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Главная » 2010 » Апрель » 26 » Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #957
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #957
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 957
BID: $OPDX.957
April 26, 2010
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q, NG3K & ADXO, WK3N, N4AA & QRZ DX, KH6BZF,
K8AV, K8BN, K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), KQ0B, W0GJ, Algarve STAR DX Team,
AT International,  DJ8NK, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, DX World.Net,
F5NQL & UFT, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G3SXW, HA5X, HP1AC, I1HYW, I1JQJ/
IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IK7JWX, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk,
(MMMonVHF) for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 18th-April, through Sunday, 25th-April there were 208
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O,
4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 9A, 9H, 9J, 9K,
9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5,
C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6,
EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FR,
FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL,
HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J6, J7, JA, JT, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL,
KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV,
SV/a, SV5, SV9, T2, T32, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TN, TR, UA, UA2,
UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V4, V5, V6, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2V, VP8, VP8/h, VP9,
VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3,
ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

4M200/YV200/YW200, VENEZUELA (Special Event). Look for several different
stations to be active until December 31st, to celebrate the 200th anni-
versary of Venezuela's Independence. Some of the stations that have been
active are:
   4M200AJ - Operator Manuel; Activity mainly on PSK on 40/30/20/15/10m;
             QSL via YV5AJ.
   YV200D  - Operator Paolo; Activity mainly on RTTY on 30m; QSL via
   YW200A  - Operator Alfredo; Activity on PSK and SSB on 20/15m; QSL
             via YV5SSF.
   YW200ER - Operator Elvis; Activity on SSB on 40/20/15m; QSL via YV8ER.
   YW200L  - Operator Frank; Activity on RTTY and PSK, on 30/15m; QSL
             via YV5LI.
   YW200T  - Operator Juan; Activity on SSB, RTTY and PSK, on 40/30/20/15m;
             QSL via YV5JBI.

  A "Bicentenary of Venezuelan Independence Award" is available by working
all the 6 special callsign: 4M200AJ, YV200D, YW200A, YW200ER, YW200L and
YW200T. More information is expected to be available at:

5BWAZ ACHIEVEMENT. Congratulations to Scottie, WK3N, (the man who never
sleeps according to Martti, OH2BH) on becoming the 816th person to work
all 200 zones on 5 bands!

8Q, MALDIVES. Ron, DL5JAG, will be active as 8Q7SR and on holiday from
Embudu Island, South Male Atoll (AS-013), between May 8-23rd. No other
details were provided. QSL via his home callsign, direct w/SAE and proper
postage for return. Log will be uploaded to LoTW 1-2 months after his
holiday, and for about 1 month. Also, he does mention to visit
the following Web page:

AFRICAN TOUR. Operators Les/W2LPL and his son Daniel/W2DBL will be active
as ZS6/homecall from South Africa between August 11-15th. Activity will
be on the HF bands, mainly SSB. They will also be active as A25/homecall
from the Tuli Bloc, Botswana, between August 16-19th. Activity will be
the same as above. QSL via their home callsign ( address).

BSCC UPDATE. Alexander, UR5EAW, reports that the BSCC (Black Sea Contest
Club) thanked all who took part in the "Black Sea Cup International -
2010", as well as invites all to take an active part in their competition
in 2011! To learn all the details about this contest, you can follow any
responses at:
  Preliminary results of the Black Sea Cup 2010, which can be found:
FINAL RESULT - "Black Sea Cup International" - 2010 at:

BW, TAIWAN. Yoshihiro, JK2VOC, will be active as BW2/JK2VOC between
June 18-20th. No other details were provided. QSL direct to his home

CO, CUBA. Members of the Cubans Amateur Radio Federation (CO2FRC) will
be active during the Volta Contest (May 8-9th) as a Multi-Multi entry.
Operators mentioned are: Gustavo/CO2NO, Lazaro/CO2WL, Jesus/CO2IZ and

