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Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #959 | 14:07 |
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 959 The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX
Bulletin No. 959 BID: $OPDX.959 May 10, 2010 Editor Tedd
Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association,
Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network,
K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q, NG3K & ADXO, N4AA & QRZ DX, KH6BZF,
K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), K9EL, AT International, CT1EWA, CT1ILT,
DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, DX World.Net, F5NQL & UFT, F6AJA
& Les Nouvelles DX, F6FQK, HK3ARR, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX
News, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, PY7ZY, RN1CW, RSGB IOTA Web Site, RW3GW,
for the following DX information.
KB8NW): There will not be an OPDX Bulletin next week. I will be
attending the Dayton HamVention. "IF" I receive a major
announcement, I may send something out late Sunday or Monday. However,
PLEASE continue to send your DX information. You never know what I
might do.... 73 de Tedd KB8NW P.S. Hope to see you at the
HamVention Dayton at the NODXA Hospitality Suite at the Crown
Plaza (See below)! I will also be at the ARRL Area on Sunday at
the League's Legislation Booth.
According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 2nd-May,
through Sunday, 9th-May there were 203 countries active. Countries
available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5N, 5R, 5V,
5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V,
9Y, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP,
CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D6, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK,
EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI,
GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS,
J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4,
LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ,
P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9,
T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TN, TR, TT, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN,
UR, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2V, VP8, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XX9, YA, YB, YI,
YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZF, ZK2, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS
PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).
3A, MONACO. John, K5HGX, will be
active as 3A/K5HGX until May 17th. Activity will be on HF bands. QSL
via his home callsigns.
3B8, MAURITIUS (EME!). Operators
Rene/PE1L, Eltje/PA3CEE and Johan/PE9DX will be trying to make
moonbounce QSOs from Mauritius between May 15-25th. They state on
their Web page that 3B8 is the 3rd top most wanted DXCC entity on 144
MHz. The group has received a special moonbounce permit/ callsign
for this operation - 3B8EME. QSL via PA3CEE. For more details, visit
the Web page at: http://www.emelogger.com/mauritius/default.asp
EQUATORIAL GUINEA (IOTA Op!). On May 7th, the 3C0C Annobon Island team
announced (edited): "If no setback or causes beyond our control, in
mid-May start off Equatorial Guinea. Before traveling to Annobon (3C0C), we'll
take a DXpedition to Equatorial Guinea, Bioko Island (AF-010), with the
indicative 3C9B. The operation will take place over three days and we
will be active on SSB, CW and RTTY. The exact dates will be announced shortly.
Here in Bioko, we will collect all our needed supplies to live on the
island of Annobon for 14 days, then depart to 3C0C. We thank all those
who are helping us, Associations, Clubs and individuals, now Annobon
Expedition and also the island of Bioko is a reality, thanks to everyone."
For more details and updates on the 3C0C and 3C9B DXpedition, visit
the Web page at: http://www.3c0c-annobon.com
ISLAND (6m Op). Dennis, K7BV, will once again activate San Andres
Island (NA-033, ARLHS SAP-002, WLOTA 2990, WW Loc. EK92DM) between
June 10–21st. This will be his third time in activating HK0-land on 6
meters. He was there during the "Es seasons" in 2008 and 2009, but he
has mixed feelings about the operations and propagation. He hopes that "three
time is a charm", and plans to use his new M2 6M8GJ 8 element 42' boom
yagi and KW amplifier. Dennis is sure that he will be able to add many
more of the deserving in the log for this DXCC entity. Visit his Web
page at: http://www.qth.com/k7bv/caribe2010
SENEGAL. William, F1TZG, will once again be active as 6W/F1TZG from Somone
between May 8-15th. He will be operating from Jean- Francois's, 6W7RV,
radio shack on 160-6 meters using SSB only. QSL via his home callsign.
SWEDEN (Special Event - Museum Ships Weekend, June 5-6th). Look for the
Missile Ship R-142 "YSTAD", a museum vessel, to be activated with her
callsign 8S8RBB, from her base at Galo, east of Stockholm. They plan
to be active for about 24 hours, from Saturday morning, June 5th, until
Sunday morning. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW and SSB.
