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Главная » 2010 » Март » 16 » Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #951
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #951 | 06:58 |
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 951 BID: $OPDX.951 March
15, 2010 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF80.ORG
(Cleveland, Ohio)
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio
Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster
Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1XN &
GoList, N2WB, NC1L, NJ1Q, K3LR, NG3K & ADXO, K4QD, N4AA & QRZ
DX, WD5AAM, K6AW, KH6BZF, K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), K9OT, N0RC, 4J5T, AT
International, DL2VFR, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, DX World.Net, EA3BHK,
& 50 MHz DX News, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, RSGB IOTA Web Site, SQ8X,
YT3W and ZS1HF for the following DX information.
COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week
of Sunday, 7th-March, through Sunday, 14th-March there were 232 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O,
4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P,
8Q, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV,
BY, C3, C5, C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/s,
E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG,
FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB,
HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J7,
J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA,
LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA,
PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7,
T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TN, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN,
UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9C, VK9W, VP2M, VP5, VP6, VP8,
VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS,
YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZP, ZS
PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).
DINNER. The Mother Lode DX and Contest Club is pleased to host the
11th Annual Contest Dinner on Friday, April 16th, at the
International DX Convention <http://www.dxconvention.org> in Visalia, CA.
Contest Dinner tickets are on sale now at: http://www.mldxcc.org There
will be no Contest Dinner tickets sold at the door. Order your tickets
early! The dinner will be held in the Oak room at the Holiday Inn,
Visalia. Dinner Speaker: The Return of Dr. Beldar. Cost and ticket sales:
* Dinner reservations are by pre-payment ONLY - no tickets will
be sold at the door! * 38.00 USDs per person with random
seating; or, 370.00 USDs for a full table for 10 people All
10 tickets must be purchased by ONE person. One table will
then be reserved for that person. Location of the reserved
table will be random. Seating is limited to 150, no tickets will be
sold at the door. Ticket orders MUST be placed by April 12th, 2010.
Please direct any questions to: dinner@sonic.net
ANNOBON ISLAND (Update/Delay). The following was announced on March 12th,
about a delay for the April 3C0C DXpedition (edited): "Today we received
a statement from Equatorial Guinea where we are told that in the coming
days they will start some repairs on the runway on Annobon, and therefore;
np one can not enter or leave on any flights from the island. It
seems that there is hope that the work will last two to three months. Although
we are prepared to leave for Africa at any time, we are forced to
delay our stay at Annobon until work on the runway is completed. Access to
the island of Annobon is by air since the sea is of great difficulty, slow
and without regularity. All news and information will be posted on our site;
we hope you all understand these problems are beyond our control. We want
Annobon 3C0C to be activated as soon as possible. Thank you on behalf of
the entire 2010 3C0C Annobon Island Team." For more details and
updates, visit the 3C0C Web page at: http://www.3c0c-annobon.com
AZERBAIJAN (WFF Op). Look for 4J0WFF to be active from the National Reserve
"Yanar Dagh" (4JFF-016, New One), Burning Hill, starting March 20th,
and be on the air no less than 3 days depending of local conditions. Activity
will be on 40-10 meters (including 30/17/12m) using CW, SSB and PSK-31.
Equipment will be a home-made transceiver by UW3DI (w/PA-3xGU-50) into
Inverted "V's" and a multi-band Loop with P=43m. QSL via: Box 86, Baku,
Az-1000, Azerbaijan.
4S7, SRI LANKA (AS-003). Alexander, UX4UL,
is now active as 4S7ULG from Colombo on the main island (AS-003)
until April 7th. Activity has been mainly on 20 and 17 meters PSK.
QSL via UY5ZZ.
5C, MOROCCO (Reminder). Alfredo, IK7JWX, and a
team of operators will activate the city of Essaouira (Cap Sim
Lighthouse ARLHS MOR-019, Grid Square IM51), Agadir (Grande
Jetee/Jetee Ouest Lighthouse ARLHS MOR-040, Grid Square IM50) and
Marrakech between March 16-23rd. Operators mentioned (with callsigns)
to be active are: Alfredo/IK7JWX (5C2J), Leo/I8LWL (5C2L), Simon/IZ7ATN
(5C2SG), Ruggero/IK2PZC (5C2P), AntoNello/IK2DUW (5C2W) and Michele/IK2GPQ
(5C2Q). Activity will be on all HF bands and 6 meters, using CW,
SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via their home callsign.
