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Главная » 2012 » Июль » 2 » Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1068
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1068 | 07:04 |
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 1068 BID: $OPDX.1068 July 2, 2012 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, N1DG, NC1L, NG3K & ADXO, NJ1Q & W1AW, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4JF, KH6BZF, K8GI, K8YSE, NE8Z/HC1MD, W8GEX & 60m News, WB8YJF, W9ILY, AT International, DK8JB & The DX News Letter, DL1SBF, DxCoffee.com, DX-World.Net, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, HA0HW, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete's DX- Newsdesk, PS7AB, RSGB IOTA Web Site, Sixitalia Weekly, TA1HZ, TA2RX, VA3RJ & ICPO and the VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) for the following DX information.
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 24th-June, through Sunday, 1st-July there were 212 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5W, 5Z, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J3, J5, J6, JA, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TN, TT, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
1A, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA (Reminder). By the time you read this, an international team of 13 operators will be active as 1A0C between July 1-4th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Special attention will be paid to non-European stations (especially from the U.S. and Japan). QSL via OQRS or LoTW. Please carefully read, the following URL page about the QSL Policy at: http://www.1a0c.com/qsl-information For more details and updates, see: http://www.1a0c.com
5C13, MOROCCO. Look for Moroccan amateur radio operators to use the special prefix 5C13 between July 1-27th. Activity is in celebration of the 13th anniversary of the crowning of Mohammed VI King of Morocco. Stations heard as of print time: 5C13IG, 5C13KD, 5C13NK, 5C13SG and 5C13YZ.
9Y, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Members of the Trinidad And Tobago Amateur Radio Society will be active as 9Y4HQ during the IARU HF World Champion- ships (July 14-15th). Activity will be on all HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL ONLY via DF2RG, direct or by the Bureau.
C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Ivor, ZS1WY, is currently active as C91IW and is expected to be there over the next year. However, Ivor is there working in Mo- zambique, and operations may be limted. QSNs show he was on 160 meters. QSL via ZS1WY.
CY9, ST. PAUL ISLAND (Update). The CY9M Team announced this past week, [edited] "CY9M are delighted to welcome Bill, N2WB, to this exciting expedition. Bill has a wealth of DXpeditioning experience visiting and operating from some of the rarest places on Earth. Welcome aboard Wild Bill!" The following media pages are available for this operation at: Website: http://www.cy9m.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/CY9M Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CY9M.2012
DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL Awards Branch Manager, reports that the following operations are approved for DXCC credit: 3C0E - Annobon; 2012 Operation 3C6A – Equatorial Guinea; 2012 Operation 5X1RO – Uganda; 2012 Operation; ** J25DXA – Djibouti; 2011 Operation J28RO - Djibouti; 2010 Operation ** XW4XR – Laos; 2012 Operation
** - Indicates logs have been uploaded to LoTW. If you've had any of these operations rejected in a recent submission please send an E-mail to <bmoore@arrl.org> to be put on the list for an update.
DXPEDITION AWARDS FROM FRIEDRICHSHAFEN............ * At last weekend's Friedrichshafen Convention, the German DX Foundation announced at their DX forums that the 2011 "DXpedition of the Year" went to the VP8ORK South Orkney DXpedition.
* Tevfik, TA1HZ, who was active as ZA1TC, received the WAEDC 2011 Hero Award in Friedrichshafen, Germany.
DXPEDITION VIDEOS OF THE WEEK (New Feature). With more and more DXpeditions putting their videos on YouTube and other Web services, we decided to list them (possibly) each week. For this week's listings: 1976 - 7J1RL Okino Torishima Island - English Ver. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoNABeU-hVk JA Version - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMmxQ8IfsuY#! 1997 - BS7H Scarborough Reef - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y50WgagQIxM 2004 - ZK3SB Tokelau Island - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWowLbRn94E 2008 - YJ8TZ Vanuatu DXpedition - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaeQd0Lkdq0 2010 - 3B8/IZ4AKS and 3B9/IZ4AKS; Mauritius & Rodrigues Islands Micro- DXpedition - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4MCCZu_V3Y 2011 - YJ0VK Vanuatu DXpedition - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRxBOaGq37M
If you have a DXpedition video available on the Web and would like to have it listed in the OPDX, PLEASE send the URL to use and we will publish it.