Chief operators: Stellan/SM0LQB, assisted by Hans/SM0BYD and possibly
one more. PLEASE QSL via the Bureau. Visit their home page at:
CROATIA. Zrinko (Zik), VE3ZIK/DO7ZZ, will be once again be active as 9A/VE3ZIK
between May 12-17th. Activity will take place during his spare time,
and more IOTA/IOCA activity can be expected during the summer of 2010.
QSL via DO7ZZ, by the Bureau (answer 100%), LoTW and eQSL also "OK". E-mail
requests are also available at: ve3zik@gmail.com
ARGENTINA (Special Event). Argentina will be celebrating their "May
Bicentennial Revolution" this month. In commemoration, the Radio Club
Argentino (RCA), National IARU Member Society announced that all
Argentine radio amateurs will be allowed to change their callsign's prefixes
between May 22-25th, according to the following criteria: LU
stations will shift their prefixes to LR LW to LV AZ to LT Amateur
Radio Clubs and Associations to LS Scouts Groups, Schools and any
other institutions holding a license to AY. A special two
class award will be issued to radio amateurs and SWL's worldwide who
achieve a certain number of prefixes. Since this event is a very
special occasion for Argentina, they invite everybody to join them on
the air. For more details, please visit: http://www.lu4aa.org/bi/awards.htm
TO NCDXF PRESS RELEASE. Glenn, W0GJ, Vice President of NCDXF, reports:
"This 20 April 2010 NCDXF Press Release below (see OPDX.957) has an
error in the second sentence of the first paragraph: W6OAT
(previously retired) should be K6RIM (who is "newly retired") Sorry!......
Glenn W0GJ"
CS5, PORTUGAL (Special Event). Look for CS5FAT, the
official callsign of the Fatima, to be active between May 10-13th,
during the visit of Papa Bento XVI to the Sanctuary of Fatima and
Portugal. QSL via the Bureau, direct to CT6ARL or the address on
CU3, AZORES. Members of Azores DX Group will be active
as CU3DX/p from Imperio de Santa Barbara (IOTA EU-175, WCA CT-01650,
DMHP AZ-158, IDES 042, DMP 4302 and DDFP AGH-13) on May 17th.
Operators mentioned are: Jose/CU3AV, Manuel/CU3BL, Luis/CU3BT,
Durval/CU3BW, Alvaro/CU3EE, Leonel/CU3EJ and Artur/CU3FQ. QSL via
CU3EJ, by the Bureau or direct.
D2, ANGOLA. Sergey, UT1EO, is
expected to be active as D2QR from Lunda Norte Province in northeast
Angola until April 22nd, 2011. He is currently installing antennas
and is awaiting his TS450SAT transceiver. Activity will be on 40-10
meters on all modes. QSL via RW6HS.
D2, ANGOLA. Andrew, G7COD,
has been sent to Luanda, the capital of the Republic of Angola, on a
work assignment for the next 12 months. He has also been issued the
callsign D2AK (since May 7th), and expects to be active at various
times (both day and night) on 80-10 meters, including the 30/17/12
meter bands, using CW and SSB. So far no QSNs have been reported.
Suggested frequencies are (+/- QRM): CW - 3503, 7003, 10103,
14003, 18073, 21003, 24893 and 28003 kHz SSB - 7063, 14190, 18133,
21253, 24953 and 28500 kHz QSL only direct to G7COD: Andrew Kitchen, 4
Dairy Cottage, Newton Hall Farm, Bank Newton, Skipton, North
Yorkshire, BD23 3NT., England - U.K. (Please send a SAE with 2 USDs.
NO IRCs). He does not participate in the LoTW, but he does QSL via
eQSL. For more details see (D2AK) on QRZ.com. A Web site will be
available soon at: http://www.d2ak.freewebspace.com
HAMVENTION DX HOSPITALITY SUITE. The Northern Ohio DX Association (along
with Janeen Hire, W8ZET) will once again sponsor a Hospitality Suite
at this year's Dayton Hamvention. It will be in Suite 1011 on the 10th
Club Floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings
(Look for signs!). All DXers/Contesters are welcome. Munchies and
refreshments will be available. Come and meet the members and friends of
DX0, SPRATLY ISLANDS (Update). A list of operators, for
the 2011 DX- pedition to Spratly Islands as DX0DX, have been
announced. The following operators will be active from Pagasa Island
(AS-051) for three weeks in January of 2011 are: Ed/4F1OZ,
Fidel/4F8BOF, Eduardo/DU1EV, Dindo/DV1DIN, Kaye/DV9XO, Oscar/EA1DR,
George/EA2TA, Christian/EA3NT, Vincent/F4BKV, Toshihiko/JA8BMK,
San/K5YY, Arnold/N6HC, Robert/N6OX, Bjorn/SM0MDG, Josette/VK2FXGR,
Allan/VK2GR, Peter/VK3FGRC, Nikolaas/VK3FNIK, Keith/VK3FT, Chris/VK3FY,
Roger/VK3FZ, Jim/VK3PC, Wally/VK6YS, Stuie/VK8NSB and Charlie/ W6KK.