Members of the Amateur Radio Society of Barbados (ARSB) will be
active as 8P55AW to celebrate their 55th anniversary in 2010. Activity
this past week has been on 40/17/10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL
via: Amateur Radio Society of Barbados, PO Box 814E, Bridgetown, Barbados.
been on the air as 9Q0AR/6 and 9Q0HQ/6, respectively, using the club station's
callsigns in South Kivu regoin. They plan to be there for about another
10 days. Both are are currently working in the Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC) with the organization "Doctors Without Borders" (Medecins Sans
Frontieres - <http://www.msf.org>)
for about the past two weeks. Activity has been mainly on 40 and 20
meters SSB using a FT-897 and wire antennas. There is a possibility
of some CW. It has been reported that their workload includes setting
up repeaters within the DRC. Over the past weekend, they conducted
classes for the locals who are interested in Ham Radio, and the
classrooms had about 20-25 individuals. QSL 9Q0AR/6 via ON6NL and
9Q0HQ/6 via ON4AHF.
A3, TONGA (Update/Pacific Tout Continues).
Hugh, K6HFA, is on his second leg of his South Pacific tour (see
OPDX.948/950) and is now active as A33A until April 2nd. Remember he
plans to activate IOTAs OC-049, OC-064 and OC-123. He is now on
OC-049. Activity will be on CW, SSB and possibly RTTY using 100 watts
into a multi-band vertical antenna (for 80-15m). Look for him on the
IOTA frequencies or possibly other frequencies. Hugh plans to call
by areas (EU, NA, SA, ASIA... etc..) per propagation. QSL via K6HFA.
His next stops will be: Wallis (FW)- April 612th; IOTA
OC-054 Tuvalu (T2)- April 1321st; IOTA OC-015
Fiji (3D2) - April 2326th; IOTA OC-016 or OC-156
FERNANDEZ (Aid – Special Website Launched). Stan, SQ8X, has circulated
the following important information (*Please forward to all DX
bulletins and circulate as widely as possible.*): "I'd like to inform the
ham radio community about a *special website* dedicated to help islanders
of Archipelago Juan Fernandez, CE0Z. The site is intended to inform
people about what happened at the island and how to help collect funds
to restore the island's infrastructure and islanders' lives. We really
hope this will help them as they have helped so many times to numerous
hams visiting the island. In our opinion it's ham's turn to help
now. The website is available at: http://help-juan-fernandez.org IMPORTANT:
Spanish version of the site will be added in a few days. The idea
was formed in my head right after the earthquake and has been introduced
and widely discussed with the president of Radio Club de Chile, Dr.
Galdino Besomi, CE3PG, who agreed to declare patronage over this aid action.
RCCh will be 100% responsible for collecting and transferring funds
to islanders. A monthly report will be published at the site + RCCh’s
website at: http://ce3aa.cl Please
read the website to learn more about the idea and how to help. We
will be very helpful for sharing this info across ham bulletins, club
websites, radio leagues and other sources of information. If you have
any further questions different than website’s maintenance and technical
stuff, please feel free to contact Radio Club de Chile for further
news and details...... On behalf of Radio Club de Chile, Stan
Strzyzewski, Poland SQ8X"
CR1, AZORES. Polish operators
Marcin/SP5ES and Tom/SP5UAF will be active as CR1M and CR1Z,
respectively, from Sao Miguel (EU-003) during the CQWW WPX SSB
Contest (March 27-28th) as Single-Op (?) entries. QSL CR1M via SP5ES.
CT9, MADEIRA ISLAND (AF-014). Operators
Hardy/DL3KWF and Rosel/DL3KWR (XYL) will once again be active as
CT9/homecall from the Hotel Royal Orchid between now and March 25th.