CO, CUBA. Gustavo, CO2NO, plans to be active during the odd days in April
and May, between 1200-0000z, on 20 meters (14070 kHz) using the BPSK31
mode, and between 0300-0000z on 40 meters (7038-7040 kHz) using modes
BPSK31 and JT65A. QSL via only direct (w/SAE) to HA3JB: Gabor Kutasi,
H-8601 Siofok, P.O.Box 243, Hungary. Please write on your QSL card your
E-mail address (If Gabor received your QSL, he will send an E-mail

CQ72, PORTUGAL (LH Op!). Members of the Algarve STAR DX Team (16 operators)
will activate 6 Algarve Lighthouses simultaneously between May 15-16th.
There will be six teams to activate the following lighthouses using the
following callsigns [CQ72LH(*)] callsigns:
       CQ72LHA - Ponta do Altar Lighthouse
       CQ72LHM - St. Maria Lighthouse (Culatra Island)
       CQ72LHP - Ponta da Piedade Lighthouse
       CQ72LHR - Vila Real St. Antonio Lighthouse
       CQ72LHV - S.Vicente Lighthouse
       CQ72LHZ - Alfanzina Lighthouse
  This activity is to promote Algarve STAR DX Team DFFA award (Algarve
Lighthouses Award <>. Their operations are also
valid for many other awards. For more details and an online log search,
QSL all CQ72LH(*) LH callsigns via CT2HTN, by the Bureau or direct to:
Carlos Manuel Oliveira, Arroteia CX. Postal 595 E, Livramento, 8800-102

CR1, AZORES. Operators Carlos/CU3CO, Pedro/CU3DI, Joao/CU3DR, Jose/CU3EQ,
Dinarco/CU3HV and Mike/CU3HY will be active as CR1FSC from Forte Santa
Catarina (DMHP AZ-010 and WCA CT-00337) on Terceira Island (EU-175)
between April 30th and May 2nd. QSL via CU3EQ, direct or by the Bureau.

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE. Operators Jacek/SP5DRH and Jerzy/SP3BQ will be active
as H40KJ and H40BQ, respectively, from Pigeon Island (OC-065) in the Reef
Islands Group between October 7-22nd. Activity will be focus on 160 and 80
meters using mostly CW. Some Digital operations are planned but on 30/20m
only. Depending of propagation, they will be active on higher bands as
well. Due to lack of power on the island, they will only have one station
running at the time. Equipment will be: two Elecraft K3/100 with two 600w
amps, one 26m high Spiderbeam pole, one 18m high Spiderbeam pole and GP7
antenna by SP7GXP. QSL via their home callsigns. Online logs are mentioned
on their DXpedition's Web page at:

HS8, THAILAND. Wut, HS8JYX, will be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contest
(May 29-30th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via HS8JYX, direct, by
LoTW and eQSL. Visit his Web page at:

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. David, OK1FJD/OK6DJ, will be active as HB0/OK6DJ/P
between June 3-6th. His activity will include the IARU Region 1 Fieldday
Contest. He will use a Kenwood TS480hx into a G5RV and dipole antennas.
QSL via OK1DRQ, by the Bureau or direct. Also QSL via LoTW.

IOTA NEWS....................
  AS-005.  Valery, RZ9DX, is now active as RZ9DX/0/A from Medvezh'i Islands
           (Bear Island, RR-06-27) in the Kara Sea Coast West Group (in the
           Arctic Ocean Basin). Activity has been mainly on 20 meters CW
           and SSB, but he intends to fix his antennas for the other HF
           bands. His length of stay on the island is unknown at this time.
           QSL via his home callsign.

  EU-008.  Operators Jurij/MM0DFV and Alan/GM4TOQ will be active as
           GB8RUM from Isle of Rum between April 30th and May 3rd. Their
           activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and BPSK63.
           QSL via MM0DFV.