More details should be forthcoming.
NEWS.............................. * There will be card checking
done at the Dayton Hamvention during all operating hours of the
convention Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 14-16th, 2010. There
are some important guidelines listed at the following Web page
that will help you make the card checking process run smoothly
at: http://www.arrl.org/awards-blog
LOTW NOTE: If you plan to do a Hybrid Application (LoTW with paper)
please be sure to do the LoTW element only 1-2 days before leaving
for the convention. DXCC may also assist you at the booth with hybrid
application, if necessary.
* Bill Moore, NC1L, Awards Branch
Manager, reports that the blog is back up, but he had to start a
new one for now. He states, "I have access to the old blog
internally only, and as I can I will move the more important (older)
postings to the new blog. It can be seen from the DXCC page and is
called 'Awards Blog'. You can create a shortcut to the direct link at:
http://www.arrl.org/awards-blog Also, DXCC is
now on Twitter, called DXCC_Desk."
* Bill Moore, NC1L, Awards
Branch Manager, reports: The following operation is approved for
DXCC credit: YI9PSE – Iraq; 2010 Operation
ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON. Eric, KV1J, will once again be active as FP/homecall
from Miquelon (NA-032, DIFO FP-002 WLOTA 1417, WW Loc. GN17TC) between
October 25th and November 2nd. Activity will be on 160-6 meters and
70cm (Satellite AO-51), using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31, generally on the
highest frequency band that is open (no permission for 60m). Eric will
also be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 30-31st) as a Single-Op/ High-Power
entry. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Log will
be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL about one week after his return. Visit
Eric's Web page for more details at: http://www.kv1j.com/fp/october10.html
FRENCH ST. MARTIN. John, K9EL, will once again be active from French St.
Martin (NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA 0383, Grid Loc. FK88) between June
8-17th. Activity will be holiday style (on a family vacation) and he
will be operating as FS/K9EL whenever possible. He will be using an IC7000
and verticals for 80-10 meters, possibly a yagi for 6 meters and be
on mainly CW and SSB. RTTY is possible as well. Skeds welcome. Please QSL
to his home callsign, Bureau cards are "OK".
ISLAND. Anibal, HK3ARR, who has been on the island since May 7th, is
active as HK3ARR/0 until May 11th. He is on holiday so activity will
be very limited. He informs OPDX that "this is mainly a joy trip with some
radio activity." Anibal is staying at the "San Luis Hotel, DeCameron":
http://www.decameron.com/esp/san_andres/san_luis/overview.html He
has with him: Yaesu FT450, Samlec 25Amp, home-made wire dipole for the following
bands: 10/15/20/40 + Fiber Glass Fishing pole (7.5m), Lenovo T60 for
CAT + homemade interface for digimodes. He states, "So far I do not have
any schedule for operation, but I am planning to operate at least 2 hours
during the day (10, 15, 20) and let see how the nights go (40m)." QSL
via the Bureau to YV5ARR (his Venezuelan callsign). QSL direct using his
direct mail address for HK3ARR (Please include SAE + 1 IRC).
