Из рефлектора N1MM:
The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 26 November 2009.
To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.
Here are the release notes:
26 November 2009 (CTY-1923) VER20091126, Version entity is Cyprus, 5B
* RA1N, RA1O and RA1Z are all European Russia, UA in ITU Zone 19 * RA4W is European Russia, UA in ITU Zone 30 * TX1B is New Caledonia, FK * VE7AF/BY7KH is China, BY
73! Stan US0HZ http://us0hz.ucoz.ua Ex calls: UA3DIC, UB5HAF, RB0HZ, RY0H, EO50HZ. Менеджер дипломной программы клуба "UDXC". QSL Mng: W3HNK