  SA-008.  Members of the Radio Club of Ushuaia (LU8XW) will once again
           be active from the City of Tolhuin on Tierra Del Fuego Island
           (W.A.P. - W.A.D.A  Ref ARG-23) starting at 0100z, on May 22nd
           through 0300z, on May 24th. Activity is to commemorate the 25th
           anniversary of their radio club. Operations will be on CW, SSB,
           PSK, RTTY and the satellites. QSL via LoTW or direct to WD9EWK.
           All contacts on this expedition are valid for the Radio Club
           Ushuaia Permanent Diploma. For more details, check out their
           Web page at:

  SA-081.  Pedro, HK3JJH, who was recently active from Playa Blanca
           (SA-084), will now be active as 5K8T from El Morro Island
           between April 30th and May 4th. Activity will be on 40-20
           meters SSB. Suggested frequencies are: 14260 and 7160 kHz
           (+/- QRM). QSL via his address.

IS0, SARDINIA (Update). Members of the F6KOP Team will be active as IS0R
from Isola Rossa, Sardinia (EU-024, Loc. JN41ka), between May 7-15th.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters, using 3 stations on HF and 1 station
on 6 meters. They plan to use CW, SSB and RTTY. Each station will be a
FT450 with an Acom 1010 using Micro Ham and PC. Antennas include 6m Yagi
Beam, Spider Beam for 30-10m, 4 square for 40m, vertical for 80m (K9AY)
and an Inverted L for 160m plus a beverage. Operators mentioned are: Team
leader Thierry/F4TTR (SSB), John/F5VHQ (SSB), Sergio/IS0AWZ (SSB), Norbert/
F6AXX (CW), Maurice/F5NQL (CW), Bruno/F5AGB (CW), Jean-Paul/F8BJI (Digi),
Henri/F1HRE (Digi), Frank/F4AJQ (Digi), Gerard/F2JD, Sebastien/F5UFX,
Gabriele/I2VGW and Eric/N7RN. QSL will be via Florent, F5CWU. QSL via
direct (w/SAE and right postage) or by the Bureau. Logs will be uploaded
to LoTW (a few months later, when the bulk of the paper QSLs have been
processed.). For more info/details, see their Web page at:

Apr  26    AN          SOLAR REFERENCE KEYS
Apr  27    AN          --------------------
Apr  28    AN          BN - Below Normal
Apr  29    AN          AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET
Apr  30    AN          LN - Low Normal
May   1    AN          HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED
May   2    AN          DIS  - Disturbed
                        VDIS - Very Disturbed

   QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between
           0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less
   UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between
           7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less

NCDXF PRESS RELEASE (April 20th). "At its annual board meeting at the
Visalia (California) International DX Convention last weekend, the Northern
California DX Foundation elected two new directors, W6SZN and K6MM,
bringing the board compliment back to eleven members.  W6OAT and K6ANP
recently retired after many years of dedicated service to NCDXF.
  Kip Edwards, W6SZN  - Kip was a board member of NCDXF in the 80's. He
                      is a Life member of ARRL, DXCC Honor Roll, 5BDXCC
                      and 5BWAS. Kip has been on a number of DXpeditions
                      including Rotuma, and Clipperton. He has also been
                      past president of the Northern California Contest
                      Club and is currently the secretary/ treasurer of
                      the YASME Foundation. Kip is an attorney and resides
                      at Kings Beach, Ca.

  John Miller, K6MM   - John is both an active DXer and very much into
                      contesting as past President as well as secretary/
                      treasurer of the Northern California Contest Club.
                      John's other hobbies include antenna experimentation,
                      music composition and Harley Davidson motorcycles.
                      John and his wife live in San Jose. John is retired
                      from a large corporate consulting firm.