SAN ANDRES ISLAND. Gerd, DL7VOG, states that his next DX trip in November
2010 will be to San Andres Island (NA-033) as HK0GU. He is expected
to make side trip to other IOTA groups in Colombia. Announcement is
IOTA NEWS.................... AS-115. A team of
Czech operators will activate the Turkish Island of
Suluada in the Mediterranean Sea using the special callsign
TC07DX between May 15–19th. Operators mentioned are: Pavel/TA2ZAF
(OK1MU), Vlada/OK1CW, Franta/OK1DF, Zdenek/OK1FIA, Slavek/OK1TN,
Zdeno/OK2ZW and Honza/OK2ZAW. The group will have two stations
on the air using CW and SSB, with some planned hours of
operation on RTTY. Radio equipment to be used are: two
IC-746PRO and two TS-480SAT with two 800W amps. Antennas
are: 5 band Spiderbeam, multiband vertical AV-640, loops
for 30/40m, 2 elements on 50 MHz HB9CV and trapped dipole
for 20/15/10 meters. QSL via OK2GZ, by the Bureau or direct
or via E-mail request. In case of an InterNet connection
on the island, they plan to have online logs updated
regularly. Visit the TC07DX Web site at: http://www.okdxf.eu/expedice/tc07dx
Members of the Modena DX Italy Team is organizing a DXpedition
to Sveti Nikola Island in the Croatian Istra Island Group
between May 13-17th. Operators will be signing 9A/homecall.
Activity will be on the HF bands, including 30/17/12 meters,
using CW, SSB, PSK and RTTY modes, and 100 watts into
vertical antennas. Operators mentioned are:
Sergio/IZ4BBF, Augusto/ IK4RQJ and Tony/IK2SNG. QSL via
their home callsigns. Cards will be printed within 3
months after DXpedition.
EU-124. Operators Adrian/M3TVF,
Mark/M0MTT and Adrian/MW0ZEN will be active as GB0FHI from
Flat Holm Island, in the Bristal Channel off the coast of
Wales, between May 29-30th. Activity will be on the HF
bands between 1000-0000z each day. QSL via M3TVF.
Operators Julio/CT1ZW, Jorge/CT1BOL, Manuel/CT1DSC, Jose/CT1CJJ,
Jose/CT1EEB, Paulo/CT1EFS, Filipe/CT1ILT, Miguel/CT1IUA and
Mino/CT1IZW will be active as CS2K from Ilha do Pessegueiro
between July 23-25th. Activity will include the RSGB IOTA
Contest (July 24-25th) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry. For
more details, see: http://www.rep.pt/ct1ilt/cs2k
ADDED NOTE: Expect some activity on the bands before the
contest by the operators using homecall/p.
(Update) A group of the Belgian UBA Section Diest operators
will be active as OZ5K from Langeland Island, Denmark, between
May 12-18th. Activity will be on all HF bands, 80-10 meters
and also 2 meters. QSL via ON4AMM, direct or by the Bureau.
Operators mentioned are: Dominic/ON4AZP, Michel/ON4CAQ,
Francois/ON6VP, Herman/ON7FH and Maurice/ON7KS. ADDED NOTE:
Operators will also activate Lolland Island (EU-029) for one
day. The Web page for this activity is at:
NA-067. Operators Dan/N3ND, Nathan/N4YDU, Keith/W4KAZ and Jack/W0UCE
will be active as N4A from Core Banks, North Carolina, between
July 23-25th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW and
SSB. They will also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest
(July 24-25th) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry. QSL via N4YDU.
SA-041. (Update) Ciro, PY7ZY, informs OPDX that he was on Sao Luis
Island during May 5-6th, verifying the operational
preparations for the upcoming PW8J DXpedition to Lencois
Island next June (see OPDX.945). We were advised that
"Ciro met with the company entrusted of personnels and
material transportation being defined the whole itinerary
of the trip. Materials as antennas, cables and generators
are already in Sao Luis City awaiting the date of the
embarkment, that it will be at 0700z on June 8th, as
drifted." The group invites you to visit their Web page to see
the itinerary and to inform everyone that they are still looking
for support by DX groups and individuals to help off-set their
expenses. Remember this is the 2nd most wanted IOTA group
(Maranhao State West Group) in South America. Visit their Web
page at: http://www.pw8j.com
SA-071. A total of
twelve operators (made up of two teams) will activate the
Island of Moela Island (WLOTA 1335) between July 2-4th. Each
team will use a different callsign. PW2K - A team of 9
operators will have 2 stations on the air.
Operators mentioned are: Gerson/PY2AC, Ric/PY2DEL,
Fabio/ PY2XM, Walter/PY2IAY, Rogerio/PY2OE, Julio/PY2XV,
Rabelo/PY2AN, Tony/PY2DY and Alex/PY2WAS.
