widow of Harry, 7Q7HB,
  thanks to all who sent their condolence messages to Elaine, she has asked
  him to say a 'BIG THANK YOU' to all who did. He also announced that at
  this time the following: "On the anniversary of Harry's death, 12th
  DECEMBER 2012, I will CEASE to answer ANY QSL Cards for 7Q7HB. I have
  ALL the logs of ALL Harry's QSOs from 7Q7, if people NEED a card they
  have until the 12th DECEMBER to send for one. After that date ALL cards
  will be ignored and returned. It is VERY stressing and depressing to
  answer cards for a Guy who has been your best pal for 50 years...I am
  also seriously thinking of doing the same with 7Q7RM's cards. Ron has
  now been "SK" for 6 years and I still get cards for him. Neither he nor
  Harry require QSLs now... so I guess after the 12th December I should
  stop replying to cards for either station...... If anyone has any
  questions, my E-mail is good at, I will reply to ANY questions."
  If you need a 7Q7HB and 7Q7RM QSL, remember to ONLY QSL DIRECT to G0IAS:
  Allan Hickman, The Conifers, High Street, Elkesley, Retford, DN22 8AJ,

  (OQRS) is now active as of Monday, February 5th, at about 1500 UTC.
  Also, the HK0NA QSL Manager Bob, N2OO, informs: "Just uploaded the
  separate 'Fab Four' (HK1N, HK1T, HK1MW and HK6F) Malpelo logs to ClubLog
  <> for anyone who wants to search their QSOs.
  They are listed as homecall/HK0M. For example, HK1MW/HK0M."

  PJ4C LOG. Bernard, F9IE, QSL Manager for the past PJ4C Dxpedition,
  reported this past week mistakes have been fixed to the PJ4C log and
  have been uploaded to Clublog <>.
  There will be, if necessary, a new log upload to Clublog, at the end
  of February. LoTW uploading is scheduled but not for several months.
  They request patience.

  TO3J QSL information:  

  UZBEKISTAN QSLS. Les, WF5E, from the DX-QSL Service, reports: "I just
  received about 600 mixed QSLs from Uzbekistan. These are for USA
  stations, and I will forward them shortly to various bureaus and
  some directs. Some are 'Thanks QSLs' and some 'PSE QSLs'."

  VP6T OQRS NOW ACTIVE. The VP6T Team has announced that just one week
  after the end of the VP6T Pitcairn DXpedition over 23,000 QSOs [41%]
  of the 56,300 QSOs have already been "QSLed" on LoTW. If you would
  still like a direct QSL or a Bureau QSL you can now request them via
  the OQRS facility on ClubLog. Go to ClubLog. Find your QSOs, and press
  "Request QSL". QSL cards can also be requested in the traditional way
  (letter for direct or E-mail for Bureau) via the QSL Manager Nigel,
  G3TXF. However, if you have already received your LoTW "QSLs" and do
  not specifically require a traditional paper QSL, you are still welcome
  to make a small "thank you" donation to the VP6T operation via the VP6T
  Website donate button at:
  Additional photos will be posted on this web site once the team is back
  home. Meanwhile, there are some pictures on the following Web pages:
    Travelling to Pitcairn:
    The VP6T station:
      You can click directly from one page to the other (at the top).


  6W1SJ, 6W7SK, 8Q7DV, 9M2/KM9D, 9N7MD, BU100, C5A, C50A, CR2X, E51MAN,

  BA7IO, C56E, H40FN, IS0R, OJ0W, S9DX, SV9/DJ7RJ, T31A, TO5SM, TO7RJ,
  V5/DK1CE, V63MCA, V73QQ and YJ0MM

T6, AFGHANISTAN. Eric, K9GY, will be active as T6MO from the Helmand
Province (Grid MM21) during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th)
as a Single-Op entry. Activity will be mainly on 40 and 20 meters only
using 100 watts into a OCF dipole at 30 feet. Check during his sunrise
and sunset. QSL via LoTW or to K9GY (see direct or by the Bureau.

TG, GUATEMALA. Bill, W0OR, will be active as TG8/W0OR from Quetzaltenango
between now and March 26th. He is there studying Spanish, but will have
some free time and plans to operate mostly CW, but some SSB as time
permits. He will also be in the ARRL DX Contest. He will try to get on
160m, if possible.  Space is somewhat restricted. QSL via W0OR.

TI, COSTA RICA. Operators Robert/N6OPR and Terry/N0TW will be active as
TI5/K6MQ between August 1-8th. Their activity will include the 10-10
Summer QSO Party (August 4-5th). QSL via N0TW.

V7, MARSHALL ISLANDS (Update). Jim, K4FW, will once again be heading to
Kwajalein Island (OC-028) in March because of his job with the Orbital
Sciences Corporation. He works with the Pegasus launch vehicle. More
specifically, as the Launch Panel Operator (LPO) and is part of the flight
crew on the Orbital's L-1011. Jim informs OPDX that he will be using the
Kwajalein club station (V73AX) on the southern most side of the island
and hopes to once again sign V73FW (application was sent in), if not then
he will probably use V7/K4FW and not the club callsign. Activity will be
after his work hours for the day on Kwajalein. He states, "I'm taking a
Ten Tec Eagle out with me to use and plan to do SSB on any band that's
open and use whatever V73AX has for antennas. I recently updated the
information on for V73FW." QSL via K4FW, direct or by the Bureau.

VK0H, HEARD ISLAND (DXpedition Cancelled!). The "" announced
this past week that the February 2013 DXpedition to Heard Island has been
cancelled. No other details were provided. OPDX has sent an E-mail to
Jim Linton/VK3PC, Publicist for the Heard Island 2013 DXpedition to
find out why, but we have not received an answer yet. However, there is
some hope. The "" also mentioned that Daniel Kelton of Sydney,
will be sailing solo to Heard Island to attempt to climb its mountain
and kayak around its shores. David, states, "I understand that Heard
Island is a much sought after destination for DX and HAM radio operators.
I would be very happy to transmit from there but would need a lot of advice
and guidance about HAM radio." David does have a Blog page with all
his information about his plans and would also be very happy to answer
questions about his upcoming expedition. His Blog page is at:

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND. Operators Jim/N6TJ and Rick/N6ND will be active
as ZD8Z and ZD8R, respectively, from Ascension Island (AF-003) between
February 13-28th. Jim is expected to be in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February
18-19th) as a Single-Op/All-Band-High-Power entry. QSL ZD8Z via AI4U,
direct or by the Bureau. QSL ZD8R via N6ND.

ZF, CAYMAN ISLANDS (NA-016). John, K6AM, will be active as ZF2AM during
the CQ 160 Meter SSB Contest (February 24-26th) as a Single-Op/High-Power
entry. QSL via K6AM, direct or by the Bureau or LoTW.
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