EA6, BALEARIC ISLANDS. Flavio, IW2NEF, will be active again as EA6/IW2NEF from Mallorca Island (EU-004) between June 16-27th. Activity will be on the HF bands, 6 meters and 2 meters. QSL via his home callsign.
EI & GI, IRELAND AND NORTHERN IRELAND. Dave, WJ2O, is expected to tour both Ireland and Northern Ireland as EI/WJ2O/m and GI/WJ2O/m, respectively, between July 8-19th. His schedule is as follows: Ireland - July 8-15th and 19th N. Ireland - July 16-18th Activity will be on the HF bands, and he plans as to be in the IARU HF World Championships (July 14-15th) as a Single-Op/Mixed-Mode from Ireland. QSL direct to his home callsign (see QRZ.com). For more information, see his Web site at: http://wj2o.com
FP/TO2, ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON. Operators Yuri/VE3DZ and Victor/VA2WDQ/ VA2WA will be active as FP/VE3DZ and FP/VA2WA from Miquelon (NA-032) between July 20-31st. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Look for them to use the special callsign TO2U for the CQWW VHF (July 21-22nd) and the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th). Suggested frequencies are: CW - 1824, 3524, 7024, 10114, 14024, 18074, 21024, 24894 and 28024 kHz SSB - 3790, 7060/7140, 14240, 18140, 21240, 24940 and 28440 kHz RTTY - 7041, 10142, 14084, 18104, 21084, 24914 and 28080 kHz 6m - 50.104/CW and 50.115/SSB
QSL cards will be available after the DXpedition via OQRS, by the Bureau or direct by using the PayPal system. For more details and updates, visit: http://www.to2u.contestgroupduquebec.com
HD081, ECUADOR. Members of the Quito Radio Club (HC1QRC) will be active as HD081QRC (Hotel Delta Zero Eighty One) between July 14-22nd. Activity will be on all bands, CW and SSB. The operation is to commemorate the founding of the Quito Radio Club 81 years ago. Equipment will include both modern and some beautifully restored vintage radios by Gustavo, HC1BG. QSL via HC1JQ, direct or by the Bureau.
HG, HUNGARY (WFF Op). The members of the Regional Radio Sport Club Puspokladany and quest operators will activate the rare Hevesi Fuves Pusztak Nature Reserve (HAFF-020) between July 13-16th. Operators mentioned are Zoli/HA0DX (Organizer), Viktor/HG0NAZ, Pista/HA0KA and Imi/HA0BW. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and the Digital modes, with up to 4 stations depending on the local situation. QSL via the HA QSL Bureau (via HA0HW).
IOTA NEWS.............. AS-074. Ian, 9M2FB, will be active from Pulau Ketam during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th) as a Single-Op/24HR/CW-Mode/Dx- pedition entry. QSL via his home callsign direct (see QRZ.com).
EU-014. Peter, ON8VP, will be active as TK/ON8VP from Corsica (DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390) between July 1-6th. Activity will be holiday style. QSL via his home callsign, the Bureau is preferred.
EU-015. The special event station SX9S will be active from Crete between July 1st and December 31st. This marks the 50th anniversary of the national park "Samaria Gorge" (SVFF-011). QSL via SV9AUE, by the Bureau or direct.
EU-075. Nikiforos, SV1EEX, will be active as SV1EEX/8 from Hydra Island until the middle of July. Activity will be on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB and PSK. QSL via his home callsign (see details on QRZ.com).
NA-067. Jon, WB8YJF, will be active as WB8YJF/4 from Ocracoke Island (USI NC-001S) between July 22-29th. Activity will include the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th). Operations will be on 80-10 meters using CW, RTTY, and SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct (for a FAST reply) or by the Bureau.