PS2G - Another team, of only three operators, will participate
in the 2010 WLOTA Contest (July 3-4th). Operators
mentioned are: Ric/PY2EL, Carlos/PY2VM and Waldir/PY2WC.
QSL both callsign to PY2WAS. This DXpedition was organized and
supported by the LABRE-SP (the Brazilian Ham Radio Association
- Section Sao Paulo), especially their president Aramir,
PY2BY, and the MARINHA DO BRASIL (Brazilian Navy).
-------------------- May 12 AN BN - Below Normal
May 13 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET
May 14 AN LN - Low Normal May 15 AN HN -
High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED May 16 AN
DIS - Disturbed VDIS - Very Disturbed
REFERENCE --------------------- QUIET - The "A" index is
expected to be between 0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or
less UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between
7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less
Members of the Finish JKR Radio Club will be active as OH0Z during
the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 25-26th) as a Multi- Single
(possibly Multi-2, depending propagation) entry. QSL via W0MM.
THE NETHERLANDS (Special Event). Look for Frans, PC2F, to activate special
event callsign PC100AR between May 29th and June 26th. Activity is to
celebrate 100th anniversary (June 24, 1910) of the famous Italian car marque
A.L.F.A. (Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili) later called Alfa Romeo.
Activity will be on the HF bands. Frans is a big Alfa Romeo fan (so
called ALFIST), and a collector of A.R. model-cars, A.R. post stamps and
some other stuff, as well as owner of two old time Alfa Romeo cars (Giulia
1300TI and Giulia Spider 1600). A special QSL card will be made after
this period and will be sent via the Bureau or direct (send SAE with
1€, 2$ or 1 new IRC). Also, an eQSL will be sent.
PJ7, ST.
MAARTEN. Paul, K1XM, has announced that he will be leading a group of
"Yankee Clipper Contest Club" members to St. Maarten in early October. Activity
will take place on or before October 10th, from the QTH of Mort, PJ7UQ.
Operations are planned for 160-10 meters, using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL
via KQ1F. Look for more details, including the callsign, to be forth- coming.
INFO AND NEWS..................... QSL CO4SM via direct to HA3JB.
Operator is Eddy on IOTA NA-056. Address for HA3JB: Gabor Kutasi,
H-8601 Siofok, P.O.Box 243, Hungary - Europe. Gab's Web page is:
Gab states, "Please write on your QSL card your E-mail address, if I
received your QSL I will send an E-mail feedback."
OR8EU via
UBA Bureau. Activity was by the European Union Amateur Radio Club
in Brussels (OR5EU) on May 8th. On May 8th, the European Institu-
tions are open to the public to show their activity and to celebrate
the project of the European integration. More details available at:
The logs for the recent TS8P operation to Djerba Island (IOTA AF-083,
WFFA 3VFF-008, ARLHS TUN-022 and WLOTA L-1394) are now available on-
line at: http://www.i8lwl.it The TS8P team is very happy
to make 18,000 QSOs from Djerba Island. See some pictures at:
QSL TS8P by the Bureau, or direct w/SASE to IK7JWX: Alfredo De Nisi,
Vico della cavallerizza, 4-D, 73100 Lecce, Italy.
LoTW: TS8P and YN2DD
A25NW, C56KR, R1ANR/A and V31RI
None reported this week!
reports that FO-29 is in a 1300 km high orbit these days when it is
between Europe and the northeastern part of the United States. The
best pass is in the morning in the 0730- 0930z time frame. Stations
M0ITF, CU2JX, F1BBU, DD9HH, EA1BCA and OH7FES have been heard in Ohio
(Grid EN91DH). There is also an evening pass for Europe around
2200z. FO-29 will not be in this high orbit forever, so now is the
time to take advantage of the excellent signal from this SSB/CW
linear bird. ADDED NOTE: Check out John's satellite Web page for
audio recordings as well as Great Circle Grid maps. If you want your
map displayed on the site, send your list of girds confirmed and
grids worked but not confirmed in a ".txt" file to his QRZ.com E-mail
address. The satellite Web site is at: http://www.papays.com/sat Stop
by the Northern Ohio DX Association Hospitality Suite at the Crowne Plaza
at the Dayton Hamvention and talk Satellite DX with K8YSE.
