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Главная » 2015 » Август » 14 » Press release – FT4JA, Juan de Nova 2016
Press release – FT4JA, Juan de Nova 2016

The team is mobilized and carries out many things to prepare under the best conditions our operation from the island Juan de Nova. Until our departure, we will keep you regularly informed through our official press releases and via our website.

For this new adventure, it was possible to enlarge the team involved into the Tromelin 2014 operation.. We are happy to welcome Jacques F6BEE, Yann F1NGP, Patrick F2DX and Pascal F5PTM. They rejoin Vincent F4BKV, Flo F5CWU, Guillaume F4FET, Michel FM5CD and Seb F5UFX.

We’ll use the same equipment as the one used Tromelin, supplemented by various equipment placed at the disposal by sponsors. We are happy to have at our sides this year Elecraft (transceivers), Spiderbeam (fiber masts), Messi and Paoloni (coaxial cables), Expert – SPE (amplifiers), DX Engineering (80m phasing & accessories), MicroHam (interfaces), DX Avenue (6m antenna). These companies allow us to implement all the desired equipment. We are very grateful of their support.

We do not forget foundations, clubs, associations and individual donators. Some already accepted our requests and renewed us their confidence. However, we are still far away from the set objective. Within 1 month, the first payment to settle the boat will have to be carried out. We’d like to make another call toward the amateur radio community to ask for his assistance and support. Like we have done with our previous operation, we are engaged in a meticulous control of the costs by studying each expenditure and by dismissing all things non essential to a DX Expedition.

The boat that we will use is sailing in the Indian Ocean throughout the year and the crew knows perfectly Juan de Nova and transports regularly scientists over there. Based on the experiment of our captain, we have determined dates by taking into consideration the end of the cyclonic season, as well as the best low tide conditions to unload our equipment at our arrival in the lagoon. We will be on the island from March 31st to April 14th, 2016. The callsign used during this expedition will be FT4JA. We recently received the confirmation from the administration.

By then, many points must be solved in order to propose a formidable experience on the two sides of the pile-up. More than ever we count on your supports.

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FT4TJA – Juan de Nova 2016 team.

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