  Please direct any questions to: Glenn Johnson, W0GJ
                                  Vice President, NCDXF"

PACIFIC TOUR (Update/Wallis & Funtuna and the Fuji Islands). Operators
Mini/JA2NQG, Yuji/JH2BNL and Shige/JI2UAY had to change their plans for
their upcoming operations. The trio will be active (on their way to
Wallis) from Nadi on the Fiji Island between July 13-14th. Callsigns
are not yet known. Activty from Wallis Island (OC-054) will take place
between July 14-24th. They will also try to activate Hoorn Island (OC-118)
in the Futuna Island Group. The callsigns requested are FW5M (JA2NQG),
TO2BNL (JH2BNL) and FW5FM (JI2UAY). Activity will be on 160-10 meters
using all modes. QSL via their home callsigns.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  NEW QSL ROUTE. Effective immediately, Buzz, NI5DX, is the QSL Manager
  for the radio club station in Martinique. The club callsign is FM4KA.
  All QSL requests for contacts made with the club station in the past
  or in the future should be sent to NI5DX. Buzz is waiting for past
  logs to be sent. Cards will either be shipped to Buzz from Martinique
  or will have to be printed. A very nice Web site for the club is
  available for viewing at:

  NOT THE QSL MANAGER. QSL Cards for PT7BZ should be sent directly to
  his callsign. Do not forward cards to KQ0B as he has no logs for his

  Vladislav, RN4LP, informs OPDX that he is now the QSL Manager for
  EK6LP. QSL only direct via RN4LP: Lakeev Vladislav, P.O.Box 208,
  Dimitrovgrad, 433512 Russia.

  YI9PSE QSL STATUS. The YI9PSE DXpedition Team reports on their Web
  page: "The YI9PSE QSL card designs have now been sent to the printer.
  We cannot add any more sponsors or donors to the cards at this time.
  We will continue to add donors of 25 USDs or more to the Sponsors
  page of our website. All donors of 5.00 USDs or more will be sent
  our deluxe folding picture card. We expect to begin mailing our QSL
  cards within the next six weeks. Thank you...."


  9J2FM, 9J2VB, 9U0VB, 9X0VB, A25NW, C6AUM, C91VB/6, D60VB, ET3SID, H44MY,

  HH4/K4QD, HI3/N3SY, HP4/W4JKC, P40CG, PS7YL, T32Z, TO5E, TO5RZ,
  VK9X/G6AY, YW5F and ZF2GU

S7, SEYCHELLES (AF-024). Marq, CT1BWW, has announced that he will be
active as S79BWW between July 17-31st. He states that the main purpose
of this activity is to be the first official WFF (World Flora Fauna)
DXpedition on Seychelles -- reference number WFF004. Activity will be
on 80-10 meters (operating split) using CW, SSB and RTTY. Suggested
frequencies are:
  CW   - 3507/3527, 7050/7055, 10117/10119, 14006/14054, 18084, 21021/
         21054, 24897 and 28007/28027
  SSB  - 7060 (listen above 7200 for NA), 14145/14260, 18140, 21260
         and 28477
  RTTY - 10137, 14080, 21080 and 24977 kHz

  QSL via, CT1BWW, by the Bureau or direct. This operation will be valid
for DXCC, WAZ, WAC, WPX, IOTA, WFF, ZONE 39 and the BWW Award. For more
details, look at: 

SILENT KEY. It is sad to report that well-known DXer and doctor Vince
Thompson, K5VT, became a Silent Key (SK) at the age of 67, 11:30 AM
Saturday, April 24th. He was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia
(M5) four weeks ago and has been in the hospital since early March.
Vince will not only be remembered as a great doctor, but as an avid
DXer who was on many DXpedition teams and activated many rare locations.
OPDX and its readers would like to send out our deepest sympathy to
the family and friends of K5VT.