KEY. OPDX was informed that Glenn Gilley, KD5EZM, of Camden, TN, became
a Silent Key (KS) on April 3rd, 2010, at the age of 74. OPDX and its
reader send out our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of KD5EZM.
WESTERN KIRIBATI (Update). Haru, JA1XGI/W8XGI, informs OPDX that he will
be active once again from Western Kiribati as T30XG between June 3-9th.
Activity will be on 40-6 meters, including 30/17/12m, using CW and
the Digital modes. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or by the Bureau. He now
has a Web page available at: http://island.geocities.jp/t30xg
AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Just a reminder that Jan/DJ8NK and Paul/ F6EXV will
be active as guest operators from Christian's, TL0A, station between
May 13-26th. They plan to have 2 stations on the air simultane- ously.
Look for Jan to focus his activities on RTTY, while Paul will be on
CW. Chris will continue his SSB operation and CW/RTTY from time to time
after May 26th. Bands of activity will be on 40-6 meters, maybe some
160/80m (it is late in the season for the low bands, plus it is the
rainy season in TL with daily storms). Operators will use standard DX
frequencies, and always run "SPLIT". PLEASE NOTE THE QSL INFO! QSL direct
to the QRZ.com TL0A address. "Neither Jan, nor Paul, will be able to
confirm any contact. So we repeat, QSL ONLY via TL0A.
FRANCE (New Beacon). Francis, F6FQK, informs that a new beacon is now
active from the Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club. Beacon details are: -
TP2CE/B callsign - Power: 450 mW - Frequency:
28.222.8 MHz - Antenna GP - R7000 All reports will be greatly
appreciated on the Web site at: http://ewwa.free.fr
DX MAIL LIST NOW QRT. OPDX is sad to report that Maurice, F5NQL, Editor/Manager
of the Union Francaise des Telegraphistes (UFT) DX Mailing List for
the last ten year, has announced that he can no longer maintain the
list "due to some personal reasons". The UFT Mailing List ended effective
on May 4th. OPDX and its readers would like to thank Maurice for all
his years of devotion and info to the DX community.
MACQUARIE ISLAND. Denis, ZL4DB, will be active as VK0/ZL4DB during a
three month stay on Macquarie Island. Exact dates have not yet been announced.
Activity will be SSB only. QSL via ZL4PW. Please note that Denis is
not an experienced DXer, but is there involved in pest eradication (to
curb the rabbit and rat population) on the island. Also, Macquarie Island
is ranked #15 in The DX Magazine's "2009 Most Needed Countries Survey"
(world-wide) list.
VP2M, MONTSERRAT. John, KB4CRT, will once
again be active as VP2MRT from Gingerbread Hill, St. Peters Parish,
Montserrat (NA-103, WLOTA 1475, WW Loc. FK86VS) between June 9-19th.
Activity will be on 40-2 meters using CW, SSB, possibly PSK, and the
June VHF Contest. He states that he will be running 100w, QRP 5w,
HFpack 5w or 10w. QSL via KB4CRT, direct (w/SASE or DX 2GS). LoTW is
"OK". His E-mail address for skeds operations via: vp2mrt2010@windstream.net
GREENDAY 2010 CONTEST (A "Green" Day of activity under Biological Diversity
Year). Radio amateurs throughout the world are invited to join in
the "WFF GreenDay 2010" in having QSOs with radio stations working from
various territories of the national natural parks and reserves of the
world [Especially Protected Nature Territories (EPNT) – included into
the WFF Directory (see WFF Directory: http://www.wff44.com/en/list/)], between
June 12-13th. Activity is to promote the whole world to protect the
nature and environment. For more details, visit the World Flora Fauna (WFF)
Web page at: http://wff44.com/en
VIETNAM. Larry, W6NWS, will be active as XV2W between May 15th and June
9th. Activity will include the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 29-30th). QSL
via his home callsigns or LoTW.
JE1WVQ, will be active as ZD8J from George- town on Ascension Island
(AF-003) between June 2-8th. QSL via his home callsign.
MARION ISLAND (Update). Pierre, ZS1HF, on Marion Island (AF-021), is
expected to hit the air waves as ZS8M sometime this week or weekend.
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