NA-126. Operators Kevin/VE9MY and Linda/VE9GLF will be active from John's Island (CISA NS-127) before, during and after the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th). Both callsigns will be used as a Single-Op/Low-Power entries. QSL both callsigns via VE9MY (see QRZ.com), LoTW, direct or by the Bureau (prefered - E-mail requests are accepted). Visit: http://qsl.net/ve9my
ISWL CALLSIGNS (For July/August/Sepember). The following ISWL club callsigns will be used throughout the month of June/August/Sepember:
Look for G4BJC and M1SWL to be used by several ISWL members in July, August and September, to mark the Olympic Games 2012 in the U.K.
The operators and dates for both club callsigns are as follows:
G4BJC: July 1-20th - GX4BJC - Arthur G-20358 / G0KOC - WAB: TQ62 July 21-27th - GO4BJC/A - John G-20579 / M0HEM - WAB: TQ48 July 28th-August 3rd - GO4BJC/A - Mike G-11331 / M0SMJ - WAB: SS20 August 4-10th - GO4BJC/A - Walt G-8343 / G3NYY - WAB: SO93 August 11-17th - GO4BJC/A - John G-11570 / G8XTJ - WAB: SP80 August 18-24th - GO4BJC/A - Peter G-20322 / G4VFG - WAB: SX65 August 25-31st - GO4BJC/A - Herbie G-20006 / G6XOU - WAB: TM22 September 1-7th - GO4BJC/A - Geof G-20665 / M0BAU - WAB: SJ37 September 8-9th - GO4BJC - Arthur G-20358 / G0KOC - WAB: TQ62 September 10-30th - to be notified
M1SWL: July 1-20th - MX1SWL/A - Tom G-7964 / G3RPV - WAB: TL27 July 21-27th - MO1SWL/A - John G-11570 / G8XTJ - WAB: SP80 July 28th-August 3rd - MO1SWL/A - Peter G-20322 / G4VFG - WAB: SX65 August 4-10th - MO1SWL/A - Geof G-20665 / M0BAU - WAB: SJ37 August 11-17th - MO1SWL/A - Tony G-10476 / G4ZIB - WAB: SO87 August 18-24th - MO1SWL/A - Mike G-11331 / M0SMJ - WAB: SS20 August 25-31st - MO1SWL/A - Walt G-8343 / G3NYY - WAB: SO93 September 1-7th - MO1SWL/A - John G-20579 / M0HEM - WAB: TQ48 September 8-9th - MO1SWL/A - Herbie G-20006 / G6XOU - WAB: TM22 September 10-30th - MX1SWL/A - Tom G-796 4 / G3RPV - WAB: TL27
ALL QSLs will be handled by Herbie, G6XOU, and NOT the individual operators.
For more information, see <http://www.iswl.org.uk> or QRZ.com and eQSL.cc. NO LoTW.
K2, UNITED STATES (Update - Special Notice!!). The 4th annual "Original 13 Colonies - Independence Week - Special Event", has begun as of June 30th (OPDX.1067 for details). However, due to the effects of the severe storms in the Midwest and Northeast resulting in loss of power to many areas and the lack of propagation, the Special Event is being extended until midnight (0400Z) on Saturday 7 July (Sunday Zulu). Note that, due to other commitments, all colony operators may not be on the air at all times during that time period. They will do the best they can to help you get your contacts. PLEASE BE PATIENT! A SPOTTER's PAGE is available at: http://www.cwfun.org/funspots/us13 KH6BZF PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (July 2-8th).... Jul/02nd HN Jul/05th HN-AN Jul/07th AN Jul/03rd HN Jul/06th AN Jul/08th HN Jul/04th HN
SOLAR REFERENCE KEYS/INDEXES AND GEOMAGNETIC REFERENCE ====================================================== NORMALITY GEOMAG K Values Alpha ----------------- ------ -------- ------ AN - Above Normal Quiet K=0-1 0-7 HN - High Normal Unsettled K=2 8-15 LN - Low Normal Active K=3 16-29 BN - Below Normal Minor Storm K=4 30-49 DIS - Disturbed Major Storm K=5 50-99 VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9 100-400
KH8, AMERICAN SAMOA (Reminder). By the time you read this, members of the Russian Robinson Club (RRC), Yuri/N3QQ and Dick/N7RO will be active from American Samoa until July 3rd. They are currently active as KH8PPG, but may sign KH8RRC, depending on how fast the FCC acts on their vanity callsign application from Pago Pago. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY, with two stations on the air - one operating 100 watss and the other with 600 watts. Yuri tells OPDX that they "Plan to stay at hotel near the beach, and have a RTTY station ready to go, all tested/packed." QSL via N7RO. While there, they will install a UHF repeater system for the StarKist tuna plant, and also talk with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS), as well as boat owners about a potential expedition in the future to Rose Atoll (OC-190); possibly during this winter (no dates yet).