Activity will be mainly CW on 30/17/12 meters. Hardy is expected to
try some RTTY and PSK-31. QSL via their home callsigns. E-mail
requests for Bureau QSL cards can be sent to: dl3kwr@darc.de
--or-- dl3kwf@darc.de Visit
their Web site at: http://www.mydarc.de/dl3kwr
EVENTS............... * Tim, K3LR, announced that the North Coast
Contesters are pleased to announce that Joel Harrison, W5ZN, will
be the main speaker at the 2010 Dayton Contest Dinner. An active
contest operator, Joel just finished a four year term as
President of the ARRL in January of this year. For more
information on the 18th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner, visit:
* The SouthWest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) has started to announced
their line-up for their DX Forum at this year's HamVention. Don,
N6JRL, will be this year's DX Forum Moderator, and so far, the
forum's speaker/presenter for May 15th are: Tom Harrell,
N4XP - The K4M Midway Island 2009 DXpedition George
Wallner, AA7JV - The TX3A Chesterfield Reef DXpedition Paul
Ewing, N6PSE - The YI9PSE Iraq DXpedition ADDED NOTE: At the
end of DX Forum, SWODXA will be raffling off a Yaesu FT-2000!!
Tickets will be sold during the Friday night DX Dinner and during
the DX Forum. Tickets are 5.00 USDs or 5 for 20.00 USDs.
* The SouthWest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) has announced that their
speaker for the DX Dinner on May 14th, will be Dave Anderson, K4SV.
Look for his bio to be posted soon on the SWODXA Web or BLOG page
at: http://www.swodxa.org
SPRATLY ISLANDS (Update). In early February we reported that Chris, VK3FY,
was in the planning stages of a DXpedition to Spratly Islands to take
place sometime in January 2011. It was reported this past week that permission
from the Philippines has been granted to operate from Pagasa Island
(AS-051) for three weeks in January of 2011. The callsign of DX0DX is
pending. Chris states he is looking for good CW and or CW/Phone operators
who would like to participate in this operation. They can contact
Chris via his E-mail address at: vk3fy@iprimus.com.au More
details should be forthcoming.
E20, THAILAND. Members of the
HSDXA (Thailand DX Association) will be active as E20AS in the CQWW
WPX SSB Contest (March 27-28th) from club's HS0AC station as a
Multi/Single entry. Operators mentioned are: John/ HS0ZDJ,
Swen/HS0ZFZ, Nathan/HS0ZHG, Cy/HS0GBI, Winit/HS1CKC and Champ/ E21EIC.
EE2, SPAIN. Members of the Ondarroa Group will
be active as EE2W from Ondarroa City (WW Loc. IN83SH, DME: 48073,
Province of Biscay) during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 27-28th)
as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via EB2BXL.
MIQUELON. Operators Paul/K9OT and Peg/KB9LIE will once again activate
Miquelon Island (NA-032) between July 5-14th. Callsigns will be
FP/homecall. Activity will include the IARU HF Championship Contest
(July 10-11th) as two Single-Operator entries. They will operate CW
and SSB on 80-10 meters with a possibility of 160m and 6m, if conditions are
good. They hope to have internet access from the Motel de Miquelon. Visit
their Web site at: http://www.hamradio.pnpfarms.com QSL via their
home callsigns, direct (w/return postage), by the Bureau or LoTW.
HAITI. Operators Jan/K4QD and Don/AF4Z will once again be active as HH4/homecall
from the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission <www.nwhcm.org> between
March 22nd and April 2nd. They will operate 160-10 meters on CW, SSB
and RTTY as time permits. Usually nighttime low band operations will be
limited to the availability of AC power. They will also participate in
the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 27-28th), along with Jean-Robert,
HH2JR, and the Radio Club of Haiti in an attempt to again obtain the
special prefix and callsign 4V4JR for the contest (like last year).
QSL via their home callsigns. Operators prefer direct or LoTW, but
the Bureau is "OK".
HQ2, HONDURAS. Operator Dan/HR2DMR and his
son Daniel(JR.)/HQ2DMR, will be active as HQ2W during the CQWW WPX
SSB Contest (March 27-28th) as a Multi-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry.
They will use monobander antennas on 20/15/10m and sloper antennas on
160/80/40m. QSL via HR2DMR. QSL via address on QRZ.com.