TK9, CORSICA. Members of the  the Valle Brembana DX and Contest Team
will be active as TK9E between May 26–31st. Operators mentioned are:
Enzo/IZ2GLU, Fabio/IZ2GMT, Andrea/IZ2AJE, Diego/IW2MZX and Claudio/IK2AOO.
Activity will be on 80-10 meters including 30/17/12 meters. QSL via
IZ2GLU. For more details, see their Web page at:

TL, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Also News About 5U). Jan, DJ8NK, informs
OPDX that Paul, F6EXV, and he will be active as guest operators from
Christian's, TL0A, station between May 13-26th. They plan to have 2
stations on the air simultaneously. Look for Jan to focus his activities
on RTTY, while Paul will be on CW. Chris will continue his SSB operation
and CW/RTTY from time to time after May 26th. Bands of activity will be
on 40-6 meters, maybe some 160/80m (it is late in the season for the low
bands, plus it is the rainy season in TL with daily storms). Operators
will use standard DX frequencies, and always run "SPLIT". PLEASE NOTE
THE QSL INFO! QSL direct to the TL0A address. "Neither Jan, nor
Paul, will be able to confirm any contact. So we repeat, QSL ONLY via
TL0A. Jan and Paul also mention, "We are unlikely to have internet
access from the station. There will be no online log. This operation
could not have taken place without Christian's full support, help and
cooperation. We already want to thank him a lot for making this possible.
So see you from the Central African Republic." Also mentioned, " Chris,
TL0A, should definitively leave the Central African Republic in July 2010
and probably return over to Niger (5U5U) next September."

TM24, FRANCE (Special Event). Look for TM24H to be active between May
30th and June 13th, to celebrate the 78th edition of the "Le Mans 24 Hours"
car race. Activity will be on the HF, VHF and 50 MHz bands using CW, SSB,
PSK and RTTY modes. A special QSL card will be printed. QSL Manager is
F6KFI. Take a look at the interesting collection of QSL cards for this
event at:

TS8, TUNISIA (IOTA Op). Just a reminder that Alfredo, IK7JWX, will lead
a team of operators to activate two IOTA islands between  April 27th and
May 4th. Operators mentioned are: Alfredo/IK7JWX, Leo/I8LWL, Raul/IC8ATA,
Titti/IK8GQY (YL), Armando/IK8BPY, Ampelio/IS0AGY, AntoNello/IK2DUW,
Rosy/IW2NLC (YL), Michele/IK2GPQ, Simon/IZ7ATN, Ruggero/IK2PZC and
Stanislav/IZ2GRG. The team will air Djerba Island (IOTA AF-083, ARLHS
TUN-022, WLOTA L-1394, 3VFF-008) as TS8P starting possibly the evening
of April 27th. They "may" also activate Kuriat or or Conigliera Island
(IOTA AF-092, ARLHS TUN-002, WLOTA L-0974, 3VFF-007) as TS8P/p on May
1-2nd. Activity will be on all HF bands and 6 meters, using CW, SSB,
RTTY and PSK31. QSL via IK7JWY. Online logs will be available at:

VK4, AUSTRALIA (WFF Op!). Operators Gary/VK4FD and Dale/VK4DMC will
activate Undara Volcanic National Park (WFF VKFF-506, GL: QH21HS) from
Australian Mainland as VK4YN between 0000-2359z, May 21-23rd. Suggested
frequencies are per the WFF website +/- QRM. Antennas are: a 4 element
tri-band Yagi 10/15/20m, double extended zepp 40m, and G5RV for 80m and
the WARC bands. QSL Manager is VK4FW, fastest way is via OQRS at:

ZA, ALBANIA. Chris, HG5XA, will be active as ZA/HA5X from the town of
Orikum and a beach on the Bay of Vlora between June 10-24th. Activity
will be holiday style, but he plans to activate some lighthouses and/or
WFF locations. Please listen to the operator's comments for possible
Lighthouse and WFF references, if any. Chris will also focus on some 6
meters and portable battery operations. Also, please remember that this
is not a DXpedition, but a family holiday with his XYL Marta, ZA/HA9WM,
and twin 5 year old daughters. Operating times will be limited and of
lower priority. QSL via LoTW and eQSL. If possible, please DO NOT send
QSL cards. Paper QSLs will be available both direct and by the Bureau
using the OQRS (Online QSL Request System) to be launched and announced
later. Bureau cards will be sent out using GlobalQSL.
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