KH9, WAKE ISLAND. Paul, N6PSE, reported on eHam.net that the Intrepid DX Group "has just received a letter from the USAF denying our request to do a DXpedition from Wake Island". The group submitted a request two years ago and then "recently sent a follow up letter". Paul also states [edited], "I had E-mailed WA2YUN when I learned he was working on Wake. This was well after we had sent our proposal to the DoD. Now that the Colonel responsible for the base has denied our request, we will focus on other rare entities."
KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Hiro, JL1RXW, is now active as KH0XG from Tinian Island (OC-086) until July 3rd. Activity will be on the HF bands SSB only. QSNs show he is 40 and 15 meters. QSL via his home callsign ONLY, direct or by the Bureau. Don't send to the KH0 Bureau or TINIAN direct.
KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Kirk, WE8A, will be active as WE8A/KH0 from Saipan (OC-086) between Thursday, July 26th, and Sunday, July 29th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters, but with a focus on 30/17/12 meters using CW and SSB. Suggested operating frequencies on the 30/17/12 meter bands will be (+/- QRM): CW - 10106, 18071 and 24901 kHz SSB - 18136 and 24936 kHz QSL ONLY direct to: 5-1-35, Daikaidori, Kobe, 652-0803 JAPAN. Please do not send to the U.S. Bureau or JA Bureau. For more details and updates, go to: http://blog.zaq.ne.jp/kirc/category/5
PC100, THE NETHERLANDS (Special Event). Look for special event station PC100NOM to be active between July 2-29th. Activity is to promote the 100th anniversary of The Netherlands Open Air Museum in Arnhem. The operator is Fred, PA0FAW, and he will be operating on CW, SSB and PSK, ..etc. Fred's reference numbers are DIG1487, ISWL PA-11092 and WAB-11722. QSL via PA0FAW, direct, by the Bureau or eQSL. No LoTW, SWLs are welcome.
PQ7/PW7, BRAZIL. Look for special event stations, PW7FD (SSB & Digital) and PQ7FD (CW), to be active between July 1-30th, in honor of the Brazilian Firefighters. Activity will be on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters. QSL Manager is PS7AB (qrz.com), direct (SASE w/1 USD), or by the Bureau (QSLs from SWLs are welcome) or LoTW. For more information, see: http://www.ps7ab.com.br/pq7fd.htm
PT0, ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL ROCKS. A report on QRZ.com, states that a special event station, "PT0S is a DXpedition to St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago in the Nov/Dec 2012 time frame. " A suggested URL (which seems to not be active yet) will be at: http://www.pt0s.com
QSL INFO AND NEWS..................... QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated July 1st) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3A/DK1AF via DK1AF GP3ZME via G3ZME OH0/OK2BOB via OK2BOB 3B8/HB9ARY via HB9ARY HB0/E77QJ via DJ0QJ OM90ZSE via OM3PA 4O7VB via UA4WHX HB0/JA5AQC via JA5AQC OZ/DG1LHM via DG1LHM 5B4AHL via M0URX I1/F8ENY via F8ENY P3EU via 5B4AHO DP7COTA via DL7RAG JH7DFZ/BY5CD via JH7DFZ R200BS via RK3CQ E7/UA4WHX via UA4WHX KH0XG via JL1RXW TM0CEZ via F5CWU EO2012EURO via UR5WA LZ12FDAY via LZ-Bureau VP2V/W9DR via W9DR ES0/DL1RNW via DL1RNW OG5N via OH1CQ VY0/K9DXA via K9DXA G0/OE8NIK via OE8NIK OH0/OK1AMM via OK1AMM ZA/Z35M via Z35M (d)
(d) direct only (B) Bureau only (L) LoTW
Special event station 5P12EU has gone QRT on June 30th, at 2200z. The operators were very active the last two days to give the opportunity to have QSOs on as many bands as possible since an award is obtainable for QSO on 3 bands (Bronze), 5 bands (Silver) and 7 bands (Gold). The pdf-version of the award is free of charge. Details on QSLing and the Online QSL Request Service can be found here: http://logsearch-oz0j.oz0j.dk/5p12eu.asp DIRECT QSLS CARD WITH INSUFFICIENT PAYMENT WILL BE RETURNED VIA BUREAU. Logs will be uploaded or are now on LoTW. Details and rules for the award are available at: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2651703/5p12euAWARD.pdf http://www.oz5bd.dk/5p12eu/viewpage.php?page_id=6
Freddy, F5IRO, reports that all his logs for J28RO, J25DXA and 5X1RO, have been uploaded to LoTW.