NEWS.................... EU-127. (IOTA/WFF Op) A German team will
be activating Neuwerk Island and the National Park Hamburg
Wadden Sea (WFF DLFF-005) between March 19-21st using the
callsigns DA0GLH and DF0WFF. Their QTH will be from a
building by the lighthouse on Neuwerk. This building is
700 years old (the oldest building of Hamburg City) –
therefore the callsign DA0GLH will be used and a special DOK
"700NWK" number will be provided. Access to the island is only
possible during low tide. In case of bad weather, the German
team will not be able to go to Neuwerk. Operations are
expected to start very late on the 19th, and they will
stay for about 48 hours. Operators mentioned are:
Matthias/DK7LV, Peter/DJ4RU, Friedrich/DL4BBH,
Henning/DB5BZ, Helmut/DL1BGC, Ric/DL2VFR, Frank/DL2SWW and
Gabi/DF9TM. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW,
SSB and PSK, as well as 2m and 70cm on FM. QSL via the
DARC Bureau for both callsigns. If necessary, direct via
DL2VFR. They will upload the logs to the WFF log search Web
page at: http://www.wff-dl.de
(Update)! Operators Oscar/EA1DR, George/EA2TA,
Christian/EA3NT, Col/MM0NDX, Vincent/F4BKV and Bjorn/SM0MDG
are planning a DXpedition to Flannan Isles (an extremely
difficult island to land on) between June 18-21st. Last
activation was in 2002 (also in 1989 and 1995). Callsign
will be MS0INT. Their main target will be working as many JA
stations as possible and giving everyone a fair chance of
working the EU-118 IOTA reference. Therefore, they aim to be
active on 80-10 meters trying to get advantage on the best
bands, with 2 simultaneous stations on the air (possibly 3
stations in daylight), one on CW and another on SSB. They
state, "Since our stay on the island is limited, please
remember that 1 QSO will be enough, no matter the band."
QSL Manager will be M0URX. The team is still looking for
sponsors. For updates, visit their Web page at:
NA-182. (Update) John, VE8EV, is planning to activate Greens Island
in the Northwest Territories (NWT) in the Inuvik Region East
Group between April 15-20th. As a SSB only operator, John
would like to bring along a good CW operator too. He would
also like to have the 2nd operator to be able to coordinate
a fundraising campaign and not be afraid of a little winter
Arctic camping. If interested in participating in this IOTA
operation, please contact John at: ve8ev@arrl.net
Visit John's Blog page at: http://ve8ev.blogspot.com
Online logs will be uploaded as soon as possible after the
JD1, OGASAWARA. Hiroyuki "Harry", JG7PSJ,
will once again be active as JD1BMH from Chichijima Island (AS-031)
between May 2-14th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters (possibly 80m)
using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via his home callsign. Visit
his Web page for more details at: http://sapphire.es.tohoku.ac.jp/jd1bmh/index.html
-------------------- Mar 17 AN BN - Below Normal
Mar 18 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET
Mar 19 AN LN - Low Normal Mar 20 AN HN -
High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED Mar 21 AN
DIS - Disturbed VDIS - Very Disturbed
REFERENCE --------------------- QUIET - The "A" index is
expected to be between 0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or
less UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between
7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less
OA, PERU. Daniel,
DL5YWM, will once again be active as OA4/DL5YWM from Lima between
March 20th and May 15th. Activity will be limited to his free time.
Daniel may possibly travel to a different part of Peru and be active
as OA*/homecall. He may also activate a Peruvian island, but this
depends on the local conditions. This will be a last minute decision. QSL
via his home callsign.
OX, GREENLAND (Update). Reid, N0RC, will
be active as OX3/K0KU from Thule, Greenland (NA-018), between March
23rd and April 24th. Activity will be limited as work permits, but
Reid plans to be on every other day and try to get on the air for
contest weekends, but he cannot guarantee this. Reid informed OPDX
this past week that there is a possibility his trip will be extended
for another 2 to 4 weeks after the stop date, so operations past that
date may be possible. He also informed that he will make an effort
to be on during the contest weekends including the CQ WPX SSB Contest
(March 27-28th). He will be using the callsign OX3RC if his license
arrives in time (he has been told it's in the mail), or OX/N0RC. Reid
plans on using 60 meters if his permit arrives with his license. He will
also be operating on the other HF bands, including 10m if it is open. If
10m is open, Reid will be giving out his 10-10 number upon request. Also,
Reid plans to operate on the satellites, activating grid FQ56 during
his time on Thule. He will be limited to FM birds with a VHF uplink.
Satellite operation is also dependent on the BMEWS radar system not
interfering with the UHF downlink. Michael, OX3MC, gave a listen to the
downlinks and thinks it won't be a problem, but he won't know for sure
until he gets up there. The second factor would be the weather. While
Reid wants to give QSOs, he states, "I'm not going to get frost- bitten
to do it!" Reid will upload his log to ClubLog.org, LoTW and Eqsl. QSL
direct or by the Bureau via N0RC. ADDED NOTE BY REID: "Since I will be
operating in my spare time, I cannot give a predictable schedule. I plan
on sending out an announcement before I go on the air through a google
group page with planned times, bands and modes of operation for that
day. People can sign up by going to: http://groups.google.com/group/ox-thule-2010
CYPRUS. Operators Alex/5B8AD, Tony/RX9TL, Mike/RK3QS, Max/RV3BA, Vadim/UA9SCX
and Jack/RW3QC will be active as P3N during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest
(March 27-28th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via RW3RN.
ODYSSEY 2010 TOUR. Members of the Ukrainian DXpeditioners Team (UDXT)
have announced their new project "PACIFIC ODYSSEY 2010" to take place
between mid-May and early June. The UDXT members include the following:
Sergey/UX0HX (Team Leader), Oleg/RK3FA, Alex/UT5UY, Yuriy/ UT1HF,
Oleg/US7UX, Leo/UR3HR and Yuriy Grushevskiy/SWL. Activity will take
place from the following islands on all bands and modes as:
Samoa (5W) - Between May 18-19th; callsign 5W0OX; Reference numbers
are: CQ–32, ITU–62 and IOTA OC–097.
Kiribati (T31) - Between May 22nd and June 1st; callsign T31X;
Reference numbers are: CQ–31, ITU–62 and IOTA OC–043.
Tokelau (ZK3) - Between June 2-6th; callsign ZK3X; Reference numbers
are: CQ–31, ITU–62 and IOTA OC–048.
UT5UY, co-leader, states (edited), "The main mission of this DXpedition
is activating Central Kiribati (T31), Kanton Island, in the Phoenix
Islands Group. This DXCC entity is ranked #7 in EU and #19 in the
'Worlds Most Wanted List'. The next goal is activating Tokelau Islands (ZK3),
which is ranked #29 in EU and #35 in the 'World’s Most Wanted List'. The
running of the DXpedition to remote Pacific Islands is always very expensive.
We invite organizations and individuals to make the donation towards
the cost of this unique operation." For more information, please visit
their "Pacific Odyssey 2010" DXpedition Web site at:
(T31) TOUR CANCELLED. Dragan, YT3W, sent out the following press release
about the Sept./Oct. T31 DXpedition (edited): "It is with great regret
that David/K3LP (Co-Leader) and I (Hrane/YT1AD Leader) must inform the
DX Community that after 16 months of planning our DXpedition trip to Canton
Island (T31) <http://www.yt1ad.info/t31>,
slated for 11 days in October 2010, will be cancelled. We planned 6
stations fully equipped for HF plus two additional stations for
UHF/VHF/Satellite plus 13-14 operators. Our goal was to make 100,000
plus QSOs much like our N8S - Swains Island DX-pedition in 2006.
This decision is based on the March 7, 2010, announcement by the T31X team
planned for June 2010 <http://www.uz1hz.com/pacificodyssey.html>. Unfortunately,
it is cheaper to send a smaller crew with three radios and two
amplifiers. In light of this recent announcement, the total cost of
the trip versus the uniqueness will evaporate prior to our arrival.
For this reason, we will pick another location for a future date.
Minus some team member partial cash contributions and planned
equipment sponsors, there were no cash donations made that need to be
refunded. We will forfeit our $40K cash deposit on the boat and seek
other places in 2011........... Sincerely, T31F team 2010"
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. By the time you read this, three members of the
Southeastern DX Club (SEDXC) and the K5D team (Bob/K4UEE, Gregg/W6IZT and
George/N4GRN) should be finishing up their operation on the Island of
Saba (NA-145, Grid Square is FK87). Their last day was expected on March
15th. Operators signed PJ6/homecall. The purpose of this operation was
to finalize plans and begin building a station for the anticipated political
realignment in the Netherlands Antilles later this year. QSL via
their home callsigns. ADDED INFORMATION: The dissolution of the
Netherlands Antilles was originally planned to occur in December
2008, but has been rescheduled to happen October 10th, 2010. As of
March 8th, the break-up of the Nether- lands Antilles will happen as
follows: * Curacao (PJ2) and Sint Maarten (PJ7) will become two new
constituent states within the Kingdom of the Netherlands
(something like what happen to Aruba). (ed. For DXCC purposes,
probably two deletions and two new entities.)