QSL TC6BLH via TA1HZ, direct or by the Bureau. Members of the TC Special Wireless Activity Team (TCSWAT) and the Giresun Radio Amateurs and Nature Sports Club (GITRAD) activated the Boztepe Lighthouse, Sinop (built in 1863), this past weekend. This was the first activation of this lighthouse. For information on the "Western Black Sea Lighthouses On The Air", visit: http://www.tcswat.org/awards/WEBLOTA/index.html
ST2AR QRT. Robert, ST2AR, reports on QRZ.com that he is off the air! He states, "After 2 years, 7 months and 138,000 QSOs the switch has been finally pulled. Last QSO was made on the 9th of June on 24-CW. As I write, I'm on the way to Italy where Rome is my new duty station for the next 5-6 years. See you also from some of the beautiful Italian islands. Thanks to Ralph, K2PF, all ST2AR contacts are now uploaded to LoTW. I will work on the eQSL log after returning home during the summer."
TO2, ST. BARTHELEMY. Operators Ludovic/HB9EOU and Andre/HB9CVC will be active as TO2D from St. Barthelemy Island (NA-146) between July 22nd and August 4th. Activity will be on 40-6 meters using SSB and RTTY. Suggested frequencies are: SSB - 7058/7180, 14195/14269, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz RTTY - 7035, 10140, 14080, 18100, 21080, 24920 and 28080 kHz 6m - 50118 kHz QSL via HB9EOU. For more details and udates, visit: http://st-barth.hb9eme.ch
TM70, FRANCE (Special Event). Operators Philippe/F5SKW, Dimitri/F5SWB, Freddy/F5IRO/J28RO, David/F8CRS, Yves-Michel/F5PRU, and possibly some other hams and French Servicemen will be active as TM70TRS or TM70TE from the 3rd floor of the Eiffel Tower, approximate 300 meters above the ground, between July 12-15th. Activity is to commemorate the 70th anni- versary of the French Army Signal Corps. Activity will be on CW, SSB and RTTY, and on the HF and VHF (JN18du) bands. Operations will be 24 hours each day. A special QSL card will be available. QSL via the F6KHX ARC or F5OGL, direct or by the REF QSL Bureau.
TT8, CHAD. Phil, F4EGS, will once again be active as TT8PK from N’djamena, until August 6th. Activity will be limited due to his work schedule and spare time. Operations last time were on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and some RTTY. QSL via F4EGS, by the Bureau or direct (see QRZ.com for details).
VY0, CANADA (Update). Rob, KC0VEU, is now active with his new callsign AD0AX/VY0 from Eureka, Ellesmere Island, in the Nunavut Territory (NA-008, Grid Loc. EQ79ax) until July 5th. He is there on official business. Some- time during his stay, and weather permitting, he will attempt to operate from the PEARL facility 15km away which is located at 80°N - 86°25'W, and therefore in the rare ER grid (ER60) for those who chase the CQ Grid Fields award and the rare ITU Zone 75. PEARL (the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory) is also a separate base for the Arctic Challenge <www.french-polar-team.fr>. This is Rob's fifth time on Ellesmere. QSL direct or by the Bureau to his home callsign.
XR, CHILE. Members of the Radio Club of Chile will be active as XR3HQ from the Chile HQ station in the IARU HF World Championships (July 14-15th). QSL via the Bureau.
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