* Bonaire
(PJ4), Saba (PJ6) and Sint Eustatius (PJ5) are expected to become a
direct part of the Netherlands as special Dutch municipalities. (ed.
For DXCC purposes.... not sure, but possibly three new entities.)
For more information on the break-up, see "Dissolution of the
Netherlands Antilles" on Wikipedia at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissolution_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles
INFO AND NEWS..................... NOT A QSL MANAGER. Khos, JT1CD,
informs OPDX that he has been receiving QSLs for JT1BH. He wants
everyone to know that he is NOT his QSL Manager and "IS NOT" a QSL
Manager for any individual Mongolian (JT) amateur radio operator.
DXpedition to Navassa are still available via the operator's home
MM0DGR/p WRAP-UP. Photos and a video report about
trip to Whitlaw Mosses GMFF-067 is now available at: http://www.gmff.org
MM0DGR/p via MM0DFV. urij, MM0DFV, was active this past Saturday,
March 13th, from Kirkconnell Flow National Nature Reserve (GMFF-040).
The station was located at the northwest side of the nature reserve
(NX961701). WAB Square: NX97. QRA Locator: IO85EA. EU Area: SC06
(Dumfries and Galloway). IOTA: EU-005. WLOTA: LH-1234. More information
is available at: http://www.gmff.org
G3SWH, announced that he was appointed the QSL Manager for G4FOC -
the HQ callsign of the "First Class CW Operators’ Club".
S56DX, S57DX, UA2FW and UE1OLH
S7, SEYCHELLES. Operators
Gav/GM0GAV and Rob/GM3YTS will be active as S79GM between March 21st
and April 1st. Activity will be on all bands with an emphasis on the
lower bands. Operations will be mainly CW with a possibility of some
RTTY. They have tried to gain access to 7000-7050 kHz without any
success, so look for them on 7050 or above and listening around 7025
kHz. They do have full access to 80m. There is a S79GM blog and the
operators plan to update their QSX frequencies on that page. The blog
page is: http://s79gm.blogspot.com All QSOs will be
uploaded to LoTW immediately upon their return home and they hope to
be able to upload their logs during the DXpedition to:
PRINCIPALITY OF SEBORGA (DXCC Status). Last week we mentioned that Zoli,
HA3HK, will be active as T03HK (Tango Zero Three Hotel Kilo) from the
Principality of Seborga between March 12–14th. Since then, OPDX has contacted
the DXCC and we were told that "T03HK" - "does not count for anything"
since the callsign they use was a T0. However, if they were to use
an Italian callsign it may be "OK" for Italy.
KIRIBATI (Update/Delay). Operators for the major DXpedition to
activate 4 uninhabited IOTAs in the Southern Line Islands group, expected
between March 17th and April 18th, have announced this past week that
their boat "S/V Kwai" will be diverting to Fanning Island to pick up
some passengers for Christmas Island. They expect a delay of 2 or 3 days.
This will probably reduce the time on some islands. They also announced
this past week that Nils, SM6CAS, has withdrawn from the DX- pedition
due to his wife's health (severe lung problem which has still not
been diagnosed). Nils will still be the QSL Manager for all 4 islands. The
team requests, "Please be generous with your green stamps etc to help him
recover some of this major financial outlay." For more details, visit the
T32 Southern Line Islands DXpedition's Web page at:
TURKEY (Special Event). Members of the Turkish group called TCSWAT (Special
Wireless Activity Team) are proud to announce that special event station
TC18M will be active on the air between March 16-18th, to com- memorate
the Naval Victory of March 18, 1915. Operator Ahemt, TA3AX, will be
active from Canakkale - the Dardanelles to commemorate the Naval Victory.
He will be on the HF bands, mainly on CW. This is the third year in a
row that TCSWAT has been on the air to commemorate this historical day.
This year's QSL Manager is TA1HZ, and he may also be on the air using BPSK31
and SSB. Detailed information is available at: http://www.qrz.com --or-- http://www.tcswat.org
GUATEMALA. Roberto, IV3IYH, will be active as TG9IRP between March 20th
and April 1st. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB, and RTTY.
He will also be in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 27-28th). QSL via
IK2ILH, by the Bureau or direct.
TO7, MARTINIQUE (NA-107). Dim,
UT5UGR, will be active as FM/KL7WA between March 19-29th. Activity
will be on all bands except 30/17/12m and the Digital modes. His
activity will also include Russian DX Contest (March 20-21st) and the
CQWW WPX SSB Contest March 27-28th) as a Single-Op/All- Band/High-Power
entry. During the CQWW WPX SSB Contest he will sign TO7A. QSL
FM/KL7WA and TO7A via UT5UGR.
XR1, CHILE. Members of the Radio
Club La Portada and the Atacama Desert DX Group will be active as
XR1A during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 27-28th) as a Multi-?
entry. QSL via XQ1IDM.
YI, IRAQ (Update). A group of
multi-national operators are planning to operate from Northern Iraq
(Kurdistan) and will be active between April 2-12th. The team has
received a ten day visa issued by the Government of Kurdistan. A
band/mode survey is available on their Web site at:
http://www.yi9pse.com/survey.html Suggested
frequencies are also published on their Web page and OPDX.937. The
current updated YI9PSE Team consists of the following operators: Paul/N6PSE
(Team Leader), Bob/N6OX, David/AH6HY, Krassy/K1LZ, Bill/N2WB, Dave/K3LP,
Al/K3VN, Wayne/W5KDJ, Jack/W0UCE, Michel/FM5CD, Jun/JH4RHF, Heathem/YI1UNH
and Hrane/YT1AD. Pilot stations are: Don/N1DG (East Coast), Chuck/AA6G
(West Coast), Toshikazu/JA1ELY (JA) and Col/MM0NDX (EU). The group
is still looking for donations to help fund their DXpedition. Donations
can be made via PayPal or mail a check to: Kurdistan 2010 DXpedition,
3052 Wetmore Dr., San Jose, CA 95148, USA. Online logs will be
available during and after the DXpedition. QSL via N6NKT. For more
details and updates, visit: http://www.yi9pse.com Also, you can now follow
their activities (as well as regular updates) via Twitter at:
http://www.twitter.com/yi9pse ADDED
UPDATE: Bill, N2WB, YI9PSE Team Coordinator, reports the following: "Preparations
continue for the multi-national YI9PSE, Kurdistan expedition, with
departure for Erbil on March 31st. Last operators have been added to
the team and the final pieces of equipment are being staged at their West
Coast and East Coast staging sites. Organizers say all the pieces are
falling into place very well and the schedule remains intact. The
last shipment of gear being sent on ahead goes out early this month, March.
The team expects to be on the air April 2-12 with five stations on
'24/7', emphasizing the low bands and targeting North America and Europe.
Special attention will be done to beam to the US West Coast and beyond
to ZL and VK. The YI9PSE Website can be found at www.yi9pse.com
Lastly, YI9PSE will send twitter "tweets" to announce activity on the General
Class portions of the bands - so watch for YI9PSE on twitter.com All
plans are moving ahead. Team is looking for additional Club and Individual
Sponsors. Thank you for your help and SUPPORT....."
TOKELAU. Operators Bill/N7OU and Bob/W7YAQ are now active from Nukunono,
Tokelau Islands (OC-048), ZK3OU and ZK3YA. Their length of stay is
not sure (activity was to end March 17th), but we will try to keep
you updated.
ZS8M, MARION ISLAND (Update). Pierre, ZS1HF, will
activate Marion Island (AF-021) as ZS8M at the end of April. Activity
will be mainly SSB and Digital (He states, "Sorry, no CW".). He will
be working on the island for one year as a radio/electronics
technician once the supply ship "SA Agulha" returns to Cape Town.
Pierre informs OPDX that he is currently still very busy with some
technical and team training. Training includes maintenance on the Wx
equipment and hydrogen generator, with team training including fire
fighting, cooking and first aid. The ship leaves Cape Town on April
8th, and he will arrive on Marion Island some 6 days later. The ship
that take him there will unload food and cargo, and then leave 4 weeks
later once the scientists have completed their work. Once the ship and
scientists leave, he will be on the air. Pierre tells OPDX that this is
his first long voyage. He has sailed before, but on some of the SA Navy
ships and usually on much shorter trips. On Marion Island, Pierre's job
will be the resident radio and electronics technician for; HF, VHF, Wx
station, Hydrogen generator, IT LAN, satellite system and all the other
smaller systems that use 12 or 220V. He will be assisting the engineers
with technical support. Pierre states, "One of the engineers will be
writing her exam on the island, which will be a first for the island."
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